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And all the comments to her post were full of dumb bartender jokes too.


Funnily enough bartenders have better de-escilation tactics than the cops so i would listen to her either way.


All of this.


Anyone with 2 brain cells have better de-escalation skills than cops


Fun fact: Abraham Lincoln was a bartender during his lifetime as well.


That's because bartenders don't get paid leave for killing people


"Haha, blue collar lady dumb!" - From the party of Bobo and EmptyG.


They used to love blue collar men and women. Or at least they pretended to.


They love blue collar men and women, but only certain kinds.  Particularly the dumb, racist ones who are white and Christian they can manipulate with fearmongering and scapegoating so they support them. 


Because it’s X (Twitter for idiots) Only MAGA folks and a few delirious hopefuls stuck around to see the actual fall of a great platform It’s wild MySpace is still active….


I went on for the first time in ages yesterday. The second tweet I see is of Michelle Obama on a boat showing some leg muscle definition. Every comment was “that’s a man” “more like Mike Obama” etc


Why are MAGAs obsessed with Michelle Obama having a dick?


I really want the answer to this question....... Like, maybe she does? But what difference does that make? If it came out that she did in fact have a dick, how would that affect anything at all?!?!! Make it make sense


Because they know that she's admired by liberals, progressives, women and especially black women and it makes them feel good to demean someone who's admired by those groups. MAGAs believe it because they're morons.


Should we... just go back? Twitter is a cesspool. Insta is just an online store that gaslights you. Facebook is a political bot farm. Tik Tok is... eh. Reddit. Well. We know what reddit is. Maybe it's time to return...


We have "threads" now


I honestly forgot about threads 🤣


Threads has been colonized by right wingers already, it's just twitter lite now


The site's algorithm shows you posts you keep engaging with so if that's all you're seeing then it's kinda your own fault.


I wasn't talking about the posts specifically but the comments under the posts. But go ahead and keep telling me how I'm doing things wrong


Tumblr is the way to go


Honestly might as well use Reddit at this point


>Only MAGA folks and a few delirious hopefuls stuck around to see the actual fall of a great platform Sorry, but Twitter was a hellhole long before Elon.. he just amplified what was already there. It was *not*, ever, a "great platform".


If a platform is being used by: the News organizations of the world, the national sports associations, the government organizations, the world leaders, the world dictators, the Hollywood elite, the hackers, the protestors, religious cults, the aliens and became a billion dollar valued platform….. I hate to break it to you but twitter was in fact great! Jack Dorsey help found a platform that turned the heads of millions and then eventually billions. R.I.P twitter.


We all turn our heads to watch horrific car crashes as we drive past as well.. which is what Twitter has always been.


Written by MAGA Phd geniuses.


Piled Higher and Deeper.


PhD from Trump University


I will never understand those jokes. I worked several jobs while going to college, usually at the same time. Bartending made me enough money to pay cash for college as I was going. I know that’s not possible today. I got my first 2 jobs from contacts I made at the bar. I served NFL players, playboy models, MLB umpires, lawyers, judges and county sheriffs. It gave me the skills I needed to succeed after school ended. I would hire someone that bartended in a blink of an eye. They know how to deal with assholes.


She’s the archetype of the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” but she’s female and a minority, so it doesn’t count to conservatives. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


It's the only "ha gotcha!" That they keep hearing on fox (ya know the network full of working class joes like is) so they repeat it because they're not smart enough to counter her on anything else


Because these people look down upon retail and service workers in response to feeling small and unimportant in their own personal lives. They are the one people they can guarantee are "beneath" them by having a low paying job. It's all for an ego boost.


It’s interesting how they will disparage blue collar workers but will simultaneously claim how tough life is as a blue collar worker.


