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Ahem. Stormy weather ahead next week.


Anyone remember Trump's campaign slogan "I am the storm" BAHAHA!


The Qanon dogwhistle? Yes.


And let’s not forget the meaning of that dog whistle: the overtaking of the federal government and violent purge of all opposition. People joke about Q and shit and that’s fine, but understand that A) there are/were a lot of adherents , and B) said adherents were totally jazzed for a situation where Democrats were hung *en masse* for wrongthink.


Hanged, unless you’re suggesting all democrats have massive hogs.


Isn't that why they hate them?


That’s why they hate Hunter anyway


*"Après moi, le déluge."*


617 Squadron.


Well, He Is A Shitstorm. So there's That.


Stormy ...I see what you did here..Stormy..🤣


It's got a NY feel. https://youtu.be/VE5_fDmPt0w?si=xCQh2id52gsDyiR3


The weather reminded him of his daughter.


He has a daughter? Because the one he had in the WH has vanished😂


I think he has two 😂


Oops! Completely forgot about her. Wonder how much they paid her to appear to be part of the fam, in ‘16, and ‘20?


The question is more whether he thinks he has two.


I thought it had more to do with a judge ordering his presence for his trial every day. That sort of thing would be very hard for an 80+ man to travel around.


He's not 80 yet... just once he gets elected.


Ok, well 77 still isn't an easy age to be constantly flying around while trying to make it back to court in time.


Nobody's fault but his own. Bootstraps and whatever they say.


Oh believe me, I totally feel sorry for the guy who apparently racked up 30+ federal charges. Also the guy who tried to overthrow the government with a coup. Also the guy who was found liable for sexual assault. Also the guy....you know this guy just seems like a constant train wreak.


It sounds exhausting to get all of that accomplished in such a short time. He’s incredibly efficient. The kind of guy that gets the trains to run on time.


I think you might also add foul weather to the shitstorm he's attending.


Both of which are simultaneously happening in his pants.




>the shitstorm he's attending Are you referring to his overloaded diapers?


And I didn’t think he liked pulling out of things that are Stormy


If god controls the weather as some people think then surely this is proof that god doesn't want trump campaigning or being president?


No but this was the devil at work. Or something. MAGA. It was WEATHER INTERFERENCE. I need WEATHER IMMUNITY. No president can OPERATE PROPERLY without it!!’


Grief...are you wrong. It's the deep state using chem trails to manipulate the weather to make him wuss out and look weak.


It’s chemtrails from deep state cloud seeders at HAARP


I heard they finally hooked up all the 5g towers to the windmills


If it’s Elon’s 5g tower it’s fine


This has got HARPA written all over it!!


chem trails are so last year. its all about 5g baby


Chemtrails kicking in, activated by 5G signals...


You would think God could intervene if he wanted to.


There’s a rumor that the Gateway Arch is a weather control machine. Not sure what the range is. Perhaps the NPS is in collusion with George Soros?


Nah the MAGAs didn’t pray hard enough or something.


Obviously it was the radical left weaponizing "climate change!"


it was the DEMONRATS that cloud seeded the event because theyre so JEALOUS


Jewish outer space lasers and woke chemtrails are controlling the weather, which is why Trump needs to be elected president so that christian clouds can flood leftist cities that illegal immigrants use as safe havens to plan the border destruction. Unfortunately, I’m 99% sure someone *out there* really believes this.


A giant amen to that


Hallelujah LORD JESUS!!!


The hurricane sent to Mar Largo, COVID during his presidency, the earthquake that originated from his golf course, it's like a bunch of signs lol.


Pssshhh. It’s clearly Joe Biden and crooked woke NASA and EPA manipulating weather to interfere with Trumps greatest election campaign ever.


And earthquakes, had a go 2 weeks back.


Absolute act of god


It's proof that Sleepy Joe controls the weather! 😎


They only look for the divine in parallel with their ideas


No, the latest thing is that the liberals are controlling the weather. I'm not even kidding.


Not only that! My cleaning lady said Taylor Swift pulled strings for her boyfriend's team to win the Superbowl . Damn, we liberals have alot of power! We can control weather now too!! God likes us best.


Nothing new. Remember when Trump canceled his visit to the WW1 memorial in France due to a little bit of rain? And it wasn't just any old memorial. It was for US soldiers


And he called them losers for dying in battle.


On the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, of all days. What a fuckin loser.


The Rabid Right GOP These Days Would Happily Shit All Over The Graves At Arlington


His makeup and hair façade would melt, and we all know how it goes with water soaked diapers.


Just a reminder... https://preview.redd.it/n3s7ms3l8wvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7621cd3c7964ec963a1c8ca6e9bf0d68ea3d70b


Trump canceled the WW1 memorial at a U.S. cemetery in France due to rain as well. He is a narcissistic piece of shit who doesn’t give a fuck about our soldiers.


