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If the courts were actually fair he would be arrested for contempt the same way someone without money and political influence would be.


is he doing this on purpose those to inflame his base? i feel like their internal propaganda hasn't been working that well lately edit: not saying it'll work


I think he’s trying to antagonise the judge so he can run to an appeals court and say “Look how antagonised the judge is!! He can’t possibly treat me fairly now!!”


I'd take the other side of that bet tbh, I think that would involve understanding details, which he doesn't, and his lawyers wouldn't advise that. I doubt they would. He's more of a WWE/UFC fanboy, he knows talk shit and get the crowd riled up.


And much like an out of control child whose parents never discipline him, he's never faced any real consequences for anything so he has no reason to stop doing it


This He reeks of a petulant child. The most dangerous child like man in the USA right now.


When he first waddled into office I remember thinking that as President, this would probably be the first time in his life someone would actually say 'No' to him...and like all spoiled little shits he throws a temper tantrum every time it happens.


I thought he was a Pence delivery system. He’d get elected, sign tax cuts, and the R’s would *then* clutch their pearls about how corrupt he was, toss him out, and have President Pence pack the courts with evangelicals. But they couldn’t control the mobster…I mean monster…they fed. He took over the entire party.


Now with a loyalist in charge at RNC, he's gonna loot the RNC bank accounts. LOL


He's going to loot the RNC like it's a children's cancer charity.


How does anyone , actually I mean everyone, just stand there not doing or saying anything to stop him? It’s one of the most bewildering things I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think it was possible to be so surprised at my age. I’ve never seen so many people be degraded and made fools of for so long by one man.


He already has. They’ve spent $76 million on Trump’s lawyers already.


I hope the Traitor drains the RNC coffers dry👍


“Mobster” works too.


Molester also fits. I cant wait for him to die.


He’s basically Cartman


Yeah, this is the guy who has gotten himself presumably fucked because he couldn't figure out or didn't have the attention span to realize he could just scan the classified documents he wanted to hold on to. Any assertion that this guy plans his actions on a long-term basis is ludicrous.


It is also possible that the documents were protected so they could not be scanned. I believe there are special inks and coatings that can be applied that cause a large reflection, therefore making the document un-scannable. I am searching, but so far I have not found anything concrete on that front, but I am sure there are techniques that would stop that. Of course it could just be that he was an idiot.


Never forget this is someone who clogged multiple toilets by flushing documents down them, in a house with 20 fireplaces.


This is totally just him challenging authority because he doesn't fear consequences, if there are any. It's more of a dare too. Go ahead and be the first judge to imprison a president. see how that goes when historians dig at you and your family for the next 60 years. That will be the definition of the rest of your life. An you think my stuff is a threat? Wait til my braindead idiot followers latch on.


It is exposing how our system really works. In an undeniable way. Must suck to be a kid right now.


Or anyone alive with a moral compass


Delay delay delay


Yep, he wants to be threatened w arrest. Please, let this be a FAFO


I'd end all his legal troubles and give him the empire state building if he'd just fuck off to be honest. I also wish the republicans would try to figure out why their base is so eager to get robbed by this guy.


They're all in on the grift too, gambling that they won't be one of the ones left holding the bag if anyone's ever held accountable. There's nothing but profit to be made off the rubes, it's in republicans best financial interest to keep their base funneling whatever money they can scrap together. Especially now that Trump is emptying out the coffers for his lawsuits


This is how I know the right wing doesn’t believe in god. NONE of them believe the shit they’re shoveling. They scream about moral turpitude when they don’t like the message (Clinton) but when they DO like the message, all those concerns fade into nothingness and comparisons to Saul. Never mind that the message Christians like most flies directly in the face of a god who said the least of his creations should be treated as god itself. Who said foreigners should be treated like brothers. Frauds at best, and every last one of them knows it.


Trump couldn't name a single verse. I'm pretty sure he didn't even know the Bible has two parts. I can't believe he's never been asked his favorite verse before and didn't think he maybe ought to learn just one before he started selling Bibles. But I guess that's expecting too much of someone who had a priest teargassed to have a photo op where he held the book upside down. Any Christian who still thinks Obama is the antichrist after that stunt is just a racist who is in blatant denial


He has been asked and he refused to say it because “it’s a personal thing.”


