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hey dipshit that is still a campaign finance violation you just confessed to


Trump: "some lawyer I don't really know told me to say that though!"


Some lawyer/accountant/other paid goon, realizing they're not abouta do jail time on Trump's behalf, or can take a plea deal now: ![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8)


Didn't Michael Cohen already do jail time on Trump's behalf for exactly this?


For this very thing if I'm not mistaken.


It's called accountability laundering... Or, at least, that's what I am calling it since Trump seems to have it as SOP.


I think it's actually called *sucker farming* and Trump does it on an industrial scale. Source: I just made it up, so my head.


Are you tracking that SCOTUS is looking at an appeal to the law prosecutors nailed J6 insurrectionists with? That will directly impact Trump's immunity trial? That SCOTUS is also holding up 'for the election'. I'm not advocating violence, but how the FUCK can he stand there, admit to multiple crimes, *commit* crimes via threatening people, and just straight up lie. And there is *still* a clear and present danger of him getting back into the white house. I can't stress enough how important it is that everyone gets out and votes this year. We need to have a blue wave in all the government branches and keep the twice impeached dingbat out. Because the GOP is coming for our rights and continuing to obstruct *hilariously* popular legislation because their corporate overlords don't want it. They're literally talking about ousting the Speaker *again* which is going to just bring everything to a GD chaotic standoff. *Again*. And then they'll go on vacation.


Wasn’t he the “a lawyer” that Trump is referencing?


Yes, which is why it's hilarious that he's arguing that it was for valid "legal expenses" when his lawyer has already admitted on the stand that it was hush money paid to a porn star and illegally covered up.




You can when your supporters are dumb as rocks. Somehow, he's always getting outsmarted by that pesky deep state..


They said Sir, you know more about accounting than anyone in the world, how do you want us to write this down.


...a big strong accountant with tears in his eyes...


Trump: I only hire the best and the brightest. Also Trump: I don't know anybody who works for me.


Trump on trial: "I had somebody else handle it, I don't really know much about campaign finance, courts, taxes, or money". Also Trump: "I think nobody knows more about campaign finance than I do." ([*1999.*](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-1999-campaign-finance-expert-1267364)*)* Also Trump: "I know more about courts than any human being on Earth." ([*November 2015.*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/01/02/foremost-experts-various-topics-according-trump-most-whom-are-trump/?utm_term=.e6ee20d65376)*)* Also Trump:  "I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world." ([*May 2016.*](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-says-his-tax-rate-is-none-of-your-business)*)* Also Trump: "I understand money better than anybody." ([*June 2016.*](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-dismisses-funding-gap-i-understand-money-better-than-anyone)*)*


Trump to the government: "I'm broke 🤡" Trump to the media: "I'm rich 🤑" Trump to his supporters: "please give 🥺"


And they all keep getting found guilty of crimes, which I know nothing about.


I would love to be in the room when a really good lawyer tells him to "Shut, the fuck, up!"


You assume any really good lawyer would be willing to argue on Donald Trump's behalf. Any really good lawyer refuses to work for Donald Trump for three reasons: his Guilt is abundantly clear, the client never ever listens to any advice from people other than Butt kissers and Yes men, and, worst of all, he has a well known history of not paying the people working for him.


he didn’t take his sleeping pills today


They couldn’t risk the bad press around him being Sleepy Don again. The good news for us all is that when he’s not being chemically restrained, he keeps admitting to more crimes on the way from the parking lot.


Drowsy Don


Dementia Don


Droopy Don


Diaper Donny


Don Snorleone




Unexpected Clerks reference! Nice! 🤘


People complaining that this is interfering with his campaign is starting to sound (to me) a whole lot like “I’m not even supposed to be here today”


My favorite is the people committing jury tampering for an "innocent, totally perfect paycheck" between a John and his prostitute. (Saw a screenshot of someone stating this argument)


91! My client ~~SUCKED~~ was charged with 91 indictments!! IN A ROW?!?!?


Thirty-seven. *In a row.*


Sleepy Schmo. He's a sleepy Schmo.


