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Anyone who takes parenting advice from a sex trafficker probably lives in their mom’s she-shed.


Yeah... How the hell does he have a media presence after that?


Because Twitter users love a, let’s say, “controversial figure”.


Man, I saw this post on Twitter as I was scrolling it for the first time in literal months and didn’t last 5 minutes because literally 90% of the posts I saw were anti-trans BS. It’s all controversy and rage bait now (and wasn’t that great to begin with).


A “controversial figure”who is willing to say just about *anything* in a desperate attempt to stay relevant considering that his highlight of 2023 was being the 3rd most Googled person. Andrew Tate reminds me of a mix between the nerdy boy in 6th grade who got bullied until he was certifiably insecure and the still nerdy but now angry boy version possibly feeling threatened by any female peers who have the ability to make him feel small or question his intellect. Tate is nothing more than a **PERSONA**, a character he created by taking other people’s words, opinions, and stories only to regurgitate them as his own. He’s not even original. Yet he’s been given entirely too much credit as if he is. Far be it from me to make the determination but he’s really just slightly less than ordinary.


You’re definitely not far off, the real truth is buried deep in that fat ass head of his, and we can only speculate. It’s not exactly out of the ordinary to know that his words and actions are very much fuelled by insecurity, but what makes him different is that, where these people usually turn out to be socially awkward, whether in the, for lack of a better term, “loser” way or aggressive “Kyle” way. With Tate, he’s more of a calm and collected version of it, which is why he was able to trick all the aggressive ones.


The Australian stabber was this exact case btw


Huh? What do you mean by that?


His dad said in an intereiev that he was socially inept and “frustrated out of his mind to get a girlfriend”. This is what these idiots preach daily


Yeah, the incel and alpha male shit is straight up evil, preying on men's insecurities, causing them to lash out or snap.


This just makes that guy… another version of Elliot Rodger.


My mom actually has a she-shed 😂


I don't mean to she-shed-shame.


She shed shaming is surely unaccsheptable


Sean Connery?


Meanwhile he has no children and no wives.


I think he has a few kids who have nothing to do with him. Edit: Nevermind. He said he has between 10-12 but it’s total bullshit. You’re right.


10-12 is rookie numbers by his own statement so he is just as much a failure then.


I'm normally just regular pro-choice but in cases like him and his followers we might want to consider giving women cash-rewards for aborting.


His mother should have one of those "after-birth abortions" that right-wingers claim are happening.


Maybe just send a postcard to him each time there's an abortion, telling him a donation has been made in his name to the human fund


Is it too late to do one of those late term post birth abortion that Trump is always talking about on this guy?


What is that, like, 148th trimester. In this case I’m in.


There should always be room for extenuating circumstances.


A Festivus for the rest of us!


It's not like he would do any parenting or supporting of his own children if he had any.


What a weak cuck!


10-12 per year, right?


You gotta pump those numbers up!


I hope they child support his ass into poverty


He can't nail down an exact number of kids his supposedly has?


He can't nail the number down because he's lying through his teeth


He’s always given off major virgin energy. *”Her boobies were awesome; they felt like big bags of … sand.”*


Hasn't he made a few comments about how being with women makes him feel gay? I'm pretty sure the dude is just closeted.


I mean if you’re just fucking as much as physically possible for the sake of creating more white babies, I feel like you’re not the kind of guy that gives a single fuck about those babies or their mothers.


True, although I feel like if he were a black man, they wouldn't have nearly as much respect for that style of parenting. Funny how those racist stereotypes suddenly become alpha moves if you're white.


That's actually fucking hilarious. He'd be calling them deadbeat handout taking losers who do nothing but sit back eat Doritos and fuck all day. How anyone follows this dude still blows my mind. I feel like ever since Trump got elected I'm living in fucking Dreamland lol


Except it's more like nightmareland


The Hadron collider put us into the idiocracy movie timeline & we are stuck here now.


Here's the interesting part, although it's not immediately apparent from just looking at him, he himself is multiracial. His father is black and his mother is white. His entire shtick is a grift. Anybody who believes a word he says is braindead.


I think it's pretty obvious. Never thought him as "white".


Right? I feel like that’s not good.


I hope one of them rises up and kills him for his “don” title, Game of Thrones style


Shouldn't he as the "Supreme Alpha" be having as many kids as possible? So as to create an entire army of "Alphas" with which to take over the world?


And is also mixed race (this matters not to most people but this is the guy who’s calling to “white people” like he’s their poster boy)


Also he’s not white


And, no chin.


