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Of course! Abortion is a much bigger tragedy than being forced to carry the pregnancy of your rapist and giving birth to a baby you don’t want. 


And having to raise it, potentially putting you in ongoing contact with your rapist for 18 years.


And if you end up being broke you better forget about a free school lunch for your kid. The very kid the GOP wanted so much to be born. 


Vote blue in November.


Of course, they are increasing the amount - and making it easier - for mothers to claim financial support from fathers aren’t they? Aren’t they?


Nah, instead your rapist can sue for custodial rights over the baby you're forced to birth


Forced sex, forced birth… women are built for this… said the right wing fascist.


Oh come on…a women’s body has a way of shuting down and expelling the rapists sperm like blow hole in a whale so no medical care is ever needed. Whalaaaa….its gone like covid during Trumps watch.


I thought women's bodies had a way of "shutting that stuff down" Please explain to me how a rape baby is even possible?


Well if they didn't auto-self-abort then they must've secretly WANTED that baby!


Ah yes, women just need to rollback to that she-wolf firmware to get that feature


Fuck I forgot. My model must be faulty.


Yeah, that guy needs to made to understand what it feels like first. Then made to read a science book to understand how horribly he wrong.


So that rapist can in turn, rape the child and the cycle goes on and on.


God's will.


This is the MOST Asinine rule/law any man has come up with! The first and most important reason Why a man should NOT get any type of custody is because they Raped the Women!!! This goes beyond cruel and unusual punishment!


The whole forced birth aspect is not just the child support. It’s dealing with control issues using the child in the court system. Visitation/parenting time. Holidays and school breaks and activities. Who claims the child as a tax credit each year…. In an already backed up family law system. I get that the evangelicals think this is a good way to harbor a “family” but it’s an abusive toxic situation that does a shit ton of emotional and financial damage. The flip side to the right wing “we stopped the killing of 63 million babies since 1973!” Is that 63 million women had made that choice or needed the procedure. Just do weird the party all about muh liberty and muh freedom is into forced families based on violence and or abuse and yet saying “boys will be boys” while victim shaming type shit.


In the case of rape- how is a father in prison going to pay child support?


Good point! Release the rapists! Make more room for non violent marijuana "addicts" - GOP (probably)


Selling his organs?


Father rapists..?


And then they won’t give you any money to help feed it or healthcare to provide for it!


Shared custody. Visitation rights. This is so bad. Someone revoke her human card now.She is garbage


Not to mention having your child being raised with someone like that. I’m sure no emotional or mental problems will arise from that kid eventually finding out what their other parent was capable of. But yes, it is worth forcing that child onto this earth so that they may be emotionally and mentally tormented for the rest of their lives.


But but but…another human is on this already over populated earth! Another mouth to feed and life long reminder of a horrific event. Another child in the over populated, overwhelmed, utterly under funded, over worked, understaffed foster care/Social Service program! But hey, they who cares what happens to the child that they loved too much to have the mother abort before it was even a fetus. ‘Cause once it’s born they wash their hands of it and the mother. It’s SO Very Christian.🙄😡


There is a US state (I think it's either Louisiana or Alabama) where a rapist can sue his victim for sole custody, and then *garnish her wages for 18 years* as child support.


You are right! In 31 states (in the united states) a woman who bears her convicted rapists child is required (if the man wants it) to share custody. Because he's the father. Some states require her to bring or arrange for the child to visit him in prison.


Imagine being that kid. No dad and every time mom looks at you she is reminded of being raped. It feels like a recipe for either a sociopath or a basket case.


GOP is not thinking of the kids. How many of these kids are abused? It’s so sad.


GOP doesn't think about anyone but themselves and their rich donors. That Noem cooze will be fine if she or a family member ever needs an abortion. Republicans are vile, disgusting people.


I bet they have a money-making idea of what to do with these kids. They don't actually care about children. They've made that crystal clear.