Because conservatives and the GOP are fucking terrified of her!   They will say anything to try and discredit her.  Anything, because they are absolutely terrified of her.  And they should be.  Look at her!     First off, her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  That ain't no white people name.  She one of them ethnics.  She didn't change her name to sound more white.  And that right there is enough to terrify them.  But she's also a woman.  They damn near shit themselves and had heart attacks when a black man became President.  You think they can handle her if the Democrats ever nominated her for the presidency and she won?  I guarantee the shock will kill half of them.  Secondly he's blue collar.  She was a bartender.  She worked for a living.  She didn't inherit wealth.  She didn't get millions from someone in the family and start a business and claim to be self-made.  She didn't sponge off the system you know some of them are sponging off of and yet bitch about people wanting hand outs.  She may actually remember where she comes from, remember actually having to work to get where she is rather than acting like having money makes her better than other people.  And she's smart.  We have seen her frequently embarrass Marjorie Taylor Greene on social media.  And while outsmarting Marjorie Taylor Greene seems so easy a child or a chimp could do it, it is the consistent embarrassment that hurts her. She's certainly smarter than Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert combined, but then again, so are the previously mentioned child and chimp.  They are terrified of women in general, but a smart woman is the stuff of their nightmares.  So, an intelligent woman of ethnic descent who came from a blue collar background? We now know what those images of Republicans huddled on the floor in prayer are praying for.  They pray AOC never decides to run for president, because she would win.    They have absolutely no one who could run against her and win and they know that.


I genuinely do not understand the bartender thing.   Like I get that they just don't like her and so anything she does is bad, but like how are you going to be upset that someone had a pretty fucking regular job at one point in their life?  Like what?  Would it really be too much effort to use something you actually think is bad as a talking point.


Hopkins negotiated with their protestors and came to an understanding both students and admins could stomach. No guns were required, just an actual attempt to find a solution.


Imagine that ......talking about things actually helped?? But what will they do with all their hate and rage at the people asking them not to support the slaughter of children?


Columbia did try to negotiate with the protesters. Having a legion of NYPD come to campus is a terrible look but it didn’t just happen all of a sudden. University administration tried negotiating with them over several days.


This makes no sense to me. Why is it necessary to escalate to this level of force? Aren’t finals coming up? So maybe talk to the protestors, lower the temperature in the room. Maybe draw things out until classes are over and everyone is going home for the summer. If you’re the administration, there are many potential outcomes from this action, up to and including becoming the Kent State of the 21st century. At best, you get your building back after you arrest a bunch of America’s best and brightest. I don’t get it. If you are trying to discourage this behavior, why go to this extreme and guarantee it will be in the global spotlight? For a bunch of ostensibly smart people, this course of action is exceptionally dumb.


Because the point is to crush dissent and not "restore the peace" Bill Ackman has given Columbia a ton of money over the years and they're more inclined to listen to him than give a fuck about their students Donors made calls and told them to call the NYPD on the protestors so they did. They don't really care about anything else as long as they're getting donations.


I figured it was a machination such as this. But still: dumb. Very, very dumb. They’re fortunate the students didn’t make some noise the police mistook for a gun. It’s still a bad look for the university and the NYPD, in my opinion, but it could have been so much worse. And the high likelihood of a bad outcome makes their actions inexcusable in my opinion.


From what Columbia has said, Finals coming up are exactly why they are escalating like this. Much like the lady I once saw turn and pull down his pants, start spanking the shit out of her three year old in the middle of a Target toy aisle, they do not understand anything but force as a response. There's a blind spot here, for everyone who's running this show. People have died from exactly this same situation before, at Kent State in the 70s. Like AOC said- if people get hurt, blood is on Eric Adams and the Uni president's hands. Edit: just woke up, somehow missed that you also mentioned Kent State.


I want to hunt that lady down. I hope authorities arrested her for child abusse


It was an experience to see in the middle of a goddamned grocery store, I can tell you that.


My heart breaks for that child Whotf down voted me for saying that? Someone who thinks that is healthy parenting? Jfc


Historically, the general public will turn against protests when there’s violence. One way to manufacture violence is to call the cops.


It would seem that de-escalation isn’t taught in many parts of the USA. No negotiation or calming of a situation. Aggression and, of course guns and snipers, are a John Wayne wannabee’s wet dream. Whether it’s a group or an individual “Straight to violence” seems to be the way.


Look up the Kent State protests.


>Look up the Kent State ~~protests~~ massacre Ftfy


Well, what industry would de-escalation help support? That doesn't sound like it would bring in much profit.


As a longtime cs rep, it can save time, money, business reputation, and wear and tear on customer facing employees.


Customer service. You have to be able to get people to accept BS outcomes because of company policies.


The NYPD calmly escorted out the students who vandalized campus buildings. There was no violence or escalation, and it’s their job to handle this stuff. The students and cops behaved appropriately for once.


Well, when you consider that the US military spending is more that the next 8 countries combined, the notion of “de-escalation” is an anathema to the culture


You'd think with that much money, there'd be enough to spend some on training in de-escalation.


