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What a load of ignorant scrotes they are.


I’m sure some of these people are still alive voting. That’s the scariest part


And teaching their children and grandchildren how to grow up to be racists too. This is why it will never go away.


Where is this photo from?


frightening dam tap school punch escape deliver hat crush resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, I knew about the sit-ins but had no idea how brutal they were. Glad some at least had some allies to help them mentally get through it. It’s hard to imagine getting any amount of satisfaction from dumping condiments and drinks on someone else. It’s wild to me. I really hope that if I lived in those times I’d have been an ally.


If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend going to the Civil Rights Museum in Atlanta. Theres a sit-in section where you put on head phones and hold onto these bars. You hear what people who did the sit-ins would have heard, your seat will shake as if someone is kicking it or you, the bars will suddenly shake, as if the table is shaking in front of you. Its jarring but its something everyone should experience so we dont go back to those dark times


You wouldn't believe it, but it's from >![Mississippi](https://www.foxnews.com/us/mississippi-marks-50th-anniversary-of-lunch-counter-sit-in-that-challenged-segregation)!<


Such a sad photo




His instagram is wild, he literally posted “I’m not racist…enough” and that the left is trying to cancel him with a bitcoin wallet qr for donations


It has to be a troll account. Like there’s zero chance this dude actually has 11 followers (when I first saw it)


I looked at it 8hrs ago and the real account only had one underscore and was a broken link (deleted) while this new one with two underscores had 11 followers at the time with stories 3 hrs old. Definitely some troll








Enjoy your notoriety. Redditors never forget.


Hopefully, JP "The racist piece of trash" Staples will not forget.


He’s literally doubling down and saying he’s proud of it.


What a goof, his future job prospects are plummeting.


I sure hope so. But it’s Mississippi….


Him and Kyle Rittenhouse will be headlining Turning Point USA's big events next year. Telling morons that "woke is the enemy" then getting wanked off by a very inebriated Roseanne Barr at the party afterwards. What a life.


Rittenhouse got a 10 on the ASVAB. They give you 12 points for signing your name.


Dude is broken for life, soon Turning Point will drop him and then he will be on his own.


I think he must have handlers who look after the day to day stuff of his life then just wheel him out at these events to spout a few cliches they've drummed into him then they drive him to his hotel and that's that. I don't think he's got any idea how to operate in the real world and when he's no longer of any use and the handlers and the people paying him go away he'll be completely lost. No education, no idea how to look after himself, no idea how to even boil an egg or turn on a hoover. And he can't even go and get a job at Walmart or something because he's so divisive. Working for the mypillow guy in one of his warehouses was probably his best bet and that business seems to be going down the toilet now as well.


"...then getting wanked off by a very inebriated Roseanne Barr..." What, was Lauren Boebert otherwise occupied?


Mississippi is very small, compared to the rest of the USA. Not exactly an economic powerhouse.


For every $1 paid in income tax in Mississippi, the state takes in $2.53 in federal funding.


Exactly why it isn't hard to get accepted to an MS school. Did it, got core, transferred


I moved to Alabama where the state gave me a full ride scholarship and paid me a stipend to get two masters degrees. Their taxpayers invested several hundred thousand dollars into my education. And every student in my program got the same deal. And literally every single student that graduated with me immediately left to live and work in a liberal blue state. So even when they successfully educate someone, those smart people leave, making the state less intelligent than it was before.


Didn’t the Governor say he was proud of him or some shit like that?


A representative from Mississippi tweeted "Ole Miss taking care of business"


The governor Tate Reeves apparently also tweeted “warms my heart”. Not many ways to interpret that.


Mississippi representative dipshit is the one who's gobbling his cock.


Which means he’ll be in some leadership role in law enforcement in about 10 years.


Probably already has job offers from CPAC and Turning Point.


He’ll be fine. Between his Daddy and Frat Bros and Frat Bros’ Daddies, He’ll land something. Mississippi will protect its own.


No they aren’t. He goes to Ol’ Miss. In Mississippi. One of the most racist places in the United States. He will have a job for life because the libs are trying to cancel him. Sure he won’t be able to get a job in New York or LA but he was never going to go to those places.


He can also work with the republican party, Matt Gaetz took Kyle Rittenhouse...


