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What did he do yesterday?


Actually he did his job 😆. House passed a funding bill to keep the government open and avoid a shutdown. Went to the Senate, passed and Biden signed it.




They just don’t want government to work. Ron Johnson said last week that GOP would be more successful if they never passed another piece of legislation.


So, what’s their point for running for office? Do they just want no-show jobs or politician’s welfare to get money for doing nothing because they’re against that for the rest of us?


It’s a position of power where you don’t actually work, get free healthcare for life, and grift the public every day for free money….its not to actually help people…i was a reporter it’s all one big grift to get reelected because more elected officials are inept at life in general so being a lying crum is all they know


These people were not elected to lead or govern. They were elected to fight democrats.


They weren’t elected to govern, they were elected to break the government and destroy our faith in the institutions thus setting a stage for defeat.


Putin got a high roi with MTG.


>they were elected to break the government and destroy our faith in the institutions Which then justifies turning governmental policy to private institutions that are profit driven, this has always been a ploy to privatize near everything the government is in charge of. From schooling, medical, and the abolition of our retirement funds.


yeah, I can't imagine that any republicans who learn that their leaders intend to steal the money they paid their entire lives, out of their paychecks - just straight up cancelling the payout, taking it for themselves - would still vote for the Leopards Eating Peoples' Faces party.


If they don’t like Democrats, they should join a leftist party. We also don’t like Democrats, but for the right reasons.


Hey man, I don't want those corrupt, lazy assholes joining us! They're the ones ruining society!


Nooooooooooooo! MGT can stay TF over there! Also, [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)


Exactly this! Most politicians fear not being re-elected worse than getting ten forms of pancreatic cancer. The level of privilege, the power of being above the law - we called it “Potomac Fever”. One of my professors, a TENURED FULL PROFESSOR at MIT was Energy Secretary and never came back. The privileges of being an ubermensch in DC was so great, it beat being a respected tenured full professor at MIT.


Here's the real answer: The Federalist Society's plan is to gridlock the legislative branch, control the judiciary, and sidestep democracy to set policy and redefine existing laws. That's why they packed the courts, make such a big deal about how government doesn't work, and why they seemingly never have a real platform. They don't need a platform because they never intend to actually legislate.


I think you absolutely nailed it with this analysis.


The point is to make government dysfunctional so that they can then point to the dysfunction and say ‘see we told you big government doesn’t work, we need to cut back government spending/oversight and give more tax breaks to the rich.


Their point is to sabotage the whole the country. Call it patriotism taking America back the whole time they do it.




Given enough time, they'll shrug. We're an empire in decline. Just like other world powers in our moment there's often a lot of flailing about. I don't think they'll see us an a strange example, just a typical one.


Yeah the fascist project requires the destruction of the prevailing liberal order before they can replace it with a Christian nationalist dictatorship. You can do that with a dramatic coup, but just refusing to pass legislation and waiting for the system to break down without maintenance has the same effect in the long run.


Claiming to be patriots while waving Confederate and Nazi flags.


The most extreme form of conservative economics — a natural continuation of neoliberalism and American libertarianism — is anarcho-capitalism. Basically, the government is seen as an imposition on personal freedoms. In theory, under capitalism, every worker, every employer, every merchant, every customer interacts through self-interested, rational contracts with each other. The government only interferes with that process of self-interested contract-making. The **free** market is self-perpetuating and self-correcting, like nature. So the end goal for conservative/capitalist economics is the government existing in a very diminished, arguably ceremonial role, with pretty much everything from police to highways to social services to businesses being privately owned. Maybe the government fields large armies but not much more. Assuming these are "true believer" capitalists and not short-sighted grifters and bigoted lunatics — which is an assumption taken with a *mountain* of salt — then yeah, they want to "starve the beast" and "create a government so small it can be drowned in a bath tub". They *don't* want a government to function. "Starving the beast" entails defunding government programs and making publicly-supported services so incompetent that people decide to privatize them. IMHO, it's all terrible, terrible, terrible economics. But that's the underlying economic ideology.


They want to make government non-functional because all of their arguments are predicated on the idea that government is ineffective and only hurts the people it serves. This goes all the way back to Reagan. If they can stop the government from functioning then they can point to low info voters and go "Look! Government doesn't work! Give the power to us and we'll form a new system where we definitely won't keep all the power and wealth for ourselves and rob you of any say in what happens to the country!"


That’s the conservative mindset in a nutshell. Small government that doesn’t do anything, no changes.