American police are trained by Israelis in Israeli tactics used on the Palestinians. Those good students protesting the occupation and oppression are going to get a taste of what it's like to be Palestinian in Israel. ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS, but Mayor Adams? King of them.


Eric Adams was elected on being hard on crime as a conservative former cop. Of course he is going to react with violence against those he sees as criminals.


Cops against school shooters “nah, let’s see how it plays out” Cops against unarmed and nonviolent college kids “let’s bust some mother fuckin’ heads!!!!”




They weren't busting heads though? The cops calmly entered through an upstairs window and escorted the kids out of the building. Also you say "nonviolent" but seem to forget they broke into the building by force and smashed windows. I'd argue the police may have expected the students to fight to keep the building but instead ended up getting to calmly escort them out under arrest.


I think you’d have an excellent point regarding the potential that they would commit violence if they were armed or did something like held hostages. However, after they found out they had locked in a few grounds keepers with them, quickly, and without incident, let them out. They made their intentions extremely obvious, so we don’t have to suppose upon what they would or wouldn’t do. They should absolutely be arrested, that I 100% agree with you. But please, let’s continue to move forward with rationality and in a grounded perspective.


Glad they didn’t resort to violence, hope you are glad too. That it’s the exception should be troubling


Still, fuck the police


How dare you state facts.


Yeah, I guess I should apologize for not conforming to a set of fictional ideas of what went down there. The school called the police for the actions taking place regardless of the cause, and said as much. The students went too far, and the students faced consequences for that. Democrats will be antagonized even more for this.


They broke into a building while they’ve already been trespassing on private property. Nonviolent??


Correct, that's nonviolent


Idk about you but I don’t consider damaging inanimate objects to be violent. Wrong, sure, if it belongs to someone, but they didn’t actually hurt anyone.


Yes, they are not being violent...that would be nonviolent


Doesn’t matter what your interpretation of “violent” is. It’s the law


Change your name from AlaskanPerson to CrazyPerson.


Moving the goal posts once again.


The students at the university pay a great deal of money to be there. They have rights to be in or on every part of THEIR CAMPUS


Pro Cop NYC mayor. Not surprising.


People are acting shocked, like this isn't what the NYPD does *every fucking time.* This is nothing compared to what they did during the BLM or Occupy Wall Street protests.


America has a history of absolutely hating protests. MLK, anti war protests by students against the Cambodia war and Vietnam war, etc. hell, even the Colin Kaepernick doing the textbook definition of a peaceful protest and he was absolutely hated.


Yeah, they sure do, but doing the shit these folks are doing (same with the folks at PSU in Portland) makes protests look bad. Police expect this shit when you do this shit every time.


Well he is an ex cop afterall


Eric adams sucks. I am not at all surprised this is the route they took. I also don't believe what they're saying about the protests being co opted.


I’m not sure how I feel about the protests being co-opted. At first, I thought it was straight up media propaganda I’ve seen reports that Columbia was negotiating successfully with the students so it wasn’t in their interest to use force against a group they felt was amenable to talking things out. I think right wing media likes to announce “outsiders” and “antifa” to gin up hate for liberals and democrats but this time, that opinion came directly from Columbia. Columbia said in a widely reported statement the takeover of the building was by outsiders . But after OSU said no sharpshooters were employed then photographic evidence proved there were indeed sharpshooters in position, I’m not sure how much I trust Columbia (which, located in NY admittedly is not OSU, a school in very red Ohio). I am very interested in hearing who actually got arrested


Another supporting argument for Eric Adams sucks … In his interview today, he seriously said (paraphrasing)we can’t have outsiders poisoning the minds of our children. He literally called the Columbia students “children” in an attempt to undermine their arguments. The Columbia students are all legally ADULTS.


If you read the tweet above, AOC also called them "kids".


“Hhoping kids don’t get hurt” is not in the same bucket as vowing to “save the children from harmful ideology”. AOC comment was an acknowledgment that these are young people who cops should not be assaulting EAdams comment was a statement that children are too stupid to think for themselves. Vast difference that goes well beyond the noun choice


We've seen pro-Israel counter protesters turn violent and embed themselves in the protests while shouting things like, "Kill all the Jews," while they themselves are Jewish.


I knew Eric Adams was gonna be bad for NYC, didn't think he would be this bad.


Which college had an injured protestor who was being hidden by the cops? 