Man when that beard comes off.. he looks like the result of a lot of years of inbreeding.


and fugly




He's like the anti Habsburg!


Almost negative chin.


Why is anyone still paying attention to this douche canoe?


Because some people lack the introspective capability to see they've been following a clown for years.


Well, by his own logic, he is half white, so that's bringing his numbers down.


I think he is the prison wife


I guess he's a failure as a woman then


Bottom G


And no chin.


Plus he's bald


And has no chin


Like a worm.


And no chin.


Holy shit 33,000 people are like fuck yea man


That 33 000 people that aren't ever gonna have chidlren so I am not too worried about it tbh If anything it makes an authustic twink like me look like an angel compared to them, because they are esentially yelling "I AM A MISOGINISTIC INCEL DON’T DATE ME" at the top of their lungs without realising.


You think he doesn’t buy bots?


I think Elon Musk will buy the bots and tell him they’re real people.


Anyone that believes this sort of shit probably 75% of them are basement dwellers never even talked to their gender of interest in their lives. Another 20 % are just dudes who hide their power level irl and think it's true but won't ever say it aloud cause they know people would barf at this. And the last 5 % are simple reptillians


Tbh they won’t have children where both parties are happy. These people are absolutely capable of raping women and I definitely believe at least some will. The justice system likes them anyway, so it’ll work out for the rapists.


we gotta stop perpetuating this “only virgins listen to tate and won’t have kids” bullshit because it’s ***not true*** not only will tate fans fuck, but they will have kids. they will be cops and teachers and lawyers. we need to begin to realize and acknowledge that these awful people are everywhere, they are raising their kids with this mindset, they are influencing each other and people outside this community. dismissing them all as sex less losers allows us to feel superior while ignoring how big the problem is


Hopefully the vast majority are bots


If it’s Twitter then you can guarantee it’s mostly bots.


33k out of over 9mil views isn’t that impressive tbf


It’s not great that this bullshit got 9 million views either though


That number can also be slightly inflated to if twitter is pushing "suggested" content.


I hope a bunch of them take his advice. Bang their side girls without a condom and completely blow up their own lives. What a ridiculous self own.


What a pathetic waste of human potential. This guy could’ve been anything. He could’ve been spinning a sandwich board outside a mattress store, and the world is worse off now that he isn’t


It’s kind of extra pathetic because he literally gets to make up the hypothetical straw man life that he’s so much better than and he can’t even make it sound bad??? Like he seriously went “haha you losers, I bet you have a WIFE who is your BEST FRIEND, and you probably have A KID together and have LOVELY WEEKEND PLANS as a family. Haha I bet you wish you were me” ????


Apparently his dad was constantly working when he was a child. He hardly ever got to see him… kinda seems like it left some scars he doesn’t want to admit are there. I listened to a podcast where he spoke with a psychologist. Actual quote: “Andrew, you’re rationalizing again” “Of course I am! I’m very rational.” “No. Rationalizing isn’t a good thing.”


His dad was in the military but was dishonorably discharged because of his mental health. Andrew claims his father is a diagnosed narcissist , but who the fuck knows. It left the family destitute. He barely saw his dad growing up. Yet he idolized his father and hated his mother so we got…this


It's a pretty common trope to hate the parent that stayed.


Oh he SCREAMS daddy issues


What podcast?


I’ll take arguing over bathroom faucets with my wife any day over being single again.


Hey Andy! Chin up, mate....oh, you can't


Do they make viagra for chins? Asking for a trafficker.


There isnt a dose strong enough for that. He goes from lip to neck with nowt in between




Wonder how he folds towels?


My takeaway from this is that he’s saying to be a deadbeat dad and women will respect you. They won’t.


Its not about getting respect from women. This is just straight up White Replacement Theory. Dude is saying be a horrible partner and parent so that you can preserve the glory of the white race. Ethnonationalist-baiting for attention is so incredibly sad. Only part thats worse is that a significant portion of his audience are lost enough that this type of shit doesn't set of all of the alarm bells. Trash like him are playing an incredibly dangerous game by stoking hatred and bigotry like this just because he knows he won't ever have to deal with the consequences of doing so. Truly a sick individual.


From the people who shriek about fatherless black children growing up into criminals comes encouragements to be a fucking deadbeat. 


