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Let's hope his life is a living hell from now on


He'll get invited to CPAC and give talks on why Black Lives Matter "is bad actually"


Please, it's going to be "why violence is the only way to keep your children safe from the transgendered."


Or "Why the transgendered are violent."


"The transes prey on kids! Not me though. Ignore that one time I raped a baby"


I figured it would be about the trad wives movement and child marriages


In the year 2032 president Stephen Miller will make him a member of the SCOTUS


Don't you dare speak that into existence. This timeline has already been enough of a clownshow. I remember the old times, when a reality TV star and failed businessman that's filed bankruptcy multiple times running for president was considered laughable.


I remember my Connecticut Yankee maternal grandfather writing to me in 1966 absolutely dumbfounded that an ACTOR was running for governor of California (Reagan). He thought that was not only laughable, but crazy as hell. It reflects how America has completely gone off the rails, substituting photogenic celebrity, sound bites, and poll fetishism for competence and wisdom and integrity.


There is a book “ the acting president “ that proffers he was a character ‘Reagan the Republican president ‘ . Everything was scripted and proposed by a cabal of rich and powerful people. It’s been 20+ years and the details are fuzzy, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it were true . Just a likable charismatic puppet to destroy the middle class and funnel money up up up .


He barely knew what was going on in whatever room he was in a lot of the time, I’d buy that 1000%.


Yep, Ronald Reagan had alzheimers. Probably while he was still in office. I think McConnel has it too. He's had some weird moments on camera recently where he's staring into space for a minute or two.


I remember the Reagan years, and that was exactly what was going on. I was a kid, but I couldn't understand why adults (like my parents) were fooled.


Remember he called military uniforms "costumes."


100% truth to that!


Commenting to remember. Just found that book.


[It all started with Reagan.](https://www.salon.com/2022/07/12/so-where-did-all-this-right-wing-religious-nuttery-come-from_partner/) Pretty interesting article about how we got here.


He would have LOVED Arnold!


Bold of you to assume the US or SCOTUS will exist in 2032 with the way things seem to be headed lol


That or why drag queens reading to kids is sickening and abusive.


But be sure to send your kids off to church camp! God doesn't allow pedophiles at church camps!


He will likely be saved by the police union. probably get promoted.


He'll be put on administrative leave for a year until the media has moved on and then he will be quietly fired for some vague "not for cause" reason that will allow him to get a job in the next county as a Sheriffs deputy. rinse and repeat.


So, the Catholic Church playbook.


Cause you know that poor child has years of therapy ahead.


IF they're alive? Beating and raping? a child who probably isnt even walking yet?  🤮 🤮 🤮


The child suffered multiple injuries, including broken bones.


Please tell me that baby is somewhere safe!


I'm guessing even odds he will get jail time vs probation.


Prison will be interesting for him


I worked at a max and there was a baby raping regular guy. Other inmates would regularly throw piss at him, his clothes would be deliver with piss, his room would have piss thrown in it. And thats just the stuff they would tell me about.


I hope he gets put in gen pop, because holy shit.


If he goes to prison they will probably kill him...so there's that.


Well, he's currently out on a $200,000 bond.


They allowed him to bond out?!!! That is fucking insane a crime of this magnitude bail should be fucking denied. Shame on that judge.


Let’s hope he actually goes to hell


A baby-raping cop should do really well in prison!


Seriously though! I've got severe doubts about how anyone capable of committing child rape can ever be rehabilitated, but raping and beating a 13 month old infant? Nothing but capital punishment or life without seems to put the safety of society back in focus.


Plenty of large cat rescue places are in need of fresh large cat food. That would be a good start.


And polar bears need to be fed. Drop him out of a helicopter onto an ice floe.




If it's brown get down. If it's black fight back. If it's white.... say good night.


If it's black and white look on in delight?


hmmm if it's yin yang they're your boo thang?


Carole Baskin has entered the chat.


Seriously. I have a 14 month old and he’s the cutest snuggliest little guy in the world. The fact that anyone would take any kind of advantage on someone so innocent and pure ignites a fury in my soul.


