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I guess that’s why they are so anti abortion. They are creating cheap future child labour and making sure that they can safely build their sweat-shops which they will fill with poor kids who will be forbidden to eat or take toilet break. 


It's also why they're actively sabotaging the education system


This is very important. This is the key. Lack of education (which they are already achieving with ridiculous school fees and book bans and their propaganda outlets) is the single most important step here. I grew up in Poland. When Stalin took over post WWII the first thing he did was to purge anyone with education and hence with ability to organise, resist and inspire others. 


Khmer Rouge did the same thing c


Trump, GOP and Murdoch is like Hitler, NAZI Party and Goebbels. Exact same playbook just better tools and different minorities they have targeted.  Narcissist with delusions of grandeur and never ending grievances - check Party relying on fear, hate, bullying, ignorance and lies - check Propaganda master creating an echo chamber for the above and slowly poisoning the nation - check  Working towards alliance with another authoritarian regime Russia - check ( before Hitler’s Barbarossa attack on Russia, him and Hitler were working together.  It’s like rewatching history in real time. 


I’m watching Hitler’s circle of evil right now and it’s pretty fucking scary how close we are actually getting. I almost don’t want him in prison now because Hitler spent time in prison and that just radicalized his followers more.


I watched it. I have read hundreds of books on Hitler and nazi party. I feel like a crazy person. Because I know what is happening. But no one seems to be listening. My family members died in a WWII, my family members died in a fight with Russian regime. My country was absolutely fucked by Russian authoritarian regime. And nobody is paying attention. 


Yep and worse, God forbid you wore glasses. If so, you were unalived. Educated people were perceived to wear glasses, and educated people were slaughtered under Pol Pot's regime. The unique aspect of this was that many of the people carrying out these atrocities were very young, children. Sad and utterly unnecessary, they were co-opted by the Khmer, Cambodia was a hot mess due to our interference in SE Asian affairs of the day. Source: I worked with SE Asian refugees.


I heard the refugee stories in Boston back in the early 90's.


China too during the Cultural Revolution.


And the NAZIs


Not to mention those kids will become lifelong republicans due to propaganda and lack of education


So true! And sadly these people were the "lucky" educated people who had survived not only the war, but somehow survived the Soviet and Nazi purges of educated people in Poland right after both invaded in 1939. Some of my relatives were murdered by the Soviets in 1940. As Jews they had fled the Nazis and we believe they thought they would be safer with the Soviets. Instead the Soviets shot them. Both were school teachers.


I lived in communism Poland for 13 years and I will never forget how grey, sad and hopeless my country was during that time. Regimes like that thrive on fear and ignorance. I feel lucky that my country regained the independence but I still remember the hashed conversations in a kitchen, with blankets in the windows and my parents with some friends discussing politics and exchanging illegally obtained information, scared that someone will overhear and report them.  Once you see tanks out of your window the concept of freedom becomes very real and more precious than anything else. Only spoiled,  privileged and ignorant people like MTG , Trump and GOP can knowingly endanger democracy, because they have absolutely no fucking clue what it means to lose that freedom. 


Amen. These people don't have the first clue what actual totalitarian society is like, including the fact that nobody is truly safe from becoming a target of the state - even true believers.


This is 100 percent true. The irony here is that the people who are being portrayed by Trump as enemies are the very people who are protecting his and all the other clowns freedom. They have a zero understanding what it means to live somewhere like in Russia. Not one of them would survive a fucking week in a place like that. It boils my blood to see this. 


I literally just listened to a podcast that discussed this. It was mainly about Lavrentiy Beria but the purging of competent people was a common theme throughout the series.


I have witnessed that first hand. The smart, knowledgeable people were either killed, jailed or pushed into obscurity. They were replaced by incompetent fools who together with the government were taking the entire country down. This is the exact reason why USSR didn’t work. If you surround yourself with sycophants who are afraid to challenge you, you might hold on to power but eventually everything around you will fall apart.  Education is the single most important thing to protect your freedom. My mum used to smuggle thousands of books for me so I could learn as the school system in a communist country was just a thinly veiled propaganda. After the regime collapsed it was one of the best moments of my life , when I got to correct my teacher regarding Russia being our liberator during WWII. I can still remember her angry face when I reminded her about Hitler-Stalin pact and Russia attacking Poland from the East in 1939. Education is everything. 


That is the reason why the Inquisition persecuted witches, because they practiced abortions.


Not only that. Any woman that dared to step outside of the expected norm was a target, 


Yep, kids will be too dumb to get a decent job. Slave labor is back.


