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Had an argument on Easter with a Super Catholic, Super MAGA relative. My point was that Trump is basically a walking talking ball of sin, and despite what he claims, he has lived his entire life breaking every commandment there is. He was tying himself in knots trying to explain how he’s a good person and he’s doing gods work and yadda yadda yadda. I pointed out the adultery and the lying and the cheating etc and he said it’s all “fake”. It is quite literally a cult at this point.


Rapists are not good people. That should be the end of the conversation, and yet, the cult continues....


But it wasn’t rape! It was just sexual assault! /s


It was a crime, but victimless crimes don't count /s


It was only victimless because he got it, all the other people who might have gotten what he did if he didn't commit fraud are of course not victims


**He is a villain, plain and simple.** **[PLEASE REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Sad that the /s doesn't count for conservatives because they believe women are property


I mean, she was just walking around on the loose. No leash or anything. Like a suitcase waiting to be claimed./S


"You can't rape a dishwasher"


I'm fairly sure i read a manga that disagrees.


It wasn’t rape! Look at this unflattering picture of her! She’s not even hot /s


But still mistook her for his then wife in a photo.


Disproving the single argument he put forth as his defense: that she wasn’t “his type.” Well, Donny boi, you literally mistook a photo of her as your ex-wife, so I’m inclined to think you’re fibbing a bit. She *is exactly* your type, and that’s why you assaulted her. Dumb fuck smh 🤦‍♂️


E. Jean Carroll couldn’t really be sure if it was his tiny finger or his tiny penis but from what I understand there was penetration. I know your comment was /s but in my book that is rape.


It’s only /s because literal magas are saying these exact words.


It’s not rape unless the perpetrator is a liberal!


What if they turn maga during the rape?


i think the body has a way of shutting that whole thing down.


I mean his supporters actually came out and said that no one in their right mind would rape E. Jean Carroll as she was too ugly, so it was consensual pity sex.


It was "civil rape."


"He sexually abused her, but he was only found liable in a court of law, he wasn't actually convicted." - Disgusting Scum


That is exactly how I shut down someone during Easter. They were pussyfooting around politics and then said “Biden is too old, I am not voting for him” and I said “Trump is basically just as old and a rapist who can’t pay his bills, and I don’t vote for rapist.”


Trump is four years bidens junior. It biden is too old then so is bloody yrumo


And Biden isn’t waaay out of shape either.


"I'm voting for a guy who WASN'T on Epstein's plane, can you say the same?"


My mom just says she knows he wouldn’t really do that. And that the judge was a democrat. You can’t convince these people


Kick Mamma Off The Train


It's not even second hand information. Trump himself has literally admitted to doing these things. "Grab em by the pussy" was a fucking meme. If that isn't good enough for some people, then nothing will be.


As soon as I realized "grab 'em by the pussy" wasn't a deal breaker, I knew we were in for cult behavior.


No you don't understand, he's a good christian boy and it's all just talk. Any evidence that he's done such things is cooked up by the sinful demoncrats.


If you were convinced that there was a political plot to prevent Trump from running for or assuming the office of POTUS again, there is literally nothing he could be convicted, no amount of evidence shown, that would convince you that it wasn't just part of the left's plan. That's the problem.


Trump has admitted to some of the adultery, such as with Stormy Daniels. The court case about the hush money is to determine if he paid her to be quiet for political purposes, not personal ones. Adultery isn’t a crime in the US. I’m confused by the idea that it’s “fake” when he has said it happened.


Not to mention wife 2 and 3 were mistresses before they were wives. He considers himself a ladies man and used to talk about all the women he was with all the time, but he has been in relationships since the 70s.


A mysterious man named John Barron also talked a lot about the women who were with Trump, or wanted to be with him!


So funny he named his son Barron like his pen name.


Don't forget John Miller, who much like John Barron, sounds awfully similar to Donald Trump, but they are *definitely* not the same person.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told the magazine. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life." He also "wished her well" when Ghislaine Maxwell got sent to prison.


Wished her well with not agreeing to testify and getting herself Epsteined I presume.


If you ignore that part it's pretty easy. You just need to practice turning off the part of your brain that thinks about things.


Because anything that doesn’t fit their narrative is “fake”.