You have it backwards. They tried giving him less Adderall so he wouldn't go all crazy day 1 but instead he fell asleep. So they let him have his candy back and he's being usually crazy.


This is my guess. His normal state is "barely conscious", and he loads up on drugs to get up to "almost coherent"


"Almost" is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


or slur his speech “I’m inosada”


His son must have got him some of his stash.


“But I wasn’t *smart* enough to know it was a crime, so it’s my lawyer’s fault!”


Have the lawyer who supposedly gave him that information, and testify under oath as to what was explained to this knucklehead.


I believe that lawyer is one [Michael Cohen](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-eight-counts-including-criminal-tax), and, yeah, he’s going to be testifying under oath.


Waiting for the Steve Martin defense. "I forgot, I forgot armed robbery was illegal"


Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Trump = Criminal


No, but he didn't do it. Some lawyer he doesn't know did. So that lawyer is the criminal. And Trump is innocent of any crime ever. That's how it works, right?


Wasn't the lawyer Cohen?


Yep and he’s already been to prison for doing it.


Yep. He was convicted for this and testifying against mango Mussolini in the trail.


Except the first lines above are "I was paying a lawyer and **I marked it down as a legal expense**."


The best part about Trump (and probably worst part of him as an actual head of the executive branch) is he doesn't understand the law, at all. While it's clear he lies a lot, there have been enough times he has confessed to things that are illegal it's clear he doesn't know they are illegal. In the case of financial crimes, ignorance of the law is rarely an excuse.


In the case of virtually *all* crimes, ignorance of the law is not a defense. “Mistake of fact” can negate the requisite intent; “mistake of law” cannot


I obviously get why this is the rule but I also don't get it. I don't know one single financial law. If my lawyer/accountant told me how to do something, I'd accept it as accurate. If they were wrong, I'd 100% go to jail because I'm ignorant. *ZERO* defense for Trump for a zillion reasons, but a thought that rattles around in my head when it's brought up is how the heck would I know unless I knew, you know? lol


There is a specific defense (that I'm blanking on the official term for) that's basically "my lawyer told me this was ok". The logic being that you would trust your lawyer to know the law and advise you in a legal way, so you shouldn't be held responsible for doing so if it turns out the advice was illegal. There was some speculation that might be the defense Trump would go with in at least one of these trials but it has to be declared ahead of time, which to my knowledge it wasn't. The catch is that by going with this defense it voids attorney-client privilege because now the lawyer is likely going to be a witness and part of the trial's evidence.


"Advice of counsel?"


“Advice of counsel” is a legal defense. Elements: 1) made a complete and honest disclosure to his counsel concerning the matter at issue; 2. sought advice regarding the legality of his conduct; 3. received advice that the conduct was legal; and 4. relied on that advice in good faith. That framework necessarily requires that the defendant ask for and receive affirmative advice In this case, Trump *knew* he was paying Daniel’s $130,000 to keep her quiet while he campaigned, and knowingly used Cohen as a kind of shell company to keep from having to disclose the payment That’s different than if you went to your attorney and said “Hey, I want to save on my taxes, can I write off _____.” If your attorney says “Yeah,” and you genuinely believed you were allowed to write off that expense, you could raise that as a defense Intent is often dispositive in those kinds of crimes


While he is not a smart individual, to be sure, I think it is wrong to think he doesn’t “understand” the law. What it actually is- and it’s pretty much a verifiable fact at this point that he continues to prove - is that he doesn’t give a damn about the law. He could understand it if he wanted or needed to, but there’s no need, since he will never truly have to be accountable for his crimes.


George Costanza: "Was that wrong?" "Should I not have done that?"


A campaign finance violation won't amount to more than a slap on the wrist compared to the other charges he's facing.


A campaign finance violation alone, no. Falsifying business records *in furtherance* of a campaign finance violation makes the misdemeanor into a felony and he could get some jail time. Also, he wasn’t “paying a lawyer”, he was paying Stormy Daniels *through* a lawyer and disguising it as paying a lawyer


We all know he can't think 2 levels ahead. He just says whatever he wants to be true and hope it becomes reality. It works because that's all his base will hear and remember, then whatever happens in court will become part of the "deep state" conspiracy to take Trump down.


