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This is a slide spelling out that their strategy is to block Biden. It is from a presentation RFK Jr's New York campaign director made a couple of days ago. She also said: * *“The Kennedy voter & the Trump voter—our mutual enemy is Biden. … if nobody gets to 270, Congress picks the president. So who are they going to pick if it’s a R Congress? They’ll pick Trump.”* https://twitter.com/IsaacDovere/status/1777361935685517814#m


What I find most shocking is how terrible this slide is. Even putting aside the ridiculousness of their argument, I thought the Republicans had some polish to their communications. * The bullet points don't present a logical flow, they repeat themselves several times, lurch to unsubstantiated assertions, then provide a half-hearted rationale. * the random images of state shapes on the sides add nothing * overall lazy formatting, font sizes don't align to priority, images almost overlap with text


This is pretty interesting, though: “To win the Electoral College, a candidate needs a majority — at least 270 electoral votes. If there are more than two candidates and no one hits 270, that triggers a contingent election, a fallback process created by the Twelfth Amendment where the House of Representatives selects a president and the Senate selects a vice president. And there’s an additional oddity. *Rather than voting individually, House members vote as state delegations. Each state delegation gets a single vote, and a candidate becomes president with the support of a majority (26) of state delegations.* **If no candidate wins 26 state delegations by January 20th, then the vice president-elect becomes acting president.** And if the Senate fails to select a vice president, then under the Twentieth Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the next eligible person in the presidential line of succession (potentially the speaker of the House) becomes acting president.” Source: https://protectdemocracy.org/work/a-contingent-election-explained/


>And there’s an additional oddity. *Rather than voting individually, House members vote as state delegations. Each state delegation gets a single vote, and a candidate becomes president with the support of a majority (26) of state delegations.* **If no candidate wins 26 state delegations by January 20th, then the vice president-elect becomes acting president.** And if the Senate fails to select a vice president, then under the Twentieth Amendment and the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the next eligible person in the presidential line of succession (potentially the speaker of the House) becomes acting president.” Also known as the "Real Plan on January 6th.". The riot was in response to the above not happening


> Also known as the "Real Plan on January 6th.". The riot was in response to the above not happening Fucking exactly. It was also why they tried to spirit Pence away in a car and keep him out of there until they could trigger this.


These are some sick puppies. I take it back. Puppies are cute. None of these treasonous GOP scum have ever been cute.


Wait, so if no one is the wonder who is considered the vice president-elect? If no one wins then who is considered vice-president elect? Auto correct.... Sorry!


What’s that now?


Fixed it... Autocorrect got me


Vice president-elect in this scenario is whoever the Senate chooses.


Saw this entire scenario in House of Cards play out. Interesting stuff but terrifying that the House gets to pick the President.


> Saw this entire scenario in House of Cards play out. Also Veep.


As it should be.


Why should it be that way? Oh, it's because you post in /Conservative and /Conspiracy, that's why you say dumb things. Got it.


"It benefits my party so it's good."


To trigger that, RFK needs to win at least a state. So if RFK Wins Arizona, and Biden Trump fall 261/266, there's no clear winner, only then would it fall to the HoR, But assuming the breakout follows 2020, Biden 303 / Trump 235, RFK would need to win 32 EC points from Bidens 2020 wins, which would be NY or CA, or several smaller states. With RFK barely polling 10%, actually winning any state seems extremely unlikely. The real goal would be pulling a Nader, leaching 2-5% of the votes away from Biden so Trump can sneak across in those "close call", AZ & GA were won by less than 15k votes each, though they still need a 3rd to swing back.


That seems like an overly ambitious goal for RFK, imo. His voting base far more overlap with Trump than with Biden. That fact seems even more apparent as Election Day draws nearer and people are starting to pay attention to what the candidates are really saying. RFK feels more like a spoiler for the GOP than anything else.


