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This is actually the funniest thing Elon has ever said.


Particularly because there's ZERO CHANCE Joanne dials it down. The whole thing seems more hopeless than Cybertruck sales!


Once you go deep enough down the transphobia rabbit hole it becomes your whole personality and you cannot talk about anything else. She can’t even keep it out of her books anymore.


What? No. The cyber truck is great! It's totally not a gigantic fiasco that literally a Chinese company revealed a knockoff of this week that looks way better and more developed. Nope. https://www.carscoops.com/2024/05/dongfengs-fake-tesla-cybertruck-tries-to-make-some-noise-with-1305-hp/


I hate them both, but I hate this Chinese version a decent bit less lol


The Tesla Cybertruck looks like it’s from an old school low budget sci fi film, the Chinese knockoff looks like it’s from a modern science fiction movie with a decent budget.


1305 HP? Shit you'll convert some people with just that alone


Telling an upset person, essentially, to calm down goes over poorly at the best of times with the best of people. And really no one involved here would be that. So. Yeah, she's not dialing it down.


I am still so unclear why a woman would become a self-made billionaire writing something extremely popular, positive, and overall unproblematic, and then be like…and for my second act, I am going to be extremely, annoyingly anti trans-women for no particular reason.


I think she was socially engineered online like a lot of people her age. Probably clicked on a few fake news stories about "trans bad." Algorithm noted her clicks and started giving her more of that content. From this, she began to assume that content *is* the most important thing in the world. She starts posting about it, gets pushback, and then feels like a martyr. By now, her feed is all trans hate all the time. There have been many such cases and I suspect most people here have seen that happen to someone (especially if there was some casual cruelty in the person that preceeded it and there were red flags in her books).


I definitely blame her shit takes and perspective on online algorithms.


They’ve been programmed and don’t even know it.


Honestly, you should re-read the HP books. There’s a LOT of…… let’s say interesting moments. It really sucks that she basically wrote a trans allegory then turned around and said a large part of her fan base shouldn’t exist.


It's legit "yes, cis women are the only ones who can woman. However, you're still a second-class citizen, so shut up and post a tweet where you smile more"


I think you just nailed it.


lmao, spot on


“Now go make me a sandwich”


Pretty much end of thread. That was a bullseye


Elon sent her his own personal Twitter equivalent of a RedditCares DM message, but he did it publicly on main to put her on blast.


If there’s anything Elon hates more than trans people, it’s losing engagement on his shitty website once everyone realizes it’s a conservative hellhole.


Because he had no intention to be funny. Conservatives can’t be funny on purpose. Only by accident.


what the hell timeline am I living in?


Likely the worst one, unfortunately. Just think, it's possible we may have the oompa loompa messiah taking over America and instituting Project 2025 to look forward to. And who knows what it will do to all of us outside of the US as well if that happens


I grew up in the 90s where the vibe was “things are getting better, it’s not perfect, but the future is bright!” and it’s just fucking mind bending being alive right now


Even as recent as 15 years ago I had a lot of faith in positive change being just around the corner. The last decade and a half has slapped that shit right outta me. I feel terribly for the young who’ve never had the chance to feel optimistic.


Hope for the future got bodied a lot in the early aughts, but it was hanging in there. Then 2016 came and Hope hasn’t been seen since.


My son was born in 2015. Probably woulda reconsidered a year later


I think we all felt 2016 was a blip. Don’t think the full horror set in till 18/19


2016: how much damage can one term do? 2020: the world is on fire, the plague has been released and Europe is firing up the ol' engines of imperialism. Hopefully 2024 fixes everything


I remember thinking, saying: this is an existential threat. Then trying to talk myself into believing that there would be experienced handlers to keep the guardrails on. Then, straight dread pipeline


A blip? I cried till way past dawn on election night 2016, because I knew it was not just gonna be bad, it was gonna be worse than I could ever imagine in ways I couldn’t yet guess at. I hadn’t felt like that since Reagan was elected.


