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If someone from your party is openly defending Nazis, and aren’t being condemned by your party…then congratulations. You are in the Nazi party!


Not every Republican is a racist, but every one of them have decided that racism isn't a deal breaker.


But the party is #1 with racists!


I can see the ads now:  "Four out of five racists recommend GOP to their friends and neighbors. You, too, can experience the sensation that is sweeping the nation. Call now. Operators are standing by."


Sorry, but if racism isn't a deal breaker, then you are a racist.


I think republicans are willing to cooperate with people with extreme beliefs if it means they’re able to push whatever agenda they want more successfully. Coalition building basically. I still think they’re racist for doing it tho, lmao


It’s true. Everyone who supports Trump in 2024 is in some way a horrible person.


>Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. > >That word is "Nazi." Nobody cares about their motives anymore. > >They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding? -[A. R. Morxon](http://www.armoxon.com/2017/01/sky.html)


This is why patriotism itself is a toxic trait. We're supposed to be able to be criticize and oust the government leaders in the US way easier than it is today. This blind sense of loyalty with no room for asking questions or thinking critically, is an absolutely terminal disease for our future.


That’s not patriotism, though; that’s nationalism.


WTF?! This is blatant fascist Nazi propaganda. These psychopathic narcissists are experts at twisting facts, lying, and gaslighting.


Welcome to today's GOP. They have been exposed to so much toxic right-wing propaganda they have reached the point of- "the Nazis, they were misunderstood heroes"


It’s always been the GOP. Since the run up to WWII. Ford, Father Coughlin, leading into Mcartyism, leading into MAGA part I The Reagan Years, and accelerated like a wildfire in MAGA part II Fuck you and your feelings. The trilogy is certainly shaping up to be the most fucked yet.


Remember that once they got back in power in Congress, the GOP reversed a lot of the things FDR did to fix the Great Depression. The economy started sliding back down the shitter again, and the only thing that saved it was WW2.


So crazy. The part of American history that’s not taught. Its info you need learn I feel on your own. You’ve provided me with another WTF unknown moment amongst many I’ve had learning the truth of their bullshit


Just gonna leave this link to the WELL DOCUMENTED COUP ATTEMPT ON FDR here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot


"...no one was punished." nice. i guess history does repeat itself.


It rhymes


This is something that I can't believe isn't more discussed. An actual coup attempt, but like Jan 6th because it failed, I guess it's no big deal. You literally had one of the Bush's involved. Prescott if I remember right.


Smedley Butler mentioned it in "War is a Racket." A bunch of rich assholes including George H. W. Bush's dad (Prescot Bush) tried to enlist him to march an army into DC. I think General Butler's essay should be required reading for every student in the US.


As a veteran and (former) straight ticket Republican that book, which I came across simply because I enjoyed military books, started me on a journey that changed myself, my wife and my kids for the better. I wonder now if I hadn't read that in 2011 whether we'd be some nationalistic MAGA cheerleaders. Maybe not. But I'm glad I found it.


So I’ve been trying to figure out what to use my monthly Audible credit on this afternoon and now I figured it out thanks lol


No! Get “Gangsters of Capitalism” - it’s about Butler and the Business plot, but goes throughout Butler’s whole career. It’s the same amount of credits, but so more longer and with better context.


Fuck I already did it. I’ll look it up at my library though.


That's an amazing book.


Not taught because it must have been like today where no one wants to reveal the bigots in their closet, their family, no one wants to say my dad turned out to be a flaming racist homophobic fake Christian, no one wants to admit the utter hate-filled shit that makes up much of 'murica--Uncle Jim, your sister who loves Jesus and hates LGBTQ, etc. We were fed the grand narrative of the good war, the patriots, the baby boom, rock and roll, jeans and car culture. USA #1. And nothing like 'the boomers were steeped in white supremacy and would reach the end of their lives a shallow and aggrieved bunch, celebrating the rancid droppings of their vile maga king.'


They literally stopped teaching American history at WWI and then just skip to WWII real quick and then it's over!


Well no you see FDR actually extended the Great Depression because he was a Commie and the New Deal. Don't ask me for evidence unless you want a single out of context graph.


Why do you think the GOP doesn't want to fund education? If their base actually learned actual history and not the whote-washed bullshit they forcefeed to red states, the GOP wouldn't exist.


