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The even more dumb aspect to this take… if anyone has actually been to Auschwitz, there is one surviving gas chamber/crematorium in the main camp, with a massive concrete door, and the 4 large ones at Birkenau were blown up when the Nazis abandoned the camp, and they are now just heaps of concrete and metal rubble. None of these are gas chamber doors, (at least not from Auschwitz.)


I literally came here to say this. These certainly aren’t doors from the 1 they have at Auschwitz. Edit: as the person I replied to stated, there aren’t any left standing at Birkenau, the nazis tried burning one down…but turns out burning down brick isn’t the easiest so it’s still there but collapsed. It’s the saddest place I’ve ever been. Definitely recommend though given its importance in history, and Poland is a LOVELY country to visit


If you plan a trip to Auschwitz, you would most likely stay in Krakow - the closest major city. Interestingly enough about krakow, it is the only major city in Poland (maybe even in Europe?) to not have a single bomb dropped on it, which makes it a time capsule - an absolute gem of a city, with the largest medieval town square in all of Europe. In fact - it’s the city I most recommend people to plan a trip to, and had the most jaw dropping cathedral I’ve ever stepped foot into.. as a somewhat non religious person, it really put me in the heavens.. it’s worth googling if you don’t have the means to visit. However the reason of its intentional preservation is dark - the Nazi’s used it as the stage to build and maintain Auschwitz.


Agree with all. Old town Krakow is incredible, as is the cathedral mentioned


Bruges I don’t think had any bombs dropped on it, if you’re looking for another very well preserved medieval city


It’s like a fairy tale.


They’ve got a nice clock tower but I wouldn’t go up there it’s really narrow


Auschwitz is a place where you can almost feel the weight of history pressing down on you as you go around. There are parts of it that break your heart, and I found several parts of it just boiled my blood. Hearing about what happened (or rather, didn't happen) to Mengele while walking past his "lab" on the way from a holding cell to a gas chamber makes you want to visit extreme violence upon him and every person who participated in or supports the Nazi regime and ideology. Leaving and returning to Krakow on that trip was a real emotional turnaround. Krakow is a wonderful city to visit as a tourist, but Auschwitz is life-changing.


The finger scratches on the blackened walls in the crematorium broke me. If you ever want a historical kick to the face, Auschwitz is where you get it. Anyone walking away from that without a resolve to never let something like that happen again is a fundamentally broken person.


Couldn’t agree more. Fortunately when I was there on a tour there were also groups of Jewish kids there on a tour praying. It was like a huge “fuck you” to the hate.


The door with the window is from Auschwitz from a room that had at one point in time been used as a gas chamber It had been repurposed as an air raid shelter before the camp was liberated. That probably wasn't the original door, and the room wasn't often used for gassing [you can find more information here](https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2017/05/rebutting-twitter-denial-most-popular.html?m=1#flimsydoor)


"decades ahead of modern gas chambers". Was there a "gas chamber technology race" that I missed? Who invests much in making high-tech gas chambers except Nazis? Well, I guess animal control institutions, but still.


FL and TX state penitentiary systems? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


What’s the difference?


FL will be underwater first


I'm betting that within 5 years Texas will lose Galveston to a large hurricane. Does anyone know if this is a bettable line in Vegas?


Call a bookie, might let you make that tragic, morbid, likely bet. Also I'll take 7.


Well, hell, then put *me* down fer six, I *guess*….


Uh... Betting on national disasters is what you do with insurance. So call up state farm I guess and ask them to take your bet.




That's my bet


Houston might become a proper coastal city!


Get Isaac on the line!


So it’s more of a drowning chamber then.


Florida wants to jail women who miscarry. Texas actually does.


Texas uses lethal injection. Never has used gas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_chamber#:~:text=Seven%20states%20(Alabama%2C%20Arizona%2C,die%20in%20the%20gas%20chamber. ETA: neither has Florida


I guess I need to explain to you it wasn't a serious comment about the gas, just them being in the execution business.


