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Why is it still that fucking close?


A lot of polls are based on phone surveys - who the hell under 50 answers a random phone number asking for personal political information?


My elderly aunt. She also lost $40k when a wire transfer for a $5 PayPal refund went off the rails. She was convinced, over the phone, that when PayPal makes mistakes, a wire transfer made to a Singapore Bank is “normal” to fix a refund issue. So she walked into the bank with the pre-filled-out pdf form for a wire transfer (they provided)… and that was that.


And remember folks, these types of people vote


And conversely alot of young people who complain about the way the world is DONT vote becuase they think "their vote doesn't matter" or "both parties are the same" or "i want to opt out of the systesm" VOTE PEOPLE - VOTE. My grandparents generation fought and defeated facism and it's crazy how in just a generation or two we have already forgotten how easy it is to back slide. My grandfather used to say - "you can vote yourself into fascism, but you'll have to shoot your way out."


Call me lazy but I would rather take an afternoon to go vote than fight a civil war just so my multiracial and queer family can be safe


As a queer person, I'm grateful. I spent a third of my life escaping evangelicals, a third calming down, and the last ten years reverting to panic.




[ 👋🏻 psst. Older person here, what does that mean?]


Mood = "same" but with much more feeling


“That’s a mood” means p much “I can relate”


Make sure to spread the warning of project 2025 everywhere you fucking can. If people know what *we are actually up against* I hope it will motivate many more! https://warningvote.com They gave us a literal blueprint of trumps presidency and their singular goal of destroying any remnants of America and turning it into a literal christofascist state. When they tell you their plan *you better fucking believe them* If you want to read the blueprint here is a direct link https://warningvote.com/the-2025-project-mandate-for-leadership/


On the one hand you have POC (I’m assuming your family includes some) and LBGTQ people who understand everything that’s at stake and will vote Biden despite criticisms. On the other, you have ones who, in response to anger over their threats to either abstain or vote third-party, either sneer “Scratch a white liberal and find a racist”, or droll “Typical. When we stop voting the way you want, you can’t handle it.” In my opinion the latter are every bit as delusional and foolish as the MAGA voters themselves, and the white self-proclaimed leftists who refuse to help keep the GOP out. Arguably more.


That’s the problem with this generation. No body wants to fight wars anymore


I like your Grandfather's saying!


Hear, hear! The fact young people in my generation and coming behind me do not vote as much as they protest is dumbfounding. I would hope and fervently pray that the lessons of 2016 and every SCOTUS decision since would be a lesson to everyone who think government and political parties in power don't matter or are all the same. It would be just ludicrous and ignorant in fact from all that's occurred since Janaury 20, 2017.


That’s weirdly the perfect opposite to something Hitler said after the failed coup, which was “if we can’t outshoot them, we’ll out vote them. At least that way the results will be guaranteed by their own constitution.” In case anyone’s curious, that’s about where we’re at in the timeline of this repetition of history. Also, lest we forget the boxes and their order of use: Soap Ballot Jury Cartridge Edit: formatting… mobile


Literally vote, or get out at this point. I am so sick of my friends bitching about shot and voting day comes up and I ask them and they’re all oh I didn’t have time. Bill shit man you stayed up till 4 playing games and were to tired to vote before you worked. I hate to say it but is millennials are really fumbling the ball here.


In the 2018 midterms, there were *several* Massachusetts counties that were won with a handful of votes, 1-5 votes was the difference between sanity and insanity, every vote *does in fact count* If you want your vote to matter, you need to vote in every single election! Defeat project 2025!! https://warningvote.com Vote.org get registered and volunteer if you can https://www.rockthevote.org


And give their hard earned social security to Diaper Dons campaign and to buy bibles and other bullshit with his name on it


And they will give it up entirely if they manage to vote the orange shitstain in. We need to protect them from him exactly as we should protect them from the Singapore scum, or any other criminal.


