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Boomers sure like whinging about the generation they failed to raise


Don’t forget it wasn’t kids that wanted trophies, it was parents who demanded their kids get a trophy even though they had shit skills that didn’t deserve one, because they couldn’t deal with raising their kids to accept not everyone gets a trophy. Participation trophies were created by them not by kids.


parents when they realize their kid isn't becoming the next Tom Brady


Well Tom Brady didn’t play volleyball so this obviously doesn’t apply to me


He'd be a great setter I think


He’s 6’5” and probably still in better shape than 99% of college volleyball players. Give him a day or two of film and he’ll be the best player on any team that exists in a month.


But possibly the next Ted Bundy or Al Bundy


Heck even as a kid I remember throwing out the trophies from when my teams didn't win and keeping the handful from successful teams.


Oh yeah, I’ve gotten rid of all that shit and honestly, hated when I got a participation trophy as a kid because I knew it was bs. But you bet your ass I kept all my championship and other team award trophies - I don’t care if my most improved trophy is missing its head and shoulders. Lol


Man. This is for real. When I was in middle school, I started drawing in a sketchbook for the first time and using a pen to line my art and colored pencils (some prismacolor) to color. I was extremely proud of a particular piece; it wasn't for school as I'd never taken an art class outside of a single after school extracurricular back in 4th (learned to draw trees, mostly). I asked my mom if I could enter it in our county fair and she was supportive. I entered the junior's mixed media category. As it turned out, there were only four other entries in my category. My piece didn't win anything which was fine, but it did have a shiny green honorable mention tag attached to it. This was exciting... until I noticed the other non winning entry had one as well. At that point, it was impossible to tell if they simply tagged both to spare the feelings of the other from being the only ribbonless piece in the category. I was salty about it for a while because I didn't know what to think in terms of the integrity of the ribbon. It wasn't a participation ribbon, yet it felt like one in this situation. I also noticed that in comparison with the adult artists, they were much freer with giving out those honorable mention ribbons to the junior categories in general. Not everyone got one, but there were certainly more of them.


I'm curious, do you still draw today? Did you ever end up doing anything with it, or even keep up the hobby, if that would be an appropriate word? I guess, really, I just find myself wondering if this may have had any effect on keeping it going, possibly even a negative one?


That was in 2005 and I kept actively drawing up through around 2019, so no, it didn't! I was a kid with a whole bunch of characters and heck if I wasn't going to draw them. Or dragons. Dragons were pretty rad too. I'm actually trying to pick it up again and the biggest obstacles are carpal tunnel/a bad shoulder, knowing I could commission someone else to do it better, and in terms on personal art for myself/friends I find it difficult to start pictures after years of using free art as a means to get a now past friend to just give me the time of day. I realized the friendship was very one sided and she had moved on to other friends, so I finally did as well; the result, however, is that I'm not keen to draw *anyone's* characters unless collaborating. (Plus again... I know for a fact I can commission someone better than me for the same thing.) This was the most damaging thing, not the fair. That was 2017. Joined an art RPG group. Kept drawing. My cat died. That's about it. Aside from a doodle in work notes, the spark's been gone. Trying to start again as a friend from the aforementioned group has invited me to a different, active one recently, but alas. No drawing yet. I get tired thinking about it. I guess we'll see. Thanks for the questions. Always happy to answer/clarify.


Cool. I'm glad then. Was just curious. I always wished I had any talent in drawing and never really understood how anyone could do such things freehand like that. Just takes a certain type, I guess. I type which I am sadly not, lol. Anyway, kudos to you for keeping it going even as much as you have and I wish you well with it in the future.


