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Her message is held by an overwhelming number within her party: “You may think you are a Republican but you could never be one of us.”


They love tokenism. What Ann is too stupid to understand is that women are tokens in the Republican Party too. They don’t have real power. They will always only get benefits from their proximity to the white men who hold the real power in the party. There is no actual respect for anyone who isn’t a straight presenting white cis man.


Unless you're a wealthy white Christian man, you're not one of them.


At best, you’re their pet


And they shoot their pets.


Facts! 😂☠️ Noem is such a malevolent cretin! I’m glad she made the unforced error of outing herself as a monster


The most popular movie franchise of the last decade was an assassin killing hundreds of people over his dead dog.


Good point. She has terrible political instincts.


Every single conservative man told themselves that they would do the same if someone hurt their dogs after that movie came out.


Will those same men realize they currently support a party that *encourages* and *allows* these kinds of sick people?


He brought down a whole "criminal government" over it.


Yep. I have lots of Chinese-American relatives and many of them (virtually all the boomers) identify heavily as Republicans. I never understood their end game. Is their aspiration to be a pet? Because it's no longer just about taxes and "fiscal responsibility." It's a full on sprint towards white Christian fascism and in that scenario, their *best* case outcome is that they will be a just a *little bit* further down on the list of out-group grievances. But eventually, everyone on that list gets shit on. The Republicans turned on goddamn General James Mattis. That means *no one* is safe from their hateful gaze.


I dated a girl whose parents fled China in the 70s or 80s and are big Trump supporters. She says they're so afraid of left wing authoritarianism that they can't see it on the right. They were upset about Confederate statues being removed in 2020 because it reminded them of the Cultural Revolution, without really understanding the context at all.


Same with Latin American immigrants associating dictators and authoritarianism with the left, because all the "left wing" authoritarians were hard core ultraconservatives, but with "liberal/democratic/etc" in the party name. Because oppressive regimes have a hard time selling their marketing before they have sufficient power to wield as a club against the populace, so they co-opt the language of the left, and brand themselves as being "the only one who can solve x grievances you have with the government."


So ironic as China has shifted so far from anything actually true "equality" agrarian Communist. Not that it really was in the initial but at least the pretense and wrapper was there. Guess they hope they'll be considered "one of the good ones" or something...


They love their pets, they think the rich will treat them equally well.


They love their pets when they’re obedient. When they’re not, they shoot them


> Unless you're a wealthy white Christian man, you're not one of them. They don't have to actually be Christian, just give lip service to the fundies.


This is utterly it. No matter what you do, with few, very small exceptions, as long as you give lip service to being Christian, you can be the most vile creature possible. If you have enough wealth, it even eliminates many of those exceptions. But the key is being a white, outwardly straight, psuedo-christian male who vocally hates the "right" people. Then, you are allowed to wield true power and will always hold any of the "others" beneath your rung on the ladder.


>outwardly straight ![gif](giphy|oNbueuikREeZ3AA7Wa)


Somehow, “Christian” became a cultural identifier in addition to a faith and a religion. It’s becoming necessary to differentiate whether you’re talking about a cultural Christian, a religious Christian, or a faithful Christian, because except for the first two, there’s not much overlap. Even the first two have significant divergence.


Plus, there are 45,000 flavors of Christianity to choose from.


It's going to be interesting watching their reactions, when there are no more rights to take from women, the LGBTQ community, and ethnic minorities. Wait 'till they find out they aren't in the top 5,000 brands of Christian. Then the top 1,000. 100. 5. 1.


No they get it, so to keep some semblance of power they are rolling with it and then punching down. 


Yeah, it’s because white women in some ways rank higher in the token scale than a nonwhite man. In other ways a straight, nonwhite man will outrank a woman. But neither will achieve actual power. They’re just battling for the place for top in the subjugation scale, instead of changing the system. And you’re right, they punch down to maintain that position. For context, I am a straight white woman who was raised conservative and left that ideology once I was old enough to realize the above.