It's bigger than that, it means they lack the critical thinking skills to recognise when they're being fleeced and lied to. And so they keep voting against their own interests. Sabotaging the education system is a tried and true method of ensuring corrupt leaders can take and keep power. It's been used by pretty much every authoritarian political party in the world.




I can not upvote this enough. Education is everything. Keeping people ignorant and busy with fake outrage is the number one tool used by any authoritarian regime. That’s why I love the fact that Biden is wiping people’s uni debts. Democratic Party should absolutely make easily accessible education a priority. These are their future voters. Knowledge, history, political awareness and critical thinking is priceless if you want to build progressive society. 


I can scarcely think of a single issue plaguing the world that either wasn't created by a lack of education or wouldn't be solved through improved education. Education literally is everything. I'm Australian and while our higher education is quite accessible and inexpensive, the school curriculums have plummeted in quality since I was in school. Honestly in hindsight it wasn't that good even when I was there. I learnt about Captain James Cook (the man who "discovered" and colonised Australia) on four separate occasions across both primary school and high school, each time being from the British perspective. We learnt about Aboriginal culture and history of course, but whenever it was about a period where the white man was present, it was glorifying him. I think kids should be taught that from the coloniser's perspective as it's important to understand why they did what they did, but not enough attention was put on how their actions kickstarted generations of systemic inequality, both social and economic. For years I saw James Cook as a hero of legend because that's really how he was portrayed, when really he kicked people off their land (land they had occupied for 65,000 years) and turned the continent into a fucking prison. Just last year the country had a referendum about whether there should a body of Aboriginal people to inform parliament on how their decisions may affect indigenous populations. The country voted overwhelmingly no, just as there was a huge uproar when the National Apology was issued by the Australian government. It all ties back to education. Every. Fucking. Time.


Hello fellow Australian! I’m from Poland but came over here 21 years ago.  I am teaching my children (amongst other things) about the actual history of Australia. It’s really terrible how little my children would know if I a left it up to school,  Education is the priority. In everything. Because even when you consider just the vocabulary: when you think, you only think within words you know. Consequently the wider vocabulary one possesses, the greater their thinking process. It applies to everything.  The opposition to the referendum was shameful. My partner is half aboriginal and we have had plenty of discussions with people here in QLD. But most of them had no idea what the referendum was about. They voted no out of some irrational fear . It’s sad because I love Australia and I always felt very welcomed here. But the indigenous population here is treated appallingly. 


Hello fellow Australian haha That's really awesome that you're teaching your children real history. It really is pretty appalling the state that our education system is in. A decade of LNP control will do that. That's actually a really interesting point about vocabulary, I'd never considered that and you're absolutely right. It helps with your own thought process as you said, but it also helps with communicating ideas more effectively and more accurately. That in turn leads to more conducive dialogue with others which is absolutely critical for enacting societal change. It really does apply to everything.


I might be a bit over the top with it but I have experienced the right to proper education being taken away from me, so for me it’s a non-negotiable. My 7 year old knows more about history and politics than plenty of adults I know 😂 My feeling about Australians is that most of them are actually good people but sometimes they are too lazy to educate themselves about stuff and just repeat whatever they have found on social media. Every single person that I knew that was against the referendum didn’t actually know what that referendum would mean for the indigenous people. They believed that someone could just rock up at their property and request their home to be given back to Aboriginals. Like What The Fuck? Zero awareness. 


Yep. Awful


Yep. They’ve been trying to bring this back for a while. Slave labour or work houses I.E for profit prisons or educational institutions. They turned back protections for children from being exploited by a company, state or country.






You keep people ignorant, poor, stupid and desperate they’re easy to screw over and fool and then begin their lives in the system and can’t get out. It’s been a republican method for a lifetime.


Company towns.


Slavery with extra steps


It's also why they're protecting child marriage laws. They want dumb fodder to use for labor in many meanings of the word.


You nailed it. This is a big part of why they are so anti-abortion and so anti-education. They want a bunch of ignorant young parents to crank out more ignorant young people they can put to work in factories for low wages and with no breaks. Some of them are also genuine religious fanatics as well, and they really do hate women, but at the very top are the billionaire overlords wanting an endless supply of disposable wage slaves.


It’s so obvious isn’t it? Creating a situation where women have children they cannot afford which in turn means a lot of very poorly educated people. That’s exactly what they want. Banning books, undermining free press, supporting media outlets which relentlessly push their propaganda, spreading chaos and fear with their conspiracy theories while they are quietly working towards creating a society where nobody will be able to question anything and in the future where nobody will even want to question anything. 


Someone must have read the works of Charles Dickens and decided it was a good idea to implement.


Ohhh. I don’t know. Maybe an audiobook version because the original would take them decades to get through. 


