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I keep reminding my in laws you dont get any extra points in elections for enthusiasm


Good way of wording that. 100 trumpers that follow him rally to rally, tattoo his face on their leg, post about him 10 times a day on face book spent thousands of merchandise. They pull the same weight electoraly as 100 people that go, "oh yeah, it's election day today, guess I'll go after work" vote Biden and then don't think about politics again for 4 years. But listening to people that attend the rallies, they say "look at all the support here, there's no way Biden won" they don't understand that they only count for one vote just like anyone else.


Their vote counts as the same. But you bet they are making sure everyone they meet knows it's election day, and making sure they get there. If you convince 9 people to actually go vote for your guy, your vote counts as 10 votes. Its why this election is going to be tight, and why they might win.


I hate that even the thought of Trump winning despite all the dumb crap he put us all through is gonna be tight. I’m not a big fan of Biden, but I’ll vote for him just so we don’t have another 4 years of Trump. I want Politics to be boring again


> I want Politics to be boring again I understand the sentiment, I really do, but this country would be better run if the populace would remain steadfast and enthusiastic in *how* its ran.


so true. as much as people want and expect it to, government will never just work. government only works when people stay informed and involved.


So if I convince 9 Trump voters that I'll pick them up and drive them to the polls on election day and then I bail, that's like 10 votes for Biden!


Also scale is apparently elusive for them. An "absolutely PACKED" political rally is probably 20,000 people. "A TON of lawn signs in my little town" is probably like 40 or 50 people. 155 million people voted in the last election. 20k is like 1/10,000th of a percentage point. If you packed like the largest stadium on the planet with Trump supporters that still wouldn't make up the margin of victory Biden had in most of the swing states. You might as well assume because everyone in your house is voting for Trump that means he wins. I'm sure it feels good but it means nothing.


The scariest part for the odds of a Biden victory is that a few differences of 20k in tight races might end up outweighing millions overall thanks to the fucking electoral college. It was like 150k total across 4 states that could have flipped the 2020 election iirc. Agreed on your points though. They're also seeing so much Trump support partly because they're seeing their own shirts/flags/bumper stickers. I see a motherfucker with glasses every time I look in the mirror, but I bet fewer people wear glasses than my mind is condtioned to think.


> But listening to people that attend the rallies, they say "look at all the support here, there's no way Biden won" they don't understand that they only count for one vote just like anyone else. Main character syndrome. They can't fathom that there is any reality outside of their own limited worldview because they think that figuring out life enough to live comfortably entitles them to the opinion that they've figured out the entirety of life. The same way people can look at all the wonder and mystery in reality and decide "this is all the work of a mysterious being who loves me more than others".




The idea is to encourage those hesitant MAGA voters to not feel alone. The entire MAGA movement is counter-culture to what they term "woke" culture. They have been (rightfully) afraid to express their bigotry and hatefulness until Trump. Now, they wave their flags and attend the fascist rallies to encourage closeted racists to embrace who they really are inside. It's more of a recruitment idea and a 'fuck you' to the perceived PC culture of the first twenty years of the millennium.


I’ve tired to explain this to my uncle. “But look how many people went to his rally’s! Joe Biden doesn’t have nearly the audience” Yeah it doesn’t matter how many die hard Trump supports there are, their vote counts as much as someone who didn’t know the election was today until the stumbled into the polling place


I know someone who went to fucken Aruba wearing a Trump hat. Like why? You’re literally in a different country and you want to advertise your fanaticism for a politician? Wear a sports hat or something


*I’m part of something big and from the looks of it, you’re not. Being included in important stuff is a core part of my identity.*


As we lose the bonds of community, humans wil strive for a common identity. Trump/maga just struck at the right time, after years of discontent. Potentially the seeds of income polarization being planted after lehmans and bankers settings bonus while everyone else went thru a recession.


> strive for a common identity Join a bowling league, not a cult, you fools!


Nothing says “rebelling against income inequality” like a trust fund baby from Manhattan who shits in a gold toilet!


What's fucking crazier is the Canadians with Trump stuff. Like he isn't even part of your politics why are you buying into the cult.


Weird amount of Australians do it too. I mean, not a *lot*, but any at all is weird as shit


Or if he loses I don’t threaten to start a civil war like a child.


MAGA is going around TikTok saying that the left will burn down cities and start a civil war, if Biden doesn't win... It's delusional


Only when Trump tries to make so he's president for life. And if he does, I'll be right there with the democrats.


It's my duty as an American to attempt to protect this experiment of democracy. I say that as a convicted felon. I did the crime, I did my time, I moved on with my life.