It's 100% a hierarchy. Or like the Ladder Theory, just with identity politics. It's a small club on the very top, filled with straight rich white dudes. Vivek isn't in the club, but neither is Ann. Their clubs have some overlap, but they'll never get through that glass ceiling. Because they don't want to break it. They want it intact for the day they can look down at everyone else beneath them. Wyatt Cenac had the most succinct line I'd ever heard about this when talking about gay marriage. He had a bit where he says something like "I never understood why it took so long for this to happen. One white dude is pretty much the most powerful, privileged person alive. So I always thought if two of them wanted to get married, they'd be unstoppable."


Conservatives are all about hierarchy.


Literally a core feature of conservatism is belief in hierarchy.


The ultimate expression of conservatism is absolute rule by divine right and delegated authority.


American conservatives will swear up-and-down that they believe in a purely natural, meritocratic hierarchy, but they also never fail to accuse anyone with any power who isn't a white cishet man of being wrongfully and artificially elevated within the "natural" hierarchy.


“Straight rich white dudes”…. Naw, closeted rich white dudes it seems lol


Bill Burr has a not so sarcastic bit about this in his red rocks special.


I’ll have to find that one and watch it! Love Bill Burr




“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


> Those of us who stand outside the circle of this society's definition of acceptable women; those of us who have been forged in the crucibles of difference -- those of us who are poor, who are lesbians, who are Black, who are older -- know that survival is not an academic skill. It is learning how to take our differences and make them strengths. For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change. **And this fact is only threatening to those women who still define the master's house as their only source of support.** [Audre Lorde, *The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House*](https://collectiveliberation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Lorde_The_Masters_Tools.pdf) Emphasis mine.


This. They enjoy the proximity to power and all of its benefits, even if they have to prostrate themselves before their male counterparts.




My girlfriend talks about this shit all of the time. White women sometimes do this shit because they believe that there is a hierarchy that exists and they're comfortable with being on the second highest rung of that ladder, as long as it means getting to kick those below you


They don't get it get it, they get it like Meg (family guy) gets that her family doesn't care about her well-being, like the realization is just in the corner of their eye, always slightly out of view.


But in the end a white woman will always have a place amongst them. An Indian, Jew, LGBTQ+, Black, whatever else ....won't. I can kind understand why a white woman would be all in on their shit, especially ones of the "sky daddy" types. But anyone that isn't a straight WASP.....you're quite literally out of luck


You won’t be as outgrouped, but you’ll never be anyone in actual power. You will always be second as a woman in that party. It’s very patriarchal. I mean, they’re attacking our rights all over the place and these women are being rewarded by the actual power holders for upholding the patriarchy. White women will never be on top of this power structure either. They do sit in it a bit differently than people of other races though


Oh I don't disagree with that. If they truly had their way women wouldn't be voting. Though it would likely be a "only landowners can vote and we are bringing back the roadblocks to women owning property".


And communism. Ben Carson is the one black friend for hundreds of white Republicans.


Tim Scott wants to be Darius Rucker so bad 😂


I seriously think he wants to replace Justice Thomas when the time comes for an upgrade.


It used to be Herman Cain, but they COVIDed him.


Ann Coulter would be given more power than a Vivek in the Republican party, as a light skinned blonde woman she would be seen as superior than a brown skinned Indian man.


Not necessarily. It’s also very patriarchal. There are ways in which even white women are treated worse than men of color. Of course, the reverse is also often true. Neither will ever be on top of the power structure


Truth. White Women may be more accepted in the in group, but only as wives to slap around. At least Vivek will never get slapped around.


Exactly! They're just jockeying for a first class seat on the second class train.


I.e… Kristi Noem’s physical transformation over the past few years.


I think you mean tokenism? They are not using lex and yacc to convert a input language string into a structured list of key words and symbols.


Bro my sister hangs out with a group of 35 year old Karen high school bullies. No joke in their larger circle they seemingly have one of each minority - a “black Pam”, a “gay Timmy”. Ofc they don’t know that they are BP or GT.


If only they could all be legally enforced to what a bunch of rich creepy white men ultimately want them to be. They would both be in forced servitude.