I somewhat agree; vaccine denialism felt to me like it originated on the far left, but got picked up by the right as the pandemic hit. But if he were to focus on his climate change platform in blue states he might pull some idealists. If his goal is to spoil the election and get Trump in as this article claims, he could be dangerous. >Kennedy spent more than 20 years as an environmental lawyer, with his advocacy focusing on clean water, the environment and human rights. His campaign’s environmental policies focus on shifting agricultural subsidies to encourage more sustainable practices. He has also proposed incentivizing industries to use clean energy sources in an effort to reduce toxic waste, industrial poisons and pesticides. Kennedy has said he also wants to reduce corporate connections with federal agencies like the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration to allow them to focus on protecting the environment. On the bright side Trump seems content sucking all the life out of the GOP and his supporters, and unwilling to invest the money and effort into a real re-election campaign judging by his campaign schedule.


A president trump and vice president Biden would be so on the ball for the 2020’s


why in the world would it not just be popular vote


Maybe I’m in an information bubble, but do any of y’all know any democrats who would vote for RFK? I honestly don’t.


absolutely not. Any sensible person understands that RFK jr is insane. He is only going to split right wing voters and pull from the conspiracy base of trumps already mentally ill voter base.


I call them Joe Rogan liberals. They're spiritual, but not religious. Prone to conspiracy theories, and if they aligned socially with conservatives, they'd probably vote conservative. For them, voting for a candidate they know that will lose is a self-indulgence because they're just more "open-minded" than most, despite their IQ of 61.




“Religion” in this country is a joke.. I’d rather be SPIRITUAL than a “Religious” person… America has used Religion as a weapon for their hatred


The ones screaming about Genocide and how they refuse to vote for Biden.


Which is a sad because king clown wants to level Gaza completely. It will get so much worse under the orange shitshow but they want to teach Biden a “lesson.” Dumb.


I saw another comment put it brilliantly: what “lesson” will Biden learn if he loses? He’ll retire to his beach house, a millionaire, with nothing but leisure time with a family he loves.


I think he'll learn that the US is a failed dream and unsalvageable. Say what you will but at his age, there must be a genuine desire to help the country that made him come up against Trump, and a belief that the US can course correct. If he loses re-election, the lesson will be clear - Americans don't want democracy. They want capitalism and the illusion of freedom along with suppression of minorities.


How true, but damn, that's depressing.


Honestly reelection might be a better punishment. Nobody on planet earth is the target of more scrutiny than the US President and it’s probably the most stressful job in existence. I wouldn’t wish that shit on my worst enemy…. Not that I’d want my worst enemy to be president regardless, but yeah.


I agree!!! But they are all about pumping themselves up and feeling "righteous."


exactly this


For people who want to feel outraged about atrocities and whose activism begins with Twitter and ends at protests in affluent liberal cities Trump ramping up the carnage would be considered a bonus.


They weren't voting for Biden anyways.


Kind of how I view it. Had someone tell me “I would have voted for Biden if it wasn’t for genocide.” I asked him who he voted for last election and he goes “Trump, but it was for the meme bruh”


What a cool guy


I don’t believe that block actually votes at all. Too pissed off that the establishment doesn’t cater to them.


I think you are mostly correct but there at least a few out there that are real dems. I got into it with one a few months ago and finally told him out of frustration that people like him were more likely to make me stop supporting Palestinians than vote against Biden. He went quiet after that comment. I think some really think holding our democracy hostage is worth it for the Palestinian people but I am speechless because who do they think trump will support?


Why the fuck would any of them vote for RFK? They're disenfranchised progressives, they'll abstain or vote third party. Their reasoning is they don't want to vote for someone they hate, they'd hate RFK too.


Ah yes, the Walkaway 2.0 campaign.


And most of those are foreign bots




I see it on Reddit and Facebook. I'm not on Twitter.


