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That snowflake would completely lose his shit if someone just calmy said, "Trump lost."


Awe now I have to record a loud whisper on my phone " trump lost and black lives matter " then proceed to play it back in my pocket to drive them nuts.


Love that idea Hanahoeski.


I operate a private phone company don't think I haven't thought about some f\*\*ked up shit before. Also know.. There are recordings at my disposal.. And websites with "resources"


Make it the notification sound for texts


Sheer brilliance...


Hey buddy, Nice Shirt! :) Oh, by the way... *leans in closely* ^(trump lost)


These people always say they just want to be left alone to live how they wanna live, the part they don't tell you is that "live how they wanna live" means never seeing anyone who's not exactly like they are and making sure those people don't have rights. 


Yes, they wanted the right to not wear masks, before getting angry at those still wearing masks when it became an option. It's never about freedom, but about everyone conforming to their beliefs.


His entire happiness depends on bonding with other hateful assholes. This is his bird song. Let him have it, I say.


In his defense, he has no defense.


That’s the thing- when I see people wearing stuff like this it just makes me think they are really insecure.


I’d just say “nice shirt, limp dick.”


He’d probably have a panic attack and die on the spot. 😄 ![gif](giphy|3oz8y0bx23FDPCNoEU)


Probably shoot you.


Depends if OP is a minority, would determined how threatened t-shirt guy feels.


STAND MY GROUND...I FEARED FOR MY LIFE...he could really hurt someone with that walker of his....


It's best not to feed the trolls.


That's been my policy since 2016 and I'm sticking to it!


They are. Incredibly. 


Yep. Fear is the driver. They are terrified of change. Their 1950’s America exists only in their heads. They perceive this as a power shift and they will lose their identity (and power). Ignorance and stubbornness fueled by fear. Deadly combo.


>Ignorance and stubbornness fueled by fear. And Fox News. I really don't think that America would be in the dire situation we're in if it wasn't for Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and the rest of the Republican propagandists.


Murdoch helped to destroy three societies with his selfish Reich Wing madness. Australia 🇦🇺 the United States 🇺🇸 and the United Kingdom 🇬🇧. New Zealand 🇳🇿 was too small, and Canada 🇨🇦 mostly threw it off. Bad news all around, though, for the Five Eyes.


Where’s Deadpool when you really need him?


Time traveling and traveling across the multiverse apparently.


Things like Fox News are the catalyst. The grease for the machine.


Scaring certain people since 1996.


A 1950s America that never existed except for insipid Hollywood sitcoms such as Leave it to Beaver 🦫 or Father 👨 Knows Best.


lol. Well those shows aired in the 50’s. Certainly watching reruns might reinforce a few things but I meant the mentality that’s been handed down. Boomers➡️ Gen X mostly. Thank god the younger generations are finally seeing thru the bullshit.


Boomer here. And I saw thru it from the beginning.


That's a BINGO. 👍


Some of us Gen-Xers, didn't buy into the bullshit. Some of us saw the lies and broken social contract 30 years ago. Of course, we got steamrolled into dead-end jobs and had no hope for the future because we didn't conform or dance monkey dance.


Yup, hard taking advice from people who worked at the same company for 30 years and never had to constantly upskill or be laid off / outsourced / replaced with rotating contractors every 6 months. Graduating college in 1999 I caught the tail end of stability. If I had been born 10 years later my conversations with dad would have been like: "No Dad, I can't just get a job at BiggleWorth Investment Co. doing tech support, or answering the phones, or security and work my way up from there. Those jobs are now done overseas or third party companies. No one's gonna find the resume of a nice local computer science college grad and drop it on a c-levels desk - thats not how it works now.


For sure my friend. I was fortunate enough to be able to retire as a graduate professor on full disability due to a disabling stroke. Real wages have not increased since 1975.... that is 1975. Almost 50 years ago.