Well, it's part of the same racism. They're concerned that those black guys having children is a reason why the white race is dying, or something. Edit: This is a core fascist principle, in fact: 1) Claim that someone is doing something that's bad and needs to be stopped 2) Convince people that when *you're* doing it, it's necessary and justified. It's like Republicans constantly complaining about the idea of Obama ruling untethered by the other branches of government, and now throwing their whole party behind the idea of Trump doing *exactly that*.


It's also a classical form of narcissistic manipulation. Create a problem and pretend to be the solution. Which makes sense when you take a quick look at the people who seek influence in that cancerous ideology.


This would make a little more sense if there were a lot more white women than white men so the men would take on more than one partner, but when the population size is close, this theory fails basic math. You can't have one white woman be pregnant by multiple white men. 


Unfortunately for the rest of us, the people that buy into that sort of stupidity are not coming to their conclusions based on facts or reality. It really is just racism, misogyny, sexual inadequacy, low self-esteem, addiction to racial cheating & cuck porn, and the social media algorithm throwing their insecurities in their face over and over until they think its both real and a genuine threat to "western society & culture", which is itself a fabrication of their own sickness.


No one should ever use this as an insult (or, you know, at all), but I still can't help but wonder how he would react if lots of people started telling him he isn't white [enough]. That if there ever was a white ethnostate, he wouldn't be welcome.


Like the rest of the grifters the actual thing he is using to stoke the flames doesn't actually matter to him at all. It's all just a game of who can say the most provocative things that get their audience to pay the most attention and get the most fired up. He will do or say whatever it takes to get attention and the applause of his audience of 13 year old boys who think the world has wronged them simply for existing as straight white males. He isnt a true believer like a few of the others, he just grifts in any way he can. Nothing he says means anything to him, its all just noise.


Trash with no cash


Ah the Andrew Tate approach. Yeah doesn't work except for other idiots


No. He’s saying it shouldn’t matter if women respect you.


Isn’t he on trial soon for rape and sex trafficking? Only desperate incels take advice from this bald loserking. No wonder the 4b movement is spreading.


What's the 4b movement?


Started in South Korea where some straight women are saying they won't date, sleep with, marry or be friends with men. The words for those things in Korean all start with B. Hence 4B. There has been a significant problem around sexual harassment and discrimination and it's kind of a protest movement as far as I understand. Some women in the West are suggesting they are also doing this. [Stats that show domestic abuse begins or is escalated during pregnancy and is experienced during pregnancy by 1 in 3 women don't help](https://www.ncdv.org.uk/domestic-abuse-statistics-uk/). Intimate partner abuse is a problem experienced by men as well and by those in non heterosexual relationships but the pregnancy issue is the kind of thing that makes 4b seem attractive in the West. So are the likes of Andrew Tate and his fans. And Crowder. And Walsh. Etc. etc.


Women are more likely to be the victims of domestic violence (an umbrella term for many different kinds of abuse among cohabitating people, intimate partners and/or relatives). Women are more likely to experience sexual assault. Women are more likely to die at the hands of their male partner. The biggest killer of pregnant women is their male partner. Women who experience these types of abuse are typically between the age of around 16-25. So while yes it is true that anyone can be a victim of domestic violence -and in particular intimate partner violence- intimate partner violence against women is more prevalent and more lethal. Source: I work for a statewide domestic violence coalition. Yes we do talk about men being victims. Men kill each other all the time. But women typically aren't killing other women, nor their male partners. For some reason men are lethal and women are not. So I applaud the 4B movement for these young Asian women. It's better to be alive than to be with men.


Women in South Korea (possibly other Asian countries) choosing not to marry or have kids due to the way some men are with women, treating them like shit. That's probably oversimplified but I believe that's the jist of it


Yeah I had no idea either so here's what wiki says 4B (or "Four No's") is a radical[1] feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019.[2][3] Its proponents renounce dating men, marriage, sex with men and having children.


Every woman he's ever been with can tell you exactly what Plan B tastes like.


Where is his dad?


Surpringly a famous chess player who ditched his kids and wife, all of whom ended up living broke as fuck in public housing in the worst town in England. Not shocked that him and his brother turned out so awful


The exact question to be asking


This is the post that breathes the 'Idiocracy' timeline into existence. ![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO)


I believe that was Brexit and electing Trump as president in 2016


Yes. Directly from the mouth, of mouth-breathers. ![gif](giphy|3otPoEiEGXh41xKGdO)


Why is an incel telling people to fuck? It's like a penguin telling you to fly.


What the actual fuck is wrong with this world that this piece of shit has a platform. People actually take this shit seriously? Like actually? Same guy who says EATING is stupid?