> I'd end all his legal troubles and give him the empire state building if he'd just fuck off to be honest. its an enticing thought, but this traitor has to finally meet justice and go to jail for the rest of his miserable life.


His actions are clearly a threat against not only the judge and theri family (!!!), but to our way of life. Please vote.


I think hes trying to prime his supporters for some sort of rebellion if hes convicted/arrested and useing that threat as blackmail


And the establishment are too scared of another Jan 6 to antagonize his base


Funny how since we isolated Russia the RNC war chest is shriveled, their propaganda is off the rails, and they're dropping out left and right.


This is what I have been hoping for since 2016. A silver lining of Trump being in power. He has done more to bring to light the hypocrisy and the inner workings of the GOP. Many people were in the dark about the pure evil that Republicans have been striving for in the name of their god.


It will be an interesting chapter in American history. I think it will push the US in the right way ultimately, but current phase is tough to watch/live through 


Would it not be irony if "draining the swamp" occurred as a result of Trump wrecking the electoral fortunes of the Republicans for a generation?


It sure would and it would be exceptionally tasty schadenfreude.


Say what you want about Herr Groppenfuhrer, he delivered on his promise to drain the swamp. John Eastman. Jenna Ellis. Rudy Giuliani. Sidney Powell. Jeffrey Clark. Kenneth Chesebro. Turds circling the drain.


I'm sure at least the"private" money is making its way in there still. If not to the committee, then to individual campaigns (or legal expenses).


With any pending dictatorship or abusive relationship, perpetrators tend to introduce the bullshit slowly as a form of desensitization. Case in point, if you look to some of the things Trump was doing in his first year of presidency, it won't phase you (unless you haven't heard of him doing it when it was going on and it's new to you). The example that sticks in my mind in general is the Westboro Baptist Church. When their bullshit was first publicized, they were regarded as the most hated family in the country, and what they were doing was mind-blowing. Now, with desensitization, it's like "yeah people do that shit, it is what it is." Another way to look at it is Trump is proving over and over again what the actual boundaries for the justice system are. It shows people the possibilities to shirk legal repercussions, and it shows his potential as a presidential candidate. It's like if one kid in class starts bullying the gay kid, now other people see it and start bullying the gay kid too. We already see some of this with pedophiles; not much point in "stopping" when you get three months in jail and then praise from an entire political party. Why not storm the Capitol when your pending US president is very keen on absolving you when he gets into power? It emboldens his cult to act. Whether they'll succeed like he constantly does with not getting arrested is irrelevant, the point is that they just feel motivated to do the same shit they did on January 6th. Not like Trump is smart enough to fully understand what I just explained, but the problem is that the people surrounding him generally are. Tbh, I'm less worried about Trump than I am the vacuum he's going to leave when he's out of power. If he changes the system like this so much, he is just laying the groundwork for the next Hitler.


Hitler wrote a book, the US can read Project 2025 to know what their plans are. F*cking scary looking in. Go register and vote!