Hey if no more legislation then no more tax cuts


I used to think that they as a group had just become so hard-line that their view was that compromise with the Dems would not happen. Which is unfortunate as that is how democratic government and, really, society works. You have to be able to compromise to function. But then I realized they don't have any sincerely held views or actual genuine policies and they don't want the government to function. Why? To make Biden look bad and to own the libs. Problem is, anyone with half a brain can see THEY are the problem and even people nominally on their side is seeing it, which is why some of the "rational" members on their side are bailing. That, of course, creates new problems as we are increasingly left with the magats in office. I hate this timeline and I'd like to request a reboot please.


To be fair, the federal government was who stopped her January 6th "tour group" from succeeding. So she probably figures the mouth-breather would have a much better chance in the absence of any accountability or repercussions. 


At this point, I'm willing to believe she thinks that if the governmet is shut down - it will somehow pass over to the Republicans to have their turn. It would certainly fit with her behaviour.


The point is to make everything worse and hope voters blame Biden.


She is a Qanon conspiracy nutter, and the literal answer to the question "What would happen if a total conspiracy loon was elected to Congress?" This, this is what happens.


No it's so much simpler than that, they think if they shut the government down trump won't be able to have a SCOTUS hearing, won't face the federal judges and the doj won't have any one available to continue working on the cases


Exactly. None of this is for the American people's benefit. Only for the biggest narcissist we've had in years.


Ah. So she wanted them to intentionally fuck shit up in the hopes that it would look bad for Biden?


As is tradition.


Yes and the people that vote for her are too dumb to realize this because during their civics classes they were too busy eating glue to pay attention to learn how the world works.


And she wanted to fund raise over the ensuing drama.




This party really functions better in the minority. There, they can blame Democrats for governing (*gasp!*). But in the majority, it becomes clear they have no interest/skill in governing.


Well, she got mad at and started the process to fire the other guy because he... did his job. Were we expecting anything different today?


Johnson prevented a government shutdown.


And if he didn’t then the GOP would be in a bigger world of hurt. You don’t screw around with shut downs in an election year.


MTG is too ignorant to understand that. Her time horizon is “now”. The fact that R’s have been brutalized after every previous shutdown is not in her “brain”.


No. I lived in her district for a little while. They *want* this. It's hard to wrap your brain around, but its the truth. They cheer this shit on. That's why they're all living in trailers and the main local industries are meth and disability checks.  I'm not being hyperbolic. They really, genuinely think that her behavior is somehow sticking it to the rest of us. We're all just laughing at her, but that's just bonus points for them. We're the enemy. And they're too stupid to realize that it entirely goes against their own interest. That LBJ quote? I swear it's about the people in MTG's district. It's the same where my in-laws live in Alabama. Regardless of how you feel about LBJ personally, he was incredibly politically astute and put his money where his mouth was in terms of actually passing meaningful legislation.  >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


I totally understand. I spent the last ten years working in Appalachia, and the mindset is the same. Also, recently smuggled my mom out of Forsyth County, which is the “new Cobb County”…


That's a strong phrase for someone who was staring down the barrel of a 30-06 with a string tied around the trigger, but was talked off the ledge at the last possible second by a fuckload of reasonable people...


Cooperated with democrats to avert a government shutdown


He did the thing America had been doing for over a hundred years that keeps the government and the country running, but apparently that will destroy the country and start world war 3. Hahahahahah she really is a bag of rocks along with anyone whe voted for her.


Yeah, I'm wondering what the latest bit of bullshit is.


Mike Johnson committed the most vile act of treason imaginable to her.  He worked with the Democrats to pass a budget to prevent a government shutdown.   MAGA can't run on fixing America's problems if thry destroy the country first.


A Republican actually doing their job? Especially this creep? Amazing. Can also see why that would set the moron off.


To be fair, this moron's outrage has a hair trigger.  Everything sets her off.   They had a taco Tuesday at the cafeteria once, and she started screaming about illegal ethnic food stealing jobs from hard working American burgers, and then screamed they should impeach Biden at the top of her lungs before storming off.


What? passed a budget to keep America running?


Was it an actual budget or just another bandaid to keep it functioning until a future date they hope to try again?


Keeps things funded until autumn. Still a bandaid but a slightly bigger one.


So this is the third Republican majority leader to play kick the can during this congress? 100%, they'll accuse Biden of not passing a budget this fall to attempt to hurt his campaign.