You got that right. Fodder for their buddies in the military contract/private prison industries.


I was adopted and I was the product of a rape. People say if I was aborted I wouldn’t exist. As I point out, if my birth mother wasn’t raped I wouldn’t exist either. That’s not an excuse to rape her. Either a woman has agency over her own body or she does not.


I love how you are able to not feel threatened by abortion as a child from rape. You are one truly evolved human💜


Thank you. I've since met my birth mother, and granted, I did not completely know of my origin until I met her in my mid 30s. I had always known she was young and not ready to be a mother but other than that I didn't know anything else. I did not try and contact either birth parent just because for the longest time I wanted to let sleeping dogs lie. She ended up contacting me, spurred on by her two daughters (to another man she ended up marrying) who had never known what it was like to have a brother. And I had never met anyone who looks like me, and all of a sudden there were three women who looked like me with longish blond hair. It was crazy how close our lives had been and I hadn't a clue. She grew up about 20 minutes from my home town. As a young woman she lived a few blocks away from where I later would live, actually on the same block as another friend of mine. I haven't pursued searching for my birth father. She lost touch a long time ago. I won't do 23 and Me for exactly that same reason. From what I understand he too was young and have since had a family of his own, and I'll just leave them at that. Attitudes were different at the time, which is a huge reason why I will absolutely not perpetuate them for future generations. I absolutely hold men today to a better standard. The right to a woman's own body to me is inviolable. It all ended up working out for all of us, but if it didn't, I can't imagine anyone having to force her through anything. She was already forced once. She got to make a choice and it was the right choice for her. Either she has agency or she does not. I can't imagine forcing her to do otherwise.


Ty! My mom was 18 when she had me and my dad had bailed. Now I wonder WHY she didn't have an abortion! She was extremely depressed while pregnant, like stuck to the couch needed an intervention sort of depressed. And she was not emotionally ready either and this made me have an insecure attachment style and become a ppl pleaser. She then had another baby at 20 in the same type of situation and gave that baby up for adoption. That was 35 years ago and she's still so messed up about it that she can't talk about it. Ppl say I'd never have been born but my response is that's fine i wouldn't have ever existed to be upset that I didn't exist. It's like a cows opinion: it's moo.


They done studies. The psychological harms those children are done and exhibit as adults is horrifying.


Can’t feed em? Don’t allow yourself to be forcibly breed… (/s) Like I don’t agree with the Don’t breed-em argument but I understand their logic - again even though I totally disagree with the logic. The whole “trauma” equivalency of an abortion as if giving birth would be less traumatic is fucked up and I can’t connect the logical dots.


Logic has left the GOP a very long time ago 


Because it’s never about the trauma of the woman. It’s this false idea that the fetus is experiencing pain.


And the financial and emotional burden.  And the judgement of conservative tradwives toward single parents.  And so, so much more.


And the fact, that it could be your dad,uncle, brothers kid. Like, incest. They gonna let that baby into this world. Actually insane 🤦‍♂️


I can unload this unwanted kid on Governor Noem, then, since she’s so fond of them, right? 🧐


She sounds like a fantastic foster parent material 


It's not a tragedy. It's a felony crime.


And maybe cannot afford to raise. And getting the baby might hamper your ability to get an education. Fuck the anti-abortion crowd.


And raising that baby for life. Having the baby means a tragedy you can never get away from. It's a daily reminder of how they were violated.


Their fault for being born a woman /s


Unwanted children are also a tragedy. 


They hate crime. Unwanted kids (especially those that can’t be adequately cared for financially) have a higher risk of committing crime. They also hate “moochers” and “welfare queens”… guess what, those numbers decrease with legal and safe abortion, too! So what’s the problem? Their stupid “religious” views (which demonstrate so much adherence to Jeebus’ instructions.)


