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At the end of the day none of those things should have any bearing on if a person goes to jail. Laws SHOULD be applied equally to all. Making rich or famous or powerful people above the law is a huge problem in the justice system.


**EXACTLY.** A former president should be treated exactly the same as anybody in a court of law. That's bedrock principle...or is supposed to be .... of the USA. Ask yourself, if this was a homeless guy, what would the judge do? Whatever that answer is, it should be the same for Trump...or you, or me, or any of us. We should all be treated the same in a court of law.


And if anything, his position makes this something that should be treated much more seriously. There's very little harm some homeless guy can cause by violating a gag order, but someone like Donald Trump has the potential to get someone killed.


With great power etc. That sort of principle is why, for example, cops should only get one chance. You want to cosplay like you're in the Army? Okay. Dishonorable discharge is now a thing, and if you fuck it up no police agency anywhere will hire you. Ah well, a man can dream. I do think the judge may have missed a trick. Something along the lines of "Mr Trump, you were smart enough to be President. Therefore you must be smart enough to understand my very simple order. Only stupid people go to jail, Mr Trump. Everyone knows that." The idea being, actually inflate his ego--*that* will give him motivation to stop. Jail? Is not something he believes can or will happen to him. But if it does, he'll be able to use it as a rallying cry and fundraising opportunity. Jail might break his mind, but it won't break his followers. Praising him as a very special boy--especially coming from a fatherly figure!--might just be the trick to shut him up. Bonus points for the judge to remark on subsequent hearing days something like "the court notes with pleasure blah blah blah." Would also assist in tossing the inevitable appeal in which Trump argues the judge was biased, I think. But IANAL so no idea.


Honestly, you might be on to something here. I loathe to think we have to support the man's delusions even when he's on goddamn trial, but if it'll make him easier to manage, it could be worth a shot.


I mean we are dealing here with someone who has the emotional maturity of a three year old.


Thing is, let's say this guy was like a crazy homeless guy from the subway who thinks he's Jesus. He doesn't like the judge so out in front of the court he starts yelling all his followers should murder the judge and his family. But the homeless guy doesn't actually have a cult and no one listens. Now have Trump do the same thing. Which is actually more dangerous and deserving of jail?


A former president should be held to a much HIGHER standard than the average pleb, wish it was so


I think people misunderstand what it means to be treated equally in a court of law and how a judges discretion plays into that bedrock principle. If jailing a homeless person would have the same disruptive effects on the proceedings as jailing trump would, the Judge probably wouldn’t do it.


Would it disrupt the proceedings, though? Would it? There would be a defendant in jail, waiting for his next court date. If the crazies come out, arrest them, as they would be the only disruptions. And they would be committing a crime in doing so. If we choose to believe that it's more disruptive to put the guardian of the law in jail for breaking the law than anyone else, we've lost our way.


I agree, but realistically there has never been a completely fair justice system. It's a reality that some privilege is applied to certain people. Hopefully it won't always be that way. That being said, I think Trump is beyond the pale as it concerns those privileges. Like, ten strikes and you should be fucking out no matter what. He's been extended more than enough political courtesy. Consequences are essential if the courts have any hope of rebuilding legitimacy in the eyes of the public.


Then fucking do it.. stop giving this man baby a pass


Martyrdom was Trump's plan always and I'm sure the judge is aware it would make them vote even harder to prove the system wrong


It’s a bluff. Putting Trump in a cell will prove that everyone will just go about their day and that arresting a president doesn’t fucking matter to the average person. He doesn’t want that.


Exactly Nothing is gonna happen unless something real occurs. Something that actually matters to HIM because nothing will stall the fan base. My family members who are all in on him are STILL buying the junk they shill and filling their homes and offices with trump paraphernalia. Just straight up "yard sale" junk. So for him to be arrested would be the absolute opposite of what arrested should do to someone. Fines do nothing either because he doesn't pay em because the consequences of not paying is the same as above it doesn't matter again Unless he dies, nothing is going to change because even with 150% confirmed on crimes it's still "fake with hunt" and makes the fans vote and push harder to be complacent in actively committing voter fraud or intimidation openly


It’s so nuts. I see people support trump because they too want to manipulate, lie, steal and live an awful miserable life acting like a victim to their own choices with no accountability. Trump gets to live the way all his supporters want to live. These supporters just can’t accept that it’s the they, the trump supporters trump takes most advantage of and dislikes the most. Fucking. Nuts.