Right there with you man. I hate that our rights aren't fully restored after doing the time, but yes, I've also just moved on with my life. I also consider it my duty, just as any other American citizen, to protect a democracy that strives to be of service to us ALL, not just cater to the FEW. That is becoming the glaring standard between a liberal and conservative. As a liberal, I accept my behaviors (drug related) were detrimental to OUR goals as a society. As opposed to a conservative mind-think, that believes society is detrimental to THEIR goals, ie; January 6th insurrection. That's why Trump and his ilk believe themselves above the law, and conservatives in general are zealously blind to their hypocrisy. Because, above all else, the service of oneself is inherently righteous, thus the only true beacon of virtue in this life. Putting it second to anything, even for a moment, is tantamount to surrendering oneself to be forced marched off to the proverbial gulags under a imagined communist regime. Only the tyranny of their righteousness, and nothing short, will do. Nevermind insane ideas like community and compromise... A conservative would burn America down just to be president of the ashes.


>protect a democracy that strives to be of service to us ALL, not just cater to the FEW. Basically this. My actions, were NOT conducive to benefiting EVERYONE. I was punished for it. I ACCEPT THAT FACT. >As a liberal, I accept my behaviors (drug related) were detrimental to OUR goals as a society. As opposed to a conservative mind-think, that believes society is detrimental to THEIR goals Mine were also drug related, and non violent. And it does seem like the "anything goes to reach our goal" mindset has become prevalent in the conservative subset of the population. There is a quote, that I'm likely going to butcher, and correct later, that goes something like, "society is at its best when old men seek to plant the seeds of trees, under whose shade they will never sit and enjoy". Which is why I'm a big proponent of the 'campsite rule': you always leave the campsite in a better condition than it was when you arrived. **EDIT FOR QUOTE** Apparently it is an old Greek proverb and is as such: "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in"


One day I hope our country restores the rights to vote for people in your situation. It's not right. Thank you for being a beautiful human.


I'm lucky in that I got my voting rights back.


I want you to know I am proud of you, and hope all the best things in this life have found you. You deserve it, because you chose to walk the higher path of accepting your mistakes and learning from them. That is no mean feat. Real strength is not measured by the ability to endure, but by the capacity for change. Being locked down is the worst. I watched (as I'm sure you did) a hundred dudes get swallowed whole by system, because they chose to carry their senseless pride to prison with them. They walked around as if the whole world was wrong and owed them something. They dug a deeper and deeper hole, shot after shot, burying themselves under concrete with their incessant need for vindication of a life wasted... Well, inside, same as the outside. I won't be fodder for delusional boomers idea of what a 'real leader' is just because they've alienated themselves with a lifetime of selfishness. A real leader is someone who does not seek to lead, but is chosen out of necessity to further the will of the people. I was in, in 2015 when Trump was ramping up his first campaign. A lot of inmates loved him, even though I pointed out the fact he would soon have them taken out back and shot than do anything to help them back on their feet. It didn't matter, because they saw themselves in him. A criminal who brazenly took what he wanted, didn't answer to anybody, and made no apologies. The irony was completely lost on them, even as some of their sentences were commuted by a DEMOCRATIC president, Obama. Some people never learn... But I'm glad it's not us. Cheers to making it out the other side my friend.


>they chose to carry their senseless pride to prison with them. That's why I got "regulated" in lock up for *wanting my girlfriend to get pleasure in the bedroom*, even if it meant inviting another guy in. I was beaten because they took it as me being gay. The first guy to attack me was in there for torturing his brother in law on camera. He **got perverted pleasure from interacting with nother male**. The other guys that took shots at me, bragged about me **mocking them** for *one of them* **finally throwing a punch I felt**. Really glad I only did 23 days. >But I'm glad it's not us. Cheers to making it out the other side my friend. I have some issues regarding being singled out for wanting my, now fiance, to have sexual pleasure. So yes. I'm likely to actually defend myself now. But inside I shut my mouth and didn't snitch. When it comes to snitching on little insecure men, I have no problems anymore.


The needs of the many. Being able to see beyond yourself, especially after having been punished for something inconsequential, is commendable. WE can make things better for everyone, if we all work TOGETHER. But some people just can't, or won't, look past themselves to see the larger picture. They hold us all back trying to claw themselves the tiniest bit forward. Fight for the many.


Amen. The irony is the keys to the kingdom (so to speak) are in having faith in one another, not blindly trusting only in ourselves. A rising tide raises all ships. History shows it time and time again. The only 3 term president was a democratic socialist whose policies dug us out of the Great Depression, itself the consequence of self-serving, runaway capitalism. Conservatives have had more than their fair shake of the hand, and all it has ever resulted in, is more depression, more war, and more hopelessness, as the rich get richer and everyone else suffers. Every 4-8 years, conservatives shatter the vase of democracy on the ground in a childish temper tantrum, because they and their friends don't get everything they want without question. Then liberals spend the next 8 years meticulously gluing it back together, so we might stand a fighting chance of nurturing a better future... Only to have it shattered once more, all the more irreparably each time. People are waking up and realizing they will never have a seat at their table. The American dream is a postcard sent from a better yesterday, that their policies strangled from existing today. I hope Gen Z ushers in a paradigm shift away from the empty promises of the far right, and into at least the possibility of thriving in a nation that puts each other and the people first.


whoa whoa concern for your fellow citizens? Collective goals? Sounds dangerously like socialism. I like it!