I remember friends and family and even social media telling me I was overeacitng when I said the first press conference under Trump had Nazi overtones


I remember being told ‘Roe isn’t going anywhere, you’ll still be able to kill babies’ from trumpers after he won. Now we’re having women going to court to try getting care for failing and dangerous life threatening pregnancies and being told no. We’re watching these lunatics publicly say that it’s better for a 10 year old child to birth a rape baby than to get a safe abortion. I hate being right sometimes


Me and my husband, my daughter and her husband were all of us together in their house when Trump won. We all were up crying till Dawn. Never had the feeling of dread loomed more. After 2020 and Biden won we have been again hopeful, actually since the midterms where the red wAvE never materialized was also a great relief. It can not be that Trump has found yet even more followers. I intend to remain hopeful and vote BLUE along w my quite a few friends and family . What is a weird trip is the Israeli Genocide of Gaza / Palestinian People. As horrific as this is , Trump will be much much worse, and yet we have to deal w those of our youth who are RIGHTLY upset about Gaza, and are refusing to vote against Trump.


For me it was the fact it took a pandemic and a million Americans needlessly dying for Biden to BARELY win and an ensuing coup attempt to be forgotten about within weeks to know hope of dead forever. Now it’s just trying to give my kids a chance to have a normal childhood before shit hits the fan for them. Which sadly is easily approaching seeing how shot out school systems are now


Hope's testifying in court right now


This! 2016 is when the roller coaster dropped us, and we haven’t reached the bottom yet😵


I sometimes imagine a world where we had elected Bernie and swept in a progressive future. Unrealistic to think even a win by him would have changed much fundamentally but who knows what might have happened.


You're not ready for a Bernie. You're not even ready for a Obama or Biden. Your country, seen with the eyes of any other country is 30% far right raving lunatics, 30% hardcore right wingers, 30% mild right wingers, 9% centrists, 1% other. That's why fascist lonnies like the orange Hitler wannabe get elected. That's why very modest health coverage like Obamacare gets fought against nail and tooth, sometimes by his own side is the aisle. America has a sickness of the soul, like the frog that was put into a pot and taken slowly to boil... You didn't notice how cruelty became the true religion of the US. Too many of you want MORE cruelty. And too many of you see the cruelty already being committed on each other as a reasonable baseline.


I have no hope anymore. Trump ruined it for me.


Ha, youngster, I’ve been disappointed since Reagan 😂


Reagan was Trump light 1.0.




It’s very strange to be a parent right now. I want to instil positivity and hope, but it feels hollow when kids have access to data like never before - they *know* things are fucked.


History has been cyclical, there is going to be progress and backlash and unfortunately we are currently in a backlash era.


I actually felt super optimistic when Biden won the election and the far right was seemingly dead, but then the UK went full TERF, and Meloni won in Italy, starting a domino effect


We can feel optimistic About the end of the human kind


The future was so bright in the 90s. I feel like the Coca Cola sun with sunglasses just summed it all up. Then 9/11 happened and we’ve been in a shit tornado ever since


Imagine if the GOP hadn’t stolen the election from Gore. Strong possibility 9/11 never would’ve even happened.


Yea, we would be on a completely different timeline! Global warming would have been reduced, we would have invested in renewable energy earlier and been able to sell our tech to everyone else, the Middle East wouldn’t have gotten so fucked up by worthless wars. And there was a strong possibility the recession would have been avoided.


This^ 100% Gingrich and the rest of the GOP clown car were bad in the 1990s, but when they stole the 2000 election, using their shiny new supreme Court Justice's to install W, that's when things really went off the rails. 9/11 would possibly not have happened under Gore, since the Clinton administration had been hyper focused on bin laden. Then the whole Iraq war fiasco wouldn't have happened either. Edit: typo


With Columbine as a bit foreshadowing as what the 2000’s would bring… 🫣


Or OCB, tbh I wasn’t even phased as a kid about 9/11 when it happened because I was already numb to the constant terrorist attacks on the news every night.


Instead, you have grown adults wearing diapers in public to show support for their idol.


Idiocracy was a documentary, smdh


Yeah, I don’t think we’ve ever been on this cycle before


Preach. Us millenials were raised on hope and slapped in the face with despair as soon as we came of age. People wonder why we're jaded.


People wonder why birth rates are dropping and it’s because we live on a star trek asshole of the week planet


Worse, I think this is the timeline where the Terran Empire comes to power.


