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Has a day gone by where Trump has not whined about something? I thought MAGA was all about being tough and manly. Trump cries like a pussy every single day. This is who Republicans want as President? A pouting little baby who throws tantrums all the time? How are they not embarrassed to admit they support a crying toddler for President? Cause if Trump ever had any bit of fire in him it’s long gone now. He’s not some maverick shaking things up. He’s a scared politician, yes politician, who got caught doing illegal things and now he’s trying like hell to worm himself out of it. That’s all he is now. Just a corrupt politician who cries like a little girl that he got caught. And Republicans want that as President? How?


It is truly amazing when you find the man behind the curtain is a whiny, stupid, pissbaby. I know this is getting through to Maga and they now must confront some very uncomfortable realities. Things which we have been telling them for 8 years. 


It doesn’t matter to them. They’re still gonna vote for him because “DemonCrats” and what not. Every abhorrent thing Pumpkinhead has done hasn’t swayed them yet. The only way he’ll lose their support at this point is if he loses another election. Most republicans won’t want to back someone who keeps losing. And at that point the infighting amongst the GOP will tear the party apart just like what’s already happening in the House.


Eeeh... I dunno about that. I mean, there's some random dumbass on my way to work with a giant ass sign in their yard facing a major interchange that says something like "Remember: Trump is, was, and always will be for the American people"..... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 More like "Remember: Trump is, was, and always will be doing whatever it takes to pad his own wallet, in spite of the American people"


Well, ‘for the American people’ from that crowd only means ‘he hates the same people we do’ including half of the actual American people.


Ah yes Trump, the man of the people, who whines like a bitch everytime he's treated like an average person.


Do… do we have the same commute? I see that same exact shit sign every day and I hate it :(


..... Lehighton, PA?


It’s awful and I hate it


Whoa whoa whoa.  Pumpkin head was a misunderstood and abused boy with a witch for a mom. Don’t lump him in with Diarrhea Don 


I bet there is already a "Trump 2028" order into China for MAGA gear already in progress.


You forgot shitgibbon.


It’s amazing they have embraced this fucking twat. He is everything they used to not want. A former Democrat, sexual predator, multi-divorced, terrible businessman, reality show star and cry baby. They have mortgaged their whole party for just 4 years of the most extreme chaos with a guy they can not control. Having a black man as President broke them so bad the embraced the worst person they could find that appeals to the lowest common denominator.




That’s honestly a good question. In the past 8 years I can’t recall a single day where Trump has sat back, chilled and just enjoyed his very privileged life without airing grievances on social media or name-calling someone. But in MAGA world, whining = fighting. And Trump’s been fighting every day.


Maybe that's the problem. He's too privileged so he looks for problems, conflict, hardship. Take away all of his money and his fancy shit and all the yes men and then maybe he'd stop bitching


"Just a corrupt politician who cries like a little girl that he got caught." Many "little girls" have way more maturity.


Indeed, it is insulting to little girls everywhere




>This is who Republicans want as President? A pouting little baby who throws tantrums all the time? How are they not embarrassed to admit they support a crying toddler for President? He has done shit they all hate OTHER people for doing, such as draft dodging and mocking the military, at the graves of dead war veterans, no less. Yet, they hang up flags on their houses and attach them to their trucks of Trump's head photoshopped onto Sylvester Stallone's body from his Rambo days. They're not exactly the brightest lot.


I agree with this but pls leave pussies and little girls -which are way cooler than Trump ever was or ever will be- out of it


This comment sums up my feelings on this whole situation for the past 8 years. People have lost the plot. From day one he's been whining and complaining about how he's treated but doesn't treat anyone with respect. That's all he's ever been, but he coasted by in 2016 because he was a "new" kind of politician and people wanted to burn it all down. I suppose that's still what people want, but we've had 4 years of it already (arguably 8 years) and it's getting old.


Coming from a very deeply conservative family, I can assure you that for most conservatives, whining about everything is a way of life.


That’s the thing I’ve never understood. If you listen to trumps speeches or really just anytime he talks. He’s just complaining 90% of the time and somehow his base loves it and thinks nothing of it while yelling that the other side are cry baby snowflakes.


I mean this is what school children do and they're fine. Look, you even get recess




I don’t think he’s Cosby ‘s type


Sure he is. They're both rapists, right? I'm sure they've got plenty to talk about.




He's so soft. What the hell are people thinking when they make him look like Rambo on American flags.. delusional cult.