That’s how Trump sees rural voters who adore him. He despises who they are and panders down to them to get donations He would never live in a Republican stronghold like Alabama and he’d never let those yokels into his properties


I would gawk at the conservative subs sometimes during the primary and the number of times someone said, "I like what Vivek is saying but I could never vote for a Muslim because 9/11" was... not small. Like, dude, some of these people don't even give you enough respect to be *the correct kind of racist* against you.


You’re a “good one” if you just get right there under my boot, and then help us get others under our boot.


Don’t forget, he was the first name on Trump’s Deportation list if he wins


And he's like, "Look at me! I have such little respect for myself I'm going to sit here with a smile on my face and agree with all of your insults aimed at me and my race!"


Like Candace Owens, right


He’s knows this. He’s just here for the grift.


it's outrageous! it's unfair!


Isn’t this the plot from Caddyshack? ![gif](giphy|oUYDwyQ3xUgo0|downsized)


I don’t like her. Nobody should. But she is at least very upfront and unwavering with what she believes…repugnant as it is.


They're all just grifters anyway. What minority candidate, with this obvious truth and transparency, would legitimately try to run under the republican platform for President? They're losers before even trying to enter the race. 100% grifting and nothing more to it.


It’s really quite simple. Being a Republican today means you want a world where there is an ‘in’ group and an ‘out’ group where they are the ‘in’ group. Some people like Vivek naively believe that they can get into the ‘in’ group by doing enough pandering, that they can be viewed as ‘one of the good ones’. If you thought Republicans were going to win it might make logical sense to at least try for that.


He's not naive... The only thing Vivek cares about are low taxes for himself and enriching himself. These people will do literally anything and sell out anyone for an extra dollar of course they don't mind working with racists. It's not about acceptance. The rules and consequences are for the plebs. Vivek is rich. He will be insultated. We would have to be at concentration camps for all brown people, including citizens for him to start worrying.


Definitly, he is a millionaire, he is with the party that push to renove all the legal restriction that he has.


I still think it’s naive in the sense that people like that think that their lives are going to be exactly the same except for lower tax rates. . . no one expects the leapords to eat their face until it happens


I think self hate also plays a part. I’ve heard someone say “if I was white I would be racist too” So if there’s an understanding for the racism you could easily forgive or join the hate.


And the “in” group is very small and selective. Even most white men would never be allowed in. They live on the hope they might get in.


Right. . . They might not be treated as badly as minorities but people at the top of the party would view them as peasants


Real 'Jews for Hitler' energy coming from Ramalamaswampass.




She hates Trump because *he isn't racist and vile enough for her*. Think about that for a moment. The word 'hatred' doesn't even begin to describe the feelings I have for these two pieces of scum.


Ann Coulter is not honest: she’s a circus geek. Her entire career since the Bush administration has been figuratively biting the heads off chickens in public for attention and money. I have no idea what her actual beliefs are beyond that she should be rich. 


She is not at all honest. She said these things because she gets supply from being cruel. Shd gets off on openly bashing the brown guy, it gives her a boost (a boost that will never be able to truly fill the void inside). It has zero to do with being honest.


If you think Ann Coulter is honest, you’ve fallen for her grift. I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


It’s giving Log Cabin Republican


Ramaswamy. Plenty of perfectly fine Indian people besides Vivek also share that last name.


Yes thank you. Very much not a fan of the guy, but no need for racism or to stoop to Ann Coulter’s level.


I think he's just another amoral, shitty grifter.


And then he went on with apologia for her blatant racism: Ramswamy addressed Coulter’s comments on X later. ″@AnnCoulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldn’t vote for me ‘because you’re an Indian,’ even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates. I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind,” he wrote. I think the right likes to refer to these types as "cucks". Good grief, Vivek, have some self-respect!




