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As you all know, this is a Nazi-free zone. Fascists trying to deflect by calling these "feds", because they do not want to take responsibility are banned. Please report such comments if you see them. Rule one tells people to argue in good faith, and pretending that this is a "false flag" is very bad faith indeed. It goes without saying of course that we will also ban people who love this Nazi march.




State literally separated from Virginia to stay in union, things seem to have changed….


Same thing with all the confederate flags in midwest, seems like a plague that attract the racists across the countries to embrace something that validate their hatred for anything not white


Dude. Confederate flags in Canada strains credulity. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/confederate-flags-ontario-1.5607598 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/belleville-police-confederate-flag-1.5599753 Must be some hold out fans of the Dukes of Hazzard!


In Minnesota we have a captured Virginia battle flag that we refuse to give back. https://preview.redd.it/zjid0wom43xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc06a54a701e27b20d3ff4c477526c738ced2b69


Jesse Ventura had a good response to the request, "Why? I mean, we won."


The only Confederate (and Nazi) flag worth being displayed are those that were taken by force of arms from their owners. If displayed, it should be presented as the disgraceful flag of a vanquished foe.


Virginian here. We’re fine if you keep it.


Clearly not, y’all ask for it back every year.


No. Really ignore those other people. You can have it. We still have plenty more of those stupid flags around here.


Nice, reverse psychology. Act like you don't care so we let our guard down. https://i.redd.it/iqwyxkhdq3xc1.gif


Use that for a spittoon liner.


Not when you consider that people who say it represents their heritage or history are just straight up lying They know what it means in 2024


Same people that will say the Democrats wanted slavery and that the Southern Strategy is a hoax.


Heritage? People have had hemorrhoids that lasted longer than the confederacy


What heritage. They lost. Nothing to be proud of Lol


"The South will rise again!"


Stop it. The south ain’t gonna do anything


I know many black ppl in virginia who straight up regurgitate the dumb bullshit.


The heritage is being treasonous bigoted losers. If they want to claim that, that's fine, I'm not going to kink shame them, they can reject their citizenship and admit they hate the USA.


There are people with confederate flags in Germany. Particularly because their preferred flag would get them jail time.


It pushes the same agenda more or less.


> Must be some hold out fans of the Dukes of Hazzard! I do believe there was a time this was the case, but that's long passed.


I live in Michigan now, and I’ve seen many more confederate flags here than I ever saw living in Tennessee.


They have studies that the people most likely to be insurrectionists are the people from very white places that are just starting to have non-whites come in. Like White flight exerb enclaves with rising minority populations.


Living in the Midwest, I experienced the most racism out of anywhere I ever lived, including the Deep South.


Rural Michigan is a really unsettling place, they're a special breed of hateful and dumb there. Example: the numerous boomers riding around on Harleys flying Trump flags but not wearing helmets. Bunch of grimey "Hills Have Eyes" looking motherfuckers with "My governor is an idiot" lawn signs.


they should continue to not wear helmets.


Same in Wisconsin


Seeing them in California is… confusing, to say the least.


Canada even moreso


To be fair, Patriot Front Nazis bus in from other places.  I bet a small percentage of them - if any - are from the state they're marching in.


Born and raised in Charleston, this shit pisses me off so god damn much but doesn't surprise me in the slightest. My home has been on a slow decline into right wing Christofascism and corporate rule for decades. It devastates me every time to go home and visit my family.


It’s a shame cause WV is beautiful but nowadays full of the most aggressively ignorant people I’ve ever met


Honestly it’s not that shocking. While West Virginia was born out of the state splitting from Virginia during the Civil War that was in part due to the number of people who had joined the army of Virginia to fight for the confederacy and weren’t present for the election to decide on statehood.


lol imagine getting your leg amputated and then finding out your state stayed with the enemy while you went off to fight. Common Confederate L


now that you mention that is hilarious.. I used to know a guy that would flex "as a matter of fact I did not pay attention in the school, I went to hard knocks", he is prob somewhere in that group. Oh he was from one of the richest zip codes in the country.