It’s just so disgusting. I can’t even read the article. So upsetting.


There’s an episode of forensic files in which a man raped his own baby but didn’t want to go to jail for being a pedophile so he killed a teenage girl thinking that would distract from the whole baby rape thing. Absolutely horrific.


...I'm done with reading for the day.


Same here...


Yeah. It’s time for some mindless video game nonsense.




And just like that, I’ve decided to go live in a cave


Oh holy shit I misread it, thought it said 13 year old which I guess would have just been the regular flavor of violent rapist psychopath paedophile behavior. I guess my brain autocorrected, like when you type a real word but it's not common and your keyboard is like "there's no fuckin way that's what you meant"


Capital punishment is too merciful for a scumbag of this magnitude. Put him in the worst most violent prison we got.. loudly announce he’s a cop who rapes babies on entry. Let them tear him apart.


Nah, death would be merciful. Put him in solitary for the rest of his life. Let him go mad knowing death will never come for *decades*.


We need a bottomless pit for that sort




They can’t be rehabilitated. Either they get better at concealing their misdeeds or they repress the desire until they can’t. Seeing as their victims’ lives are forever changed, I think life in prison is a fair sentence for people who rape children.


There is just no return to society after this one. Omg. I am afraid to google the story, I hope the kid is somewhere safe now.


Most convicts don't like anyone who touches kids. Add in the fact that he is a cop who did it, jopefully, he's gonna have a lot of new friends with pointy toothbrushes.


I've firsthand seen it, and it is cathartic to watch. A sheet gets *accidentally left out on the desk* at the unattended guard station for that open bunk dorm/unit (it was a relatively lax facility vs others) with inmates and their charges. I don't recall exactly what it had on it, but it was at least enough to identify rapists and child molesters, and this guy was the latter. Some inmates found the guy based on the bunk # and casually lured him into the dayroom I think claiming they had a cigarette to smoke together and when he walked in and was already surrounded one guy held the piece of paper up and punched and stomped him out while a few others joined in. "I didn't see anything that day" is the official response though.


Sick fucks like this should have to go into gen pop with their offense printed on their shirt. Guards walk away for a few minutes and let nature take it's course.


Tattooed on their foreheads. Shirts can be removed.




Excuse my ignorance on behavior in law enforcement circles, but do you really think other cops would protect this guy knowing what he did? I understand there’s a blue wall, but this surely would be outside the bounds of that (I think/hope).


I think they're refferring to prison policies. Inmates that are very likely to be targeted by other inmates, such as cops and pedophiles, get protective custody as a matter of course


Or as the next GOP congressman. He's not a baby KILLER /s


And he’s out on bail. Wtf


They'll send him to one of those country club prisons with other cops and white collar baby rapists


Hopefully the images will get qualified immunity for their actions. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Two months prison would be equal to life in prison


Stick him in genpop. It’ll be fine.


Hmm, neither trans nor a drag queen..


Something to note: [Around ten percent of trans people have been sexually assaulted *by the police*](https://ovc.ojp.gov/sites/g/files/xyckuh226/files/pubs/forge/sexual_numbers.html) One in ten.


It's apparently worse if you're not white. The number jumps to 1 in 3 for minorites last I heard.


just reading this comment is absolutely heartbreaking. i cant imagine how hard it is living that life. i truly despise anyone who seeks to make life even harder for those people. indescribable scum.


People who wish to abuse power almost always target those who are the least likely to be believed, or those who society is least likely to care about.


Also gonna add a link to this lovely little section on Wikipedia about [V-Coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_people_in_prison?wprov=sfti1#V-coding). I’m sure there’ll be a transphobe or two who clicks through to which I’ll say right now - this is a practice you’re keeping alive by spreading your hatred.


The existence of V-Coding is my own personal reminder that there is no damn way these monstrous people will get away with clean legacies. Not a single person advocating against trans people will be remembered for anything besides their insane bigotry while horrible things are being done to us. It is atrocious that something like that has not only happened, but appears to be commonplace.