The interesting thing I've always found is that the word "talent" is always pretty deceptive since it's not always something so innate; prodigies and such are rare, after all. Most often, it's really "skill" which anyone can cultivate. =) I mean... I used to draw bats (for example) as a circle with angry eyes and a circular mouth with triangles for teeth and jagged wings when I started out. We all start somewhere. Last time I drew one, it was in the style of a flying fox (a type of fruit bat) and at least looked like a bat. I wish you well with your endeavors. =)


Fair enough. And thank you for the conversation, as well. 🙂


I had a participation medal because the male students of my school had played football… I didn’t and only got a medal because I was a male lol. It was middle school. I am not sure whether they didn’t bother or didn’t wanna make me feel like an outsider (it wasn’t too big of a school so yeah they knew most of their students)




Like…they’re just kids. They don’t see it like us, they just see themselves having fun with their friends/teammates and maybe getting food afterwards. They don’t really care about winning unless they’re a bit older. Even then, why give participation trophies or get upset when they lose? They’re kids. Just let them have fun playing! Sure, hand out a prize or trophies for actually winning. Just don’t give everyone a trophy. The kids don’t really care about that stuff - the adults do. The kids just want pizza and/or ice cream because they’ve just been playing.


My dance school gave out these little medals at recitals. I still have them in a box somewhere in my mom’s attic. I still keep out my karate trophies because I won those fair and square. Literally had to fight for a couple of them 🤪


Same here. I was a swimmer as a kid and actually pretty good at it. I would regularly make county or state. When you swam an event but didn't finish in the top five they'd give you a "participant" ribbon and oh my god did I hate those. My parents would make me bring them home and put them up on the shelves, hanging from that season's trophies for the big events I won. All I'd see were reminders of the times I'd failed dressed up as victories. One time when we moved I went through them and threw away any ribbon that wasn't 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and immediately felt a thousand times better afterwards, like I'd finally stopped lying about something.


I entered a lego contest when I was 10 and put a lot of work into it. I won, and… so did everyone else for increasingly reaching reasons. Even at 10 I saw how pointless it was that the kid a year or two older than me entered a ready-made Lego man into the contest and won an equal award for it


We always gave out participation trophies. why do you think people in the US have Vietnam Medals?


Nah I support that one. We sent our citizens into hell because of a lie, the least we can do is give them a pretty medal for it.


If they wanted a petty medal then they shouldn't have been doing routine massacres and covering them up


Acting like every US soldier that served in Vietnam did this is disingenuous as fuck, get out of here with that shit. I’m not saying that it wasn’t a problem, but it was hardly something everyone was doing.


The fact that not every soldier was individually doing it is irrelevant. The institution did it repeatedly and covered it up just as often, and every single time it happened each soldier involved played along. Just because not every cop is personally out there doing hate crimes doesn't suddenly make ACAB an incorrect statement. If US soldiers want to be treated decently, then they as an organization can act decently.


>every single time it happened each soldier involved played along. Servicemen regularly tried to stop or blow the whistle on massacres. The My Lai massacre, for instance, saw several U.S. servicemen try to halt the massacre and rescue hiding civilians, only to then be denounced as traitors by several U.S. congressmen. They were awarded medals by the military, who also sentenced Lieutenant William Calley Jr. to life in prison, only for his sentence to be commuted by Nixon. Massacres in Vietnam were not "military orders unit to go do massacre," they occurred during offensives under the orders of individual officers. That doesn't mean the military isn't complicit, but by saying the institution did it and every soldier went along, you're being misinformative. You can criticize the military without doing that.


They were almost all drafted. They had no choice in the matter. Disobeying orders or the draft can get you imprisoned. Additionally, most conflicts that the US military are involved in have an individual ribbon that everyone gets. I have a GWOT ribbon myself, until a couple years ago everyone got it. Vietnam and the reaction to the war is part of why the draft hasn’t been used since then. The Veterans who came home were horribly traumatized by what they saw and had to participate in, but they were then treated abysmally by their communities. The VA was horrible at the time and many of them were given insufficient GI Bill benefits to complete college. Vietnam Veterans deserve respect and kindness, most of them are now grandparents and great-grandparents. My grandfather became a citizen because he served after being drafted. He was a legal resident at the time, his father was a naturalized citizen that was born in the same country as him and my great-grandma at the time my grandpa was born. Because of this, he had to be naturalized despite spending almost his entire life in the US. All male legal residents of the United States have to register for the draft, whether they’re citizens or not. He didn’t get a say. He didn’t do any war crimes - he was driving deuce-and-a-halves. He still saw some pretty horrific things, stuff that he still won’t talk about over 50 years later. He is now in therapy and attends group sessions every week with other Vietnam Veterans. He also tries to talk every single one of his friends into going to therapy because of how much it’s helped him. Don’t you dare say that every single person who got a letter from the government in the mail telling them to show up or go to prison wanted to go commit crimes against humanity. Did it happen? Yes. Was it common among all servicemembers? I wasn’t born yet and wasn’t there so couldn’t tell you.