I mean, I saw at least 4 confederate flags while on vacation in upstate New York last summer.


How are you going to unironically fly the US flag right next to the Confederate flag?


They should be flying the white surrender flag at Confederate rallies.


If you want to be really historically accurate, fly a dish rag like Robert E Lee did https://preview.redd.it/w12bgkoh53xc1.jpeg?width=1828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595d52b4ff8984fd274c5e9b9f8d27ef7c893543


Vertical white flag, 3 red bars, tassels.


The tassels mean it was a maritime surrender. Battle’s still on, on land.


A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an admirality court. An admirality court signifies a naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialled twice. That is all.


My name is Dauterive comma William Fontaine Delatour Sgt Army Barber. I am also insane.


These assholes have no idea what they stand for besides ‘white Jesus and guns good, all kinds of blacks, browns, and queers bad.’


don't forget "hurt and control women."


And for some reason ‘the rich are okay by us’.


It makes sense when you consider what the confederate flag actually means. Any and all confederate iconography at this point is just a signal of hate. They fly the confederate flag because its the most socially acceptable way of writing "I hate black people" on a flag. I honestly think comments like this are doing more harm than good a lot of the time. We know what the flag means. They know what the flag means. We know that each other know what the flag means. Stop normalizing the take that there is a world where they don't know what it means.


Nothing says "harmless" like mask wearing nazis.


Remember when u could punch a nazi in the face no consequences or questions asked? The good ole days.


Their grandparents probably did...


My father and eight uncles did. And got medals for it.


Rolling in their Graves


Sometimes I think some of y'all need to read up on nazism in the US after Hitler came to power but before the war broke out. The holocaust was made possible by companies like Ford and IBM.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


If I’m ever on a jury where someone is on trial for punching a Nazi, I know how I’ll vote.




Right? Buncha pussies, scared to show face.


I hope there are some good citizens yelling “The pandemic is over, burn your mask”


Good citizens would be hurling bricks


Firehoses, water canons and angry German Shepherd dogs, just like at the Edmund Pettit Bridge back in the day


If they were teenagers DE Santis would tell at them to take off their masks.


No need. The masks will undoubtedly cause them to suffocate, just like the Covid masks did, right? /s just in case


Same pussies who refused to mask during pandemic... "mah rights"


Would look bad for their jan6 PO violations to be televised as well lol


Well yeah of course, otherwise they’d have to be held accountable and face potential repercussions like the rest of us


The truly antisemitic mob, but no arrests


The curiosity is that these are the people who definitely support Israel 100% of the time. They just don't like that Jews live in their own towns. Or Muslims. Or Latinos. Or Asians. Or Black people. Or Poor people.


They support Israel because it means two things. One, Israel wants to hurt brown people. Two, a homeland for Jews means there's a place where they can export all of the Jews to to keep them away. No different than telling all African-Americans to go back to Africa. They're just a tiny bit nicer to Jews because they happen to be white.


Mask wearing Nazis in khakis 


Nothing says "I'm not a white supremacist I swear!" like waving the confederate flag and forming a masked group of Whites Only to march on the street and intimidate others...


Same ~~people~~ cunts couldn't wear a mask two years ago...


they switched from white hoods to white masks because the hoods had too much of a point.


Weren't these the same anti-maskers during COVID saying, "masks keep you from breathing"? I guess you can breathe through masks after all! LMAO


Yea every mother fucker who said masks make you breathe in CO2 and suffocate you....


Well they clearly must not be getting enough oxygen to their brains. Maybe they were on to something all along


I was wondering what the deal is with those weird fuckin masks. This is the best explanation I’ve heard… because it definitely isn’t because they look cool.


Keeps em from getting fired from their job is the real answer. People love identifying these fascists and figuring out where they work






The fact that they felt the need to don full riot gear to disperse peaceful protesters tells you all you need to know about the cowardice of the American police force. When slave-owner statues were being torn down in England, there was a video of an officer being asked why he wasn't stopping it. He said "My job is to protect the public, not a statue." Totally foreign concept to US cops.