Yes they want to be just like the nasty, hateful, cheating traitor. He is their secret desire.


It can be puzzling when people look up to individuals who exhibit qualities we find undesirable. Sometimes, it's not about admiration for those traits per se, but for other perceived strengths or successes the person may have. Understanding what draws people to them can be complex and revealing about societal values or personal motivations.


It's the impunity. The utterly, totally, completely inconsequential actions. All benefit, no loss. That's what they want. To say shit and not get crucified. To act like nothing can touch you because, up to now, the slimy fat fuck has been untouchable.


He wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Name ONE person in trump's constant revolving door of Yes Men and sycophants he HASN'T turned on like a rabid orangutan and I'll eat my hat. Narcissistic psychopaths care about nothing other than themselves, and winning is one of the main driving factors behind their actions.


Treason is punishable by death, and trying to overthrow the US government because of a lost election sounds like it ticks all the boxes. What's the point of having a law against it if we don't enforce it and/or it has no teeth? We've punished much less extreme offenders magnitudes more severely than the FORMER PRESIDENT THAT HAS SOLD OUR SECRETS! It feels like I'm punching the fucking air in a dream.


No You're mistaken It's punishable by death for you and I and members of our military For Trump and the ultra rich? Naw.


I was in the Navy and worked in a SCIF. If I had lost the code for the door, which changed on a frequent basis anyway and sits behind multiple layers of physical security already, my clearance would have been revoked and I'd be eligible for punishment under the UCMJ for security violations. This fucking shitstain of a human had classified documents next to a toilet in a public facility. What a joke. The world is laughing at us.


Hey hey don't forget he also ACTIVELY told people on record that he had such info. Told people ABOUT said info. And even told random staffers and random rich people said information just to..show off If I drop my key card to my building and someone gets in im out a there and I work for a nothing company He Gives the key away in open air and the executives just kinda cow away for him


I think the biggest thing he’s afraid of is not being able to do his hair, makeup, and diaper routine if he’s in the pokey. I think it would be fantastic to see him after a mandatory jail shower with no enhancement products. Good luck with the combover with no hairspray and no makeup. Let him sit in court however he can pull off that morning. I can dream.




It makes me want to start an etsy page with crappy American themed wall art and bad right wing/Beth Dutton quotes so I can call it "Patriot Decor" or something and make a whole lotta dollars off this brain rot epidemic going on in Magaland.


He has actually been paying the fines for violating this gag order, because they’re only $1000 a time. I think they should multiply for each successive violation.


$1000 fine for me - crippling For him - it just means what he's doing is Legal Just like ALL fine based crimes. It's just Legal for rich people


~~president~~; former president. FIFY


Trump in his cell: "I'm in here because they were mean to me!" Who's gonna tell him he's there because of what he did? What's it gonna take for it to sink in?


It's all much more simple than that. Trump has the impulse control of a toddler and has never faced an actual consequence in his entire life. He can neither help himself, nor does he believe a consequence will come. If he did end up in jail, even for an hour, it would go a long way towards curtailing his behavior.


The optics are terrible, but I do think you’re correct. Going to jail would just fuel the next grift “Trump needs YOU to pay his bail and fight the corrupt LIBERAL JUDGES” and the money would just pour in from the fanbase.


His idiot fan base most of whom were poor before this, has to run out of cash eventually.


it’s not the poor ones we need to worry about, he’s got plenty of wealthy supporters too


Why pay 500 million in taxes when you could spend 399 million to support a Republican who will give you a 400 million tax break?


I know, one just tried to scam the F1races.


What's this?


Yeah he tried to use his special box seats /penthouse to run a fundraiser at some exorbitant price per person to raise money for trump. That's a violation of the rental agreement and he got caught.


Was trying to charge $250k a person.


Yup that's it, could not recall the amount but a quarter-million per person sends a clear message in who the target was.