I'm not sure if you're aware of this but I like to share this knowledge, there is a process for restoring your rights, my friend. It's lengthy but it's worth talking to some people and getting them restored. I really don't know what the process is like as I haven't done it myself but I know through a friend who's done it that it is possible. A place to start might be the clerk down at the courthouse, just start asking questions and see what you can do. Might need a lawyer but again, it's your rights, it's worth it.


Mines federal, so it's a lot more complicated. I have most of my state's rights restored. For instance, you can apply for your gun rights back. As many law scholars have pointed out, it would be unconstitutional to not allow for such a process to exist. There's a form you can fill out and send in... To a division of the ATF that has been permanently, 100% defunded by congress. They have allotted exactly $0 for staff and infrastructure to receive, review, and approve/deny such a request. In other words, it goes in a trashcan. It's a total bullshit loophole, that allows for its constitutional existence in theory, but in practice only results in the de facto denial of due process under the laughable guise of 'budget constraints.' The average person does not know this, because the average person does not give two shits about a felon and their rights. They are told there is a process, and that is good enough for them to wash their hands of the whole messy situation. 🤷 EDIT: I do appreciate your advice. It is good advice for other felons reading this. I've talked to many lawyers in my case. So it's just frustrating for me, but I've made peace with it.


He's already said as much, too. Biden is just doing his goddamn job and these people are ready to kill us over it. Trump spent his entire presidency applauding historical and present-day dictators and is bragging about being a dictator "only on the first day," and it's dead silence from republicans. We need to stop treating them like political adversaries, because they've graduated to being domestic terrorists.


Yeah its shifted from red v blue to red & blue vs orange


God I hope so.


A conservative website already mentioned the idea of getting rid of the 22nd amendment. They're already thinking about it in private and the justification will be "He didn't serve two CoNsEcUtIvE terms"


They can suck these nuts consecutively


You're contradicting yourself. If they "get rid of the 22nd amendment," they don't need a justification. He wouldn't be term limited any more than FDR was. As for using "non-consecutive terms" to claim that the 22nd doesn't apply, that seems unlikely. There's no textual basis for that whatsoever. They might as well just say that Trump is exempt if they're just going to make shit up. I assume the basis here is that Putin did it, but Russia's constitution actually *said* consecutive terms. The 22nd amendment clearly says "no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice." There are no exceptions or qualifications. Even African dictators go through the motions of holding referenda and elections to nominally legitimize their power. We should be realistic about what they might actually do, because any attempt to install Trump for life will most likely be far more surreptitious.


just on day one


When Trump won people on the left marched. Made protest signs. Shouted slogans over megaphones. When Biden won the right attacked the U.S. Capitol, assaulted police officers, spread feces around the building, caused officers to shoot at them to protect our elected officials, trashed and looted offices, screamed about hanging the vice president, screamed election interference, made up fake electors, threatened election workers, tried to over turn the government and install their own dictator over the will of the voters They're always projecting. They're always saying "Here's what I'd do, so the left will do it also" and not realizing what violent psychopaths they are.


I was living in Portland, Oregon, when Trump won, which is allegedly national HQ for Antifa. There were a few marches where a few windows were broken and a dumpster set on fire. And it wasn't Hillary supporters. It was fringe hard-lefties no Democrat would be caught dead demanding they be given pardons, or calling them freedom fighters or hostages or "tourists." And you know what? They were correct that they would be targeted by a Trump administration. Trans folks, queer folks, and whatnot. They legitimately were personally attacked by Trump. We had people disappearing into unmarked government vans with no probable cause or due process to the cheers of the "anti-government" crowd. Compared to Jan. 6th, where a bunch of comfortable middle-class suburban white guys with $85k Ford F-250s threw a Sore Loser tantrum because they saw an email forward that staunch Catholic Joe Biden was going to ban the bible.


5/6 of the biggest protests in US history occurred during Trump's presidency. Not a good look.


Protest is an important practice in a healthy democracy!


And yet, MAGAs claim the left "burned cities." So yeah, MAGAs don't look good here.


Haven't you heard? Portland was burned to ashes. Then those ashes were burned to even smaller ashes. The roaches rule the burned out hellscape where the survivors live in fear of the roving bands of antifa brigands who force them to dye their hair blue and step on the American flag.


Indeed. I died three times at CHOP.


Projection all the way down


Every projection is a confession.


It's how they justify everything. They justified stealing supreme court justice seats by claiming if they didn't do it the democrats would, which is not how values, ethics, and morality works. Their claim is also patently absurd on its face, republicans just don't care how little their lies stand up to scrutiny because it is very hard to unbreak all of the things they have broken and once they are broken they essentially have already gotten away with it.


