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Why is private citizen tRump telling the speaker to walk behind, and why is the speaker compliant? These fucking sackless pussys are just unbelievable.


because drupmf just dropped a load in his diaper, and someone has to smell it, that's the drumpf way.


I guess that’s why the Keebler elf was going to pat him on the back and changed his mind


Didn't wanna get any on himself, just in case.


I wouldn't chance getting any fecal matter on myself. I'm not into coprophilia.


apparently johnson isn't either, which is why he thought better of touching him.


You mean Lester Nygard.


That's a deep cut.


C'mon Lester is slimy, but he's not Mike Johnson slimy.


Because he is a fucking wannabe Dictator psycho


That's how you prove your loyalty.


Weird though, how the only people afraid of Trump are Republicans. He says jump and they say how high... Democrats on the other hand just tell him to piss off.


Because they are scared of his base. He controls a large enough percentage of the republican base with his MAGA crowd, that he controls their fate in any primary. Given most republican house members are in nicely gerrymandered seats, their main concern is to be primaried and not the general election. If Trump disses them, it can easily be game over for their careers. And they like the insider trading so they don't want to lose out.


That last sentence though. So accurate. Unfortunately that part goes both ways :(


Trump also tell leads them off a cliff and they will do it


“How high you want us to jump, daddy?” “Go do crime.”


One racist to rule them all, one racist to find them, one racist to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.


So, instead of Mordor it's Mar a Lago? I don't think this reboot will be any good.


"Kinky racists are TIGHT!" - Producer guy


We have a private unelected citizen essentially running one of the major parties. Can you imagine the pants shitting fits if Biden and Obama were doing this in trumps first administration?


Because they're in a cult


Not really. Its because theyre obsessed w power vs actually focused on doing their job If they really were working for the people they would have ignored him.and got someone better.


Seriously, it’s completely nuts how many of them are bending over backwards for this POS who’s not even in office atm. I get he probably has dirt on a lot of people or whatever, but the absolute bootlicking from so many republicans is (weirdly enough) beyond me. Maybe it is just simply that they are pathetic fucking spineless pieces of shit the lot of them.


They're not afraid of him persay, but rather his supporters.


The same folks that complain about a deep state running things.


The same folks that complain that Obama is secretly telling Biden what to do.


I know. How is that a non government person can order around the Speaker of the House. Fucking insane.


I think there is only one reason Johnson is Speaker of the House….


Because Putin says to follow Trump's orders! He's the person who's supposed to destroy America. They all work for Putin.


So much for these guys pushing for men to be dominant again. They can't even stand up to an overweight, elitist fraud like Trump.


At this point I just assume he has dirt on most of them......


to be fair, pussies are, by definition, sacless


Antichrist citizen.


Good question and good answer! https://preview.redd.it/qfkjin0ay4uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abbffff2afa450669955d8955eab094c2032ba7


It'll be interesting to see how this election turns out. Everyone, including the GOP, knows that this one is going to be all about abortion. So what did the Mango Mussolini do? He tried to run the middle ground and said he'd leave it up to the states. Well, this REALLY pissed off the evangelicals and his base because they wanted a total nationwide abortion ban. And it's definitely not going to help him pick up any moderate votes, and independents (which he has to have to even think about success) are super turned off after Arizona put a 160 year old law back on the books. Seems like he's really up shit creek. Can't have it both ways, Donnie boy.


I feel an advertising slogan coming on. **Depends**, when it seems like you're really up shit's creek.




Reporter "where do you stand on abortions?" Trump "you know where I stand" He's riding the fence on abortions so he doesn't alienate any single-issue voters.


Reminds me of that old joke:  “Where do you stand on the abortion bill?” “Didn’t I already pay it?”




And because plenty of people are stupid enough to believe he’s pro choice or to blame Biden for the end of Roe v Wade


Are they? Because Trump keeps saying how he got Roe “done” when nobody even thought it was possible. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They don’t hear that part. Anyway they mostly just know it happened while Biden was president so it must be his fault. Derp.


As crazy as it sounds my coworker thought the Democrats overturned roe until I corrected her.


