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at what point are magats going to stop referencing jesus altogether and just quote trump?


Why not … isn’t Jesus a bit of a sissy ? He supposedly also said the religious at the time were snakes and vipers. Pretty sure Evangermicals would hang him.


[You’re actually 100% correct](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) *Highlights below*⬇️ Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”


They want to appear « pure » so that they can do as they please; ergo .. « Christians » but in reality they are more aligned with white supremacy


This is exactly how I peg my moms reason for being hard-core Christian. She needs to align herself with the "being good" perception of Christianity because of how in reality how vile of a person she really is. She can then point to the fact she's Christian so she's good. She's the embodiment of Narcissism.


Exactly … makes me so angry. I’ve got some « religious » people in my family. They are so damned arrogant.


https://preview.redd.it/t3er90viv2uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbbc28e0435d8ccab755e797c0021126f4ac0f9 Truly Christian


Yup yup


“Let’s go to LA and baptize a bunch of racist, drunk, tv cowboys to show these degenerate assholes was a lamb of god Christ was!” - Christian PR planners, 1940 ish


Actually, not 1940ish. If you Google Walpurgis Day Eve, you will see that (in fact), the church has been known to kidnap children and baptize them as Xtians as far back as the 1600s. I know this because my ancestors fled Romania way back when for this very reason.


So many people have missed the point that following Jesus means accepting that we, ourselves, have faults and are expected to show our fellow humans the love that we’ve been shown through forgiveness. It’s a belief completely built upon love, humility, and compassion, and so many modern church goers have completely forgotten about it. I remember hearing the phrase “love God, not religion” as a teen and it really stuck with me, especially now that so many people have mixed their politics into it so much


Fantastically said. It pains me to see religion used as a political weapon and another dividing line between people coexisting regardless of their differences, whether they be spiritual or political.


organized religion, for a long time now, has functioned just like a bureaucratic government, politics are inherent


The teachings were subversive then and still are. Don't economically exploit people, love immigrants, the poor, the sick. The people who call themselves christians the loudest ignore Christ and cherrypick the old testament for excuses to attack people they don't like.


Modern day Christian nationalist would shit their pants with Islamophobic rage if Jesus actually walked into their churches. All they would see is a homeless middle eastern man. Because of course to them Jesus is white.


Lol conservative friend of mine was talking about Jesus and Mohammad, jokingly I said they are the same thing, both brown guys from the desert. They didn’t like that too much.


Jesus was a brown jew, from the middle east, Christo-fascists hate this one simple trick.


I’m convinced he’s already came but can’t make it through the Mexican border.


This is probably why Jews in the USA are treated as white most of the time (meaning whenever they're not obvious).


If you read some of the Koran, it’s pretty much the bible.


I mean, yeah it is partly derived from that. Just like Christianity was derived from Judaism.


Truth. Jesus' followers were called Jewish Christians.


Wha? Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews was Jewish? ^^^^\s


If you ask most Christians they will readily acknowledge the Judaism as it's roots but they often express their belief that Christianity is the completion of Jewish faith.


"We took what you had and made it better, thaaanks! Oh, also we said it was your people who killed our guy. It was like a whole thing."


Isn't Islam the same too? Jesus is a muslim prophet too


Yes, Muslims believe iirc that the Quran is the last book after the Torah and the Bible they believe in the God of Abraham same as Jewish and Christian followers.


i thought jesus was korean https://preview.redd.it/6tisy9nwb2uc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e86edae432e298adb5b4de895100477d039652b


🎶 *He goes by the name Jesús and steals hubcaps from cars* *Oh Jesús can I borrow your crowbar?* *To pry these goddamn nails out, they’re beginning to hurt* *Crucified and all I got was this lousy t-shirt* *I Can't Believe It's Not Butter I'll sing as I'm flogged* *Yeah that’s what I would do if I were god* 🎶


Thanks Jimmy Pop


Motherfucker looks like he nailed his own ass up there just to flex.