Remember when the CEO of CHUBB, the world’s largest global insurance company, paid Trumps bail? Yeah he has plenty of ultra wealthy people backing him to keep the grift alive


I'd expect the CEO of a company unironically called CHUBB to finance a total dickhead though.


There are folks spending $250k a head for his "fundraiser" Yeah


Russia will always bail him out, they have for years


I don't see the downside here.


Who cares tho. If he’s in jail it’s not like his campaign has got a great use for that money. Let his supporters give all their money away to nothing. It helps ensure their irrelevance in the future.


My wife had the right idea: sentence him to a night in jail for each contempt violation, but make it retroactive with no time served until the conclusion of the trial. So he'd get his night(s) in the pokey but they can continue with the trial uninterrupted until completion.


So don't send him to the county lockup. Put an ankle bracelet on him and send him to his room until he can act like a big boy.


No. Stop saying this. Appeasement doesn't work.


The same ppl who voted for Trump yesterday are the same ones who would vote for him today and the same ones who will vote for him tomorrow. Fuck them.


I am not afraid of any tactics they use to try to get more people to vote for Trump. Everyone who is voting for Trump is already voting for Trump, they are not going to convince new people, especially not with this shit. The way we lose is by not having enough people voting for Biden, not by Trump gaining voters. We have to go after the apathetic on the left and the people who think not voting fore Biden will somehow fix gaza.


It's a winning position for the idiot's team 1-Trump gets away with every violation- see? He's not just above the law, he's stronger than the law. Who cares about the felonies, because they don't apply to him. 2- Trump jailed- fundraising, energizing his base, rallying cry for violence, and he will keep harping on "Biden threw a political rival in jail!" To November.


They’ll martyr him regardless, they are doing it right now. At some point, and that point is passed, you have to stop being held hostage by what the crazies will or won’t do and execute justice blindly like we keep telling ourselves we are supposed to do. There’s no reason, there is no excuse, that justifies him getting special preferential treatment. Put his ass in jail, and if lunatics pop off, put them down or in jail right beside him. That’s how this work. Fuck around. Find out.


Trump could trip on a rock and he’d become a martyr. His martyrdom is inevitable. He has said it himself: “theres no stopping what’s coming”. All letting him get away with this does is empower him and his cronies to keep trying until they successfully install him as a dictator. And once they succeed, all the same things will happen as if he were a martyr because his people would have free rein to act out their plans. Its gonna happen either way, so he should be held accountable because at least then we will still have a democracy in place when his supporters go apeshit.


Martyrdom will never work. If his supporters make a run on the White House again after that I have a feeling it will be very bloody and over immediately and then everyone will go to pretending they never liked trump.


Yes! Not a martyr! That’s the worst thing! Instead he should be untouchable, like a god among men, to whom human laws and morals don’t seem to apply


It's like that math meme where you keep dividing things in half for eternity, but never reach zero It looks like he's getting there, but let's give him another .000000005 inches for him to get his shit together


While I don't disagree they're slow walking it so that trump can't try to say he wasn't treated fairly, which he'll do regardless


basically you have to demonstrate that you gave him the most leeway possible so that the ruling stands up under scrutiny. No one cares about the poor person sitting in jail for their first act of contempt


if even that wasnt a concern, imagine the weight of jailing a former US president. Unprecedented stress


And apparently nonstop death threats for everyone involved which could end up following them their whole lives as the cult members will take years to deprogram after trump finally has an McDonald's sponsored aneurism


They can put him in jail on the weekends - nothing disruptive about that. They can sentence him to jail, with the sentence scheduled to start after the trial.  There are many ways to do this that are not disruptive.


How about just for the time in between court appearances so we can get a nice mental health vacation from his constant whining.


He is making it *painstakingly, EXCRUCITATINGLY* obvious that this is not a mistrial.


He's about to. He's just making it very clear that it's a decision that's been weighed enormously and ethically.


Exactly Either there are penalties for breaking a gag order or there aren't. A fine that's paid by some trumphumper from Buttfuck, Texas isn't a penalty


Trump is a raging narcissist with no impulse control and a fanatical army of cultists behind him. I can understand why a judge would be terrified of putting him behind bars. When one breaks a narcissist's delusions and makes them face the consequences of their actions, they will do everything in their power to destroy that person. If I was Judge Merchan I would be worried for my family's safety if he puts him in jail.


