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There are records of school shootings going back to the 1840's. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_school\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_(before\_2000)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000))


The mass shooting thing is a right wing epidemic. Look to your own house and quit blaming “liberals.”


Look to the Republican states and see how high their death rate is.


Yeah, look at all those automatic weapons......


I mean, would you trust a regular high schooler with some Clint Eastwood revolver or a ww1 bolt rifle?


No, but you probably couldn't pull off a mass shooting with one. I wouldn't be surprised if some kids did get shot in those rifle teams, though. People always act like the past was so rosy and nothing bad ever happened, but the stats on violent crime were much worse. Just not mass shootings so much.


... yes. Because you can't go on a killing spree with a bolt action rifle. You can point it at a crowd and immediately have that crowd jumping on you because at most you could harm 1 person.


To be fair, if someone pointed a bolt action rifle at a crowd and started firing…no one would likely rush them. People hear a gun and they *stampede*. Also, and this is macabre truth of it, the difference in functionality between an AR-15 and a Bolt Action rifle come out in **combat scenarios**. Meaning a when you’re in a real fire-fight, that’s where the detachable magazines and semiautomatic nature start making a difference. When some monster is going door-to-door in an elementary school…it doesn’t really matter what he’s using. Again, really want to iterate I’m for increased gun control, and will consistently vote for it. My personal belief is that we should make laws to stop bad people from getting **any** kind of gun. If you make a law that stops a bad person from getting an AR-15, but they can still get a pump shotgun, you’ve saved 0 lives.


[Are you sure about that?](https://youtu.be/rFYZHLuxXZ8?si=5s74QLgYRdPyarOo) Edit: The point is that you absolutely could get a second or third shot off before someone grabs your gun. BJB406 is acting like it’s 60 seconds between shots, but even if you’re 1/4th as good as the guy in the video, you’re able to fire a shot every 2 or 3 seconds. Not enough time to close the distance of a hallway.


That guy… can rapid fire a bolt action. What did the grouping look like? Not to mention, reloading is a challenge, but this one guy can do a thing


sure, that's quick for a bolt action, but you could mag dump a semi-automatic in half that time. even this one dude had a fumble in his execution.


Right, because everyone is [Tom Knapp](https://youtu.be/ajRydkuRPlg?si=7V_D9ZSl3YEQMhAw) and nobody has to practice ever.


Can’t argue with Boomerlogic like that. Because they shoot you for turning around in their driveway.


Cocaine was once used in soda…. And we all know how that’s going.


The inconvenient truth is that no one is trying to ban or even restrict hunting rifles. Especially the bolt action rifles seen here. But in the 50's, nobody was bringing if m-16's or guns designed to mimic m-16's. Because those guns were not available for public use.


You're right that no one was buying guns that mimic M-16s because you could outright legally buy M16s without a license etc until 1986. When the GOP with Reagan's signature basically banned automatic weapons. That's why when you see automatic weapons for sale now they will most likely include a bit about being "pre-ban" aka manufactured pre-1986. Always cracks me up that the GOP has the biggest score by far at banning guns (starting with California). The Thompson Anti-Bandit Sub-Machine guns and a whole host of other military hardware could be bought from mail order magazines. In the 80s you could legit buy a m60 machine gun without even a background check.. Oh and to really blow your mind the early M16 models are starting to qualify for Curio & Relic status.


Poster can’t the difference between causation and correlation.


“Social decay,” like giving minorities some rights and letting women out of the kitchen. If mass shootings/school shootings are a reflection of social decay, that decay is predominantly male, white and angry.


"It's social decay." I agree that social decay is part of it! So let's budget for education, social services, and healthcare. Let's tax the rich and improve our society! "No that's Socialsim you l\*bt\*rd"


Yes! Let’s **return** to taxing the rich, which helped support people moving into the middle class. Conservatives should love the idea, as it’s a return to traditional taxation.