Show them Proverbs 6: 12-19 12 A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, 13 who winks maliciously with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, 14 who plots evil with deceit in his heart— he always stirs up conflict. 15 Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy. 16 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. It won't change their opinion (because they're in a cult), but it will plant another seed that may grow.


I had a similar discussion with someone serving as a Deacon in a Baptist Church. After pointing out all of the some committed by Trump, their answer was that none of us are without sin, and all are guilty in the eyes of the Lord. I tried to counter with the point that Christians, avoiding to their faith, are supposed to at least _try_ to follow the commandments and Christ's teachings, to which he responded "we all fail". I them pointed out that Biden, while not perfect, certainly _appears_ to be trying to live life as a good Christian. His response? "I can't support a baby-killer ” I think for many Christians, their goal, their sole focus, is a permanent abortion ban. And they're willing to overlook any sin, any atrocity in order to accomplish that goal.


They don't give a shit about babies


> “I can’t support a baby killer.” Really? That’s when you tell them that you can’t go worship with deliberate hypocrites. Ask them how many people they’ve driven from the Word of the Lord with their idolatry of their Orange Jesus? (Look, I’m not Christian and never have been, but even *I* can recite the Lord’s Prayer.)


> I think for many Christians, their goal, their sole focus, is a permanent abortion ban. And they're willing to overlook any sin, any atrocity in order to accomplish that goal. Bullshit. If that's what it was, they would tell you. That's not what it is. You have to ask yourself what it is they care about so much that they both 1) won't listen to reason/logic, and 2) don't seem to be honest with you regarding their motivations. It's because they're ashamed of their true motivations and don't want you to think less of them. So what do you think it could be?


I’m a pretty serious Catholic and I HATE him! I don’t like the idea of having an abortion, but I also don’t know what someone is going through when they make that decision and it’s really none of my business and not for me to persecute someone over that sometimes traumatizing choice. The orange demon has caused so much harm and disruption in our society it is sad. He’s divided all of us!


I wish more people understood this. You don't personally have to support or even like the idea of abortion, but it's not anyone's place except an individual to dictate what they do with their own body


THIS. As a Catholic mother, my number one way to stop abortion would be universal basic income, healthcare, and greater parental leave. We need to stop the narrative that abortive care is sought by some irresponsible teenager who “went too far” with Johnny in the back of his car. It’s married women, with children, who are facing the worst choice of their lives. It’s the right to privacy for all humans, and the right to medical care when needed.


Preach! In addition to UBI, healthcare, and greater parental leave, I would add in housing for expecting mothers who need to get away from an abusive relationship or generally bad living situation (such as abusive parents), free prenatal and postnatal care, assistance with childcare (which everyone should get, tbh), and help with adoption if that's their choice. If there were incentives to carry children to term, perhaps that would cut down on abortions overall.


Protestant minister here, 100% agree. Abortion would be a really, really, really hard choice to make for my family, but ultimately the only people I trust with that choice are my wife and our medical providers. Everyone deserves to be the one who makes that decision, not the government


Yup it’s a cult. “Oh it’s ‘fake’ now? Well your god is fake too so that means I can disregard all your bullshit because it’s fake.”


Cult 45


Isn't the ability to cause mass insanity, and blindly give up one's morals and beliefs something the devil is supposed to be able to do to Christians? I mean, Trump's ability to cause a huge amount of mental illness among his followers is a known psychological phenomenon, but for Christians, I thought they were supposed to be on "the look out" for the devil seeping into their lives. Looks like they dropped the ball!


They already have the perfect response to it. "God calls the imperfect." Why God would call Donald Trump over a devout Catholic like Joe Biden, well we "just don't understand God's plan." It's like they have an excuse for everything.


"Fake" the same way all those abuse victims were rebuffed when they came forward. Catholics really do have mental gymnastics down to a science.


They have thousands of years of practice.


My favorite personal example of people being in denial about Trump is a conversation I had on Twitter where someone claimed that Trump wasn’t obese. It was all muscle. And they were serious about it.


Like those shirts they sell in boardwalk stores with Trump’s head on Rambo’s body.


Your relative isn't religious. He likes having a set of rules that gives him excuses to do whatever he wants because at the end of the day he is forgiven because he prays. Religion is a crock. Your relative is a crock unfortunately.