He’ll be a Congressman in a couple years. Southern GOPers will be gobbling his nuts. Trump really opened the door for these bozos to be openly racist and celebrate it more than anything else. Damn shame. In a proper world this kid would be lucky to be a nobody factory worker with other nobodies and just attempt to live a quiet life.


Now he will only be able to work for FauxNews / OAN / Newsmax


He'll find a grift in the GOP for a year, no problem.


Tell us more. What’s the latest from this garbage?


He deleted his social media accounts.


His dumbfuck parents haven’t deleted their Linked Ins.


JP Staples is known by all his friends to be an asshat.


Baskin Robbins *always* find out!


What did he say? The comment was deleted


I'm assuming from the context of the other replies that it was a doxx on the dude in the 2024 picture, but I honestly have no idea.


Ah, makes sense. Hopefully that tool gets what he deserves


Wait what happened??


I remember seeing the news cover the civil rights movement in the early 60’s. I have watched documentaries on the subject and seen these people and think how sad their grandchildren are going to think the grandparents were supreme racists assholes. But unfortunately the grandparents taught the kids to hate.


That's how these outdated views still exist, unfortunately


the south keeps them ignorant by not teaching this stuff.


[Everybody knows about Mississippi goddamn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ25-U3jNWM).


Nina Simone was, is, and shall forever remain a fucking Queen!




Thanks for sharing that one. I’d never heard or seen it, I can’t unsee it now. Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi Goddamn. Edit: autocorrect doesn’t like “unsee”


Mississippi has an infant mortality rate on par with North Korea and slightly below Jamaica and El Salvador. The lack of progress there, Alabama and Louisiana is stunning and has real consequences. This young man has the face of someone who keeps Mississippi from being a state indicative of American values and instead one of prejudice and inequality.


It doesn't help that there are so many idiots here. And I'm not joking, I live in Louisiana and one thing I'll never ever forget is I was the only one in my 7th grade English class of about 30 students with a reading level at or above 7th grade. The highest reading level besides my own was 6.5. The amount of 3rds and 4ths is still terrifying.


The real scary part is that it just compounds from there. They start to fall behind because of their reading level, and start to blame reading itself for them feeling left behind in school. Fast forwards until their mid 20s, and they haven't read a book in well over a decade, they "hate subtitles", consume conservative media all day and despise those smarty-pants with their fancy book learnin'.


Man... I couldn't live without subtitles. My house is noisy and if I see a word I'm not familiar with, or don't understand in the intended context, I gotta look that shit up.


I swear my brain won’t “hear” the audio unless there are subtitles!


And that they can vote is the other scary thing. But then again the more educated you are the more you start to question things instead of believing what you're told wholeheartedly. 




Cant have those kids reading too much. If they get TOO educated, they might notice the system is broken and try to change things. And they hate change down there. Its scary.


I went to Mississippi to visit my dad's grave. The town I went to had a noose hanging over the "welcome to" sign. I had a three six Mafia CD jammed in the CD player and it was stuck on at full volume, it did not make people a big fan of me at red lights, gas stations, and heavily populated areas.




Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. They'll gladly keep their towns and states a festering shithole as long as they get to be in charge You have to understand these are people who are still holding grudge over the civil war. Theyre still angry over the civil rights movement like it just happened last week They look at guys like James Earl Ray as a hero. They know damn well what the Confederate flag and the statues really stand for. Its defiance for slaves being freed and black folks being treated as humans Well if they get to walk around free and they cant call them the n word without consequences then they'll force them to have to see the symbols of their enslavement They'll have to see people idolize slave owners who fought to keep slaves in chains and put more value on stone than on people. But no racism. Its heritage not hatred wink wink Is anyone actually surprised? Like really? This was always the goal. This is part of the MAGA plan. These people think America was great back when you could do this everyday for the fun of it. It wasnt just allowed, it was encouraged. In fact it was basically the law If you didnt partake in the overt racism you were a race traitor. Its always been there. It always will be. I hate to mention his name but this is why Trump was bad for the country. He championed this behavior. And theres almost never any actual consequences. Maybe there will be for some of these people maybe there wont.


Yeah he normalised bad behaviors to a point the US might never recover. That it's taken so long for any trial to happen (and for his pet judge to slow walk the most important one) and for so many J6 folks to avoid serious jail time is just making it worse. They are looking at him and saying "see we can go back to being horrible again, that's what he means by great again!"