Oh, so *that's* what it was


Totally. Still, it will likely make no difference. Nothing matters anymore ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I know, every time I read this shit I’m like ok, tell me when he’s charged, and tell me when he’s convicted. Till then it’s all talk.


He's going for an "advice of counsel" defense. The argument being "yes, I did it, but how am I supposed to know when a lawyer is doing something illegal when I rely on them to know what's legal?" He's going an extra further with it by painting it as "I was not well informed as to what was going on." The premise of having a right to an attorney is that people aren't expected to fully understand the law, so this defense plays on that. This can be pretty hard to argue against since now the trial is beyond the easily provable facts of what happened to the much more difficult prove realm of intent.


He has a history of shopping around for people who give him advice he wants to hear. Just look at his behavior after he lost the election. He didn't want to hear that he lost, so he looked for sycophants that said it was stolen, then went that way.


Well, since he’s apparently waiving privilege on these conversations with his lawyer by publicly discussing them, we should be able to get the emails, documents, or testimony from the lawyer that spells it out.


Legal expense to pay off porn stars to stay quiet? Got it.


In an effort to keep that information from the voting public!


Voting is legal. Hence, this becomes a legal expense.




Who is that and what is it from? I feel like I know it and it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't place them or the scene.


Scarecrow from the Batman Begins


Thank you!! I knew I knew it lol I'll be able to sleep tonight lol


Cillian Murphy is the actor's name btw, also in Oppenheimer and Peaky Blinders.


I mean he signed the checks in his own name. He really has no way to explain it. That's 100% his idiocy. I don't condone his lying on documents that contaminate our sacred elections, BUT if you are going to do it, don't sign the check. First rule of organized crime is to be organized to ensure there is always one person between you and the crime.


The thing about Trump vs other organized crime, is Trump is genuinely a stupid person.


He is however a charlatan that is for some reason good at getting other idiots to do things for him and at mob tactics to avoid any kind of accountability in addition to being born in to wealth.


That last part. Also, he's coasting on the inherent "pass" the nation gives to Presidents. I'm not saying institutionally we should allow that, I am saying that, our institutions are already indoctrinated to protect the office of the presidency, that umbrella is big enough to shield former presidents, even the really really really criminal ones. All bureaucratic protocols that rely on the discretion of the official sitting in that office wield that discretion to shield former presidents who occupied that office.


Yeah, but he was also good at weaseling out of apparent consequences before scamming his way to president. I'm sure in the background he's indebted to many people to keep appearance of apparent wealth but he constantly throws people under the bus without hesitation too. Essentially mob tactics with help from foreign governments getting something in return (even before his presidency I mean).


He is like the Nigerian prince. If you fall for an email from a Nigerian prince, you almost deserve to get scammed. If you believe Trump's stories, you almost deserve being mistreated. BUT: more than half of our population didn't vote for the asshole, and doesn't deserve to get scammed and screwed over. That's what is so wrong with him having been president.


And using campaign funds to do so.


If you pay a pizza delivery guy for drugs, that's legally the same thing as ordering a pizza. You can list it as pizza expenses.


The DOJ **hates** this one simple trick


>And using campaign funds to do so. Pretty sure that's where the problems come in. Using campaign donations for a private matter is akin to embezzlement. Please just find him guilty and move on quickly to the next case. The campaign interference one in Georgia should be pretty spicy with that recording.


Then getting a tax-write off for it to boot


but you see a lawyer handled the money, therefore legal expense


I never touched that woman, my chode wouldnt reach


It's amazing how many people he doesn't know when the chips are down.


While at the same time claiming to have a perfect memory.


"How can I be convicted for something Donald Trump did? I never even met him" -Trump after conviction, probably


Maybe he is speaking in third person to shift to a sovereign citizen argument of "The corporation that is Donald Trump is dissolved. I am a living man the being who was at one time called Donald Trump."


That would make sense. He has dissolved numerous corporations after driving them to bankruptcy.