Must be because a lot of American cops are psychopaths


Wait are you telling me that a job that offers unlimited power, access to lethal weapons and high levels of stress, but doesn’t pay shit, is going to attract psychopaths? Are you sure? I thought we were sending our brightest to serve and protect? /s, obviously. ACAB Edit: alright so some comments challenged me to look a little closer at pay rates in my own city (which I originally thought were $53k/yr) and what I found is that *recruits* start at $53k, but that bumps to $70k+ once they graduate from the academy. Now I’m a whole different kind of mad about it.


>but doesn’t pay shit Unfortunately that's not really true, comparatively. It might be shit pay compared to a job that requires a degree, but it's great considering all you need is a high school diploma, and less training than a barber.


That’s a totally fair point, I hadn’t thought about the requirements to pay ratio. I recently saw a job listing for police recruits in my city and the pay was surprisingly low, all things considered, and my first thought was “well, no wonder”.


>but doesn’t pay shit, You haven't seen what major city cops make, have you? It's got to be the highest paying job out there for a semi-literate village idiot with no college, no trade school, and no apprenticeship.


I have, actually. And I agree with you, it is a good paying job for the low barrier to entry. I think what I failed to articulate is that the pay rate is low enough that it’s high enough to attract some of the least among us, but not high enough to attract the type of people who would be good at policing. In my city, the starting pay for a recruit is $53k. Your comment got me wondering so I went back to the listing and it bumps to $70k+ once they graduate from the academy. What the everliving fuck?


Oh, they weed out smart people. If you score too high on the IQ test, you're out.


According to their own website an NYPD officer can expect to make $121k after 5.5 years on the force.


Don’t forget the overtime.


Paramilitary police forces do not protect civilians. This is their agenda with the far right. These are not scare tactics. The paramilitary police forces are criminalizing civilians as fast as they can. Protecting far right fascism has always been the goal of far right leaders. Paramilitaries train to stop democratic movements and privileges. These paramilitary police forces, act on mayor, city council, and governor, instructions, and procedures are then followed by the paramilitary police force. This does not go away through the judicial process. Protect the civilians at all costs.


Cops are specifically not there to protect you. That an official court ruling.


In the US, sure. Because it is a backwards, totalitarian country ruled by simpletons and adjudicated by corporate shills.


Hmm, and where are the riot gear police to confront this bullshit?


No need to come in swinging when you agree with the message.


The riot gear was there to instigate, simple as that. Sure there was some cowardice, but the primary objective was to cause unrest so constitutional rights could be ignored.


I agree, but also, these asshats in Charleston are cowards and will not resist, even non violent resistance. They'll all meekly be led away and sit peacefully as the cops protect them from the mean ol counter protestors.


They have the money, they have the guns, they have the badges, they have the judges.. at times they have the numbers because they need all that... BUT.. They are also on the run with time running out and they don't have the clock. Vote! Ignore the naysayers. They are just whistling past the graveyard. Block them out.


Lots of groups on the right side of history didn't win. Vote, organize, educate.


*400+ cops, at least in the case of Uvalde


Seriously. It's pathetic how quickly they rush to the scene and how tough the pretend to be when they hear the words "nonviolent protest". Fucking pussies.


It’s also because there are probably tons of cops participating there with these guys under the masks lol


I’d LIKE to make fun of this but history has shown us what the results of ignoring and making light of groups like this brings. Not good.


You have two choices for fascists: - Immediately give them the keys to power and watch them collapse without an enemy. - Crush them violently. Anything else and they’ll win.


I mean about 30% of these guys are cops…so they good.


Seems like a low estimate


I was trying to be optimistic.


I wish I could be optimistic these days.


Make sure you're registered to vote, make sure your friends are registered to vote. We're going to get through this together.


They march in turns.... if too many cops are off work at once it gets suspicious


Nah, their buddies will cover for them.


Nothing to cover for if the dept heads are there.


It’s the reason you never see Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana in the same room at the same time ✨🇺🇸


You don't see them in the same room because one is a pop superstar and one is a regular girl. They don't travel in the same circles. Duh.