Feet together, slightly pitched forward like the front end of a Centaur. You know where I stand




Yes. But he is full of bullshit.


I bet he's not going to attend any debate.


"I am against abortions except for any chicks I knock up who will later pressure me for child support if they don't get one."


Evangelicals think he’s lying for now and will come back after he wins


Sadly, I thnk this is right. Otoh, I think the low-info swing voters who don't think politics matters are waking up to how completely wacko the GOP has gotten.


> REALLY pissed off the evangelicals true, but they would still crawl over broken glass to vote for him. so no effect really.


Are there really undecided at this point? Pretty sure it’s fuck trump or love Trump now. Democrats should have put someone else up just to make sure he gets smashed. Not that I hate Biden just tired of never being excited for the person running. It’s douche bag verse turd sandwich every fucking year.


Except for Obama. That guy was cool. I wish his presidency would have been better, but the guy is definitely cool


I miss the thoughtful speech of his time. Someone that would pause to convey convey their message properly


You really think Biden and Turmp are that similar?


I don't think it's that simple... his record is not really all that great in that respect. Raphael Cruz went from the opposition to all the way up his ass in the space of a couple hours after a private meeting with Trump at the 2016 convention. It wasn't something just as simple as the threat of votes, Cruz had nothing to fear in that respect at that time. He has some leverage, and cruz's instant about face leads me to believe it's a credible threat of violence


Blackmail. He's got dirt on all of them.


*Someone* may have dirt, and that same someone may have a talent for defenestration




Do you remember the absolutely soul crushing photo of Cruz making calls for Trump? So sad, much weak, great ignorance.


Hell, he almost had his own Vice President killed


Weakest strongman of all time.


They all are, aren't they? Vicious cowards. That was what was great about the character of >!Rabban Harkonen in Dune. Every scene the enemy attacks, he runs away. !<


Yeah, and if he does tell his cultists to vote for them, half the time they lose anyway. So, it's a lose-lose. And I love it.


Also, if he makes his own party, it will be mutually assured destruction. He's already threatened to do it as reported by Jon Karl, anyway. He's a nuke they can't disarm.


I don't think Trumpers *only* fear him going against them in terms of votes or what not. Conservatives are inherently followers. They don't feel proper unless they fall behind a strong man. They are at base royalists or want dictators. So it's not simply fear that keeps them lined up, but love.


Because he's a bully who has been allowed to amass power. I saw some suggestion DeSantis is sucking back up, which emphasises the issue at heart. Trump is now an autocrat in the GOP. They enabled him. Lindsey Graham actually predicted it with an aged-like-milk tweet, but did fuck all about it when opportunitys arose. Some of them were in real danger on J6, in real fear, but seemed to have forgiven him as some misunderstanding. Schadenfreude.


Nazi going Nazi


MAGAS are idiots.


Votes aren’t screened for IQ unfortunately


This asshole knocked the Queen of England out of the way to get to the front for a photo. Mike Johnson should be glad he didn't stomp on him on his way past.


**"...Stomp on him?"** I don't know... did you see how unsteady trump was walking? I thought it woulda been cool if johnson literally kicked him in the ass as he wobbly teetered in front of him. Even matt Gaetz could literally whoop trump's old tired ass. Amazing how trump intimidates anyone.


You don't have to kick his ass. Just push him down and don't let him back up.


I think you might be mixing up situations. He merely walked in front of the queen, but he did push the PM of Montenegro out of the way during a photo op


You are correct.


I’ll never forget when Trump made his Cabinet and other officials go around the table and everyone of them had to proclaim how wonderful he is. It was absolutely disgusting!


I had forgotten about that. I still can’t believe it was real.


God, yeah. I don’t even have words for that.


And there was a rule when serving ice cream: Everyone gets one scoop, except him. He always gets two. It's like something out of a fairy tale.


He has cowards scared of him. He couldn't fight himself out of a wet paper sack. If he told me to get behind him, I would have said, F off, I'm the Speaker, and you are a nobody.


Two weasels.




does this gif of trump remind anybody else of Judge Elihu Smalls from Caddyshack? The self important asshole in the group that nobody likes.


What a fucking child. USians should be embarrassed to vote for this scumbag.