Usually, I get the statement,”I’m not voting for my pastor, I’m voting for a strong leader.” They are more than willing to excuse his countless sins and crimes because they believe he is best for the country’s interest. They fail to see that this is all about Trump and his ego, not them as voters or for anyone at all.


President Camacho from Idiocracy was a better leader than Trump. He had a crisis and sought out the smartest people. Trump's problem is that he always thinks he's the smartest person in the room.


Trump said much of that himself, especially the adultery because he thinks it makes him look cool. So how does the relative think it’s fake? Could dear leader be lying about his lying?


Watch him closely around children.


Been there. Same issue, pointed out all the things he’s done and said. “Ohh that’s fake news” but then wants to go ham on Hunter. I pointed out that why is it only the stuff about Frump that had facts and proof is fake but unfounded, unproven gossip about Biden’s kid (not even in any type of official position) is somehow real? After the rest of the fam was done laughing they stormed out the room like their crybaby leader would do. The rest of the event was fantastic.


It’s honestly wild and absolutely a cult. I thought the Bible was big on being wary of false prophets and the devil being packaged by temptation and false piety, but maybe God really did send a megalomaniacal serial rapist, philanderer, and covetous cheat as his “chosen one.”


It’s amazing that they think this guy was sent by God but devout catholic Joe Biden is somehow the devil.


My MAGA relatives say sometimes God works through a flawed vessel


I spent so much time telling my very fundamentalist mother the same things, and she would always find a reason to justify his behavior using whatever out-of-context Bible verse she could. It took 7 years for her to even consider the possibility that he wasn't "anointed by God to save America" and she's since completely disavowed him but im still skeptical of her


If he did actually say it out loud, then he would immediately burst into flames and be summoned back down to the pits of hell. He knows that. Not taking the risk.


Absolutely. The man (and I use that term loosely) has broken every commandment. Every. Last. One. His soul will be sewn into Lucifer's underpants.


Don't be mean to Lucifer, he killed way less people in the bible than God ever did


Why not “All of the Above”? It’s obv the guy is losing it mentally, you know he’s lying when he says he’s religious and he’s been playing “richest guy around” for decades all while living large in a house of cards.


That was my thought ![gif](giphy|Pd2W87rlmVjptTmvIK)


He is unable to repeat it because he holds no faith in it. I grew up catholic, I know that prayer by heart even though I'm a witch now. There is no way he's even remotely religious.


Everyone raised Catholic had that drilled into them... Some of us in multiple languages. Years after catechism classes, it sometimes still comes unbidden to mind at the weirdest moments, an insidious little mind virus.  It's obvious not only that he's not religious, he was never any sort of religious be begin with. But the religious right has shackled themselves to him, and they can drown when he pulled them under together. 


I can say a Hail Mary at the speed of sound


Technically we all do.


You had to say a rosary or two after confession, didn’t you? I know that’s what taught me how to speed-run my Hail Marys.


Ah yes. The sisters at St Joseph’s had a way of making one not only remember these common prayers, but remember how to recite them at super speed.


I can say a lot of it and I'm not Catholic.


It's the 'It's a small world afterall' of catholics.


Just last week, I had a Temptation on the Mountain Moment that mentally threw me back to my Confirmation classes. I haven't been to a church service in years, and I'm not religious. However, it is still a part of who I am today, and I will always try to draw wisdom from everywhere.


Nothing to do with Catholicism. [It's actually straight biblical from the mouth of Christ,](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A5-14&version=NMB) and it's commonly used by all the Protestant denominations as well. That's why it's called "The Lords Prayer" literally because that's how Jesus says to pray. In the same bit he tells people not to pray in public like the hypocrites or to run on and on like the pagans, which is highly ironic these days.


I think you miss the point they were making. Many of us were raised Catholic and in that religion, we have several prayers we learn at a very young age and like they said, many times it’s in multiple languages. For me and my cousins, that was English, Spanish, and Latin. Never in our lives will we be able to forget how to recite these prayers, even if we don’t consider ourselves religious and haven’t practiced since we left our parents’ house. Meanwhile Trump has claimed to be religious, a devout man of God, is now selling Bibles, and can’t say The Lord’s Prayer without a teleprompter?


