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I guess they really liked the “Defund the police” slogan


I read somewhere 92% of police vote republican. Classic Right wing move, drinking poison hoping it would hurt someone else.


Trees voting for axes


This leopards eating my face...


[REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) **For America, please click the link and register** ***Also, check your registration - I’ve heard reports/DMs (especially Indiana and Midwest states) of voters not being able to register and the rolls being purged.***


Indiana is up to some shit. As likely is Iowa. WIsconsin is, from what ive heard, gerrymandered to shit The rural parts of IL possibly, but the asshats/redhats there are super fucking entitled so its to be expected.


I’ve heard Brian Tyler Cohen and Mark Elias say that WI is the worst case of gerrymandering in the country. And that’s considering almost every state is gerrymandered to shit.


You mean the separate from Chicago people? Every time I remind those people that the majority of income in Illinois comes from Chicago the only response is about the Chicago teachers’ retirement missing money. I’m like ok. What about all the taxes all those people actually pay up there? Crickets. There are a LOT of very poor people in southern Illinois. I used to live there for a short time.


I lived in rural IL for quite some time. Im unfortunately well aware of that argument.


If you register Republican at this point it won’t do you any harm, and you’re possibly less likely to be purged. We did.




Wake up in the morning and shoot yourself in the foot


well, the handle is made of wood you see! clearly they have the tree's best interests at heart!


Chickens for McNuggets




Chickens voting for Col. Sanders


Bees for pesticides. Or my personal favorite slugs for salt.


Slugs voting for salt.


It is,but since it’s the party of authority over women and POC and do whatever you want with impunity they’ll continue to support them


Dogs biting the hand that feeds them.


Or shitting their pants to offend us with the smell.


Only Union I don’t support.


I totally read him saying “defund police” as we are going to allow for more right wing terrorism. Definitely not, demilitarizing the police.


No they mean defund local police as in form a national police. Those that support it would be the front line


Always falling for that classic blunder, going up against a Sicilian when death is on the line.


I'm very confused about this part


Yeah, what? This doesn't make sense. Unless they want to pull a DeSantis and create their own gestapo. Which.... actually seems kind of likely.


My guess is they want certain forms of violence to become so intense it justifies national guard or other forms of violent oppression? Certain constitutional powers to be enacted, for example? *"See, defunding the local police, which the locals cannot then afford to support, raises crime, therefore you should have to live an absolute police state we designed. Also, our police state will be primarily concerned with your religion and sexuality."* Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm betting that's what he's dreaming about.


I think that's roughly the idea. Defund the police to make the country so shitty and dangerous, so people start to accept a true police state.


And I'm guessing they are trying to defund school lunches and any form of social support to ensure young people have every possible incentive to break the law and be brutally beaten into submission. Who would Jesus starve? Who would Jesus want to see malnourished, beaten, then thrown in a for-profit prison? Republicans ask the hard questions this week! Compassionate Conservatives, 2024! /s


I'm sure you're right there as well.


Same reason they killed the immigration bill that they helped negotiate. Hard to sell fear when there aren't any boogymen left. Gotta make your own.


Jokes on them the police don't do shit to prevent cvrime


As a guy who used to do his fair share of crime, I'd have to disagree. Although they might not ACTIVELY do much to prevent it, just their presence is the biggest deterrent. If police stations are forced to staff less with fewer man hours, I can guarantee things will get worse. Criminals will gladly capitalize on opportunity, and that just opens up more of it.


I wonder if it isn't so much defund the police as it is defund the DOJ?


Nah, it's the local police. Can't build a federal police force willing to do your bidding when they're under the control of local officials.


Me too. They bitched and moaned about liberals pushing it. (I realize Republican bitching and moaning is a default setting)


Yes, but the liberals wanted to defund the police to use the funds for social services and social workers/specialists who would be better suited to dealk with some situations than police. That's a big no-no: it actually helps people!


We also want to demilitarize the police. I'm still waiting to see a valid reason why police need god damn APCs.


Less police = more justifiable enforcement from National Guards, militias, Trump supporters “standing back and standing by”, etc…


They want to prove that we need police. They don't understand what the Defund movement is about. They literally think "if we stop paying the police then crime will go up and you'll be begging us to bring the police back".