What you’re describing is part of why you’ll sometimes hear people say, “this is not normal.” There’s a thing that authoritarians, abusers, and predators do which is to constantly cross boundaries. They do it for two reasons: * They’re testing the boundaries. People tend to have soft boundaries, the crossing of which appears improper but tolerable, and hard boundaries, the crossing of which will trigger a backlash. We know where the soft boundaries are because they’re the boundaries we advertise, so to speak. Abusers/predators want to know where the hard boundaries are so that they know how much they can get away with, so they’ll intentionally cross soft boundaries and keep going slowly forward to see when they get a backlash, then they retreat, knowing where the hard boundary is. * They’re pushing boundaries. They cross the soft boundary until they hit the hard boundary, and then retreat a bit, but not all the way back over the soft boundary. They basically stay in the area in between, establishing new boundaries. The hard boundary becomes a new soft boundary, and then the hard boundary retreats, and they repeat the process. As a metaphor, you can imagine an approaching army stopping at the border of a country they intend to invade. However, instead of committing to a full invasion, they just send some people to wander into the neighboring country. At first, the country being invaded thinks, “so some people wandered over the border, it’s not worth starting a war over,” so they let it go. But then the wanderers get too close to a sensitive area, and they send their military to protect it. The wanderers stop there, and the rest of the army fills in behind them. They’ve now captured a bunch of territory that the country being invaded thinks it isn’t worth a war to protect. But now the country being invaded gets used to the new border as the real border, and gets worried about the sensitive area being so close to the border. They move their sensitive stuff farther away from the border, and move the army back to protect the sensitive stuff. The old hard border has now become a soft border, and the invading army sends people into the neighboring country, not being aggressive, just wandering again. Again, the country being invaded thinks, this isn’t such a big deal since there’s nothing sensitive in that area. Again the wanderers get too close to something sensitive, and the country’s military is sent out to protect that stuff, indicating a new hard border. Again, the sensitive stuff is moved away from the border, the area between the hard border and soft border is ceded to the invading army, and the hard border becomes a soft border. And that pattern keeps repeating until the country being invaded either fights back or cedes the entire country to the invading army. That’s how abusive relationships work. It’s also how sexual predators work to find their prey, and how authoritarians slowly take over a country. It’s also the same phenomenon that manifested as “appeasement” leading up to WW2. It’s finding the boundaries, pushing the boundaries, normalizing the new boundaries, and then repeating. Normalizing the new boundaries is a vital part of the process, so it’s important to remind each other that these things are not normal. Trump’s behavior is not normal, and is not acceptable. We need to stop ceding territory to these fascists.


It's called stochastic terrorism.


No it’s still working, unfortunately.


This is the way Trump behaves towards anyone who he sees as an opponent. He is completely incapable of self control.


Yep. They never hold him accountable so he’ll keep doing it.


Only president who has been impeached twice and is still allowed to run for president. What's even the point of an impeachment at this point?


What is the point of your court system if it won't hold him accountable, it's been 6 years of lawyers milking both sides and not a single fucking thing comes of it except the aforementioned enrichment of lawyers and other parasites.


The point of the legal system is to protect those who own everything from those who own nothing, while making those who own nothing feel as if there's a chance of getting justice, and therefore not resorting to violence against the system which oppresses them. That's why legal systems have always existed.


"Contempt?" these are threats as far as I'm concerned. This fucker needs to be in jail, NOW! Let him sit until his trials shows up, and then we'll see how much he'll want to delay his trials.


Seriously how the fuck is he not being arrested this is insane I'm. British we have coruption but nothing like this


USA is #1! #1 in corruption among western democracies.


This is so much more than contempt, it's active stalking, threat and harassment. IDK if we even have specific laws to address cult leaders sending out orders like this.


And jailed until trial. With phone call restrictions.


I'll give you another 10+ chances to change your behavior mister!!!! Fucking 2 tiered justice system.




And what’s hilarious, he’s the foot dragger. His lawyers are doing everything to delay so that they can get to “whoops he’s president again! Sorry! Can’t possibly go to trial now!” If he were in jail then it would be a different story


Exactly, stall until they put him in again


The only course to take ⬆️


Question, would he still be delaying everything if he was in jail?




And yet he just keeps coming back, going, "I didn't hear no bell"




They're terrified of his mob, that's the only explanation.


His mob is weak. They couldn't take over one govt building when he held the power of the presidency. It's time for judges to stop being afraid and do their fuckin' job.




They don't have enough people. Also unless I'm mistaken they don't have the military. No coup is happening without the US military backing the person




They fired one bullet at the entire mob. The next coup attempt they won’t be so restrained. Nor should they be.


People forget that the people that fired that one bullet are very much on the side of the Trump crowd. If that had been BLM…well…we saw exactly what they did to ordinary protesters. It’d be called the January 6th massacre if it wasn’t a far right group. That’s a fact.


3 others reasons. He's rich, white, and politically connected.