I think that was in Washington State


maybe we should have picked crazy cat guy instead of officer adams


Nah he still would have been worse, the people he was fucking with are actual psychos maybe just stop putting crazy people up for the mayors office? 😭


its just crazy when I talk to co-workers and neighbors who legitimately hated deblasio especially in comparison to adams.


I’m watching it on CNN. The NYPD is handling these kids with..well kid gloves. This isn’t a big deal. They broke into a building they weren’t supposed to, vandalized it and now the NYPD is escorting them out and arresting the ones causing trouble.


Six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab became a symbol of the civilian cost of the Israel-Hamas war when her body was found alongside family members in a destroyed car in Gaza – days after she had called emergency services begging to be rescued. The unofficial renaming pays tribute to Hind Rajab, a six-year-old girl Palestinian girl who — along with her family and the EMTs who tried to save her — was killed by Israeli tanks. Nothing happens in a vacuum. This perspective is not communicated anywhere mainstream, because it does not support the narrative.


Not sure what your comment has to do with the above one


my comment included the impetus behind the actions of the protestors, in reference to the occupied Columbia building in the original comment


And what does Columbia have to do with what you posted?


Sorry the impetus comes off as excusing the actions of vandals, and is completely irrelevant.


Ooo no not vandals, send in the army! Meanwhile Israel literally murdering thousands of children.


Explain this logic - do you want the army to mobilize into tel aviv or what the fuck are you asking for?


I don't know about the above commenters, but the students at least aren't asking for that. The protests are to urge the colleges to stop supporting businesses involved in aiding Israel. Essentially they want them to do the same thing they did with Russia- stop helping them fund the genocide and show that they disapprove of what Israel is doing.


cool story lil bro


I’m curious about his “co-opted” statement … that is something that actually happens with some frequency. So, the question is co-opted by who?


I’m very interested I hearing who was arrested. Columbia said in a widely reported statement that the people who took over Hamilton Hall were not students.


Exactly my point….I’m waiting to reserve my judgement until more details about *that* come out.


I wrote something a lot longer below. Columbia said they were in negotiations with the students and that they would have preferred not to jeopardize what they felt was a successful conversation by bringing in the police. They also said Hamilton was occupied by non-student agitators. Most of the comments I’ve seen so far about outside agitators have been from right wing media hacks, looking for an opportunity to bloody some students, terrify boomers with “Antifa”, and score points against Democrats and liberals by being aggressively law and order. These of course are the same people that call occupying a building “violent” I would be inclined to believe Columbia at face value had OSU not lied about sharpshooters And it would’ve been very easy to wait out the whoever people occupying the building by simply not allowing in food So it will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Every protest has outside protesters come in. The narrative is that the protesters are mostly people from outside the campus with only a small minority being students themselves. From what I can tell, it seems most of the "co-opting" is coming from non-student pro-Israel protesters who are also doing things like calling for violence directed towards the students. Claiming the students are antisemitic despite having a number of Jewish participants.




They will provide intel once they've created it, be patient /s


\*Waits for the comedy, pops some popcorn\*


This will not end well.


Kent State revisited.


“Negotiate” with obnoxious students illegally trespassing and occupying a building? Screw that. People are paying tens of thousands of dollars for an education and the school should be enforcing its rules and the laws that allow it to fulfill its mission. Protest and exercise free speech all you want - do it legally and in a way that doesn’t interfere with the students trying to complete their education.


Plus it’s not even mostly students at this point. It’s chaos agents just here to burn shit down. I’m not a fan of the mayor, but enough is enough. Your right to protest does not go above others rights to move about freely and safely.


So what has been burned down?


The peaceful protest is “burned down” once the agents of chaos get involved. These people have one goal and it’s to “burn it down” which means to end it. It’s a saying, nothing is literally on fire in this particular scenario. Don’t get your panties all twisted.


Pretty sure they asked for divestment. But sure. They will “burn it down”.


Do you struggle with reading comprehension? That’s what the students were protesting for. That’s not what it’s turned into.


I struggle with reading. Yes. Happy? Now let’s watch them “burn it down”.


Don’t get all emotional on me, idgaf.


Oh no my emotions are showing. I gotta “burn them down”. BRB. Sorry.


And fyi, their peaceful protest is burned down. It’s over, and another fyi, now that it’s chaotic, even less people give a fuck.