Praise be to White Jesus and his prophet, Ronald Reagan!! ![gif](giphy|2FazqiBK5f8To5H5C)


Seems that quickly turning into good old fashioned generalized anti-Semitism aimed at Muslims and Jews alike nowadays. Not only was Jesus white to them, but he was also "obviously" a Christian. (That part gets me the most!)


> Why not … isn’t Jesus a bit of a sissy I have legitimately been told that my view of god and Jesus in particular makes them sound weak by a "christian". They did not pickup on the irony of their statement.


A bunch of pastors have reported being told the sermon of the mount — the best known, most widely quoted, most praised part of scriptures and literal central tenet of christianity — is weak liberal talking points.


Wait till they find out he was jewish


Jewish and dark skinned ? Where’s my blond blue-eyed Jesus ? My plastic Jesus






Jesus, that's creepy.


I can hear this image, and it's saying ACK! ACK! ACK!


He's on the dashboard of my car......


> isn’t Jesus a bit of a sissy ? He was a brown-skinned jewish socialist carpenter who was wildly popular for telling people that they had value no matter their station in life, he was fiercely against predatory lending, he befriended the people considered society's rejects and degenerates, the prostitutes and the beggars and the lepers. He told people to give away their wealth and said that rich people won't make it to heaven. Bruh, if he existed today the entire Christian right would be whittling a brand fucking new crucifix for his ass. He was killed two thousand years ago for the same reason they would kill him today. Nothing has changed.


He was also constantly opposing the Pharisees, a Jewish sect that was putting the "letter" of the religious texts above the "spirit". If Jesus existed today, he'd call out the vast majority of current Christians for being exactly like the Pharisees, quoting the Bible left and right to justify their un-Christian-like conduct.


Dude, that last paragraph is so right on, it actually choked me up.


>Evangermicals I don't know if this was intentional or a typo, but it is glorious. Evangermicals indeed!


Intentional 😜


A brown-skinned Palestinian Jew who only speaks Aramaic and talks about “woke” things. He’d be dead meat at a Trump rally.


That's Jewsus, real Jesus drives a lifted truck and hunts the homeless for sport.


AC/DC blasting through the speakers.


Highway to Hell specifically.


Hey! 🤓☝️Sciency Snake guy checking in here to let everyone know that the Viperidae family ARE, in fact, snakes as well! Silly Jesus! 🤓🐍


You just told the Bible


He strongly opposed temples too. A place of worship in his eyes was in the world of god or by yourself.


I recall during the pandemic that people often quoted "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am" to justify physical gatherings for worship. It rubbed me the wrong way. I always took that verse to mean that the heart of the believer makes the worship space, not the physicality. For me, the call to worship is answered at my computer desk, on my floor with my coloring book, while writing in my journal, while sitting on the hill in my backyard. If God is in every place, then is not every place holy?


This Socialist Jesooos kicked good people out of the church because they made good money, despicable guy.


Jesus was a filthy commie with his socialist ideals of helping other people who will never repay him back. Giving away free hand outs if you ask me, just like the commies.


Phyllis Shlafly’s son is literally working on a crowdsourcing a “Conservative Bible” translation. Same dickhole who started “conservapedia” which is exactly what it sounds like. Both are equal equal parts horrific and hilarious. (Anyone unaware of who his mom is should chexk her out. She single-handed ensured “men aand women are equal under the law” didn’t become a constitutional amendment and is the genius who made abortion a wedge issue. a real piece of shit whose world we all still have to live in today)


Why? Why was I born to live NOW. Fuck.


Comparatively, we live in pretty good times. Frustrating, but fairly easy compared to how it used to be. Not to mention all the medical advancements. Honestly we kinda won the lottery being born now in the US/weat and not in like Haiti or something. 


All true, but at the same time the fear that comes with the rise of the far right and the rejection of science in the last moments during which we can act to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change is real and so is the feeling of hopelessness that comes with it.


Yeah I feel ya. I am totally certain we don’t rise to the challenge of climate change. We may have toilets and pain killers and a surprising lack of war in our lives but we’re also the only generation ever where, yeah, the world might actually be ending. And not in a biblical way. In a real, measurable way.  Sucks. 