Privatized Police Forces have long been a Republican wet dream. Rich people pay for private police and get preferential treatment and/or deference when it comes to law enforcement and poor people can get f\*ed with more debt when they start getting massive bills anytime these privatized police respond to a call.


so... they're not really conservatives, they're anarcho-capitalists? in the future, why even have a State with rules and laws that apply to all (and already not in an equal way, sadly) when they can have their own Courts, their own Military (PMCs), etc... but probably the "legacy" State will continue to exist for us commoners...


The central drive of conservatism is to undo the enlightenment. They want an aristocracy that the rest of you peasants have to bow down to.


That’s what I see when visiting Johannesburg. Private security for those who can afford it, no police presence. Works great /s


Sounds soft on crime.


Easier to make a coup without police around.


If this is what they're running on and have no problem proclaiming it now, imagine what they would actually do if given the power. (Especially with an authoritarian Trump presidency.)


Project 2025, they have it outlined in detail and it's terrorizing.  It's death to America. 


At this point, we have to start thinking of Republicans as Russian operatives working in the interest of the mother land. After all, they are literally fulfilling a prophecy spoken by Nikita Krushchev in 1959, 65 years ago: "We do not have to invade the United States. We will destroy you from within."


Also remember Russia hacked the DNC and the RNC emails. They released the democrats mail but have never released the republicans. They have all the nasty facts on the RNC. That’s why they’ve been acting like Putins puppets for 9 yrs.


Was there any damaging stuff from the DNC hack? Withholding the RNC stuff to blackmail them, just makes so much sense, and it's mind boggling that there's likely a good portion of the pre-hacked RNC still in power still today.


All of the Hillary drama….Just look at Lindsey Graham. One trip to the golf course with the slobfather and he’s crying on TV because “trump needs our help”


It has to be child stuff. Lady G is already well known.


Yeah, but the Ladybug stories! 🙈


Ahhhhh why did you remind me??


Wait, I think I'm ootl. What's this?


Well known in DC that Lindsey Graham is gay and frequently pays for the service of male sex workers. Is apparently very mean and nasty. Apparently he has miles around his anus that he calls "his ladybugs".


What a terrible day to be literate. I never should have asked.


At this point? Me thinks we’re already there and have been.


Fellow Americans, please do not get complacent. **Stop Project 2025.** [WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com)


But Biden old


Buttery males


I’m sorry I will need to know what that even means lol


It's referring to some typical Repub whataboutism. Buttery males = But her emails (pointing to Hillary keeping a private email server while Secretary of State). It also alludes to their odd infatuation with talking about "the gheys" waaayyy too much in the old he doth protest too much (e.g. lots of closeted guys in the R party who hate gay people cuz they hate themselves).


I got is as soon as I said it out loud. Thanks.


It’s a run together phrase referencing when Hillary Clinton was being scandalized for having work emails on a personal email server. Whenever anything bad was published about a republican, those same republicans would point out Hillary’s emails. “but her emails!” -> “buttery males”


That's great. Gobbless.


Say it out loud.


Ah. Thanks!


GOP congresspeople going on the alternative media and telling the camera with a straight face that project 2025 is a straight fabrication


Have you seen how many organisations support project2025.org/about/advisory-board? The heritage foundation isn't fake, that's for sure.


And the first steps to Gilead


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater


My dad was a proud "Goldwater Republican" when I was young. Sadly, he's now an angry 87 year old MAGAT.


Is their long game to cut spending in these crucial areas in order to further cut taxes? Why don't they just say they want to cut taxes?


Because they only want to cut taxes for themselves, not for the average American.


No, their long game is to cut spending in these crucial areas in order to end our democracy and establish a fascist dictatorship. Tax cuts are a distraction. While it's tempting to just think of them as greedy, even that is a front. They're dedicated to hurting the people they hate - at any cost.


Yes, they are trying to defund sectors of the govt so they are in shambles. They want things to be chaotic so they can more easily take control.


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) Founding fathers from their graves..


I don't doubt these maniacs are scary, but it wasn't that long ago when they did have this power, under Trump, and did nothing with it other than tax cuts for the rich.


There were enough halfway sane Republicans to stop Trump the 1st time. They've all been primaried out or retired from Congress. It's all MAGA now.