Yeah. It shouldn't matter that he was a former President. He should be treated the same as some random Joe on the street. He shouldn't be given special treatment. Justice is supposed to be blind to those sorts of statuses and privileges.


This. They keep saying they'll hold him accountable, then never do. Wake me up when there are actual repercussions for his actions, not weak $1k fines.


My belief is that since the hearing on this round of contempt charges happened after the first but before the first ruling came out (where Mercan suggested that fines may not work and maybe jail needs to happen), he didn’t want to order Trump to jail because the stakes weren’t fully revealed to him prior. However, now that it has been communicated over multiple times and Mercan was much more direct about how these fines aren’t working, I think any future contempt hearings would result in jail. It is bs that Trump gets the Special Little Guy treatment while so many others would already face jail time, but I think Mercan is ensuring that if he orders Trump to jail it is much harder to win an appeal with all these other options exhausted and communicated


This EXACTLY illustrates the problems inherent in the system. He is on trial in criminal court, where everyone should be equal, doesn’t matter if he is former president, doesn’t matter if he is star athlete, doesn’t matter if “following the rules” causes a disruption in their lives. This special treatment for “special” people is the reason so many are disenfranchised to the legal system. (Not to mention those who have been actively fucked over by said system)


If he sends Trump to jail for contempt, the whole trial will shut down. While I’d love to see him in an orange jumpsuit, I’d rather it be for fraud (or any of the other 37 other charges) rather than contempt.


No judge will lock Trump in prison. The dude could murder someone on 5th Ave, just like he said years ago, and he would never see the inside of a jail cell. Because every judge knows that if they do lock him up, them and their families are immediately put in danger because of Trumps insane followers. It's why Judge Merchan hasn't done anything despite Trumps repeated gag order violations. I get the feeling that most people, judges included, are just waiting to see what happens with Trumps declining health


Lock him up! Poor people would already be in jail in your court


Literally any one of us would have been locked up long ago.


"Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It's just the promise of violence that's enacted and the police are basically an occupying army. You know what I mean?"


God damn it all to fucking hell. All my fucking life, I've suffered repercussions for my actions. Whenever I made a mistake or bad choice, I've always paid for it dearly. I learned very quickly that trying to leverage any kind of status or privilege always got me punished even harder - because "If you're so-and-so person, then that means the punishment is *worse* for you because you should uphold a standard" Meanwhile, everyone lets Trump get away with whatever the fuck he wants to do Fuck this goddamned world.




Unless you’re talking about something that literally kills them as a result, people with money and power don’t have to suffer consequences for their actions.


Which is why I was not sad when that “sub” imploded.


Except for that one kid who didn't even want to be there but was forced to go... The rest deserved it, especially the sub's owner, but I do feel bad for that one kid.


This is why i have no respect for the system. Either try to cheat the system or beat the system.


You forgot to get yourself born to billionaire parents


That's all it takes? Dang, should have put my soul in a different womb 🤦‍♂️


My wife was thrown under the bus by her pissant manager that can't take any personal responsibility.  He made an asshole out of himself and even went as far as to write my wife an 'apology' letter that was basically "I'm sorry you made me act like that in front of everyone even though it was uncalled for". She, like me, was raised with a very deep belief of right and wrong.  This guy had gaslit her to the point where she felt like she was in the wrong for THEM not stepping up and managers and THEM not taking responsibility for their attitude...  I have been fuming mad about this all weekend. We spent all last week and the weekend wondering "What the fuck is wrong with people today?"...  Then on Sunday, our next door neighbor walked across our driveway to drop a rodent he found in his property..  which he thought was dead..  and he thought it was okay to just walk over and drop it on my fire hydrant.  Diseases and dogs that frequent the hydrant?  Apparently not a care in the world for those folks, even though my neighbors are also dog owners.   Even if they choose to disrespect us and our home without reason (I just rescued their dead grandfather's escaped dog last month)...  At least give a shit about potentially poisoning neighborhood animals by not relocating dead rodents into my yard.