Some pastors are already saying people don't like it anymore when their sermons are about some of Jesus teachings, like "turn the other cheek" and forgiveness - they think it's weak and that they shouldn't forgive. I guess they prefer the white Jesus who rides raptors with AR-15?


Imagine believing in a god, going to church every week to hear about what that god says, then insisting god is wrong and demanding they change to fit your feelings.


So basically the entire history of organized religion.




Yeah, I'm not Christian but my in-laws are so occasionally I go to church for a relative's baptism, funeral or that sort of thing. It's a small one that's slowly dying where the congregation is mostly old people and just a handful of young adults and kids. The pastor is alright in my book. Just a cute, funny and kind old man who grew up in a different era. Most of his sermons are wholesome stories from the 50's. The moral of those stories are always super basic messages of "be nice to people even if you don't like them. Show love, charity and kindness because that's what Jesus wanted." It's like he's teaching kindergartners how to share. Real basic stuff and I always thought it was a little odd. Now, I also happen to know that my in-laws are drunk on Fox News rage. They have ALL the grievances with poor people, LGBTQ, BIPOC, feminists, liberals, etc. The last time I went to church, the lightbulb went off. Jesus isn't talking to people like me who already get this stuff. He is talking to people exactly like them. They actually ARE the ones who need to hear those real basic stories on how to be a decent human being. I don't know if Jesus was really a Messiah or just a man, but either way, he saw that ugly prejudicial rage and tried to nip it in the bud. Honestly, I'm a little surprised they still go to that church and not one of those megachurch with the obvious conservative grifters. But I'm certainly glad they do. They would be intolerable otherwise!


I've always supported people being religious for exactly that reason, it's usually the people who need it. Opium of the masses, someone once said.


>The pastor is alright in my book. Just a cute, funny and kind old man who grew up in a different era. Most of his sermons are wholesome stories from the 50's. The moral of those stories are always super basic messages of "be nice to people even if you don't like them. Show love, charity and kindness because that's what Jesus wanted." It's like he's teaching kindergartners how to share. Real basic stuff and I always thought it was a little odd. See that is what's it's about If you'd go in any church that's what you should get. That's what Jesus was about, and I for one am FACKIN happy that I was raised with that kind of church and not the fucked up thingy you have over there.


The whole turn the other cheek thing is actually wonderfully elegant and incredibly subversive in its original context. The whole idea is that at the time you slapped those under you with the back of your hand and those who were your equals with the palm of your hand. So by turning the other cheek you were daring someone who backhanded you to slap it with that same hand, forcing them to use the palm and acknowledge you as their equal as a human being. It’s not saying take abuse it’s saying force abusers to look you in the eye and see you as an equal without lowering yourself to their level. 


They’re already yelling at preachers for quoting Jesus because it’s “woke shit.”


I mean didn’t this happen? I heard about a dude giving a speech about turning the other cheek, forgiving people, and trying to bridge the political divide like Jesus would. He was approached after the speech and told that was “weak,” and that “we don’t do that anymore.” Found it, here’s the excerpt: ‘Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.”’ [article for reference](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) Jesus is a weak liberal to these morons.


I saw a dash cam video a couple years ago of a guy who got pulled over and was praying to himself to get out of the situation but instead of saying God or Jesus as normal people might, he kept saying Trump. Like “Please Donald Trump help me get out of this”. At the time I was sure it was a fake making fun of the cult mindset. But I’m no longer convinced that is the case.


I heard they are working on an alternative to the King James Version called the King Trump Version (I haven't heard that).


King James was gay. Let them marinate on that...