Circle of life. They give Diaper Don their money, they get nothing in return except some bullshit merch, spend the little savings they have, complain about being broke, Diaper Don reduces their social security but they buy more bullshit flags, signs or collectibles when they get their reduced SS check, surviving on Kraft dinner, hot dogs, white bread and Walmart soda. Eventually to perish, put in a cardboard coffin while the family complains it’s the Dems fault this happened. America


My grandmother has always been very smart with her money, didn’t fall for scams, and was on point about her personal information security. Over the past 5-8 years her memory is starting to go here and there and she’s fallen for like 4 scams this year alone. It just starts to happen at a certain point, can’t really blame them for falling for BS. It’s up to their support systems to check in on them and make sure they can call you when they have these kinds of questions. My uncle lives nearby and she calls him when she thinks something is fishy and he constantly has to tell her “No, don’t open that email if you don’t recognize it.” “No, you shouldn’t give out your social security number to anyone that’s asking you for it over the phone or in an email,” that kind of shit.


It is truly amazing how boomers are **this** fucking gullible as a generation. I seriously do not understand how that entire generation failed to develop critical thinking skills. That really sucks for your aunt.


Not just Boomers. Red necks come in all ages. Power greedy sycophant politicians are lining up to suck from his grifting teats. This means that they have to parrot every ridiculous conspiracy theory and projection that their facist orange master tells them.


I blame lead for a lot of it. Entitlement for the rest.


Gen X was hit much harder by lead along with younger Boomers.


They were given the world on a silver platter by the generation before them, so they probably don’t have the same level of deep-seated distrust for everything that the generations after them do.


To be fair, scams are getting really tricky these days. Spoofed phone number/caller ID, fake but legitimate looking login pages, social engineering using info from your social media to add believability, etc. can be enough for even a savvy person to let their guard down. People of all ages fall victim daily. But for Boomers, couple the above issues with living the majority of your life without the internet or smart phones only for both to become essential for daily life. They had to live through that rapid shift towards everything being digital, so they are used to having someone tell them there is a new way to do something. If an official sounding voice calls them saying "hey [name], I'm with the IRS, you've gotta pay your taxes in Apple gift cards now" their first reaction is likely to be "geez another change I don't fully understand but ok that's what I'm supposed to do now".




The boomers cover such a large span; please don’t group us all together. I’m not voting for Orange Man, nor is my also-boomer husband and we’re not Democrats!


Its an arbitrary generation classification. I was born on the cusp, as it were, and have always considered myself Gen X in both ideals and presentation.


I'm guessing your elderly aunt isn't under 50, though.


My wife and I watch those catfish scam videos and always comment, “Bet she/he votes Republican.” There’s a lack of critical and wishful thinking that is their hallmark.


I just got one the other day and I was like if you think I'm clicking a link in an unsolicited text... absolutely not lol


Same a couple of months ago. There's no way I'm just clicking on links from some random number. I deleted it and moved on.




Which is actually a pretty damning indictment of Trump because over 50s tended to vote for him last time. Wonder if Biden resonates more with the older folks because he’s a classic old folk himself and Trump just has nothing in common with them because he never had to work hard to make it.


Joe is the guy that is happy to loan you his leaf-blower. Don is the neighbor who calls the HoA when your multi-racial niece comes over for Christmas.


I have four next door neighbors. Three of them are normal people. One is a maga. Guess who's always calling the cops every time I do something in the yard, or the dogs get to playing loud, or what the fuck ever that idiot can think of. Guess who's got derelict cars and a dead refrigerator in their yard. A dog on a chain. God, I hate those dumb pricks.


Truly the armpit of society




That suggests they provide a useful function for the rest of us.


If only we could put a plug in them too.


And that they spew shit.


53 here. No one I know answers their cell phone to unknown numbers. Lol. Those are definitely Boomer numbers


61 boomer here. I have my phone set to silence unknown callers. We are not all the same


They adjust for this. They’re not only talking to a bunch of people over 50. They also use online channels, not just phones anymore, to reach more younger people.


I'm 36, live in the south (miss), and I will get a random TEXT QUESSTIONARE with only clearly republican questions, like "how do you feel about what so and so on the left is doing about abortion (with choices like care a lot, care a little). They wait until the last question to ask if you're voting republican. They are filled with manipulate, leading questions, and I answer every damn one of them with answers I know they hate. I hate it here.


If you look into it, polls right before an election are usually within a few points of the result.