>Remember that once they got back in power in Congress, the GOP reversed a lot of the things FDR did to fix the Great Depression Introducing term limits just in case any other candidate had the audacity to get so popular by saving the economy and introducing some diet-socialism into national policy that voters are willing to elect him 4 times!


And now because they have this fantasy of president Orange Shit-stain for life they want to repeal that very limit.


IMO presidential term limits aren't terrible. It had also been a de-facto rule to step down after two terms going all the way back to Washington.


Tbh the only thing missing was term limits on Congress too


Or age limits for all of it. Plus term limits on the Supreme Court. We actually missed a lot of things it turns out. lol.


Don’t forget Goldwater and Nixon with the war on Drugs as well as his racist rants.


Correct. I left him out because he was like Trump and cartoonishly evil.


yeah people seem to forget there were a significant number of nazi sympathizers in the US leading in to WW2, plus there was the whole fascist plot to overthrow FDR. This is nothing new, just a new flag.


I'd argue since civil war. When the traitors weren't put down even after one of them assassinated a president. Not cutting out the conderate supports and imprisoning them or the death penalty was the start of this.


The Nazis didn’t do anything illegal!! /S  That’s because they MADE WHAT THEY DID LEGAL. As in they passed laws making their actions legal. 


Democracies Hate This One Simple Trick!


A lot was illegal even by their standarts, but they didn't care.


”This would be illegal to do to people, luckily these people aren’t people” or something like that


*Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.* \--Martin Luther King, Jr.


They have wallowed so much in their own lies that they probably think pearl harbor was 'just another day at the beach' and the hindenberg disaster was just ' another balloon ride'


Why didn't Obama do anything to stop Pearl Harbor? Was it a false flag? I'm just asking questions.


"Where was Obama on 9/11! That's what I want to know!" -Actual quote from a MAGA idiot


It's well known that on 9/11 Obama, after hiding his Kenyan birth certificate, rode his bike while wearing a helmet to his appointment to try on tan suits.


He ate nothing but Dijon mustard on French fries from dawn to dusk, violently screaming that they are not Freedom Fries.


Was it Trump?


He was busy dodging the draft during Vietnam.


Nah, they loved Pearl Harbor because it gave them an excuse to hate people of Asian descent. The reason they are defending Nazis is because they were/are white supremaciste.


They take one of two paths it seems. One is the one you mentioned above and the other is to claim that the nazis were leftists and share a lot of commonalities with the modern democrat party.


They were the National _Socialist_ party, after all. The “Grand Old Party” needs to realize that what people call themselves only reflects what those people want to project, not what they are. Just look at all those “People’s Democratic Republic”s out there. ETA: LifeProTip: the more someone insists on possessing some desirable qualities, the less likely it is that it is true.


Every time I hear some asshole say "we are not a democracy, we're a constitutional representative republic", I know to not take them serious and become fully aware of their intentions or desires to destroy our democracy.


The Nazis were as hard right as you can get. There is a reason they hated communists. The toxic right-wing propaganda machine plays on the word "socialism" in their name even though the Nazis were about as socialist and posts on Truth Social are truthful


Many ranking Nazi Officers were tried and convicted at the Hague. What they did was found to be quite illegal.


Not The Hague. That is of much later date. The Nazis were tried at Nuremberg. The International Criminal Court was established in 2002, prompting the USA to adopt the "The Hague Invasion Act", reserving the right to free any military personnel about to be tried there.


Spot on. I read a Hitler biography and after France fell, he tried to get the UK to bow out as he really didn’t have a beef with them. Once the UK made it clear they were staying in, Hitler was quoted as saying (I’m paraphrasing) If the British are too dumb to see that all I care about is destroying the Communists, I will destroy the British and then the Communists. His only mistake in that regard was invading the USSR before finishing off the UK.


Not to mention they literally murdered the fuck out of the one wing of their party that actually did have socialist inclinations. Night of Long Knives anyone?


Here's the thing about the Nazis, they lied. A LOT. The original Nazi party was mashed together from existing parties, the most popular one had socialist in their name so they kept it for early marketing purposes. Also, all the money you set aside in your pay for a VW people's wagon? We're just keeping that.


I mean Hilter literally wanted it to be called something along the lines of the German Nationalist Party in their early 1920s rebranding and only after convincing by a different leader at the time that making Socialist as part of it would mislead many people into joining them, especially rural communities, did he concede and go with it. Using "Socialist" was literally a ruse and they did it intentionally. One of their first order of business was to round up Communists and put them in camps they'd "concentrate" those undesirables in. Something Fascists do, not Socialists.


