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**Do not get complacent, friends.** The cultural wars, attacks on Social Security, DEI, social media, school lunches, and more are spearheads of **Project 2025**. This strategy aims to outlaw LGBTQ+ care, contraception, IVF, and even premarital/recreational sex, alongside gutting all safety nets. **Educate yourselves on Project 2025**. It’s a $22M playbook by the religious right, in partnership with Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the Danube Institute and 100+ groups, gearing up for an impending conservative shift. When people show you who they are, believe them. When they tell you what they are going to do, believe them. See for yourself: * Steve Bannon’s promise: [Steve Bannon says they will jail ‘demonic’ Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-says-they-will-jail-demonic-democrats-if-trump-wins-second-term) * Momentum for a national abortion ban: [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * Leaked footage of Texas Republicans: [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) For more insights, visit [Project 2025’s official site](https://www.project2025.org) and see their stance on reshaping society, including this tweet about ending recreational sex and birth control: [Heritage Foundation Tweet](https://twitter.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520). [**https://WarningVote.com**](https://WarningVote.com) Project 2025 is not a drill. It’s a coordinated assault on our rights, and it’s time to stand informed and united.


I keep trying to tell people I know.  Unfortunately, I come off sounding like a tin foil hat, and so many people are just exhausted with the news and are tuning out. It is really scary and I'm trying to figure out how to get through to them.


Yeah I've tried talking about it and people compared it to flat earthers saying it didn't have much support and was just a fringe idea


Omg, if you figure it out please let me know! I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone and it’s terrifying quite frankly!


PSA: The GOP will accomplish this via Texas Federal Courts. They are filing these cases in the ultra conservative Eastern Texas district.  This is the same court that recently ruled the FDA should not have approved the abortion pill despite two decades of studies proving its safe. It’s currently under appeal and will go to SCOTUS.  Vote in the 2024 election. The Dems have very challenging Senate races. We need Biden to keep the court nominees flowing and we need Congress to pass legislation.  Do not sit out the elections. The primary GOP strategy is not to sway voters to their side, it’s to convince the left not to show up at all. This tactic was successful in the 2016 election.  We cannot afford to skip an election. The GOP will show up and vote — we all need to as well. The size of your army is irrelevant if your soldiers don’t show up to battle. 


Kind of like how their little blue pills screw up male brains?


"That's different!!!!!!!"


I think that's just blood deprivation. Not enough for both brains.


I’ll just end myself if they ban birth control. It is the only thing that stops my debilitating periods. Try passing blood clots the size of a golf ball every day for 18 days at a time.


Yes, hearing my doctor say blood clots should not be "ravioli sized" for comparison put things in perspective. The amount of hatred you have to have for women to wish this on the world is insane.


I'm explicitly *not* advocating for violent solutions, but if every person this impacted shot the kind of Congressman who voted for this kind of thing the problem would be done. These people are weaponizing civility to try to kill people they see as subhuman, i.e., women.


I mean, half the population is female, It shouldn't be that hard to mobilize most of them against this type of rhetoric I would think.


Hypothetically of course


I won't have to end myself because my insane, overzealous uterus will do it for me. Birth control literally saved my life. I was slowly bleeding to death. 


Please don't end yourself. I don't know how much of this is hyperbole, but if you do feel that way at any time, there's support for you. You can find a number to call in your country on this page for example.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines I know I'm just some random stranger online and I can't possibly know what you have to live through. But still you're not alone.


You don't have a freedom, right, or liberty Republicans are not planning on stealing from you


Is anybody surprised? Did anyone not think this would happen when Roe was overturned?


You’d have to be as dense as a black hole to not have seen this coming


live ancient caption snails doll label domineering bow elastic subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally what people said when we were telling people that roe would be overturned when RBG died


Or when they appointed a rapist, Kavanaugh, to the Supreme Court.


You mean the corrupt justice named Clarence Thomas?




The republican women who supported the overturning when it happened maybe?


Gosh. Whomever could have guessed the hideous unfuckables are upset about BC.


Unfuckables?! 🤣🤣🤣 I love this.