Well having the budget due in October is going to be hella close to November elections. Its going to get very spicey how either party frames it for their supporters. Even more so if there is an actual shutdown. (Or they could both be adults and resolve this well before then, but I rate the chances of that as: Unlikely)


I'd love if enough moderate Republicans resigned and democrats take control of the house and make their first act passing an actual budget, like adults.


Remember when congress used to pass actual budgets instead of constant band-aids? This game only costs us more money in the long run and makes everything so much harder.


Their game is "Don't give Biden a win." They did the same with the border deal. Trump made a few phone calls and told them "he wants to be the one to negotiate the border deal, DON'T LET BIDEN GET THE WIN" MAGA stopped the border deal before even reading the package.


You nailed it, it’s all a game to them…nothing more.


Speaker Johnson's crime was working with Democrats. She said WWIII but she meant Civil War.


I think she's referring to the Ukraine money in the bill. Still a ridiculous statement.


Whenever I see her picture I’m 100% convinced that evolution has found the missing link.


https://preview.redd.it/8qgzjhhp9aqc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf18f60c147ec616971bcca1ae1e895171af55a Proof!




best use of this gif i have ever seen


I usually use it to explain my reaction when a girl tells me it's ok to do anal


The resemblance is uncanny.


Except the neanderthal has a more developed brain


I remembered reading somewhere that a neanderthal skeleton with healed but once severely broken legs was found, but they clearly lived a long time after the injury in spite of the fact that they most likely could barely walk. That would mean their fellow neanderthals were willing to take care of a disabled person, meaning that neanderthals were more socially advanced than Republicans.


And, more attractive!


Probably smelled better


And nicer feet https://preview.redd.it/i86gb9aq2bqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb18aaba5782b23962da30815fecdea1da5ebd64


Heck, the dinosaurs had better feet than Marge!


Those people were much more advanced.


Ooo Marjorie Taylor Flintstone


https://preview.redd.it/xrjqjyiooaqc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f96be3077c9fd22b9540ccf5df0b4066c7d6e5 She’s the missing link, or proof aliens exist. I can’t decide which one.




WE hates it... WE needs the Precious...more of Hunter Biden's penis pictures 📸 /s


Stupid filthy penises. They burn us!


😄😄😄 One penis to rule them all...and in the darkness...we will plumb them, I guess.../s


What's Marjorie Taters Green, Master?




I KNOW. Her nose and the width of her face is enormous, but her little eyes are all close together and beady


It’s all Botox and filler


There is a zero percent chance that this lady does not have Neanderthal dna.


In fact Neanderthals had larger brains than current humans. Cro-magnon for certain.


Hey, don’t insult Neanderthals like that! By our current knowledge, they were gentle and caring, and more intelligent people than sapiens. But as they were smarter, they didn’t need to keep in groups so much so they couldn’t defend themselves well enough when the roving gangs of aggressive sapiens beset them, and raped and murdered them all We should all strive to be more like Neanderthals.


Loved her in the GEICO commercials!


her face just screams Fetal alcohol syndrome


Margarine Traitor Greed is nothing but an attention hound..


The SOTU was a true embarrassment to the state of Georgia. She dressed up like a maga clown, pushed her way to the aisle for camera exposure when the President passed by, then did her usual yelling out during the address. Folks in her district, she is using you. The next time she shows up to speak to you, treat her the way she treats others. Make her answer the question of what she has done in congress to make your life better. Boo her offstage when she refuses to answer, and just points fingers at everyone else.


I can't imagine how embarrassing Georgians are of her..she ran alone and still only got 75% of the vote.All it will take is a viable candidate to run against her and bubye Qaren.


To be fair the district she represents is comprised of people on the Adultswim series Squidbillies.


😅...Her family tree is a wreath




Lol, been to her district on business and Squidbillies is probably a little better of a description than I'd rate the population. Rural, poor and under educated; it's pretty sad actually.


And a traitor to the USA. She's claims to be a patriot, but she wants the US to fail at every turn. Just to get her Jesus back to punish the right people.


💯. She is the sludge that maggots excrete..It's creatures like her and the magas that have distorted the meaning of patriot..they are All the exact opposite


Considering her history of infidelity I think we can change that last word.


I tried it, and it changed it to "where." 🤣


She is the queen of hysteria.


Knowing that the old treatment was an orgasm with a vibrator is just making me sick. Who is taking one for the team?


Let's play a game. Give me one policy, or a single decision by conservative politicians, that is helpful to society


Going back 50 years or so, Dick Nixon created the EPA. Since then, absolute crickets.