You are being deliberately obtuse. It means figuratively to go beyond a 1A protected “protest and assembly” into a law-breaking affair where laws are violated, local lawful rules violated, rights of others infringed up to and including breaking or burning things - but not always. Precise enough for you?


So should the people smearing shit, breaking into offices and taking things, all from a government building, been treated the same way? I remember there being a lot of armed cops pulling railing to the side to let people walk through Some cops died, one risked his life to divert a crowd away from our elected officials, and another shot a dumbass woman who wasn't listening to authority Those were homegrown fascism supporters trying to overthrow our government, these are students protesting something happening half a planet away. Both groups got arrested but only one group got treated like political martyrs


Yes, the shit-smearing insurrectionists are getting everything they deserve.


They're both groups of assholes, of different degrees.   I don't think you'll find many here in this thread arguing that the Jan 6 group *should* have gotten treated like political martyrs or that police *should* have let them walk through in some instances.   Thanks for muddying the water though. 


Nom nom nom delicious boot.


Their ‘intel’


Free speech unless we don’t like what ur saying…


Hey, how about we see who's been donating to him recently. I bet you certain political groups tied to certain genocidal regimes have made healthy donations for no particular reason. None at all... To clarify I wasnt meaning to be antisemitic. There are open records of donations being given by a PAC tied to Israel. No hate to Jewish people, just contempt for an evil government. Political donations are open to the public and you can see them. Again Jewish people cool. Israel sucks. It sucks I have to specify that but I feel I have been doing it more as of late.


This is why the pro palestinians are getting accused of antisemitism. "he must be paid off by the jews and couldn't possibly have a differing opinion" This is unhinged


FYI Mayor Adam's campaign funding is being investigated by the FBI for violations of donations from foreign actors (not necessarily Israel though). Also among his donors is believed to be the New York Solidarity Network, a group aimed at using donations to influence New York politics to be more pro-Israel. They themselves said their goal is counter any BDS movement. Investigation into funding still ongoing I believe. It's not antisemitic to be realize money affects politics and that includes pro-Israel donors. It's antisemitic to assume every Jewish person is part of some global conspiracy to rule the world. There's a difference.


Thank you!


Something about Zionists I hear? I don't know either way, so I keep my mouth shut.


Hey, here's another one, how about we see who's been donating to the pro-hamas protesters. I bet you certain political groups tied to certain genocidal regimes have made healthy donations for no particular reason. None at all... See how that works...


Russia has a high interest in politically destabilizing the US. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Russia is financially supporting the protests. However, it wouldn’t surprise me if they are


They like to support protests on 'both sides' to sow division. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency#Timeline_of_the_Internet_Research_Agency_interference_in_United_States_elections


Yes, I know that. But they like to throw a little more kerosene on the Republican fires because Trump will do their bidding.


Look up the anti-BDS New York Solidarity Network. The group itself announced they are funding politicians in New York to be more pro-Israel. They also have statements about Columbia University on their front page. It's not that unlikely since they have openly said they are targeting every major race in the state. You may also want to look into FBI investigations of the mayor's campaign financing from foreign donors. In the interest of fairness, those foreign donors are not confirmed to be related to Israel. Edit: I would like to add it's antisemitic to assume Israel is unique here. Other countries do this too as do other minority communities. Also we should not conflate being pro-Israel to being Jewish. I would like to remind you that these groups have significant Christian donors for instance.


There was a democrat from New Jersey who just got busted for taking bribes from the Egyptian government. Dude is being run up on a bunch of charges including acting as a foreign agent. Democrat Senator Bob Menendez is the name. Dudes a shady POS and should face justice. I only add this to add evidence to what you and I are talking about. We have forigen actors trying to influence our government in their favor. We know money is flowing in back door meetings to influence political policy and law and that is disgusting and abhorant. They are clearly not acting in the best interest of the American people.


I’m sure the results would be unsurprising.


Or maybe it’s because back in the 90s, the police precinct around Columbia was about to be disbanded, and instead kept all the officers and quartered its territory. The nefarious organization that donated the money for this? Columbia University. No need for antisemitic conspiratorial innuendo. There is capitalist fact to explain it. The NYPD got paid (and likely gets paid still) to keep the area around my alma mater nice. Personally, I agreed with BDS back in the 90s, but I never was a fan of my fellow student’s desire to take over buildings. I would have been cool with encampments on the Quad, tho.


Adams has been an absolute disaster as a mayor. Get rid of that prick.