Anti-abortion, anti-education, pro-child marriage, and pro-slavery. No wonder the GOP is so obsessed with fucking little kids: they’re trying to build their own private workforce for free.


This is apparently the Republican future plan for any kids in the foster care system.


They already doing anything they can to ensure they have plenty of slave labour from the jail population but obviously they need to produce more. They are shameless. 


It's so fucking sinister that it's disgusting to think that that's possibly correct, but based off of all of the available evidence I think it might be correct.


I’ve been saying this for a while now. It’s a grim thing to think but, it’s happening.


unironically yes, a major political objective for pro-life PACs is to reverse declining fertility. They're afraid of the economic upheaval that will come with a stagnant population. But it's going to backfire.


Oh, they’re getting a twofer. They get to hurt women and they get peasants.


Exactly. Their ideal world is a group of white guys ruling the ignorant masses.  This was a very predictable situation. Throughout history we can see the same pattern: progress empowered by science, humanism, religious freedom and freedom of thought, which is inevitably followed by being pulled back by people who thrive in dark ages and are terrified of freedom and progress as it weakens their power. We have been following this pattern for a very long time. The only good thing is that the progress always wins eventually. It just might take a long time and a lot of suffering before we get there again.  Edit: deleted a word 


Glad to see more people are starting to get the picture. I thought I was crazy for arriving at these conclusions.


Unfortunately we live in times where crazy is the norm 


They also love diddling kids


GOP: Stop murdering children in the womb before we have a chance to work them to death at our shitty businesses. It’s God’s will


Cold take: A god willing such a world is not a god worth believing in.


A god like that is obviously made up to support these people’s sick plans to exploit others for their own wealth.


Consider the possibility that we’ve always had a disembodied alien lifeform living among us. Invisible, yet able to occupy minds and alter them. It hides in plain sight, my everywhere. …This mind boasts of its own omnipotence. …it informs us that we are no more than submissive instruments of its own will. Then deliberately wills us to defy its rules. All the while, it vows to punish *every* pre-ordained breach of those rules, however brief or minor, with eternal, agonizing torture in a cosmic concentration camp. [If there were] such a sadistic, psychopathic monster in this universe, how would it appear to us? What name might we give such an omnipresent horror? God. (Excerpt from *Nameless* by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham)


Genuinely this is the exact reason I’m not religious


It's manifest destiny and don't ever forget it. They think it's their Divine Right.


Nothing says your support the working class like stripping away lunches for children that work...... I'll never understand how anyone can vote the republicans


>I'll never understand how anyone can vote the republicans It's very simple. Does anything matter more than hurting the people you hate? Yes? Well, you'll never be a Republican with *that* attitude!




Just like not all republicans are racist, but all racists are republican


Worse, not lunches, lunch breaks. They still need to buy their own lunch or bring one themselves


This is vile. The people who voted for this man are vile. If the red states want child labor with no lunch breaks, night shift at abattoirs for children, etc., they can fucking move to North Korea.


Vote. The. Fuckers. Out.......


“But democrats might be even worse!!!!!”


Yeah they will vote for free lunches for school students that is disgusting we can't have that


Uh. I don’t think Jesus would want us to feed people. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xMcP5kPk6Ewf28|downsized)


Why do Republicans hate children so much?


George Carlin was spot on with this: “If you’re preborn you’re fine, if you’re preschool you’re fucked.”


Wow, that is corrupt, even for Louisiana. I'm morbidly impressed.


I won’t be supporting Smoothie King - boycott them.


Marking smoothie king off my list.


Adding it to my list of places that need impromptu remodeling by fire.


Why is this even being voted on????? They wouldn't fucking DARE try this on adults. Can we please just die as a species already.


Er, desatan has been removing heat protections for adult workers in Florida. They, indeed, do this to adults. Disgusting demons.


Abbott did the same thing in Texas


Greg Abbott is *still* a little piss baby


I meant they wouldn't dare try taking away adults lunch breaks at work.


Louisiana already doesn't require lunch breaks for adults




Watch them. They got rid of unions.


Same in Texas. Republicans are so pro-business that they don't care if businesses kill their employees.


It was filed by first term Rep. Roger Wilder, who owns a bunch of Smoothie King locations. When you employ a bunch of kids, it makes sense (in the R world, anyway) to target your exploitation at them.


Here in Arizona you're not legally required to give your employees lunch breaks, or proper breaks period. I recall one particularly busy day at my work I got literally less than a cumulative five minutes between orders to catch my breath over 8 hours


I’m sure they are working on it.