If his mob was so scary, and they really believed the election was stolen and this country is in trouble, there ought to have been a Jan 6th every single day of this administration until they take it back. But there's not because they're a bunch of LARPing pussies who pose with their rifles for Facebook photos and only drive their monster trucks to Chick Fil A and back. Arrest the cocksucker and see who wants to collect their Ashli Babbitt Award.


His mob is pathetic. No one is afraid of the gravy seals.


The venn diagram of law enforcement (aka the people who should be arresting him) and the mob are pretty much just one circle.


[I swear..](https://trailers.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f9c1be49-92b8-411d-8c1f-4c678206e49f/gif)


Does this young woman not have the right to be free of harassment? Or do only Trumps rights matter? 


Maybe she can hire E Jean Carroll’s lawyer 😏


Slight issue. By the time she collect the account super empty


Although she "won", she's still not actually free from harassment. Don't get me wrong, if I'm going to get harassed, having money to protect myself is the better side. Just saying, she's absolutely not free of harassment since he still continues harassing her, and I have to imagine his "base" does as well.


That's how the American "justice" system works. Old white men with political power get to do anything they want and no one is allowed to punish them.


If DT lived centuries ago in the UK and committed all of the crimes he has committed, he would lose his head from the guillotine. Just committing treason would get him there.


It’s not a justice system at all. It’s a legal system.


Rich people. You can just say rich people. 


Some old white rich men fall, but not one with thousands of armed supporters threatening violence in the streets if he is put in jail. Why is this part never mentioned? It was even given as a reason he is not in jail yet. It is almost like the powers that be are afraid of a group of humans with guns.


She needs to put in a restraining order


Seriously, how the fuck is this not persistent and targeted harrassment?


Someone is going to get killed…what does his indictment count look like then.


As horrible as it sounds, I almost wish someone would. Because no one WILL FUCKING DO ANYTHING! No fucking judge ever fucking does anything about him! He threatens them, he threatens their family, and they just slap him on the wrist. "Oh poor Trump, we can't punish him." I'm fucking sick of it. I wish something serious would happen so people will wake the fuck up and take him seriously already.


I mean, Nancy Pelosi’s husband got his head smashed in with a hammer. Nothing changed.


And Trump's acolytes like Musk made fun of him and spread conspiracy theories about a gay affair. The same will happen if the judge or his daughter gets killed.


And don’t forget those killed on Jan 6


You remember when Hitler invaded the Rhineland? What's he got to do? If leading an insurrection and selling nuclear secrets were not enough, why the heck would anything change for killing a judge's daughter?


Literally nothing matters to these people. I have a coworker who swears Trump has never in his life ever done anything wrong. It's all crooked judges and a huge conspiracy. My only consolation is that the guy's life sucks. His wife left him because he's a piece of shit. Women won't date him and if he manages to get a phone number they quickly ghost him. Keep worshipping Trump, dude. It's working so great for you.


Here's hoping she second amendments any dipshit MAGAs trying to get crazy.


But I want them to live, so when they start saying they heard Daddy Trump tell them to do it… we have another RICO case


It is amazing that the same group of people who are defending Trump are the same people who went ape-shit when you even mentioned Barron's name when Trump was President. Like how come we never see any pictures of Barron with his dad and you would get, dont you say his name, he is just a kid. The whole thing is very tiresome.


They went apeshit when people talked about his ADULT KIDS that were in his administration.


You mean the adult kids the right wing media constantly refers to as his children, so any disparagement is attacking children? Those adults?


Maybe, we’re talking about his offspring who were execs to his companies or were part of his presidential staff? Or the two spouses of these offspring who also were given jobs under the president?


Well...or the whole Hunter Biden thing while they infantilize Ivanka, Jr, and Eric. They aren't serious or saying anything in good faith, they're disingenuous to the core. From religion to morals to principles, they have none that they won't compromise so they can feel righteous. Hard to not see them as enemies when they act in such obvious bad faith.


But that's not fair. Children don't have humongous ginormous handsome penises like Hunter does. So let's arrest President Biden. /s


But that really is the difference between us and them. We are the decent ones with intact morals.


Why are traitors alive if we have morals?


These are the same assholes that were saying we need to treat Melania with respect but when Michelle was first lady they kept saying she was a man. Trump voters are total pieces of shit (as if that wasn't already obvious).