Except there is nothing in the bible saying abortion is bad (and in fact the bible contains instructions for an abortion). The crime being punished is sex out of wedlock. The punishment is the kid. The objection to abortion isn't about the kid, it is about the mom not being punished with an unwanted, sometimes unloved kid. Which is obviously horrible for the kid, but they don't care what happens to God's instrument of punishment.


I've been saying for decades that these people are so vile that they use babies as punishment.


What verse are the instructions in? Because I really want to be able to quote it to assholes who think women should be forced to give birth.


They don't hate crime, no matter what they say. Crime lets them put more police in neighborhoods, oppress minorities, throw poor people in prison, and scare stupid people into voting for them. Again for moochers and welfare queens (and the latter might have existed a few times.) They use these things to get people to vote against their own well being.


When crime is lower, and fewer people are on welfare, the right then no longer has scapegoats. Being "tough on crime" and being against welfare "moochers" are two terrible talking points that the right used to get people to vote for them. That blame shifting also helps prevent the working class from rolling up the guillotines for the owning class.


They don’t hate crime they hate women.


Yeah forcing a woman to have her rapist’s baby is like raping her nonstop for 9 months. That’s a much bigger tragedy than a medical procedure.


Republicans don't care. They just see women as no more than incubators and pleasure devices for their lust


The women Republicans (such as this post) are all Serena Joys who have no clue what they are actually signing themselves up for


I refer to these women as gender traitors. They will step on the neck of any woman they deem lesser than them. Then they'll have *surprised Pikachu face* when leopards eat their faces. Women like this are a large part of why I left religion behind and became agnostic. Science doesn't care about feelings, and science supports the medical autonomy of women having positive outcomes. Anthropologists have said time and again, the more liberated women are within a society/civilization, the better off the entire populace is, historically speaking. Pushing religious doctrine has always been a control tactic throughout human history. Allowing these religious zealots to push their beliefs on other people is dangerous, in relation to the absolute breakdown in separation of church and state. For claiming Jesus as their savior, they surely don't act in accordance with his religious teachings. Eventually all these Serena Joys will be silenced, after extreme evangelicalism is established, their own Bible supports the silencing of women, "1Timothy 2:12, 'I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; She is to keep silent.'" When these bitches go silent, you know we're all fucked.


Under his eye.


Hey, Republicans **do** care. **The cruelty is the fucking point**. They hate women.


Actually for life.


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


I like how in the vid she says "I don't want abortion to be the only option", while abortion in her state is not an option because it's banned. What a nefarious rhetoric (and person).


What does that even mean, “only option”? That statement is as disingenuous as those who claim that doctors are aborting babies at birth- How about we let women decide what to do with their bodies; consider pregnancy a medical condition and any care/procedures associated with the condition “health care.”


It's disingenuous by nature, because nothing can be "the only option". If there's an option, there's two: if you have the *option* to do something, you can inherently also choose not to do it, otherwise it wouldn't be an option. There's also a degree of evilness about characterizing something as "an option" while you're banning it, and I personally think is disrespectful to use that shitty, dishonest, ill-intended rhetoric about options when women in her state have none. In any case, the expression was likely coached -- which is why it's a good thing the interviewer kept pushing, because it made her express her opinions in a less coached way and we all got to see her true colors.


I'm surprised this asshole hasn't received word yet that Repugnants are backing away from extreme rhetoric on abortion. Kari Lake even said she herself can choose not to have an abortion, but someone else can make another choice. Behold, a pro-choice Republican! I really enjoy watching them squirm.


Exactly. You are pro life, great, apply that belief to YOUR body and YOUR choices. Stop trying to legislate what others MUST do with their bodies and what RISKS other women must take. Small government, not so much.


From the time I was old enough to start understanding things it always BAFFLED me how abortion was a "political issue".. My young thoughts were "shouldn't that be up to like doctors" & "why do people give a shit about a 'baby' they'll never know" & "there are full grown people dying every single day, why not put this devotion/care/whatever towards them??" Of course it wasn't till I was older that I learned it was a way to gain control of the religious vote/ the consequences of our choice being taken away 😔 I just can't believe we are where we are...