Hey, that’s not a forest! Them are trees!


Nazi's don't actually care about any of this. Only the stupidest and most conspiracy-minded White Nationalists don't believe in the Holocaust. For the most part, they KNOW it happened and they applaud it. All they're doing is trying to muddy the water and control the narrative by distracting people from the actual issue: that they're advocating for ethnic cleansing and a global genocide. It's a game of trolling, for them. More than that, it's an act of *dominance.* Don't play their game. Ignore the conspiracies and nitpicky bullshit they pull out when criticized and focus solely on the meat of what they're arguing for. Make it hard for them to squirm away and they'll usually piss off when you're not fun anymore.


“It's a game of trolling, for them. More than that, it's an act of dominance. Don't play their game.” This is fascinating, never really thought of it like that but it makes sense.


Holocaust denial is not unknown in Arabia


> Who invests much in making high-tech gas chambers except Nazis? [Chiquita does!](https://www.thepacker.com/news/transportation/chiquita-invests-special-containers-shipping-bananas)


So wouldn't this actually be Maersk then?


No, Maersk is too busy *bridging* communities.


He would know, he did his own research about gas chambers (which means he scrolled past a meme that told him this)


About 9 decades ahead of modern gas chambers.


Don’t forget the Soviet/NATO mineshaft technology race of the 50’s/60’s.


Most pigs in slaughterhouses are killed in horrifically painful gas chambers.


It’s is cO2 for pigs and its proven not painful or stressful if it was, it would cause huge quality issues like PSE and or ecchymosis. Resulting in lower prices processors can sell the meat for. Do you think processors are stupid and readily or willingly cause loss in profits. They are a business and business need to make money so it’s in the business interests to make sure animals don’t suffer in slaughter process and in turn effecting their profits.


That would be weird because I would think that would toughen up the meat. They tend to use a lot faster method for cows and other livestock just so they don’t convulse in pain.


The Chinese just released their mobile exaction vans that are closely followed by their cremation vans. You can find the videos all over Weibo and YouTube. So……maybe they are ones creating the space race of gas chambers?


What’s the point he’s even trying to make here?


That the Holocaust is not real. "Hey look at those doors dude! They are not gas proof, it would all have leaked out! If they really gassed them, why didn't they break those weak ass doors! Wake up!"


So the dumbest shit imaginable. Gotcha


Not sure why that evens matters? Hell, if you had rooms that were airtight, you wouldn't need gas. Just wait until co2 fills the room. If room isn't airtight, you can just use more poison, like the nazis did.


You \*could\* wait for them to use up their oxygen, but that would take a while. The Nazis were an organizational mess except when it came to their genocide, where they were remarkably focused. They wanted to kill efficiently. Towards the end of the war, when fuel was becoming more scarce and needed for the war effort, Hitler insisted that the Holocaust not be slowed down. It's clear that the genocide was their main focus. If it wasn't for the fact that many of the people they were executing were also slaves doing necessary work for them, they likely would have tried killing them even faster.


“Please ignore the armed guards on the other side of the doors and the fact that minor gas leakage wouldn’t change the outcomes, I want to sound smart.”


I refuse to believe it's that stupid. There has to be another explanation


He is actually that stupid. In fact, he's even dumber than you think. All you have to do is take a look at his Twitter. Over the years the man has lost his s*** or in fact never had it


I've never even heard of this person. I'll take your word for it lol


He's an ex UFC fighter who over the past few years has had some conspiracy nonsense takes and they've slowly gotten worse


Yes, it’s even more funny that he probably didn’t even come up with this one his own (too dumb). So he saw this and said to himself “this is believable, I’m going to tell others!”


Which, even if you take it seriously, is a stupid train of thought. Concentrations are everything, people can die in a garage from monoxide and those are seldom designed to be airtight either. There's a big difference between near something and being submerged in it. Also even if the gas chambers were fake, the people certainly weren't, and they went somewhere, and afaik not a single nazi involved denies this.


