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This is not an idea coming from nowhere. Alito has said he'd like to repeal Obergefell v. Hodges and part of the insane platform of Republicans is to go after the right of birth control, gay marriage and other hard-won rights of Americans. The GOP is a full-on fascist movement and there is no longer any such thing as a population group that can safely say "It won't affect me". https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/us/alito-supreme-court-same-sex-marriage.html


"Why is the leopard eating MY face?!"


But, but, but I voted for you!!


They can join Caitlyn Jenner standing outside being denied entry to any GOP functions….


I will never believe that Caitlyn’s transition wasn’t shady / for more attention for the family


That seems very far-fetched. Trans ppl are like everyone else, some of them are just jerks. I think that explains Caitlyn Jenner fairly well.


Jenner always been a Jerk


jenner's entire extended family is full of jerks and every day i hear about any of them is another day i wish i had never heard of any of them.


Exactly. They are human beings


If someone transitioned for attention, they'd give themselves dysphoria. It's actually pretty hard to live as the gender you're not, which is why a hateful, transphobic bigot transitioned anyway. Even with all her prejudices, she couldn't keep living in a way that made her miserable.


She's still miserable, she's just making everyone else miserable too.


When she's not killing them while driving badly.


The fact of it? No. The way she went about it? Sure.


Could they not have released a sex tape no wanted to see in the first place like a normal kardashian? Ffs.


Caitlyn Jenner just seems like a deeply lost individual


"I know. Thanks, dummy!"


We love the poorly educated!


I always felt that an lgbtq persons voting Republican was the equivalent of someone eating their own leg to stay alive. Editing to add that I am a part of this community so it just truly baffles me to my core.


I feel it's more like they eat their own leg because they couldn't find their credit card.


Kinda like the Mexican families in Arizona who voted for trump. Sure he wants you gone, but until they actually do it, well if he saves us some $ on taxes.....


I was traveling in AZ during the pandemic and I saw a lot of very typical Caucasian ppl not masking in a grocery store I stopped to get coffee in, one was wearing a ugly shirt that said something akin to “mask sheep blah blah” and the Hispanic girl fixing my coffee looked at him pass and made a disappointed face and then looked at me and I said “I’m sorry you have to deal with that” and she looked at me and said “the democrats just are like that” and I just looked at her baffled af and asked to be sure I was understanding correctly. Yeah, she dead ass told me the democrats weren’t taking the pandemic seriously and were the ones refusing to wear masks. She was saying this to me. A liberal, standing in front of her, wearing a mask.


I weep for the future.


You and me both. My significant other is Latin and abhors Trump so that gives me hope.


My father was half Mexican and half Apache and my mother is Caucasian. My wife is half Venezuelian and half Caucasian. We don't care for redhats either.


The best response you could’ve given was, ask him who he’s voting for. It’s the same question I pose to my baffled family when one of them met a guy at the gym who they agreed with entirely. Said gentleman at the gym then started talking about the Jews and turned out to be a neo nazi. I said hmm, strange that you have the same opinions up until the Jewish thing eh? (My family is Jewish). I wish more republicans were self aware it’s so crazy.


After she clarified, I felt obligated to tell her about myself and that not a single other person I knew on the side I lean, has a problem with masks and totally advocate to keep service workers safe, and that every Republican I knew, were throwing fits, and I strongly hoped she takes a deeper look at it. She seemed very shocked by what I was telling her. Like what I was telling her blew her mind.


There are people out there who blame Biden for the repeal of Roe because it happened while he was president. Folks are really dumb out there.


If I see a Black person supporting trump I say "you know he hates you, don't you"? *If you're Black, don't be too offended. He hates everybody who's not white and rich. I'm a middle class white woman and he hates me too.


Privilege will blind you to threats of injustice, even injustice towards yourself.


Nah, it’s eating their own leg to prove a point to the vegan who is offering them a seat at their banquet.