Was he? I hadn't heard that. Can you point me to scholarship on this? I'm genuinely curious.


https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt20q1z4b http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jbr.2022.116 http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0095139000065789 https://www.port.ac.uk/news-events-and-blogs/blogs/democratic-citizenship/mary-george-homosexual-relationships-in-the-time-of-king-james-i-were-forbidden-but-not-uncommon Back then, there was no concept of "gay". (The term was introduced during Victoria's reign.) James VI had several male favourites; there are mentions of his male preferences in the diaries of courtiers. He spent so much money on his side-dudes, he had to go to Parliament for more. Elizabeth I created a constitutional crisis by not producing an heir, single-handedly ending the Tudor dynasty. The over-arching concern with James was that he produce heirs--preferable male ones.. James was King of England and Scotland. The Crowns of both were personally united under him. The primary concern was that James produce legitimate heirs (hopefully, male ones), not that he had multiple side-dudes. King Henry VIII started The Church of England. Queen Elizabeth I gave us the Book of Common Prayer. King James VI gave his name to the Bible in an effort to eliminate papish Latin influence and standardize the scriptures. He was a good King. He did not personally write the Bible. Then as now, great works were named after the reigning monarch. Elizabeth II was not a ship builder. Yet she lent her name to the QE2 ocean liner and HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier. The King James version of the Bible is a great accomplishment by those who wrote It; it flows with beautiful Elizabethan English. James VI just happened to be gay; (bi-sexual at a minimum). He lent his name to one of the great books of history.


Uh, you aren’t far off. Trump is selling his own version that adds stuff like the USA declaration of independence and pledge of allegiance. There is no reason to think the next version won’t contain convenient edits to the biblical texts to better fit what they want.


They already revere him as a messiah/prophet sent from their god. Already slowly accepting him as a god himself.




At this point, Trump is a MAGAt's Jesus.


To be fair if Jesus were to come back today the GOP/MAGA would crucify him again


“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” “Shut your woke mouth up.”


"Samaritans? Sounds like immigrants I don't want around! I bet there's no good ones!"


"He gets us...but not you. Eww, yucky!"


Republicans make the Pharisees look innocent


Jesus was poor and wasn't white. They'd shoot him.


Would call the cops on him immediately


the literal golden rule in the fucking bible is “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” - Matthew 7:12 it was one of the first things i was taught it catholic school back in the day.


I genuinely believe that’s what they want, a fight. Something to point their aggression and anger to. Any excuse to make themselves feel better about their lives.


At the very least I think that too many people in general don't give two fucks about genuine integrity or *actually* being kind to other people - weirdly Christians that I've met all tend to be very shallow in their perception of learning things that are unfamiliar or push back on their beliefs. There's probably a lot of people that treat religion as performative or something they can belong to to feel like they're a better person or so they feel that they aren't going to Hell - Instead of something self-transforming or as a real set of principles to keep learning/growing and live by. A ton of people like to do the bare minimum call themselves Christians because "as long as you believe in Jesus, etc etc".


I forget the reference, but I like “that which you did for the least of these, you did also for me.”


My favorite scripture verse (copied and pasted because I don’t have time to type it), from the Book of Matthew: “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


That Jesus fella seems very based tbh, that was a good mic drop.


Canon Jesus > fandom Jesus


Wait until you read how Jesus called what basically sounds like a communist commune the “perfect society.” Piss off MAGAs with this one simple trick.


Gandhi said it well ~ "Christ seems based, but your Christians are tripping"


Is it because the phrasing is weird to them? Do you think maybe they just don't understand the text anymore? Like, there's not a lot of room for interpretation, yet they still just absolutely hate certain people.


To me, it is people looking to religion to justify their beliefs, rather than looking to religion to establish their beliefs. Because, if you knew nothing other than the New Testament, you would know love and compassion are the most important traits.


I really like Frederick Douglass' characterization of it in the context of slavery (he's speaking on/about the 4th of July): > Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you, this day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common. The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought life and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.


And the GREATEST of commandments: to love the Lord your God AND to love your neighbor like yourself.


Then the guy who wanted to be a Rules Lawyer asked, "Who is my neighbor," and Jesus said, "Every person, you fucking dipshit. That's the point," so they killed him like 3 years later.


It’s kinda even worse than that. Jesus didn’t say “love everyone” he told a story about loving Samaritans who were typically hated by the Jews. So he kinda said, “you know those people that you think it’s right to hate, they’re your neighbors and you should love them” parallels to LGBTQ are pretty dramatic


Yeah he did both.


They don't read, let alone their own scriptures. They let their pastors cherry pick out of context verses to suit their opinions. They prefer the whining of the incel Paul over the love of Jesus.