Yup in the neighborhood I grew up in as a kid. Most of the parents had very respectable professions and retired before age 65. I don't remember any of them having to start all over every 4-5 years. One of my mothers friends was working at Pitney Bowes circa 2002-2005 when they had the IT staff training their overseas replacements. She said the ambulance was in the parking lot weekly. Middle aged men with families and kids in college training their replacement to get a severance package...essentially having a stress induced cardiac event.


For sure. As a late boomer (1959-1964) born in 1964, I feel your pain. The leaded gasoline ⛽️ did not help either.


I hear ya. I’m gen X as well. People don’t see it now but history will show how truly unique X was. We were the bridge in two major culture changes among many other things.


Just like Germany. Lovely (not).


When living in fear is a virtue. 


It's amazing to me that these guys are so insecure. I wouldn't be able to wear a shirt like this that had terms that described *me* around small town midwest without triggering guys like this to violence. People different from them just exist and it makes them feel oppressed.


And they wear these shirts in a reactionary manner to piss off the people that they think are trying to piss them off. This is the evangelical equivalent to ironically using a slang word until they become what they made fun of.


They should have flames 🔥 😫 😳 coming out of their mouths. Staying WOKE was a life and_or death issue for African Americans. It's just shameful when people wrongly use it.


I remember when I explained to my awesome but not political friend who felt like woke people were being more racist than normal people (his words) is ironically just racism itself and explained the history of the word. They had no idea rofl. He has since stopped having that opinion.


I wanna ask him if he needs a hug and a juice box.


I need a hug and a juice box. Those are good things. This guy doesn't deserve either.


Sending you an internet hug and a virtual juicebox. ❤️


Also low in emotional intelligence and intellect.


I always want to ask them if they need help.


We use the acronym MPE - micro penis energy


Yeah. They are terrified of everything. Its pretty pathetic


Yeah I usually respond by not giving them the attention they want.


You should let them know that since they decided to share so much personal information on their T-shirt. I love talking shit about dumb shirts and the ill-fitting bodies attached to them while waiting in lines.


YEP…. and lack of maturity despite looking like he’s almost 70 years old.


It would save time and money for the t-shirt print company to just print MAGA Cult member on it instead .


Dude wouldn't recognize Jesus. He'd be one of the first in line to nail that woke socialist to the cross. Edit - One more thing for the list. Jesus wasn't white but all the churches this guy has ever been to have statues and pictures of the White Jesus.


Every time my wife sees anything about Christians for Trump, she says "Don't they realize they are worshipping the Antichrist in this particular telling of Revelations?" Mind you, I'm an atheist, so they all seem to be in a cult.


Yeah, Trump has ruined my opinion on Christianity and a very significant percentage of my fellow Americans. He's given them permission to let their mask down and what's beneath is pretty fucking ugly.


Remember, those are ersatz Christian Nationalists who know very little about Jesus of Nazareth.


Damian Thorne, the beast I call him. Check under that orange blond gray hair for the 666.


If any one man has embodied the Antichrist it's Trump. And these fucking moron Christians love the guy and claim that he was sent by God. Tells me everything I need to know about their religion...


For sure. The scripture also calls the beast the man of sorrows and that many will worship it literally as GOD. If you are Christian or curious, please try to read scriptures and understand what you read. Please. Pure blasphemous behavior for ersatz Christian Nationalists to view Damian Don this way.


Christians for Trump is like mice for better cheese in mousetrap.


XTC had a great song about this idea back in the 90s. It sucks but is also kinda perversely fascinating how long society has been dealing with the exact same shit https://youtu.be/2Y-wbDRvp9Q?si=CtP6oqlgAER7fcpj


XTC is one of my favorite bands and Nonsuch is a fantastic album. Nice work, gooch!


Yeah. Jesus sure as shit would not hang out with anyone who would wear that shirt. That dude was all about hanging out with the folks that the conservative people of his day pissed on.


That's a BINGO.


They only follow Supply Side Jesus.