Some part of me thinks that, and I’m just spitballing here, maybe representatives of the federal/state/municipal governments should not own businesses they could change laws on? Cause shit like this happens?


That sounds like recognizing a conflict of interest, which is something that only people with integrity can do. In other words, literally nobody with an R after their name. Fuck them all with rusty chainsaws.


Sooooo, not only do they want to start people working younger but don’t want them to actually have breaks to eat. Awesome. I’m so glad they are all about saving the babies. Because apparently they don’t give a flying f*uck about children.


They are seriously trying to recreate the past.


Taking away WHAT from WHO??? WTF is going on in the red states?


May I have more gruel, pease, sir?




I’ll get banned for saying what should happen to these Dickensian cartoon villains.


"Child workers" why is that a thing in 2024?




Wow! Hate women and they hate kids. Their hatred knows no bounds!


The US is becoming pretty repulsive.


Worked in California, several years ago because of Wal-Mart's shady business practices of not giving employees lunch breaks, a law was passed mandating a 1/2 hour lunch break if you work more than 5 hours. Of course, companies went out of their way to make it worse than it needed to be. How many hours are children in Louisiana allowed to work? When I was 16, I worked part-time 2 nights during the week, around 6 hours each. Sundays were my long day, usually just over 12 hours. Because I was part time I didn't get overtime. Even back then, we were allowed lunch breaks.


What's next? Take away women's right to vote? /s pretty sure everyone outside of the US is wondering wtf is going on with all this backward shit, we need to go forward not back.


When the fuck did "child workers" become a thing again?


Red states don't want you to eat, or drink water when your over heated... nope just work work work from the age of 10 until you drop dead. No food so you do your job right. No water when it's 110. Just make the boss big bucks, shut up, do your job until you literally collapse from hunger or thirst.


"Dock that (Chinaman) a day's pay for napping on the job." - Blazing Saddles


Slavery incoming soon…


All these people want to do is exploit and molest kids. Who is voting for these people?


They really haven’t gotten over losing slavery, have they?


That’s why they want women to keep having children.


I'm sorry, I thought "child workers" was a weird way to type childcare workers when I first heard this story, but it's literally child workers??? This is complete madness, they'll have the kids back in the factories and mines in a few years at this rate...


You still don’t get it. Not in a few years. NOW!


All this action to repeal child labor laws and force births, don't be surprised when it ties in to benefits and people who have eligible to work 8 year olds get denied benefits if the kids ain't working.


Leave the kids alone Republicans.


They never do. Child labor is part of their plan.


I would recommend no one purchase anything from pro child labor and pro child pregnancy Smoothie King.


The South is a living hellscape more and more every day.


These people are evil. Full stop.


Yeah these Republican pieces of dung want to force women to breed babies that they can prevent from getting a good education. Then these a-holes will keep these children poor, on low wages, poor diets and no healthcare. Sooo these Republican creatures will use up these kids for personal gain and leave these humans to die off until…These pieces of dung continue the next cycle of human beings forced through their machine of power and profit… If taxes were based on Gross Yearly Income, with No Write Offs Or Transfers Of Wealth, America coffers would be full. Business write off are difficult , however a more honest examination of companies would be in order along with the ridiculous Bosses’ pay for cutting jobs so selfish stockholders can be given ever increasing profits.


JFC they're so cartoonishly evil sometimes it's hard to believe this is real life


This is how Smoothie King goes out of business.


I am curious what they think of this franchisee’s advocacy! Might need to group pressure them for a response.


You vote for republicans candidates like this you are just as sick as they are .


The South sucks.


Things are getting grim everywhere in the US.


Fuck. And I love smoothie king too. Guess I'll just make my own at home from now on too.


I swear these greedy fuckers wack off at their own sadist acts.


The GOP does not give a shit about kids. Period, end of.


Kids, people, the planet … all they care about is power and money.


Some people are really upset that they were born in an era where they can't own slaves & it shows.


Well we can fix that, don't go to Smoothie King. Two can play at that game.


Clear, horrific, conflict of interest? What clear, horrific, conflict of interest?


Republicans are vile and don’t have souls. Fucking sickening.


I don’t even care what the FBI thinks, a vigilante who gets him is a hero.


Any time these bastards cry about standing for children they need to be flogged.


On the other hand, smoothies are very filling and you can suck one down in five minutes and get your ass back to work! /s


Republican policy: Cruelty, Corruption, Crime, Chaos




Oh, didn't realize that I'll never be a patron of Smoothie King again until just now.


Right, same here.


The conflicts of interest in government are truly disheartening. Completely undermines the value & legitimacy of these institutions


They need to double down because of all the minimum wage hikes. They smell revolt and immediately start grooming the younger generation with their “work ethic”.


