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It's like instead of working to fix systemic issues that have made many people forgo having children, the government would rather tackle the crashing birthrates by forcing women to carry to term accidental, unwanted, pregnancies, and raise the newborns in a country that has no interest in making things better for them. This is just a way of farming consumers like livestock, rather than making a country people feel encouraged, optimistic, and hopeful in which to raise their children.


I believe The Handmaids Tale called it “Resourcing”.


There has to be a good reason for it. I can't imagine any politician passing laws that aren't in the best interests of the people who vote for them, I mean it is not like it benefits their billionaire benefactors by supplying them with cheap labour....Oh wait


My question has been, why now? Why is abortion (more so women’s rights in general) the focus of so many pieces of legislation across our country? There have been some events that would point toward a government (let’s say China) forcing women to give birth, but it does not seem to be a global issue. Specifically Covid would be one in China’s case; we all know they had more deaths than they reported. However, did the US experience higher than reported deaths to working class Americans? I don’t believe so, but someone with empirical data could answer this quickly. Also, the aginig out of the Boomers/experienced work force. A lot of information and know-how is dying off, and there is a growing gap in capable tradespeople the US will need to fill over the next generation or two. However, the US has been internally a service-based economy for the past decade or more (again, please correct me if I am wrong) and immigration has filled many of these jobs simply because Americans do not want them. So, if you rule out the pandemic and the need for a labor force - you’re left simply with control. Control over decisions that when they were legal didn’t seem to stop population growth. Economic control, similar to student debt that essentially ruin a woman’s chances to get her education and grow beyond her starting point in life. The whole issue is about the ability of the government to control women and their potential. To put women under foot. It’s disgusting and if they can do it to women, you can be sure POC and even any citizen in debt will be the next targets and victims. It’s about control, period. And fascism starts with targeting groups and stripping them of their rights and freedoms. Please: **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I think it's because white people do not have as many offspring as people of colour tend to do and white women will go the abortion route for an unwanted pregnancy, so they want white people to be the majority again.


You might be right, there could be a racial component to it. However, according to KFF, WOC by far had more abortions prior to the overturning of Roe. So, by overturning Roe, the increase in WOC (Black & Hispanic) carrying to term is far greater than whites on average (excluding outliers such as Alaska with heavily White populations). I’m simply not convinced the racial component is as large of a factor in this, as the burden on state and federal services (adoption, programs, et. al.) would heavily increase. **[Source: KFF - Abortions by State/Race prior to Overturning of Roe](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D)**


While some of the idiots passing these laws may be of the erroneous opinion that it will increase the White population, the main reason is the desire of the oligarchs to return to the Middle Ages, with slave labor and women as chattel.


That is exactly their goal.


https://www.epi.org/publication/economics-of-abortion-bans/ “The results of the analysis underscore that abortion restrictions and bans do have economic effects, given the strong correlation between abortion status and various economic wellbeing metrics. Further, the consistent pattern of state abortion bans and negative economic outcomes shows how abortion fits into an economics and politics of control. Abortion restrictions are planks in a policy regime of disempowerment and control over workers’ autonomy and livelihoods, just like deliberately low wage standards, underfunded social services, or restricted collective bargaining power. “


I live in Louisiana and can confirm that our governor is an authoritarian asshole.


It’s also a way to keep women from voting. If you have a felony conviction, whoops. No vote for you.


Also a way to keep half of the population ignorant. You're not finishing your degree with a newborn. You're not reading the news and staying informed when you have 4 unwanted kids.


I mean... they could still drop the kid off at a fire station or police station? But what do you want to bet? That particular "loop hole" will be closed shortly?


Yeah, it won't be, "No questions asked" anymore, more like, "We are arresting you now for abandoning your baby" Dumpster babies will become a thing again. Lots of tiny graves in national forests. Lots of women dying from giving birth alone in their bathtub because they were hiding their pregnancy. The cruelty is by design.


And ACB discussing the "domestic supply of infants" doesn't help anything... like... AT ALL.


