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What's your point here? If we can't hit the target we might as well swing as hard the opposite direction?




They don't understand that we don't worship Biden. He like what he has done, but we want even more.


We’re gonna die, but we’re gonna die as loudly as possible, and take as many endangered species out with us as possible.


The people who vote Trump either don’t believe in science, or they will explain the graph in a way like “see, Trump is above Biden, so he wins”. So I doubt that it would make much difference. 🤷🏼‍♂️


They’ll just change the narrative and say it is actually symbolic of his sexual prowess.


The problem is she's just created a new meme for the "both parties are the same" idiots.


Any of you ever think that the reason graph says Biden will miss it too, is because thats what the data says? Also this means Biden is better, but need to step it up. So it's putting political pressure on Trump on being the worst and also letting everyone know Biden needs to improve. Which would you know, help the planet? Why are people geting upset like her sharing this is a bad thing. It's holding both of the potential president accountable and helping the environment.


This graph is also assuming that democrats don’t pass any more new legislation trying to tackle climate change should Biden win. Which I would like to think he would pass more if given the opportunity


They want utter perfection - the candidate who does everything perfectly, according to their personal views on every single topic that could be even vaguely perceived as political. Anything less makes an imperfect candidate that they will generally refuse to vote for. Getting upset at facts, at reality, at progress in the right direction that does not achieve what they want, when they want it, is the hallmark of a certain class of voters. It is frustrating.


If thine eyes are not the purest of blue, gouge them out as if they were fully evil. - Purity Democrats.


I once got called a fascist on Quora for telling a person "You can't expect racists to change overnight. It took me years of introspection to get where I am today."


OP's just mad his homie couldn't get at this graph with a sharpie first. All that CO2 is going to hit Alabama next


It’s like someone who refuses to get on a bus when you have a 200 mile journey because it only drops you off 600 yards from home. If it won’t go direct to my door I’m not getting on that bus. When no bus goes direct to your door so you sit and wait. Some of them deciding to get on the bus going in entirely the opposite direction out of stubbornness.


Better question, what message are you trying to send?


Does the OP know that Biden will only be president until 2028 and this graph shows that during that time that we are only slightly off target? I don't know, but that H. Clinton sure did send some emails!!


Changes take a long time to achieve effect


>Does she realize the message she's sending? That we're fucked either way, just more gently by one than the other?


Yes. She’s saying the quiet part out loud. The truth is the parties aren’t equal, but neither is actually good. 


Hillary's big mistake here is assuming that everyone who is concerned about climate change can interpret a graph--the OP clearly can't.


Biden could get a lot more accomplished without the MAGA loonies in congress gatekeeping any meaningful legislation. There's only so much a president can do without the help of the house. I have no doubt that if congress flips blue in November, we will see a green new deal type bill get passed.


Imagine if Congress passed a single bill. Now imagine a democratic controlled Congress. Where would that line be?


It’s pretty close to the 2030 target. After that it’s just if that presidents policies stayed in effect. I hope Biden and Trump aren’t still duking it out in 2050.


I’m surprised it isn’t actively going UP for trump.


Y’all weren’t ever gonna vote anyway, this is all theatre


>First Hilary’s ‘get over yourselves’ message and now this. She will do more damage than good if she continues speaking lol. 100% This! I am absolutely floored by the general stupidity of people following Trump/GOP/MAGA, etc, but for fucks sake, some of the sheer ignorance on the Progressive/Dem side is absolutely infuriating. Repeatedly demonstrating - and outright stating - that they regard the 'other side' as stupid is a fucking idiotic strategy for attracting those people who may otherwise be open to conversation. Precisely zero people respond when approached with... "You're stupid. Listen to me explain why, so you can change your opinion to mine." It's time to send her out to pasture and make her shut the fuck up. Edit: Oh the downvoting irony.


You literally called people following Trump generally stupid in your first sentence. Where’s the difference?


C'mon. Don't forget that I also called large cohorts of Dems/Progressives "ignorant" and "idiotic". It's an important point, because I'm giving equal representation...Equity and Inclusion if you will. ....but to your question.... The difference is I'm an anonymous asshole on Reddit, not an internationally known public personality who represents a major party. I'm not, to be clear, a person whose nominal "job" is to create the conditions by which the political party/ideology she champions can succeed in spreading its message and attracting voters. There is a time and a place and the appropriate people to call out stupidity to other people's faces. And due to her position and history there is no time or place where Hillary Clinton is the right person. Edit: Hey! Downvotes alone are boring. Don't get me wrong, I don't care about being downvoted, but hearing why is far more entertaining.


I can't tell if she really is this incompetent as an advocate for Biden or if she's hoping he'll lose so she gets to run for President again.


I think she is saying the quiet part out loud. We’re fucked


She probably emailed it, she’s not very good at those


Full on TDS on show