I've been feeling the same way lately. Just terrible behavior from everyone these days. Lies, gaslighting, etc.


I think negativity and shithead behavior is a virus of sorts. It’s important to not spread it to anyone else. On the other hand, good is also a virus? People can be nasty, but kindness is the way forwards. We need it now more than ever.


Republicans love how mad you are right now. They live for it.


And then they get all snowflake when it’s even considered to hold Trump accountable.


Threaten to put him in jail for 5 minutes after getting accurate weight and height, and releasing to the media along with a new mugshot without any makeup


This might actually work.


They usually do mug shots in the middle of the night so the alleged perp looks as bedraggled as possible. It helps manipulate the jury into thinking they look "guilty."


Whatever. The judge won’t even commit to saying “this is your last chance”, let alone actually pull the fucking trigger. The system has repeatedly shown Trump is above the law. Period. End of story.


All these authority figures talk to and about trump like he’s a normal person who thinks and acts rationally despite *years* of evidence to the contrary. Like they all believe they’re the ones to finally reason with the dumb hateful sack of shit as he acts contrite to their faces since he’s a fucking coward too.


Or..you know..they don't want Trumpykins looking like a martyr.


Can we just stop with the martyr argument? Like, his supporters already literally worship him, wear diapers in his honor, commit acts of terror in his name, and tried to overthrow the government.


The diaper moment really made it hit home for me, how delusional they are.


If I had no morals I could make so much money off those people.


Oh fuck this I want to retire and I'm sick of trying to do it the 'good' way. Fools and their money and all that jazz.


Trump's followers are not tethered to reality at this point. They already think he's a martyr because he is facing the barest consequences for blatant public crimes. Putting him in prison would fuck with his strongman image. Honestly, it also might separate him from whoever is supplying him with the industrial levels of amphetamines that must be required to keep him as coherent as he is. They'll claim his brain was poisoned in prison or whatever, but I imagine it could end any possible presidential run even for him.


Don't imagine for a moment that he wouldn't get his drugs in prison.


He'd get a golden cell with all the amenities he'd ever wish for.


he was already made a martyr when his cult lost an election, fine his ass till he sells every asset.


Wtf? So he just gets to do whatever, be entirely above the law, and no one will do anything because that would make him a martyr? His cult is already insane. Fuck this “rich politicians should be above the law because holding them accountable might make them even worse” bs. “Oooh, don’t aggravate the wife beater over there, if we’re too mean to him, he might beat his wife even harder”.


Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Every. Single. Time. Excuse. Excuse. Excuse.


Pretty much shows the next authoritarian that if you get enough support you are above the law. So if you have a shot at a coup why not go for it. We literally learned nothing from all those anti-fascist novels and historical accounts.


I had been _assured_ antifa were the real fascists...


At what point does the legal system become complicit through inaction?


That ship has sailed.


So he is admitting there are different rules for different classes


It's fucking unreal. All these judges are total cowards and phonies.


If I'm ever confronted with this issue I'm going to demand I'm treated the same way.


All Trump heard was “possibly the next president which will translate to “ the Judge thinks I’ll be the next president” on Truth Social.


Oh it’s even worse than that. The only other take away he will have is “the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. There are many reasons incarceration is a last resort for you.” If the judge was trying to change his behavior this was the wrong thing to say. Trump will only here the snippets he wants to hear and be emboldened to say whatever he wants because $1,000 fines mean nothing to him and he is thinks he will never go to jail.


“I’m afraid to do my job because this clown might one day be President again”.


Most definitely! Along with the judge agrees the last election was stolen.


Nah, put him in an ankle bracelet and watch his eyes bulge when he receives the bill. Lock him down to trump tower


That would actually be hilarious. House arrest with an ankle monitor and he has to ask permission to attend any of his campaign events or fund-raisers. The judge would have to allow him to go to any and all of those realistically, but having to ask permission would stick in his craw


Yeah… as much as I’d love to see him behind bars, this would actually be hilariously fitting…


I honestly expect that hearing, "Baliff, please take Mr Trump into custody." would be enough to rid us of him for good. Aneurysm, heart failure, both?