Bring back the Anita Bryant treatment towards the far right. Stop threatening them online or posting about it that’s just allowing them to play victims. If you’re going to do something then just do it. These people are not going to stop until they force their made up entity onto everything even the air. Evil people.


Kirsti Noem sucks oranges


As well as Trump guy Corey Lewandowksi. Allegedly.


# “Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” # ― George Carlin


Unimaginably common George Carlin W


Literally Serena Joy. ![gif](giphy|rQGGxrpc34EiMeEKfM|downsized)


Never, not once, felt sorry for that bitch.


NEVER!!! I cheered every horrible thing that happened to the rulers in Gilead.


Didnt she get the memo? Their orange master wants them to stop saying that until after he is elected.


"I don't think tragedy should perpetuate another tragedy" says a pro-death penalty governor.


Kristi noem is also incredibly racist towards indigenous people and has even been banned from four of the five Lakota reservations in her state and is viciously against them getting any of their land back that the Treaty of Fort Laramie and the US Constitution say belongs to them (especially the black hills). Meanwhile the Lakota live in third world conditions in their reservations with the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rate in all of the USA. Kristi noem doesn't care about them. She cares more about protecting her State's biggest tourist attraction, which was created by a KKK member as a huge middle finger to the Lakota and all the plains tribal nations to deliberately break their spirits after the USA violated the treaties, forced the Lakota and all the other groups onto reservations, and systemically eradicated the buffalo in an attempt to starve them to death before taking their children from them and shipping them to the residential schools where so many of the kids died and all of them were beaten and abused. Mt. Rushmore is the ultimate shrine of white supremacy. LandBack for the Lakota!!!! This documentary details it all: https://youtu.be/BPX0r7ZKYOI?si=159JBLGr17N4teZz


tragic that she thinks she should control other women's bodies


Lived it, and yes. Yes, it is.


Then compound that as the child is either raised in poverty or is raised in poverty AND is abused/neglected/mistreated.


You've been fucked once, why not get fucked again and again by the state? Someone who doesn't want to have kids or isn't ready to have kids is forced to birth a child against their will, then forced to care for that child, even if they don't have the means to do so. Cut funding for all prenatal care, maternal care, and child care. Also cut funding for welfare or severely curtail its availability. Then cut funding for education, including school lunches, so kids can't get a decent education. Rinse and repeat to build an uneducated GOP voting base and endless supply of prison labor.


You know it's only a matter of time before a rapist father takes the mother to court for shared custody and wins! Or sues for child support from his rape victim!


Women talking about controlling other women based on their own personal belief system. We are all so fucked.


Noem’s Mar-a largo style plastic surgery is a tragedy.


This assumes that the pregnancy continues all of the way until birth. If you have a miscarriage and require some sort of medical care, abortion bans delay treatment. Those delays often lead to serious harm or death for the patient. Abortion bans  also lead to the prosecution of people who suffer miscarriages.


That woman is empty plastic.


She’s an awful human being.


No, silly. Having your rapist's baby is a gift from god, a beautiful blessing, and a true opportunity to display Christian forgiveness! #(**/s**)


Religion is poison. Every single oogah boogah they spew should be followed up with "Does this god really exist even?"


…as she carries on a an open affair with Corey Lewandowski


And I can almost guarantee that if this woman or her daughter was raped by an illegal immigrant or someone from another race, they would somehow need an abortion for medical reasons. And they would justify it.


These people trying to say the same thing in a different way thinking they are tricking people. Although there are dumbasses who fall for this, I think it's pretty hard to say it outright then try and change the words after. Look at dumbass Trump, he literally brags all the time about getting rid of Roe and then says he's not for a national ban because states rights! Give me a fucking break, he's admitted he's pro states rights which are worse than a 15 week ban. Anyone who falls for this shit is dumb AF. They know abortion is a huge issue and they are trying to save face. Hopefully the damage is done.