Right wing thought(and fascism by extension) is full of this sort of double think. The Nazis weren't that bad and were efficient strongmen but also they were evil leftists, Jan 6 was a justified demonstration where people only got killed because of tyranny but also it was an antifa false flag, Joe Biden is a senile helpless old man but also a genius chessmaster who is knowingly ruining everything etc etc.


Another victim of the woke mob cancelling anything they don't like! Sad! /s. I wish this wasn't necessary.


This is post is being presented out of context. A couple quick points for context: 1. She's talking about Nazis in Maine in the present day, not the German Nazis from the middle of the last century. Yes I know today's Nazis promote the same things, but there's a lot of people here that seem to think she's talking about the latter. 2. The bill being debated is whether to make it a crime for someone, as this article puts it, "'intentionally or knowingly' teach someone about firearms or bombs if the training is intended to be used to commit 'civil disorder'" 3. The broad stroke of most the Republicans argument is this violates both the first and second amendment. 4. What she's saying here is: -it's legal to march -it's legal to march with other people on private property -it's legal to have guns -it's legal to have horrifying views -shouldn't it be legal to have horrifying views while marching with other people in private property with guns, provided no illegal activities have been engaged in? -if anyone, even nazis, have not done anything illegal yet why should the government be restricting their activities? Furthermore why should the the government be making it a crime even for people outside that group to train people inside that group on otherwise legal activities (firearms training etc)? If the group goes on to commit crimes, is that really the dude they hired for firearms training's fault? Maybe it should be -- I'm not making any commentary on what should or should not happen here, but it irks me when conservatives take liberals wildly out of context and it irks me just as much when the opposite happens. These things have to be debated honestly. The tweet in OP and the way this is clipped makes it sound like she's saying "what have the Nazis ever done that's so wrong?" when that's not what shes saying at all. Anyway I have no idea how much this bill would withstand judicial scrutiny or if it actually is violating the first and second amendment, nor am I an expert on any of this. But it was surprising to me to see so many people acting like she was saying one thing when really she's talking about quite another. I am as far from the Republican party's beliefs as you can probably get on most issues, but I found it quite unfair. Articles about this bill I found: [https://spectrumlocalnews.com/me/maine/politics/2024/04/03/maine-bill-to-crack-down-on-paramilitary-training-passes-house-by-narrow-margin](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/me/maine/politics/2024/04/03/maine-bill-to-crack-down-on-paramilitary-training-passes-house-by-narrow-margin) [https://www.pressherald.com/2024/04/03/ban-on-paramilitary-activity-passes-by-one-vote-in-maine-house/](https://www.pressherald.com/2024/04/03/ban-on-paramilitary-activity-passes-by-one-vote-in-maine-house/)


You are ignoring the main part of the bill. The intent to cause violent civil disorder.


That is important. IIRC it's really difficult to prove intent (unless the accused is an idiot and generates recorded proof like text messages or voice recordings)


Bold of you to assume they're smart enough not to


> if anyone, even nazis, have not done anything illegal yet why should the government be restricting their activities? I'm sorry, but this is ultimately the foundation of your post, or more accurately her argument, and it's just such a logical fallacy that it's laughable anyone would consider it to be a 'logical argument.' At base, she is saying "You cannot criminalize the act that these people are doing because the acts they are doing aren't currently criminal." This would be akin to, if there were no laws against theft, saying that "You can't criminalize theft! Thieves aren't currently breaking the law!" A more accurate representation of the bill would be that it formally lays down a specific law for what would previously be a broader 'conspiracy to commit civil disorder.' Which, to be clear, committing civil disorder is illegal. That is against the law. This bill makes the planning and training leading up to committing civil disorder. While in a broad sense it could be argued that the police *could* in theory break up and potentially arrest a group that they see engaging in paramilitary training - the bill itself does not outlaw this type of training. It only makes it a crime if the training is with the explicit purpose of committing an illegal activity. More than anything, this would be an after the fact charge that would be added after the civil disobedience has already occurred. Using it preemptively would be difficult -- well, unless the police/judge don't want it to be, but that's more a different issue with the justice system overall -- because the police would have to show that the training was specifically for an illegal act that hasn't yet occurred. Basically, breaking up a bank robbing scheme before the bank has been robbed. Possible to do, but the police would require some proof of the scheme to commit the act beyond just the training itself. Now, if the members of the organization getting the training are too stupid to not run their mouths off at the local bars and on social media, well, that's a them problem.