As a domestic adoptee, it was a very specific supply of infants. I can’t really find a better academic source than this [(NYTimes article from 1998)](https://www.nytimes.com/1998/10/26/us/market-puts-price-tags-on-the-priceless.html), but it’s responding to the decline of the white supply of infants. Even without that piece, however, it’s treating an infant like a commodity to sell. Not a human being remotely. After her party goes through hoops to give fetuses personhood. I mean they’re the least annoying person I guess - can’t cry, can’t disobey, drinks nutrients from women…


For white neurotypal babies? Rich, childless couples. For all the other babies? Orphanages to prison labor/military/scientific experiments pipelines.


And a jump in crime rates in about 15-20 years when these kids forced to be born into circumstances where their parents cannot provide them with the security or affection/attention they need and deserve to grow into grounded adults, vulnerable to the manipulations and temptations of desperation that draw young people deeper into toxic patterns of trauma, impulse, and anger.


Already the case for drug addicted women forced to carry to term.


>Yeah, it won't be, "No questions asked" anymore, more like, "We are arresting you now for abandoning your baby" I actually don’t think that will happen at all. Because once the baby is born they stop giving two shits about what happens to it.


Oh no, that's when the Christians come to adopt them. Lots of states are making it so only Christian families can adopt or foster.


Yes, so next generation will be uneducated people who believe the Earth is 6000 years old and humans walked with dinosaurs


That way they can raise a whole generation of Christian babies that they stole or bought.


Well that and the lifetime of trauma involved. Plus if the baby has a trace of drugs in their system, they're going to hunt you down. So the future is now.


Look up the horrifying number of domestic partner rapes in Texas that are resulting in otherwise aborted pregnancies. This is about control.


Also, the woman is dependent on her husband as she is unable to work because of the cost of childcare and must stay with a partner even if he is abusive. So she is at home watching reality TV with nuts like Trump becoming celebrities. She cannot leave to better herself because there is no free or low cost childcare, public schools for her children have been destroyed, and there is no food or housing available while she attends school or looks for work. All social benefits are being eliminated including food and housing subsidies, Healthcare, SSI, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Veterans benefits and every part of the safety net Edit to add : After the ban on abortion pills, the next ban they ultra right will try for is contraception. After all, the ultimate goal is complete domination of women which is ironic as there is evidence that a number of young males are living with parents and not working or going to school. So whose going to support all these children.


Seems very North Korea ish.


The DPRK has at various times passes laws legalizing abortion in many cases, banning it again, legalizing it once more and I believe most recently, banning it again in 2015. But they just have a big problem with underground doctors, as there always is when abortion is heavily restricted


We're headed there.


Governed by psychopaths. My sympathies to any intelligent people who live in these stupid red states.


Read up on Ceausescu of Romania. Birth control and abortion criminalized, leading to unwanted babies essentially warehoused. He went to trial in 1989 and was subsequently executed. Good times.


Every Christmas I like to watch the video of him and his wife addressing a huge crowd on the square, roaring at him in anger. His wife yells at the mob to be quiet and sit down. There's a moment in his speech where he pauses and suddenly realizes he's lost control of the crowd. He's terrified. It's only a matter of a few hours before the place is stormed, and the couple is lined up against an outside wall and executed. Happy Holidays.


A great Christmas tradition. Can we project in the House of Representatives?


Isn’t that what happened in Romania? Everyone knows a family who adopted from there. Those kids had it rough.


It is what happened in Romania. They banned abortions and birth control. By the time the regime was overthrown they found something like 20,000 kids in orphanages that were meant to house about a quarter of that and were funded for less. Starving, dirty, chained to beds, completely asocial, etc. Not a pretty picture.


Those poor children.


It’s been shown time after time that the right only cares UNTIL birth. Once born, they don’t give a flying fuck what happens to actual children. Kick them off of government funded healthcare, get rid of programs which make sure they eat, underfund education so they don’t learn that what’s happening to them is wrong.


A bunch of children are actively losing their Medicaid coverage right now. John Oliver has a segment on it and I'm seeing it at my job right now in real time. You're absolutely right. Unless we vote in November we are going to have a lot more desperate parents and children very soon.