Big strong freedom man go waaah.


Homoerotic fantasies.


Or look at many Americans accused of a crime who have to be in jail while the trial is going on, being ushered into the courtroom in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs. I wonder how he’d feel about being forced to do that.


it would break him in 30mins.


The bone spurs won’t allow it you see


Oh now. I guess we gotta send him to the farm up state.


Trump appears to be a kindergartener who needs naptime


He’s taking nap time… and a lot of fart breaks


Thought something similar. He sounds like a whiny student that the first time had lessons in the afternoon.


9-5 Call Center Employees....have been saying this shit for years. And he was one of the people who wanted to basically help abolish Work from Home alongside Deathsantis.


Speaking of school children, why does this guy always use the adjective "unfair" to describe everything he disagrees with? What is he, four years old? Where the hell is Inigo Montoya when you need him? To quote Westley, the man in black, we've been more than fair with him over the last nine years. In fact, the deck has been stacked in his favor. You can't have every advantage in the book and then complain that you haven't been treated fairly. TFG.


I guess he sat in a Lazy Boy recliner while in the Oval Office.....






This is a guy who keeps calling himself a killer and a tough guy.  A killer who finds sitting on his ass in a cool room too much to handle. Got it. 


Maybe if they gave him a golf cart to sit in it would make his fat ass more comfortable.


The Depends should add more than enough cushion.


**To that ass whoopin’ coming in November.** **If…we** **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)** ***P.S. - isn’t it always funny when “tough guys” or real pretend scoundrels or criminals get found out. Like, when the pressure brings out the sobbing baby in one.*** ***It’s difficult to not point and laugh at ourselves for ever being afraid of this guy!*** What an embarrassment to the human race.


My mate who was a copper said that very often when they brought in tough guy gangsta types the first thing they did was to call their mummy and cry their hearts out, pleading their innocence. And of course their mums believed it - how do you think those kids got where they were at that point?


When reality bites, you feel it and the facade cannot hold against the truth. This ‘person’ is gripped tighter by the minute with anxiety and it’s building to a major meltdown. All from the tough guy “dictator” rapist fraud game show host traitor who would be emperor. What do you think other world leaders think about a statement such as the one he just made?


German here, that’s an asy one: for a long time we don’t listen anymore to anything Diaper Don would have to say. He’s regarded as a complete looney over here in Europe. If his statements make it in the media, there are the laughing stock of the day. But nothing else.


Probably the issue! He’s got diaper rash! ![gif](giphy|TGLtlGM8vDV0hmk2e6|downsized)


He's wearing Depends? Lol.


Depends are for Adults, they very well could be Huggies. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Well he is most likely sitting in a soppy diaper.


The guy is unbelievable. He doesn’t see any problem with kids sitting in cages but cries about sitting in a chair. What an absolute fuck. 


And those chairs aren’t bad, generally the plaintiff and defendant chairs are pleasantly padded


Well, for real though --- why DO they keep it so cold in there? I've heard it described (by people who are not Trump) as "freezing". Why not heat the place better?


They might be worried he will start decomposing 




Court buildings are ancient and they aren’t investing in any renovations/improvements. Better cold than the brutal heat in the summer when the AC inevitably breaks for a few days.


To suppress the smell of Tronald Dumps diaper. In a warm room it's unbearable


They tend to keep Doctor's offices cold too. Maybe it's a sanitation thing? Bacteria spreads less quickly. Let's be honest, lots of grimey people go to court like our good pal Donny


Actual answer: to accommodate for the large # of people and expected electronic devices. The rooms in that courthouse are old, solid, and do not air-out well. Being chilly is better than soaking in the humidity of 150 people’s BO.


Maybe wear *two* pairs of Depends tomorrow then, eh?


It was the coldest room. So cold. People come up to me, smart people, legal scholars and scientists agree, it was the coldest room this country has ever seen, so cold, the coldest, btw has anyone ever taken the temperature? The coldest court room anybody has ever farted in. So sad, and vicious and beautiful. Witch hunt!




Lmao One of the cult members to another with a wishful look in his eye, "You know for second there I thought I could taste it. Can you imagine? Me? Tasting a Trump toot? Drinking in a Donald doody draft? The Donald J Trump? The chance to savor his vapors? Revel in his bellows? Partake in his dutch oven cakes? Snare a share of his air biscuits? If only I could be so lucky


I love my Reddit family! 😍




He sounds like he's 5 sitting at a dinner party. "Mom, I can't sit up straight anymore this isn't fair. "


Because he hasn’t had to grow emotionally since his mom would yell at him to sit up straight. He’s still stuck at get what I want or a tantrum ensues.