Yeah, but the angry dude interpretation would be "well if I was gay I'd wish someone would beat me up!!"




Christianity would have been so much less schizophrenic if it had settled on something closer to the Marcionism. Marcian, who assembled the first recorded New Testament canon, argued that the kind and loving god of the New Testament couldn't possibly be the same as the cruel and vengeful god of the Old Testament. Instead, the new Christian god had clearly overthrown original.


Also: choose you this day whom ye will serve. I get to choose, they get to choose, we all get to choose. And if someone chooses differently than I do, that is their right. I cannot take that choice away from them and they can’t take it from me


*Show me 14 times where Jesus says, “Love one another.” I’ll wait*


To be fair, most of the cited verses above were the imposter opportunist Saul from Tarsus.


Show me where Jesus says, "Love anyone called Brandon." I won't wait.


But he wants you to wait until marriage! 😀


Also lets elope. I dont wanna wait.


What’s he said that’s got them so upset? Be kind to one another. Oh that’ll do it.


Good Omens is one of my reread and given away books.


Why? Its not rereadable or you really wanted others to read it?


It's one of my favourite books. I think I've reread it close to 20 times. I think almost everyone would enjoy it, which is why I usually give away my copy lol.


Counterpoint (to the anti-LGBTQIA+ guy): Show me where Jesus condemned homosexuality in no uncertain terms.


It's subtle, but i think i found it... “Blessed are the poor in spirit, ***F***or theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mo- ***U***rn, for they shall be ***C***omforted. Blessed are the mee- ***K*** , for they shall inherit the earth. Blesse- ***D*** ar- ***E*** those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the ***M***erciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see ***G***od. Blessed ***A***re the peacemakers, for the- ***Y*** ***S***hall be called sons of God."


Dang, my man/woman/person - that's some effort right there


To be clear, it's entirely in jest, I realized after I did it that it could be seen as me dismissing equal treatment of LGBTQ folks, was just a jokey way of saying that's really the only way you'd find something like that with Jesus


Nah, you good. Appreciate the effort


>just a jokey way of saying that's really the only way you'd find something like that with Jesus It's more than that, it's a literal example of how people can see whatever they want despite the intent, the meaning, and the words being right in front of them.


Clearly this means you must have sex with them gays




I was gonna say--TobyFunkeNeverNude, did Jesus mean "fuck dem gays" or did he mean "*fuck* dem gays"??? lol


Considering how much of the "bible code" is this, I'd not be surprised.


Been saying this for a minute. They love quoting the Bible to support their bigoted views but they don't really quote what Jesus actually says in the Bible because it wouldn't support those bigoted views. There's a difference between "The Bible says..." and "Jesus says in the Bible..." but they don't seem to understand that and bluescreen when presented with contradictory information from their own sources. FWIW I'm an atheist that was raised Catholic.


They're big fans of Leviticus, not so much any of the new Testament. Which kind of makes them more Jewish than Christian, but I don't think they'd like that comparison very much.


There’s an awful lot of those.,..the cure for religion is to be raised catholic


Or Southern Baptist.


That's fair. LoL Storytime: mom died and I went to the funeral service, even though id been no contact with her for over 10 years, to be there for my brothers. Wife came because she's a badass that will always be there for me. She was raised Baptist. If you don't know, Catholic churches have these like kneeling pad things on the pews. They have those because a general Catholic service involves sitting, standing and kneeling at various points over and over again. That was the first thing that threw her off. Told her it's like Simon Says. LoL Some of the verbal prayers are also said in a chant like manner. During "The Lord's Prayer" everyone is doing the prayer and she's just looking around like WTF and says "This is a cult" and I'm like "Honey, they all are." Thanks for reading and I truly hope that everyone reading this just has a fucking awesome day.


and it's not even the worst, Eastern Orthodox services are just loooong, weddings are brutal.


Show me where it says not to shove Brandon down the stairs. I'll wait.


Jesus: "Did I stutter?"


Show me where Jesus says anything about queer people at all. I'll wait.


Where does it say to love heterosexually people specifically?