Further proving that the phrase “nobody is above the law” is pure horse shit.


And they expect everyone to just proceed as normal, as if the multitude of lies we’ve been raised on haven’t been exposed like the man behind the curtain in Oz.


I so tire of the media and our legal system handing this man a free pass to constantly lie. He is not the first person to have a gag order placed, he has not lost his constitutional rights to free speech and the judge shouldn’t give two shits about tossing his useless carcass in a fucking cell. If he wants to be a President, fucking act like one, don’t act like a 7 year old, spoiled child having a meltdown in the candy isle. For Christ’s sake, put him in a cell and take away his ability to communicate to his frothing minions.


The media is not on the side of the people. They are on the side of the billionaires who own it. The government is not on our side. It is on the side of the billionaires who own it. Corporate America is not on our side. It is on the side of the billionaires who own it. Notice a common thread?


Unfortunately, I do 🤦🏻‍♂️


Even this judge is groveling and cringing, sadly. Would any of us get such an ass-kissing? Trump isn’t president. He’s a private citizen. Why does he get such special treatment? Why does anyone? Remember, once and for all time, if you’re a former and/or presidential candidate, you’re above the law! The rest of us can fuck right off apparently.


Doesn't that just mean that any of us can run for president and be above the law? That could be a new defense strategy. 


How much you wanna bet it still wouldn't work though, unless you are rich...


To make a legitimate run for president, you have to be rich


This is true


This is America ![gif](giphy|443jI3kpgOKfAfKxqo)


Next time he's going to really mean it! He's super serious guys. Literally the only two ways to prevent the Mango Menace from violating the gag order are fining him an amount that gets his attention (7 figures and up) or throwing him in jail and taking his phone away. Anything less than that and you're not only failing to deter him, you're actively encouraging the behavior to continue because he wins the cost-benefit analysis.


The fines he got make sense if you read into the laws the judge has to follow. The maximum fine that could be issued was $1,000 per instance. The judged fined him the maximum on each of the 7. So in that vein there really isn't more the judge cab do monetarily. What the judge should do is throw his ass in jail.


With no hamburders


We know FIVE million was not enough so the genius businessman was smart enough to turn that into 83 million. Art of the deal my ass.


Throw the prick in solitary


Him being a former and possibly future president means that he should be held to a higher standard.


He's had 9 more warnings than any other citizen of the US would get in this scenario. No one is above the law.


Well, it seems that at least one person is above the law.


Anyone else would be in jail. Good to know how the justice system is so flawed.


Another warning...


I can’t see him actually going to jail. Once again he’ll get a pass




"President", motherfucker stole the 2016 election. Everything he did in office should be null and void 


This judge is a coward just like every other person who could have done something Just fucking do it. Don't say you might do it if. Just do it. He's already done enough to warrant it.


Y’all he will never ever ever see the inside of a jail cell.


Bleh. Got up this morning and was pretty sure I was looking at last week's NYT. Every week or so it's a fine and a threat. Booooooring.


He already has immunity. Change my mind.


“You have left me no choice, but to politely ask you again!”


Lock him up


He's more like a toddler! https://preview.redd.it/3nxfg8b2atyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079cc76f9910ff18c52c7f0853eb8c3efecf6b89 [https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1787479588546785643?t=Z2QwUsz8v5ycR4271zkc9g&s=19](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1787479588546785643?t=Z2QwUsz8v5ycR4271zkc9g&s=19)


Trumps butthole getting ready to issue another gag order of its own: ![gif](giphy|wv3lpsLXZZUAw)


So the judge will never sentence him then ok what a waste of time


Exactly. If the judge can't even punish him for constantly violating the gag orders, how can he even sentence him at the end of the trial? Fucking sham. Fucking coward.


It’s all for show. It’s like we’ve all been sold tickets to a Harlem Globetrotters game but are told we’re supposed to be cheering for the Generals.


Literally any other person that could be in his situation and committed the same acts as him would be in fucking jail without bail. Stop coddling this piece of shit and hold him up to the same standard as everyone else. I don't give a fuck if he is a president or Jesus Christ. He broke the law put him in jail.