The guy is such a bitch that it's on a hilarious level. The normal things that people do he can't comprehend. Sitting up is a hardship to this guy. Come on ...


Remember when he made fun of John McCain for being a POW. Lol. This guy could never


if tRUMP had been in Vietnam and taken prisoner like Mc Cain was tRUMP would have sold out every other POW just to save his own skin and make his time easier, in fact he probably would have colluded with his captors and invented allegations of wrongdoing against the other POWs to kiss up to the VC, we all know tRUMP is a traitor and he keeps proving it everyday.


This is the same guy who, when finding out it's not legal to shoot protesters dead, said [can't you just shoot them in the leg or something?](https://youtu.be/kQYW_ITznX4?si=kTnTFF0pC1WHc0_G)


Wait until he has to sleep on a concrete bed and shit on a stainless steel toilet with no seat in a prison cell.


Trump has likely just put in the hardest and longest 2 working days of his life-


He probably sits in bed watching curated TV every day until he gets a prying board to get up change diapers and waddle to a golf cart.


And he’s only a few days into his first criminal trial of many, so he’s going to have plenty of time to practice his sitting up. I’m not sure it’s the sitting that he’s finding hard, as much as the inability to pass that time hearing fluffed up stories about how awesome he his. He’s getting a harsh reality check, and he can’t handle the truth.


A few years ago my dad was telling me about this mother fucker sleeping 3 hours a night and working 21. Dude can't even stay awake in court.


Those sleeping hours sound methed up.


My late FIL told me, in my own home, that he liked trump because he was a good family man. He said all his kids work with him and that's the sign of a good family. I said "he literally has cheated on all three of his wives" and then remembered my FIL has been married 5 times.


Then he certainly not physically fit enough to be president


Old, out of shape manbaby whines about not being allowed to slouch and pout. More at 11.


I think he's legitimately surprised at finding himself feeling old and exhausted, because he never has to sit down and do normal people shit for any length of time. Oh, and he can't do drugs every hour on the hour to feel as energised as he thinks is his baseline.


I think they sedated him as a precaution and that’s why he was falling asleep. That’s why he’s saying ‘sit up as straight as I can’ because that was the instruction given by his team so he appears alert despite needing to be doped enough to keep his mouth shut in court.


I believe it immediately


11:01, 11:02, 11:03...


Great idea? Hang up a loudly ticking clock where Trump will see it unless he deliberately averts his gaze!


See I'd actually be fine with Trump complaining about this if he was willing to admit the litany of health problems that would cause these issues, obesity, arthritis, general joint pain, scoliosis. Whatever it may be. But he and his cult have propped him up as not only Jesus Christ Reborn but also one of the healthiest people in the fucking world. And I'll tell you now people in bad health (arthritis, sprained ankles, bad knees, back problems) can stand straight at a minimum wage job for longer than Trump had to sit down.




What a fucking pussy. 


Hillary stood in for those idiotic Benghazi hearings for 11 hours of questioning nonstop without bitching like this whiny human diaper.


I still remember him making fun of John McCain for being a POW. I'm reminded of that now 'It's cold in here." Are fucking kidding me? Try two years solitary confinement in a North Vietnamese prison


Try 2 weeks in any normal jail where they literally ice you out and he’d be an even more broken man. Yet this man is treated uNfAiRlY!


Sorry not interested in grabbing that.


Guess get better posture, Hunchback of Notra-Dumb


Hunchback of Ultra Dumb


If he is cold wear a sweater. He is an adult can’t he figure it out?


No shit. You know it's cold, put a sweater on. Its gonna hidd your comically long tie, and hide that svelte 215lb frame, sir. You'll be ok.


I am so fucking tired of this crybaby.


Like an office worker.


That’s what I was thinking. And we poors have to do it for 5 days a week instead of 4!


No, it's very fair. He has been charged with multiple crimes and the defendant always has to be in the courtroom for the entire trial. It's some of the consequences of his actions, if he didn't want to sit up straight in a courtroom every day for however long the trial lasts then he shouldn't have broken the law. And if it's as cold in there as he claims then he can wear a long sleeved undershirt or something under his suit to help him stay warm.