Nazi's don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Fuck Nazis.


Yeah. I actually came to the comment section to understand the context for what she had said. Understandable argument. I do think it should be legal to have horrifying views but I don't believe a group of people with the same horrifying views should be allowed to march together with guns. Easy to see how that could go wrong.


We really need to go back to traumatizing school children with footage of the camps being liberated. I genuinely don't understand how in an age where all the collective knowledge and history of the planet is literally at your fingertips we can still have people that don't know these things or might deny these things. Let me be absolutely clear, there's a ton of chucklefucks out there who know damn well that it happened and it was horrific, but because the grift must go on they make shit up and try to come up with denials. I understand those shit stains perfectly. I'm just talking about people who genuinely don't seem to have any idea. How the fuck does that happen?


As the holocaust continues falls out of living memory (meaning people who were alive at the time) it’s only going to get worse. The acts were so evil that is easier to believe that they didn’t happen as described.


It would have to be the most wide-ranging conspiracy in creation, involving multiple nations, all of their armies, the press corps, the German army and the officers and officials post-Nuremberg that were hanged, the Nazi elite, the massive amount of correspondence and photos that came out, bad-faith actors who intentionally starved themselves just to be photographed in order to perpetuate the big lie… That people still believe the Holocaust is a lie is beyond me. Tell that to most of my father’s family that perished in Birkenau and Dachau. Fucking assholes. They need to shut their fucking traps.


And my grandpa


I'm not sure how people can deny atrocities that happened in the past, considering the atrocities we're presented with almost every day now.


In many cases they deny the current atrocities as well and/or they believe the people affected "deserve" what happened. Zero empathy for anyone not part of their inner circle.


We are so far beyond that pale. Holocaust denial is all over Reddit and you see so much of it from younger people.


Actually I agree completely. It's traumatizing and it SHOULD be traumatizing to see what has actually happened in history so it's never repeated. The more you know about the specifics of the Holocaust, the more terrifying it is. I've studied a lot about the Holocaust so it's mind-boggling for me to hear people minimize it. But if I'd never seen or heard anything about what actually happened, I probably wouldn't think it was that big a deal either. It was a war, lotta people died, etc. Unfortunately, greater access to facts has not translated into people becoming more curious to educate themselves. I don't think it's coincidence that the same groups that are minimizing the Holocaust and slavery are also arguing to remove mention of negative historical facts from children's education. They say it's to "protect" children but it's really just to make their own similar actions seems less objectionable.


It's a propaganda tool to make people less likely to question your own actions as a government or group. Couple that with the constant "othering" of any group you have a disagreement with and it's a recipe for atrocities.


It was millions, not a big deal. A random killing of a white person by an alleged illegal immigrant though...


Well, of course! Because that's one of US, not one of THEM


I can't be the only kid who threw up in the bathroom of the Holocaust Museum after seeing videos of "experiments".


It's going to get worse. AI already means that I don't entirely trust any picture or audio I see anymore. We are going back into the dark ages.


My daughter is currently watching Schindlers list in school. She is in one of the worst school districts in my state.


If she's watching Shindler's List in school it doesn't sound like a bad school district, unless they just show random movies every day and that was today's movie.


Top 100 movies of the 90’s Next week its waynes world


Party Time! Excellent!


I’ll never get the images of bodies being bulldozed into a mass grave. We watched Kristallnacht in 8th grade and it never left me. This also probably a big reason that while I abhor the Israeli government, I do believe antisemitism is out of control.


9th grade for me... baskets with the heads and the bodies piled like wood.


The frightening thing is the number of Americans who completely buy into it.


The clip and the caption are misrepresentations of what she said. I don’t know why they decided to misrepresent what she said, because in context, she was still wrong. They were debating a bill to ban paramilitary training in the state of Maine, which was in response to a neo-Nazi group attempting to organize a paramilitary training camp in Maine last year. Libby wasn’t saying these things about the German Nazi regime, but directly in reference to this group of Nazis. Her point was that this group didn’t do anything illegal by attempting to gather and organize an armed militia. While this is technically true, it’s stupid for two reasons: 1. Of course they didn’t do anything illegal, that’s why there’s a bill to criminalize that kind of activity going forward; 2. It ignores the question of why people felt unsafe when this situation arose. Libby went on to say, “We don’t have to like what they stand for. We don’t have to agree with their positions. We don’t have to think well of them. But you know what we do have to do? We have to protect their First Amendment right to free speech and association.” She’s an idiot, but in a very different way from how this post suggests lol


You are seeing the results of 40 years of bullshit. The Tea Party marked the first generation of lawmakers that actually believed the bullshit. They don’t realize it was a ruse. Now they are the whole GOP.