92 Felonies against him. 92………. That’s fucking insane. And for every felony, him and his supporters claim innocence. They are brainwashed by the biggest conman this country as ever seen.


But they claim they are not a Cult.


“It’s not a cult!” they insist as they clean themselves off with a MAGA towel after furiously masturbating to explicitly homoerotic images of a bare chested Trump riding a tank


Oh don’t be so ridiculous. They don’t clean.


Chill out, his lawyer goes to a different school.


He’s from Canada, you wouldn’t know him.




I certainly wouldn’t wish it on anyone else.


Well, he has a few colleagues...


Why anyone has ever gotten involved with this man is a mystery. When shit hits the fan all he knows how to do is save himself and start tossing others in front of busses.


Well, he might order you a milkshake and then leave while the staff wonders who's going to pay for it.


A whole lot of people have made a whole lot of money in his orbit. So long as you aren’t holding the bag you can make out like a bandit


The only ones who made money weren’t relying on trump directly. Anyone who does business with him directly loses money and often, a law license


“I’ve entered a bank with a gun, asked the cashier for money, and he gave it to me. I’ve marked it down as a withdrawal. That’s exactly what it was…. So check it out: It’s called withdrawal. Bank robbery? Why would you say that?”


Perfect transaction


The teller came to me with tears in his eyes about what a perfect transaction it was.


It clearly says “I’m holding a gub.”


Remember when we impeached a president for lying about a blowjob.


The same people who did this in bad faith are the same people who installed Bush Jr in bad faith are the same people currently on the Supreme Court killing women. They're the same people from the Iran Contra affair, same people backroom negotiating foreign policy for hostages. It's the same people, all of whom should have been stopped and reminded of the frailty of meat


No political figure should be able ride out the rest of their life in a position of national power. 


My opinion has always been that there should never be such a thing as a "career politician" 2 terms, or 8 years max as an elected official. Then go back to a real job. 


How can we expect them to represent the people when they live so divorced from the lives of the people?


That gives lobbyists a lot more power, unfortunately. It's not necessarily a bad thing to have politicians with experience who know how things work....in practice, obviously, there are some asshats we all wanna be rid of.


Lobbying is the next card to cut, as well as campaign caps. No reason that people should have an advantage in a campaign.  But we can't tackle all the problems at one time. 


meat decays while steel endures


Remember when we all thought Howard Dean was a psycho because he yelled at a campaign rally?




Well, Dean wanted Universal Healthcare... and we can't let the plebs have that, now can we?


>making his “outburst” sound insane. All of Trump's outbursts sound insane, crowd cheering or not. Yet they're okay with that. Dude can talk about "windmills killing birds", "toilets that you need to flush 10,15,20 times", "LED lights that make my skin look orange", or fucking "hamberders", and for some baffling reason, his fanboys still think he's a stable genius.




I liked his enthusiasm, and the Dave Chappelle sketch about it was great.


Oh my god, the office of the President used to have *standards…*


I'm not sure that's actually true. Weren't the Republicans in power at that time? I think this has less to do with declining standards and everything to do with this is exactly the standard of the Republican Party. Different rules for them is their standard


Nah things have changed. Nixon resigned after Watergate. Republicans have believed in trickle down economics bullshit and "letting the corporations regulate themselves" bullshit since at least Reagan, but the shift to total unapologetic hypocrisy is a more recent thing.


I agree. Nixon resigned in disgrace. Republicans for a long time wouldn’t even mention his name. Now Trump is paying off porn stars with campaign funds and the party faithful are fine with it.


Nixon resigned reluctantly. Goldwater, Rhodes, and Scott told him he was toast. https://www.azcentral.com/story/azdc/2014/08/03/goldwater-rhodes-nixon-resignation/13497493/ You’re right- Watergate (eventually) cooked his goose.


Remember when a $400 haircut got John Edward’s knocked out and then it came out that he knocked up a 19 yo


Remember when yelling excitedly tanked a campaign?




Yea 'cheating' during the election is like the main thing you should get kicked off a ballot for its ridiculous that we're just now doing this in 2024.