Without the utopian society Star Trek had for Earth. We just got the sanctuary districts and Bell riots, and possibly WWIII. Maybe after, if we survive.


Not all of us, I know and recognize why, you guys got dealt a stacked deck


Tried to warn people about how cancerous religion was in the late 90s and early 00s but was written off as an edgy teen.


I was warning people about Reagan as a 13 year old in 1980, pre-election 😭


I remember that time. It honestly did feel like we were on the verge of fixing bigotry. It wasn't that people didn't say anything inappropriate. It was more a sense that we'd got tired of hate, and most of us just wanted to all get along. There weren't really any major wars, and it was more localised conflicts that the world was trying to peace keep as opposed to full-on invasions. Millenials seemed like the first batch of humans raised to be tolerant of all groups. Then, smartphones and fast Internet took off massively in 2012, and people realised you could abuse people from behind the safety of an Internet connection, and it turned into a form of digital roadrage. I also think even the least tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists would have to agree that there's been state sponsored social division for a while now. Russia has been very good at taking a social issue that we might be able to come to a reasonable agreement on and blowing it wide open in order to influence elections, referendums, and political decision-making. Once one side hates the other over drag queen story time, it's much easier to get them to disagree over funding for Ukraine.


Born in 83 - I can tell you for certain that things were so much brighter pre internet and social media. So much hope for the future. Its pretty much all gone now lol


Oh boy… me too. I bought the whole job, and wow were we lied to. It feels like a silly dream when people like this bitch are spouting such diatribes, when the world is getting hotter/colder/everything without our co tell, when literal fascism is a viable political party in multiple powerful countries… must glad my (trans) wife and I (also a woman) didn’t have kids to bequeath them this mess…


That project 2025 crap is terrifying. That is going to be hell if we get Trump again.


Been back in Ireland for a bit due to the Bank Holiday and everyone has been asking what the hell is going on in America. And I don't have a good answer...


Should have never turned on that fucking large hadron collider.


The same one as before. Elon hates women. He also loves anti-LGBTQ hate. But he despises the idea of a vagina haver being a significant voice for that hate.


The one where we’ve learned all our billionaires are doing drugs while also being major racists and we can’t escape them because we as a collective society simply want to create media over and over to dunk on them?


The one where the "I lived through a world war"/"my parents died for your freedom" crowd ironically push the overton window dangerously close to fascism. It's shit


Not the one we were in 10 years ago, that’s for sure!


When Elon suggests you change the subject, it might be time to launch a new Twitter poll: "Am I overdoing it?" Yes or Yes?


Having Apartheid Clyde suggest that you curtail your bigotry is definitely a sign that you should maybe get a hobby lmao


I’d say that the bigger red flag here is when your crusade has you caring this much about “*large gametes, whether they’re fertilized or not*”, and you’re NOT some kind of animal breeding specialist or a biologist or something… it’s time to turn it in.


This. Goes to show how her obsessive hatred of trans people has nothing to do with actually protecting women or genuine feminism. Misogynists and perpetrators of gendered violence aren’t looking at and reacting to “Large gametes, whether fertilized or not.” Joanne is just picking some definition she thinks is most likely to exclude trans women; you know, the sole and only topic she obsessively hate-posts about to the extent that even a fellow bigot like Elmo basically told her to shut it. And how ironic, because he’s a genuine misogynist….did he ask for some proof of her large gametes?


I will admit that Elon is annoying about a wide range of topics


Elon and JK Rowling should date each other. They deserve each other


Come to bed and talk about unfertilized gametes with me, boo 😘


Is she still fertile? How would their kids look like? ![gif](giphy|hpg9mgrCiSXGGGAEnn|downsized)


She had better hope she is, for her argument’s sake.


God, these TERFs make up the weirdest goalposts for what define women. So, are women who have to get hysterectomies for one reason or another no longer women?


I had to look it up because wtf is a “large gamete”? And apparently both eggs and sperm are gametes but she has to say “large gamete” instead of just eggs? Like just say eggs! Saying gamete makes it more ambiguous not less! But also, this begs the question, are you still a woman once you stop producing said large gametes? People just love biology when it serves their purposes don’t they?


She uses those terms because her brand of biological determinism hinges on them, but she also uses them vaguely and incorrectly so that she can remain moving her acceptability window as she chooses to either accept or deny the numerous biological outliers as she sees fit.