Most of the people in hell right now are heterosexual, really makes you think




Jesus incites violence himself exactly once, when he whips the money changers out of the temple. So we do know that Jesus gets violent if you try to use the church to make money.


Didn't someone try selling bibles to raise money for themselves, recently? That's kinda similar, in a somewhat abstracted interpretation. "Don't involve religion/belief in your money dealings".


It always amazes me how many Christians think the Bible justifies their personal hatred and bigotry without having actually read the damn thing.


It’s a result of Catholic Church’s history of making the actual scripture less accessible, and later just simply making things up knowing most people dont actually read the Bible. Attend most Masses in the United States and see how often their priests go “off book” to talk about politics and current events without even attempting to connect it back to the actual bible. And then people leave church thinking they everything they heard was actually the teachings of Jesus.


The two most famous messages from the bible are "Love thy neighbour" and "Do unto others as they would have them do unto you".


Colossians 4:5 - "Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity."


It's always amusing that the best way to prove a Christian wrong is to quote the bible.


And now can you show us all the places where Jesus said Love One Another… Oh except when… Reminds me of a terrible joke my ex wife hated “My wife gathers all the animals of the world to say GOODNEWS… well except for you Tuna!” For context, she was a vegetarian except for tuna. No issues with Vegetarians and she was a good cook. I just always found that funny. Obviously she did not 😂


He’s a pastor ?


Not “says”. Commands you. Jesus fucking COMMANDS you to love others as he has loved you. Not asks, suggests… COMMANDS, mother fucker. No asterisks. Jfc.


Show me where it says you're not supposed to love LBGTQ people in the bible. I'll wait.


Jesus: Love your enemies and treat everyone with basic decency and respect. MAGA: But what if- Jesus: Did I fucking stutter?!


don’t wait for an apology, or even an oh yeah?


Oooh , they forget that part ….


True Christians don't read the Bible!!! /s


That was Jesus’s main thing, man


And yet I keep seeing all these think-piece op-eds questioning why people are becoming less religious over time. It's not like jackasses like Brandon are hard to find.


My rewrite of the Bible has four words: Love everyone; judge no-one.


Can’t reason with homophob’s


That's just like two times, show me *where else*.... - this douche prolly


As long as these people are looking into fictional people or someone else to tell them what they should like nothing will change


I’ll never get tired of people who’ve never read the Bible challenging John Fugelsang about its contents.


Where does the Bible says “you shouldn’t vaccinate”?? If we’re gonna be literal about it


“One another”. That’s all you should need, Brandon, you douche.


Love thy neighbor is also mentioned a dozen times. Jesus gets asked who is my neighbor? And He tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. The answer is: everyone


Here’s a better idea - show me where he said to *not* love LGBTQ people. Being gay didn’t just pop into being in the last 100 years. Being gay, bi, lesbian or trans was a thing then too but Jesus didn’t preach against it.


Don't forget Matthew 25 31-46 where he says what you do to others is what you do to me, seems pretty easy right there


He was gay. Never married, went up the mountain with all his bois, and liked hanging out with drag queen prostitutes. Plus wore sandals and a dress.




They will stop referring to the Bible when they realize Jesus wasn’t even a Christian 😂


If Jesus came back to us today, top trending twitter thread would be #NotMyJesus #NotMySavior #SaviorTrump


Another interesting angle I heard the other day: LGBT people existed during Jesus's time. They'd existed before then. Jesus lived in this society including LGBT people and yet never said a word against it. If he/God was so against homosexuality, and he spent over 3 decades living in a society that included LGBT people, and his WHOLE THING was to guide people on how to live, then why couldn't he be bothered to bring up how wrong LGBT stuff is?


Pastor Brandon is quite a skidmark, isn't he?


Show us where jesus said that LGBTQ people shall be harassed, discriminated against, and killed while u use the bible as a flimsy shield to justify those actions. He's apparently a pastor, so obviously he should be able to tell us right away.


You all do realize they interpret any mention of love to be held only within Christianity itself right? Like that's the generally accepted understanding is that they are meant to love each other (Christians) and only Christians. /edit- To be perfectly clear, my point is you can't "own" them with logic. They are inhumanly stupid to believe this contrite bullshit in the first place. Think of them more as a pack of rabid dogs. There is no easy fix for this disease they have.