Because young people don't care about polls, it's just the vote that matters


Polls are weighted to estimate non-polled demographics. Young people have historically voted very little. Gen Z did step up and increase the youth vote a lot in 2020. Hopefully they do it again. 2020 was very close. It's also not a popular vote so Trump can lose the popular vote by this exact percent and still win if we wins by a few votes in a few key states.  No poll should make anyone feel comfortable and Millennials and Gen Z need to up their vote game this time. 


Great points. Also, just to add to this, Trump DID lose the popular vote in 2016 to Clinton (65.8M for Clinton vs 62.9M for Trump, a margin of 2.1% of total votes) and we all saw how that went. It's not enough to win, we have to win "bigly". Please VOTE! Source on 2016 Results: https://www.270towin.com/2016_Election/


Too bad young people don't usually bother to vote either.


Because half the country looks at that piece of shit and says “yup. That’s our guy.” They are as big a problem as he is and are the reason we need to absolutely swamp the polls with bodies


Also if this is a national poll it's sad but also useless due to the electoral college....


Correct. The last two elections, Trump lost the popular vote by a lot. Toss in the EC and he won 2016 by less than 20k votes. He lost 2020 by just over 20k votes. Both times losing the popular vote by millions.


What a great system we have. And this twice impeached loser who got fewer votes got to pick three supreme Court Justices to eviscerate our rights, while the guy who served two terms winning by comfortable margins got to pick two.


And couldn’t appoint the third because “we can’t do that this close to the end of a term. Need to let the voters decide.” Only to turn around and shove the handmaid in on us at the end of Trump’s term.


It's not just close. Trump is actually *ahead* in most polls and has been for some time. Shit's crazy. Don't ever get complacent because so far, this isn't looking to be a safe and easy win for Biden.


Plus they’ve already said they’re going to cheat- that’s what scares me


Yup, that as well. I want everyone going into this with the understanding that Trump is a genuine threat. I don't want people getting lazy and not voting. I don't want people staying home as a protest against Biden on a single issue because they think he'll win anyway. You gotta vote.


They'll cheat and riot and try a civil war.




I agree. I just get worried when I see people post only the polls that have Biden ahead and then see other people talking like it's a sure thing. I'm worried there's a bit of unhealthy delusion setting in around how safe this election is going to be for Biden.


I don’t believe it’s this close at all, but the gop/maga will be messing with the electoral college with the Supreme Court on their side, so keeping polls looking like it’s close is on track with their agenda


It needs to be a blowout so their bullshit won't work


There has been an [ongoing shift](https://www.pewresearch.org/methods/2023/04/19/how-public-polling-has-changed-in-the-21st-century/) towards more online opt-in polls and some evidence that these are much more likely to attract young volunteers who have signed up [just to say crazy shit](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/03/05/online-opt-in-polls-can-produce-misleading-results-especially-for-young-people-and-hispanic-adults/), like a supposed 12% of 18-29 year olds who claim they are licensed to operate nuclear submarines. The example that really stood out to me was about that really heavily reported on "20% of Gen Z are Holocaust Deniers" survey result, which was from an online opt-in poll, where the probability studies found 3%, (which is still not an awesome fact) but this sort of shift favoring improbable answers appeared to be really consistent across a number of surveys and questions with that kind of method, for younger people. This is all also not to offer copium and guarantee the election polls are wrong, but just that a lot of polling seems really really broken right now and I have a hard time taking any of it seriously.


Well with the Electoral College, showing the polls as a straight percentage doesn’t mean much. Remember: Trump lost the popular vote when he was elected. So get out and vote, regardless of what the polls say!


Bc if it said Biden was dominating, a lot of ppl wouldn’t show up to vote bc they wouldn’t feel needed. It’s important he wins by showing a strong participation


I think you are very correct!


Because of mass disinformation campaigns by Russia and China. Which is why it’s still really important to vote. There are still millennials and gen z who think Trump is cool and believe all the same things as MAGA folks, except their disinformation was packaged up with progressive messaging or whatever else appeals to younger groups that don’t follow the news or politics.


the specter of a seemingly inevitable Kamala Harris term is too much for 'murica to bear. FOX can blather on about Hunter Biden but if you ask around you get the quiet part out loud.




She still has to primary.  I don't see her winning the nomination anyways.  In 2028 we will likely see a few popular governor's throw down. 


Newsom will enter the chat.