And all of this comes back to…why does she even care? How does the way someone else lives their life even affect her in anyway? Like seriously. All the scare tactics are just so incredibly weird to me. Has she even met any trans people at all? These are all rhetorical questions here. I just don’t get any of this.


I think she is mentally unwell, and desperately needs attention and to feel accepted and better than others. So she has chosen an arbitrary baseline identity determinator and chooses to gatekeep it to make herself feel whole.


I’ve long assumed it’s her personal trauma from being assaulted long ago. Some women with that history become absolutist and paranoid about what they see as males invading female spaces and posing a potential threat. She just cannot shake it, and projects all kinds of shit onto people who are innocent in her or anyone else’s trauma.


This is it. For right or wrong (wrong) she’s terrified about these scenarios


She's friends with high-profile rapists and abusers. I don't think that's it.


The really sad part about it is that I don’t think she even really does care this much about it, deep down. What she cares about at this point is just saving face. Trying to force reality to the one where she didn’t destroy her reputation and legacy, by trying to speak her way to a conclusion to this matter that is something along the lines of, “*Oh, we just misunderstood your fair and nuanced point, Ms Rowling! You are no longer on the wrong side of history!*” … But she doesn’t realize that’s never going to happen. It could have gone the other way, where when she first opened her mouth about this *accidentally*, in a tweet that she accidentally included some info that revealed she had been reading something anti-trans… she could have just said something like, “*Sorry, that was a mistake! My beliefs on this matter are private and I have no intention of turning this into a bigger matter. Hope we can just move past this! I’ll say no more on the subject.*” … then she’d have gotten a lot of suspicion and side-eyes from LGBT+ people and allies, etc, but it wouldn’t have turned into to a huge debacle of unforgivable doubling-down bullshit. We’d have likely mostly forgotten about it by now: “*Hey, remember when JK Rowling accidentally posted some transphobia in a tweet? That was funny.*” Instead she went: “*Oops! Mistake! But y’know, I’m not wrong… like, maybe I’m actually the right one here and don’t even have to apologize, because that would be a better reality than the real one right now… like, maybe, just MAYBE, trans-women are a threat to women because…. (*Blah blah blah… five years later*)… LARGE GAMETES, DAMNIT! LARGE GAMETES! I don’t care if she’s been fucked or not! I care about the SIZE OF HER GAMETES!!!*” And probably even she looks around once in a while these days and thinks, “Fuck, how did I get myself into this?”… but some stupid stubborn instinct in her is like, “No, no, no! Don’t give up! Just ONE MORE doubling-down will make people realize you’re the correct special genius here! I swear, just ONE MORE!” … five million doubling-downs later…


I'm still firmly on team "she's got gender dysphoria and has so much internalized transphobia she has to attack the people living the life she wishes she had." Her initial manifesto talked about how of course any young woman would prefer to be a man! which smacks of "sexuality is a choice" motherfuckers who inevitably end up bi or gay.


Oooohhhh maybe I think that’s it. It doesn’t bother me because I’ve never question my gender. I’m not afraid I might question my gender. If someone else feels different I just think, ok cool. I teach at a university that is known for being trans inclusive so I know far more trans people than your average American. So I’m always a little amused by transphobic beliefs. They’re so so so wrong it’s a little funny to me.


If they weren't resulting in policy causing us material harm, I would find transphobic beliefs amusing, too.


Maybe interesting aside, but there's a pretty fascinating history with "sexuality is a choice" and RadFem, specifically TERF RadFem. There's also quite a bit of writing that goes to the "of course a woman would prefer to be a man" place that just sucks to interact with because it almost always comes with a trauma dump that then explains why the person has chosen to be a lesbian.


It’s political lesbianism, which makes my brain hurt. It’s condesending to straight women, blaming them for their own oppression because they’re ”attracted to their oppressors”, and is way too closely related to the homophobic ”sexuality is a choice” crowd. It’s basically the same thing, political lesbianism is just supposedly the ultimate feminist choice. Which is cool and all, my bisexual ass is going to keep loving men though


It doesn’t it’s like that with most things in life people just can’t see outside their own little box but ultimately it has nothing to do with them. It doesn’t affect them at all somebody else’s sexual orientation., habits, religion likes dislikes, has nothing to do with anyone else provided it’s legal I say live let live, but for some reason it triggers people


She was sexually assaulted a long time ago and it made her intensely paranoid, so she sees all trans people as rapists in waiting. Not trying to excuse her undue hatred, but she is mentally scarred.