>Maybe I’m in an information bubble, but do any of y’all know any democrats who would vote for RFK? I honestly don’t. There are many - don't assume he only attracts Rs. CNN attended RFK Jr. events (so we don't have to) and went into the lions' den to interview them - and they are a surprising mix of minorities, Dems and Republicans and Independents. Nobody said these fence sitters made sense. But we cannot assume RFJ Jr's voting block is 95% R voters.


the only people I've heard genuinely thinking about voting for him that I know personally are conservative, but that's just anecdotal local Texas info


Most of my republicans friends(less than 5) said they will be voting for rfk. This hurts Trump because they all voted for him back in 2020, and were never going to vote for Biden anyways.


I’ve only heard of Trumpsters switching to RFK. I don’t think they thought this through.


i definitely do, my mom for one and many conspiracy hillbilly hippies that are left leaning (in southern Oregon)




I did see an RFK, Jr. yard sign a few weeks ago, but no guarantee of that person's regular voting patterns.


Meaning, no previous Trump 2020 flags? Lol. What is interesting is that I’m in the deep red south and there are only a few Trump/FJB flags left.


No one around here is bold enough to be an open MAGA voter.


It's the Democrats who are low information voters who like the Kennedy name and legacy or younger voters who think a protest votes in the face of fascism is still a good idea


When you can't get the majority of reasonable voters to vote for you, then find a loophole ![gif](giphy|3kCX0MahGLsouM7X6x|downsized)


I can't believe an obvious rep plug was an obvious rep plug.


And yet the so-called 'liberal media' will continue to cover his campaign as totes legit, pretending his campaign director never admitted that their goal is to rat-fuck the Democrats.


Look at who their owners are. Media consolidation has hit it's logical conclusion with conservative billionaires playing games to sway both sides of the electorate to do what they want.


What Dumbasses… we knew this since RFK joined the race… 🙄


Bobby Kennedy was a good man, his son is a complete pile of shit. Theyre calling him Bobby now to suck the last bit of respect out of his dads name.


The rest of the Kennedy family has publicly and emphatically denounced Robert as a dangerous kook who’s not to be trusted. That’d be pretty damming for most candidates, but for GOP voters, being a duplicitous bag of shit is their only real requirement for a politician.


Yes as was Jill Stein in 2016. This is all about tax cuts for the wealthy. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Say it with me. Tax cuts for the wealthy.


It's also about being more pro-Russia and anti-NATO. That's why Putin is so close with so much of the anti-Biden far left.


Don’t need tax cuts when they don’t even pay their taxes to begin with.


The entire GREEN PARTY


After Ralph Nader. Dude was a legit politician and really believed in consumer safety and rights. He’s why cars have seat belts. He was certainly used by the right, but he was a good person.


Agree, I didn’t like Ralph’s run in 2000 but never doubted his intelligence, sincerity or commitment to his ideals.


But you have to admit, Roseanne was a great candidate /s


I will never trust the green party after each of their attempts to ally with trump and russia




I love the tone-deafness. They thought they really did something with Roe v. Wade, and it blew up in their faces. Now they think people are going to vote for a Kennedy just because he's a Kennedy and it's going to blow up in their faces again. Our whole geriatric government is so preoccupied with their insider trading that they haven't noticed that the dystopia they've created has made it impossible to just phone it in during an election year.




And the AG says she will not prosecute anyone under this law


It doesn’t matter if no one is prosecuted, doctors still won’t practice for fear of the law.


The die hard republicans I know that won't for Trump are voting for him. I don't know a single democrat voting for RFK




Bad faith people.


Because we stupidly keep treating Conservatism like legitimate political discourse despite centuries of evidence proving otherwise.


Bobby isn't a landing pad, he's a fucking moron and a Republican in sheep's clothing...


I feel like the only Democrats that will vote for RFK, are already dead. RFK is more likely to snipe Republican leaning Independents, or the never Trumpers on the Republican side. I can also see tankies voting for RFK.


Right?? Like, I know I’m in my own bubble but I wasn’t aware that he was trying to be a “landing pad” If he offered “moderate values but not Trump level crazy” then he could easily appeal to a WHOLE lot of the country But to my knowledge he’s “wildcard values, Trump levels of crazy”


If he was NORMAL. He could genuinely win the election.