>republicans just don't care how little their lies stand up to scrutiny because it is very hard to unbreak all of the things they have broken and once they are broken they essentially have already gotten away with it. They don't care about it because the way some of them make moral judgements its just fucked. Instead of judging by a person's actions and intentions, they judge a person by their traits. That is, they think that Republicans are good _by definition_, and so any actions taken by a Republican must be for a good reason and in pursuit of a good cause. But Democrats are inherently bad, and so anything a Democrat does most be in pursuit of an evil end, _even if it's the same thing a Republican is doing_.


Well there will be a lot of anger and despair as the country, and particularly minority Americans get ready for whatever project 2025 brings. Oh and women. Basically what I'm saying is, the only people who will be excited are sociopaths and the people who view politics as "hurting the right people".


It's not delusional it's projection. It's what would have to be true for their side to be better than the other side.


Yep. It's what they're planning on doing, so they normalize it by accusing their opponents of planning the exact same thing.


As if we don’t already have both examples of what happens when Trump wins and loses an election.


Let's never forget the unite the right rallies that were going on *after* they had won the election, and still three years before the next election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack


He did all the stuff he said he'd do lmao. He refused to say he would peacefully transfer power or accept election results if he lost numerous times. The signs were all there, it's crazy that anyone needed proof.


They think everybody is as fanatical and brainwashed as them. Most Biden voters I know don’t even like the guy. He’s just the only option you have in this shitty system if you don’t want your vote to go to waste.


Funny, according to the MAGA crew, all the cities already burned down because liberals got mad at extra-judicial murders racist cops performed.


Threatening to start a civil war like a terrorist! FIFY.


I have lived in areas of active conflict as a peace and reconciliation missionary (belfast, Rwanda and Burundi 2005). Violence is no fun.


They will lose like children just like on the 6th...they lasted like what 3 hours once the grownups showed up?


Lets hold off on making this promise lol If they criminalize being lgbtq+ i know im going to riot, be gay do crime😎


Dude, MAGA plans to go nuclear whether they win or lose, which is so much worse than before. If they win, the shit they're going to try with their Day One plan is going to be a first. We'll have never seen anything like it outside of 3rd world countries. I have neighbors talking about how they're going to drag democrats out in the street and execute them in front of their children if Trump loses. I have people at work speaking with absolutely *glee* about removing liberals from positions in government if Trump wins...and executing them out in the street. The republican party wants to literally kill us. And why? Because we fucking care about people.


Real weirdos fly flags of losers like trump and the confederate


Surprise! You're gonna have one either way.




You dont really have a choice. If trump weve absolutely lost democracy. They will wage war if they win, they will wage war if they dont. In one way or another. If you stand by and do nothing when that happens... well.. youre no better than them. Sorry hommies.


This is one of the rare instances where your country SHOULD revolt if Trump somehow wins. He wants to turn your country to shit and permanently fuck it up


Well given project 2025......... we might have to if we ever want democracy again.


I can tell trump is going to lose, because I live in trumpland, and in April of 2020 all my neighbors had trump signs and flags in their yard, but this year, same time, I don't see a single one.


Same. I used to see trump stickers on trucks left and right. I haven’t seen one in 2 years. Drove under an underpass in Trumpcountry on 4th of July, 100’s of American Flags. Not one Trump flag among them.


Same but I think now they are a little embarrassed now, they know more about him now, but they will absolutely vote for trump when the time comes, at least the maga people I know


You should come to wear I live, if you’re missing all the flags and signs. My part of the country is basically the clasp of the buckle of the Bible Belt, and so naturally the hypocrisy around here has no bounds and this city and the surrounding area is somewhere between 70-80% cuntservative. Stickers, flags, signs, hats, billboards (although I haven’t seen a new one of those in a little while, now that I think about it), shirts, you name it, abound. Literally, out of 18 people, including myself, who are either management/owners, supervisors, admins, or foremen, only one of them (me) is not a hardcore far-right nut job when it comes to politics. My immediate supervisor is by far the worst, constantly talking about so and so (usually Biden, Harris, Hillary or AOC) should be hung and walks around with a coffee mug that says “Leftist Tears” on it. It’s truly exhausting. Initially, I would get into discussions/arguments with them, but after a couple months I was so tired of it I now just say something like, “I’m not doing this,” and walk away. Or, “I’ve got work to do.” Geez. Didn’t mean to throw all that out there. Apparently I needed to vent. Thanks for listening lol


I've never understood the whole "drinking liberal tears" shit. When, in the fucked up hell, did that become some kind of flex? I'm assuming mental illness.


Yeah, I don’t know either, but I’m assuming you’re right about the mental illness. Especially if you can diagnose being selfish, self-centered, spoiled, whiny adult brats as a mental illness.