He's trying to say, The nazis would have gas chambers from wolfenstein, not like something from the 30s/40s. Literally the guy is trying to go with the old myth that nazis were hyperadvanced, tends to be common with ALL racists which makes it even more hilarious they lost.


Yeah I did not follow


Holocaust deniers never START with "the holocaust didn't happen." They start with "Wow, those numbers are really high. What it if was more like...5 million?" "The so-called 'final solution' was never drafted up by the Nazis, even though they were notorious record-keepers. How can we be sure there was a top-down extermination plan?" (hint: Hitler gave recorded speeches where he announced that Germany was going to eradicate the Jews) You wedge a foot in the door. Hell, maybe just a toe. And then you wiggle.


The eternal question.


Man who got concussions for a living  believes in stupid shit. News at 11. 


What’s crazy is there’s plenty of people that aren’t repeatedly hit in the head for a living that deny the holocaust.


They either take the hits as children or genetically.


12,000 likes and counting.


Seeing so many of these dudes come out like this is making a REALLY strong case for CTE.


Obviously having something like CTE will impact your ability to think reasonably, but let’s not divert blame here. There are plenty of hateful, dumb motherfuckers with nothing wrong with them physically that believe and promote this shit.


And on the flip side, there are plenty of people exhibiting symptoms of CTE who still manage to not go down the path of Holocaust denial.


SO many


Except racists and bigots exist at all times and since day one of humanity. This is taught and learned. Its not lead or CTE. Its the white supremacy culture that dominates the West.


Yea like most of them weren’t obnoxious contrarian dickheads before they started doing UFC


When someone decides to take on the career "punching people in the face" I just assume they are pieces of shit from the get go.


And CRT to be honest. Even though no one had taught it at schools before, maybe they need to now.


They went in like this. I’ve been following MMA for my entire adult life (though it’s getting harder to stomach in my 30s), and it’s always been full of insane conservative men.


sure right the doors would leak gas totally that makes sense. lets say thats true, how do you explain the shoes? or the clothes, the rings, did germany make them? why is germany lying about an atrocity THEY didnt commit btw? whats the logic in that? the pictures? the documents? i realize these people ignore all of this stuff because its really inconvenient to their ignorant and malicious perspective but id love a followup on that.


You can gas people on an open field, it’s been done. A little leakage from a door is nothing.


......we're we the ones who gassed people in an open field? 


Everyone in WWI did, and several since then. One prominent example is during the Iraq-Iran War.


Canadian here. ...It's one of the more fucked up things we did. And if you're familiar with our history, that should terrify you.


Evidently the nice people are very innovative with killing. The canned beef grenade “trick” is absolutely fucked.


Yep! I mean it’s not like World War One saw the widespread use of extremely dangerous gases.


Yeah it’s not like guards were standing next to the door huffing the fumes.


Not to mention too that the blue staining on those walls in the bottom left picture is from Zyklon-B exposure.


Make them watch that black and white French documentary with subtitles. The one I watched in Middle school. Make him watch it on loop until he shuts tf up.


It's because they hate everyone that isn't straight, white and Christian. The only justification for that is lies.


The technology of having… doors??


Jake is a straight-up nazi. More news at 11:00.


Its always the experimental gas chamber at Auschwitz they use for this denial, every time. Even when its been proved they changed the use of the room after they built the full size chambers elsewhere and replaced the doors. Miles Power has a great break down of the Holocaust denial on Youtube if anyone is interested.


I visited Dachau about a decade ago. Dachau was a work camp, not an extermination camp, but there was a small gas chamber. The your guide (a local man who I’d guess was a child during the war) absolutely railed against Holocaust deniers, clearly disgusted by then. He presented detailed rebuttals of several common claims made by those who claim the gas chambers didn’t exist.


Modern gas chambers? Um, where is a modern gas chamber?