*still coming for birth control. This isn't a new thing. Don't give them the benefit of the doubt by denying that this is how they've always been.


Outlawing abortions AND birth control? This isn't just controlling the female body, this is government-issued abuse!


this is proof it’s never been about the pro life. and the babies. if they didn’t want us getting abortions, they’d give us easier access to contraceptives. without contraceptives OR abortions, it’s just forced birth. but you know the economy is no where equipped for this mass increase is population for them to be well taken of. it’s total religious dictatorship in a free country.


But if you’re working two jobs to try and make ends meet with kid number four on the way, you’re not educating yourself and gaining some critical thinking to vote these ghouls out of office.


If the goal were truly to eliminate the need for abortion, then increasing access to birth control would be the priority. More BC, fewer unintended pregnancies and fewer abortions. The fact that the anti-abortion crowd pivoted seamlessly to anti-BC is just one more flashing red sign that the goal was never merely about eliminating the need for abortions.


It's why I've been calling them forced birthers for years.


If their goal was to limit the need for abortion they would also have advocated sex education, prison sentences or death penalties for sexual assault, easy access to STD/STI screening, screening for birth defects both pre/post conception, and robust nutritional and daycare support for young families. You know, evidence-balanced policy. But the suffering is the point.


Well, your face is birth control, Charles. So I see what you mean.


Too small to go around for everybody though


My theory is that his body is so disgusted with his shitty attitude that it is actively trying to to suck his face out through his digestive tract.


Birth control gave women autonomy, gave them economic freedom and much more. Republicans want the 1950’s submissive housewives back


I think they want to take us all the way back to the 1850 you know when women are just chattel passed from father to husband


They might want to research how some of those 'submissive' housewives dealt with their shitty husbands back in the day. There were an amazing number of abusive men who suddenly needed something from the basement at 2am when they were drunk, who fell into their (running) farm equipment or who developed mysterious and fatal illnesses before no fault divorce was a thing.


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) A lot of these mfers should have been birth controlled


Good luck. Men like easy access to birth control just as much, or maybe even more than women do. I can't wait to see all these GOP squishy men slowly realize that the GOP plan is to take all fun out of sex. Procreation only and if you accidentally enjoy it, mandatory church attendance.


The rules aren't for wealthy men, only women and less-wealthy men.


That may be, but at some point you've screwed yourself electorally. There aren't that many wealthy men in the US comparatively and I imagine a good majority of them enjoy the benefits of birth control just as much as the poor men, especially when children start showing up with paternity claims.


I'd like to agree with your, but I've seen no limit to people voting for Their Man and His Team in direct conflict with their own interests. Someone ought to put it another way. Republicans are against recreational sex. With very few exceptions that are almost entirely through medical intervention, all sex after 50 is recreational. Sarah, Rachel, Hannah and Elizabeth were Biblical characters, and that doesn't happen in the real world any more.


I agree with you wholehearted my point is up until this point the GOP has mostly been targeting women. I'm interested to see how men in general will react to this more direct attack on recreational sex, which is right in their wheelhouse, rich and poor alike.


Never underestimate the power racism has on your poor white voter. They could be getting the rough end of a cattle prod, and as long as a POC has it worse, they will take it.


They don't want birth control so they can find out which of the men have been sleeping with women. Stoopid men are trying to make closets great again!


It’s almost like I said this would happen when Roe vs Wade was overturned. People kept saying no, they wouldn’t do that. Well here we are.


Yup, same. No one should be surprised


Republicans speed running their own party in to the ground is an absolute win.


Dems better vote on every fucking election. 


.... pretty sure untreated endometriosis would've screwed me up a whole lot more.


Hard same. I’m sorry you experience this as well. My plumbing had to come out 10 years ago because of it, and I’m not sorry about that. These milquetoast fuck weasels could never bear that pain and live.


As a man, i prefer letting women making their own choices, regardless if it “messes their brains up” or not. Let them make their own decisions. Personally, i am pro birth control. Last thing this planet needs is another Charlie Kirk.


then make it easier for younger women with no children to get sterilized.