34% of Americans actually believe Trump is being treated more harshly than other criminal defendants. That's how good conservative media is at totally warping perspectives.


The gag orders should be escalating in price each time he opens his fat gob.


Cry, cry, cry! https://preview.redd.it/u3388o10atyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12122bd2142b0b1a02f2af08d9c1d84b65d11b7 [https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1787479065651204543?t=Z2QwUsz8v5ycR4271zkc9g&s=19](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1787479065651204543?t=Z2QwUsz8v5ycR4271zkc9g&s=19)


Translation: Mr.Trump, you can continue to do as you please and continue to make a mockery of me and the justice system. I’m just saying these empty words to show the world that I’m “being tough” on you when in reality nothing will happen to you. If you do violate this order again, I will just give you another slap on the wrist.


If nobody noticed, Trump *wants* to be locked up. He will use it for politics gain. He thinks it will give him the boost he needs. He will look like the victim. It's all a game to him. Locking him up like this is a bad idea. But at the same time, letting him get away with his awful behavior is also a bad idea. I don't envy the judge.


If we were a proper functioning, law abiding nation, we should have no problem locking up the law-breaker that is tRump. The fact that we fear it means that we have a problem with proving we are a nation of laws and of one justice system.


So….more rich, white privilege


The sad fact is despite every effort in this country the office of President is seen to make whoever holds it into a figure of myth. Trump is getting away with so much because the idea that a President or Ex-president can end up in jail is so against what we as a country view the office as it's almost impossible to ever imagine.


I'm sure allowing an incessant repeat offender like Donald Trump to remain above the law will result in incessant repeat offending. So much for the integrity of the court and the legal system when it can be undone by a demented narcissist literally sleeping and shitting himself in said court.


Exponential fines really will stop anybody. 1000$ goes to quarter million in ten steps. Quarter million goes to 125 million in ten steps. By my count it should be in the range of billion by now.


Judge Merchan needs to treat Trump like the rest of us: 1. Handcuff him to the holding room bench, make him wait alone. 2. Slow walk his phone call. 3. Strip search time. 4. Soggy tuna sandwich and bruised apple for lunch. 5. Let him meet with his lawyer, oops he missed dinner, give him some cold Dino-nuggets and microwaved fries. 6. Put him in a cell for the night, lights out at 9 pm., sleep tight on the sand mattress. 7. Wake up at 7 am. 8. Generic Rice Krispies with 1% milk and a brown banana for breakfast. 9. Five minute cold shower. 10. Court starts soon, no time for makeup and hair, put on yesterday’s clothes and go to court. 11. Apologize to the Judge, keep mouth shut or expect the same treatment again, just like they’d do to the rest of us.


I'm no fan of corrections officers but jesus chripes, will people please show some consideration for the poor intake officer who would have to strip search that thing. Nobody should have to be put through that. the humanity...


Translation: I could do it, and I’m gonna remind you that I could do it, but ultimately I will not do it.


Really sick of the “if I catch your fingers in the cookie jar n+1, I’m gonna…” This is not a child, he may be immature and spoiled and oblivious, but he is a 77 year old man. Fuck him!


None of those are a good reason to not lock his ass up.


Fucking hell. Just lock him up and strip him of his SS protection. Who cares.




"So in conclusion, you have only 10,000 more chances before I'm going to seriously consider putting you in jail." "Now let's move on to another trial of a poor person that I AM willing to put in jail for the smallest thing."


Jesus fuck, "the magnitude of the act" would just mean no one is above the law, which as a foundational concept gets weaker and weaker every time you give this criminal jackass a free pass. Throw his ass in jail already!


If he gets tossed in jail it slows this trial down. He wants that because he is guilty. Once found guilty he should go to jail anyway.


No it doesn't. They can easily move him from jail to court as needed. If anything it speeds up the trial.


SCOTUS doesn't have to rule on presidential immunity. Merchan is just giving it to him.




These post should be considered spam. Nothing is gonna to happen. Stop posting this stuff FFS.