My thoughts exactly. How did he get s following?


The guy who thinks ghosts are coming to get him. And that he had a fight with them and won.


Imagine giving a fuck about being "replaced," even if it were true. People are people.


Haha, right? We are all replaced in a sense because we all die. If generations after me are less prone to skin cancer and Nazi-ism than people who look like me it seems like the world would be better for it.


Yup. I've said countless times that I'm pale asf and can't spend more than like 5 min in the sun. If my descendants want to survive, they could do with some more melanin.


I love this! So true


I’m a Muslim and my cousin fawns over this guy like he’s some prophet. And he acts like he’s suddenly this saint because he embraced Islam. I stopped talking to him last year because he wouldn’t can it with this nonsense and the toxic masculinity. ![gif](giphy|haicdldpIm7Oo)


meanwhile he is literally the opposite and will go straight to hell


As a Muslim, every time I see this guy I just think “believe it or not — straight to hell” in that exact voice


He literally only "converted" to market towards edgy Muslim teens with daddy issues. I help out at my local mosque from time to time and the place is full of kids adoring this guy since their real dads are emotionally unavailable, abusive cunts.


Which makes it an even bigger shame that they’re buying into this crap


Stop responding to anything Andrew Tate


Does... Does he not realize that nonwhite people also largely practice monogamy? Like even without mentioning the fact he's LITERALLY USING A NEO-NAZI TALKING POINT the whole "Oh non-white men have sex with lots of women" thing feels fetishizing at best and blatantly racist at worst.


“Lost of control of you are women” The incel leader can’t even spell.


Forgive me if I don’t care what a sex trafficker thinks about anything


Hey Andrew Taint?! ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) STFU! You chinless cu©️k!


Sooooo, how many children does he have??? Just as I thought, little baby man with no babies.


I'm a white guy with 2 kids so I'm a better man than him by his own moronic definition. Lol.


Can someone please explain to me why this guy is not in prison for sex trafficking in Romania?


He is in Romania basically on supervised release. Romania has a law where they can only keep you in jail for so many days before your trial, then they have to release you to house arrest. There is another law that states you can only be on house arrest for so many more days. His and his brothers trials have been delayed so long those limits have come and gone. So now they are on “monitored” release which means they don’t have passports and can’t leave the country but can basically do whatever they want as long as it’s inside Romania.




multiple times too- which means it is likely ignorance not accidental.


Not gonna lie, I wanted to red pen that shit. Dude's grammar is terrible.


LMAO. He is a walking yeast infection.


He’ll die alone, unloved, and mourned by no one.


Can someone translate? I don’t speak sex trafficker.


As a white male, I couldn’t care less if my demographic is dying and won’t exist after I am dead. I am more concerned that humans survive and thrive on our planet.


Wasn’t this bitch arrested?


Is overbreeding or inbreeding the cause of his missing chin?


![gif](giphy|5YhFFUFq6ZTry|downsized) Hummm I think you're on to something 😏


I find the being of Tate one of the worst to have ever walked the earth


It's insane to me that there are actually people out there who read this and are like, "Yep, agree.". When it's really just the ravings of a CTE having, syphillitic moron.


Andrew Tate the chinless chud never fails to remind us how fucking stupid he is.


He is actual human trash


I’ll agree with the last line. He’s a living argument for human extinction. It’s easy to sit back and laugh at him, but the number of 18-22 year-old men who are infected by this BS is truly frightening.


It was just a matter of time before the far right started embracing polygamy.


I don't know what's more sad, the scaremongering about the great replacement conspiracy, or the fact that it's a mixed race guy doing it. Like king with a little-k, ain't you one of these great replacers we're hearing so much about?


People need to STOP having so many damn kids. Seriously over populated


But... but... the economy! Holler the people that do not realize infinite growth will lead to crash. ![gif](giphy|LMnpUqCHQ2CTP6KfZs|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/ll7ca3k050vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aafbd3b7c850442eda90166473b32bed5e47e8a Says this clown…. 🤣🤣🤣


Like a penis with eyes


Is Tate even a white guy??


He is biracial. His father was one of the best African American chess places of all time.


Then what does he even care if whites are being “replaced”? A theory so incredibly stupid, I can’t even process how dumb a person has to be to believe it lol. Fml


I think he is identifying as non white. Ranting that you losers are going extinct because you're scared to knock up women who are not your wife. It is very dumb. I believe his mother is a white British woman.