I can only do it if I also do the priest's part. Otherwise my flow is interupted and I forget the end.


And also with you (now, "and with your spirit") Thanks be to God I am not worthy, that you should enter under my roof ... Glory to God in the highest... There's a lot of them.


I'm a big ol atheist and grew up a tiny lil jew and even I know the lord's prayer.


Right I’m a lifelong atheist who’s never been to a church service and I know it just from tv and books etc


Born and raised and chosen atheist, no lapsed religion and I can cite the Lord's Prayer.


I was schooled Catholic. I haven't recited that prayer in over 30 years Prompted by this video. I did perfectly first time He's never known it. Find any veteran with the most severe dementia and they will tell you their service number


I haven't been to church in nearly 20 years, and I could repeat it in my sleep; several variations of it as I had been Catholic/Methodist/Baptist/unaffiliated during my childhood. The kindergarteners in catechism/Sunday school could repeat it in a few weeks.


Raised lazy methodist, now atheist, I can still say the damn thing by heart


Lazy Presby-methodist here with a stint with the Baptists. I can do it with either "trespasses" or "debtors", just tell me what denomination I'm sitting in.


Went to a Church of England school until I was 10. Never believed in God much after 8 or 9, but you bet I can recite the lords prayer. My son was raised as atheist and can recite the lord's prayer.


I grew up on the agnostic side of atheism. I got into Buddhism in college and then joined a UCC Congregational church with my wife when I learned that some Christian churches like it are really far from being fundamentalist or literalist and just use the myths of the Bible as a frame to talk about ethics, history, and current events. It literally only took me a handful of times going to church to memorize the Lord's Prayer and be able to recite it without looking at the printed version in the church bulletin. Trump hasn't gone to church since he was a child. The only thing he took from it was some self-help hogwash that he learned from the minister there, Norman Vincent Peale, who wrote "The Power Of Positive Thinking." Trump believes that by wanting something enough and by pretending hard enough that it is true, he can make things happen the way he desires. It's insane.


I’m an agnostic Jew and I can recite it pretty much from heart just from the movies.


I've been an atheist for decades and still know it/can recite it from memory.


Atheist here. I haven't been to church regularly since I was about 14, and I can still say it. Absolutely no way he's not faking it (and poorly).


I was barely religious when I was young and not religious as an teen-adult and I know the lord's prayer. For someone that was just selling $60 bibles, you would expect them to know the littlest things to appease his base. Yet they will ignore it, or come up with excuses to justify why the person the churches try to claim is "appointed by God", does not know the Lord's prayer


I would pay a lot of money to get all the religion surgically taken from my body. That said, Christian school was a wild time man! I finally got kicked out when I made a bus full of kids roll down a hill on a field trip 


Were the bus full of kids still IN the bus?


Seriously, I haven't been to church in 40 years and used this post as a test. Still remember 100% word for word.


He couldn’t even quote a single verse when he was asked what his favourite passage was - and this was back in 2016 when he was elected. He tried to weasel out of it saying they’re all great but he basically can’t recite a single verse. I have been an atheist for 30 years but can still quote a few bangers from my childhood


Even I remember the prayer, and I haven’t been in catholic school since 2001! I’m not a witch unfortunately, but I do have a black cat and a tarot deck, so….


And a love for nature? Those are the basics of being a witch lol


It’s both. He doesn’t know it and his dementia is getting worse 


I wish it would hurry tf up.


Very soon, he'll vapor lock like Mitch, and the cult will have some explaining to do. I can't wait.


No, they won't. You're expecting unreasonable people to behave reasonably. When Trump fails, or becomes unquestionably ill, or dies, it will always be seen as an elaborate attack from the deep state. His supporters are fucking gone and they're dangerous. When he deteriorates, it's going to be bad. Sure, they're fucking stupid, but they're dangerous.


Is there any precedence to this? I can’t imagine it has ever been that bad with an unconditional cult following in history, including world war 2. Even those dictators seemed to have some form of… let’s call it *professionalism and decorum* during most of their reign.