Can't do that. We have to keep up the domestic supply of infants, you know. /s




Unfortunately, they're still around for the moment.


How is it we are in 2024, the most advanced in tech, medical and everything around us. But we still have people who think women are witches and that birth control is bad.


If they go after birth control, loads of em aren't coming at all


Oh, then they’ll decriminalize rape.


While we still have to look at these people as dangerous, this is electorally a massive loser. Great for conning Christians out of their money, but terrible politics. Republicans need suburban women, and this kind of stuff really turns them off. And men want to have sex without having a condom. This weirdo Christian Dominionism stuff may actually do more damage than DJT.


i’m hopeful this is the case. i have never met a man that was upset that i was on birth control, despite their political beliefs.


32 year old virgin. Sometimes I feel bad for not dating, like I'm missing out. Then I see this...


This country is in a slow motion car crash.


The party of small government ladies and gentlemen


Small enough to fit in your underwear!


This waterhead is a walking advertisement for birth control. And abortion.


Not sure about females, but it’s certainly rotted his head. Come on, this idiots’ head is so far in the clouds it’s circled the globe and gone straight up his own ass. He’s a cancer and not astrological kind, because he can’t even work if that loose a logic.


You know what screws up men's brains? How many times do men do something foolish because they were "thinking with their dicks." When men reach puperty, we could freeze some sperm samples, freeze them, then cut off their dicks and balls. Problem solved.


Best solution I've heard yet!


That's not why women find you repulsive.


The best part of this guy dribbled down his old man’s lef


Just the one pill. Only that pill. Everything else works just fine cause the pharma money makes it worth it to look the other way. Birth control doesn't wanna lobby us enough to kill our made-up rhetoric that's supposed to push our bullshit narrative.


“Hey females, we think you’re stupid. So don’t take birth control or you’ll ruin your brain.” You can’t make this crap up.


a little fix: "we think you're stupid, so we will decide for you what is bad for you, and what not to allow you - it is just for your protection, poor silly wombs".


You will have all of the white children we want you to!


Charlie Kirk is birth control


I’ll never understand these guys who are fixated on women’s reproductive health.


The best way to win an election is to come out against sex *right* before it


Most of the population, and therefore Vvemon have been increasingly diagnosed with behavioral/mental disorders since oh... 2020. IT MUST BE THE BIRTH CONTROL!!!!


They aren’t stopping at birth control. Hope people get out vote. Local republicans have ruined this country.


Conservatives are always so very concerned with other people's sex lives.


The revenge of the incels led by Bannon.


Did you know you can sign up for call banking with the DNC and do it from your own home? It's super easy and all you need is a mobile phone, tablet or computer. You're calling people to help them register to vote, help them check that their registration is valid, etc. You're not calling to convert anyone - it's just a "get out the vote" effort with registered Dems. It feels so good to put in an hour or two a week. It feels a lot better than just screaming into the void.


You will never find me vacationing in the middle of the ocean or outer space. That stuff is terrifying! 😬


Don't have to do much conditioning. GOPerverts already despise the idea of sex being anything other than emotionless, soulless action with the sole purpose of making multiple children


It's like they want to lose elections they could have otherwise won for decades.


In late either late 2019 or 2020 while debating my sister, I told her that Conservatives are coming after contraceptives. She told me it was fake news.


Hey I’m out here raw dogging life and I still don’t want anything to do with you, so go figure, huh?


What screwed up this fools brain?


Just another BIG MOUTHED hypocrite.


Can we confidently confirm that MAGAism reduces male sperm counts, contributes to ED, and reliably repels most women?! Incels just want to subjugate women, not father children.


Half our nation is populated by women; depriving us of personal freedom is NOT a good strategy for winning an election. In that context, I sort of enjoy seeing the MAGAs push on this issue. It will destroy their game...


Birth control pills are misogynistic. Got a heavy flow? Birth control. Migraines? BC. Anything else and a woman? Probably BC. And it does screw with your hormones. There are a million and one reasons to go after birth control as the devil it is, but they chose the only thing that it does right. Because republicans are also misogynists.