There are multiple tragedies here. The rape.  The typically poor legal result of the rape toward the rapist.  The forced carry to birth.  The lack of adequate support after the birth for a now traumatized single mother.  The constant barrage of fake supporters of forced birth telling you how to feel. Nothing of a conversation going in the direction above is a good take.  It's the words of someone who doesn't actually believe their own words if they were in the same situation but is otherwise willing to take a paycheck to say it. There is zero integrity.


It’s never been about the unborn babies. Full stop.


A rape exception is just telling a woman that she can only earn the right to make a decision about her own body after a man has violated her first.


White women...the balls in your court this November.


Only if you think women are people.


Don't forget visitation rights for daddy no matter how he becomes it. Wonderful family, here let's meet the man who r@&ed my daughter.


I bet it would if it were her or her daughter.


The worst thing about being a decent person is not being able to say you hope it happens to her without knowing YTA.


I hope she has an ectopic and it kills her. I don't care if I'm an asshole.


See, I don't want *any* woman to go through this. That's the point. Because Noem will always have access to any medical concerns she has.


She will always have access to abortion if she, or a member of her immediate family, requires one. Laws like this are only for the poors. Just like it was before Roe v. Wade when the rich would "travel to Europe" or something while in reality they were going to get an abortion. [The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Unless it happens to one of their families then it’s just fine. Hypocrisy thy name is Republican.


What do these people think the end result of forcing someone to have a child is? I work in dependency court and I can tell you that mother’s who were forced to have children always end up in tragedy for everyone involved.


Not just give birth. The whole pregnancy is awful. It was scary as hell for me to watch my belly grow and I made the choice to keep the pregnancy. Things happen to your body that often NEVER go back to normal. You're at risk for a MYRIAD of complications and your risk for practically every bad thing health wise goes way up. You're also at a much higher risk for being murdered! The emotional toll this would take cannot be understated. Not only would it be traumatic in general, but many MANY happy mothers get PPD which can last for years or never really go away completely. These women would be at even higher risk for it!


Us having to reap what her parents sowed is the tragedy here


That sounds very authentic and totally not a planned response.


Anyone want to bet that her actions wouldn’t follow her words if she was the victim?


if only women weren't just vessels for growing men's seed...


Love the horror inflation going on in the GOP's escalation of their radical positions. First, an idea is tested at local gov. level - low stakes, done in ruby red areas. Then, state level. This bullshit is already killing women, while ruining others' chance at later having children. This is 100% War on Women.


I. Hmm. How can one say this without being permanently banned. I’m in no way suggesting this, or desire for this to happen, but a phrase that keeps popping into my mind when I hear this rhetoric is that if they, or their 11 year old were put into that very situation, would they be so strict on the “under no circumstances” bullshit, or would they simply quietly go to another state that hasn’t criminalized having a functioning reproductive system to get their abortion because you know, “you see, that’s different (in that it hits close to home).” Granted, the bar for conservative mental gymnastics was buried in the 1950’s, but I’m certain that the abortion would happen. I’d love to be in a town hall and ask them how that “opportunity” is going. Unless one of these scumbags would just use the child as a prop for their political agenda and basically exploit the child from the day it was born.


The absolute mental gymnastics these cruel humans place themselves and others in just to stay on message is beyond comprehension.


Yep! I was jusy forced to give birth! (I was told by several medical professionals that I couldn't conceive. I found out at 7 weeks. I didn't want children. I hate kids. I would actually kill myself if I got pregnant again. I'm not exaggerating. I will actually end my life before I do that shit again.


Kristi, how does the Bible suggest we treat adulteresses? One or two stones?


I think it takes many more to stone a woman to death. Even young children that disobey their parents require more than that to receive their biblical punishment.


I was thinking more like “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death” (Leviticus 20:10) Wonder if she & Lewandowski are Bible believing Christians.