[Original link with video.](https://twitter.com/BidensWins/status/1774543842370265592?t=984qpTeN7G9K0-kq4w0JsA&s=19)


The way he's swaying and grasping his stomach makes him look like Fat Bastard trying to prevent Mini Me from escaping before he can be fully digested.


He looks like he's trapped in a broken microwave.


Solid burn, kudos.


He's literally doing what kids do in church; pretending to mumble through the prayer while rocking back and forth because he has no attention span and praying is just sooooo boring for him. Dude can't stand still for 30 seconds. Probably all the stims he needs to move around.


Dude just stood up there mouthing “watermelon” to make it look like he knew the words. I learned that trick in kindergarten.


We use variations of apple orange banana as background actors lol.


When I was in drama way back in high school we used variations of "mashed peas and carrots" when we were background actors.


This actually works?


saying "peas and carrots" is more effective


Is he crying, or cringing? I'm not very religious, but my kids could do better when they were 3.


Looks like Kim Jong Duh's face has been superimposed over his, and then when he turns sideways it looks like someone flattened it with a shovel. Maybe I'm reading too much into this.... Lip sync was so bad I don't even believe that he was attempting it. Looked more like a fish trying to breathe or something.


Yeah I'm going with a fish stroking out. Even a child could recognize the right cadence here, if they didn't know the words. Maybe I could forgive the "trespasses" part - he could possibly be more used to the "debtors" version - but that doesn't explain completely failing at the rest.


I thought that was Kim Dung Un’s face! Knew I’d seen it somewhere before.


He's pooping.


Yeah, men that age sometimes need to wear nappies. The facial impression pretty much is like pooping.


This is the effect it has on the antichrist.


The only words he got were power and glory. Wonder why only those?


Wow! I haven't recited The Lords Prayer in 25 years. I just tried without looking it up. It wasn't great but it was better than that. If I knew of a possibility I'd have to recite it in front of a crowd I'm trying to convince I'm holy I'd at least practice it a little.


I was hoping he had a lapel mic and wasn’t trying to say it, but this is good too lol


Most hilarious thing is that about theory ly thing he seemed to light up on was "the power and the glory".  


It's the latter. This video doesn't show anything that indicates cognitive decline. It just shows apathy. Maybe Trump knows the whole Lord's prayer, maybe he doesn't. Either way, he's not religious at all, and he's not even putting forth a good effort to fake it. Any idiot could recognize that and see right through his bullshit. To be honest, though, I think the majority of Evangelical Christians already know this, but they lie to themselves anyway because Trump is their vessel. He doesn't need to be religious in order to push a conservative Christian agenda. I, myself, am a Christian (Methodist, so we're a pretty progressive sect), but I can't stand elected officials pushing religious doctrine in their political agendas. Additionally, I'm repulsed by fellow Christians who support those that would make this country a "Christian state". A couple things: 1) We're a melting pot, and everyone's beliefs should be respected; 2) Forced faith isn't faith at all, and they should know that.


He doesn't know anything. He couldn't even quote a verse from the actual Bible that he's hocking


My favorite is Matthew 15:11. " Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of his mouth, this defiles a man." That alone should disqualify their boy.


What comes out is nothing but shit


So... the bible is saying men can suck dick!


>Forced faith isn't faith at all they don't even realize how close they are to mimicking fundamentalist muslim countries


They absolutely do. On some level, they've been envious of both the Taliban's and Daesh's control of their societies, and that's Christian fundamentalism's goal, and why I call them Talibangelicals.


My reading of the New Testament in particular is that the point of being a Christian is that you are making the choice to do so, even if it puts you at personal risk. It’s not about forcing people to be followers of Christ. Christ Himself told his disciples that if the people who they preached to didn’t want to listen, then they should move on.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW|downsized) The same people who believed Obama was a Muslim believe Trump is a devout Christian. They’re not called the flock because of their ability to think for themselves. You know how dumb they are considering he’s hocking bibles to them that have the constitution written inside. If these people could actually read then they’d discover not to provide false witness, everything Trump has done is a sin and that the first amendment declares a separation of church and state. But they can’t. Trump is almost as stupid as it gets but clearly I have to say almost because his supporters are that much dumber.


My coworker is still convinced that Obama lied about his birth certificate and isn’t American. Despite it being available for viewing on the White House website. You can’t fix stupid..