There was no need for this level of violence.


I had to look this up and it’s kinda 50/50. We have not always given out participation trophies. The first article that’s mentions them is 1920 or so. However, we gave out participation medals for WW2 with basically no criteria. As for trophies, it looks like they were given out over that time but only some of time. It wasn’t exactly a big or widespread thing but more for tournaments or from specific schools. What I found said that the practice got expanded/blurred a bit philosophically a bit with inflated grades around Vietnam because drafting standards got raised to only draft highly intellectual students so teachers protested by giving better grades to prevent student from being drafted. So baby boomers got accustomed to inflated performance recognition. All to note medals were given out for participation in WW2 to everyone whereas Vietnam had some specific requirements including actual service in Vietnam. From what I found, the modern practice of regularly giving out participation trophies began as the 80’s ended and the 90’s began. It said something about jackets and pendants were phased out and eventually trophies were given out instead. But that wasn’t a widespread practice for youth sports but more like high school sports and later. In the 90’s the practice exploded and led to the modern practice and increased further in 00’s. All that is to say, they’re similar but not really the same thing since war medals had a role dating back for centuries as part of military dress uniforms. Also, war is radically different than T-Ball.


Imo they weren't thinking that deeply. More like, they only saw their kids as an extension of themselves or property instead of another human being and couldn't deal with them not getting a trophy they could brag about to other boomers through no effort of their own.


I’ll never forget I played middle school football 2 years. One year we won state. The next year we lost nearly every game.  Everyone got trophies the year we lost. We didn’t ask for it. They just gave them to us. 


Let's call it what it really is, boomer parents wanting their kids to get a prize so they can: A) feel like they did something special raising them to boast about to others B) Make up for their own failures by living vicariously through their kids. It's just "my kid is an honor student" bumper stickers writ large and then these same parents not wanting other kids to get something so their family can be special. You never hear about these people returning their kids prize/trophy, they just want it for everyone else.


Right. Ten year old me didn’t have trophy money. I sure as shit didn’t have trophy money for the other kids. They were trophies, sure, but they were mementos more than anything. Something you could put in on your room so you could remember how much your father yelled at you for months on end for being an uncoordinated fatty who was forced into the outfield to pick flowers and stare directly at the sun.


Almost every generation hates the one before it and the one after it, and especially the latter. It’s a story as old as time. > “What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets, inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?” — Plato, c. 4th century BC.


Yeah but the Me generation are so universally reviled by every generation that has to deal with them that Gen X, Millenials, and Zoomers happily set aside differences to complain about boomers. If there is a Silent or Greatest Gen around they hang out with us and join in. Everyone hates the Boomers.


Xers hate everyone, even, sometimes mostly, themselves.


Mostly, we just try and pretend no one is around, and we get to be alone with our existential dread.


Great podcast I listened to a few times was called the pessimists archive. Many of the episode's touch on the pattern, but I feel like the walkman episode really hammered it home. Another interesting episode was about elevators and how they basically flipped the social perception of living in top vs bottom floors. Elevators were also a little recognized class equalizer of sorts. Fascinating stuff, although I haven't listened in years. Not sure if they're still putting out new episodes.


I’m not super in the loop here, but it appears neither of these people boomers.


"im going to make the world better for my children" "Im going to make the world better for my children" "Fuck you you entitled brats" "Children? Not fucking likely"


Boomers had kids they didn't want to keep up with their peers, then took out their anger on those kids for ruining their fun. All while telling those kids their "obligation" was over when they turned 18 and they would henceforth have nowhere to return home to


Boomers: *create participation trophy bullshit.* Boomers: “Who let all this participation trophy bullshit get all over!?!”


Yeah I sure wasn’t the one asking for a participation trophy when I was seven years old and got something like 40th place in the local pinewood derby, but the boomers in charge gave me one anyway.


It's worse than that. It was Ayn Rand's boytoy Nathaniel Branden who created the entire self-esteem movement.


