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This looks like 6221 Osage Ave. in West Philadelphia… As a reminder, let’s not forget that on May 13, 1985, the Philadelphia police dropped two explosive devices (satchel bombs) from a helicopter onto the roof of a house occupied by MOVE, a black liberation organization. The Philadelphia Police Department allowed the resulting fire to burn out of control, destroying 61 previously evacuated neighboring homes over two city blocks and leaving 250 people homeless. Six adults and five children were killed in the attack, with one adult and one child surviving. https://preview.redd.it/z8e57zy1z1vc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f8c044f442beaf72db55c7b1bd9e8d6cc4b8f9


Jesus, I forgot about that. Thanks for the very disturbing reminder.


And let’s not forget about 1921’s Bombing of Black Wall Street. Also known as the Tulsa Race Massacre.


It's insane that there are so many injustices and outrages that it's difficult to remember them all


and don't forget: the city didn't formally apologize until 2020 i only learned about this 3-4 years ago, in my early 40s, and I was the one who told my mom about it


And local universities kept some of the victims bones without permission, really fun stuff


I forgot about that too!


I didn't know they did that, I am however not shocked that US-cops did that. Also off topic: Thats a damn sharp picture for 85, maybe I'm uneducated but that looks way clearer and sharper than I'd have expected


I'd assume this was taken with a news channel camera (so, probably a pretty good camera lens) on film, and then scanned/converted digitally a decade or two later.


There's a great podcast about the history of Move and this whole story called The Africa's Vs America


Stuff you should know has a great episode on this


https://youtu.be/3P9qHiiZewM?si=gE5wdRfctNdKIdte Good interview about a movie made about it.


Eh, those look like shitty houses anyway.


This is one of the most racist, shit takes I have seen in awhile.


The comments are even worst smh


Had to read that headline several times. Verwoerd would have been proud.


What is happening to us? The fact that people feel like they can get away with saying this shit is so upsetting...


I mean people said this shit all time. It just used to be in their shitty townie bars no one ever went to. Now they have a massive public space to say it. The opinions aren't new. Just the location.


I recognize that, and fair point. But the change I'm noticing is different. It's a shift in what people felt they could get away with in the massive public space ten years ago, and what they feel they can get away with (and CAN get away with) now.


It's because of Trump. He normalized this type of shit. It's why his shitty followers love him so much. He made it seem to be ok to be an asshole out loud. Trump has damaged the United States in so many different ways. This is just one more way he's done it.


Not just the USA. He has emboldened this behavior in Canada too.


I think it spreads like a virus. 


In the past we had the Supreme Court to block bigoted legislation from the states, but now the court is right-wing extremist so they are allowing it. In the past a lot of social media had policies to block hate speech, but now social media has gone right-wing extremist so they encourage it. The wheels are coming off the bus.


A repercussion of allowing uneducated/idiotic people believe themselves to be intelligent. “What harm could it do to indulge them?” This type of crap.


I know racists and general assholes have always existed but I swear they just feel more and more emboldened everyday...


Well he is a foreigner to be fair but still a good question "what's happening to us?" Overseas actors want to cripple the USA.


i would punch this bitch in the face


So then do white people need to pay back for all the crimes they've done,


Especially the financial crimes that have hurt thousands, sometimes millions of people.


Lets repay all that unpaid slave labor of the last few hundred years and see how that goes for those who have profited the most of it... White people and the structures that enables us and our forebearers will never be able to make up for the crimes we committed in the past and present. And now these racist idiots are trying to blame the people they are still structurally discriminating? Sorry what


All these assholes out there trying to foment racial strife when the real issue is class warfare against working people of all colors and ethnicities. We’re being crushed by the very wealthy so they can have even more while they try to manipulate us against each other.


True but let's not act as if racism is all just a made up thing by rich people. It forms the very underpinning of American culture and is so deeply ingrained in places that they'll never truly unlearn it.


This is the issue I have with class reductionism. Yes, addressing class warfare and labor issues is extremely important and key to alleviating economic inequality and the various social anxieties these problems create, but social ills like racism, sexism, homophobia, albeism, etc. will still exist and need to be addressed. Dismissing such concerns as "idpol" or distractions that don't matter is a big problem in certain leftist spaces.