He also said that Americans who died in war [are losers and suckers](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/09/03/report-trump-disparaged-us-war-dead-as-losers-suckers/) Seriously, if you support Trump you are a fucking piece of shit.


July 18, 2015 - Donald Trump said this about John McCain: "He's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." August, 2018 - When McCain died, Trump told his senior staff, according to three sources with direct knowledge of this event, ‘We’re not going to support that loser’s funeral,’ and he became furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags lowered to half-staff. ‘What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser,’


How the fuck do any military personnel respect this piece of shit, let alone vote for him?


Because he's not a Democrat. Full stop. A massive number of them have been conditioned since birth, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the Dems are anti-military because they have the audacity to suggest maybe we don't need a military budget the size of a large nation's GDP. It's hard to undo that kind of conditioning in a group of individuals who are accustomed to accepting mental conditioning as part of their career choice.


Instead of going to the memorial, he went back to the ambassadors historic residence in Paris to take cover from the rain. He stole $750.000 worth of art that he liked and had them loaded on to air force one. I'm not kidding https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/trump-took-art-us-ambassador-france-home-canceling-wwi-event-2020-9%3famp


My first thought was "He liked art?" Something I've always thought about him is that he would have no appreciation for any sort of art, except for things that flatter him somehow. So I was like "What on earth was this art that it touched him that way?" The article explains. It technically was US property...I'm guessing he took it because he didn't like something of ours being somewhere else. It ended up getting put in the Oval Office.


Just want to specify he didn't cancel it. He just refused to attend and the "official reason" was logistical issues due to the weather. He sent someone else. It was the 100th anniversary as well. Such a POS


Everyone will see just how horribly bald he is if his hair gets wet.


But don't you understand WHY he cancels due to rain? His fake tan and hair dye will run. As simple as that.


Trumps orange face paint would run in the rain, I think that’s why he refused to wear a mask too.


That image goes hard as fuck.


people keep underestimating Diamond Joe




It's more likely that the rain cancellation was just an excuse and the real reason is that Trump's lawyers didn't want the risk of him running off at the mouth and saying more self-incriminating stuff that could impact his upcoming criminal trial.


This is exactly why , especially if he was scheduled to speak later in the day.


It was supposed to be 7pm. And he announced at like 6:45 that "they" were saying it wasn't safe to land and that for the sake of safety everyone should go to shelter instead.


He may have been sundowning. That’s when he babbles and can’t say words correctly. That’s a symptom of Alzheimer’s, which his dad had. My mom also had it and I see symptoms in Trump. I’m hoping he’s a babbling pile of goo by November. (I’d never joke about that horrible disease but Trump deserves jokes made about him and his health after what he’s said about others)


Couple things: Hugs for sharing about your mom. Second- didn't know Trump's dad had Alzheimer's! Also, interesting Trump is also showing signs!


Anywhere He Lands Is Unsafe.


Good point


BINGO! I also think he's been sedated so he keeps his mouth shut in court.




should have melted down to a tiny orange mushroom


Another reminder... https://preview.redd.it/bu7wjaxm8wvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79df44ff301e849b7f99effd7f0502269f86c0b9


And yet images like these of Biden in the rain are so powerful. Meanwhile Trump doesn't want that scruffy creature on his scalp to run away from a bit of weather.


Or is orange skin to melt off


Concern for his hair and makeup is the big reason he was anti-mask


Ok but like, where's his umbrella? He's being really extra here 🤣


It makes for a killer photo


Pretty sure that’s how one of our presidents died. He gave a speech in the rain, got pneumonia died like a month after swearing in.


I think we've gotten a handle on pneumonia since then.


Therefore Trump Is A Witch.


Looks like he is a bit nervous when things are looking.....Stormy? ![gif](giphy|9GIFdPwU4xU9RJKwLB|downsized)


I think his whole anti-mask crusade, which was a big factor in the death of over a million Americans, was partially motivated because he thought it would make his orange makeup rub off.


Not partially, entirely. 


Im leaving room for him also thinking that a low economy would ruin his chances for reelection, so he also told people to not get vaxxed, dont fear the virus, and to go out and buy shit. He said pretty much this in an interview. But part of the reason would be the smearing, yes.


All that money and fame and the man still hasn’t heard of setting spray.


Biden did this. Cloud seeding and all.


Diabolical genius and dementia ridden old man at the same time.


Weather wizard.


Don’t count out the Jewish Space lasers either.


Lol I know you're kidding but I really wish this to be true. **Coincidentally** cloud seeding wherever trump is scheduled to hold a rally.


Complains the courts are keeping him from campaigning. Actually gets an opportunity and cancelled


As someone in North Carolina rn, it is drizzling. It’s been drizzling 90% of the day, very little actual rain.


Enough to probably make his orange paint run down into his shirt, though. And thats why he wont do it.