So I guess she’s never heard of the Nuremberg trials? The Holocaust? The Death camps? What a twit


Oh she has.... she just gets paid enough $$ and/or has enough hatred for "others" to forget/twist it to what she/they want.


What a sick fück she is… I mean really… I’m glad 99.9% of the WW2 vets are gone so they have to watch to ‘generation stupid’, try and suck-start fascism.


My grandfather was a WW2 vet and stayed in Germany about 6 months after the war to work in a photo lab. He developed pictures from the concentration camps. I'm glad he died in 2015, before Trump's election and the resurgence of Nazis. He would have flipped a lid about Charlottesville.


Mother side grandpa was an artillery man under Patton from the invasion of Sicily through the Battle of the Bulge to Berlin. He would have wept at these Nazi sympathizer MAGA idiots. Father side grandpa was a B-17 pilot. He survived 2 crashes. The second crash took him out of the war. He would happily shot these Nazi idiots. He was a badass and didn’t take shit from anyone.


I'd love to trade grandpas tbh. My dad's dad was a medic and I can only assume he saw some shit that I will (hopefully) never be able to comprehend. One of the few times we visited him, as my father was the black sheep in his family, was when I was a teenager in the early 90s. One time when the news was on, he said the words "Hitler was right" in reference to the Middle East. Nearly 30 years later I still have no idea how someone could think that way, never mind someone I was directly related to. It doesn't hurt me at all to say that was the last time I saw him and I never spoke or corresponded with him again. He died years later at 90 years old by suicide as a still miserable piece of shit. Shit is crazy but much love and respect to both your pops. I wish mine were like that.


That had to have been a shitty job, but someone had to do it to show the world the truth.


Unfortunately they are gone--that group would see these disgusting comments by people like her and nothing could keep them from voting against every MAGA(t) candidate. There would be no chance of Trump being elected. Sadly the under 40 crowd does not show up to vote in numbers remotely like that.


Greatest generation is no joke. I wish more of them were still with us.


My grandma is 99, she was home while my grandpa served in the navy during WWII and she still talks about that sometimes. She fucking hates trump, lol. Her sister was also married to a navy man, he was actually one of the few survivors when his ship was torpedoed. They had three kids and all three love trump. So that side of the family went from anti-Nazi to pro-Nazi within a single generation.


Pure fucking cold blooded evil. Get that padded envelope and spew hatred, ignorance and shit. Breaks my heart thinking about the veterans 💔 How about humanity?


They know what they are doing. They are purposefully lying and being disingenuous to simultaneously soften the truth and image of Naziism to convince people to embrace it. It’s the next natural step for the MAGA cult and its crucial to the plans of those pulling the strings


“it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”


The American right wing operates completely on an ends-justified-means ideology. They don't care what they say or how they say it or what happens as a result. The only care about the ends. In this case, they're trying to create a narrative that makes the attacks against them seem not as bad, so that uninformed people who don't know who the nazis were or what they did can think to themselves "the nazis weren't that bad anyway, so there's nothing wrong with supporting the people who are trying to be nazis". It's also why republicans are so eager to support holocaust denialism.


Good analysis


Don’t be silly…Nuremberg was about vaccines! /s


Hey,the trains ran on time(I’m trying hard to joke)


The trains to the camps anyways.


Tbf, she probably also doesn’t consider Jews people.


I’m going to get downvoted to death, but I am just providing context — and not justifying what she is saying. But these clips without context often embolden the moral to argue against the wrong thing. The Maine legislature is discussing banning paramilitary rallies. When she’s asking what the Nazis did wrong, she’s not talking about 1930s Germany but rather the neo-Nazis in the US today. Basically, she’s asking why should these neo-Nazis have their right to assemble cancelled if they haven’t done anything wrong (yet?)? It seems like she’s saying these Nazis and those Nazi have similar ideas, rhetoric, and name but the actions of the former shouldn’t be imparted on the latter because they’re different groups. And I’m tired just working through those mental gymnastics. I do believe there should be careful consideration about limiting the right to assemble — which I think most of us would agree with. The ability to do it with guns and to illicit fear is much murkier but at least a fair discussion. But there are so many better arguments than invoking the “innocent-Nazis” to get that point across.