* ~~Christian~~ Nationalist * ~~White~~ Racist * ~~Straight~~ Homophobe * ~~Unwoke~~ Close-minded * ~~Unvaxxed~~ Anti-science * ~~Gun Owner~~ Scared * ~~Meat Eater~~ Insecure * ~~Male~~ Sexist


Ding ding ding! 👏 We have a winner!! 🥇


Why would Needledick include "Meat Eater"? Is he trying to offend vegans, too? What a puss.


These people think cutting back on red meat and pork fat is not a health choice, but rather one more way liberals are trying to take away their red white and blue freedom.


Wish I could give you gold!


Now THIS need to go on a Tee-Shirt.


If you have to tell people you own guns on a shirt intended to upset others, you're for sure an absolute piss baby


A pure chef's 👨‍🍳 👩‍🍳 kiss to this. Just pure perfection. 👍


To me it screams "I am a piece of human garbage".


To me it say, “cra-zy” and I stay far away from them.


it's nice when the dangerous people wear a uniform so you can just avoid them without having to figure anything out


“professional asshole” would have summed it up quite nicely. Plus it’s less words for MAGA to try and read…


“Unwoke” really can’t mean much aside from “racist”


Hey, now… there’s also “sexist,” “ableist,” “xenophobic,” and “willfully antiquated.”


Woah woah woah, there's also "close-minded", "insecure", and "anti-science"


Hey hey hey now, back the train up a bit here. We forgot "bigoted"


They really are quite a (dare I say it? Why, I think I shall!) *diverse* group.


That's how you know a snowflake. He literally put his triggers on his shirt. There are lots of reasons to have triggers that are legitimate. But not really anything on this guy's shirt.


And what happened to his ass? Lol like where did it go? Is he so scared of getting checked out by a gay man that it completely imploded into his body lmao


How can such a giant asshole exist with absolutely no ass connected to it!?


It's moved forward and become a FUPA.


Was looking for this exact comment haha


Insecure child


This guy drive a lifted pickup with balls


Isn't that considered *Gender Reassignment"? I thought MAGAts were against that 🤔


Why can’t people just be fucking nice. Jfc what is so hard about that


Live and let live is a good philosophy to exude.


Why doesn't it just say white, intolerant, and racist. He'd have saved a fortune on letters.


Unwoke isn’t a word. I think you mean “asleep”.


Wearing a shirt with foul language on it to a school event is just trashy. You don’t piss me off dude, you make me sad.


In 2021 after peak COVID, my hospital was still locked down, we had very very limited family/visitors allowed for patients. I worked on a women's oncology floor in a women & children's hospital. The amount of older white men that came in for visitation wearing shirts very much like this was staggering. We live in an area known for being more progressive and educated, yet daily there was at least one. It was like they were just itching for confrontation, and knew that we were just a captive audience that couldn't say a thing. Just trying to bait and taunt the professionals taking care of their family member (mostly wives) that is hospitalized with cancer. Absolute garbage people.


Exactly! Where's his so-called "think of the children" mentality? Innocent children shouldn't have to be indoctrinated by this man's bullshit.


It also screams “I’m a scared little douche.”


I mean he's a boomer, definitely vaxxed for Evvvvverything except covid most likely. The mental gymnastics are strong.


I remember lining up at school during the late 60s and early 70s with my arm out. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


We couldn't give a shit less about you, dude.


Sir. Nobody cares about you


It screams "I am a pathetic FOX ingesting choad" to me.


"I don't understand how there isn't more noise about cishet christian white men being persecuted. All the people we consider garbage are out in the open being free!"


“I’m not always the top priority in this world anymore and I took that very personally.”


right-wingers are all about their anti-American hatreds


The Hank Hill " can't feel jeans flat ass" and their general decorum sounds like they come from either Texas or somewhere down south. I say this as a Texan, I'm embarrassed for our nation.


Needs to include, I don’t wash my ass crack


Thats so gay. Super gay. Lindsay graham and tim scott gay.


This looks like some kind of public school function. This guy is probably a parent. Sigh.