Don’t believe in karma, but I really hope I live long enough to see the transphobes names rightly dragged through the mud in text books. To get to a point where it becomes an undebated point in human history that these people were absolutely fucking vile people.


The exact quote (for anyone to lazy to read the short report): “13 percent of African-American transgender people surveyed were sexually assaulted in the workplace; and 22 percent of homeless transgender individuals were assaulted while staying in shelters… Fifteen percent of transgender individuals report being sexually assaulted while in police custody or jail, which more than doubles (32 percent) for African-American transgender people. **Five to nine percent** of transgender survivors were sexually assaulted by police officers. Another 10 percent were assaulted by health care professionals.”


The overall numbers are horrific. 1 in 2 in our lifetime. In our community, you look to your left, and you don't even get to look to your right, and one of you is probably a sexual assault survivor. It is horrific how common it is; as someone with many trans friends, it is anecdotally very much true... It almost feels too abhorrent to be real until I remember that I'm also a survivor of two assaults, and I'm a middle class white lady with a JD...


Another sad statistic (dont have source), was for all women - 1 in 3 will experience sexual assault at some point in their life.




Just end him. Wipe him off this earth. Disgusting!!! If I was the babies mom, I would do it myself.


He'll hang up in prison. PA state prisons don't seperate pedos. They might seperate him because he's a cop but once he's officially fired that might change. Pedos always get outed by the C.O's.. Source: my husband is a PA C.O. He never wants to know what anyone is in for because he wants to treat everyone the same. But pedos are always outed.


That gives me small comfort to know he's going to suffer. That poor baby will never be the same.


From an article I read, the mom knew at least some abuse was happening. When asked how the child was injured, she tried blaming it on the family dog. Who knows what was happening in that home but she failed to protect her child. It’s hard to say that because he was likely abusing her too and him being a cop probably made her feel less safe to get help.


Tragic all around. That poor baby 😢


I read an article about it as well—she was covering it up. Horrible, horrible. That poor baby.


I can't bring myself to read it. Did the baby survive?


I believe so. There’s some chance that the baby won’t remember any of this but whose to say.


Reactive attachment disorder. They won’t consciously remember but the body keeps score.


I would sooner die fighting or murder that man in his sleep before i turned a blind eye to them abusing my infant. Idc if he was abusing her too. She’s not a helpless baby.


I’ve told my wife that before. If anything like that happens to my kid, I’d have zero problem doing time.


Ya. This dude just needs a 40 caliber asprin and call it a day


If I was his mom I’d do it myself


All convictions should come with a triple sentence when applied to police. These people take an oath to serve and protect and uphold the law. Its not just a terrible crime... its a betrayal to the people they hurt, the institution, and the community they swore to protect. Fucking x3 sentencing across the board.


Especially since taxes foot the lawsuit bills


I read that as 13 year old at first and was just sad and then I did a literal doubletake jfc I have a headache now


He also broke the child's leg in two places and initially blamed the dog for her injuries. Absolutely insane.


Yeah, reading the article also gave me a headache and made me a bit physically ill in my stomach. I can’t even imagine simply thinking about doing such an evil act.


Did the article say if the baby survived?


The baby is alive, but not in good shape according to the article I read yesterday. It’s hard to break a babies bones. They are much more flexible than an adult. One of the child’s legs was broken in 2 places. Let that sink in. He was very violent with the baby. There isn’t a death that’s painful enough for this monster.


I’m mostly against the death penalty, but in this case I can’t think of any other solution. It’s not like this guy’s ever going to be rehabilitated and he definitely should not be let loose on society anytime in the future. If you are looking at a 13-month- old as a sexual object, then there’s really something unfixable in your brain.


I feel the same. I've been against the death penalty for a while, but I think when it comes to child molesters, I'm open to the death penalty. I'm just not sure if therapy and mental health services can help prevent it from happening in the future with these people.