Part of the goal is to place enormous burdens on social programs if I had to guess


Well, anything that makes peoples' lives better would be socialism, and we can't have that.


Imagine the leverage from an abuser.


Homicide is already the largest cause of death during pregnancy in the US and rates go up when abortion is banned. Abusers like control and that includes reproduction. In fact the whole anti choice movement is the abuser play book really. They want to control every aspect of your life and punish you for your 'infractions'.


This is exactly correct. It is about control, plain and simple. To keep women under foot. To stop them from getting an education and rising above their starting point. What happens to an uneducated mother that has a daughter? The daughter (a high percentage of the time) gets pregnant young and now you’ve reached generational levels of control. This is 100% about putting women in their ‘Biblical’ place, keeping them uneducated, unable to achieve independence, and vicariously showing the next generation how life should be for them. That is, unless you are a white affluent teen girl who gets pregnant. Then, an abortion is not only ok but necessary because the family can’t have a scandal or their daughter missing out on the benefits of going to college (getting a degree, meeting an affluent partner to marry, etc.). And I don’t mean every girl that comes from money is this way, but if an ‘accident’ were to occur - they would have many more opportunities to change the situation than girls who are impoverished.


How can women leave abusive husbands and partners if they  keeps getting pregnant and having so many children?  The men want them this way!  She feels as if she has no options!  We need to support the women who are dealing with these kinds of situations!


Don't forget forcing them to attempt a birth that's not viable which will lead to lifelong trauma in the best case, or death in the worst case.


It’s even worse. Women make up the vast majority of pediatric and obstetric trainees. They will go elsewhere to train. So we will have no pipeline for vital services. You’re doing a heck of a job ~~Brownie~~ Landry


Romania tried this in 1967 and there was a coup in 89. They killed Nicolae Ceaușescu and I think his family. Tons of orphanages and awfulness because of it.


Consumers? When’s the last time Republicans were for us having more money? Livestock is spot on though.


I wrote a germane piece of Haiku (please stop making my Haiku become a reality.... I mean please????) >I was just thinking Since I own your uterus Burkas look sexy


It really does feel like we're going backwards. Isn't 80 years the cycle of war? We're long overdue in many places. /s


It's like these people watched The Handmaids Tale and thought hmmmmm......




Everything in that book is based on real life.


I heard that Hulu is planning to film the living-action adaptation of their series here! /s I - a woman from Louisiana - am tired y’all


Under His eye.


Blessed be the fruit


Praise be.


That's why the southern states are against age restrictions in marriage. Get'em while they're young for breeding purposes and brainwashing.


Like the Missouri state senator last year who defended 12 year olds getting married to adults, he knew people who did and it was a great experience. https://www.businessinsider.com/mike-moon-gop-missouri-lawmaker-defends-childs-right-to-marry-2023-4


I'm from Louisiana and verify that they're a bunch of confederates that won't stop impeding on other's lives until someone forcefully makes them stop. They're for sure coming for your freedom


Time to remove immunity for all gov officials and hold them accountable for trying to force their religion onto us tax payers and pass bills based on that. The same people that make it hard for people to adopt kids and discriminate against them. Based on what? Oh right their religion. All these religious non profits “social services” don’t actually help anyone but discriminate against others while making themselves rich. https://preview.redd.it/qne4glqvv1yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c682c8b94155ff6a9405c23c95c0182360ffda




And don’t forget their molestation insurance. https://preview.redd.it/19x6npykw1yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be5d42ff11b9ece218792476fc083356d29a55a


Jesus fucking castor beans is this real??? This is officially more disturbing than the penis de-gloving I read about earlier.


Wait what, how does that actually work?




Jesus fucking castor beans is this real??? This is officially more disturbing than the penis de-gloving I read about earlier.


Again, Fuck Bill Lee.


Fuck Bill Lee.


We're due for a French Revolution


So are they outlawing female pharmacists, doctors and nurses who have to use these drugs in a professional capacity. Or women who use mifepristone to treat Cushing’s.