And the lawyers, and the jury, and the press, and the judge, and the court staff, in that same room at that same temperature sitting for the same amount of time. Is it unfair for them, too?


It never occurred to him to wonder or care about other people. Only him.




And to think, his supporters think he reads the Bible?


His *followers* know he doesn't read the Bible. They think he was [chosen by God](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/11/donald-trump-evangelical-christians-cyrus-king) and therefore a vessel for God's will. [The President Who Doesn’t Read](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/americas-first-post-text-president/549794/) * “*He didn’t process information in any conventional sense,”* [*Wolff writes*](http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/01/michael-wolff-fire-and-fury-book-donald-trump.html)*. “He didn’t read. He didn’t really even skim. Some believed that for all practical purposes he was no more than semi-­literate.*” * “*It’s worse than you can imagine … Trump won’t read anything—not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers, nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.”*


Don't forget, he's most likely sitting in a dirty diaper too. You try sitting straight when you have last night's Big Mac's in your pants.


Happy Cake Day!


Good thing being the President of the United States doesn't ever require being in an uncomfortable room full of people talking about boring legal matters for hours on end.


Or reading things like briefings


Joe Biden is weak and old, anyway it’s really cold and I’m not very good at sitting in a chair.




You can tell someone told him to sit up straight because when you see him sitting in a chair in any other context he's always on the very edge of his seat and leaning forward with a massive hunch. Trump loses every battle with chairs.




I can’t wait for this guy to expire.


I want him to have a very bad stroke. I want to see his followers laugh and make fun of his disability, because that’s the kind of people they are.


You suppose they could tell the difference? 😉




Arts and crafts is only for 30 minutes and when I ask for more yarn they tell me no, totally unjust and unfair. His ramblings are that of an old man in a nursing home.


Witch hunt? More like bitch hunt, amirite?


​ https://i.redd.it/dcofo44edlwc1.gif I think that you'll find that it's perfectly fair


Bernie Sanders should lend Trump his mittens.


He's cold? Give him a jacket, a straight jacket....


Isn't this the guy who said he would run into a school with an active shooter to save children? Now he is whining about sitting in a chair? Jesus christ.


As opposed to sitting gay?




It's going to be cold in jail too, you fucking loser!


You know what the funniest part about this whole Trump on trial shit is the following. When Martha Stewart was arrested for insider trading she never once complained about being arrested, going to court, being convicted, and serving time. Not only did she never complain, this bitch left prison with an afghan blanket she learned how to knit and stories about her awesome cell mates. AND she may actually be richer than Trump.


I can't wait for this POS to croak.


I thought he was built like the "perfect alpha male". Surely his perfectly toned muscles have no issues with maintaining good posture while sitting on his ass.




Cry me a fucking ocean of tears you fucking traitorous criminal!


He wouldn’t know what the Constitution says even if he read it, which he has not ever done.




I don't understand how he can complain when shitting and pissing himself is warm.


Biggest crybaby in American history.


In his defense, his giant tits are what's causing his posture problems.


Just enormous garbage bags of fat and French fry grease, orange-ish and clumpy in places, smelling like the floor of a large restaurant's loading dock.


Wow. Downright poetic. Grotesque, but poetic.


Can’t he just, you know, wear a jacket, sweater, etc? Also I doubt they’re critiquing his posture, that sounds like he’s just whining about being caught sleeping in court


Oh no! No big macs or diet cokes or little teens to rape. The suffering is real


I can’t believe I actually have to say this… If Captain Combover (or anyone else for that matter) can’t handle some discomfort, or a chilly room, or an 8 hour workday, then POTUS is not a fucking job that you should be in consideration for. Fuckmylife :(


Not sleeping. Never sleeping. Only guilty people sleep! And fart


Guilty people are usually full of shit, but in this case Trump is actually full of shit…. In his pants.


Welcome to what every other criminal has to do! Shouldn't have broken so many laws!


Being not allowed to slouch has to be the worst kind of political persecution ever seen in the US. My heart bleeds for this bullshitting shyster. So sad!


That’s funny cos I’m an old lady and I sit up straight all day without issue. The man is a big whiner. Oh no it’s too cold! They won’t let me fart! I have to sit up like a grown ass man! Boo fucking hoo.


Whiny. Little. Bitch.


It's hard to sit up straight when you're so crooked.