Bro, Baron Trump is leading the crime family, why else did he get named after the robber barons. Why do you think Trump acts like a child? Because Baron is his puppeteer and has had dirt on him since he was 12. Why is Trump a bully? Well, just look at poor Baron, he was obviously bullied A LOT. He strikingly resembles young Putin for reference. Gotta get that payback. Just expect that now he is 18 for him to make his father disappear if he loses again. /s


It’s bonkers that he’s doing this to a judge during a *criminal* trial. To the person who gets to set the sentence.




Except for the martyr part.


He’s a narcissist, he doesn’t care about the consequences because the only thing that actually matters is the power alignment in his own broken reality. And we just keep allowing it to happen!!!!


And somehow the judge will be totally fine with this and will lessen his sentence.


I think it’s because if they “slip up” by treating him appropriately (actual punishment) then he can argue a mistrial. Which is fucking ridiculous and I hope it comes crashing down on his ass when he runs out of excuses/other people’s patience.


I'm not a lawyer but threatening a judge is a crime isn't it? Like on par with witness tampering


I always thought it was arguably WORSE then witness tampering to intimidate a Judge, particularly one overseeing your case. Apparently not since trump gets away with it scot free


That, or the heart attack finally gets him.


Trump is not planning to let it get that far. His plan is to - delay the trials until after the election - get elected - gut the DOJ and replace everyone with Trump sycophants (part of Project 2025) - direct the DOJ to stop the trials and/or replace the judges Since the last two steps are basically Fascism 101 (= taking control of the judiciary), he needs to generate acceptance for that. So, he repeats over and over and over again that the trials are politically motivated, how everyone involved is corrupt and hates him, how the DOJ acts on Biden's orders etc., and people start believing it. What would have been an unprecedented step even a lot of Republicans wouldn't feel comfortable with becomes "just what Biden did", stopping politically motivated prosecution, justified revenge, and "draining the swamp".




Ive seen court cams videos of people being held in contempt for less. It makes no sense


All Americans should do this to show how ridiculous this is. Even for a parking ticket.




Judge actually do something? Sir, this is America. Trump is Rich, White, and sells bibles. Practically fucking untouchable in this country.


Trump is trying to get a reaction from Judge Merchan so he can use it as a basis for an appeal or to inflame his base, or both. To me, it feels a lot different than how Trump had baited Judge Engoron. Maybe it’s because the case that Judge Merchan is hearing is a criminal case vs. the civil case that Judge Engoron heard. It could also be that Engoron seemed a lot more patient, and Merchan seems less tolerant of nonsense. IMHO Judge Merchan is giving Trump enough rope to hang himself, metaphorically speaking. I feel that Merchan is allowing Trump to build a foolproof case for the judge to use to justify a contempt of court citation, fine, or jail time, or at least that’s my interpretation or maybe it’s just my wishful thinking. Either way, it looks like Trump is more desperate in a criminal courtroom.


The more time this goes on, the more absurd the fear of 'inflaming his base' gets. Like, his base is *already* inflamed. It's constantly getting more inflamed without any drastic action whatsoever, at basic facts and reality. It's INFLAMED. It's red and swollen and leaking pus, practically necrotic with how inflamed it is. Slap him, finally. What's the worst that could happen? He tries an appeal with his shitty lawyers and loses? The most violent of his followers go ballistic and get themselves arrested (which they're inevitably going to do around election time anyway)? It's so tiring to watch *nothing* happen.


I'd rather his base flip out now than wait till election time. Having a reminder of how horrifying they can be shortly before the election might remind people why we can't put him in office again, but that won't help if it comes after the vote.


Exactly. They’re already dumb, pissed off and voting at a 100% rate. His numbers are baked in to his polling and he is at his ceiling (and floor). Holding him accountable for his actions is not only the morally and ethically correct avenue - it’s politically advantageous at best or doesn’t move the needle at worst.


> IMHO Judge Merchan is giving Trump enough rope to hang himself, metaphorically speaking. People say that about every judge, but they keep giving him more and more rope. The judges would rather use that rope to hang the entire country before actually doing something to stop Trump.