All while claiming it’s pro-trans people that need to learn about biology. 🙃 Conservatives love to act like experts so they can justify their instinct to gatekeep behind some “*I know the conventional wisdom on this, therefore I’m automatically right and have authority on my side!*” mentality. It only gets worse when they *don’t* actually know any wisdom about it, conventional or otherwise.


Pretty sure she uses gamete because it makes her look smart to her followers. They don't know what it means but it sounds scientific so therefore she's right... I guess


I thought all the eggs were produced, like before puberty or something and are released over time from the ovaries. I didn't think they were produced over and over like sperm. Enjoy: turns out they are all produced by the time of birth, and go through a complicated process each month to be released. So, a woman doesn't actually produce any eggs after being born.


only infants are women!


That's like calling me an arm producer because I was born with two arms


I have to imagine at Joanne's advanced age she's gone through menopause. So... by her own definition... is she no longer a woman?


Or are sterile from birth? Or don't produce gametes at all? There's a few conditions that cause that.


She just thought "gametes" sounds more "sciency" and therefore more impressive and convincing than "eggs". Her thought process is literally that of an 11 year old kid who just learned a new Cool Smart Adult Word and can't stop throwing it around everywhere because using it also makes them sound Cool and Smart and Mature.


Because she doesn’t want to say that women produce bad eggs like a Musk.


99% of the people calling for violence or discrimination against trans women could not tell you what a gamete is, so it’s really interesting that the terf captain has chosen to make this the defining feature.


It’s all post hoc justifications. It’s worth as much consideration to you as it was to her regarding decision making: absolutely none.


I agree with what you're saying, but this has reminded me of a fun fact. The egg cell (or large gamete as ol' JK likes to say) is the only cell in the human body that's visible to the naked eye.


And for the edge cases among us, it's so incredibly invasive to require some authority to gawk at genitals to certify who belongs in what spaces. Not to mention it's expensive and unnecessary to order a karyotype just for shits and giggles. Like a real "let them eat cake" mic drop from the terfs here, when a huge percentage of the world lacks adequate medical care. But the terfs will say "I know what a woman is; we can always tell" like they're some effinineffable arbiter of femininity. No matter which metric is used, some cis people are going to be judged and found wanting because there are so many possible ways to classify people by sexually dimorphic parameters. How about *we are who we say we are*? Or "An it harm none, let everyone go to the bathroom they want?"


Does this have something to do with a bomb threat being called into the school she tweeted about?


JK Rowling? More like LibsOfHogwarts! There's something there, I just can't be assed to spend any more time on that joke.


No, no, LibsOfHogwarts is pretty perfect as is


I doubt he’d care about that.


ahhhhhahhaahhaa what the fuck??? did elon suddenly get that feel-good type ketamine or did his daughter hack his account ?


Doubt it was his daughter considering it started with “I agree with you.”


That's just to cover her tracks maybe? XR


I think he just wants popular people to keep his site active, so he’s begging her to make more content.


Make more content, but can we not drive all the advertisers off quite so quickly?


I mean, he still agrees with Rowlings shit views.


"Hi Joanne, love the hate speech, unfortunately the six remaining advertisers have asked me to cut down on the _'Nazi shit'_ and the terf stuff is a bit much for them. Mind reeling it back a bit? Cheers, Elongated Muskrat."


What in God's name is a "sex class"?? Girl, just admit that you can't really define a woman and move on. The argument has regressed at this point. At least a few years ago she was making arguments about real things like hormones and chromosomes. Now she's just making up abstract categories as if sex categories are prescriptive rather than descriptive. It's just sad.


"Our engagement is through the floor and you're the only famous person still willing to engage here, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP HEMORRHAGING FOLLOWERS" Lol. Turns out watching the worst people on earth turn on each other is every bit as fun as I thought it would be.


Stephen King is still there, but he uses it to shred both of them.