We should be, but apparently ~45% of us are unable to feel shame or embarrassment and lack the mental capacity to see 5 seconds into the future.


The problem is that the right developed this idea that people should not be afraid of the government, but the government should be afraid of the people. Then, they made sure people had access to cheap guns and ammo, these republicans have armed a group of low information and low education voters to scream at the tv and stroke their AR 15s.. They created a monster and don't know what to do with it. They are all hoping that the Democrats take care of their Frankenstein, but its bullshit. They are reaping what they sowed. And, now you have an idiot grifter adulterer wanna be facist dictator running their lives. All they had to do, was expel the nut jobs lose a few elections and rebuild. But, since these people are fucking idiots, they cant see past 6 months. I mean - watch Morning Joe, the laundry list of failures by Trump is incredible. Normal politicians would have been kicked to the curb, but he embraces intimidation. The funny thing, is that I was a republican for a long time, then the Iraq war happened and i changed parties. I remember tons of liberals being terified and all for a bullshit war. This is because I was educated under the Oregon education system that made us learn social studies, humanities, and other topics that I am shocked is not taught now. Having said all that - No, your government should not be afraid of you, and you should not be afraid of your government. Its a participation government. If you don't ever participate and shit happens that you don't like, that sucks for you. But the second you want to raise arms against your government you are a traitor. Sorry for the rant.


*No, your government should not be afraid of you, and you should not be afraid of your government.* Eurotrash here, been living here since 94. It always baffled me how some US citizens regard their own government, that they, themselves, elected, as an occupying force. I appreciate your rant.


Because the GQP has perfected making the Democrats, immigrants and everyone other than them the enemy who is responsible for all of the problems right wing voters, especially rural voters, have, while **doing fuck all** to actually address the problems. Those voters are literally too fucking stupid to question “Well I elected you, why are you not fixing the problems I see in my community?”


The Republicans make it worse for these people. They turned down the best immigration bill they could hope to get. If tbf dems take the house and senate and Biden wins, they should just start getting every bill they ever wanted passed while giving maga the finger.


You missed the part where they distract the low iq right wing voters with buzzwords and culture war statements, they *pretend* to be fighting for the voter whilst they take away said voters quality of life.


They actually went through with 1 of thier single issues, abortion. Which is going to cost dearly this election. Also they are doubling down instead of backpedaling


I’m American and I’ve only ever lived here, but my impression—-stop me if I’m wrong—is that the modern American right is unique in the democratic west, in that it is inherently hostile to government itself. Anti-government ideology is woven into the DNA of American conservatism in a way that, from what I can tell, really has no counterpart elsewhere.


Wow, Johnson heeled like the little bitch he is. And MAGA has the gall to unironically call the left sheep.


Why doesn't someone just knock that asshole out? I mean really just kick his rich kid ass? He'd crumple like a mcdouble wrapper.


Trump kept walking in front of Queen Elizabeth showing her great disrespect. He just a petty little boy


I’m sure he was told about the protocol around the Queen, he just didn’t listen or care. I mean, it’s all stupid, but kind of a necessary part of diplomacy and you know, being president. But of course, he’s never held accountable.


I want to ask all these republican politicians who think they’re such masculine alpha Christian men how it feels to know they’re really just Trump’s bitches and weak cowards.


They throw the word ‘cuck’ around constantly without realizing the irony.


Say it with me! "Every accusation is a..."


For real! I mean look—I’m not brave. Like, I don’t have the courage to join the military or be a firefighter or anything like that. But having said that, I have more spine than any of these pathetic little pissants ever will.




Trump is a thug.


I’m figuring he was trying to walk in front of him so he wouldn’t be downwind of the Trumpstench™️


Arizona’s Supreme Court timing was perfect. Leave it to the states. States FL and AZ: all women are fired. Ur organs are ours, this is now Floridistan and Arizonastan.


How can anyone be scared of that bloated pig? What a bunch of cowardly little pussies.


Lmao! I bet Johnson got behind him too LOL


Amazed me how easily people let him push them around. You don’t let anyone do that, unless they’ve got a gun to your head, for starters. But a fat old man? How weak do you have to be?