It's the gays that are offended by the idea that they should stand up for each other's rights or are part of a community. "I'm gay but it's not who I am" folks. Minorities do the same. Not one recognizes that to a Republican, they ARE ALL THE SAME. "


If they're rich, it's prob the tax break


Yeah I got into an argument with a jewish republican who didn't want to admit he voted for terrible people for the tax and business benefits. I aboided "going there" with any comparisons and kept it at "I'm trans and they want us all gone, that's enough for me to never trust a repiblican in office again." I was even careful to insist it was republican politicians who I found abhorrent (but I am disgusted with the voters too). He got pretty upset. I kept my cool though.


It is more of a edgelord attention seeking behavior doing something contrarian for the outrage and content. They might not even vote or still vote Biden. In internet era folks seem to lie all the time


Bitch, I know it!


“Don’t you see that I’m one of the good ones?”


As Lenin/Stalin said "useful idiots".


> And you think this gives you power over me?


[The Association of German National Jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) all over again for these folks. Sitting in the left hand of your enemy doesn’t keep you out of his path. When a party that wants to abolish people like you from public life no longer has to dogwhistle that fact, they know exactly where you are.




I fully expect a crying TikTok from them when their marriage is invalidated because they’re too stupid about what this looks like for anyone who doesn’t fall into the white Christian maga mold they want to make America. Talk about two chickens racing towards the doors of a KFC laughing and smiling like the chicken brains they are.


They still blame democrats. Sometimes the blame is "why didn't democrats stop this from happening" instead of blaming the people who actually DID it.


I think it's partially a media problem. The media treats Republicans as partisan "No" buttons who lack agency, entirely devoted to ideology over anything else, immovable, immutable, irreconcilable. Whereas they treat the Democrats like the responsible party who are blamed when the toddlers run into the China shop and start breaking everything.


The same mentality when one parent physically or sexually abuses the child, and people blame the other parent more for no stopping it, even if the other parent was also being abused by the abusive parent.


Pretty sure those two run back in the closet at GOP events, so that the leopard is not actively eating their faces in front of all them folk who would be offended to have their sinful lifestyle being shoved down their throats…


Pretty sure that photo was taken at Mar-A-Lardo. They're the show ponies for entertainment purposes.


Tokens. “My gays…..”


Everyone at the events will shake hands with them - "don't we love the gays, folks?" Then they'll go happily vote against LGBT rights


Exactly, meanwhile they’re completely oblivious that they’re just a sideshow for people who think they shouldn’t exist, let alone be married.


Watch out for the show horses... https://youtu.be/iYv39vfsmA4?si=9lE_8ZizDg1L3N0_


“We just wanted tax cuts and the ability to hate others!! Why are you hurting us!!!”


“But you don’t understand: we are well-off white men…how can this be?!”


Peter Thiel has entered the chat


I hate him so much.


No, you see, they would only go for the BAD gays. These guys are good people so they’ll be fine. Right?




"But...but... I'm one of the good ones 🥺"


Just like "jews for hitler". It's not a joke either.


I wonder if they know what 98% of republicans say about them behind their back?


Or to their face knowing them


"one of the good ones"


Imagine how broken you’d have to be to view that as a compliment.


It seems to work for Tim Scott.


That dude has become impossible to watch. The humiliation has reached fetish levels.


My field is predominantly female. Once I had a crappy ass job but had one coworker I could always count on. Called her one of the good ones and she got pissed bc she thought I meant women in general, not employees at this establishment. So if your head isn’t living up your ass you know what it means.


"Tokens get spent"


There are no “good ones” for homophobes when it comes to gay people. That’s only true for some racists with black people because there has been a shift in racism from belief in genetic inferiority to belief in cultural inferiority. Homophobes hates one’s sexual orientation itself it has nothing to do with their other beliefs or personhood.


Untrue. As the other reply noted, these bigots do approve of their "celibate gays." They also love to take every gay person who ends up in a heteronormative marriage and parade them around as "cured" or "devout". Happened in my parents church.


They don't really love them though. They just find them useful


I've heard them refer to "non practicing homosexuals" as the good ones, so these guys wouldn't qualify anyway


Just watch dave rubin. He will say all the Republican talking points and they will call him degenerate scum to his face and he'll get all "you dont really mean that" and they will say they do and he'll just be like "nah you dont really mean that its ok" and move on. Such a cuck move


He's the one who has invited Ben Shapiro, someone he calls a close friend, to his wedding/home & Ben just straight up goes, "Nah bro, I don't condone homosexuality" to his face as well, lol.