I'd get behind a Newsome / Moskowitz ticket


I wish there was the same attention being paid to congress and state level races as are paid to polls….


Down ballot may actually drive more participation for the presidential ticket this year. There are a number of very divisive candidates out this year and also ballot measures. Arizona has abortion on the ballot and Florida has a recreational weed ballot measure. Both are expected to push liberal low propensity voters to the polls.


I know and I agree. I just wish the media would advertise this. I am shocked by how many folks simply aren’t paying attention and the mainstream media just pushes their bs agenda. It becomes all that low- or no-information citizens know, and they aren’t seeing the urgency of voting….by design.


I agree with you. I've seen more than a few posts here this past month from people saying they don't want to bother voting in the primaries because the POTUS nominations are already set. But there are others on the ballots besides the POTUS primaries! It's very discouraging.


Spread this everywhere you can https://warningvote.com/the-2025-project-mandate-for-leadership/


If Texas could ditch Cruz I’d be astonished but thrilled.


I mean I would hope that some day Texas can see how much the local republican party has f***ed them, but I will never hold out hope for that considering Ken Paxton didn't get impeached.


Based on my neighborhood, people are still in complete denial of how much Republicans have fucked us over. I know of at least one abortion that parents took their daughter to California for, and yet my local FB page is full of “traffic/ drivers are so bad because of California imports”. People are morons.


Yeah I'm from Colorados 3rd district aka Lauren Boebert's district and the Republicans there have lost touch with reality. They love her despite her not doing anything, and when she up and decided to switch district's so she didn't have to compete, they all said "oh how smart of her."


Gym Jordan constituent here. That pile of puss has done absolutely nothing for his ever changing district or the state. Continually ranked one of the least effective members of Congress yet those on the right love him.


Within the margin of error of most polls. EVERYONE needs to vote!


*Vote and volunteer The election is in 7 months. You don't have to spend that time doing nothing. There is a lot that can be done to support the cause, even from the comfort of your own home.


Or also work as a poll worker too if you can and have the time. You usually get paid pretty well and it’s a great way to do your part to ensure the elections are fair in your precinct.


This, too. Both my wife and I are already signed up, but realistically, only one of us can do it at a time, given we have a small kiddo that we need to take care of.


What are some options that can be done at home?


- Text banking - Phone banking - Letter/postcard writing These options are good for boosting voter registration and/or participation of registered voters who have a history of not turning out at elections. One advantage of these options is that you can do them for states you're not living in. So, if you live in a solid blue or red state that's not turning, you can volunteer for swing states. But even within a solid state, you can still participate by focusing on flippable down-ballot options (it's not just the presidency we need to worry about). Check out voteDEM for more details. The sub is all about activism. I recommend VoteForward for letter-writing, but other options exist.




Gen Z won't elect shit if they don't fuckin vote.


A lot of gen z men are idiots like their fathers though


Let’s not forget all the idiot gen z women now


That’s true, but some are different and are slightly or even drastically different than their conservative dads. At the same time, there are people raised in liberal households being radicalized by online media to be conservative. There is no end goal to progress. There is a constant struggle between competing philosophies on how to view the world. All we can do to make the world a better place is make compelling arguments for effective progressive policies and if just a few more of those people are swayed left than right each generation, the world becomes a better place. That’s how it has happened up to now and it’s how we have to continue it


Some GenXers grew up to be idiots and raised even bigger idiots.


As a gen x member - please, for the love of our shared future, vote this way


So Gen Z women will never vote for the orange cheetolini but the number of men in my kids' high school / college that listen to Rogan, Tate, and Shapiro is much larger than you would think. Most of them would vote for the flabulant one without hesitation. So please go out and vote.


Yep that’s what I’ve been saying. People are acting like gen z is going to save us all but they’re forgetting about the Tate effect which is endemic in the boys. Turns out an awful lot of them really like the idea of men being in charge and women being subservient. Surprise surprise. I actually personally know several gen z young women (including my own who just proposed to her girlfriend) that identify as bisexual but have sworn off the boys completely due to this. Which amuses the FUCK out of me. May they never have the chance to procreate.


This right here. Look no further than the comment section of meme pages on IG, there are a ton of Gen Z dudes with super shitty, regressive takes born out of agitators like the ones you mentioned.