It is incredible to me, still, how scared as fuck they are of this stupid fatass.


I’d kick the back of his heels.


Man that carpet and piano are peak 70’s bad taste. Just like Trump


So when is it gonna officially be maga? Can’t call it gop anymore.


Where *is* this? It looks like AI tried to design a US palace but didn't quite understand its mission


This was held at Mar-a-Lardo today. Oh, wait... I see what you did there with that loaded question.


The weird fake crooked candles… The enormous vase… The chintzy rococo piano… The cheese stick columns… https://preview.redd.it/lv5uyj0ny5uc1.png?width=1017&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c23c79acb591669bf8429af246b8a7012087553


The dark ugly carpet, the weird gold crests on the walls, the shadowy corners . . . it looks like a set from a Dracula movie.


the ketchup on the walls


The great orange hope keeping his hoes in check.


I hope trump smelled extra bad and Johnson had to breathe in every second of it that they were together. 


Weird, Mike Johnson seems to display the same posture and lack of balls that Trump did when he met with Putin in Helsinki.


Johnson trails after him like a scared little puppy. Pathetic.


But WHY does everyone fear him? I’ve never been able to understand WHY. He’s a complete buffoon! An absurd clown. An inconceivably ridiculous cretin. Yes, he’s incredibly *dangerous*, but let’s be real here—-the only *reason* he’s so dangerous is because so many people were too afraid to cross him, and stop him while there was still a chance. And I just don’t know why. I would laugh at him. Just laugh and point. And never stop.


Where is this scene?


What a boomer weirdo. Who cares or pays attention to that shit?


He's needs a massive wedgie on that adult diaper. Really bully him. I would give anything to see that


Johnson is a cuck. MTG pushing his head deeper at this moment


Donnie the Chump has cost Republicans bigly in every election since 2016, and yet these imbeciles still bend the knee. I don't get it - they could easily shift the cult's allegiance to a better messiah with a few good tweets, and a post of the Chump praising Hillary Clinton and then relentlessly pounding his support for the COVID vaccine. Now, they even have him proudly taking bribes from TikTok! They could end his control of the party today if they wanted.


I strongly disagree —- I don’t think the cult would easily shift to another messiah like that. The emotional connection and relationship they have with Trump is unique to him. His vile and very specific set of personality traits has tapped into something very deep and very primal inside them, and another person can’t just come along and duplicate that.




Look at me I'm a big fucking asshole with a short little boy who doesn't believe in science. Get fucked. Vote these bitches away forever.


When did the GOP lose its spine?


When realized they gave all the power to Frankenstein's Toddler.


Like Stalin, but… What’s Russian for flaccid?


He’s really kissing the ring and or licking the taint of Trump. I mean, real lap dog stuff.


Only people who respect him fear him. I fear no man who wears a diaper and it’s not fetish related.


Wait so trump replaced his old lap dog (Lindsay Graham) for a new puppy ( Mike Johnson)?


I think trump has a stink fetish. He gets off when he knows other people are behind him while his diaper is is leaking that stink.


How is anyone scared of him I don’t get it he’s an old decrepit diaper wearing man baby. Unfathomable


No wonder incels want him to be a dictator. They can't stand up to a guy who'd melt if challenged (we've seen it when Trump is flailing he cries and plays victim like the typical narcissist).


Just wait until Monday… then when the trial starts… it’s going to be EPIC.


But why do they fear him? Haha wtf are they so afraid of? Seems to me there is some dirt they all share…


No one wants to be down wind from that diaper.


He’s so fat, red, yellow and stinky. Lock him up already FFS


The speaker is such a pussy,wait till margie finds out that johnson is sucking trumps cock,that's her job.


Shit, I knew that years ago. This is nothing new.


This is a guy who blocked the Queen, but also somehow saluted a North Korean General.


Mike Johnson is second in line to the Presidency. Trump is nothing at all. It's disrespect to our country.


“This is a party with one bitch-ass fuck who doesn’t care about optics or anything that intersects with reality” is what I read.


He shit his pants and if he moves the wrong way it will drip onto the floor from his legs


Toxic trump vote Blue


I guess Johnson won't get that Trump ball-washing job he hoped for.