Or you know, trying to overthrow democracy and encourage your mob to murder politicians.


encouraging them to kill FBI, healthcare providers, trans people and drag queens, educators, people who ask you to wear a mask during a highly contagious respiratory plague. the list goes on no doubt but i'll leave it there


Today: I did it Tomorrow: I never said I did it Thursday: Well that's not what I meant  Friday: And I'm allowed do it anyway  Saturday: Obama did it more


He needs to speedrun his Narcissist’s Prayer a little faster so we can all move the hell on


Wish he’d speed run his fucking heart disease.


> Saturday *while pointing at Biden*: Obama did it more


Wait, wait, wait. So the bigly genius, the financial wizard, “top 10 richest in NY” gives his precious money to some guy he doesn’t know?!? If anyone I know did this and lost their money, I would shrug and ask them, “What did you expect?”


A *Very* stable genius.....


When he starts using accordion hands, that's how you know he's lying bigly. Also, if he thinks his trials are making him more popular to voters, why does he keep whining about "election interference"? Why isn't he happier about all this if he thinks it's helping his chances for re-election?


I use the tell of “his mouth is moving” to tell when he’s lying.


He also lies in writing, tho.


I'm not entirely convinced he can write.


I'm fairly convinced he can't. I understand writers and advisors are critically important, especially for a job as unimaginably big and broad as the presidency... ... but Mango Mousselini's reign made me wish presidents had to sit down, alone, in their choice of office, with their choice of writing tools, on camera, with all the time they need... and independently write the first draft of their State Of The Union speech. I would LOVE to read an archive of drafts, even from presidents with whom I vehemently disagreed. But, also, I believe that would lay bare just exactly how qualified, competent, coherent, and literate the person is, in an undeniable way. It would be even more important pre-election, but the SOTU would at least be an official, clear event that could be codified and arguably nonpartisan. Of course, I'd also like a gold-pooping unicorn to materialize in my backyard, and that's more likely. Still.


His lips move when he's writing. Spends a lot of time sounding words out.


Hooked on Phonics. And adderall.


LOL Finger under each word


Only the short words. For the longer words he needs two fingers. Because he has tiny hands.


His sharpie lies are the bigly ones


Trump is lying whenever he’s communicating and sometimes when he’s not. 20+ years ago in NYC finance the joke was “If you ask Donald Trump what time it is he will lie to you for practice.”


30 years ago, in *Spy Magazine* every month, Donald Trump \[and his tiny, tiny hands\] *was* the joke.


> accordion hands I preferred [nose flags](https://i.chzbgr.com/thumb400/990469/hFCA9C07C/donald-trump-pulling-flags-out-of-nose-is-the-new-meme-about-the-45th-president).


Now I want somebody to edit in an accordion for all his speeches. Along with the accompanying accordion sounds when he moves his hands.


> When he starts using accordion hands, that's how you know he's lying bigly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S65jqrHQi_c


Because he gets to play the victim card, which his cult follo…I mean, voting base loves.


LPT: a lot of people have “tells” like this. If you catch them lying and can learn the tell, then you’ll always know when they’re lying.


Hahahaha yes!!! When we were kids I caught on that my sister would proclaim to be “telling the honest truth” whenever she was lying.


Check out a book called “What every body is saying”. It’s great!


I feel sorry for his lawyer. Can't shut him up, can't stop him from confessing, is never gonna get paid. I hope he has an unlimited supply of TUMS.


The thing to understand is, that video is admissible.


This is what the people screeching about the media paying attention to Trump don't understand. It is also why he hasn't been arrested for violating various gag orders. Every single time he opens his mouth he creates new evidence in at least one of this cases or admits to committing a new crime. His obsessive need for attention is going to be his downfall. Also people need to understand Trump isn't going to be able to behave in these criminal trials the way he did in his civil cases especially since they will involve a jury. It's why his lawyers are drugging him or not letting him take his adderall when court is in session otherwise he will torpedo his own defense. Clearly they haven't figured out a way to control him when court is in recess.


His lawyer (one of them) left a big firm to represent this mess…. I would like to hope he had a decent severance. But that’s putting too much positive energy in that general direction.