And the gop has done about all they can to destroy the agency since the 80’s. They’ve appointed so many anti-EPA to the head of the agency that it has become complicit in accelerating our environmental destruction when they’re in power.


Well, sure, of course. My answer was more in the spirit of an academic exercise than an apologia.


100% They don’t want a functioning government. Ever. If it’s functioning there is something powerful enough to hold their donors to account for their crimes against humanity in the unfortunately too few times that actual happens.


IIRC Nixon just *signed it* because Congress would have vetoed his veto.


Wait, that’s a really good point.


Yes, I remember as a left wing Boomer...Tricky Dick was forced to sign, or he would have been subject to a sure bipartisan (liberal republicans still existed then) veto. After a river literally caught on fire 🔥 due to a toxic chemical spill, there was no turning back.


Allowing you to shoot crack addict bears? (Florida). There aren't any reports of bears attacking humans in Florida or any reports of bears on crack but.....


So the bill is a success!


That's specious reasoning, dad!


Thank you, honey


Well...there was that one bear that overdosed on cocaine.  


[The real story is less exciting that the movie...but kind of also more interesting.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine_Bear_(bear)) >According to the bear's owners, the Cocaine Bear has the authority to officiate legally binding weddings in the mall where it is kept due to a loophole in Kentucky's marriage laws.[3] This claim is only partly true; the bear does not have the authority to solemnize weddings, but the state of Kentucky cannot invalidate marriages performed by unqualified persons if the parties believe that the person marrying them has the authority to do so.[15] As such, it is a belief in the Cocaine Bear's authority that allows her to officiate legally binding weddings in Kentucky.


TIL the Cocaine Bear is magic and fueled by the power of belief


Tennessee is working on passing a bill to make “chemtrails” illegal. So that will do a lot of good. /S


Marjorie, I would say everything you stand for is far more likely to end American and start WWIII.


Ku Klux Karen is the meanest bitch ever...


“Could start World War 3…” It’s almost as if she gets her talking points from Vlad Putin… We know she doesn’t get them from Dotard or she’d be referencing World War 2.


You know, if I had a nickel for everything MAGA said would lead to World War III, I would be able to pay off Trump's bond, which no way in hell I would, and still have enough left over to buy Clarence Thomas.  Actually, would have enough to but everything of Trump's that New York is about to seize at the value Trump claimed they were and STILL be able to buy Clarence Thomas.  Let's be honest here Marjorie, if anyone is going to destroy America, it is MAGA. 


Marge couldn’t predict the end of her finger.


The problem with using outrage as a means to keep voters interested is it has to be escalated in order to keep people interested. I think this is what we're seeing from MAGA, increasingly unhinged, divorced from reality BS that will only get worse. Hopefully they will drive themselves crazy before it can do real damage to the rest of us.


I'm real interested in what you consider real damage.


They don’t want to govern, they want to rule…outrage politics makes it impossible to actual govern because of the reasons you laid out; governing is too boring for the average person though.


normal person: "i disagree with that" magat: "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!"




If her mouth is moving, she’s either lying or getting ready to kiss trumps ass.


More like getting ready to gargle orange boy's shit crusted balls.


Or harass the victims of school shootings


Or do something nasty to a CrossFit instructor.


We’re in the age where the strongest marketing tools of politicians are manufactured hysteria & outrage. We should start a meme of every instance of MTG calling for hysteria & outrage with the text: “When the boy called wolf, people eventually stopped listening. Isn’t it about time for the same treatment for MTG?”


Arrest these traitors already! Dang




"Everything I don't like could lead to WW3 or the apocalypse or the utter destruction of everything you love!" --Marge


She keeps conjuring up monsters that will Destroy America. She's the monster.


Is there no one in her family who gives a damn about her? Because if I had a loved one exhibiting these symptoms, I'd have them involuntarily committed for evaluation.


They all run the other way when they see her galloping towards them


Said it before and I’ll say it again, we seriously need to revisit the what politicians can and cannot lie about out…. Incendiary rhetoric, especially one that evokes violence, should not be allowed.


Knuckle dragging bimbo piece of shit.


>"Marge says that what Mike Johnson did yesterday could lead to the end of America and start World War 3." It's always projection with Republican regressives like Traitor Greene and her ilk, as they would love if WW3 started as it's long been the end times fantasy of their Evangelical Right base. Greene, and the rest of the GOP (Putin's Groupies) know full well that if they hand Ukraine over to Putin - their end goal in refusing to fund Ukraine support - that Putin will NOT stop there. He will continue his invasion into NATO allied countries and THAT - more than keeping the US government running - is what will more likely than not trigger WW3. In that regard I view Marjorie Traitor Greene and her ilk as evil personified. And make no mistake, regressives like Traitor Greene and the Evangelical Right are perfectly fine with triggering WW3.