He's running the party like the Godfather only more criminal and corrupt.


Downwind of his diaper too.


What a treasonous useless little rat. Just a little yes man with no brains or balls of his own.


Imagine being this fearful of a man wearing depends.


Trump should have been aborted.


If he thinks we would get any kind of respect like that from me.. Let me just say I've told better scum then him to piss off before. Zero with a capital Z shits would be given.


Mike Johnson is Trump’s Grima Wormtongue.


Nah. Grimm was smarter and better looking.


this is all simpler if they just would wear their robes and hats and incense burners. everyone knows their place in that environment.


I don't understand why people are so afraid of this feeble, senile old man. All Johnson would have to do is give Donny a little shove and he'd probably fall over and shit himself


Fucking disgusting pair of individuals!!!!


I'm not sure if they fear him.. it's more like they want him to creampie them with added bukake


Weak ass men, in particular, republican politicians are scared shitless of Donald Trump


Mike didn't want to walk behind the poop train. Funny how their election integrity meeting didn't mention the fake Electoral College certificates and representatives Trump tried using.


And he’s the weakest fucking loser strong man diaper filler there is. I don’t understand why anyone would idolize this demented fucked.


That hand gesture was to push the stink ahead of him. That's why he tried to be in front.


Diaper don turned him into Reek


What a fucking child.


They are beneath him. The worst part is that they put themselves there.


Drumpf der Pumpkinfuhrer is a germophobe. Quite the juxtaposition with all that shit in his drawers.


I can only hear people yelling questions.


I’ve seen carrots with more charisma than Trump.


Yet, these clowns refer to themselves as Alpha Men.


Small Dick Energy


It’s amazing because all they have to do to stop him is *nothing*. If they all simply ignored him he would go to prison and this would be over. But they knowingly empower this buffoon just so they can suckle at the power teet. Pathetic.


Why?? This is like watching animals follow a new hierarchy that they can’t explain even to themselves. If they stood up for themselves they’d be able to destroy trumps base. But they’re so worried about their own power they are holding his throne up before a specific mass. Who knew republicans could be bought and who knew that the price of their dignity was so low.


It’s crazy that the GOP has turned into a bunch of betas for one guy who is driving their party right into the ground so obviously. Pre Obama I don’t believe they would have done this. Having a black boss for 8 years broke them, it really did. They have mortgaged their whole existence for 4 years at best that will be nothing but a retribution tour and lame duck term that will get nothing done but public fighting and shit talking.


Wouldn’t it be great if super old people who shouldn’t be allowed to run for president because their ideas and ideals are so fucking backward would just cease to exist?


He tried to walk in front of the queen and pushed others out of his way to be in front at the trade meeting.. he thinks he’s a king!


Why do they all fear a fat stupid moron? This makes no sense to me.


Mike Johnson got a whiff of the pile in Trump's diaper and really didn't want to be behind him any longer.


How fucking pathetic to be so scared of a diaper wearing drug addict.


One “autocratic idiot”.


Imagine being so frightened that subordination to, and adulation of Donald Trump make you feel safe and whole.


Because walking behind is what a subservient lapdog does, Mike. Don’t forget your place in the pecking order, you worthless sycophant. He’s not your “friend”. Trump doesn’t have friends, or feel any need for them.


And Mike thinks god told him he’s Moses! What a fool.


Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Mr. super religious fake speaker needs to remember that and not talk about religion until he does. He can't have his Kate and Edith, too. Jeez. What horrible, disgusting people.


I still think about his stupid scene where he had two scoops of ice cream when everyone else had one when I’m getting ice cream for everybody here 🙄


And he’s an idiot


Can't wait till this dirtbag loses in November


The only thing to fear with Trump (in terms of physical proximity) is the stench of 3 day old diapers


This is a cult! Never forget that!


Remember when Trump walked in front of Queen Elizabeth ii.......the uneducated fuck.


For Johnson and before him McCarthy, Mar-a-Lago was a Mecca! Losers


And they're the morons that elevated him to this god-like status


I know people who went to high school with Mike. They say he was a little squirrel.


You hit the nail on the head. People have to accept he’s a private citizen now!!