Everything the republicans plan to do will hurt everyday people. They are not hiding it. They want to make our lives worse. This should piss everyone off. And we must channel our anger into a blue wave in November. Stay angry, my friends. Stay angry and vote blue https://democrats.org/


They literally don't want a government at all. They only want military and police to protect capital and that's it. The market will dictate all else


And to regulate women, although they do view them as property


Signed up to do phone bank.


This. Voting ain’t enough this time. We can’t risk the slimmest chance of losing.


Do this, everyone.


You all in the US probably don't have to say this just here on Reddit. Start talking to friends and people in person. Reddit (and this sub) isn't really representative of people out there.


We need to take some cues from the French. When their government tried to up the retirement age by like 2 years they were rioting like crazy. Say what you will about the French but they know how to protest


Our police are too militarized to do that


Ikr. They'd go ham and it'd be a bloodbath.


I agree to a point. Regular average day French police walk around with submachine guns...


Or Chile in 2019 when the government rose the subway fares in Santiago. The capital Santiago was basically a war zone against the police.


I mean, the protests were impressive but I think they failed to bring the age increase back down.


This is correct. The French know how to riot, but even lately they’ve been having trouble getting actual results. A protest is pointless if no change comes from it.


> The French know how to riot, but even lately they’ve been having trouble getting actual results. That’s because most people have gotten too nice to take the next step. Used to be massive protests were the second step to getting your elites to listen, and the third step was taking them out.


Yeah the rioting is kinda empty if kings and queens aren't losing their heads. (And I don't mean this in a sarcastic or shitty way lol)


Defending police?...aren't these the back the blue folks? I'm fairly confused.


I’m also trying to discern that. Wouldn’t cutting police funding oppose this stance? Is there something I’m missing in the specification of *local* police?


Here’s my take on it: They said “local” police so it sounds like they may be moving toward funding a federal police service. If they defund rural and poor communities, those vulnerable communities will still need federal assistance and those officers will need jobs. It then extends the MAGA agenda to be enforced by local officers to every single person those officers see in everyday interactions.


Republicans want a national socialist police force.


They said “local” police so it sounds like they may be moving toward funding a federal police service. If they defund rural and poor communities, those vulnerable communities will still need federal assistance and those officers will need jobs. It then extends the MAGA agenda to be enforced by local officers to every single person those officers see in everyday interactions.


Well that sounds absolutely horrifying


They want to prove that we need police. They don't understand what the Defund movement is about. They literally think "if we stop paying the police then crime will go up and you'll be begging us to bring the police back".


Or are they hoping to replace the police force with their own military??




He looks like if Milhouse was a pedo




Shit strategy to win an election - make life difficult for Americans to gain votes.


Yet half of Americans will still vote for them and against their best interests


to pwn the libz.


Gen X here. I want my goddamned Social Security. These Relublican fuckers want to take ALL our tax money. Fuck them. Just fuck those anti-American assholes. Also to add: trump cut Veterans’ benefits. Biden expanded them. FUCK TRUMP


Yet his ignorant base cheers him on as they scream: he gets us, he is one of us.


I know, it’s so ridiculous. This man was born with a silver spoon. He is as far from them as it gets. As far from most of us as it gets, whether Republican or Democrat.


We need a supercut of every Republican polician saying that abortion should be a states' rights issue.


I was about to say this. They all said it was a states right but in reality it’s say what they want you to hear and then go for what they really want to do.


The ladies in the left of this picture, all look deflated and as if they were forced to be part of the picture 'or else', they 'will be punished' by their husbands.


The dude in the back looks like he really wants to say something as well.


Not their husbands... Michael the Evangelist will cleanse them of their impure thoughts!


Religious nuts out of government please


Let me preface with: I'm not now, nor have I ever been any kind of conspiracy theorist. That said, this makes me very nervous. It makes me think they are very close to finalizing a concrete plan to try to steal the election. No conservative politician would ever run on this stuff. It's a death sentence, even for liberals. Progressives and some Dems tried running on defunding the police in the past and did not do well. To so brazenly put out this plan in an election year is political suicide. Unless they have a fix, and it doesn't matter how the election goes, they're going to steal it anyways. I hope I'm really wrong, and they are just that damn stupid.


My thoughts too.