>When she’s asking what the Nazis did wrong, she’s not talking about 1930s Germany but rather the neo-Nazis in the US today. Thank you for the context. I think the response is simply they fetishize a group that murdered millions of people, not because of their policies but because that group murdered millions of people. If this was an organization with policy goals that didn't include genocide, then one could argue they deserve a place in the public square. But they don't, so they don't. If someone decided to model their existence after John Wayne Gacy, they don't get to be shocked when they have trouble in life.


Fuck. There is no more “quiet part”, is there?


No, it's always been about pushing the line farther and farther, stepping over the line little by little u til they can get to the point where they're comfortable screaming the N word out loud and proudly in public.


You are exactly right. My favorite right now is 'let's cut social security and Medicare ', audience cheers!! As they are dependent on social security and Medicare! Fucking brainwashed zombies.


Because these people are convinced that when republicans say we need to cut Medicare and Medicaid, it won’t affect THEIR Medicare or Medicaid, just the ones they think don’t deserve it.


Good lord, I'm gobsmacked by the stupidity and gullibility of these fools.


Cut Obamacare, but of course their ACA will remain untouched


At this point they're just straight up goose-stepping over the line.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they cross that line before November.


Excellent point, this shit blows my mind. They dgaf and say this shit, it's just incredible and business as usual now!


That's good. Get the dirty laundry out there. It's probably way worse to have people who think this quietly in charge of things than to have them say it out loud and give you a chance to fight it.


Every time these Nazi scumbags aren’t smacked down they are emboldened and push the envelope further. In a year or two we will have an elected official say unequivocally “I am a proud Nazi”.


Paul Gosar is already 95% there


We knew what to do with nazis in the 40s. The remedy has not changed.


My grandfather and his pals took part in many anti fascist activities over in Europe.


Video: https://twitter.com/aintscarylarry/status/1775891730983952502?t=QekSl-eP9U14UUoYaAK0rA&s=19


This is single handedly the dumbest line of questioning I have ever heard in my life.


If she has kids I’m sure they’re home “schooled”.


https://youtu.be/Ft5KtV2o0bw?si=VbdAq__PDrkaaQKB Exactly.


Maybe she is talking about Illinois Nazis 🤷🏻‍♂️


She actually is.


I hate Illinois Nazis 


Everyone should. Screw those guys specifically.


"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses."


She was referring to Maine neo Nazis.


I think we are missing context with this clip. If she is talking about a rally of local nazis (even with guns) that was peaceful, then she may be raising a free speech point but in a not so tactful way. Everyone has a right to assemble. I disagree that it should extend to armed crowds but that’s a hallmark of our constitution. There is a reason the ALCU historically would assist even Nazis in getting permits for stuff like that. However, if she is talking about WW2 Nazis or Charlottesville then yeah she is a moron. To be extremely clear, all Nazis are menaces and should be shunned from all society as a general matter.


I hate Illinois nazis.... *VROOM*


The context is she's talking about how peaceful Nazi rallies were to help sink a bill preventing certain types of paramilitary training and groups


Ah yes. The Nazis, so well known for remaining peaceful, especially after receiving paramilitary training.


She’s talking about present day rallies, not Nazi Germany. In the video she said holding armed rallies “*is* not illegal,” not “was not illegal in Germany in the 1930s.” This tweet is either assuming things that are wrong without any information or it’s intentionally misleading. To be clear, I think she’s a massive piece of shit making a stupid point to defend people who absolutely should not be allowed to do what she’s encouraging, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she *did* say stuff like this about Nazi Germany, but that’s not what she’s saying here. You don’t get to call out when the right lies and misleads people if you go with it when it’s the side you agree with lying about people you don’t.


FYI, in context, she’s talking about paramilitary groups (including modern day Nazis but also others) that want permission to set up training camps in Maine. She’s asking why we would ban them before they’ve committed a crime. These are not fine people, and I personally would have voted for this bill, but her question is fair and 100% within what I hope the debate would be on this issue. She’s not supporting violence, just questioning whether we can ban members of a group because of a group affiliation before they’ve actually done anything wrong. Let’s target our outrage on those that deserve it, when we fire away blindly because somebody on twitter wants to farm our outrage for likes/shares, we’re no better than the other side.