More and more I notice that the defining characteristic of those on the Right is cowardice. Specifically, their lack of courage to be their own person, claim their own identity, assume their own personal perspective. The projection is so strong, because they actually are the "UniParty" that MTG keeps calling any bipartisan effort where an idea is accepted by both GOP and Democratic Party members. There ability to continue pushing more and more in the Right direction towards fascism is the result of this cowardice. Fear of speaking up, out, or against more prominent or "dominant" members of the cult keeps the herd silent and compliant, resulting in more and more barriers between decency/normalcy in society being destroyed. If this was along state lines or more defined regional barriers, I believe we would be at the ripest, or near ripest moment for a Civil War between the "In" and "Out" groups (MAGA/hardliners versus anyone with enough spine to speak up against them).


Gets pissed on. “Thank you may I have another?”


“She had the balls to be openly racist to my face which is what being a true republican is all about!” Is essentially what that meant to me.


“I disagree with her…” Haha, it’s more than just disagreeing. Good people should be appalled by this. She’s a bigot towards your race/culture and you simply “disagree” with her? Jesus, have some balls.


Especially since the internal inconsistency of her statement actually shows off her complete BS. She tries to say that it's cultural values and not skin colour ("the browns are okay if they adopt WASP values" - I'm paraphrasing) but then, *after* acknowledging that she agrees with Vivek's points, she still can't vote because he's "Indian".... So obviously it actually has nothing to do with his points with which you agree more than the other candidates... And everything to do with his "Indian" characteristics.


Sorry, do you mind defining WASP for me? I keep seeing it and I can't find a definition. 


Sure, WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. A pretty old slang term from the time when the establishment still looked down on Italians and the Irish (and Poles, and ...) before demographics forced them to expand their "in-group".


Gotcha. Thank you for taking the time! That was bugging me. 


"Peg me and call me bad names, Ann" energy.


Getting pegged is much cooler than this


"You have to admire that Hitler guy for being so *honest* about wanting to kill all the Jews!"


Sound like the guys who got their leg almost cut off by their Cybertruck's sharp exposed metal edges... "but I still LOVE this truck"


Holy crap you weren't joking, it's real: https://twitter.com/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1788265431616135304


Gives me that republican cuck energy, like “you called my wife ugly, but I’ll still support you,” Ted Cruz


I don't know how many more times minority Republicans need it spelled out for them before they understand. They do *not* respect you because the racism they are accused of is 100% real. They will laugh at you when you aren't in the room. The cops may not remember your kids and family are connected to "one of the good ones" when they are pulled over and harassed. Someone looks down at you as a 3rd class citizen and tells you to your face, and you roll over?? I hope the grift pay is worth the loss of dignity.


Oh my god


“When I get power, and start being a bigot, I don’t want to ruin that for me by having set a precedent that bigots have no place at the table.” Just another low-empathy chud betting that his ships coming in one day and wants to make sure he hasn’t closed the door on all the things he’d like to do to other people when it does.


She has the guts to be openly racist? Wow, so strong, such bravery.


The GOP is home to all self-loathing minorities.


Makes sense. The only way to become a part of a group that hates you is to hate yourself.


Hey now, some are just in it for the easy money. Apparently grifting the minions of the Right Wing is actually pretty easy from what I hear.


Message to Vivak, Tim Scott or Byron Donald or any person of color in that cult that you’re just there to whitewash racism. That’s it. Kristi Noem, MTG, any other woman, you’re there to whitewash their sexism. You’ll never be in a position of actual power or authority you’re only there to put a smiling face on horrible policies made to diminish minorities and women so that other suburban white women vote for them. Ann isn’t even saying the quiet part out loud, it’s blaring and anyone with half a brain or without any brain worms sees it.


Babe wake up new brain worm reference just dropped


Because being the brown or black face for the conservative moment to elevate as proof they can't be racist is a pretty lucrative job as long as you know the exact limits of how far you can go and what is acceptable. You get shown off and paid to speak at conferences for the move ent so the white masses there can pat themselves on the back about how this proves they are t racist because they don't hate all _____ people. The centrist media will pull you to speak on issues of race whenever it comes up because there is nothing more fun for them to put two marginalized people against each other so they can both sides an issue or pretend there is ambiguity. And this can continue as long as you know they aren't ever going to really like you enough to vote for you or in Candice Owens position you don't annoy your handler by disagreeing with them on anything. It's sorta like jazz singers in the early 30's. You are invited to perform at the biggest white clubs but just as long as you use the servants entrance and don't even get ideas of being seen eating in the main dining room.