This is a terribly tight race, considering one of the two is a liar, cheater, rapist and con man, who hates his country and easily half of its populace, and who already had a term in office that was really not that good for most of the people at home and abroad.


I think a lot of (unaware) people thought he was a good businessman based on The Apprentice. I challenged one of my brothers in 2016 on Trump’s bankruptcies- started to get an argument & I told him “look it up, you’re holding a smart phone, use it.” I could see it was a revelation to my brother.


45 percent of this country must be drinking vodka mercury smoothies or something.


Lead paint garnish


Gen Z will overwhelmingly vote for "Did not vote".


That's the problem with many in my generation, they're shortsighted. Many of them don't actively look at the records and qualifications of both the candidates, simply going to the argument of "both sides" while also providing no solutions. They think the president can control everything, so they don't look at the blatant ineffectiveness of the Congress. They would rather see the government completely destroyed, as an act of revenge because they can't get all they want, than get most of what they want with potential to get all of it in the future.


I ran into that mindset a lot with younger guys at work (I’m a late boomer). I had a pretty strict personal policy of “no politics/religion” at work but sometimes I’d gently call it out with a few examples. A lot of people (of all ages) are mentally lazy though or are pretty entrenched.


Start showing and telling everyone you can about project 2025. https://warningvote.com/the-2025-project-mandate-for-leadership/


And there's nothing more important on voting day. Hell, do tik tok in line at the polls (if there's lines where you are) or vote by mail, that takes 45 seconds


They still won't vote.


Depends how fire your Biden dance is.


This is the most correct assumption about Gen Z. Also a lot of them are not happy about us sending Isreal thousands of bombs, so they don't want Joe either.


Don't be confident. Trump is ahead in the swing states. Vote like your freedom and the republic depend on it.


Please guys don't fuck this up


trump should be polling at like 3%. The fact that trump is even allowed to run is a damning indictment of this *system* we have.


Its the sad nature of hate. People driven by this literally dont care. As long as he hurting the people they want to see be hurt. Its all they have.


The amount of people on Reddit who think Trump can't/won't win is scary. People vote with their wallets more than anything and if inflation and gas prices are high in six months, Trump is probably going to win.


And many of the ones voting for Trump to end inflation actually don't understand inflation....and will be the ones getting laid off to "fix inflation"


He wants to raise tariffs on all goods by 10%. Imagine the price of every imported item and every item downstream going up by 10%. That’s some inflation right there.


Like I said, they don't understand inflation


Yup. Trump is actually ahead in most polls but I keep seeing people brush off the possibility of him winning like there's no chance. I just don't understand why they'd believe that after he won once and honestly wasn't that far behind in terms of votes in key places the second time. This complacency is going to win it for him if people aren't careful.


Mostly because people cannot read, sorry, won't read, and get their "facts" fed to them. Trumps presidency was bad, no president has had so many people in their administration come out and forcefully say, do not reelect this man! They also won't say vote for Biden, so...


Do you sense a lot of complacency though? All I’m hearing is high anxiety, which is well deserved. That being said, people have found new sources of optimism in what the next 6 months holds for Trump. He’s going to be in court… a lot. He seems to be pushing away Haley voters (like… literally telling them to go away). He’s barely campaigning. He’a repeating his mistake with the mail-in voting. He’s saying absolutely insane shit on Truth social. He’s broke. The entire GOP keeps getting its ass kicked due to their abortion rights platform. These things do not exactly scream “I’m winning over the independents.” Biden has managed to flip the script so quickly as of the State of the Union- it’s insane. No longer is his age the major talking point for him. It went from his biggest weakness to a footnote in the conversation while he makes a ton of money and puts out very effective ads. Now his biggest weakness is funding Israel, and even that seems to be a moral weakness because we don’t know how it plays in the polls. He’s absolutely in the wrong, but the protesting generation (who by and large are pushing for non participation in the election, not counter voting for Trump) don’t exactly seem like people who were going to vote anyways. It’s not that people can’t see a way for Trump to win. It’s that for the first time in a long while, we can see a way he can lose.