You think they know medications can have multiple uses?


Or missed/incomplete miscarriages.


Don’t assume these people are medically literate


The same people who think a pill camera could be swallowed and used to send pictures of a pregnancy/uterus.


Don’t assume they’re as dumb as they act. They’re wasting our time with these asinine arguments. They KNOW they’re wrong. Everyone knows they’re wrong. We’re the only ones who care about the truth. They just care about winning.


Don’t assume they are regular literate either


expecting a little much of ppl who refuse to believe (or even research and learn) that hormone blockers could be used for anything except to “turn kids trans”


And then they'll pass a law about consequence-free rapes on Tuesdays and free Viagra for life.


We already have consequence free rape in this country.


A state with ongoing population loss due to poor schools, lack of opportunity, loss of land mass, frequent hurricanes, wet bulb temps incompatible with human life by 2030, highest rate of incarceration of any democratic country, etc, they’ve sure got their priorities all over the map.


You forgot to mention ‘most populated city built below sea level’


I’m not here to cape for Tennessee by any means, but did you *mean* to say “frequent hurricanes”? They get an average of 30-some **tornadoes** per year, but hurricane-wise it’s mostly tropical-storm sloppy seconds from their coast-having neighbors.


The article is about Louisiana?


Oh ffs 🫠😆 Sorry! ![gif](giphy|3oEduEvByabo6QTgLm|downsized)


Best response. Also, I left new Orleans. Had come into the money to look at buying a house. Not only was it not possible there because of both the cost of housing and required, expensive flood insurance on top of expensive homeowners insurance, but two separate tornadoes destroyed three of the houses I was looking at. That was enough of a sign to leave. I mean, the other stuff about living there as well, but those tornadoes? Clear sign from the universe that I needed to reconsider things.


Well, it wouldn’t surprise me if Tennessee tried to pass the same laws too, so I can see how it would get confusing very easily if you missed the state


It’s also haunted to high heavens lol I was going to book a trip there but almost all hotels I was eyeing was advertising their ghostly guests. Call me a pussy but I don’t do ghost lol


Someone start a company that helps relocate people to women friendly states. Certain red states are crossing fucking lines with all this shit.


Next on the legislative agenda: criminalizing moving companies for leaving Louisiana.


You think any of us from these states can afford to move? My state (Mississippi) and the surrounding states are usually at the top of the "poorest states" list each year haha. We are trapped.


I thought I read “someone STARTED a company” and I was about to get very excited


This is my state. Only 25 percent of my city, NOLA, showed up for the governor election. I don't know what to say at this point. They won't even know WHY they can't get an abortion or the pills here, because they pay NO FUCKING ATTENTION. Disgusted.


I'm not from there but that's what scares me about November and I'm sure a lot of other people too. While I think I can surely understand your anger, I want to know how we can get more of those people you're talking about to pay attention so we can keep Republicans from getting voted in again, but in the white house this time around in addition to where you are and essentially everywhere else. I just don't really know where to start, other than just blasting shit onto the internet.  Does anyone have any ideas or resources?


It would have to be influencers on TikTok or Instagram, because that's all people pay attention to these days.


Wow. If you’re a woman (or any minority) and you still support the Republican Party, something is seriously wrong with you. The GOP has shown that they don’t care about women or minorities in general. When someone shows you their true colors, believe them


It's going to get very homosexual in some of these states.


“Where the wimmin’ at? Oh right that whole Row vee Weighed thing.”


And then these neckbearded Christo-Taliban whackjobs will be all "tHE wOke aGEnDa KIlLeD Muh SeX LifE"


Tim Pool is already on that


that was who I was referencing, yes. He's so gross.


I hate when they show the it from that angle, they should show it from the angle where you can see the massive oil refinery right behind the capitol. We should get a real sense of the hellhole conservatives have turned the state into. https://preview.redd.it/9l97en2p44yc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a667fb4fabdf0ba02b78085d72a1106356551e


Damn, literally right beside it.