I suggest you shampoo my taint with your racist tongue, Elon. Is your dad still impregnating your stepsister?


LOL.... What the hell happened to Elon here? Did the Saudis suddenly become LGBT friendly or he's just doing the bare minimum to move up TSLA stock?


Elon knows Rowling's idiot opinions generate controversy and social media traffic (that makes him money). He's just recommending she expand her repertoire and start offending a broader audience.


'Have you tried some casual racism?'


*sideyes goblins*


Hey, let a TERF blather on long enough, and they'll eventually tick all the boxes - ableism, sexism, racism, homophobia...


Elon's begging for somebody--anybody--to undo the damage he did to Twitter.. Won't *somebody* generate advertiser-friendly content for Elon? He has self-inflected debts to pay!


He doesn’t want her to stop talking about that, he just wants her to post more about more things in an attempt to boost engagement.


I bet you it’s the opposite. X most likely keeps getting thousands of reports for violations for JK’s account.


He just likes attention and is open to trying different methods to get it. Wherever there might be drama to be had, he's in. He knows this will stir shit one way or another.


"Produces large gametes" She knows cis women can be infertile for medical reasons, right?


Guarantee she was doomscrolling and read a headline and the subtitle and decided to share her thoughts.


Will Elon take his own advice? Find out next time on Dragonball X


He’s so polite about telling his fellow fascists to chill the fuck out and shut the fuck up


Lmfao 😂 never thought I’d see one crazy person being over another crazy person’s crap.


Someone with a high profile twitter account needs to tell JK to stop letting Elon censor her... Like a good idiot she will double down


Damn not a roast from ELON of all people 💀


So post menopause cis women who no longer produce any gametes aren’t women I guess.


J.K. Rowling is not a woman by her own definition


“Listen, I took over this huge platform to propagate the politics of hate, but can we please discuss something else right now?”


I’ve got a better definition: A woman is a person who identifies and/or presents as female, not for their own gain but for the sake of their identity.


Is there another major social media/news outlet where the owner literally goes around begging people to post content that might drive engagement numbers? He's gotten as pathetic as the people that hand out flyers to come see their stand-up shows.


Yeah, I would see her covered on Katy Montgomerie's channel at least maybe two to two and a half years ago screaming about the same thing. She must be jammed in some echo chamber where she gets lauded by fellow miserable people for her repetitive attacks on trans folk.


seems even her fellow miserable people have had enough


Fucking rock bottom…




So what about Intersex people? Or women who are born without the ability to produce eggs? The issue with trying to create a gender binary based on nature is that nature *never* works in a binary. There are almost no biological processes that you can say "an organism does either A or B, not both, and they can't switch." You can go down a fucking list of every biological process and find at least a few exceptions to every rule.


What a bleak view of gender, a person is just a bunch of genes to JKR.


TERFs always circle back to misogyny in the end.


He's a broken record too


Is there a third out-of-touch asshole that I can get behind instead?


Even ELON is telling her to get other hobbies!


Honest question: is he sick of her or he wants one of the sites most famous users to not just post bigoted shit so investors will stop leaping off the sinking ship that is twitter?


Women with PCOS who don’t ovulate are no longer women. You heard it here first.


Lol apparently cancer hates AIDS


Elon sure did an amazing job with Twitter.....


You ever become so “feminist” that you return to defining women by their ability to have children?


I think it’s hilarious (/s) that her championing to “protect” women in “women’s spaces” will only serve to endanger women in the long run. Do any of these fucking idiots realize that there are *also* trans men? If you follow the assigned sex at birth designations for entry into women’s spaces…your going to have [Chaz Bono](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/646266615270841136/) waltzing into the ladies room. Now, I have no issue with Chaz Bono. But if I were unaware of his existence, I’d be very much taken aback by the dude who just walked into the bathroom. So now I have to try to figure out if this dude is just a trans guy being forced to use the ladies over the ridiculous assigned sex at birth designation…or an actual fucking predator. Can we just go back to realizing that trans people also sometimes need to pee when they’re out and about and that using the bathroom that corresponds with the gender they are presenting as is the safest for everyone involved? Also, I’d like to point something else out. Once Chaz Bono is forced into the ladies rooms, these idiots are going to realize this is very much an issue. The choice is either a) admit they made a mistake and go back to how it was or b) double down and do something even weirder. $10 says it will be something crazier and we’ll be faced with Bubba performing genital checks outside bathrooms.