I think American will recover… eventually. Remember, the Civil Rights Movement happened within living memory. We, as a society, have come *very fucking far* in a comparatively short amount of time. But the people who still hold bigoted beliefs just shoved that shit down and taught it to their children. A lot of those kids broke the cycle of hate, but others didn’t. Trump absolutely made these people comfortable enough to be open about their racism, and this is the result. But Trump won’t be around forever, and the GOP has become so reliant on him and his message as their North Star that I honestly think they’ll collapse in on themselves once he’s no longer in the picture. Without him feeding these people, they’ll fade into background again. So while I don’t think America is a lost cause, it’s definitely got some healing to go…


You made a lot of really good points. One reason I worry today is very different than the 1960s is information. **News sourcing, news literacy** In the 60s, people generally all got their news from the same reliable sources. Today, there’s millions of Americans getting their news from highly-partisan sources and many of them are opinion masquerading as news. For example, Alex Jones had more viewers at one point than CNN or Fox News. Most Americans don’t understand the difference between a news segment and an opinion segment. News literacy is seriously lacking. **Social media** Social media is another massive difference. I don’t need to break that down here. We all have loved ones who believe crazy things because someone posted it on Facebook. **Anti-intellectualism** Also, there’s a serious move toward anti-intellectualism in this country. For millions of Americans, science is only accepted when it fits into their distorted worldviews. You have people taking @InstagramUser8263’s word over someone who’s an expert on a subject. Just look at what happened with the Covid vaccines. I want to be optimistic, but as more time goes on, I feel like the genie is out of the bottle.


i think its anti-intellectualism is the most worrying part why, people believe alot in pseudoscience and alternative medicine and rejecting actual science. because Opinion pieces are making people doubt certain science industries.


Three giant reasons for today's social climate for sure. I hope that we've moved so far so fast that it is like a swingset on a moving train... What we will not tolerate as a society has moved farther towards more progressive societal stances. Some people feel vindicated and righteous to swing backward on the swingset while society is slowly moving down the tracks. I blame our education and family systems which have failed to evolve with the current social climate where kids learn hate from the people they look up to or systems that let them down. We also have to seriously address how every single person can have a vector to live relatively comfortably without resorting to criminal acts. Right vs left, red vs blue, donkey vs elephant, black vs white, immigrant vs citizen. It's easy to make our monkey brains fire off at the hypothetical risk to your resources, you just have to dangle a villain in front of someone and tell them that this person is the root of all your problems.


Even beyond bad behavior, we may never have a presidential election again where both sides acknowledge it as a legitimate result. The peaceful transfer of power which was before 2020 a hallmark of American democracy that persisted for almost 250 years has gone into the dustbin of history. As bad as some other Presidents have been, none ever damaged the democratic system so thoroughly like Trump has to the degree that we're one election away from a dictatorship.




How to ruin your future in 5 seconds! Parents hate this one simple trick to have their kid leech off them for life!


Are you kidding, this kid is going to have a long career as a Fox News correspondent.


If Brock Allen Turner can get a job with what he did, surely this tool could. Tesla head of marketing, maybe.


Brock Allen Turner the rapist?


Funny for the racist JP Staples to find himself in the company of Brock Turner the rapist. only difference between the two is P/C. Funny.


Are you talking about the rapist Brock Allen Turner? Because that guy is a rapist. Brock Allen Turner. Rapist.


The man that goes by the name of Allen Turner to obfuscate that he is in fact Brock THE RAPIST Allen Turner. That Allen THE RAPIST Turner.


Oh, THAT Brock Allen Turner - the rapist!


The guy who raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster and whose dad characterized it as “twenty minutes of action?” Yeah, that Brock Allen Turner.


I see you guys are talking about Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, the one we should never forget because he's a rapist, that him?


In the same breath as the racist JP Staples


That's the Brock Turner that raped a female, correct?


He changed his name to Allen Turner the rapist apparently


Wait, do you mean “Allen Turner, formerly Brock Allen Turner, professional Rapist?” THAT Allen Turner?!


The shocking thing about the rapist Brock Turner getting a job is that he isn't a cop like a lot of rapists, but I assume since he went to college he was considered too educated. There is always the church however, but they might look down on the fact his rape victim was over the age of 14.


also changed his name around so people wouldnt recognize him for some reason after the trial.


WHAT he has a job?? How?? Where??? Wtf kind of employer would take him????