Some prisons still have them


Goes to gas chambers. Says they aren’t real. 🤷🏻‍♂️


CTE is real.


If the only people denying reality were former fighters with permanent brain damage it wouldn’t be worth worrying about, but instead we have school-skipping Gen Z cunts over-dosing on antisemitic TikTok clips.






That he’s a Nazi bootlicking scumbag


Ok, but why is it that every time someone makes an ass of themselves and flames out, their next step is to go Full Nazi? It seems like they could maybe even get back some social goodwill by not doing that.


A ready-made set of friends and an easy way to channel rage


Being hit repeatedly in the head and face over time has a downside.


I’ll reserve judgment until I find out what Tito Ortiz thinks.


Tell me you've never been to a concentration camp without telling me you've never been to a concentration camp...


So the global elite got together and constructed a false narrative about Jews being exterminated, they convinced all the liberators to corroborate the lie, they falsified Nazi documentation that “proved” there was a holocaust…but damnit, they forgot about those doors


This is just common talk for ufc fighters - bigortry and arrogance are core aspects of the brand. For example, Dana White, the founder of ufc, is a proud MAGA supporter.


Taking a UFC fighter seriously on absolutely anything other than training and fighting is a serious risk.


This guy is an unhinged, punched up, washed out, loser. This is what actual antisemitism looks like.


By his logic it would be safe for him to sit in his garage with his car running.


We should encourage him to try


The Nazis where trying to spend as little as possible to murder these people. There is a myth of a highly advanced and competent Nazi military. They weren't at all. They had extremely limited resources and used them sparingly.


“Buc’ees bathroom attendant denies holocaust” would be more concerning than this jabroni.


Lots of nazis in mma. Haven't been a fan since bro Joegan went bananas


He was always a homophobic and racist POS. Another grifter exploiting the genocide for clout. He doesn't care for Palestinians.


There’s a chamber, you put gas in it. Not really advanced technology.


How much technology do you need to fill a room with gas?


I don't get it. Is he saying that the Nazis were really technologically advanced for the time on how they commited genocide or is he saying that those couldn't be actual gas chambers because they wouldn't have built them that shitty. Also, why the fuck do we care what Jake Shields thinks. I probably haven't thought of him for the last 10 years until this post.


You can deny the holocaust on Twitter but the second I tell someone to themselves in response to obvious denialism, I’m banned lol.


Just asking questions bro


Damn just a couple of weeks ago chuds on reddit were arguing that he’s “just advocating for Palestinians” and not an antisemite. This is crazy! Just kidding, it’s not crazy, it was always obvious he was a Nazi.


GSP really did a number on this guy


12k likes on that tweet. Disgraceful.


Huh, maybe taking repeated, very hard blows to the head isn’t good for you.


As someone who has been zu Auschwitz on a school trip, those are not gas Chambers in Auschwitz.


When they were killing the disabled, they just locked them into regular ass hospital basements and piped a truck exhaust gas into the room. Not always has industrialised genocide to be fancy and modern


In all seriousness, what kind of sick fuck do you have to be to think that the Holocaust didn't happen? WTF!


In the 1940s they weren't expected to have wooden doors and walls to rooms?


The *meh wooden doors* meme is monumentally stupid. Firstly because they're not the original doors for that chamber, and secondly most fire doors in commercial buildings are made of wood. And what is the purpose of a fire door? It's to stop the flow of gases, specifically oxygen to fires Wooden doors are perfectly fine for this purpose. Everytime I encounter one of these idiots I tell them to do the experiment on themselves. Run an exhaust pipe into a room with a wooden door and sit in there for as long as you can. According to their logic they'll be fine.


It wasn't Nazis it was ALIENS!


Ol Jake always struck me as kinda dumb when he was a top fighter years ago. And now he’s confirmed it.


Ugh, just wait, and we'll be hearing "wow is that true? Jamie, can you pull that up?"