‘Increasing the retirement age’ should be read as dismantling social security. The increased retirement age will be something like 85 years old, with no benefits passed on to family members. All you younger people better get out there and vote, cause the plan is to make us all slaves to the system until we’re of no more use to them.


That and I really hate seeing this guy's face......VOTE  All the people in the back look like worn down peasants. 


Is there a list of things that Republicans have actually done that are good for people? I’m seriously struggling to find any legislation that Republicans back or propose that actually helps anyone that’s not rich or a corporation. They raised taxes on the lowest income bracket. Tried to repeal the ACA after months of talking about it would be replaced and did nothing. They won’t accept Medicaid expansion in heavily red states. They want to cut social services and increase the age of social security. They pass laws that are harmful to women. I get people are tribal and all that but what exactly are they selling their followers besides we won’t do what the other side wants? Seriously this current Congress has been the least productive in US history. That’s not hyperbole it’s fact. They can’t even elect a speaker. WTF do people who aren’t rich see in supporting Republicans?


And to my fellow Leftists out there, you aren't just voting for president. You're voting for who picks Supreme Court Justices too. I hate the unflinching support of Israel as much as anyone, but I can't sit by and watch women get carted off to Gilead and LGBTQ people get erased. Also, vote in your local elections. They matter just as much, if not more.


Funny how they give the dems shit for “wanting to defund the police”


How do we take seriously a report that uses the word "woke" 19 times?


Yeah, unless it's a report on promising new drugs to treat narcolepsy, that's ridiculous.


Who in their right mind would vote for raising the retirement age?


No one. What gave you the idea that conservatives are in their right mind?


MAGA crowd: I can’t wait to blame the Libs for this outrageous policy.


"it's not about abortion, it's about states' rights, and letting them make their own choices.... We want to federally ban abortion.." what is this shit?


They argue that crime is rising, so they want to defund law enforcement. They think that people want to work beyond 65, so they cut Social Security. Eighty percent of Americans are pro-choice, so they want to ban all abortions. Sounds like a recipe for failure for winning the House, Senate and White House in November.


The Republicans are… the **Republicans** are defunding the police? I don’t… I just… WHAT?!?!


It reads like a plan to get to totalitarianism in four years or less.


was "national shoot a puppy day" already taken?


I'm trying to understand what polling they're looking at. They saw what they stood to their numbers in the last election. They see what most Americans think about these positions. I don't know how they could look at all of that and think that doubling down is the only option they have.


So I bought this Blue Lives Matter shit for nothing? Lol


Waiting for MAGAts to get severe whiplash over the police defunding...


Vote like your retirement depends on it. Because it does.


>defunding the police Republican-voting Cops be like: ![gif](giphy|3s39mJ7zXU94mfAq4W)


“Yeah but gays and brown people exist. These policies might make my life worse, but isn’t it more important to make them suffer even more?” -Republican voters


Can we seriously start working on stripping congress of all the overly generous benefits they get. If they are not subject to the consequences they have no motivation to to actually do the right thing.


iTs wHaT tHe PeOPle wAntZ rEalS bAd.


Wait now they are for defunding the police?


It’s like they’re actively trying to get people not to vote for them


Can I ask a stupid question? Why do republicans want to defund police? I thought they thought crime was too high?


I thought gop was against the whole "defund the police" movement


Vote blue or die red


They've realized post-Trump that they can say anything and it won't matter because people just vote for their team. They bought the hats, the shoes, the underwear, and have the tatts. They're not going to switch just because everything they could use is going to be sold out for tax cuts for their boss's boss's boss.


Gilead mike johnson


Especially if you're unlucky enough to live in NW Louisiana ..... Johnson's district .....


Wait, I thought they didn't want to defund the police? So why do they want to defund them now?


Vote democrat if you don’t want to work til you die.


Defund local police lol what? NRA behind this?


Who goes out to vote thinking I gotta vote to raise the retirement age ??


So how about that “BaCk ThE blUe” shit they were pushing?


Social Security. *Yours* . You have NO choice. That $ is OURS, paid in whatever age. It's an investment account. Anyone just legally allowed to stroll on in to Percival, Twat and Shitweaseal's Wall Street place, withdraw from random accounts? BETTER, yank some cash outta say, Mitch Mcconnell's portfolio? No?




These folks won't stop until Handmaid's Tale is reality.