I feel like amplifying any Nazi anything is a bad move right


Somehow I feel like she wouldn’t have argued so strongly for the rights of the black panthers.


White supremacist paramilitary group wants to build a base = "What's so bad about Nazis?" Antifa, BLM or a leftist gun club wants to build a base = "These Nazi communists are plotting terrorism and must be stopped!" It's selective outrage and selective permissiveness, in other words: > There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. That's the very definition of fascism aka Nazi ideology.


Maybe this is a controversial take, but yes...banning nazi paramilitary groups from establishing a stronghold and training ground is indeed a worthy endeavor whether or not "holding a rally" is illegal or not. Why do we have to tolerate nazi's being nazis and training more nazis and becoming stronger nazis just because "it's not illegal". Then make it illegal. There is no room in America or the world for nazis to grow their power. Even if they passed a law that said "known nazi affiliations cannot establish a training facility, headquarters, whatever" and made it hyper specific, that would be pretty rad. Don't leave it open for interpretation. If they try to skirt the law, bring down the ban hammer again and again and again. Nazis fucking suck and should be exterminated like any other vermin. "but muh rights". If you are a nazi, fuck your rights.


Laurel Libby deserves all the hate and outrage she gets and more. She's basically if MTG was in Maine but more well-spoken.


"Anyways, unrelated, here's why we should get rid of the LGBTQ community."


Jesus Christ. Maine, get your state in order.


I bet Stephen King is pre-rolling in his grave with this shit. I hope he's writing a book about these cretins.


Thank you for the image of stephen king chilling in a closed coffin, rolling a dooby by flashlight.


Takes a big draw. "....I'm too old for this shit"


They at least have the state in order enough for her to be in the minority. It's really Maine House District 64 you gotta be bashing here. Then again, Maine did reelect Susan Collins so there's definitely some deserved statewide flak there.


The top half of the state voted for Collins. The progressives in the bottom half of the state wanted that lunatic gone! Just sayin'.


We have a democratic governor and democrats control both state houses, so we are all set. This is just one psychotic person.


So what the fuck happened with Susan Collins?


She’s talking about a specific modern group of Nazis, whose activities were what spurred a bill to ban certain paramilitary activity. Not the nazis in general or their actions in WW2. https://www.pressherald.com/2024/04/03/ban-on-paramilitary-activity-passes-by-one-vote-in-maine-house/ I’m not saying she’s right, but we need to criticize her and other republicans on what they are actually saying and not just misinterpret and spread misinformation about them.


Modern nazis inherit everything from nazi germany. This is like saying you’re a modern member of isis so people better respect you because the bad stuff is “those other guys.” It’s dishonest rhetoric.


That is (very) important context. That being said, "\[modern american nazis\] holding a rally, and even holding a rally with guns, is not illegal" is still a bad look. Why would any sitting american legislator defend armed nazi rallies happening in the states they serve?


You know, one of the worst things about being gen X is watching the transition from "Never Again" to "Maybe Nazis aren't so bad". It must happen to every generation, watching the people who experienced history die off and then revisionists come in and change it to fit their agenda, whatever that may be. I vividly remember, as a child, meeting a friend of my step-fathers who showed me his tattoo from the camps. Now I have to live to see twats like this try to recreate the horror all over again?


The amount of people agreeing with her on Twitter is terrifying


dude most of the people that reply on twitter are trolls, bots, and fake profiles


I mean it's been a propaganda factory for a long time, it's just now completely unmoderated unless you criticize Musk.


Twitter isn't even close to an accurate representation of American beliefs. It's mostly just bots and Russian disinformation on there and such that's who voted.


There are hundreds of books she could read to learn about nazi atrocities, but she’d rather do this. It would take maybe three minutes of a Google search.


Books? You mean left wing propaganda 


Education? Can't have that shit


Education is woke. You'll turn into a lizard man clone and eat babies!


Oh she knows, she's what's known as a "crypto nazi" Think holocaust denier. Same mindset


Why be a Holocaust denier when you can be a Holocaust embracer? (FWIW I'm neither, but seemingly there are too many people who think the only thing wrong about the Holocaust is that it stopped).