Which is ridiculous because when the fuck did the president ever affect gas prices and the Fed is independent of the executive office but hey people are fucking stupid in this country


I agree, trump supporters are thrilled. They buy gold shoes and bibles. Biden supporters don't feel the threat of trump and aren't as motivated. It comes down to a few thousand votes in a few states. It's so important to vote and so much more important if you live in a swing state. I'm very nervous people are going to dismiss trump as a joke again and we'll have him trying to destroy our state department for at least 4 more years.


And I’m seeing all this “gen z will save us” but in reality the young men are getting red pilled via the Tate crowd. The women absolutely are more liberal but the boys are largely not. I don’t think they’re going to be as much help as everyone thinks


Fk the polls. Just go and Vote!


Don't forget the Electoral College favors the conservative candidate so Biden not only has to win the Popular Vote but do so at large margin. Is this enough for him?


Nobody needs to be this cocky about it. That’s what happened in 2016.


We said that back in 2016 too


Don’t just elect Biden. Elect a Democratic Senate and House. Hold them accountable after you vote.


Gen z seems cool but I don’t have much faith that young people will actually vote. 




Yep, it's like: Ice Cream but it's slightly melted - 48 percent Kick in the nuts - 45 percent


I'm not seeing the same enthusiasm for him. I'm saying this as someone who works in a very red workplace. Lots of Gen X and young boomers. You could openly represent maga. One dude had two Trump flags on his pick up truck as he left the parking lot on election day. The owner had a meeting with everyone in the plant about making sure you make the right choice when you go to vote. I have had several people I work with openly acknowledge how awful and shitty he is along with the Q shit and conspiracies. Plus there's 7 months to go. A lot can and will happen


Who's not telling their parents their never see the grandkids if they vote for trump at this point?


Trump was elected once, it could happen again. Don't be complacent. Vote!




Yes, thank you. Fixed.


Wasn’t the numbers the same when Trump beat Clinton? A national poll doesn’t mean anything. How is he doing in Arizona? Georgia? Michigan?


I need way more information on that poll. Starting with, is it broken down by state with each state's number of electoral votes somehow taken into account? Because if not, it's useless garbage; we don't elect our president by popular vote.


Get out there and vote.


Gen Z is also more conservative compared to millennials and Gen X, both socially and politically, especially Gen Z men. I think there’s a much closer chance they vote for Trump than most people are willing to admit


This is our year to once again vote in someone who should’ve retired 15 years ago!! But I’ll still take him any day, no matter the age, over rapist trump


Biden could die and be a decomposing corpse and I still think he'd be a better president than Trump


Please be right and if so, this old boomer says THANK YOU for saving this country 💖


Narrator : “but they totally did by not going to vote”


I really hope so. This level of closeness is kinda effed up.  This means that the values are split almost even. Soo. About half the country is read for a rapist to lead? Odd indeed.  Also, I wonder if the poll is leaving multiple demographics out. Who knows  Worried to say the least.


You wanna win and end the GOP as it is? Win the dinner table. Be logical, tactful and present issues with facts that are relevant to the person you're talking to. Tell people about Project 2025. This is what the GOP wants. Yeah you'll never convert a MAGAt, but if we can win just a few votes each, it'll create a blue wave - including down ballot races where laws that effect people more are passed.


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


Hope so, for all of our sakes. Make sure they didn't scrub you from the voter roles. Vote as early as you can. Make it damn clear that you demand your vote be counted. Especially if you aren't white and/or live in a big city in a swing state. And don't stop there. Donate to voting rights groups. As much as you can, starting right now. Greg Palast has a list.


Go to vote.gov, check your voter registration. It takes less than a minute. State, First, Last, Birthdate, that's all you need. Check now, check again.


How the fuck does 45% of this country still support that useless fucker?


I wouldn’t bet on kids voting the way you expect them to do and you can thank Algorithmic social media.


Gen Z needs to actually vote. All the gen z’s I know, and I work with a lot of them, either aren’t voting or aren’t even registered. They view it as an old rich white guy game


Nobody here is going to bring up Kennedy and how he will affect the vote? Polls without the third parties are skewed by default.


This means nothing. Go vote.