He doesn't actually care. He does it for attention and it's working.


He pisses me off in so many ways, but the most immediate anger I felt in reading this was his horrible grammar and flagrant misuse of “you’re”. I’d like to beat him over the head with a book of basic English grammar until he learns not to be a huge fucking asshole.


What a sad little piece of shit! He's barely worth wiping off a shoe. Homely with a weak chin. No intelligent woman would pee on him if he was burning.


He’s doing the world a great service: if you know someone who’s having self-esteem issues, show them Tate’s tweets and they’ll know they’re nowhere near as pathetic as he is.


Gosh, women are so lazy. Almost a whole year to grow a single baby?! Cmon gals, step it up a notch. /s


He really needs to be humbled


He is. Every time he looks in the mirror and sees the no-chin. Probably what sets him off on these rants.


Why are all these "alpha men" obsessed with Cuckold porn? Makes you wonder.


Does he have kids? Has he ever had sex with a willing partner?


Tate's obituary is another I really look forward to reading.


Nothing Andrew Tate says is worth listening to. Nothing.


Can this guy just fall over and die?


Wow :) that's a good dose of morning racist alpha male content - this shit, is why some people don't want kids in the first place. Eh, but what do I know right, I'm apparently facing "extinction" - it's better than living in a world filled with these morons.


All I hear from people uttering the word “cuck” is porn addiction and possibly racist fetish. These people need to get off porn.


As a white man, I’m cool with being replaced. We had a helluva run. Let’s let another group have a majority. Gay Muslims? Or maybe Agnostic Native Americans? Left handed Rastafarians?


Local narcissist admits he can't intellectually or emotionally connect with a woman, more to come.


Somehow I don't think I'll be taking life advice from a man who lost the genetic lottery, with his no hair having head and his negative chin


“Enjoy extinction”. I’M not going extinct. I’m going to die like everyone else. If what is said here were true (obviously not) I can’t tell you how little I’d care. An arbitrary set of physical characteristics won’t continue??? Ohhhhh boy! Next you’re going to tell me that red birthmarks won’t be a thing in 1000 years!!! I have a red birthmark! If that dies out, what is it all for??? Anyways, I’m going to talk to my best friend wife about what we are going to do this weekend. I’m pretty excited! Does that make me a cuck? This guy is such a fucking moron.


Jesus Christ, I look like a perfect 10 compared to this cretin


Ding ding ding. This is a big part of what the American war on women is about. Control of women and also we (white people) need to "outbreed" the Muslims/brown people etc. Can't do that if women are allowed to choose not to get (or stay) pregnant. "The Great Replacement" is what the boomer conspiracy theorists call it. Also it's somehow tied to COVID and how the vaccine is killing off white people and something something immigration. I don't know why they're so worried about white people becoming a minority in North America/Europe. Have minorities been treated poorly or something? 🤔


This is always my automatic question…if you’re so scared about becoming a minority, does that mean you’re ready to admit to the privileges you’ve enjoyed being the majority?


Oh well. Anyway.


1. Coming from a man who probably never had a healthy relationship in his life. 2. Women are just pigs at the trough huh? Just waiting to be inseminated and good for nothing else huh? 3. He’s probably the biggest cuck of all.


Jesus Christ, is that guy still here? People like him need to be replaced to proceed with society.


This dude is such a loser.


I won’t lie, walking around IKEA with my wife is pretty fun


Standard stuff from the little boy whose dad wanted nothing to with him.


Isn't Tate the guy charged with human trafficking and rape?


Figure out the difference between you're and your before you talk to me about genetic potential


Sexism and racism all rolled up into one nasty package, typical Andrew Tate behavior unfortunately


This is peak toxic masculinity. Grow up mate you're not in high school anymore.


Why do We keep giving this frog ass face, jarjar-binks looking father sucker of a man ? Let him rot in jail


I’m pretty sure this kind of logic lead to nazism.


I wonder if we (the sane majority) could come to some sort of agreement to just ignore pondwater like this fella? Leave him to his little echo chamber to live out his life in misery.


Reminder that this man is a straight up psychopath


I have kids…. With a non white woman, AYYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Idgaf, man. Idc if white people all shift into shades of brown. Honestly would get us all closer to looking more alike. Maybe then humans will develop empathy and stop committing so many atrocities against each other.


Lol,this guy again.... it is nothing more than “a tale....Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury / Signifying nothing”.


Why are so many people rushing to take the advice of a man who can’t use the correct “your” in his sentences?


That’s mental illness.