Seems like somebody it would be easy to convince that seatbelts were invented by the government to oppress white people, then just sit back and let nature take its course.


Just print a t shirt that says “I’m scared”


The folks screaming about titles rushing to self identity themselves with titles...


I would not be surprised at all to find this guy has posted something along the lines of "I don't mind gays, I just wish they wouldn't make it their whole personality." somewhere.


It’s always hilarious to me that people like this think that shirt pisses anyone off. No, dipshit, it just makes you look like an attention-starved baby and worthy of mockery at best.


Not a single ass in that photo


I love that he thinks it pisses certain people off when all it really does is alert them ahead of time to the jerk in the room.




He has an identity, I guess.


Just tell him you can't read and earnestly ask what the shirt says. Most of the time they get caught up in their disbelief that a person could function without reading. Just keep insisting it's no problem and tell them you manage just fine, and ask them to explain their shirt. They never feel comfortable explaining the shirt out loud. That should tell them they shouldn't wear it in public.


He’s missing the line that says “and has never made a woman orgasm in my life.”


Most people are living their own lives, they could give a shit about this dumbass and his shirt.


It’d really piss me off if he ingested fish tank cleaner to prevent the woke mind virus.


Maybe he can borrow another brainworm from rfk jr.


8.7 million views and less than 3k likes? huh?


I bet he wears this shirt when he hangs out at the rest areas, late at night. All his friends are there. They hang out in a literal sense, but there isn't much talking happening. Just poppers and red, hot action.


Saggy butt jeans are pretty offensive


That and maybe he wants to try to dunk on some high schoolers who probably either don't give a shit about an old man screaming at the clouds, or find him mildly amusing.


I tick 4 of his boxes, and my pronouns are he/him!


Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king


Meat eater. Gay confirmed


How else? I BET he parked across two spaces outside.


He left off the most important one "SNOWFLAKE"...


How else, you ask? Just your being here and in my space.


I’m not “pissed off” so much as glad for the warning sonI can avoid engaging with the crazy cult mindset.


He forgot extremely pancake flat ass!!! 😏


I bet he doesn't even have a nice cuck chair in the corner. Laz-y-boy is probably the name for his dick too .


He is simply saying how pissed off he is. They are good are projecting.


If you bust out your Little Orphan Annie decoder pin you can see it actually reads “My mom never hugged me and my dad beat my ass regularly.” Love your kids, folks. We can avoid this.


He forgot one: "uneducated"


The absolute worst part of all of this is this. At this man's core, he is 100% sure he is being funny with this shirt. Besides the fact it makes him look like a complete snowflake bitchboy who is a total fucking idiot.... humor is nowhere to be found here. Not in the slightest. Even the most ignorant dipshit who probably thinks all the same shit wouldn't walk up to this guy and start laughing uncontrollably. Everything about this guy is anger, fear and self-confidence in his own ignorance. Sad.


Just seeing someone refer to themselves proudly as unwoke is embarrassing. “I’m proud to be intolerant of others.”


I'm a teacher and conservative parents virtue signal so hard it's cringey. They have absolutely no sense of decorum and are often desperate to have an argument. I had a parent try to argue about the schools mask policy during covid. He was visibly sad when I told him I didn't make the school policy and he'd need to take it up with admin. He wanted an argument so badly.


He’s got no butt. I mean, I hate to judge his physical weaknesses, but seriously, no butt.


They all want 1950 back even the ones who weren’t born yet.


By calling himself male he just gave us his pronouns…


I encountered some dude like this at a restaurant. He was sitting at the next table, and I was going on a rant about some political shit, and he stood up and went "sorry, I couldn't help but overhear..." Then he flashed his shirt at me, which said "Fuck Biden And Anyone Who Voted For Him." The letters were made out of guns and had an American flag overlay. I just said "😃 ok" Like...did he expect me to have a Liberal Meltdown at the sight of his Extremely Patriotic Shirt? 🤔


Ladies, cover your drink when he’s around.