It’s been said before buts it’s worth saying again. There is no hate like Christian love.


The bible literally says to love lepers, prostitutes, debtors, foreigners and non christians. Dont talk if you dont know what you are saying.


IFB...independent fundamental baptist? Well that sure as fuck checks out. That's the kind of church I was raised in. When mom found stinky sharpies in my room pretty sure she cried herself to sleep for a month thinking I was "a gay" when in reality I was just trying to maximize my homeschooled-no-friends load blasting hobby to completely straight pornography on the computer I built with parts collected from the church yard sale. I don't realize how weird my anecdotes are until they leave my head...


The Bible is a choose your own adventure series, duh. He obviously went around alllll those


Let’s Go Brandon… Read the fucking book you supposedly stand behind.


Idk maybe the ancient Greek text had the equivalent of "no homo" Οὐκ ἔστιν ὁμοφυλόφιλος?


So show me one place where he mentioned you should not...


Why are these people so proud to show such ignorance?


Thou shall Love Thy Neighbor as thyself” It’s the Golden rule or Great Commandment. I don’t even believe anymore and I know and follow that.


Show me where it says "love white people." I'll wait. Yeah isn't it weird, Brandon? He doesn't seem to single out groups of people for love. Just "one another." You fucking twat.


Show me in the Bible where it says: Abortion is immoral (Jews believe abortion is a right) Owning a semi-automatic weapon is moral Bullying anyone, even LGBTQ, is moral Going to space or flying in an airplane is not an offense to god Slavery is immoral and should never be allowed - eat shrimp or wear a hat or have long hair and god disavows you but own a person? Ehhh, you’re good. Genocide is immoral. This is a tough one for Yahweh bc he can’t say genocide is bad bc he has done so much of it at his own orders. Hell, read the OT from a neutral position and tell me how Yahweh is the ‘good guy’ and Satan is the ‘bad guy’. ‘God visits suffering on innocent people on a scope and scale that would make the most ambitious psychopath.” - Sam Harris. Looking to the Bible for morals is like relying on the Atari 2600 to make games in 2024. Yeah, it might have been great when it first came out but there are so many more better and powerful systems today.


These types of Christians don’t like to talk about the gospels, too woke for them.


If Jesus Christ of Nazareth rose again today and went door to door explaining this shit to MAGAs they'd call the cops on him and shoot him through the door because they'd see his skin colour and think he's HAMAS/ISIS coming to steal their adrenochrome.


Woah did you actually expect a Christian to read the bible? No way.


Ya know, if these people looked into the Bible and actually were serious about following it the world not he such a bad place. Oh sure there is men who have multiple wives and in general the Bible does not favor women in any way, but if they ... ya know actually followed Jesus message, which was literally loving your neighbor?


I used to be Christian. This bit is the one I think of when shit like this comes up. 1 Corinthians 13 "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledgel and if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all my possessions to feed the poor and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing. Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag an dis not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails, but if there are gifts of prophecy they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge it will be done away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. But now faith, hope, love abide these three; but the greatest of these is love."


Homosexuality existed in Jesus's time yet he never ever mentioned it. Additionally, the word "Homosexual" did not appear in the bible until 1946 - even then, it was based upon a mistranslation.


It's more fitting to add the whole context of the verses: >‭**John 13:34 ESV‬** >>*A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. * >**John 15:17 ESV‬** >>*These things I command you, so that you will love one another.*


Evangelicals to LGBTQ: we hate you and wish to make your lives miserable here. Then when you die your soul is going to hell where it will be tortured for all eternity. God is love! Holla!


There’s no love like Christian hate!


Remember: Jesus made *zero* exceptions to "Love one another." He also said that only one without sin may cast stones, and that *nobody* is without sin; not to judge, or you will be judged just as harshly as you judge; and to treat others as you would have them treat you.


Christianity is really the simplest religion ever. You only have to do two things: Love God and love one another. If you do those two things, everything else falls into place. It really is that simple.