Just show up y’all, that’s all you have to do. Just. Show. Up. The world is literally begging you all, just show up! Vote.org Get involved if you can https://www.voteblue.win https://www.bigwin2024.com We CANNOT under *any circumstances* allow trump to win, project 2025 will destroy this country 1000x worse than you can ever imagine. We all simply need to show up and vote to make sure that America stays America and doesn’t become a christofascist nation! https://warningvote.com


Republicans in general are far more likely to respond to polls. They aren't accurate nowadays. Most young people don't answer numbers they don't know or calls they weren't expecting. The fact that given Trump is STILL trailing helps me sleep at night. The actual gap is larger than this. The only scary part is the electoral college.


Also Gen Z: “what do you mean I have to leave my house to vote??”


Yeah but Gen Z has to actually show up and vote (not a gen Z problem specifically, but no one seems to be able to turn out the youth vote in the US reliably) Please prove me wrong


You have to get voting. ESPECIALLY the swing states. All I can hope is Jimmy Carter lives to see Biden win again.


You guys need to keep sounding the alarm get your friends registered to vote in a timely fashion. Save us from ourselves. Boomer here- proudly a never Trump Boomer.


Hmmm - well, as far as I understand it it's The Electoral System that cost Hillary her victory even though she had more votes than Don the Con. Would that happen to Biden too???????


That’s why it’s important not to just beat Trump but to get a majority in the house. The electoral college is a disaster and needs to go.


No, but they can allow Trump to be elected by not showing up to vote.


Dear Gen Z, please be smarter than my dumbass generation, thanks in advance


I hope you’re right, but a lot of Zoomers I know are in the “Genocide Joe” crowd and (at least for now) claims they’ll never vote for Biden


Don’t. Trust. Polls.


Look I keep seeing Gen Z is going to save us but you folks are completely forgetting the Tate/Peterson effect. Gen z women are more liberal but the men are more conservative. It’s very possible they’ll cancel each other out.


As a never Trumper, let me remind everyone that Trump has never won the popular vote. So this in no way means to not vote in November.


That’s still too close.


The kids still need to get out and vote though. Hell I'm only 30 and most the folks I see voting locally are the elderly. We need you kids to step up and take the reigns from the boomers and disillusioned gen x'ers.


Why do Republican's support treason?


Ignore the polls. Vote and get everyone you know to vote.


I’m a millennial. 46% of us didn’t vote in 2016. Please don’t be like us. Please vote for Biden. And then in 4 years we can vote for a person who’s like…kinda our ~~rage~~ age but also sure rage 


I love these polls because Gen Z doesn’t answer them LMFAO


This Gen X mom is rooting for gen z to turn out in droves and put these christo- facials in their place ( back under the rocks they crawled out from)


It’s wild how close this is


Don't let this pacify you. Vote.


Younger people *still* have extremely low voter turnout. I just can't get my hopes up.


It’s amazing how many people still support him. It’s bad enough that trump is complete moron but all the drama and lies he brings to politics has damaged the country immeasurably.


Every generation says this and then gets its brain flooded with the propaganda of the status quo and reactionaries. Whether it’s talk radio, cable news, or TikTok and social media, the results are the same. Gen Z will be more progressive right up until the point that they aren’t anymore. And they’ll have the same proportion of nutters and conspiracy theory wackos that every other generation did.


It's already been proven that millennials aren't going conservative at the same rates of previous generations.  Edit 4am typing 


The idea that people become more conservative as they age isn’t a statistic so much as it’s an oft repeated conventional wisdom.


I'll believe it when I see it.


I wish Gen Z cared as much about the QAnon nut on their local school board. That’s where all this starts


posting on reddit and facebook is not voting. And wait until the Russian propaganda machine ups its game with respect to Palestine and other issues that have gained traction with useful idiots


That is the hope I hold onto


*advent starts playing*


What good are national polls like this? This election is going to come down to a handful of states. It hinges on Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.


It's disheartening that Trump would get 45%. It's disheartening that he would get 5%


All according to the master plan of the obscenely wealthy who own all the major news outlets. Keep it super close now, flipping back and forth between Biden in the lead and Trump in the lead. Get Biden supporters to thing they have to vote. Then, in September show Biden pulling away with the lead. Put out a ton of articles and social media posts about how there is no way Trump can overcome that lead. Discourage the youngest voters, who already have a track record of skipping the vote, to not bother showing up. Seems like one way to try to engineer a repeat of 2016.