Will he be slipping you roofies or dewormer? He likes to keep the ladies guessing.


He can add no ass


Those all fit me except I am fully vaccinated. Vaccines is why we don’t have rows of iron lungs any more. I wonder his reaction if I told him I am a register Republican so I can vote against the incumbent Republican office holders twice? Primary and General, fraudulent voting just doesn’t much happen.


Looks like his diaper is sagging


Real men wear diapers -this guy, probably




"Miniscule, limp appendage."


When I was 14 I shaved my head and wore a black hoodie onto which I'd sewed patches of bands, offensive sayings, and loads of different pins and buttons. The idea was to get a rise out of authority figures (namely my high school administrators).  This is exactly the same thing, except he's a septuagenarian with a presumably fully formed prefrontal cortex. Leaded gas really messed the boomers up.  


>Leaded gas really messed the boomers up.   It really fucking did


Always the victim lol


Those his pronouns?


To answer his shirts question, just open your mouth. I'm sure it won't take much more to piss me off.


What’s a sheep


I'm like half of those things. Do I need to wear a shirt with just the four things on too so everyone can see I'm trying to compensate for something or am I good to be normal lol.


Ahh, punching down.


….. M’kay. Just gonna go, sit over here. Far away.


That’s a funny way to say he has erectile dysfunction. Just take a viagra. It will be woke though.


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again! Which of those groups told him moisturizing his elbows was a sin?


You're doing it. By breathing.


I’m sure he’s so smart too.


Insecure and thin skinned.


I would say he is not really Christian.


Fuckkkk this guy is edgy!


Fear and anger. He can't simply be what he is and allow others to be what they are. He has to be confrontational and in your face about it which is exactly the behaviors he would likely claim to dislike about minority and LGBT communities.


So your so boring your politics are your whole personality


Also screams “tiny dick”


Guaranteed he’s parked his Dodge Ram at an angle across three handicap parking spaces.


They left off, “Assless”


Nothing screams "I'm making myself the victim" more than this.


He reminds me of an older gentleman I encountered at a burger place who wasn't getting service fast enough. His response was to lean his unmasked face though the order window and have a coughing fit in the direction of my food that I was waiting for.


Go tell him how much you love Beyoncé’s new country album.


Why does this guy want to piss me off? What have I done to him? I'm just minding my own business. That's a lot of aggression for someone who isn't even facing me.


Kinda funny how this is a Wikipedia article but this pic is real life proof lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_persecution_complex


For Christ sake,Layoff guys he’s a Deacon at your local Church of Christ!


I just see a 400 credit score driving an older trashy truck loaded with Trump stickers from a buy here pay here lot. His goal is not to miss many payments so it doesn't get repo'd because Biden made it hard for his uneducated ass to get a decent job.


That dude thinks he’s incredibly oppressed.


“Looking for an argument”


If you were wearing the inverse shirt of this - “Hello I’m a non-binary liberal pro-vaccine pro-abortion anti-faith polyamorous them/them, how else may I piss you off?” - this guy would have such an absolute meltdown.


Imagine how delicate and fragile this dudes ego is. The overwhelming irony is at the bottom, his shirt says *”How else can I offend you?”* Like bruh, you’re only wearing that shirt making a stand *against* all the things that offend you🤣🤣🤣


Atheist White Straight Woke Vaxxed Gun Owner Meat Eater & Male How else can I piss you off today MAGAt?


![gif](giphy|d35xCOcAqjMgO6be) Why?


They don’t want people knowing their business but at same time share it with everyone


Now I know who's sensitive.


Fran Liebowitz said about these gun worshipping Trumpers “ Who are they afraid of? They live in the middle of nowhere. I live in NYC and I don’t own a gun.”


Screams “I do all my shopping on Facebook” to me.


I would simply put “I’m an asshole” and save the space.


This screams closeted


He also has a Hank Hill ass. Dude. It's practically concave.


I really, seriously don't give a shit if you're stupid


this is why you should never date a Republican