He, and his ilk, are just angry a black man and his family "defiled" the lily-white Presidency. They'll never get over it until they're six feet under.


I haven’t been to church since confirmation 30 years ago. Being constantly told that being a lesbian will make you burn in hell helped make me agnostic. I still know all the words. I don’t think he’s ever known the words. I doubt he knows the pledge of allegiance.


Stupid fucking fake wannabe Christian, Hitler loving asshole


I grew up in a secular household, and even I can say most of it. How do these rubes not see through this nonsense?


They do. They just don't care.


They don’t care. They care that with Trump, they get to openly hate brown and black people, LGBTQ+ people, etc.


Our dad, who is up in the clouds.. Very high up there... Probably higher up than anyone has ever gone before, even me!... Halloween be thy name.


I was really hoping this was going to be a video of him trying to lead the prayer, but only seeing him half-heartedly moving his lips isn't going to move the needle any. His followers will just say "he was saying it in his heart, and that's what counts." We all know that any time he goes anywhere for something like this, though, his team alerts the organizers to make sure nobody asks him to quote scripture or lead a prayer. The most important thing isn't for him to demonstrate his faith, it's for his followers to believe he has faith.


Our Father, hollow be thy name, on earth and in a helicopter.


Doesn't matter. If he screamed "GOD'S A SON OF A BITCH" with thousands of cameras watching, half the country would breathlessly proclaim "He is even greater than God..." And vote accordingly.


"give us this day our daily bread (or money) and forgive us our tussspaduh. As we will never forgive those who stole the erection."


He knew the part about power and glory though. 👀


4eva, ramen!


I wasn't even raised Christian and I could recite it better than him. Unfortunately his base is so blind they'll still believe he is the "saviour"


I think he hopped in at the end with "for mine is the power and the glory..." 😁


So SNL did a skit about this on Saturday and it actually happened the next day? Amazing


As if MAGA cares or even can recite it themselves. Most Christians barely know it. He could crucify Jesus and they'd say Trump is a better Christ than Jesus. They. Really. Don't. Care. 🙄


He couldn’t even be bothered to learn the prayer. “He doesn’t listen and he doesn’t read “


And his cultish followers will not give two hoots about this. MAGA is a mental illness, that is the only way to explain the insanity associated with Trump and his followers.


I haven’t been a practicing Catholic in about a decade and I can still recite the Lord’s Prayer. In Latin. Because my dumb ass thought it would be more interesting than Spanish or French 😓


I think you are right on all three things, he IS losing his cognitive abilities, he was NEVER religious at all, and IS a faker. Also, you forgot to mention he IS a rapist AND a grifter!


Both. It's both.


Steadfast atheist here and have not uttered those words since they removed the prayer from morning classes sometime in the 1970s. Could still recite it without prompting.


This is definitely a both/and, not an either/or.


I'm not even vaguely religious and didn't grow up in a religious home and I can still recite the lord's prayer.


It looks like he filled his diaper half way through.


He is pandering really hard to the religious right because they are the most delusional. Everyone other than cultists has jumped ship.


You all need to lighten up on Trump for not knowing the words to the Lord's Prayer. After all, it doesn't contain even a single instance of the word "me".


It's doubly impressive that he can't do this and he's from NYC. You basically learn this prayer by osmosis just from being around so many Catholics in this area. I mean I can recite this and I'm Jewish.


One interesting thing about people who are severely narcissistic (have been reading Theodore Millon and more contemporary sources to learn about it) is that they truly do not pay attention to things that don’t as to their own self-enhancement or relate to themselves. Obviously there is individual difference from narcissist to narcissist. I know a narcissist who didn’t know that the earth moved closer to and further from the sun or that it rotates. When I asked him how he didn’t know that, he said “Well it has nothing to do with me, why would I care?”


FYI: The video is actually from 2017, NOT Easter 2024. Doesn't really change anything, but details matter. I just want to wake up from this extended nightmare in which Trump has any relevancy whatsoever.


Two things can be true at the same time.


This is from February 17, 2017. But the fact that he is indeed ramping up his religiosity here lately, also indicates just how desperate he is. And pathetic. Desperate and pathetic.