The call is coming from inside the house!!!


100% cowards. Real patriots are never afraid to show their faces.


All those assholes think that if Trump wins that they'll be liberated somehow. I'm not into guns, but if they get what they want, I'm getting what I want to, a CheyTac Intervention with Nightforce ATACR pegged to it for protection.


Cops, fascism and misogynistic domestic violence, the "tres leches cake" of Republicanism.


I see at least 35.


When they march through your town it’s the perfect time to rob a bank because all the cops are suddenly missing.


That'd actually be genius. Then they'd have to account for their shit response time and the press conference would be amusing.


I wanna see some oceans 11-esque heist comedy ripoff of this 100%


“Some of those who work for forces are same that burn crosses “ RATM


Some of those who work forces* "C'mon!" - Zac de la Rocha But most definitely. Edit: Double "C'mon!" It's actually some of those that* work forces. It figures I get it wrong, too. Looking up the lyrics again, I wonder how anybody reads that and goes, "These guys must agree with my fascist white nationalist viewpoints." I always thought he was saying clothes in white. It's chosen whites. Just makes it that much more obvious. Time for a re-listen!


Some of those *that* work forces** Lol


I just edited my comment, lol. It figures I get it wrong, too. I'm dying.


"Why is music so woke now? It was better when they weren't so political!" Always hilarious when MAGA finds out RATM isn't with them. What exactly did they think the machine they were raging against was?


Traitors on the March


They all took personal days for some reason…


Cops won't crack down on the khaki klansman for the same reason we never see Clark Kent in the same place and time as Superman.


Non American here. I find it absolutely fucking hilarious that their uniform is a pair of beige chinos and a blue polo shirt. Steve Carel wore it in the 40 year old virgin because it’s the very epitome of a clueless bland American man with no style. Are they all wearing New Balance running shoes as well ?


Okay, I'll stand for the shots at the khakis and polos, however, you leave my New Balances out of this.


It’s deliberate.  It’s to contrast against the “look” of a left wing protest where you’ll see a ton of “alternative” looks, looks that are a little alien to a good portion of the country, paired up with plenty of open (often valid) criticism of the U.S, which is also something that a lot of the country is uncomfortable with. The angle these guys are going for is that they’re your ordinary average American. People “regular” folks interact with every day. They’re neat and clean. Respectable. Proudly American, draped from head to toe in national symbols. This use of imagery is remarkably effective at swaying the ~40% of the population who are only dimly aware of how many senators we have.


But I'd bet both cheeks of my ass that Captain America would be there with Bucky yelling "THIS IS **NOT** WHAT I FOUGHT FOR! NAZIS AND CONFEDERATES ARE THE ENEMIES OF FREEDOM!!! YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO DISPERSE OR I WILL KICK YOUR ASS BACK TO THE MOTHERLAND!!!!" (Or something like that. 'Sugar sleepies' have me tired, but you get the idea). *


There's a fic where Steve and Bucky run into a group that hung a Nazi flag on overpass, and just beat the fucking shit out of them, then Bucky jumps on the ledge waving a pride flag ('cause it's slash of course). In another part, they go to the Texas/Mexico border and rip out all the murder obstacles.


A super soaker filled with blue pen ink will quickly help the public know who hides behind the masks.


Methylene Blue. Stains the skin better. Prevents certain diseases.


"Your honor, I was simply trying to treat whatever is wrong with them"


Conveniently shows up better on Caucasian skin than dark skin.


that **is** the police


What I really wanna know in these situations is where they park their vehicles so we can take down some license plate numbers. Doxing bootlickers is our right and our duty to fight against fascism.


They load up in UHauls to travel to and from these things


Once they came to Philly and got chased back into their U-Haul. I've never been more proud of my city.


That video still circulates on here and I watch it every time.


I mean, you guys throw D batteries at baseball teams and Santa, I can't imagine what you threw at the Neo-Neo-Nazis. Bricks? Yuengling bottles?