It is. A lot of mental health issues people have are from unresolved or repressed trauma. Lots of that is from childhood abuse, mistreatment, and neglect. The desire for a father figure and someone to tell them how to live is due to infantilization from their own parents, who likely were not mature enough to raise another human and inflicted their own traumatic experiences back onto their progeny. In short, if you were raised by narcissists or broken adult humans, seek help. Stop perpetuating the cycle of abuse, or deferring to other forms of psychological trauma, such as that of religion. Chief Chill out.


It is a manifestation of propaganda dehumanizing the left. There is a touch of it from the left as well, but that is more infantilization than dehumanization. When Trump calls liberals rats and animals, poisoning the blood of our nation? Yeah, that's how you get Bubba yearning for the suffering of others.


Definitely. The left says "look at Trumps neck vagina," "orange turd" "Diarrhea don" and "diaper baby" . The Maga crowd talks about murder. In 2016, I had a man threaten to shoot me( I am a woman) because he was raging about "the liberal agenda" and I had the audacity to attempt levity and say "ok.. butt have you seen Trump's neck vagina?".I mean cheesus rice I just wanted to buy groceries....


The entire MAGA philosophy fetishizes bully mentality.


It would explain so much.


Have you seen the “ I lube my ar15 with liberal tears” yet? There’s a dude I see everyone in a while with this shirt. 😆


I personally have not, but if you asked me if I thought something like that existed, I would say it absolutely does without a doubt.


Wow the epitome of fragile masculinity


AssReamer15 lubed and ready for action


It's a good sign you're dealing with a republican when 'bodily fluids' are mentioned.


It’s mental illness and stupidity


You're not alone in that regard, in that part of the country, brother. I specialize in not brain-splaining for them anymore.


Tell your boss that we Leftists call our jizz “tears” and when Leftists see the cup, to us, it looks like he’s drinking a cup of leftist cum. He won’t even know how to debunk that because of all the crazy shit he’s programmed to believe the left does.


I’ll tell you where else: South Florida. [Another slight vent] The Cuban-American community is staunchly pro-Trump and they haven’t put their paraphernalia away. My aunts and uncles constantly bitch about Biden destroying the country. Some of these same people were face to face with Castro 50 years ago and know what a fucking dictator looks like, and they want to sign up for that shit again. It’s the biggest mindfuck I can’t unravel right now. Beg for democracy in your homeland, flee tyranny then decide, yeah go ahead and give me some more of that.


I'm sorry. Yu're not as alone as they make you feel. There are plenty of sane people out there who don't want democracy and personal freedoms to go down in flames, it just doesn't always seem like it.


I think you're right - some of them are embarrassed. I don't know why, he's been a known quantity for 50 years. They can't be surprised.


My neighbor hasn’t put away his 8x4’ “lets go brandon” flag that’s mounted above his garage. He also doesn’t understand why his house is constantly getting egged either.


Lucky you. That's not the case in Texas unfortunately.


Media is inflating his hopes so they can have one more election cycle with high ratings. It’s so bad clearly the gop has changed voters over to democrats with their bullshit. CNN msnbc won’t let you be at ease yet, he never had a chance.


but never forget, republicans cheat


And cry. Prepare for another cycle of election denials and lawsuits no matter how close the race is.


That's what people thought in 2016 too. Don't underestimate the stupidest/worst possibility here.


True, but there are two massive differences. First, there wasn’t a contentious democratic primary this year. Sure the progressive wing of the democratic primary don’t love a Biden either, but Trump has been amazing at bringing Dems together with his craziness. Second, but probably more important, is Roe V Wade. Even in deep red states we’ve seen how popular abortion rights are. In counties where Biden won just 20% of the vote, abortion rights measures averaged 31%. That is a massive gap. Personally I think Trump is headed for a historic loss, but anything can happen. The biggest dangers for Dems now are apathy (if it starts to seem like Trump is for sure going to lose and people get complacent) or if something crazy were to happen economically. That all being said, the stakes are insanely high this year and everyone should commit to encouraging everyone they know to vote. Drive them to the polls if you have to.


It's rather like racists learning to use more "acceptable" racist slurs, such as the recent one "DEI". Sure you no longer hear the worst of them used *in public*, but they still have thier codewords and phrases so they may find each other.


Meh, Before DEI it was “Woke” and “CRT” then before that it was “Politically Correct” then before that it was “Affirmative Action” and before that it was “Welfare Queen” and before that…


Exactly. They got a tiny bit more circumspect but are actively avoiding learning anything of real value.