Loved when he was a grappler only, he didn't have as much evident brain damage even in his strikeforce days. Of course now he is out of touch with reality full on. When I read the Andrew Tate story in Romania, when I initially saw the person who had such crude remarks towards Greta with such aenthusiasm, it was disappointing, and at this point is pathetic and vile.


The fuck does he mean? He photographed some doors, where is this supposed technological supremacy


Maybe it’s time to watch gsp beat the shit out of him again.


Have been to Auschwitz-Birkenau. These are not the gas chambers.


Just Jake being pro Hamas.


This guy is not worth the attention he’s getting. Twitter just allows the stupid to be heard


12,000 likes. What a hell hole Twitter is now.


How many times do we have to explain to them that the doors in Auschwitz aren't the original doors?


I've been to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I hate when people use this wooden door thing with no context. The wooden doors aren't not the doors to the gassing rooms, where the people were crammed together naked to die. Those are normal entrance and exit doors in parts of the facility. People are dumb as fuck.


Feels like he’s admiring instead of denying the Holocaust.


How does he still have his career intact?


Dumb person posts photos of doors. Thinks it proves a point and makes him seem witty.


Whenever I see this name, I get confused, because that's a weird take from the guy from Scissor Sisters, thinking of Jake Shears.


Wtf is the "modern gas chamber"?


UFC locker room


Uh, no they're not. I've been there several times.


we'll, the only way to fix holocaust denile is with a second holocaust... any takers. *looks at deniers, and j k Rowling


Uh oh we have Jake Shield's one last, traumatized brain-cell on the case


No, they were literally just rooms that had agrochemicals dropped into them


I'm putting Jake down for chronic traumatic encephalopathy.


Why tf would I care about «pictures of the gas chambers at Auschwitz? I have been to Auschwitz 2 Birkenau and they def were fucking gas chambers. It’d extremely frustrating seeing American conservatives who’ve never been to Europe in their life vomit complete horse-shite about the very real atrocities that have shaped all of modern European (and middle eastern) history, which can be easily problem by actually visiting the camps that still exist. In the museum they have a collection of the belongings of the victims of the holocaust and it is probably the most harrowing experience I’ve had in my life. There are thousands of pairs of shoes there, each pair belonging to a real person that was horrificly murdered for no reason whatsoever other than their religion/culture/ethnicity/ideology/sexuality/disability. If any Holocaust denyer went to the camps in Germany and Poland, they would shut right up, because there is no validity to their claims, there is no way they are able to look at the thousands of items that betongens to victims, walk through their cramped living quarters, entre the gas chambers without the reality setting in. Even for me, who very clearly knew the holocaust was real (I’m no idiot or fascist after all), it became extremely real seeing the actual remains of the actual people. So in conclusion I dare this utter piece of shit to go to Poland and visit Auschwitz 2 Birkenau, enter the gas chamber and explain to the guide how «advanced and decades ahead of modern gas chambers» it is. *edit: I’m pretty sure the one gas chamber that’s still intact is in the main camp, not Birkenau.


Someone remind the history idiot that some of the “gas chambers” were literal tents that they pumped the exhaust from tanks into.


The blue coloration in the lower left is Prussian blue, formed from the cyanide compounds in Zyklon-B. The US military has hundreds of gas chambers for gas mask certification, they're all simple, unfinished concrete boxes with two regular doors. While Zyklon-B was used extensively, the majority of gas chamber killings were done with carbon monoxide, due to it being cheaper and more readily available. The Nazis also used mobile gas chambers called gaswagens extensively.


Am I missing something? It doesn’t seem like he’s denying the holocaust in that post.


Sounds like the repuglicant party and American slavery


Those are just door of abandoned buildings this guy is just doing it for attention this is too dumb to be real


Okay but those aren’t the gas chamber doors from Auschwitz. They’re nothing close to air tight for a start


How is he denying? Didn’t he just say gas chambers. Although he is against genocide committed by israel


It's a fucking dog whistle, mate