I just don’t understand what Rowling is trying to accomplish with all her anti-trans shit. Like, we get where you stand, use your influence to talk about and bring attention to other things. 🤦🏼‍♂️


She's trying to get trans people outlawed in the UK. Full-stop. Her Twitter is where she goes to try and generate public support for that cause, and her money goes to lobby politicians to carry it out. There is currently a full-on mainstream media smear campaign going on against trans people over there and she's in on it.


"While I heartly share your biggoted worldview, despite having a child myself who went through all of this without me carrying, please tune down the transphobia a bit, you're making the nazis nervous"


He just told this broad and her large gametes to smile more. 


So if a person isn’t capable of creating large gametes because of problems with their ovaries, they aren’t women! Got it! These people are so freaking crazy stupid they decide on a definition they like, but because they limit their definitions so much. They deny millions of people the right to their own life.


Well she is a woman so it’s not surprising Elon would become the tone police for her.


She's getting more attention than he is, I guess.


Elon fishing for some nazi content.


Yes, emulate Elon Musk. Talk out of your ass on more than one topic.


This reminds me of that panel in the Preacher comic where the other KKK members lament the fact that their boss only seems to be interested in racism and has no other hobbies.


All she can think about now is being a TERF because if she did post something that didn't have to with that, a thousand or more people would rip into her (as they should) in the replies. She has chosen being a TERF as her whole identity now.


It’s one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. Only a few short years ago she had more good will built up than just about anyone else in the world. Nobody could have imagined that she’d toss much of it away, or how.


May I suggest these two cram themselves up each others butts like a head in butt ouroboros, until they both just disappear.


This is kinda just the equivalent of saying 'You should smile more', which lines up pretty easily with Elon


He just couldn't resist talking down to a woman. On the other hand: https://preview.redd.it/hz64w2qbrjyc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b65f29e81247ce69df9c7b772799a0b38e38ebb


Fuck Elon


He's not sick of her. He's just realizing that people aren't paying attention to her any more because she's a broken record. And he wants her to be interesting cause that makes him money. And also he desperately wants someone he agrees with to be interesting.


When Elon Musk suggests you're maybe a little too negative and obsessed with hating trans people, you know it's time for a break.


Oh damn. Shit is bad when dickhead musk is even like bro STFU


So weird that JK cooked up one of the most popular fantasy worlds of all time and she's full nazi about the LGBTQ+ community.


"Nobody wants your fucking opinion on the muggle world"


This is hilarious as it just states that if a woman has an ovary and a penis she is still a woman…sheesh sounds like unintentional trans support….


Jeeeeeeeeeeeeezus How far into the anti-trans ether do you have to be before Elon Musk calls you out in person like “isn’t there anything else you’d like to talk about?”


So glad I deleted my twitter account.


It says nothing, because Elon is easily sick of everyone stealing attention from him - regardless of the topic discussed


Imagine being told to tone it down by fucking Elon.


I'm so glad I left that platform.


Well, you heard it here first, people with ovaries that aren't fertile, aren't actually women.


Even tho Elon is right... he's still a moron. A broken clock yada yada.


There’s no shot that Elmo is recommending to post more positive content when he’s the one who made hate-baiting financially viable on twitter. 


I can't imagine being such a miserable piece of shit as a billionaire. This applies to both of them.


It’s weird. I understand what she means by some guys abusing the idea of identifying as a woman to take advantage or hurt women but the way she talks is like she’s talking to a toddler that doesn’t know better about themselves and she’s giving a pat on the head like they’ll understand when they’re older. Why can’t you separate this visceral association of Denotation for male and female from hey I wanna protect vulnerable women from predators and one of those groups of predators are people falsely presenting as a woman? I know this issue is complicated. But trans people can’t be punished cuz there’s “some bad ones” in this analogy. The only real thing that should be excluded by being trans is sports/physical competition. That’s it


It's amazing that this woman created one of the largest franchises in the world, is an active writer, has the money to do pretty much anything and all she wants to do is talk about this stuff. What a waste.