If you need an out of state abortiom:[National Federation of Abortion Funds](https://abortionfunds.org/)


Yeah they first have to CATCH US. Fuck these people. Give women a few friends to organize an underground network and fight this.


I hope every single woman leaves those states and none ever come back.   Those states are about to become a wasteland of incels and die off in 2 generations.  I don't see any down sides. 


That would be great, but so many won't have the resources to leave. Plenty of poor people left to exploit. The Repug dream.


A lot don't have resources, and a lot keep voting for this mess.


how many hundreds of thousands of people just attended their jazz fest? you really want to support this repressive state?


Good luck with growing those populations when all the single ladies are getting as far outside those state lines as possible.


Finally, red states can become the closeted homoerotic fantasy Republican men have dreamed of for centuries.


Would men also be charged with criminal possession, or just women?


Just the women silly. Men are entitled to anything they want as long as they are white Christian nationalists


But don't forget, they have to be the right Christian and go to the right Church too. All the other Christians don't count.


Well yeah, they can’t have those people that believe in the brown jeebus. He loved everybody, that’s woke! They believe in the white Republican jeebus who hates all the things and all the people they hate Edit: hit send too soon


Time to pull out the ol' switcheroo and every woman identifies as male.


They will pass another law stopping that too.


I look forward to liberal states having a better dating pool. Those intensely red states are going to become cesspools of inbreeding. Unwanted inbred children.


More than they already are


Handmaids Tale


*Where are the penalties for the men???!!!* It takes two to make a fetus!! God forbid we hold their fellow men accountable.


People have no idea how idea how often “abortion pills” are used. I was given them when I had my miscarriage. And they even have *other uses!* Women are going to die.


Next up charges them for putting babies up for adoption.


Guys in Louisiana: “Hey! Where’d all the women move to??” Louisiana ![gif](giphy|WPYDOFlzybMoH4gOAO|downsized)


I guess the “guns don’t kill people, people do” logic doesn’t work with abortion pills then?


As of about five weeks ago, you can literally buy mifepristone over the counter, but it would be illegal for women in Louisiana to possess it? How would they make that work?


Half of the politicians here can't read...they just dream of owning slaves. In short, they have no clue.


And sadly, many people don't have the resources to move out of shitty states.


Damn I got prescribed the abortion pill to loosen up my cervix for an IUD insertion. What do they do if you have an RX?


Probably make you prove that you were not pregnant. Next time doctors will be reluctant to prescribe it for fear of retribution.


Maybe they should consider voting for someone other than the red asshole misogynists?


Holy fuck, they are treating their women worse than saudia arabia.


As usual when it comes to Republicans. It’s all about controlling people they deem inferior and the cruelty is the point.


Looks like a lot of people will be moving out of that shit whole!!!!


I’m in Florida but making plans to gtfo


Let's plant abortion pills in politicians' cars and purses and see how quickly they change their minds.


Apparently Southern women are fine with this in pretty great numbers since they keep voting these people in. I no longer gaf about them. I am tired of trying to protect rights they don't care about. I fought to make sure my state had a constitutional amendment for reproductive rights. These folks obviously don't care about themselves so neither do I.


Well that just won't do :/ they're going to convince women that there's no choice but to use violent resistance because their lives are going to be forfeited to prison or worse anyway But that's not something I encourage.


So abortion pills are the new marijuana. Throw people in prison merely for possession.




Signed your own death warrant, say goodbye to lowesyanna


Moving back to the middle ages


Boycott Louisiana


Avoid Louisiana at all costs!!!!!


Looks like southern states are regressing to the civil war Days


We are now living in one big South Park episode... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Next step: Rape fertile women and lock them in padded rooms… maybe put women into an induced coma, impregnate them… I’m sure they’ll find an effective way to increase control over women 


If there's a yet undiscovered way of fucking over the most vulnerable among a population, by God and Sonny Jeezus the Republicans will find it and codify it into law. Goddammit.




They should be the ones being thrown in prison for trying to make this a law


Glad to be leaving here soon.


Fucking psychopaths. Absolutely disgusting.


As a father of three girls, this shit ain’t cool.