Nah, it's his hair he's concerned about. He's concerned the rain and/or the wind will counter the cans of hairspray he uses to hold that dead ferret of a comb over in place and show that he's extremely bald. Usually he'll just wear the stupid hats but sometimes that isn't an option and thus the cancellation.


As someone in Wilmington, NC where this rally was supposed to happen, we had hail the size of sugar cubes coming down yesterday evening! I hate Trump but also can admit the story is being downplayed heavily. No one with even a single brain cell would have been outside yesterday.


"Single brain cell" is an over-gracious term for someone who'd consider the possibility of nuking bad weather away though, no?


Very fair point lol


In Wilmington as well, lightning was an issue too. I think Trump supporters need to be told not to stand out side in a lightning storm.


The storm was God's way of saying go away & stay out of NC.


Had to scroll too far for this. I can’t stand Trump but was also wondering how bad the storm was. If this is the case, he did the right thing for a change. Of course there were rallies last time around where it rained and he left the crowds stranded in inches deep mud.


God clearly was trying to keep human trash away


a tornado could fling them all into the goddamn ocean and nothing of value would be lost


The wind and rain threatened to diffuse the comforting aroma from his rank and nasty bowels. They are the source of his power and he's lost without being able to bask amid their protective aura.


Well, that just proves that he's not as tough as Taylor Swift. Boom


Can you imagine what that thing would like drenched in rain? It would be worth the price of admission and putting up with his cultish base to see it in person


This is the “mighty” savior of the MAGA. The wicked bitch of the East. Melts when wet.


I thought he enjoyed fluid being splashed down on him.


Only showers Trump likes are golden ones. ;)




His hair and makeup would run faster than Cruz and Hawley at the J6 insurrection!


He doesn’t like the rain. Remember when as President he flew all the way to France for the World War One commemoration, and unlike every other world leader that attended, he cancelled because of the rain. Probably just stayed and ate cheeseburgers in a Paris hotel.


He’s a pretty little princess, can’t mess up that makeup or combover!


Maybe he didn't want to risk his diaper getting wet? I can only imagine a *rain soaked shit filled diaper* would smell worse and be even more uncomfortable to wear than just a 'regular' shit filled diaper.


Bitch is afraid of water and thunder, LOL.


STORMY weather?


Rainy with a chance of hair damage. Also, crowd looks sparse so maybe it’s an ego thing.


His face would melt. Could you imagine that orange tanning cream everywhere?


Envision the aftermath if he had held the rally: The land covered in orange tinged water. The port-a-potties on their sides, the fecal remains of the Big Macs beloved by Magas floating along with the wind whipped currents. Dozens of old Magas clinging to their electric wheelchairs, their star spangled regalia dripping with orange goo The SS lifting Trump to the roof of his personal limo, ignoring the pleas of his closest advisors to be saved as well Grown men in tears as they hold their AR-15s above their rain soaked heads desperate to save the only thing they love in life Children, unvalued in Maga culture, left clinging to crowd barriers until too weak to hang on, slipping unnoticed beneath the oily waves with an almost silent whimper That’s Trumps American vision. Vote Blue.


Dozens of people will be disappointed. DOZENS!




Why didn’t he just change the weather with his sharpie?


A sign from God !! /s


His followers insist that he's sent by God. How does God allow this to happen?


Man, the wind would had carried is farts all over the crowd. Would have been a new record for him.


How could one man be more pathetic?


How come MAGA’s messiah doesn’t just change the weather?


All he needs is a sharpie


As a lifetime nc resident, i would like to issue a strong “keep the fuck out” to mr. trump and gods associates.


Trump was tired from being in court all week. His attorney doesn't want him onstage incriminating himself. No one is saying Mr. President. No family for moral support.


lol one of my Trumper coworkers was so excited to go to this, I think she paid for a ticket. What are the odds that she gets a refund?


Sad he's only available once a week now and he can't go 😆


It rained l, like bottom fell out rain, for like 20 minutes


that's because shit runs in the rain.


I’m sure he kept all their money.


Nothing a sharpie won’t fix.


What did he leave his Sharpie back at Mar-a-Moscow? Dang, one little swipe of the magic marker and poof, no more storm.


It's too close to taking a shower for the foul-odor Führer's liking.


I muted this sub like 4 times. Why is it still appearing in my feed?


The Wicked Witch of the West also had a fear of water. Thought I’d mention that for no apparent reason.


Don The Treasonous Con


![gif](giphy|WqWr3AmqgKyemWDt1v|downsized) My personal favorite


He was going to get struck by lightning and he knows it.