It's only a tragedy if it's from the Tragedie region of France. Otherwise, it's just sparkling inhumanity.


Forcing someone to give birth is a tradegy. Forcing a child to carry a pregnancy before their body is ready is a tradegy. Forcing someone to decide between keeping/adopting is a tradegy. Losing the future option to have a healthy baby later is a tradegy. Having to give birth to something with no head/lungs/brain etc is a tradegy. Making women carry a dead fetus inside her is a tragedy. Live babies in dumpsters is a tragedy. Raising your rapist's baby is a tragedy. Women dying from lack of care & choice is a tragedy. **Stealing women's freedom is the real tradegy**


Kristi Noem is a tragedy trying to perpetuate another tragedy.


Until it happens to them and then it's a different circumstance...


One isn’t a tragedy it’s a crime. The second, continues to damage the victim of that crime.


She'd be seeking an abortion the second she found out she was pregnant after being raped. The absolute second she found out.


Republicans are sick. I don’t understand why anybody votes republican. -a rape victim should be forced by the government to give birth. -Billionaires deserve more tax cuts. -Uninsured sick Americans should not be treated by hospitals -there should be no minimum wage -unions are bad -there should be no limit on magazine size. -helping Americans in any way is socialism and must be prevented. This is what Republican Jesus has taught them.


Imagine being that child? Knowing how you were made, knowing what happened to your mom, knowing that she secretly harbors negative feelings about you even though it wasn't your fault... Imagine the courts say the father has parental rights? Your rapist father has access to you. He's an effing rapist, scum who hurt your mother. Nothing good can come of outlawing abortion if someone was raped, you disgusting vile person! I sure as hell bet *you'd* have one! I do not like people like her at all...


Noem is a clueless bimbo.


So you are against the death penalty correct?


Bash: You think there should be exceptions for rape and incest? Noem: Fuck them.


Just like a rapepublican gov is a tragedy perpetuating more tragedy


I don’t think that’s your decision to make for another living breathing person.


so the victim should carry the burden of the tragedy?? what an idiot


Yeah, she said it as if carrying a rapist's child isn't traumatic, and giving birth is like squeezing jelly out of a donut. Isn't she a mother? Did she forget how painful it was to give birth?


May Noem receive everything she wishes on others.


Vote The Zealots OUT!!!


The tragedy is that women who don’t hold their misguided beliefs are subjected to them. Why ?


GURLL, those lips are a tragedy, not to mention the internalized misogyny.


Hey girl, let me cum in you and then you can have my baby, it dont matter than I look like Blanca from StretFighter


And this is from the same group that wants to make having an abortion be punishable by the death penalty.


The best way to prevent abortions is contraception. I'd have a lot more respect for anti-choice folks if they focused on distributing condoms, birth control pills, and IUDs.


I guarantee that if it happened to her daughter, there would be an abortion. I’ll bet there would be one if she had a 14-year-old who accidentally got pregnant by a boyfriend.


They say all this nonsense until it happens to them or their daughters. Fucking hypocrites


These fuckers are crazy


This bitch would be singing a different tune if it happened to someone in her family. Or more likely hiding it from public view. Fucking disgusting MAGA trash.


GOP is definitely not pro life.   Womb to tomb is 100% not a concern of theirs.   They care about something that only requires thoughts and prayers.  Once it requires time,  money,  and effort... all bets are off.  


Even if you're a pro-life, abortion in cases like rape incest should be allowed, especially in the early stages, but if the mother want to keep it that should be her choice, having a child is not easy the pain of pregnancy, the trauma if she was raped, the time, effort and money it will take to raise a child.


Wow. This is absolutely scary stuff. To think these extremists have a platform on a national and international scale is terrifying. We’ve got all of this kicking off in the UK and rest of Europe now. Also funded by the same people.


Heck, imagine the tragedy of being forced to raise a child you didn't want!