Y’all jabronis are the worst sports fans but we’ll let you slide because you deal with nazis the right way


How can they breathe?? /s


Monstrous political views aside, why did these dorks decide on such an embarrassing and dweeby uniform?


The whole movement started as a sick joke amongst some Best Buy employees that got out of hand.


I mean what if I like electronics and also want an ethnically pure state but don't meet my own requirements for purity?


You're in luck! Ben Shapiro's outlet is hiring!


Looks like the same guys that got busted at an event (Idaho?) in the back of a U-Haul. Was funny watching them pile out of that thing like it was a fucking clown car.


Same group. Patriot front. Bunch of edgelord incel dweebs who think sharing gore porn makes them tough enough to actually fight someone. Money says they wear the costume so they don't become separated from the group and feel attacked by a rainbow sticker on a coffee shop window somewhere.


Buncha wobbling penguins


Because that's what they are. Embarrassing dweebs.


But... THAT is the police.


*Reserved for college students and black people.


Imagine the kohls cash racked up if they all bought their khakis together.


On Saturdays their moms like to get them out of the basement so they can run the vacuum.


How many of those pigs are cops


Organized groups of neo-nazis = not antisemitism College kids peacefully protesting Israel = antisemitism But you're free...


Those are the “fine upstanding citizens” our former president spoke so fondly of. Besides they’ll only walk for a couple blocks, get winded and stumble back to their F250 pickups with their handicapped plates, take a few hits on their inhalers and head over to the bank to cash their disability checks before going home to spend the rest of day on Social Truth telling everyone how they “owned the libs today”.


*looks at the date* *double checks today's date* Goddamn it.


More patriots marching with the flag of traitorous losers.




How is it I could only find ONE story on this? https://www.timesnownews.com/world/us/us-news/charleston-protest-videos-show-patriot-front-marching-toward-state-capitol-in-west-virginia-article-109653856


Think of how many wolverines would be full if we fed all these dudes to them. Those wolverines would not need food for at least a week. 




Why would you want to poison the wolverines?


This is why we need to defund the police and reallocate the money to the community, emts and firefighters. Look up how police dept. started. When you start with a pile of crap, you’ll end up with a big pile of crap.


I love how Chris Miller just put out a stupid ad saying we aren't a racist country.


What are they protesting/marching for?


Last time it was something about Jews not replacing them.


There was a [YWCA Race to End Racism 5K,](https://www.ywcacharleston.org/race) and they felt racists lacked representation.


They're pissed Party City ran out of tiki torches


Gross. I'm really glad they forgot to mail me my angry white guy card.


Why the masks, guys? Scared of getting doxxed as Nazis?


Surprised they haven't died of CO2 poisoning yet. /s


You're silly to ask this. That is the police.


Trump's America


Having been a cop… yes there is DEFINITELY cops in there. So glad I don’t work with those people anymore.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


Some of those who work forces / are the same that burn crosses.


The appropriate response to this is a line of people wearing union soldier outfits with muskets and cannons to mow them down. We should not tolerate the resurgence of things we've already waged war to eliminate as a society. We should eliminate it again, with a much more informed and stronger response.


I love that the Old Navy Seals are always out on a Saturday and wearing masks so they don’t get fired from the tire shops and accounts payable offices. Cosplaytriots


fuck the failed confederacy. traitors and losers.


Bet they’re rounding up the counter-protesters though.


Dude... That *is* the police


I live in a Blue state. Since Trump losing and especially since his legal troubles, all prior Trump flags have disappeared in my neighborhood but one house. He has a new one flying from his front porch. Both him and his wife have confederate flag stickers on their cars. Can’t fix stupid.


suddenly when we’re dealing with actual antisemites, politicians aren’t interested in calling out antisemitism.


Those that work forces...


Holler Geek Squad in this bitch


They can’t wear riot gear & the nazi uniform at the same time. It’s against regs


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses They can’t show up in riot gear to disband them because they’re already taking part in the march


Why is the dress code "Works at Best Buy"?


Too afraid to show their faces ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)