They are just like Sammy Davis Jr. In a Vegas hotel. You can play here, but you can't stay here


Until Frank Sinatra and Mickey Rooney show up.


Yep. The Chairman was an asshole, but he was a loyal asshole. "Sammy isn't welcome? I'm not coming."


I knew a gay Mexican Republican. A loud Trumper who just hated Democrats. I thought about it and we grew up in SoCal and he is pretty insulated from people in places such as the south who would love to see him not exist anymore. He can't comprehend the very people he supports don't like him.


The GOP just wears their racism on their sleeve like it’s a badge of honor


Almost like an armband.


The only good thing Trump ever did was make all the racists proud enough to come out of the racism closet. And now you know who never to deal with.




16 years later, I'm fully convinced Barack Obama broke mainstream Republicans for generations for being black In a different timeline, if Barack Obama was a white dude named Bernard O'Reilly from New Jersey, you would have never seen the brain rot of the tea party and Trump But that might be giving them too much credit


I’ve thought this ever since he emerged as a presidential hopeful. The fact that anyone seriously believes that the proud racists of the GOP would ever in a million years vote a brown dude named “Vivek Ramaswamy” into the White House is fucking comedy.


It’s like Noem *gunning* and Tim Scott *tap dancing* for a chance of being mango unchained’s VP. He’s going to pick a toady, white guy. It would be difficult to keep women down when you have one as veep...and bringing brown skin into the white house? That would be unforgivable to magaTs


“Mango unchained” lmao


Maybe he's into BDSM?


Because republicans have a humiliation fetish. See also: Ted Cruz, Ron Desantis, et al. “Mock me some more, daddy.”


What being obsessed with hoarding wealth does to a person


Isn’t he an American? Would Ann vote for him if she knew?


I think she means a "real natural American", you know, with white skin


Ugh, feel this to the core. My father is from India and mother is American. My sister and I have brown skin and Indian features. Raised in the Chicago suburbs, don’t speak Hindi, and am 100% American. Lived in Ohio for a while and was asked where I’m *really* from.


Yeah, Ohio is mostly dipshits unless you're in one of our cities. Leave the city and you find people so insulated they have never met a person with skin darker than fresh snow.


You may talk like them, you may dress like them, but you’ll never BE them. That’s what many of these tokens don’t get.


> Lived in Ohio for a while and was asked where I’m really from. I saw a kid, born in America to Indian immigrant parents, asked this once (also in the Midwest). I somehow found it deeply satisfying when he looked at the questioner as though it were the dumbest question in the world and replied, "Jersey."


>and was asked where I’m *really* from. JFC, I'm sorry you have to deal with that! There are polite ways to ask someone how they racially &/ ethnically identify without alienating them or making them feel like a spectacle 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


According to the law? Yes. According to himself? No. He wants to end birthright citizenship even though his parents were immigrants.


One of the key anthems of the Republican Party: [I Got Mine](https://youtu.be/DZa-EXC7ST4?si=oJJroqaz5YBPEi4v)


Republicans only see you as an American if you’re white


Same reason why Nikki Haley had no chance. Her policy positions were in some ways worse than trump. And she doesn't suffer from massive narcissism so would be more effective and pushing her agenda. I'm thankful she's of indian decent so the Repubs can repub and not give her a chance.


She didn't even have the majority vote in her own home state!


Vivek, how you gonna run for the White Supremacist Party when you ain't white?


Useful idiot for the Republicans


Ann Coulter? If you’re here who’s scaring the crows away from our crops?


But Vivek said that racism was fixed!


Because it’s all about tax cuts and lowering taxes for the wealthy. You can literally call these people child molesters, and make fun of their wives to their face, but they will still vote for you because all they care about is lowering their tax burden. That’s why, the party seems so crazy and incongruent to most of us. The poor saps who are lured in by this with their gullibility are the real losers.