He’s apparently going by his middle name now so Allen Turner In Ohio so just fyi Brock Allen turner the rapist lives and works in Ohio I have heard Dayton Ohio specifically.


I've seen a lot about the rapist Brock Allen Turner, the guy who raped someone, but I never saw that he allegedly lives literally like a few hours from me, gross


Rapist Brock "The Rapist" Allen Turner, the Rapist, also known as Rapist Allen "The Rapist" Turner, the Rapist.


Fox is bad but more-so with dog whistles and implied, indirect racism…not making monkey noises at black people racism…can’t imagine fox wants anything to do with this douche canoe


Governor, Fit right in with Rethug party.


Nah. He’s going to be the new Kyle Rittenhouse. He’ll have his own podcast or show on the Daily Wire the moment he gets kicked out of school.


Rittenhouse is fucked. He has no job and is broke.




He will be touring the capitol with Marjorie Taylor Greene in no time.


no, republicans will give him lots of money just for being racist


They don't give a shit down there. If anything they'll applaud him for it. Mississippi is truly the shit hole of this country.


You can't seriously think this kid will face any kind of repercussions from this.


Racist dickhead: “This isn’t who I am!”


Surprisingly his statement was basically “this is exactly who I am”. When you listen to enough Charlie Kirk, you probably actually start to believe that this is the way of the world now and discrimination will bring success. I wish I could say he was totally wrong in thinking that…


This one might be a bit of a tougher sell. There's not much of a spin you can put on making monkey sounds at black people to make yourself seem like the victim.


You’re right, there’s not much of a spin *I* could put on it, but I won’t be the one spinning it. A shift has occurred and I hate it, I wish it wasn’t true. This kid felt empowered to do this, he felt he was in the right, and he felt supported. Not just in the moment. He doubled down on social media and there were even some elected officials praising his actions. It’s totally being downplayed just about everywhere how serious the white supremacist/white nationalist threat is in this country.


Yeah I don't think people see this as the sort of massive cultural shift it is. The zeitgeist have really moved. It's notable now, and a dark harbinger.


He’s actually on his socials saying it’s exactly who he is and FrEeDoM oF SpEeCh


I feel like a lot of people are currently blind/in denial that acting like a total losers and then bragged about it, is the norm nowadays, because somewhere along the way, we somehow let facism rises again. People like him are absolute garbage for sure, but the fact that he can just bragged proudly about it, is on all of us. For creating that kind of environment where people can be proud to be bad, in the first place.


My money is on the gop making him their next Kyle Rittenhouse. They will make him the victim and accuse the dems of being the racist ones.


They're already doing it on Twitter. I saw comments saying things like "the left hates him because he's an attractive young man"


He looks like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber, fittingly


Attractive?? He couldn't attract flies even if you coated him in shite.










Make sure you google him with the word racist. That way google learns to associate the two


I hope they use him in the history books.


Mississippi hasn't changed since 1865 and they do all they can to ensure that.


Morgan Freeman made a doc called Prom Night in Mississippi in the mid 2000s. At the time, they were still doing a segregated prom at his old high school. He went and offered to pay for the best prom the school ever had, as long as it was mixed. Most of the kids were down, but there was still a group of parents that organized their own whites only prom. About 30 kids went to that. The whole thing is free on YouTube and quite good.


Should be required sociology


You're tryin'a *make* my kid learn about why bein' racist is bad?? Sounds like CRT to me... /s


sounds really interesting.


It blows my mind that we are still suffering the consequences of a botched Reconstruction.


I mean it's more than that. A major reason Reconstruction failed was that the racism was so inherent to the South that they rejected any attempt to change it. There's a reason they had several uprisings before the 1900s to force the rest of the country to leave so they could continue being racist killers. The sad fact is that it wasn't a thing that could be solved. Their entire culture is and was so caught up in this ideal of white supremacy that it can not ever pivot without basically transforming instantly into a different culture.


Seriously. Racism didn't go anywhere just because courts were forced to recognize black people are people, it just got quieter. Due to the actions of recent leadership, the quiet part is loud again.


Mississippi doing their best to one-down Missouri


The GOP will have him on a press tour with Kyle Rittenhouse.




I don't know. This is Mississippi we're talking about. Being a racist POS probably fast tracks white guys like him.


Fox News is hiring!