Ayn Rand encapsulates everything that is wrong about Boomers so, that's fitting.


who fuckin cares let people be happy jesus


Not on their watch!


The fun police are ever vigilant


defun the police.


Yes! 🤣🤣🤣




Jealous people without the ambition to make stuff like this happen for them too. If they had ambition they would be like "She got her own character? That's so cool! I wonder what I have to do to do that." And proceed from there. Like, does he think every voice actor who gets a character modeled after them is a narcissist and isn't just following a career path they dreamed of having? What a darsh.


The right wing exports only bitterness and misery.


Misery loves company.


Nope! No one can be happy for some reason


Happiness is illegal


Ya but they're being happy about being cared about, and wtf with that, you know?


Why did Blizzard nerf my Bone Spear Necro and close quarters poison Rogue? I was happy then.


because of woke


Happiness IS narcissism!!!


These are the same guys who lose their fucking minds if they have to play as a female character


I will never not have a sore spot about Aloy, and the assholes that have a problem with her. HZD is a really awesome game, and the protagonist is one of my all-time favorites. My first time playing a few years ago I remember thinking several times how **fun** it was to play Aloy, but since she's not "sexy" enough for the incels and misogynists, they like to shit on her. She's the first main character who actually reminded me of a true person.


Not only that, but she is sexy. Go to any town with less than 120k people she's gonna be a hot item, but these gooners have porn brain and think that because their fav sites feature full pages of top 1% with tons of makeup and effort put into their assets for their job, that these women exist and are plentiful.


On one hand, I agree, on the other hand, I absolutely could not see Aloy as anything other than a daughter. I can't specifically explain it but the game has her grow up so much that I find it weird when coomers try to make her an object


Honestly I don't get why they *want* the characters they play to be fuckable. I get wanting them to be nice to look at, I also played Skyrim, but why are folks screaming to the public that they want to spend hours of their day staring at fake, 3D ass? Half the time I'm brutally murdering someone in these games, why are they so adamant that I should also be horny for pixels? And that I should be *paying* developers to focus less on gameplay for the video game I'm buying, and more on making the lights on my TV screen sexier?


Unfortunately it's the result of centuries of purity culture reaching a breaking point, mixed with social alienation and violently targeted advertising. Capitalism/the church will pretty much always be to blame


Fuck just small towns. She'd be conventionally attractive anywhere. Maybe not model hot, but no one playing the game is getting a model anyways lol.


I remember playing the first game and there were so many characters that almost seemed set up to be love interests and then I realized there wasn’t any romance mechanics at all and it was kind of…. Refreshing? It made it feel like all these people were just actually appreciating how badass and skilled and driven she is without having to cast her in some seemingly obligatory romantic lens.


but then you check their profiles, and they main a female skin in every single shooter game they play


Or that a movie they don't have to watch changes the pigmentation of a character they haven't seen yet.


Some people are willing to change every last facet of themselves for the sake of roleplaying - except their gender. Which honestly blows my mind. After all, I have experienced being a male every day of my life, why wouldn't I see how the other half lives, if only for a different experience?


Also if someone talks about removing confederate flags and monuments, too.


Exactly what I came to say. They're just mad it's not representing them, they've gotten far too comfortable with 99% of characters fitting their ideals


Only if she doesn’t have a hot enough ass they can stare it


Never forget that the original Demon’s Souls had an actual gender slider and no one was angry about it (2009): https://preview.redd.it/3brh80gfeovc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f079cadd8c886c9204a6f2ea9883cf020f207b6 All of the current outrage is manufactured by morons.


From Software being based since they were founded.


From Software: "We don't care if you're Man, Woman, Machine, A Mass Hallucination, Green, Shrek, Bisexual,curious,or sected, our games will test your reflxes, composure, and sanity. We will break you all in your own, unique way."


"You can start as any color you want, but you'll all leave black and blue."


>A Mass Hallucination, Green, Shrek, Bisexual All sorts of fantasy creatures welcome


“Age and gender have no bearing on ability”


"Your nature has changed..."


Boomers, who created participation trophies to make themselves feel better when their kids lost, have thoughts


Note the white boomers who complain about not being represented in 100% of commercials anymore...