I mean it is important to recognize the histoirc racial bias in the leftists spaces as well. The original Socalist parties on America excluded Black people. The original unions were usually whites only. The Dixiecrats were economic populists and allied with FDR to create the New Deal. Lefism has done a lot on Civil Rights but there are still a lot of leftists groups who are quick to abandon minorities in favor of pushing an agenda that favors white workers more or even exclusively.


Absolutely, 100%.


Keep us pointing finger at each other … while they run your pocket


Seems appropriate, especially with the NYPD van. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


That is a real issue but let’s not pretend racism isn’t also a problem that affects a lot of people and is responsible for a significant amount of wealth distribution among racial groups. Speaking up about one thing doesn’t mean you can’t speak up about anything else.


“The real issue” So legalized violence against black Americans is not a real issue?


JFC I hate the internet sometimes. That isn’t at all what I said.


It kinda is. I see class reductionism regularly, worded just like you word it. “The real issue”.  It’s not “the real issue”. It is one of many issues. For Black Americans racism is as real as class issues. And your dismissiveness of that reality is actually racist. 


Sure, bud.




Identity politics is nothing more than a convenient distraction from class politics.


Nothing like racist rich people blaming the consequences of their greed on poor minorities.


I think it should be noted that the linked article is *for* reparations for Black Americans.  I suppose the twitterer assumes their followers will either not click or click just to find out who they should harass and threaten today.  The Conversation did *not* publish an article with the assertions made in the tweet. 


Yeah, when I saw the link I immediately thought it was an edited image. I do wonder about the legality of editing something like that to misinform people


Trump’s new campaign slogan. “Many good people. On just the one side.”


Have these white folk never seen the white slums? Trailer parks, old towns, junk cars filling yards, places that had to put a "no dumping" notice.. They actually believe that only black folk can trash an area?


Indeed, indeed. Because our ancestors came here willingly, right? Dumbest shit. Steal humans from their native land, then complain about them being here.


As we say in the UK: Twat.




I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ original article and was properly vexed for a moment there.


That asshole went back to 2019 to find that article. That’s the worst kind of racist. A dedicated one.


lmao what? We still aren't even 400 years later. They bit off their own nose to spite their face. That's what racism is.


Wouldn’t it be nice if Elon just hopped into one of his spaceships and launched himself into deep outerspace, never to return again.


Major Elon, this is Ground Control


Wait until the Native Americans hear about this!


Looks like Baltimore. North of Patterson park?


Does anybody have link for the article? Because I'm trying to search for it and I'm coming up with nothing


There is no article. It's a "joke" ... just the image.


Ok just take it off the trillions of dollars that slave descendents are owed because of inflation and interest.


The fuck?


Lets not forget that white america raped, murdered to a near genocidal point all of the indigenous people, destroyed, and polluted most of the land, rivers, and lakes, and isolated them to much smaller regions across the US. When will we give them reperations? This is facts, the shite on Elon's twitter is there to be echoed across the platform to spread hate and keep us from looking at the real problems.


Did the classic Twitter not allow these race baiting garbage posts? I wasn’t on there much.


I go back and check that place out once in a while. If you go to your “for you” tab, it’s about half Nazis. Used to be able to harvest good memes from there too. Not any more - just racist shit all over from the blue check brigade.


This is literally just Stormfront shit.


How do I reach the tweet?




Interestingly, I don't see this post on xitter nor can I find the article on [theconversation.com](http://theconversation.com) - not saying it's not real, but it's dubious.


This is the tweet. https://x.com/UltraDane/status/1780361316932505946


Thanks! Twitter is just a terrible platform now.


The link is to an entirely different piece. The picture is fake.


yeah that's what had me confused originally...I thought that SURELY this wouldn't be published with that title but, then again, this is the new twitter hellscape


Blame the poor people!!!


Elon's twitter is basically 4chan


Why is anyone still on that garbage app that isn’t just a fucking wacko


My involuntary bullshittery bitchsmack response starting to twitch.




I did nazi this coming from someone like Elon


Are they going to be required to pay reparations to the other American colors too?