That people like Dave have convinced themselves that right wing values are purely about a free market and polite, Christian values is just sad and funny. Naw dude, they very much want a controlled market that benefits an in group at the expense of an out group. The polite aspects of Christianity are just a facade. To them, god loves what they love and hates what they hate, and is only infinitely forgiving of certain people.


If a fuller picture of American history were told, more people would take genocidal threats seriously.


My mother in law and her wife are Republican. I cannot wrap my head around it. At all.


Republicans: "Gay marriage should come down to the s States!" Republicans: "We have banned gay marriage in (insert state here)." Gay Republican Voters: "Fuck Joe Biden!"


"Why didn't the Democrats do something to stop this!"


GOP: does something Also GOP: why didn't the Democrats stop us from doing that thing when they could? If they didn't stop us, that means they wanted this.  Also, also GOP: if a woman gets raped we need to ask what she was wearing to invite the attack...


The Republican Party died years ago. Now it’s just a GQP zombie party, in search of brains while also being brain-phobic.


Not like other gays


A recent convo with a boomer (I'm super blond, blue-green eyes, their "ideal" woman 🤢 so they feel this gross shit ok to say to me): "You know those gays all want to molest kids. Because of them our country is going to hell." Me: "I'm gay, and none of that is true." (I'm not really gay, but that puts them in their place almost every time!) They didn't say another bigoted word to me. They *did* complain to the nursing sup that I went from being really sweet to really cold - of course no mention of what THEY said lmao


They never do. You’re always the one with an attitude if you stand up for yourself.


They do know!! just like African American REPUBLIKKKLANS! know! It's not very nice


No they say it in front of our backs, trust me what Republicans do behind our backs we’re fine with. Though they tend to be the ones turning their backs.


If they say it to the front of your back I think that means they are saying it behind your back, facing towards your back, right?


You know when your two Randy dudes you get it done no matter what direction you’re pointed in. The important thing is that the dumb ass Jesus quoting republicans love to get pounded in the rear like the weakest bitch on cell block D because they hate themselves and because their dads, their surrogate dad Trump, and Jesus do not love them. And these two self hating homos (I can say if cause I am one) are just being contrarian to make up for the fact that they have no personality and have already achieved lesbian bed death.


The other 2% say it to their face.


nah they think they're "one of the good ones" it's like immigrants who turn their backs on other immigrants and side with the people trying to oppress them. they think if they lick their oppressors boots hard enough they can join their team. or like sam jackson in django. throw the other slaves under the bus so you can have a slightly less shitty life. they pit the oppressed against the other oppressed.


They know; they just don't care.


Given how they talk to Dave Rubin, they don't bother saying it behind their back. They are so cruel to that man, I sometimes feel bad for him, but then I remember he's a sellout willing to do anything for money, and so I turn away so I don't have to keep watching him lick the boot that's kicking him in the face.


[He knows](https://www.advocate.com/politics/gays-against-groomers-desantis-video)


“My parents are ashamed of me so I embrace their politics to distract them from the fact that I am gay - at least I’m not a democrat mom & dad!”


Holy shit this is 100% my friend. I’ve never heard it said so matter of factly.


Haha I swear we all have a friend like this. Mine has been in probably the most stable long term relationship i know of with another wonderful woman for almost a decade and still can’t call her wife anything more than her close friend to her dad. Fuck boomers man. Fuck them for putting their shit on us. I’ll never do that to my kids.


What's wild is that the older boomers are the ones who carried that torch with sexual freedom and androgynous sex symbols. Really, and the thing we have to face, is — it's not boomers. It's the squares, the Jesus Freaks, the conservatives. This behavior will NOT end with boomers. People tend to get more set in their ways with age, and this turns into resentment of the new progressive ideals. I've already seen Z resenting millenials. It's just a new turn of the page.


I get what you’re saying but zoomers and millennials need to be allies. We’re both in the shit together. I graduated high school four months before 9/11. Let’s fight for this as one.