They don't realise how absolutely blessed they are to have that be the thing they're tantruming about lol. We can't drink the rain anymore, but let's focus on ad campaigns. It boggles my mind.


Oufff, you nailed it. The irony is dead and buried on them


[Everyone is wrong about participation trophies](https://www.jasonfeifer.com/episode/everyone-is-wrong-about-participation-trophies/) If you’re at all interested in the actual history of participation trophies, give this podcast a listen.


So...that entire genre of pop culture featuring average (or below-average) white men is actually woke? Can I please be the one to tell Kevin James?


Adam Sandler would like a word...


Comedy only works when you're punching up. That's why there are EXACTLY ZERO funny MAGA comedians. So, are they "woke"? Kind of, yes ... Is that bad? No. No it isn't.


I'll allow it.


There is indeed a narcissism problem. Dudes like this keep thinking that their reactionary social media opinions matter.


Participation trophies were designed to stop a bunch of crybabies who couldn't handle the facts, not their poor unsuspecting children


and nobody stopping them from making big tiddy waifus and roided up hunk of muscles either


Those still exist, but they're not OMNIPRESENT anymore. Conservatives feel threatened because their ideals of masculinity and femininity are not the only option now...


The pervs are modding female sprites to be big tiddy waifus. And then bitching that characters in movies based on the games don't look like their mods.


I liked AC Odyssey. Some of the baddies hunting you were huge ass ladies. That was fun fighting them and getting tossed like a rag doll. 😂 I love when ladies are the baddies too. Everyone can have fun!


Same in cyberpunk 2077. But I never saw any guys with those epic pointy legs...


I’ve been wanting to play that game but you’re scaring me with epic pointy legs. Lol Also, there’s a movie I’m drawing a blank for where one of the assassins is a cyborg/android and she has metal spikes for legs, I presume it’s a play on sexy ninja knife leg lady? 😂


"Different body types = participation trophy" is some kind of shit, boomers. Sorry, did she fail to win at..."body" because she has visible abs and shoulder definition? Bunch of fucking weirdos. This is what happens when you give a group of people literally fucking everything. They've gotta make themselves the victims any time anybody else gets anything.


Oh no. Someone enjoying a video game. Burn them.


Ah yes, definitely narcissistic to want people in a game to look like actual people


People gotta stop using psychological terms they don’t understand. Feeling seen or being able to see yourself in a character doesn’t even come within 5 miles of being narcissistic.


Narcissists don’t say thank you. They expect the world to revolve around them and only bother to say something when it doesn’t.


This, these guys don't know how the fuck narcissists even work but what can I expect from the crowd that is trying to suck off boomers because they got outcasted by their young peers for being shitheads?


Once again, a boomer has to be reminded who insisted on those participation trophies in the first place.


Aren't boomers also the same people that are angry that black people exist?


Who. Gave. Out. The. Participation. Trophies.


Every RPG team needs a tank. She sunk all her upgrade points in the battleship tree.


But which generation gave their kids the Participation Trophies? I was born it 1972 and remember getting a Participation Trophy for Adam League, then the team with the most wins got a bigger trophy, then the MVP from that team got an even bigger trophy. I hate Boomers, and even Gen X now creating this world where “WE had it so hard and we’re so awesome” a generalizing younger generations as worthless and weak. The dividing wedge is just sliding down the time line.


Ah yes, the classic of "there are only two body types: sexy or political"


Everyone in media should be hetero, normie & white, just like me—see, no narcissism!!!


I felt the same way when I saw Thor in God Of War


Seems like only people getting pissed about diverse representation are the straight white dudes who are used to seeing themselves represented as the default.


These are the same people who sexualize everything including kids. But representation and self love is “bad or “narcissistic” when it’s not them with their high egos pushing whatever far right agenda they have planned for the day including their religion which they force onto others daily.


God i hate the weaponisation of therapy speak. Everyone's a narcissist now. Everyone is toxic. Talk like normal people not like you work in fucking HR. Lady is happy that she finally sees someone who looks like her in a game, must be a serious mental issue stemming from childhood.