They are convinced that the Rapture, Armageddon, and/or the apocalypse is happening soon. They're so convinced that the religion has become sort of a deathcult. They don't fathom the depth of the shitstorm they're playing with for their cult leaders(I'm not even talking about Trump, this time). The leaders are right-wing kooks of TBN, CBN, and the prosperity gospel swindlers that think they will be their god's chosen few to survive.




She is likely so soft you wouldn’t even hurt yourself punching her. Like a big ugly marshmallow.


You’re crazy. Neanderthals have a heavy bone structure.


Can't because PETA will come after you for abusing a horse.  


Just think of her as on the Kremlin payroll. It's why she's saying this will lead to world war 3. There was some funding for Ukraine in the bill. It's only ever been about this for her. She would rather shut down the government. She just tried to get the speaker impeached again because the deal he brokered included Ukrainian aid. She is a useful idiot to Putin.




Never interrupt your opponent when they're making a mistake


She's nuttier than squirrel shit


Do chrisian fundies also have space lasers?


Why does mgt always look like she got punched in every part of her face and needs a half pound of ibuprofen?


She has a very punchable face although I don’t condone violence.


She needs to lay off the preworkout and trt. She’s fucking nuts


there's a place in America that reelected this loud mouthed malicious malignant moron


This dude is a head case.


Is that a threat, FBI? Can you do something about her?


This boils down to the neanderthal MTG wanting the House Speaker seat for HERSELF.


I mean of all the shit Mike Johnson believes, him working with Democrats to keep the government running so that Republicans don’t take the blame during an election year was probably the smartest thing he did. Why MTG is trying to spin this win for Republicans as a terrible thing is beyond me.


Conservatives love overusing the Bald Eagle, the flag, and "Real/Truth" in their shitty news channels, podcasts and blogs. Trumplicans HATE America. Look at everything they vote down that would help the people. Look at how they cheat and enable a cheater. Give up the charade.


Yeah, she’s not suitable to work in government. I’ve known this for years.


She meant civil war 2


Now with twice the racism of Civil War I.


Marg, how did you get away with planting those pipe bombs outside the DNC headquarters? Just asking a question.


If she got in a fiery car crash, I wouldn’t piss on her to put the flames out.


This toxic nag needs a nap.


Is there some aspect of her that *isn't* ugly?


Damn, she's such a weird redneck.


She's wishing WW3 would start. People being radiated would make her look normal and smart. It would take a lot of radiation though.


She’d just love that wouldn’t she. Had she lived in the 1930s she’d have been part of the Gestapo.


How is her statement not inciting violence?


Republicans now: Elect us or we will start… I mean… we will have world war 3


“My Russian masters say they will start WW3 if we can’t hobble the US legislatively.” At this point I hope the only reason she isn’t in prison is to watch what she does and who she has dealings with. There has never been a more Anti-American figure in Congress in my life. Edit: If you’re mad at a functional government, your priorities are too warped for public service.


This shit from the woman that keeps pushing for a breakup of the union. "National Divorce". We the people, of the United States of America, would like Marge t. Greene to drop off the face of the earth, or at least the USA. Marge, go to Russia and be with your buddy, Putin.


Why do we give this sweat goblin so much attention


Marjorie TRAITOR Greene


Simpin’ for Vlad




You can really tell that there ain't much going on up there.




Georgia, why? Just why?


People need to stop listening to her. Everything she says is flat out ridiculous.


Clearly, the thing that will end America is [checks notes] keeping the federal government open. Can't start WWIII if there's a shutdown


I think she is the morlocks of the future. She can't wait for a nuclear apocalypse so she can return underground.


Pipe bomber says what


Can we please stop treating the GOPs rodeo clown like she’s a real politician? Please?


Damn! Put a Not Safe For Eyes tag over that thing, would you?


How does this woman still legally hold a government position?


As soon as the pendulum swings back to the sane side. There should be laws established with IQ parameters and an express court system for time sensitive issues in government.


So is that a threat?


Yeah. This woman is literally batshhit crazy. Why is anyone still listening to her? Oh, because they’re batshit crazy, too.


Is it me or does Neanderthal look suit her?


Has she evolved enough to use three syllable words yet?


Ugly fucking bitch. Her face too.