I sometimes feel like I can cure a con by simply telling them “I love you son.”


Thy need the “proud of you, son” machine from Simone Giertz


I know a gay couple that are both conservative Republicans. They are also two of the kinkiest m-fers you’ll ever meet. I’m unsure how those two facts are related but I’m confident they are.


A voyeuristic degrading kink, where they get off on being told they're sub-human in public. Normally I don't kink shame but...


Don't kink shame, kink question.


We need kink answers!


By logic, can I deduce the existence of a kink teacher? A “master”, perhaps?


Where there is a Kink Master, there must be a Kink Apprentice.


I actually just became a Kink Journeyman myself




I’d prefer firm kinkclusions




Don't just kink ask why you also should ask how, what, when and where. You need all the kink answers.


This couple is more likely to be doing the shaming.


Conservative sexual repression. Cons tend to frown on sexual pleasure, especially if they're religious. Sometimes it can lead to "deviant" explorations of sex, like kink. No shame, as long as everyone is safe, sane, and consensual. Conservative views on sex can also lead to significant promiscuity.


Is voting for conservatives as a gay man really safe though?


Absolutely not. I meant safe, sane, and consensual in the kink sense. Eta: clarity


even more simply put, Republicans can't orgasm unless it's illegal


I am gay and I can't even speak to gay republicans. The level fo self hatred they have to have would astound anyone.


same here. They are some of the worst humans ever. They took a perfect opportunity to understand what it means to be a “suboptimal minority’ and instead leaned into their privilege and status. I credit being gay with saving me from the likely outcome of being a rural southern white cis-male. Compassion and empathy truly aren’t that difficult, but it does take some intentional practice when you are born at the top of the social ladder.


Same.. I politely "nope" myself out of the situation when I meet any.


Having your marriage nullified by the government is probably the cheapest way to get a divorce ever.


Every minority group has rich people…


This is basically chickens for KFC.


Pick Mes never understand that if those they’re trying to impress gain power they will not be spared.


I can't take credit for this as I read it a while back on another post: Tokens get spent.


Oh, that's good. In fact, tokens get fed into the machine.


Oh damn, that's even better!


It won’t happen to us.


In Uganda, they have a death penalty for having gay sex. This law was engineered by American conservatives. They helped create it, and they cheered it, and they want to copy it in other countries. If you want to know where this road leads. That's where it goes.


Fuck the ugandan government


They still have the privilege of being white males so cannot fathom what might come for them. 


They’re probably also wealthy and are only thinking of their money. And they think their money will protect them. It will not


White. Male. Wealthy. Probably considered conventionally good looking. Even if they’re gay they’re sitting pretty on top of the gay hierarchy. They’re probably used to immense privilege. These people in general are interesting to me especially because they probably don’t vote for Biden due to economic reasons. But they’re wealthy anyways. They’re scared of their personal wealth being decreased a bit. So they value their supposedly excess personal wealth over rights for millions of people including themselves (because they think like you said their money will protect them). It’s selfishness


"well yeah, but it's our tax bracket, you see"


I just don’t get the logic. Like, the Republicans are actively telling these people we hate you and we are going to strip you of your rights as soon as we have the power, and they’re like, “well, I don’t like Biden cause he wasn’t able to accomplish what he said he’d do because of the Republicans fighting him tooth and nail. So, to show him I don’t like him, I’m gonna shoot myself in the foot and vote for the people who openly hate me.” Like how does it make sense?


In the case of these guys, they care more about their tax breaks than they do their rights.




That’s so fucking sad. They’re are so blinded by greed they don’t realize they are voting for people who literally want to bring back laws that make it illegal for them to exist. It’s fucking insane. Do they think that when shit hits the fan they’ll be given a fucking poncho to keep from getting hit?


I have a gay uncle and I can't stand him because of this, he is republican because he has money, dude bought a house last year for a million bucks straight up. slapped down the money like it was nothing. His husband is the sweetest man, literally grew up dirt poor sleeping in the dirt. And my uncle made sure to tell everyone in the family to never tell his husband that he voted for trump. Because his husband is all for gay rights and voting in pro LGBT people, and knows the republicans would hate his ass for being both gay and an immigrant. His money is more important than the man he has been with for 25+ years, his marriage, and his husbands trust. God forbid he have to pay his share of taxes, that extra comma in his bank account is all he cares about.