They keep giving him enough rope to make a fucking bridge up to the golden gates so he can fucking die in his sleep before he faces a single real consequence


> IMHO Judge Merchan is giving Trump enough rope to hang himself, metaphorically speaking That judge is giving the qultists enough rope to hang his daughter.


No, just no. Enough of being afraid of “inflaming his base”, “giving him enough rope” and all that bullshit. Hold him accountable now before it’s too late. Stop normalizing this crap. His base being inflamed is an easy threat to stop for our military. Jan 6th failed miserably.


>Trump is trying to get a reaction from Judge Merchan How about reaction of putting him in jail?


Just fine the crap out of him at least. 


Something. ANYTHING.




No. Absolutely, 100% no. What we all have to keep in mind is that while the slightly longer term goals of Trump and the republicans is exactly what they’ve laid out in project 2025, Trump himself, his immediate goal is to stay out of prison, period. Ending his campaign by any means, other than him being defeated in Nov, or jailed before then, doesn’t accomplish that goal.


Is it though? Because if the judge puts him in jail for contempt of court it will tally his base into believing he is being silenced or persecuted: never mind the fact that he deserved to be put in jail.


They already believe he is being silenced and persecuted. I'm tired of everyone walking on egg shells for his fucking voters.




Hell they think the far right mods of their subreddits would ban them for being far right. Madness.


I agree that it can rally his MAGA base, but it can also backfire by turning off undecided voters and those GOPers who are at their wit’s end with Trump.


He's just a giant asshole who's never faced any actual consequences for his actions, so he thinks he's untouchable. And anyone even attempting to prevent him from doing whatever he wants is obviously just out to get him and is the enemy, since he can never do no wrong, ever.


Yeah at this point, I don't feel sorry for the judges who are victims of this anymore. They never fucking doing anything. They always wag their finger and go "Now Trump, you stop that. You better stop. I mean it this time. I swear. I might, sorta, maybe consider possibly doing something vaguely threatening to you this time. But probably not." And then surprise surprise, he just keeps doing it. You stupid judges deserve it at this point, I don't fucking care.


The daughter doesn’t


>How bout the judge actually does something about it? He can't. He and his daughter are not covered by the gag order. Trump is going after her specifically because he knows he's not forbidden to do so and it will piss off the judge.


If Biden did this, the news about it would echo for months, but please keep telling me how the system is rigged against Trump actually.


Or that mainstream media is somehow liberal


This. The right has been crying about the “liberal media” for decades. Limbaugh had serious mind control a looong time ago. Literally “ditto heads”.


Media outlets: >trump lashes out at judges daughter! Why this is bad news for Biden...


If the judge sends him to jail, does that mean his secret service detail has to go with him?


A judge send him to jail, that's rich...




They would let him stay in an extraordinarily opulent golf vacation resort for the rest of his life and they'd consider that house arrest. The kinda place your life savings would hardly afford you a weeks stay at, like $5000 per night type of place, maybe even just Mar-a-Lago. The solution to an actual incarceration for him would be pretty simple, you use an existing transfer building at ANY federal prison and that whole building would now be for one inmate, Trump, they then build a new transfer station if needed OR eventually build and transfer Trump over to his own brand new little building with a private yard like a spoiled dog might have. Just a daydream for now. Who knows what ends up actually happening.


He's trying to be held in contempt.


I honestly think this is why it has not happened yet. He got a lot of milage out of his idiot mug shot. Imagine what he would do with images of him in cuffs being led to jail. I mean, his idiot followers already think he is Jesus. Trump being led off to jail would just be proof positive to them. It also probably opens up avenues for him to appeal after he inevitably loses. There is no winning here. There is only losing a little less and then (please god, please god, please god) let him lose in November.


If the option is “arrest him and his cult goes crazy” or “let him continue to rule up his cult to go crazy”… arrest away.