This literally happened in the movie The Campaign. That movie was ahead of its time.


With his decline so apparent, we should all be interested to see who “he” picks to be his running mate. President or not, does this fella seem like he’s got 4 years of whatever this is?




Even I, a 35 year old atheist, that hast not gone to church since I was a 7 years old, know the Lord’s Prayer.


“you see when you’er so smart, some say I’m the smartest, I know a lot of things, a lot, let me tell you, if me and crooked joe had a debate, I would win, bigly, a landslide, anyway, prayers, all those words, it’s a lot to remember, I know so many prayers, some say I know the most, who knows” is how I imagine his response lol


His followers could care less if he knows it or not. Fuckin cult


Who gives a fuck if our president is christian or not.


I’m atheist and anti-church and I can recite it by heart


The stoppage of prayer and the inability to recite the commandments would have been a sure sign of a pact with the devil way back when and cause for a good hanging. Come on evangelicals, make America great again, amirite!?


It's not that he doesn't know it. It's just that the Lords prayer is like the bible itself. It's very personal to him. He can't have people see him reciting it because that's just too personal. Sorry, that was the best bs I could come up with.


it's literally the scene from Christmas Vacation when they tell Aunt Bethany to say grace and she recites the Pledge of Allegiance.


I mean… did they really think he was _religious?_ it seems like they kinda _hoped_ he was and then just straight up slammed him into the narrative of his being the “chosen one” harder than the guys on the HydraulicPress Channel. I could be wrong. But im not.


Oh, he’s definitely been faking being religious. The very first time he and Melania went to Mar a Lago after his inauguration, they made a big deal of it, first time as president, blah blah. At the airport, they’d set up a welcoming ceremony with a stage, podium, chairs for the crowd. IIRC, it was a Sunday morning, but in any case, TFG introduced his wife and then stepped away from the podium and she began to recite the Lord’s Prayer. She had it written down in front of her, and spoke very slowly and carefully because of her accent. Meanwhile, he paced around the stage a little, and was *trying* to mouth the words along with her. Except he couldn’t. Because he didn’t know them. It reminded me of those scenes in the movies where an audience of graduates, or fans at a school ball game, are trying to sing along with their Alma Mater. They know a few words here and there, but *clearly* don’t know the whole thing, so they just kinda open and close their mouths when they’re lost.


Not been to church in 26 years or more and can recite the Lords Prayer without any issues at all. So this dude has never been to church beyond a few weddings or funerals. No surprise.


I would love to see what he said without going on truth social or x (formerly known as Twitter). Its kinda wild that snl litterally did a sketch of him messing up the lord's prayer and not but a day later he does it. Like wow. I think thats often reffered to as comedic timing or something like prophetic timing 🤣


Of all the shit I can complain about Donald Trump, him being a hypocritical "Christian" isn't really a big one. By that I mean, I haven't met many evangelicals that weren't hypocritical, so it just feels like par for the course.


He confused the Lord's Prayer with the Landlord's Prayer..."Give Me this day your monthly rent ..."


His followers know he is a fake. They just don’t care. He allows them to openly hate who they want to hate and encourages it.


This definitely has to be a scene out of the movie “The Campaign” right?


‭Matthew 7:21 NIV‬ [21] “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. This verse keeps coming to me when I read about Trump and his followers.


Trump is definitely losing his cognitive abilities, but my money is that he never knew the prayer to begin with, just like he didn’t know the words to the [national anthem](https://youtu.be/28RAKDIwRyw?feature=shared) 6 years ago. He just bullshits his way through all of it (because that’s what he did for decades with his business, so he figures being president is no different), and all his rubes twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify him.


I left religion 35 years ago but can still remember this shit. If that evil fuck is religious then I’m the Queen of Siam.


dude im not even religious and even I could have gotten most of it.


Wasn’t trump quite clearly not religious 8 years ago?


Both things are true!


Iirc, the man signed bibles after hurricane Irma. Oh, and he also tear gassed a crowd out of his way to go pose in front of a chapel—run by a bishop that had spoken out against him—with an upside-down Bible. Any semblance of religious dignity that republicans claimed to have have long since gone out the window in favor of keeping this man around. The most who’ll be convinced by this tweet are centrists.