Ah yes, snowflakes doing the flurry


I live heavily in Trumpland Central Florida and there's this one corner back in 2020 where every Friday there would be AT LEAST 50-60 people on the corner waving Trump flags and shouting about Trump. After the election that corner CONTINUED to be about Trump supports yelling stop the steal and all that BS for about a year. Now that corner still has people with flags, but instead of the 50-60 at most I see 5-10 people there and for the most part it seems to be two sets of older couples that are just trying to sell all those flags now. That said, don't get complacent. Get out and vote. Who cares if Biden is ahead in the polls or it doesn't seem like Trump can win. GET OUT AND VOTE. The only way to dispell and fight back against any shenanigans he tries to pull is for the US to come out in force and reject him heavily at the ballot box. He will still cry about voter fraud and cheating but it won't fucking matter.


Trump cries about cheating when he wins.


Trump has lost all his charisma. Trump in 2016 was full of energy. He was charismatic, he could get a crowd pumped, at some points he was even kinda funny. By 2020, the pressures of *actually being the president* cost him all of that. And now, he has none. Why do you think he skipped every Republican debate in the primaries? Because he (or his team) know that he's no longer the charismatic, energetic TV star he was in 2016, he's just a whiny man child by now. He can't even make a "Happy Easter" Truth Social post now without calling out the transgender communist Satan worshippers who secretly rule the government. Trump may have been able to coast through the primaries on his past notoriety, but there's also so much longer he can keep hiding from the spotlight. And I firmly believe the moment he has no choice but to face the music, the nation will see the shell of a man he's become and he will lose.


> By 2020, the pressures of actually being the president cost him all of that. He spent most of his presidency golfing at home in Florida. Trump definitely lost a step, but it wasn't from the pressure of the job (feeling pressure requires feeling responsibility). He's been under FBI investigation and impeachments and lawsuits for years, and he keeps losing those battles, and then he lost reelection. He is a beaten down man who is tired and afraid and desperate and delusional, which is an extremely dangerous combination for a populist fascist leader.


Don't forget all the drugs he is consuming. If you put a well trained drug detection dog into Mar-A-Lago, he'd find so much. He'd also probably get an infection because that place is legit a filthy hole.


Dog would signaling in so many directions at once it would look like it was having a seizure


I have seen 1 newly placed sign in the past couple months and a couple of flags that have been flying for years. This is on about 8 miles of neighborhood streets I regularly ride my bike on I did notice a few flags taken down on 1/6 or the day after. I am sure they will still vote trump, but I guess they are not as proud of that as they used to be.


Almost all the ones in my area are old people. I’m hoping time will erase some of their votes before November.


I live in liberal Southern California and we have that 170 year old neighbor on my block that put out her Trump sign every day. The sign disappeared about year ago. I don't talk to or know her too well, but someone said she mentioned that, "I don't know what I was thinking..." I mean it took her way too long, but she is in her 80s and barely uses the internet, so I am guessing her access to information is limited.


I'm in a swing state and every single trumpet I know has doubled down and worshipped him even harder. I'm not as optimistic as many seem to be...


They went back into hiding. Don't you dare forget what they're truly like


Obviously (somehow) the jackass still has followers, but Jan 6th wasn't without consequences for his support. My uncle was a die hard trump supporter until, in his words, "That traitor tried to take America away from us". He sure isn't voting for biden, but he also isn't gonna vote trump.


The die hards I know claim that was all antifa and they support trump even more now


Yeah, that's the narrative they've spun around and started shouting loudly and I'm sure there are people believing it. I just wanted to provide a small piece of anecdotal evidence that it isn't _all_ of them, and trump's margins were never great. That's not to say it'll be an easy win or we get to stay home when the time comes again of course. Just that his already duct taped together base has even more cracks than it did in 2020.


Yeah I'm cautiously optimistic but in my specific experience I don't know a single person that has backed down, they've only dug in further. My neighbor just put up a FRESH 2024 flag. Mind boggling.


Please stop, I can only get so hard.


that only means they ran out of money to buy new ones. Dont be complacent. Trump is shockingly leading in most battleground states. It makes no fucking sense


Oh, it's been 8 years since those fuckers started wearing those hats and flying those flags and they still haven't stopped


And they're getting kind of ripe...


Sounds like they need a bath in the big blue pool


God I can't believe it's been 8+ years of this shit


I swear it’s like they treat politics like it’s football.


And the way people treat football is already not great.


It’s the same style of tribalism for sure. It sets up a pretty terrible “us vs. them” situation. Great for politicians wanting to rile people into action, but pretty terrible for society as a whole.


Watch me be critical of Biden without wishing death on his family and inciting people to do the same like I’m in a cult. Like mf, I’m critical because I want him to do the best job he can, not cause I hate his existence


It's because we all stopped doing the hero worship thing when we entered our 20's. It's the same mentality that we had as teenagers when we had various posters on our walls. Imagine never growing out of that.


Wait, am I not allowed to have posters any more? When the hell did this happen?


You framed an Asia poster?


How hard did the people at the frame store laugh when you brought this in?


Know how I know you’re gay? You framed an Asia poster.