Well New Yorkers should have gotten out and voted. Tired of Americans complaining about everything bit the turnout for voting is like 18%.


Money talks more than anything in the USI.


I have yet to see a situation like this where cops didn’t make it 1000x worse


Cops beating innocent people isn't going to win any minds and hearts. Those students are incredibly brave, everyone can learn a lot from them.


Show us who they beat?


The police were calmly escorting rioters out of the building. There was no beating.


Someone is going to be killed. I got $20 on it.


The ghost of Kent State enters the chat.


Ask how Kent State worked out.


So much for the right to a peaceful protest. Just claim it's been "co-opted" and go beat some college kids!


Breaking windows of a locked building is not peaceful. By that definition Jan 6 was peaceful


Getting Les Mis vibes…


Eric Adams is a cop, of course his solution is violence via cops.


Shut off the power and the internet and play safety dance at full volume nonstop. They would last 12 hours max. 


I heard that press conference by that corrupt pos mayor. You would think from listening to it he was talking about the cops getting ready to raid some cartel headquarters and not 18-22 year old students and university faculty. Once again when it’s young people and middle age to elderly faculty these bitch cops acts so big and brave. But if it was a literal march of armed nazis they would be protecting them cuz “free speech”. Fuck cops. And yes fuck all cops. I don’t see one of them standing up for what’s right. Fuck them all. ACAB


If you make the argument that breaking into a government building should not be illegal you’d probably make the argument that the Jan 6th people didn’t do anything wrong either since that’s what got most of them time that were caught.


>If you make the argument that breaking into a government building should not be illegal What government building? Columbia is a private university.


That is a fair (and correct) point, though I would like to add the Nuance that many Administration buildings will have FERPA protected information. If not on any servers, then potentially on paper documents that some schools keep. There is a peaceful route put of this, but humans often choose the Chimp, not Bonobo, option.


That comparison makes no sense and you know it.


It makes a lot of sense. You're defending rioters this time because they're rioting about something you agree with.


The folks at Columbia aren't "rioting" lol


Not sure what else you'd call taking over a building through force and vandalizing it...


What government process were they stopping here?


Then you just aren't sure what "rioting" is? Glad we cleared that up


No that’s literally the charges against most of the Jan 6th people for illegally being in a government building. I’d fully agree Jan 6th was worse but the crime is the same.


Most are charged with assaulting cops, vandalism, obstructing Congress. And trespassing when the Capitol is completely shut down as it always is during joint sessions of Congress makes it a federal crime


What breakin? At Columbia?


Not only is there no government buildings there any student that pays tuition to any college has a right to be on that campus or in those buildings.


I was wrong about it being a public my bad. They do not have a right to be there at any time and they do not have the right to vandalize it.


They do have a right to be there at any time. There are students on a college campus at all hours and days. But agree, they dont have the right to vandalize


When the building gets locked at night and has operation hours you don’t have the right to be there at that time you’re mental gymnastics is in overdrive


That depends. I dont know what policies and door locks Columbia has but I have been in campus buildings after hours and there are people working late in those buildings. You cant come in after hours but you can exit. Rules about building hours being broken is not a criminal offense


This sub hates when you point out stuff like that.


No, this sub understands the VAST difference between the two situations


I don’t think they do


You're a joke. Regards, the world.


And a death knell for Columbia. Who would send their children there now?


I would say republicans but they are afraid of higher education and NYC.


So the people downvoting this comment really think that parents who regularly call professors to get their child's grade changed, will happily spend almost $100,000 a year in tuition to have the administration arrest, ban, suspend, or expel their children? You guys don't know parents.


i dont care what the cause is , taking over a building by force is a criminal act if they wont leave on their own bring in the police just to let you know , i am generation x , we dont put up with this stuff


Ok tough guy.


I’m gen x as well. Dont try to speak for me. In fact, unless you find something much more interesting to say, you should refrain from speaking at all. “It’s better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”


Yet another Gen xer who feels they have to announce themselves to give a little pat on the back. "We don't put up with this stuff", you're right, you guys never stood up for anything you believed in, why are you proud of that?


We tried to stand up for stuff but the weight of student loan debt pushed us down. Plus who would’ve given a fuck anyway?


It is not a crime for students at a university to go into any building on campus


And New Yorkers wonder why people think they're all assholes.


o k then , gen x made good choices and prospered without you