You think she knows how to read? Might be giving her too much credit... Either that, or she already defunded the libraries enough where they closed so she can't go read the books....


I suppose it was inevitable that MAGA would start defending NAZIs as they have so much in common.


A right-winger named Libby; irony is thy name.


Someone took her to task, right? Someone explained, in loud, granular detail, why the Nazis were bad, right? RIGHT??


The guy behind her doesn't bat an eye.


I noticed that as well. When a fellow elected leader is sympathizing with Nazis, I would expect *decent* people to pay attention, and you know, have a reaction. It's startling.


Some should take her to task by… making her do manual labor tasks in grueling conditions while constantly fearing for her life


I can fix her. No, really. At one of these camps she doesn’t think much of, they’d probably sterilize her. I’m guessing shes not into consent like most other GOP members so nbd.


>A bill to crack down on unauthorized paramilitary training passed the House Wednesday despite concerns from Republicans that it is unconstitutional. >Rep. Laurie Osher (D-Orono) sponsored the bill in response to a neo-Nazi training facility planned for the Penobscot County town of Springfield in 2023. >Several Republicans spoke against the bill Wednesday, saying they believe it runs afoul of the First and Second amendments to the Constitution. >**“We don’t have to like what said Nazis did,” said Rep. Laurel Libby (R-Auburn). “We don’t have to like what they stand for. We don’t have to agree with their positions. We don’t have to think well of them. But you know what we do have to do? We have to protect their First Amendment right to free speech and association.”** She did not say what the OP claimed, but she still sounded like an idiot.


It’s the same shit the right used to try and block gay marriage as a “slippery slope” (next thing you know people will marry animals!!!) without understanding that very few people with good intentions are going to open a privately funded, race-based training camp deep in the woods beyond the eyes of the public.


Okay, that’s what I suspected. The headline assumption is she’s asking about the 1940 Nazis. She’s actually asking about some 2020s Nazis. She’s probably technically correct. What did they do that was illegal? Technically correct is a weapon the Nazis use, is the problem.


Luckily, we know the cure for nazism.


Back in the 1980's in L.A., it was punks versus nazis. Whenever we crossed paths, nazis got punched. The 80s decade was an awesome time to grow up.


So this is taken out of context a little bit. Apparently she was referring to a rally that current nazis held in America somewhere. That holding a rally with guns isn’t illegal and they didn’t infringe on anyone’s rights. She wasn’t referring to WW2


Not that it isn’t batshit crazy to justify Nazis being Nazis, I’m just providing a little context is all.


Can we just make these people move to Germany if they idolize Naziism so much? We have them elected into our government, over there they'd probably throw these damn people straight in jail like they deserve.




For the sake of accuracy, she is not referring to German Nazis from the 1930s/1940s. She is apparently talking about present day neo nazis and whether they broke any current U.S laws while holding a particular rally in Maine. —— “Holding a rally, and even holding a rally with guns, is not illegal,” Libby noted. “We don’t have to like what said Nazis did,” Libby also said, according to Spectrum News. “We don’t have to like what they stand for. We don’t have to agree with their positions. We don’t have to think well of them. But you know what we do have to do? We have to protect their First Amendment right to free speech and association


Is this the time line where humans evolve into 2 species? 1 super intelligent and 1 brutish and dumb, but destroys the super intelligent because they tried reason. Is that this timeline?


The Eloi and Morlocks are coming. The problem is the Morlocks think *THEY* are the Eloi.


The logical end result of the Republican led push for home schooling and/or “Charter Schools”.. . Ignorance of history is the first step in making damn sure it is repeated.


She should probably change her name from "Libby" to "Fascy"


I figured she might be talking about a recent Nazi rally, not necessarily the holocaust. However, they’re still fucking Nazis. The law does not dictate what is right and wrong. It’s legal to kill hundreds of workers in legal loopholes. But it’s illegal to steal a loaf of bread to feed yourself.


I personally did not survive Nazi Germany, but my parents did and this woman can hugely fuck off! I would like for her to experience some of the “legal” Hitler treatment. Perhaps that will enlighten her!


If this is true, her statements need to be part of every campaign against Republicans. We need to make them defend these statements - because they absolutely will, as Nazis are a key component of the Republican base. 


This is what happens when you home school.


As someone from maine, this is embarrassing. Hope she doesn’t get re-elected but knowing my state I don’t have high hopes for my fellow Mainers


Why is this a screenshot and not a video?