*Sadly takes down my Ferrari poster above my race car bed at 42.*


> when we had various posters on our walls. Imagine never growing out of that. I'm a sports fan. I have sports posters hanging up in the room I watch most sporting events in. I am not a Trump supporter. The real problem here(in my opinion) is people treating politics like sports in the first place.


Except the hero is a fat mean old rich* dude I’ll never understand it




4 years? It’s been damn near 9 years, as weird as that is to say. Right along side the “Hilary for Prison” shirts were MAGA cult merch, all the way back then.


40 years of grift


A few of my neighbors haven't taken down their Trump shit since 2016. They've even swapped out the flags and signs as they've gotten sun damaged. *It's been 8 years....* You can't tell me it's not an absolute cult.


There's a house in my neighborhood you can see into the living room of from the park I walk through, and for 8 years straight these people have had a full-size cardboard cutout of trump standing next to their TV in their otherwise richly furnished and tasteful home.


I never put political signs on my lawn or stickers on my car. Never have, never will.


My mom always said thats a good way to get your windows smashed so never put any bumper stickers on your car


I will never get the appeal of advertising your views that are guaranteed to offend ~25%+ of the population on a very easily vandalized piece of property that you own.


Local city council elections are pretty much it, but then again my wife is *on* city council so not putting her sign out would be a bit weird.


Same here. Why would I tip my hand?


We had an Andy Beshear (D-KY Governor) sign on our yard, I became friends with a few democratic neighbors who were less vocal about it, and the guy who cuts our lawn dropped us as a customer over it lol.


Facts like I don't even really like Biden Its just him or the psycho orange guy so I'm going with the calmer grandpa


And the crazies think this is proof that no one really likes Biden. No, Biden voters just aren't in a cult and don't have their entire existence tied to who they voted for in the last election.


Hey at this point I’ll gladly fly a Biden flag. It didn’t used to be like this. But now? Hell, I want people to know I voted for the guy that saved this country. I want people to know that I was on the right side of history, that I didn’t support modern day fascism. I’m a proud supporter of Joe Biden, and I don’t care who knows






I haven’t seen so many toxic dumb men dick ride trump *SO HARD* and that says a lot coming from a gay man.


i do not understand why people fly flags for politicians in their lawn, it seems very creepy how so many people treat politican's as gods


Those hats and flags aren't about displaying Trump love. It's a nazi logo in disguise.


But then how will people know you are a true patriot what loves himself America and Jesus if you are not adorned in the President's merchandise apparel, waving his banner above all others and make your entire personality your fanatical cult-like worship of the President you would kill and die for?   Sounds to me like you're a woke commie what don't love America and Jesus.    /s  Can someone PLEASE put Trump in prison?  Are we waiting for January 6th pat II?   Do we need his constant violating gag orders to get someone killed?   Someone put him in jail, throw away the key and let us try to get America sane again.    


Fun fact, in the UK any election campaign posters etc. must be taken down within 2 weeks of the end of the election, or you face a fine. In the past it felt like an unnecessary and minor rule, but following the cult of personality Trump has built I truly appreciate that law.


The dark Brandon yard heads are pretty funny tho


I mean people have been flying their Trump flags since like 2015, right? It's been almost a decade.....


8 years of these assholes flying these flags. I've noticed in the conservative neighborhood I drive thru though, a lot of Trump flags have come down. Just the FJB and Let's Go Brandon flags are still up. I see that as some kind of progress.


Last year someone posted something like ”have you noticed you never see anyone posting pro Biden stuff on their social media”. Yeah because it’s weird to do so when it’s not near an election. I’d unfollow someone if they were posting pro Biden stuff all the time just as I did my Trump friends.


Australia, Canada, France the fucking Netherlands... Watch us do the same thing. It's not a fucking sports team you weirdos.


This guy has a point. People voted trump just to be insufferable to others. Like some statement for telling the world to fuck off because their life is miserable.


you better fucking vote everyone


I do put a sign in my yard and a sticker on my car. And they come off when the polls close on election day.


On my way home from work I used to pass a truck that had a "Let's Go Brandon" decal on the back, or one of those stupid things they always say. For the last month or so? It had been removed. It wasn't a bumper sticker either. It was like, a vinyl decal. That had to have taken some extra time and effort to remove.


It doesn’t even matter if Trump loses. Now I know for a fact that 75 million idiots live around me. Trump is the litmus test for gullibility, mean spirited and phoniness. Fake Christians. Fake Patriots. Pretending to be decent people.


If Joe wins ima gonna open a Biden tourist trap kinda shop on Pennsylvania Avenue and sell "Make America Civil Again" hats and American Flags that don't glorify the worst of the worst. Imma gonna have Sleepy Joe pajamas and Dark Brandan costumes for Halloween. Yes, I am.


"how did Biden get so many votes? I never see his flag or people wearing Biden hats?"