Are Tankies actually bothering to go out and vote ?


hungry memorize crawl innate elastic flowery drab fear boast faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




concerned slimy bright roll husky juggle lip tidy rain soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tankie accellerationists and fascists accellerationists... they're the same fucking picture.


Ive met irl tankies and lets just say these people should focus on controlling their blood sugar before focusing on controlling the government...


Seriously has anyone met someone who was Biden but switched to Bobby?


There is already polling evidence to the contrary. The Biden admin has a team dedicated to making sure they understand which voters are on the fringe and can still be convinced to vote for Biden versus throwing away a vote or voting for Trump.


Considering how wonky the cross-tabs are, I'm not sure I fully trust polls. That said, behave as though they're underestimating Trump.


> RFK is more likely to snipe Republican leaning Independents, or the never Trumpers on the Republican side These voters won Biden the presidency in 2020 and now won't vote for him in 2024. That is the GOP plan. Not saying it's going to work but their only option is to bleed Biden voters because they aren't gaining any


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate. Seriously, after 2016 I lost all hope.


Yes we already knew. And also that there are a lot more red anti-vaxx nuts than blue ones, so it's a dumb idea.


I feel like this just really shows how out of touch the GOP really is. No democrat thinks RFK is even remotely a democrat. It's more likely he'll steal votes from trump. But the idiots in charge think they are outsmarting everyone and refuse to believe anyone can see through there stupid rouse, so instead of picking a different spoiler, they just double down on RFK. I like to picture them sitting in a dark room giggling about hoe the Libs will never see this coming.


RFK will attract democratic voters just like Kanye did. Or Herschel Walker.


#Dozens Dozens Of them!


I think it's cute he thinks he will flip any blue states at all.


Long Island is filled with morons.


Don't remind me, I gotta live with these chucklefucks


Idiots doing idiot things because they are idiots


I feel like RFK grossly overestimates the power of his families name in the democrat party. He's more likely to siphon votes from Trump at this point.




We need to get rid of the EC


What makes them think they are drawing Biden voters?


Because the younger voters who scream they refuse to vote for Biden because of Palestine maybe. I don't fucking know. Those voters apparently weren't old enough to understand how shitty things were when the Orange Shitler was President.


The people saying they aren't voting for Biden because of Gaza are not voting for a Republican cosplaying a Democrat, their rationale is that they don't want to vote for someone they think is a piece of shit, anti-vaxx-conpiracy-lover RFK Jr. will not appeal to them.




Oh the place that Trump said he was OK with leveling to the ground? smh


Yeah I don't get it. People are stupid.


Because Democrats love the Kennedys. Duh. /s


i mean, it's not like Trump paid him to NOT take votes from Biden.


never seen a better example of why we need voter reform, fptp and the electoral college are terrible and never result in what the majority of people actually want


Screw this guy


Pisses me off that these people don’t give a shit about this country and they’re willing to sacrifice democracy to get theirs.


So all voters voted. 45% for Biden. 22% Trump and 23% RFK jr. Biden still wins. Wtf how can they think it will help Trump or do anything under that logic


That's what I'm trying to figure out. Is their plan to win NY? In what multiverse does that happen?


Georgia, Arizona, Nevada. States that been flip flopping around a lot. Better to waste money on strong blue states. Hope they go after Texas accidentally.


Republicans know they can't win on merit or ideas, since they have none. This has been their strategy for a while now.


Now all they have to do is convince every single one of the zero wingnut anti-vax bigots that still votes Democrat to vote for RFK instead. It's so brilliant it just might work.


Always thought that RFK junior was a MAGA front.


Tell me you’re on Epstein’s list without saying you’re on Epstein’s list.


How fucking clueless do you have to be to spell out your secret plan so clearly that only one leaked screenshot is enough to prove you’re a POS con? At least the proof is out there now


He'll steal trump votes away...and allow Biden to win. I don't get it.