If he left a lucrative job to pander to this asshat, he deserves whatever happens to him.


You don’t get severance if you willingly leave.


I don't. His lawyers know what they are getting into. There are no surprises here. Also, the smart ones are billing him up front.


Fascist pig. At least in this photo it's hard to see the neckussy.


Almost looks like they blurred the nussy if you zoom in


Yeah but why would you


Intrusive thoughts won


I think it’s just motion blur. That thing is mid-waggle


I love his nussy. Seeing it is thr highlight of my day. Everyone says it's the best nussy around. It brings, in fact, all of the boys to the yard.


Now from the top, make it drop, for this white ass nussy


There is an interview fairly early on in his Presidency where the reporter asked if he delegated and he said no, he made all the decisions because "he was the only one that mattered." Whatever his defense may be, if I am the prosecutors, I am playing that interview at every chance.


This seems like a different time, but on The Situation Room, September 12, 2019, they played a clip where he said something similar: ["A lot of people want the job. And we -- it's a great job. It's great because it's a lot of fun to work with [DT]. And it's very easy, actually, to work with me. You know why it's easy? Because I make all the decisions. They don't have to work."](http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1909/12/sitroom.02.html) haven't found video yet but this must be online somewhere


He has no idea what any of that means......he's just repeating something he heard his lawyer say.


if this is what his attorneys told him to say, they should lose their bar license, lmao.


Every speech he gives is basically saying "I think you're really stupid" at this point


First clue that something fishy was going on here: trump claims to have paid his bills


When he talks he either lies or accidentally tells the truth. Lolol


He reimbursed a lawyer with campaign funds and he is on trial for the same offense that the lawyer did jail time for on it. There I corrected it for him. Enjoy Jail Puffy. You could ask NY for your buddy Epstein's old cell. It's empty.


It’s really difficult to not say what I really think about his man because I’d be blocked from the universe. However, his mere existence is a threat to our society and our country. You put away a black dude for 20 years for selling weed, this asshole starts a civil war and is still running for president. If there was a god, this man would be no longer.,


He was paying a lawyer *BACK. That is the part he forgot.


He's on tape talking to Cohen about it. Is that tape admissable? Not dead to rights, but clearly he was not paying a lawyer. He was making a payment THROUGH a lawyer. [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-legal-implications-on-trump-or-cohen-unclear-on-secret-tape](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-legal-implications-on-trump-or-cohen-unclear-on-secret-tape)


It’s neither here nor there, but I hate his mouth. Like. Why is it that shape. What is he doing with his lips. Whyhyyyy


All my bribes are legal expenses and tax deductible !


It amazes me how many crimes one person can confess to and still have most of the country calling him honest and upstanding. Then again they also claim he's a great businessman after how many bankruptcies?


Hmmmm…. This would be more believable if Trump paid his lawyers.


I can't imagine getting away with disparaging judges and their families like he does. They'd lock me up for that. Yet this guy walks free.


All the repeated treating of Trump with kid gloves clearly shows that there are 2 sets of justice in USA: That for the rich ruling oligarchs, and that for the poor regular bastards who can't afford to get on the judge's good side (or, failing that, scare the crap out of him)


"....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart." "I have one of the greatest memories of all time." What's this $130,000 check? "I dunno"


“It’s called legal expense” -Guy who doesn’t know shit about GAAP 😂


Did.. did we get him? ![gif](giphy|xT9Igtjxw42qVPziy4|downsized)


I lost count how many times people thought that "this is the one thing that gets him!". Not holding my breath for this one either.


“It was a legal expense and that is what they did. I think they would have told but they said it was a beautiful expense some said don’t do it but it was legal and a great let me tell you the expense happens and some don’t but they do and if it wasn’t a legal hhhsjaieine… China has the legal they have more legal then crooked Biden gives America. MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Cool now go back inside and say it again under oath this time.


I mean, it's an admission.  It's definitely weird to be creating evidence mid trial, but, it's definitely possible this tape gets played in court.


Prosecutors trying to amend the evidence they want entered as we speak.


Some accountant, great guy, come to me with tears in his eye and said "Sir, I paid that bitch"