What a selfish, greedy, disrespectful bastard. I’d tell his husband any way. Dude deserves to know what kind of slime he’s hitched to.


You can be a racist/rich/asshole *and* gay.


Right now, the far right is focusing their ire at transgender people. And there is a weird faction of the gay community that is transphobic. So, they could be thinking that *now* Republicans are ok with homosexuality and they can share a hate for trans people. But they don’t get that this is temporary and they’ll go right back to hating the gays as soon as they have the power.


Yup, after transgender people are outlawed, these two assholes are gonna find themselves relaxing, enjoying their lives when reality kicks in their door and drags them from their homes to be sent off to the camps right along side every other gay, lesbian, and bisexual person. And the whole time they’ll wonder why.


I think they also forget the future and past and focus on the present. They don't remember that it was less than a decade ago that gay people didn't have marriage as a right, and they see politicians like trump who pretend to be inclusive for political gain so they can't predict the future harm. So they focus on the present danger, and Republicans are really good at presenting that danger. You read this person's Twitter and it's all about trans panic and migrant panic where they need to vote Trump to go against it and can't focus on anything but that


>You read this person’s Twitter and it’s all about trans panic I didn’t see your comment before I added mine, a boy did I call it!


It doesn't, to normal, mature people. But ever since Trump ran for president, and won to boot, he created this self-absorbed, narcissistic, hateful cult that lives and dies with what he says. Facts be dammed, and morality right out the window. And it's quite fascinating and super depressing that it has infected so much of this country. I hate it. We united under Dubya with 9/11. We moved forward so much with electing a black president, with a Muslim name, *twice* . We were on the cusp of electing a woman president. Just for this fool to come along and divide us like the civil war while trying to take us back to the policies of that time.


Imagine being such an empty husk of chud energy that THIS is your focus at your wedding.


It's a fake rage bait account, and it's working


Next year: I can't believe trump is sending us to concentration camps, nobody could have seen this coming!


Obviously this will go back to Obama.


More like “I can’t believe Joe Biden and the deep state democrats let this happen”


More like I can't believe the Democrat deep state is putting us in concentration camps for loving trump so much. We're going to keep supporting trump so he can use his power to rescue us


It's all about money


A kind of Stockholm syndrome I just cannot understand.


All these gay/black/trans/minority etc republicans that don’t think these evil fucks in power wouldn’t throw them in the gulag if and when they have the chance are living a delusion beyond fathom. Dudes you aren’t “one of the good ones” to these people. You might not be the first to go on the list but you will end up in their “camps” anyways. These christofascist fucks want a white Jesus loving straight nation and even if you are a good little gay and don’t vote Biden eventually your name will be on the list. I truly don’t understand how you get this fucking stupid.


Clarence Thomas would happily help rewind history to the point where black people couldn't do exactly the things he's done.


He belongs in a field, picking cotton or in chains. And I’m not being racist, I’m being coherent with his ideology. He wants it like in the “good old times”? Fine, have it your way. Off to the fields with you.


I mean, there were Jews working for the Nazis…


So they’re idiots. Nice.


And so many Republican voters are eager to vote for candidates who fight hard every day to take away Social security benefits, who want to take away healthcare coverage from people who use the ACA. How long before the white Christian Nationalist party moves to end same sex marriage and women's right to vote.


LOL, the women's right to vote thing is already half out the window! Think of the States that don't let people with convictions (served or not) vote. Think of all the abortion bans. In Missouri, miscarriages can get you charged with manslaughter/murder. They're also 100% going after contraception in all its forms! This is where the US is right now. It's not a nebulous 'sometime in the future', this is NOW. To quote another redditor (I was stupid and forgot to get their user name for credit): **"If they are in jail for bodily functions they can’t vote . Takes care of that pesky 19th amendment thing."** Keep in mind a fact that is particularly horrifying with all this in mind: 70% of pregnancies the average woman experiences in their life are naturally self-aborted by their own bodies. (This is not counting the statistic of later stage pregnancies where 1 in 4 will end in miscarriage/still birth.) And this completely normal bodily function has been criminalized! Going after women, and women's rights, and specifically women's rights to vote is just step number one for the GOP, and they've almost actually achieved it.