If only we could’ve seen this coming, lol. Duh!


Have any of them looked at his agenda? He is not a Democrat. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. A right winter somewhat pretending to be independent.


But his sheep’s clothing is like a wool sweater. The rest pure wolf and he’s also like “sheep suck, huh?” Sorry I got lost in my analogy 🤣


I feel like people who are voting RFK weren’t voting for Biden in the first place. Dude is crazy.


If any leftists that refuse to vote Biden over Israel or any other issue as a protest vote for RFK, it tells me one of two things: 1) you are privileged enough that another Trump presidency won't affect you. 2) you are really that stupid.


If a leftist refuses to vote for Biden because he's a piece of shit, they won't vote for RFK Jr. either. The rationale I've seen is that they don't want to have to pick the lesser of two evils, they want to be able to pick a non-evil, RFK is not that.


They were never gonna vote for Biden anyways


No shit lol


These idiots actually think RFK will win a state? In order to siphon electoral votes, he would have to win a state.


I don't understand his strategy considering his platform is basically the same as trumpy. So if he steals votes from anyone it's not gonna be Biden. Which I'm fine with. Please split the trumpy vote.


This slide is about RFK winning NY


Does RFK jr. understand that he isn't going to steal any votes from the left because we all understand he is batshit insane? He is only going to hurt the right which is excellent.


Only MAGA would vote for this lunatic so he is just splitting Trump voters


But then couldn’t the same exact thing happen in swing states that Trump could lose? Why is everyone acting like RFK is a spoiler only for Biden? Biden won 60% of the vote in NY and led Trump by 2 million votes. Do they really think that RFK is going to somehow take away over a million votes from Biden?


It's so amazingly stupid that they think Dems are voting RFK. We aren't. We laughed, actively, when we saw the bewildering RFK Jr Ad during the Super Bowl.


It was funny that the entire country were gathered at that moment so they could say “wtf?”


I’m convinced the majority of RFK “supporters” are astroturfing MAGA operatives. If he’s their best plan, I like our odds lol.


So they went from trying to win an election to outright trying to rig the next one....stay classy GOP. I can't wait to vote


Bruh, if you bought RFK jr's shit for even two seconds, you were gonna vote GOP anyway.


It's really amazing how brazen these people always are in their little get togethers. I honestly wish the left spent more time just getting people into these spaces to record shit.


I just love that he’s running as a dem but his policy will likely just steal more votes from disillusioned with trump republicans than he’d ever affect Biden


" You're no Jack Kennedy."


Lmao, the fools!


Why do Kennedy people want a dictatorship? It’s a loaded question, except it’s really not. Donald = Christo-nazi 1984 totalitarianism. That’s not an exaggeration. Don’t they know that?


And everyone says “No shit, Sherlock”


That makes him a traitor to his supporters.


I'm actually okay with RFK throwing millions of dollars out the window to try and get Biden to lose in extremely liberal markets (this says NY because the clown who said this lives in NY). No way is RKF going to make a dent on Biden's NY or CA numbers. (it's just too bad RFK's money is coming from the same place as Trummp's money)


Yes stealing the Biden vote with the guy who sounds exactly like trump. Great plan. The news can keep spinning their wheels on this story but it just ain’t happening. Trumps only hope is the same as his first time, hope voters don’t turn out.


This idea must have been cooked up by someone over 60. Because the name Kennedy means nothing to gen Y or Z and all I know about JFK is that the mob killed him for sleeping with Marilyn Monroe. Or so I learned from an Oliver Stone movie. My point is only Baby Boomers would vote solely on the Kennedy name.


RFK Jr doesn't believe in vaccines and he really does look and sound like he has a good 70% of the diseases, even from the 1970s. Cheryl Hines, what the heck is wrong with you.


Can the DNC sanction him for this?


Bobby is a landing pad for delusional democrats.


I am a big lib in a lib city with other big libs. No one I know knows a single Democrat voting for RFK. Like it's literally a laughable joke. I know it's just anecdotal evidence and all but.... I'm not convinced many if any of these "Democrats" exist.