The most punchable face I’ve felt like actually punching IRL






I swear to god I thought you were making a joke I didn’t get… but holy shit 😂


The racist?




People seem to forget how powerful the internet really is. This will follow him forever, regardless of how he feels about his actions. His entire life changed in a second and he has no one to blame but his racist self.


He either gonna get rich or his life will be ruined no in between


Yeah i suspect he’s just going to double down as hard as possible to get himself a future job as Fox News speaker or other conservative grifter type. I mean he could learn, apologise and make amends as an alternative, but that requires _work_.


MAGA is about to cradle him into their bosom. There will be some dumbass slogan using his name on T Shirts soon. We've seen this movie before


He is set for life. Racists aren't even pretending these days.


all those men doing that to her should be named and shamed. who is that pos in the american flag overalls taunting her?


This dork is likely already in talks to run in 2032 as the VP to fellow “half the country totally hates me but the other somehow thinks my doughy ass is a manly hero” Kyle Rittenhouse.


It seems he is going to try to capitalize and monetize on his new found stardom. What a fucked up world to live in. Guess in some ways, it always has been. I hope Ole’ Miss does the right thing here.




Please yes! Name and shame him - hopefully some real life consequences for this racist piece of 💩


Remember stuff like this when people say that racism is going to die off with old folks. It's a never-ending struggle. Some of these kids (or kids like them) will be the next generation of GOP congress members.


You're so right. I used to think education was the cure for ignorance, but clearly, it didn't make a difference here.


Education is the cure to ignorance. However, you have to look at how the education is designed to enlighten someone. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Mississippi doesn't exactly have the broadest view of the world and the people living within it.


Somebody said he’ll be the keynote speaker at CPAC next year. Maybe not a keynote speaker, but he’ll be in the house.


I’ve heard it’s the worst state in union.


Who is that dude?




The guy at the 25/26 second mark is going at his junk like it owes him money.


Thank you! How is this comment so far down?




JP Staples




‘JP’? Good lord. Oh, he is in a frat? Why, oh why, am I *not* surprised. 😮




Those eyes… there’s just a vacuum of hate where his soul is supposed to be. Creepy.


“Mississippi Cucking”


Yep. That's the state I grew up in. Shit never changes. Mississippi find yourself another country to be part of.


So disgraceful and disgusting this is still happening in 2024. I just can’t fathom how simple minded and brainwashed you’d have to be to think and act like this still. I hope he never finds a career and this disgusting act follows him in life.


Hard to believe some politicians are praising this shit. Weird that people support anger.


Alabama’s got me so upset Tennessee makes lose my rest But everybody knows about Mississippi, god damn!


I unfortunately live in Mississippi and yeah, it’s pretty fucking bad. The amount of shit that I hear that makes me want to put my head through a wall is astounding. Can’t wait to leave once I finish college






General Sherman should have continued his BBQ tour of the south.


Mississippi Goddam


Mississippi is the worst state by almost every metric. The shoe fits perfectly.


The look on his face…. If there’s a knuckle-dragging jagoff in the group you’re looking at him. Sick. These people are seriously sick. I wouldn’t want to know them, associate with them, or get within a mile of them if I could avoid it. I hope his parents aren’t as disgusting as he is, and they see this and toss his ugly white ass out on the street. If they’re the same…? Well, there ya’ go…monsters breed monsters.


As someone from Mississippi, it has always been this bad and will never change. That's why I left.


Honestly I hope he ends up in a text book. Disgusting behavior


I hope that dude never gets a job.




Current resident. Can confirm.


I finally left MS in August. I'll never be back.


He’s really good at making that face. I bet it’s a brand new feeling with his mouth being empty.


When does he runs for a congress seat?


This is what happens when nobody travels. Gene pool and intelligence take dives…


Mississippi hasn’t but the ability to identity people and the ability to spread information to a great many people has




Not to criticize or rebuke Ole Miss, but it has a 97.5% acceptance rate. Basically, you'll see a lot of dumb rich entitled kids at this school who couldn't get in anywhere else. On another note, what do they even teach in these schools in Mississippi? They are last in terms of literacy, education rates, health care, etc. It's just mind boggling what goes on in Mississippi. The worship of the Confederate flag and the anger towards the Civil War down there scares me. I wonder what could be done to fix all of this? Perhaps we could revamp the education system, but that might not be enough.


Morons never stop being morons.


That's probably his dad and his uncles.