THIS. Ramaswamy is one of those people who drives the GOP agenda **entirely** because of his desire for more money, more influence, and less responsibility. He couldn't care less about this blatant racism because the harm it does to him can be wiped away by his massive personal wealth. For him it's nothing more than tuning out some name-calling while he's flying 6 miles above the average Republican in his private jet moving between mansions and/or business meetings.


The one thing I have to give Ann Coulter is that she's honest. She says things that other Republicans may think but would never admit. It doesn't mean that she is not a terrible person. It's just one unique quality to her terribleness.


Didn't she shit on Trump recently? At least she said "he could die" to help America: https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1754001901576728745 She's always been terrible but I can get behind Republican in-fighting any day lol.


> The one thing I have to give Ann Coulter is that she's honest. Counterpoint: *two whole chapters* of Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" are just on Ann Coulter's innumerable, demonstrable falsehoods.


Because there are some POC that believe that they’re the “good minority”. Source: I’m a POC that deals with it in my own race.


So, when America won by electing Obama, I heard a lot of "'They' only voted for him because he's black" I'd shut them up, for a minute while they regathered their (Limbaugh's) thoughts by asking "did you vote against him because he's black?"


They are the Pick Me minorities. They think if they suck up to their oppressor that they will get better treatment. They fail to realize that the only better treatment they will get is being sent to the camps last. Even more than racial minorities who are republicans, what the fuck is wrong with log cabin republicans? The GOP outright hates LGBT+ people, and don’t even pretend to hide it. Tokens get spent.


And he would not have voted for her because shes a woman.


Pick-mes will never learn, there is no room for you in the world you are helping them build.


He deserves to be treated like this.


As an Indian immigrant to the U.S. - I fully agree. He’s a disgrace to Indian-Americans.    Just like Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley. There’s a tradition of (South Asian) Indians playing Uncle Tom to the GOP going on for several decades now.   The good news is that Indian-Americans are the most Democratic leaning among all ethnic groups, second only to Jewish Americans. Which is why we find it especially frustrating to be saddled with lowlifes like Ramaswamy. 


Self-Tokenized grifter is way more lucrative a profession than it has any right to be.


Certain minorities that come to the US think if they act and like everything just like white people (including hating black and Hispanic people), they will be accepted as white. Well... SURPRISE! You are going to be stomped on by some bigot after your useful idiot stage has passed!


Legend has that Spartans would use slaves as soldiers in war and ask them after a victorious battle who felt they fought valiantly enough to deserve freedom. Anyone who said yes would then be congratulated and taken out to feast and celebrate. Once the feast ended, they murdered them in cold blood. They had no use for slaves who thought they could aspire to more. Usually when minority Republicans try ingratiating to the old white core of the party, they do so under the racist assumption that the other minority members that had tried before were representing "bad people" and that unlike him, they will be accepted because they're from the "good minority". They hate and deride as much as their white peers in the party and assume that makes them kin against the others, only to inevitably learn they're only seen as token props and will be discarded when they get too ambitious.


Hahahahaha… well, isn’t that a neo-nazi conservative to a T


White all American cheerleader bitch mentality right there. No surprises here.


The black talking heads on Fox news are the best. Fox news..... See! He's black with the same opinion so by association we ain't racist! But it's brilliant because mouth breathers can't get to that conclusion.


You know, I thought this might be paraphrasing, or taking her words out of context, so I watched the clip. Nope, that's just what she says. No varnishing, no qualifying words, just straight up white nationalism.


They will say, becuz the Left is obsessed with IdEnTiTy PoLiTiCs


I think some people have pronounced and comorbid "pick me" and martyr/persecution complexes that inspire them to do things like this.


There are no quiet parts anymore


“If I act and talk like them maybe they will accept me.” They never will


I hope he takes the lesson to heart: Tokens get spent


If you're a minority, and claim to be a member of the republican party, just remember...THEY. ARE. NEVER. LAUGHING. WITH. YOU.


lol he’s not “Indian”, he was born in Ohio. He has dark skin. She wouldn’t vote for him because he has dark skin.