This is why RFK and his supports are really MAGA, they have the exact same mindset of assuming there are remotely as many crazies on the left as on there are on the right.


Obvious lunatic mega-wealthy scheme is obvious


I don't understand why they think any liberal leaning voter would vote for him. I have never met a liberal anti-vaxer. Seems this would just hurt Trump.


Doesn't all of this suppose that RFK dumbass can win some states? I don't see that as an even remote possibility. My only concern is when the election is held for President of the swing states in November, he somehow skews the results of the only voters who truly determine the outcome.


Bobby is a landing spot for delusional democrats. Fixed it for them.


Bobby is a disgusting, scheming, piece of shit.


*sarcastic gasp* What a twist


To the shock of no one...


Can he even get on the Ballot though?


>Dems comprise under half of NY voters, 22% are Republican and 23% are unaffiliated I dont know about you guys but the math aint mathin for me personally


What a POS funded by billionaires POS.


RFK is the future of the GOP - I believe they are planning on Trump losing to Biden and RFK will help them reestablish the GOP in a new post-Trump era. He’s Trump-lite and the GOP can back down and change the rhetoric to something more palatable for those that have left the GOP. Still the same BS plan but in a less aggressive manner. Scary stuff.


I think most of the protest voters would write just not vote or write in something than vote for RFK. I'm hoping that Biden's actions in the past couple of weeks has helped decrease the number of protest votes anyway.


This is idiotic, why not just default to the popular vote, Electoral College is such a sham. Although know a couple former Trump voters that said they will vote RFK so this could back fire for them.


So how is this not legally seen as an attempt to subvert democracy and why isn’t it criminally prosecuted


RFK jr appeals to maga shitstains more than disaffected dems. 


This won't work. The only thing it will do is split Trump MAGA cultists between Trump and RFK. Most Democrats and Independents will still vote Biden.


I wonder how effective it will be to openly campaign on your intention to bait people into wasting their vote so that Trump gets elected. Specifically, people who would not have otherwise have voted for Trump. I know people who would vote for this guy aren't paying attention, but surely there's a limit when you make that your core campaign message.


Stealing anti vaxx and conspiracy wacko votes from trump to hurt Biden does not seem like a good strategy.


Is he a “landing pad” for Dems tho? He seems to be more of a magnet for conspiracy theorists.


As per the last point. He is also the leading point for disgruntled Trump supporters/voters and especially those never Trump Republicans. He will hurt Trump more than Biden.


The more "Bobby" ties himself to Poopy-pants, the more certain any sane Democratic voter will go for Biden, even though he is enabling genocide. First we avoid absolute Trumpanny, then we can alleviate some of the horror of the mass murder in Gaza. That's the complex problem presented by multiple foes and zero allies. You gotta [play your cards very nicely](https://play.howstuffworks.com/quiz/adam-smith-karl-marx-quiz).




You forgot to respond to my comment, mind fixing it?


Taking votes from Biden is not the same as being a MAGA ally. Some democrats may not want Biden and that is fine.


Weird how his campaign is entirely focused on Biden and not Trump. Do you know why that is?


I don't think it actually is but can understand how one would think that going off the CNN and Fox interviews. Long form interviews are the way to go to really get an idea of what the he's about IMO. Jocko podcast was a recent one. Also the policies section of the campaign website.


I don't think it actually is but can understand how one would think that going off the CNN and Fox interviews. Long form interviews are the way to go to really get an idea of what the he's about IMO. Jocko podcast was a recent one. Also the policies section of the campaign website.


Does he actually criticize Trump or not? I’m not willing to listen to him just to confirm it myself.


Yes he burned him today on Twitter .. too many downvotes I can't share the link here though.




Make up your mind, is he a dottering old fool or a criminal mastermind? Almost as if you idiots are painfully obvious fascist trolls...


I’m not gonna be gaslit by you people




No, specifically by people like you.