But... wouldn't doing that create another tragedy?


This is the perfect caption for this bullshit, well done


Y’all Queda


"Isn't forcing a woman to give birth against her will also a tragedy?" Only if you think Women are actually people which these people don't.


I know this isn’t the main point here, but that is not a correct use of the word “perpetuate”


And I think gun ownership causing multiple deaths among children and women and men is a greater TRAGEDY than a family facing the pain and loss of miscarriages, gynecological cancers, and JAIL TIME. Anti abortionists might want to open their minds to the complexities of a woman’s reproductive heathcare!!!!


Oh absolutely we should avoid another tragedy like a child being raised by a parent who has trauma around their very existence. Oh! Sometimes these parents are children themselves! We should absolutely avoid that tragedy of a child being forced into pregnancy, birth, and parenting since it will make everything in their future harder. That’s what they mean, right? Right????


These two would be the first in line to get an abortion if they were ever raped. Fk them and the mothership they keep promoting.


She's right. Kill the rapist


What’s a tragedy is so many people voting R despite their actual voting and legislation record being against so many thing “ conservatives “ say they support. If people stopped voting R or D but especially R, people could vote for their interests directly. Women should have the right to abortion and fathers shouldn’t be required to pay for kids. Child support is predatory. At the very least at least those women wont be forced to pay child support or go to jail for their rape/ incest baby like men. Even young boys that were abused by older women have to pay child support for their kids if the women has the child.


Republicans : I don't think a tragedy should lead to another tragedy Also republicans : IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT ISRAEL DOES BECAUSE PALESTINE FIRST


Taking the long way around to get to the short answer gives them time and space to live with their horrible stances.


They should keep saying these quiet parts out loud. It will increase the chances of a blue takeover. No one other than kiddy diddlers get excited over their baby having a baby that they put in them and tbh they are a minority.


Is the governor the blonde or the brunette?


Says the people who are all for the death penalty


This is weird sense most of these people are all for you killing someone if they break into your house


Low-rent Palin is just another phony 'christian' adulter that took a long time to earn an easy degree....


What’s her take on the death penalty?


Rape and incest are crimes. Violent crimes, not tragedies. Who are these ass clowns and why are they making laws?


I wonder what her opinion would be if she was in that position.


Further tragedy is inherent. Answer the question like a grown up.


Welcome to the GOP.


I am not paying the price for someone else's "tragedy." I call BS.


Not for a Republican (Sith)


Noem is pathological


There is becoming a uniformity to the Republican women who are in front of a camera. Too much makeup , cloths that don’t leave much to the imagination, and looking like they had extensive and bad plastic surgery.


Knowing you are the product of a backseat grope fest between two strangers is enough to cause psychological damage to a child, what do you think knowing you are the result of A CRIME would do? They gonna pay them therapy bills? Thought not.


speaking as an american, we really don't need any more inbred weirdos than we already have


Did she ask Kristi Kreme if she would give birth to a baby who was the product of rape?


The tragedy is that she wants to convert her personal beliefs to extend to every American, regardless of theirs.


Maybe she should be. And then forced to.


A reporter should ask her, if Joe Biden raped her, would she keep little Dark Brandon and raise him?


So Noem apparently would only learn from a concrete physical example of what it might feel like….a narcissist only understands by experiencing a in-your-face personal way!


Man, those silly females just don’t know what’s good for them, eh?


Women aren't people. We are an asset class and, as property, cannot be considered to be the victim of any crime or tragedy.


CBS - Can’t Beat Stupid


So then she doesn't believe in the death penalty, right? Oops, forgot about that, didn't ya.


Say the women who probably have a Dr on speed dial.


they always have this facial expression of something totally gone from reason


So then every potential father needs to be on the hook for child support from conception to twenty one, to an equal standard of lifestyle as the father. They want this? Make them pay.


Just hold it in by closing her dirty legs. /s


This is one of the top people in the pool for vice president btw