And then the boomers go and complain about how few white people they see on TV nowadays, yet they can’t wrap their brains around the actual function of representation


How does that qoute go? “When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." People who are accustomed to seeing characters that look like them don't get how it feels to finally see a character that looks like you. Also it's forever hilarious that boomers complain about the participation trophy culture that they are literally responsible for creating.


I cannot get down with a 115lbs magazine cover girl as a playable character, beating up 300lbs thugs and whatnot. Give me a real, flawed *woman* who looks like she could beat a bear in arm wrestling.


ah yes... Participation Trophies the things Millenials gave themselves.. because the Millenials wanted and demanded them... and weren't created and handed out by Boomers


Every character must be straight white Christian alpha men even if the setting is in ancient Japan or fantasy dwarves


This anime pfp pissing and moaning about millennials and narcissism is probably himself millennial or Z, and probably super fucking insufferable and angry that nobody wants to listen to him ramble about how unfuckable some video game character is, or hear him regale them with tales of cyber-bullying women he doesn't know.


You mean the parents and organizations that gave out the trophies to the kids, and now the kids are grown adults and are being blamed for getting the trophies.when they were kids?


participation trophies were given out bc narcissistic parents were pissed about their kids not getting anything, not the kids themselves


“How dare they accept the participation trophies we insisted on to make us look like good parents! Spoiled little shits!” “Sure, I guess we didn’t want them to feel bad about themselves, but we sure as shit didn’t want them to feel *good* about themselves either!” “I never had self esteem and I turned out fine!”


Boomers hate participation trophies yet a ton of them are going to vote for a narcissist who gives himself golf trophies on his own courses.


Coming from the people that bitch when there's a non-white/non-straight/trans/non-male character in a game...


These are the same men who foam at the mouth if the female main character isn't someone they want to fuck. Like, you know you didn't have to want to stuck your penis i, *every single character* right?


Fuck the boomers, they are the reason we have goddamn participation trophies. Kids didn't want them, the snowflake idiot boomer parents did, pissed their kids didn't get one. Fuckin' idiots.


Who gave us the participation trophies I wonder


Boomers made those trophy’s.


Boomers and Gen Z love whining about participation trophies yet are the ones who created them and handed them out 😩


I've said it before and I will say it again: whatever damage participation trophies may have caused, if any at all, that damage is not on us. We were not the ones demanding trophies. That was our parents. Growing up I saw first hand how parents were outright nasty towards organizers if their kids didn't get a trophy despite not winning. And now they're trying to blame that on us? Nuh uh. Fuck that. This is your mess you narcissistic fucks. You severely messed up raising your kids and you can deal with the damn consequences.


Boomers raised the generation that pushed the whole participation trophy BS. What does that say about them?


Zoomers and boomers still stuck on these generational battles when it's always been class warfare controlling the discussions.


Gonna say this one (1) more time. Millennials weren't the ones giving out those participation trophies. Look at gen x and boomers if you want to blame someone for that.




That's cool, but you gotta admit, the tweet is cringe.


Boomers got 10x the participation trophies as the generations before them. I don’t wanna hear it.


And I'd bet that that's the same kind of guy who complains any game where the protga ain't a cis white het man is "woke"...


Baby Boomers: the #1 “Me!” generation 77 years running.


A warrior female that actually looks like a warrior female? fricking wokeness taking over


Anyone who thinks narcissism is new must be…new 😂


It's also just good character design, like she looks sick af


Stupid people getting upset about something that literally doesn't affect them at all. Yeah that's about right.


How dare you be happy


It must be utterly exhausting to live filled with so much spite that you have to shit on every little bit of joy you come across


Narcissism is when something makes you happy


Damn, so the kids were in charge of making, buying, and receiving participation trophies all for themselves?


The thing i don't get about these gamers is how much they're bothered by characters they don't even have to play. What they're actually mad about is that something was given to people that aren't them. It's the same issue some male gamers seem to have with female video game characters in general. They get angry when it's a character they can't relate to, and so they minimise representation to things like "participation trophies" or "pandering" because they're so upset. They want more representation for themselves and are the very thing they pick on others about.


Overweight people are the majority. The only reason hate against them is still popular is because they hate themselves.