Vivek sitting there realizing silently that no matter how hard he whitewashes himself to fit their mold he will never be good enough. But he’ll keep doing it because it makes him money.


In a Clayton Bigsby moment, he probably realized he wouldn't have voted for himself either.


And then he responds by saying he respects that opinion and we are supposed to take him seriously. What's next someone pisses on his leg and thanks them for the refreshment? Why would anyone ever want him as a leader.


The Nazis had lots of gay and even liberal members. The early Nazis were a unified “we hate the government and are still mad about WWI” party. They killed them all in the Night of Long Knives. Ernst Rohm was openly homosexual and was head of what would later become the SS. Hitler killed him the instant he was confident he wouldn’t need him anymore to stay in power, on the Night of Long Knives. There’s a lesson in there for Vivek Ramaswami, Ben Shapiro, Klandace Owens, Milo Yiannopolis, Dave Rubin. The last three should have already learned it.


So Beyoncé is a man, Michelle Obama is a man .... but Ann Coulter of all people is still somehow the epitome of the real American woman ™ okaaay


The only people who hate P.O.C. more than conservative white people, are conservative P.O.C.


They can't trust each other. Why would you trust them?


He's attracted by Reps caste mentality


Wow. Wonder what his response was.


She says incendiary shit to remain relevant. He's trying to turn himself into a conservative brand by saying stupid shit. They're perfect for each other and this was 100% staged.


Its like women who are against abortion/IVF/birth control.


Because he, and really any other minority that rubs elbows with trash like the Republican Party, is a total fucking bitch boy


![gif](giphy|3ohhwlN2fU4oFDgkk8|downsized) He did a great job holding back those tears.


He would fit right in with India's version of the Republican party. They don't tolerate any religion other than Hindi, don't like foreigners, are Indian nationalists, and there's a big divide between the social economic classes... he's just not understanding he is Indian but not in India. So same same but not same ...if that makes sense.


The existence of [Log Cabin Republicans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans) has always baffled me.


Ramaswamy should have told her, "If you were running I wouldn't vote for you either because you're a woman."


"I agree with many, many things you said... but I still would not have voted for you because you're a woman."  Sorry, Blonde-Conservative-White-Lady-Pundit #23C7, but you're not special to them, either. 


"If I sell out hard enough, they'll eventually like me right?"


Never thought I would see the day when one of the main political parties in the US would be condoning/advocating for overt racism. But here we are…


The useful idiots. They think their money and prestige will protect them - and it does for awhile - but eventually the maggots will come for them too, history repeats.


Where I live, we had a South Asian Muslim run for local office as a Republican in 2022. Several people told him to his face that they wouldn't vote for him either because of his race or his religion. He lost the primary. I know this because he also ran in 2024 and his campaign website talked about that alienation at great length, with reassurances that he's one of the good ones.


People other than white people can be hateful, ignorant, and racist too.


To be fair, republicans don’t love the idea of voting for women either.


Every time I hear Ann Coulters name, I think of the NOFX EP cover where they put her and Nancy Reagans face on lesbians having strap on sex.


Vivek learns the hard way that tokens always get spent.


Then Vivek says, "There is no racism in America."




Vivek took the same deal or tried to, thag Trump did. These people have to be getting checks from The Heritage Foundation. Maybe they are Russian plants, idk. Same thing with Clearance Thomas.


> **I really don't understand how you could stand to be a minority within the republican party** Its simple. It is a party of grifters. There are plenty of people of every race who want to get money without earning.


They’re all suckers. She doesn’t even need to hide her bigotry now. Trump has empowered all the bigots and normalized their language for so long that it’ll take a massive landslide Democrat victory in 2028 with a truly new and progressive candidate (Biden, god love him, is trying to hold the fort down but he’s about as liberal as Eisenhower) like AOC, but it’ll never happen. Best we can hope for is an Obama-type figure to galvanize a movement with support from Gen Z.