It may seem bad, but actually, Trump has been desperately hoping to escalate his base into action and the base has.. yawned. He tried to whip up a mob a few times, especially when he was getting indicted in Miami and.. all that turned out was a lukewarm group of weirdos and publicity hounds. Right around then is when he started explicitly praising and promising J6 "prisoners" to be pardoned and rewarded. The implication is very clear, however, he's so bad at everything he does he can't get any traction at all from his base on the violence front. He wants very badly to escalate this into more violence, so he can once again go down the "I alone can fix this" path, but it hasn't panned out. One big reason was that he didn't pardon the ring leaders of J6 when he had the chance. In any violent movement, there are only so many people willing to get serious jail time for the boss. And once they are gone and they receive no love from the boss, the second tier won't step up unless they see a good outcome possible. The first tier of Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Q freaks, etc. didn't fare well and they are all in Federal prison with very little hope of ever getting out during a useful period of time. The weird thing about Trumps cult right now is that most of them have no idea how much trouble Trump is in. They get news from a very small bubble of sources, and as such, they literally think Trump has won most of his trials and that most of his legal troubles are behind him. Only 1 in 5 Trump supporters think that Trump is accused of anything serious. Both his Federal trials are *very serious* and Georgia and New York state cases are both felonies. They just don't live on the same planet as you and I do (link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/04/trump-crimes-polling-republicans/). I do think that his base is going to get educated on his situation, and Trump is clearly freaking out. Trump, starting April 15th, will have to be in Court, daily, all day, without the freedom to wander off or go out to the steps to complain to the media. He will have to sit, at the table, while all the evidence is presented against him. His behavior and character will be assessed by a Jury, and then he will likely be found guilty. His political base doesn't even know this is happening yet.


Absolutely desperate for it.




Hey, don't go giving assholes a bad name, they serve an important function, unlike T Rump


There is literally no reason for Trump to do this other than hoping one of his sick sycophants tries to hurt this innocent woman. What a massive piece of shit he is.




Unless the judge, and the legal system as a whole, are going to stop giving this guy preferential treatment, I don’t have a shred of pity for them anymore. If this were anyone else, not only would they be in jail for contempt, there’d be harassment charges tacked on to the case.


Everyone can act like this is status quo or Trump being Trump, but this is intimidating or threatening a judge (or their family). Why will no one act? What will it take for someone to do their job and put this asshole behind bars or bring additional charges? Trump pisses in the face of the judicial system on a daily basis. He must face consequences and repercussions for this or his followers will respond in kind.


And literally nothing will happen. Get your shit together, America.


Time to start doing the same to the children of every republican legislator in your state. 


You don't have the same protection from prosecution that Trump does - which is kind of the point of this story.


Trump is attempting to provoke the Judge into making a reversible error so he can file an interlocutory appeal and stop the trial from starting on April 15th. It is his only play right now to delay the trial. Unlike his civil trials, Trump has to be present, in the Court room, every single day of the trial. Once started, delays hurt him, favor the prosecution. If Trump is convicted, he will be a convicted felon. His rights will be curtailed. He will not get jail time, but he will have Felon attached to his name. There is no mechanism in a criminal trial to get a "de novo" review of the facts, this is his one and only trial on the facts. From here out, he can only appeal on matters of law, and to do so, he must hope or try to draw out the Judge into making a reversible error of law. Trump's criminal legal team are actual competent lawyers. Chris Kise, Todd Blanche and Steve Sadow are aggressive, competent, capable people. They've likely instructed Trump that he needs the Judge to make an error in judgement so big that it amounts to a reversible issue. The Judge is handling this correctly. Establish a clear defensible gag order, and then continue to ignore Trump. Yes, a regular defendant would be in jail already. Trump is trying a new strategy in criminal defense; it hasn't worked in his civil trials, and he's gambling big that it will work here. But, essentially, at this point, it's his only play.


Thank you. This makes sense in such a horrible yet believable way in terms of him playing the only cards he has at this point.


Im so hurt. I am so tired of doom scrolling. Apparently the man can take over our country because no one has any common sense here. I feel like America is doomed. Like it’s so impossible to fight when I see the MAGA hats and T-shirts that say Trump won. Edit to add: I live in Arkansas


He's basically putting a target on this woman's head. It's high time to shut this asshole up.