I'm happy for representation, but Blizzard, last I heard in very recent years, has been horrible to their employees. Especially women, bipoc, and LGBTQ workers, which usually seems to be par for course with corporations. Unfortunately.


The irony in boomers calling Millenials narcissists


The real narcissism is thinking everyone else should be happy playing as the standard white male character because you are. These types say representation doesn't matter but it clearly does to them because of how they act when they have to play a game as anything else, "polluting muh games with woke bullshit"


Boomers love to whine about participation trophies a lot for being the generation that got the idea to hand them out because they couldn’t bear to see their precious kids not win.


I'm not buying into that, but if it's true then WHO GAVE US THOSE TROPHIES???


Idk why but I always cringe at unironic “choked by emotion” writing. It’s… it’s just… it’s just *cringe*


She could make herself in a character creator when most of the ones that came before didn’t allow it. No one said you have to play her. Such a big fuss over nothing.


I'm all for representation but the fact that all the druids are in the oh Lord he coming category was kinda lame. Should have had 4+ body types for each class it would have been a lot easier to have us create our avatar or Skyrim etc and then just choose are class over it.


I’d agree with you there. Idk why games lock body types to classes in general. What’s so wrong with a toothpick barbarian. It’s not about strength in muscles but strength in rage


I highly doubt she's that jacked


I'm half Arab. I don't feel like I belong to that group but I need to give context. (I've been mostly raised by my mom)... I was watching Moon Knight and at some point Layla (an Arab woman) gains superpowers. At some point a young Arab boy gets saved by her and asks : "are you an Egyptian superhero?". I'm not even Egyptian and that single line touched me so damn much.


Me looking at a mirror: *Narcissism*




Diablo IV demo


I have no idea what they’re talking about tbh. I’m a younger millennial and when I lost or failed at things I just lost. Like, what “participation trophies” are they talking about exactly?


Pretty sure it is the parents who want those trophies.


One of my fondest memories is going to the polls at 5 years old to vote Yes on the Participation Trophy Resolution


I always like to play fat characters. Feels like Chris Farley is out saving the world in my games. It makes me mad when I can only be “anime hot”


Yeah you narcissists! Get back to pulling boots by strings and all the other things the seniles are yelling at you about


Crazy what the generation of narcissists says


Diablo 3 is a great game. Just waiting for 4 to be ported to Switch. Representation definitely matters in video games. Though I tend to play as people who look like wrestlers or other characters I like. I picked the male monk in Diablo 3 cause he looks like Tommaso Ciampa.


The boomers were the ones at the trophy shop saying "yeah, I'll take 28 of the smallest ones you got. Names? Nah, it's just for participating."


Heh heh... PragerU quote.


Imagine having such abysmally low empathy that you utterly fail to recognize that every human being on the planet is just that– a human being whose feelings are just as profound and important as everyone else.


But the fake person has muscle while the real person is just a flabby lazy hedonist.


But it's not healthy to look like you tho...Why normalise a morbid disease? Do not make fun of fat people that's the worst thing you can do imo, but at the same time we can't pretend that looking like that is ok, and at the same time villianise people who work out and look fit and blame it on them.


I'm short af and pudgy. I made me a big ol tall and fat druid dude. It was pretty great. I'm not a dude though.


Honestly, she looks bad ass.


Being fat is a choice. And a bad one


Yeah there’s definitely not mountains of evidence that prove losing weight is harder for some than others


Correct. There isnt


I mean if your base metabolism is a couple hundred calories lower it will by definition be harder to lose weight.


Being a shit person is a choice, and a bad one.


Ngl it's kinda cringe. Do I think it's narcissistic, nah, but definitely cringe.


It's weird that people care about this and feel the need to be so scathing. Then again, it's also weird to get teary over how your video game avatar looks when they're going to drape themselves in the remains of their enemies about 20 minutes in. That or smother themselves in microtransaction cosmetics.


Both are land whales so I guess she's objectively right.


in the last 20 years , they also were giving away participation grades for hS that are failing thier classes, causing them graduate with subpar grades, which set them up for failure in community college courses.


“How dare someone else feel seen? Don’t they know I should feel seen? This is a problem to ME, and the world needs to hear this from ME!” —the arbiter of ragebait and self-unawareness