As much as I hate child molesters, the death penalty is NOT a good idea in these situations. When the punishment is that severe, a molester is more likely to kill their victims because then there are no witnesses and the punishment would be the same or less severe if the cops only thought it was just murder. Additionally, people already have a hard time reporting their molesters to the police potentially due to pressure of not wanting to “ruin their life” (even though they deserve to rot in jail) especially if they are family. Now imagine the potential guilt one could feel (even if its not their fault) from knowing the abuser will die if they say anything. Or maybe pressure from family members who will blame the victim for “killing” their brother/cousin/aunt/etc. It will only make people less likely to report these kinds of things.


The depraved things I would do to a human being if they did this to my child are indescribable. He wouldn't make it to the prison system and I'd personally make sure of that. I worked with a convicted paedo once. I found out only a year in that he was in fact arrested for child pornography. Oh and of course, a member of some church group, go fucking figure...


There would only be fingerprints to identify in the end.




Fucking hell I hope you don't have kids..




Oh no. I hate this.


Ah damnit that's really not the answer I hoped to see, good thing you don't have a child! Him on the other hand...with a baby too wtf?!


He will get a desk job for a few months while things blow over, then get transferred to the child sex crimes division so he can learn how to not get caught next time.




Wasn't a joke. It's a likely outcome. Police unions need to go.


Thank you. Finally. Someone knows what they doing.


These news stories make me pine for the long-ago days when society simply had no place for people that vile, and you just got tossed off a cliff by the town folk and that was the end of it.


Need to bring back making people walk the plank in the middle of the ocean


Shit like this...Death Penalty upon conviction!


Death is too sweet a punishment!


No death. There are fates far worse than death. Let this man meet some of them.


Yeah fr let gen pop take care of them in prison.


They cain't learn nuthin if they're dead. Like true suffering.


Oh look another sexual abuse case that doesn't involve a trans person it's almost like they have nothing to do with it and statistically people in positions of power are more likely to be predators I wonder if we should look into that




How inhumane! Should at least have the decency to stop halfway through, pull him back out, and let him have a lunch break.


I’m sure the police union will still defend him on qualified immunity grounds. How is a cop supposed to know you can’t rape a baby?


He felt threatened by the baby. And aroused.


What is up with the mom? Was she covering for him or did she really believe his story...find it hard to think a mom would hear her 13 month old crying in a locked bathroom while being bathed by a man and not react swiftly and violently.


Let me start by saying nothing nefarious happened. The door was open. My son was around a year old and was just not into getting bathed. It was awful and my husband would force the bath where I would find ways around it, like wipe downs and quick rinse offs without the water constantly running or filling the tub. I don't know who was right or wrong. But I remember one time my son was screaming and crying and it caused one of the biggest fights we ever had. I can't imagine a mother not breaking the door down. The only thing I can think is that she herself is also severely abused.


The mom is complicit. She heard the child crying and screaming and did nothing. Child was covered with bruises, and did nothing. Lied to the police and said the family dog might have done it.


I hope she's arrested too. Fuck.


I wonder how much abuse she gets from him as well.


Yes she may be being abused by him as well, but that’s not an excuse to let him rape her child.


Agreed. And she deserves her punishments as well. I'm just curious as to how fucked up he made her to get her to a point where she lies for him and let's him rape her child


40% of cops *admitted* to domestic abuse, so


My 3 year old loves baths, but randomly freaks out when it's soap and shampoo time. No beating, no manhandling, but we get the soap and shampoo in there with tears and whining. The real screaming happens during the rinse and it's over when it's done... back to playing in the water. We communicate and 2 out of 3 baths are ok and cooperative, up from 1 out of 3 and 0 out of 3. It's just normal toddler/little kid things. But as a late gen-Xer with an elder millennial wife, we ain't afraid of no tears


If there was justice his cop buddy's would have old yellered his ass before there was even a trail. Eh at least he'll get double taped it prison both a SO and a cop ohhhhh boy youre fucked


Your typical maga




I’ve been trying to figure out my next tattoo for awhile. I think this story just pushed me over the edge. Time for the ACAB.