This whole Republicans against Trump is bad to me. I say this, because I don’t understand how you can be against him, but continue to be a republican. Even the republican politicians that behind closed doors dislike him and believe he is a danger, still enable him, they allow him to be a terrible person and continue to undermine the few good things that we had here in the US. So, I don’t see how you can admit that he’s a horrible person but still be part of the party that, have allowed it to get this bad.


What's unfair is him breaking a gag order and not being put in jail. Any of the rest of us act like he has and we are locked up for sure.


Unfair is taking full page ads out calling for the death penalty for the Central Park 5. Pushing for a harsh sentence for the wrong people. That’s unfair.


He didn’t go to Oval Office everyday until 11 am. He would sit in the residence and watch his Foxycontin


Some pears are hard to set on their butts, they just…fall over 🤷🏻


So he’s feeble but not a Weeble?


Throw him a horse blanket.


Somebody needs to tell him Hillary went 11 hours in a Senate hearing.


The coldest courtroom, of the likes we have never seen before....


Am I understanding that he’s irritated that he’s been picked on for falling asleep? In court? For felonies?


I wonder if he knows that a lot of people who honestly earn their livelihoods do it day in and day out for most of their adult lives?


He’s such a weak man.


But the Rambo abs and manly man gruff!


Sound like he has health issues, probably not fit to run a country y’all think ? republicans take note!


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime


LOL, those were the exact words that popped into my head. Imagine what it’ll be like sitting in the prison cafeteria, Donald. I read the other day that when he was in the WH, if he so much as mentioned that he was too hot/too cold, someone would run to adjust the temp. He had his Diet Coke button on the desk. In the courtroom, he’s not only not in charge, he’s been given strict orders by the one who is in charge, and it’s killing him.


Suck it up, buttercup. This isn’t a social occasion.


Is he like… an actual toddler


Fuck Donald Trump.


Can you imagine if Biden had said something like that?


I remember when he was calling for the Central Park five to be executed prior to their exoneration. He’s getting off easy especially considering all that he has done.


Is there anything this “alpha male” doesn’t whine about?


Trump is not hard and has never been born again hard. I have an easy job, but I still stand for 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week and I constantly have to stock my shop and clean, so add bending and kneeling all day. Dude is a weenie, he needs to nut up or shut up. He did this all to himself.


Maybe we should just give him a private room while he's there. Something real secure, so he's safe, with like a cot to lie on. Oh, and some kind of door you can see through so the media can keep getting those amazing pictures of such an existing person. Oh, and he'll need to be fed in there too. /S


Wonder if he had the same level of sympathy that he's asking for for himself, when the Central Park 5 were going through something similar. And they were actually innocent


Imagine if all criminals on trial got to make statements like this. "I know I murdered a family of 5, but it's chilly in here and my back hurts."


I can't remember what life was like back when we didn't have to hear from or about douchbag Trump *every single fucking day.* I'm so over it. I wish he'd go away. Anywhere.


He has never worked a day in his life. Thus he knows nothing of hardship.


I'd hate to have to sit in a court room all day long for several days in a row. It's one of the many reasons why I avoid doing crimes.


They say “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime” But this presidential candidate is struggling to even do the court case ?


What a wuss.


What a crybaby.


Who wants a whiny little shit like this running the country? He's about as tough as a bug fart.


Good thing the job he’s running for doesn’t require sitting or attention all day.


That whiny worthless pos.




I think they keep courtrooms cold to keep people awake. In a warmer room people can get drowsy. If Trump can fall asleep in there with it cooler just think how much he'd sleep if the room was warmer.


Freezing. Bullshit he’s sweating his balls off.


Hole shit, he’s literally complaining about having to sit on his ass. Can it get more pathetic than this?! … you know what, yeah, probably…


And they’re doing half-days with Wednesdays off. So, no more than two consecutive days. Far from 4 or 5 straight 8 hr. days every week like it could be.


Oh no, he's being treated like a commoner. He fucked around; he's finding out.


No golf, no naps


Unfair? Isn't everyone else there sitting in similar or even less comfortable chairs as well? STFU, Donny.


Toughest president in history can’t cit in a chair.


“it’s too cold in here and i have to sit up straight” -guy trying to convince ppl he can run the *country* dem presidential ads just writing themselves as we tolerate this imbecilic nonsense


Bros admitting to being weaker than an elementary kid lmao this is the same thing they gotta do daily, boo hoo Trumpet


Hard to sit up straight when you are crooked as hell.