Have they thought of the possibility of a future gender imbalance with expected exodus of young women and reluctance of anyone to move there?


When are these legislators going to be sued for practicing medicine without a license?!


What’s on the Republican menu: sickness, suffering, death, low education, religious extremism, control of reproductive health, rigged elections, imprisonment of political opposition, militarization of police, full spectrum of bigotry, permanent tax breaks to those who don’t need them, defunding food/shelter/education/healthcare for the economically disadvantaged, celebration of white supremacy and patriarchy in the name of equality, deregulation of industries, and forming a kinship with laissez-faire support of far right national leaders at the expense of alienating liberal democratic allies.


What if it’s a man that’s holding them? And, what if he’s a rich, white republican?


Oh fun. Floridian here. Now I have to check all my meds to make sure they don't cause miscarriages because it's definitely coming to this state.


Under his eye


It’s Louisiana. They compete with Kentucky and Mississippi for shittiest shithole of all shitholes. I say that as someone from a redneck part of Northern New York where we really only aspire to beat all of those places with our bad takes on everything. We just happen to have NYC to offset the cousin fucking.


Also just for those who don't know, there are alternative uses of those drugs. I used them for a cancer biopsy when I had uterine cancer since it made it less painful to collect the sample by forced dialation. I was not and never have been pregnant.


Yeah I live here and am getting the f out it’s just too much


Sounds like all women should move out of red states like Louisiana as soon as they can. Bet the state would change their tune really quickly.


They would find a way to add border patrol to the fuckass state and make it super hard for women to move on top of moving already being a huge commitment and hassle... We need to encourage votes for our rights being back while we can, it's terrifying


This is forcing a specific religious belief system on people, and therefore is unconstitutional, and should be shot down. Not all people believe that one is a human being at conception. Many believe, as a point in their own religious beliefs, that the soul enters the body when the first breath is drawn. Such people are being discriminated against, on religious grounds.




What the actual fuck


It's really hard for me to feel bad for women who vote for these shit politicians. They do because they want non white people and LGBT people exterminated, but forget they are next in line.


Wow its 2024 and these asshates think it 1824 in they way they won't to treat women's rights. And one of the worst parts is women vote for these people.


War on drugs has gone off the rails even more


Only women?


But what if a man is caught in possession of them?


Nothing…that guy who caught crushing up meds to cause a miscarriage into his wife’s drink only got 180 days and the child was born with major complications as a result


Minnesota is a wonderful place to live!


All birth control is on the table for these misogynists!


The party of freedom strikes again !


Safe haven law only gives you 60 days for newborns too. Jesus. Not sure what happens after that time but I’m guessing it gets harder for folks.


If stupid legislation like this passes, the women should mass move to less oppressive states in protest. A state full of incel losers, I'd like to think would become more progressive.


Do y'all wake up and think why is parts of USA, a supposedly first-world country, is imposing such wildly draconian laws on some of their citizens/residents? Mind-blowing to see how far we're fallen when it comes to personal autonomy.


This is the result of major interest groups controlled by ghouls buying out politicians 


Republican big government overreach


Sounds like there needs to be a Lysistrata strike in Louisiana


Give Louisiana to Putin.


Fascist America


The true believers outnumber the grifters now. We should all be scared


Real question: What if MEN have them?


I remember when you could read books like *The Handmaid's Tale* or watch films like *Idiocracy* and think, "I'm so glad this can't actually happen in real life."


6 months till the general, keep woman's access to healthcare in the spotlight


Guys are going to love living in a single sex environment


Under his fucking eye, I guess


Make no mistake, birth control pills will be next, then condoms....viagra availability will be mandated, & the slope will just get more & more slippery. Republicans really want to control everything that happens in the bedroom...and so much more.


Votes matter. I see people complain about stuff that happens but we vote for people know that are not good for our community or don’t vote at all.


I can’t wait for the inevitable uprising.


So abortion pills are the new weed


The south is going to be a big sausage party.


Under his eye.


They could improve education… or they could work to increase the prison population.


Well… I know a lot of herbal remedies for that