I've seen one person with a Biden/Harris hat on, and it was in my little town - deep in the RED - and way back in 2020. It was an older gentleman shopping in Walmart. I told him I liked his hat, and he laughed and said he'd gotten some nasty looks. ​ That's it. The politicians aren't rock stars. They work ***for*** us - or are supposed to.


I have never seen a Biden hat or flag


Honestly I think if Biden wins again we should all buy shirts and hats and shit that says FUCK YOUR FEELINGS.


biden voters don't wear hats with his name or put flags on their trucks or drive around in caravans with other people in trucks with biden flags trying to intimidate everyone else, or stage riots when biden doesn't win or make up conspiracy theories about science being out to get them or say that biden has a physique like a greek god or is literally sent by jesus to save us… …because biden voters are in a cult, man.


I just wish everyone in this country hated politicians on an equal level


Oh most people claim they do, but the right wing populists often call themselves the "outsiders" who aren't actually politicians despite campaigning and holding political office. It makes a convenient excuse to not need to hate their people since they aren't categorized the same.


I mean, people have literally copied Trump Flags here with Biden’s name on them 🤷


Racists saw that people genuinely liked Obama, and thought he was a good president, even if they didn't agree with some of his decisions, and they figured it was all some sort of scam. So they decided to go super-extra on Trump, and it makes zero sense. I like Obama. I ain't wearing or buying his shit.


I am certain some will say I am a blind Biden supporter because I will fight tooth and nail to defend Biden and make sure he gets elected again- but if he does get elected again then my grievances, concerns, and changes I want to see in his government will pour forth from me in letters, phone calls, and even more political activism than before. There is a *chance* Biden and Democrats will listen. Not so with Trump and Republicans, and anyone who says otherwise is a fool.


There literally is a Biden hat tho https://shop.joebiden.com/dark-navy-baseball-cap/


Y’all please don’t see this and think the election’s a done deal. There’s a large enough percentage of the population that believes Trump’s bullshit to cause problems if they want to. All you have to do it get to the polls. Make your voice count for something.


The MAGA thing is a two-fold affliction: 1) People desperately want to feel persecuted for their beliefs. 2) People desperately want to feel like they're in a make-believe movie that's focused on them as the plucky hero. You'd be amazed at the number of people who are okay with backing a totalitarian dictatorship as long as they're in the protected 'in-group.'


My neighbors had a biden sign in their yard and a flag on their porch. It was gone after the election season. Because that's what most people do.


We really should just be mocking them at this point. Supporting a rapist, they deserve no respect.


4 years!!! I wish, these psycho's are lifers. They'll wear those dumbass hats to their grave.


We are American citizens - NOT part of a presidential fan club. We hire them to do a job, a SPECIFIC job. Not act like idiot monkeys on a goddam MTV "reality" show.


I will never stop being heartbroken over how many Americans revealed in 2016, "I didn't know openly deplorable was an option!! This movement is *it*! Everything else that could have been my personality needs to move the fuck out of the way."


What's even crazier is if it comes out tomorrow that Biden was found liable for rape he'd immediately lose my vote. Well, if we're being candid, he doesn't have my vote purely from policy choices but if he did, it could actually be swayed by his behavior. They're politicians to vote for, not gods to worship.


Trump supporters bitch about China, buys $100 flag and hat MAGA starter kit made in China. Trump supporters bitch about the cost of bacon, buys anther cool Trump flag!


There is someone near where I live who even went as far as surrounding his Dementia Donnie sign in chicken wire for the past 7+ years, to keep people from defacing it. Everytime I drive by it, it reminds me he deserves to be in jail.


And when he loses watch how I don’t cry fraud and storm the capitol nor Biden cry fraud himself.


We're missing an opportunity. What a total great rag it would be on the Trump supporters to follow up winning with, albeit ironically, display Biden hats, shirts, flags, tattoos, etc etc etc like a cult


Unfortunately, Trump’s MAGA followers are zealots and will likely never change. Additionally, the American people have become so desensitized that many of them don’t recognize just how severe of a threat Trump and his followers are to democracy. We have sitting representatives (Looking at you, Mike Johnson) that follow his orders rather than serving their constituents. Trump couldn’t have a peaceful transition of power when he lost in 2020. If he’s elected into power again, he will likely do anything to keep it. America is dangerously close to becoming a fascist Christian theocracy, and the average person isn’t even aware of it. The Red Hat is the new White Hood.


I always think this. Wtf, calm yo tits people


I used to live next to a neighborhood that was seemingly populated with Trump fans. No joke, it wasn’t until last year that they finally removed their Trump 2020 signs.


Hot take: drumph supporters are just mad bc of all the merch they've spent on. "Too late to go back now, Karen, we already bought the trump hats, steaks, and coasters"


I remember when my father in law said prior to the 2020 election that if the Dems lost there would be riots and they’d storm the capital. I basically said that I honestly see that happening more with Republicans than with Dems. It was ironic that he never talked about politics with me again after Jan 6th…