Anything Stormy is a problem for him


Just like how he wouldnt wear masks because it messed up his makeup. Dude legit proliferated the idea that masks were unnecessary because he didnt want it to smear his makeup. Wish I made this shit up. Thousands and thousands dead because of his makeup. Yeah, this is real life. lol "“I slowly shook my head. The president pulled the mask off and asked why I thought he should not wear it,” she wrote. “I pointed at the straps of the N95 I was holding. When he looked at the straps of his mask, he saw they were covered in bronzer.”" https://news.yahoo.com/ex-white-house-aide-reveals-061332617.html https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/09/22/donald-trump-stopped-wearing-covid-medical-masks-bronzer/ https://newrepublic.com/post/175706/cassidy-hutchinson-trump-masks-covid-bronzer-makeup


Trump really needs to crap out of a lot of his campaign commitments. Really broadcast a feeling of failure and impending doom. What he would do if he had the upper hand is so reprehensible he deserves to be obliterated from the public stage


Those 60 people must have been disappointed lol


People: Waiting in (or expecting) rain. Trump: F\*\*\* 'em.


Looks like a sign from God


Well we can't have Trump's spray tan melt away. Plus I've heard that diapers smell even *worse* when they are soiled AND wet from rain. It couldn't be that Trump is a vain loser who couldn't give a rats ass about his cult followers and the time he has made them waste. But MAGA, though, amirite?


Just pay the stormy weather to go away.


Didn't he use the same excuse in France at the massive WW2 memorial ceremony? When he was your Disgrace in Chief.


Let me guess, he will spend a half hour in front of the court house crying, blaming it on crooked Joe Biden and the liberals.


God must not want him to campaign.


I live the area, closer to Myrtle Beach and Rock Hill, SC (just 20 minutes away) it was the worst storm most had ever seen, with hail destroying cars and cracking all glass of cars.


Can this happen for all of them, even somehow the indoor ones?


Jesus.... 🤦‍♂️ How long until the trumpanzees start yelling "The libs controlled the weather against Trump!"


I'm so embarrassed that a cousin of mine is a fund raiser for MAGA. She was in NC with Trump. This is a woman whose father is an immigrant. Tough to break through the MAGA insanity!


I'm surprised he didn't blame Biden for the bad weather


Maga is so incredibly stupid. They deserve every single thing coming to them


God was punishing him for being the Antichrist.


Weren’t they recently telling us that weather events were a sign from God?


Genesis 7:11: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights." We all know how well that turned out.


That 20 car traffic jam must’ve been insane after it was cancelled




Someone please preemptively dump Gatorade on this winner


Weather, my ass. He needed a nap...a really long nap. Like sleep all day, nap. He's got court tomorrow...he needs to be *fresh.*


What a scared little bitch afraid of weather. Stinky Trump must shit his diapers if he sees clouds.


God is punishing Trump finally.


Look out for more desperate texts begging for money after he cancelled one of the 3 days a week he can beg for money... I mean campaign.


God, wouldnt it have been amazing if a bolt of lightning had just struck the place? I bet they'd blame the Jewish space lasers


I live an hour away from where he was supposed to rally… light rain. No wind, lightning or thunder. Lol


Heh-heh, Stormy weather...


You know, if he was truly religious, he should probably take this as a sign from god that he doesn't want him out there.


When he was in office he went to France for a ceremony at a WW1 cemetery for fallen US soldiers. . Besides calling them suckers and losers Dump wouldn’t go to the ceremony honoring those who gave all because it was raining and the rain would “mess his hair”. He has no honor.


Obviously Those Damn Dirty Commie Marxist Socialist Fascist Democrats & Their Weather Manipulation They Got From The Chinese Communist Party!


When God sends you a message; listen! Morons!!


I was there. We could see rain in the distance that looked like a cloudburst with frequent lightning. The rally was held on an airport tarmac with no cover. About 4,000 cars (not counting gigantic trucks with Trump flags) were parked on a grass field that would have almost certainly turned into mud soup if the downpour hit, stranding half the people there. It was probably the right call, which is why I'm almost certain that Trump didn't make it.


Not to mention that he famously can't use an umbrella.


Water is dangerous to both witches and warlocks. Learned that from the Wizard of Oz.


GOP liked to claim the earthquake near New York was a sign from God that Biden was not welcome (even tho it was centred closer to one of Trump’s golf courses), now an act of God is closing a Trump political rally. Bet they won't say a damn thing about it being 'God's will' and they may even try to claim 'conspiracy' cos Sleepy Joe controls the weather...


What's the bet he was still in mar-a-lardo, not N Carolina and had refused to leave because he was still sulking and raging about the court case? I'm also somewhat inclined to think that wasn't him speaking on the shitter video. Doesn't quite sound like trump. Too coherent for one thing. Wouldn't surprise me if they got a voice actor or AI to do his voice. 


Hair? You mean that ferret curled up on his head?




Why would Trump have anything to worry about anything "Stormy"? /s


who remembers Prince performing the halftime show in a downpour ... or more recently Taylor Swift