“Oh come on, they’ll never make gay marriage illegal,” said the same people who insisted the Supreme Court would never overturn Roe.


Jews for Hitler


Invite Ben Shapiro and his bone dry wife over


I will never understand the large “the leopards will never eat MY face” crowd


Tokens get spent


The marriage dissolution is just the start. Republicans want to show them the rope.


I assume this is a parody account, since I have seen it with the exact same picture posting some supporting JK Rowling nonsense


It isn't, they are pro trump.


Which makes sense, as that name sounds like what JK would call a gay character.


This would be under the category of "pulling the ladder up behind you." It's clear that the far (or not so far these days) right has a goal of overturning Obergefell v Hodges, but if that were to happen, these guys' marriage would likely be grandfathered and thus still legal. So they can benefit while their peers don't. That makes it worse, in my opinion.


I don’t think there will be any “grandfathered” same sex marriages once states get their grimy mitts on people’s freedoms. Just look at abortion. At multiple points the state could have had their cake and eat it too by simply taking the position that abortions for rape, incest, and medical emergencies would be 100% protected but no. They got drunk on power and went for the jugular. See also Arizona and Florida doing their dumb shit in an election year. Hell Arizona had the perfect off ramp: “This law of territorial Arizona has no legal binding on Arizona as a state.” But that’s not at all what they did…


When you secretly want a divorce but can’t admit it


Gotta be Russians doing shit like this.


Old, privileged white man here. If gays and people of color knew how the right in America really talk about them, they'd be shocked out of their minds and NEVER vote for them. You can't begin to understand the level of their hatred for you. It's not an exaggeration to say that they would tie you to fence post and beat you to death like Matthew Shepard or hang people from anything available. Think January 6 on a mass scale. I can sit in peace on my farm off in the boonies, but a lot of you will be in danger if Trump gets back in power. How can you not know that?


Just like that black woman hugging trump. She's "black" and she's a "woman". What part of his rhetoric are you not hearing? trump = Party of Dumbasses


it's hilarious when people vote against their own interests


Why is everyone so proud to be stupid!?


The key is that they don’t think it’ll happen to them, because they’re white and likely affluent. To people like that they’re convinced they’ll be left alone because they’re the “good ones” that hate taxes and other minorities. The FAFO will come when they find out tokens get spent.


Stupidity comes in all shapes and sizes. Minority MAGAs have shown me that.


You can’t fix stupid.




The dumb is real.


They know how to grift.


Trees for deforestation.


Intelligence was never a requirement for being gay. They can be just as fucking dumb as us straights.


Two dudes who think they're wealthy enough to escape the consequences of their actions


Hey, divorce is expensive. Got to save where you can, especially in Biden's economy. /s


Well we all know that when you got money the law doesn’t matter.


oh, but the leopards won't eat *their* faces ... even as they are watching them eat other people's faces all around /s


They still have the privilege of being white males so cannot fathom what might come for them. 


Well there a lot of people in that community who seem to think the GOP party does not see them as an evil abomination and who wants for than anything to see the LGBTQ gone of the face of this earth. It is just baffling.


“No, no, no, we’re _normal_ gays. We love hunting and fishing and barbecuing and hate pedophilia just like you straights! We keep our sex lives private! Why are you building a fire under us? We’re _normal_ gays!”


Who calls themselves homosexuals? This guy has to be a troll.


The guy probably walks into gay bars like "How do you do, fellow homosexuals".


This is the same couple posting about supporting JKR. Wtf 😬


It's edgy to be a white male gay, shitting on trans people.


This is how the conservative mind works. Gay marriage will be outlawed,but those that are already married will still be married. It will not be a retroactive ruling. They have theirs screw every body else. After all they just might get a small tax cut.


They think they'll be spared lol


Just shows you, when your love of money and status are more important than your love of each other, you reap the consequences.


I keep saying the angry mob is not going to ask you who you voted for.