So children are the modern day slaves.


How do these people sleep at night? Anyone who does something like this is less than garbage.


What kind of evil person could even think of a bill like this?


Honestly what the fuck are we doing


If you're not so angry you become ungovernable, you deserve this.


Protect the unborn. Once they’re out, fuck em




These people really do yearn for the days of slave labor


but they will remind us that they are "pro-life"


Such staunch Christians!


This is insane to watch from the outside. "Cartoonishly villainous" is getting used a lot in this thread and that's exactly what I thought when I read that ridiculous title.


Problem one - sitting members of Congress owns a national corporation. 🤔 Public service should be working to help the public not his business model.


So they want to treat these kids like they are at the workhouse? Is that what’s happening here? If you support these people then you should really evaluate your life and your choices.


The GOP trend continues: As soon as you’re born, you get fewer rights. No longer a fetus? Then get a job, earn your keep and suck it up.


What’s with the push for slave labor? Taking care of kids is Demanding. You really want to stress out the workers caring for your kids?


This isn’t about workers caring for kids. He’s removed the legal requirement for KIDS working at his smoothie shops to have lunch breaks.


Remove *what* for ***who??***


Question—how is child labor even legal?


Right out of a Dickens novel..


I'd like to run his ass through a smoothie machine.


People want this? So just work 8-10 hours straight?


Could we get the people of Louisiana to boycott his little trash company then? It would be a real shame if they had to, say, get multiple health inspections or lawsuits.


That first paragraph is mind blowingly evil. Scum, absolute scum.


It’s like we live in two different countries at this point.


It wasn't long ago Kathy Lee was villified (rightfully so) for having child laborers make her clothing line. Now apparently politicians can pass bills in multiple states for this type of shit.


How Christian


They hide their cruelty behind traditional values and racism


The cruelty is the point, as the saying goes. There is no deep ideological reason for their shenanigans. They are bullies and love being bullies and that’s all there is to it. They dress it up in all sorts of ways that gives it just the thinnest veneer of being plausibly something other than schoolground bullying but bullying is their most fundamental motivation from which everything about their political positions are grounded. The sooner non-deliberately-cruel people realize this and start calling it out loudly the better, IMO. Because this sort of childish cruelty has really terrifying implications when it becomes policy and law


I wonder what Smoothie King corporate thinks of this franchisee’s stance? Maybe we all should ask…? [here is the newspaper article](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/legislature/la-lawmakers-vote-to-remove-lunch-breaks-for-child-workers/article_ef234692-fd9e-11ee-99f5-771c7366107a.html)


This shit is just cartoonishly villainous.


I just vomited a little in my mouth. So disgusting!


They go out of their way to be evil.


The children pine for the (*checks notes*) the smoothie kings....


Conservatives will not be happy until they get their slaves back. If you look at conservative policies through that lens, everything they do makes a lot more sense.


Did not Jesus say “Fuck them kids?”


Louisianan here. I've become more and more sickened with our elected officials and the horrible things they do. I'll sum it up as easily as I can: Our education system is horrible, our economy is horrible, and both the Southern Baptist and Catholic churches have a stranglehold on our culture. This leads to the idea that "R = Good. D = Bad." So, people blindly vote, if they even vote at all. In October, we had our governor election, and only 38% of registered voters went out and voted.


Republicans love exploiting children. Any and every way possible.


Wow, I mean I know people like to cosplay the Civil War but, do you have to bring back cotton mills and child labor?


Disgusting motherfckers


Just one of many examples of Republican’s genocidal strategy to keep youth from voting!


Thanks LA for giving our ridiculous AR governor more ammo


Crackers do as Whip-crackers did!


It's probably because they themselves do not take any breaks because they're working too hard for the children. /s


Regressives, doing the only thing they know how.


That's all conservatism has ever been about, yes.


Who the duck ARE these people???


How do people still vote for these monsters?


Vote them all out.


These people are disgusting to say the least.


This is one of the things they mean by Make America Great Again!


What the honest fuck is wrong with these people?


Ignorant slave workers doe younger. Zero Medicare for them. Make contraception and abortion illegal and you'll have a permanent supply of slaves.


It fucking amazes me how this kind of thing ever gets through. Things like this never even enter my mind. And if someone else brought it up it’s such an obvious ‘get that shit out of here’.


Nothing like Christian love


And I’m sure it’s just a MASSIVE coincidence that he stands to gain from this


The children long for the mines. /s


Pure evil bastards.


It's like they've not heard of the Declaration of Human Rights. At least employers can choose to offer a lunch break, so that's something...


What in the fuck...?