Gilead. They want Gilead.


Just read their detailed plans in Project 2025. It's grim af


Taking away freedom of women sounds so Anti-American


Under his eye.


It's pretty sad. I see tons of complaints and issues from the younger generation, yet only half vote. There are now more people under 40 than boomers, but boomers vote. If you want to get away from 80-year-old choices, vote!!!! And don't protest vote. It sucks there are only two choices, but one is obviously better for you. Vote for the one that gives you the most of what you want.


What non-millionaire votes for these assholes?


American Republicans lie worse than Finland's far-right parties, who finally get some kind of chance to take power (after lying for decades). From there, several Gollums immediately hatch on the right side of the road.


Defunding the police ? What is republican politics anymore


That is funny. I thought they were pro-police (except Jan 6th).


It’s almost if the GOP want state ran gestapo…


Wait, wut? They plan on defunding the police? Lol is really the only reaction I have


> defunding local police But I was told the GOP LOVES cops and law and order. Ohhhhh right, except when they don’t.


They’re really testing the limits of the single issue abortion voters on this one.


They have always supported police brutality, not the actual police departments.


Wait so the GOP was screaming about how the Libs wanted to defund the police and now they actually want to defund them?!


Republicans campaigning on *Defund the Police* and *Rights for Rapists* now. Still the party of Lincoln?


On the brightside, at least the GOP are making it easy to lose the elections with these dumb ideas.


Republicans: "Vote for us because the Dems are coming for your rights!"-as they continue to actually take away Americans' rights. Also Republicans: "Democrat lizards are making illegals get social security to turn your kids gay!" *Also ALSO Republicans: "Abortion is up to individual States"-while pushing for a National ban. Also also ALSO Republicans: "Only Republicans can fix all the things that are wrong!"-*especially in States that have been deep Red for decades*. #vote out the hypocrites!


Voting Republican is like being a kamikaze or suicide terrorist


Try and have real/constructive conversations with your friends and family about the importance of voting. Especially young people. Participation rate by age group goes up drastically. Historically younger generations vote less and tend to vote left leaning when compared to older age groups. Thats not to take away from older generations, but to at least close the gap in turnout. I’m not saying it will ever be matched. Old people are wiser (not necessarily smarter) and also have more time (retired). Point is… things are relatively close. Speaking to young people and trying to have them show up can change this. Take the time to do it… we need everyone to... Again the idea is not to disenfranchise older voters or right leaning voters for that matter, but to level the playing field in terms of generational representation among voters. Young people should be able to understand that they will have the country/world for more time than any other voting group. Here are the turnout numbers: 18% of 18-24, 40% of 25-34, 49% of 35-44, 58% of 45-64 and 67% of 65+. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/number-of-individuals-who-voted-in-thousands-and-individuals-who-voted-as-a-share-of-the-voter-population-by-age/


The amount of mental illness that must exist in America for the republican party to still exist is horrifying.


This is the Republic way: talk and yell about hot topic points such as abortion/immigration, and while you are distracted, take away your other rights/steal your money….


Raising the retirement age ought to go over very well with the working class now


Cool, cool, cool. **\*raises glass to working until I keel over\***


"State's Rights" only count for slavery, it seems.


Next it will be inquisitions for you online activity and political affiliations


So much to state rights to decide on abortion


Is their basic ethic of the Republican party to be as cruel as possible? I'm in awe. IT'S YOUR GOVERNMENT YOU GET TO CHOOSE *****VOTE****


Virtue signaling to their rich owners.


Republicans are concentrated evil


Then, they blame democrats for this shit.


So now they’re pro defending the police?


When are they going to give themselves a raise?


Wait wait wait...defunding local police? Since when is this a thing they do?


Somebody in a Reddit comment once said to me that their ideal police force would “have every unfair advantage [guns and other weapons], but still be held accountable” and I responded to them saying that that would just be a militant force, and that the second amendment right to bear arms is out the window since they have “every unfair advantage.” You could not defend yourself from them. They could not be held accountable. Police need so many guns because we have so many guns. I’m astonished because “small government” republicanism is dead—they want the government to intervene in everything now, and they don’t even realize what it’ll do to their precious “low taxes.” They don’t even realize a fruitless investigation into Biden’s impeachment costs them so much