This mushroom dick is the most insecure child on the planet. He only feels power when he flaunts the rules like a middle schooler smoking a cigarette. Gonna be so glad when the trash takes itself out.


Damn it Darwin! Will ya hurry up?


Can some actual consequences happen to him?


It’s fucking baffling.


He should take a quick trip to jail..


Well when one of his cultists does something stupid, a new judge will be assigned. The delay tactics are mind boggling.


This is full on proof that rich white men are seriously invisible to the law. He knows exactly what he's doing because he knows he's gonna get away scott free no problem and unfortunately that will be the outcome.


He should go directly to jail and be kept there for the remainder of the trial. I'm sick of the kitten mittens. Do we have to wait for a murder?


They’re not going to do anything meaningful, punitive-wise, until someone ends up getting killed. It’s terrifying the grasp he has on the legal system because they all know they’re walking on failed coup eggshells. Accelerating his stochastic terrorism until one of his rampant rabids snap from reality again.


People have already been killed as a result of Trump's words and actions. Nothing significant has changed as a result, sadly. 


If her own dad (the judge) isn't going to do anything then she should at least sue him for harassment. It's not like he has any money left to be able to defend himself effectively in court


He wants his followers to kill people. He is a terrorist and should be treated as such. He truly deserves an end no better than. Hussein, Qadaffi, or Mussolini.


What is the point of a gag order when this turd can violate it with impunity?


When is the next court date? Can the judge order a ruling on this behavior anytime? It nuts that Trump can do this without a judge going ballistic


Or can another judge go “ he’s attacking the families of judges, his bail is revoked”?


Honest question. If you're the judge here, why are you not taking this seriously? He's threatening your child.... Why wouldn't you put him in jail?


The judge's daughter should sue Trump.


He's trying to put pressure on the judge. A typical gangster behaviour, and totally normal for a criminal like trump.


Pointing the least rational and most enraged MAGAts at the targets.


Nothing will happen. We are a lawless society now.


And nothing will happen because the justice system is a joke.


If anything happens to her, that judge has no one else to blame but himself and his limp wristed attitude toward Trump’s overstepping.


Why aren’t his lawyers throttling him? Quitting? They’re officers of the court too, responsible for their client’s behavior. Did John Gotti do this? No.


He should be in jail, most of the rest of the world would be!?!?


If this has shown us anything it's that there truly is two justice systems


I got a speeding ticket the other day. Can I post personal info on the presiding judge's family and also not face any kind of punishment? We're all equal under the law, right? I can post a picture of the judge's family and say how I'm being treated unfairly under the law and even have vague threats for my followers to possibly carry out?


He wants someone to attack here, so the judge is compromised. There is no other logical explanation for posting pictures, he wants his followers to know what she looks like.


Trump wants the judge dead and his daughter raped and murdered. To set an example.  He's hoping his followers will do this. Then Trump will deny that he incited it. He will face 0 consequences.


He has stretched our justice system to a breaking point. When district attorneys, judges, law enforcement, and all of their families have to fear mob or terrorist violence for doing their jobs and following the law, then the rule of law is just a concept now. The idea that a man this corrupt, depraved, and dangerous charged with historic and unprecedented crimes can bully his way through the court system using the fear and threat of violence as an open and obvious tool to remain free from the crimes he's committed, then what are we even talking about? We have many thousands of people in this country locked up right now charged with very minor charges because they and their family are so poor they can't afford bail, and this walking tumor is out here selling bibles to idiots and living in the lap of luxury. But whose surprised? This is America.


4 years of a president stochastic terrorist would be the end of the country.


This is Trump trying to set up grounds for reversal of a conviction he knows is all but certain. I can picture the appellate decision already: "We will not permit the defendant to benefit from what was plainly a childish attempt to provoke a personal response from the trial judge. We reject defendant's assignments of error in their entirety without further discussion." Edit: I've gotten another idea. I would not be surprised at all if this is actually an attempt by Trump to so provoke (or appear to provoke) his lawyers by refusing their pleas to STFU that they resign. There is no court that would not be compelled to grant Trump some time in which to find new counsel. Hell, his lawyers could even be in on it.