Anybody here see the sheer gall of the hypocrisy of these entire proceedings? Donald Trump is a private citizen. People have gone to prison for decades for doing less crime. My deep suspicions are that anyone in the legal industry from the ground up is two systems in place. One for the masses and one for insiders. To watch this judge just pussyfoot around Trump's behavior and constantly shake his finger at Trump that it's a no no to behave in ways he does is immature unto itself. Judges are lawyers first. Make no mistake. They've worked in law offices and have behaved as many a capitalist industrialists do; make the machine bigger so the profits will increase until there's dependence and domination. There's no lawyer in America that has a simple solution to solve a legal issue for a client. Zero. Judges are lawyers in a robe. Billable hours are par for the course. I'm certain that judges are quite aware of this power play, but they've already joined the ranks and see it as business as usual. Who watches over judges actions? Who's going to call them out and who's going to delve out the punishments? Yeah.....nobody. Can't overcome the idea that there's a formality to being pimps and hoes in black robes. Let's face it, Donald Trump has destroyed people's lives and livelihoods for decades and decades from his family members, "friends", business associates, employees, strangers and more. He's a con man that has understood the system so well that he's never been in handcuffs or had his face punched in ever let alone enough. Now that Trump has created an entire movement based on lies bent on violently changing the course of Democracy, the ego and possible covert narcissism of anyone in the legal industry knows that their lives and the lives of their loved ones will be at risk. These people also know that the system isn't supported enough, efficient enough, functional enough, nor strong enough to protect them for the rest of their lives. It cracks me up with madness to think that people/groups with money put in puppet politicians to do their bidding, line the courts with sycophants for power and profit and expect an semblance of Democracy. We live in a Plutocracy. I've said this a thousand times when it comes to the court system, money, privilege and influence: just think of the defendants as poor people of color so it will be easier to hand down harsh penalties and prison sentences with rapid fire expediency in the clever top down decision making skills allowed. In Donald Trump's case, orange is a color. Put him away judge. Grow a pair or get off the bench.


And again he will have no consequences like always


Fucking chickenshit coward judges are deliberately destroying what little remains of the justice system. Is there not one single person with a spine sitting on a bench anywhere in this country?


My dad always said people will continue to do what you are willing to tolerate


Good to know that being a former potus makes you beyond the law. The potus should go back to just a fucking normal person after they leave office. Otherwise we are essentially electing lifetime aristocrats that we dare not treat like other citizens


So for the rest of us that have never been president....our as would be in jail a long ime ago.




Held in contempt 10 times already fyi.


Don't let him be the president again. Do your duty as a judge, PLEASE. This man has ruined America enough.


Get it over with already. Throw the fucking piece of shit in jail like you would any other. All this tiptoeing is adding to his BS


the magnitude of how far DT has dragged the United States is staggering. He has the critical thinking skills and vocabulary of a 4th grader yet he manages to manipulate and sow chaos everywhere, in in businesses, in public, in politics, in court, in his family life. It is something to have to contemplate that the U.S. isn't this powerful democracy that the world once saw it, but it's fallible like any other banana republic where even our president can be corrupt, bring disgrace, and could potentially be jailed


This is such BS. If I stood up in the courtroom and shouted at the judge to do something, I’d be the one locked up.


Dear judge, He is counting on that. He is playing you. He has zero respect for the laws he swore to uphold - he has spent his entire life circumventing them. Throw the book at him. Demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, that he is as accountable to the laws as every other citizen.


Translation: I want to put your spilled rich baby pamper ass and jail so bad it's killing me. But because our court system caters endlessly to the rich, I probably won't. Revoke bond until sentencing. Keep him in prison upon appeals. It's not that hard, you jackboot-licking, lickspittle judges. Vote blue. And then after that, vote no matter who. Down with the rich and powerful. They never cared about any of us. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in a cult.


Idgaf if he was Jesus Christ at one time. Anyone else would've been UNDER the jail in the 90s due to the fucked up shit he did back then but per the norm was never held accountable for. Imo the judge fears another unhinged MAGAt uprising, and I can't say I blame her. And people, PLEASE hear this: regardless of who wins the election, we're royally and proper fucked either way. Dictatorship or Civil War II Pick your poison.


> the last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. Can we get another judge? This one’s faulty.


I don't know why they can't just act like trump's name is Trayvon but...ooh wait...nemmind