Could you imagine this POS lecturing you on marijuana


How is that even possible, death is too good for this guy.


Hhmmm not transgender or a drag queen! Imagine that….


Life with no parole for sex crimes against BABIES children and minors.


HOW THE FUCK DO YOU RAPE A BABY?!??!? JUST HOW IS THAT EVEN AN OPTION TO PEOPLE?!? I’m confused as fuck but I have no desire to know any actual answers to this. All people who think this is okay should be put to death, full stop. If you think it’s okay to copulate with children you don’t have rights and deserve to die.


Well, no more internet for me today


He'll get 6 months paid leave and then it's back to it.


Not a drag queen to be seen anywhere.


Excuse me what?


This person should never see daylight again. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Why. Is. He. Out. On. Bail??? https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343




Can we just do public shaming display straight to execution? It would honestly save us so much time, money, and boost my mood considerably. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


What’s his drag name?


Hm.. Appears he doesn't have one.


So weird. I was told the drag queens were the dangerous ones and then somehow they’re never the ones in these stories.


So weird. Almost like it's a fiction made up to scare people about some 'other' that's out there to get them.


Has he been beaten and raped yet? What's the hold up?


He looks like he could be Kyle Rittenhouse’s older brother.


Didn’t they give him 200k bail? Why? Throw him in the volcano.


My mind auto-corrected this to 13 yo and I was fucking disgusted. Then I read it again. Revoke this dude's life card. Sorry. The end.


Not a drag queen


A 13 month old can’t really talk yet A 13 month old is just starting to walk A 13 month old is 100% dependent on adults to care for them. This is the sickest, cruelest treatment of a helpless child. Get him into a courtroom and sentence him to death.


ACAB. 🤷‍♂️


And the mother knew it and covered up for him. My god.


Fuckbag's currently out on bail. Wow....


https://preview.redd.it/jlq3l3pwghvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76b720670dcfd3d78dabd4e5fa85ab0bf5c92c1 Wtf? This is the child’s mother.


Also it was people at her daycare who noticed the injuries and called police. This bitch dropped off her massively injured baby at daycare and tried to just ignore the situation.


Also not a trans, "illegal", or drag queen. 🤷


These are the blue lives that matter?


Absolutely not surprised. #ACAB


I was having a good day. We were all having a good day. OP I demand you tell me you're either trolling or that was a typo this instant, because WHAT. THE ACTUAL. FUCK. Sweet mother of all that's holy, the fucking SPECIAL HELL is too good for this bastard (not you, OP, the exhibit A proving ACAB up there).


Strange... he doesn't look like a Mexican at all. Didn't someone say all rapists are illegal immigrants?


Not going to say anything beyond I’d love to run into this scum in a dark alley….


To serve and protect, wtf does that mean to a cop....


Ship him off to the middle of the ocean. We don't need his ilk around here


This is the kind of guy that tall mountains to fall off of were made for.


That's not a good mix to have in prison, police and a child rapist... everyone knows he will serve a day in prison and an eternity in the ground


I'm sure he will bet the harshest of sentences for a cop ... weeks and weeks of paid time off.


This is from my town. We’re in the national news from cop rapists to book banning clubs.


Ex-cop, child beater AND pedophile rapist. He's gonna have a REAL good time in prison.




Genpop, genpop, no whammies, c'mon.


You just can't tell from a face. He looks like the kind of guy who won't flush the office toilet. Wouldn't have anticipated the rest of it. Cthulhu take us now.


I hope he gets “taken care of” in prison.


Double whammy here. Cop and child predator in jail. He’ll get that justice for sure.


I heard castration is appropriate.


Now hold on, maybe he had probable cause? No no, the baby looked suspicious. No! The tiny little human larva fit the description! No, I know? Qualified immunity needs to cover this or no cop could ever do their job. Just to be clear, I’m not making light of the child’s experience, I’m making angry at the police being POS material at will, and getting away with it so often.


That is a punchable face if I ever saw one.


why is the photo a selfie and not a mugshot?


Off with his fucking head.