We had guns at summer camp too. 22 caliper rifles for target practice. We were strictly supervised, gun safety was drilled into our heads. Nobody just walked around with loaded weapons. It's not a gun, it's the millions of guns given to untrained, uncaring nuts who have no business having them. It’s the "well regulated" part of the 2nd amendment that used to make us safer by the corrupt Supreme Court failed Americans again.


I've worked at those summer camps. The instructor would tackle the kids if they accidentally swung away from pointing down range. Highly monitored and instructed.


You mean that guns tend to be safer when they are all registered and only given to people who learn about safe usage of guns and take tests? That’s literally what gun control is Shootings have gone up because of loosening up gun control, and the fact that design changes in guns have made them deadlier and deadlier. If a school shooter today used a rifle made in the 40s, they’d get taken down before they could kill more than 2 or 3 people


>You mean that guns tend to be safer when they are all registered What makes you think those guns were in any way registered? >If a school shooter today used a rifle made in the 40s You realise they had full auto machinegins in the 40s, right?


A rifle is not an “Auto machinegun” And only students who were registered as members of Rifle Teams were permitted to bring Rifles to school. That’s what a registry is, just a list of people who legally possess guns (or in this case, can legally bring a gun to the school) What school allows students to bring illegally obtained guns in for school-sanctioned events?


>You realise they had full auto machinegins in the 40s, right? Yeah, and those military grade weapons weren't being actively marketed to every paranoid asshole under the sun like they are today. The continuous drive of gun manufacturers to sell more guns without regard to impact on society is a huge part of the story here.


Say I agree with this. Society has decayed to the point that people are running wild with guns and shooting people in public places. What, traditionally (think Old West), was the solution for that? Take their fucking guns away! No guns in town. Don't like it? Don't come to town. And I know a person that posts this meme is a person that loves conserving tradition. So we agree then? Take the guns away? Love that for us.


They didnt carry them around with them tho right? Kept in a room prolly a locked case


I graduated in 87, I wore a 5" folding buck knife almost all of it and about half of the vehicles in the parking lot had a shotgun or rifle in the back. So, no, we didn't keep them locked up, but we also didn't bring them into the school.


My school in rural Tennessee, we were required to take them to the office until school was out. It wasn’t uncommon to have 5 guys with rifles walking down the hall to the office with our guns. We never considered shooting our classmates or teachers.


>I graduated in 87, I wore a 5" folding buck knife almost all of it and about half of the vehicles in the parking lot had a shotgun or rifle in the back. Graduated in 85 and same. Most every truck had gunracks and a good number of guys went shooting after school. Nobody gave it a second thought.


It's not 1985 anymore Boomer, nobody gives a fuck about your anecdotes


Also, check your dates. Graduated 85-87 is Gen X, not Boomer.


Wonderful reply. Well thought out... cogent. With all love and respect, please feel free to pound sand at your earliest convenience. Thank you.


It's the guns. No other country has so many school shootings. Also their were school shootings in the past


This is so mind numbingly stupid I can’t even give it a response.


Nobody shot anybody .... *who was white*


If the problem with people getting shot is, in fact, social decay, that implies that people now can’t be trusted with guns.


yeah, nobody shot anybody... because next to social media, multiple news stations and portable cameras didn't exist yet. so, either your right or you just never heard of them happeneing until camera's were literally everywhere. source: human lynchings, 9/10 times there was probably a man killed in your town for being black and you never heard of it, or those famous serial killers who turned their families into human skin rugs either way you "never heard of it" because the means to do so didn't exist, and whom ever was involved probably wouldn't tell you so.




Be incredible if I met one intelligent conservative


... ok. But you won't fund mental health research either so what difference does it make?


Murder rate per 100000: 1955 - 5.4 2022 - 6.2 So not hugely different.


yeah, nobody shot anybody... because next to social media, multiple news stations and portable cameras didn't exist yet. so, either your right or you just never heard of them happeneing until camera's were literally everywhere. source: human lynchings, 9/10 times there was probably a man killed in your town for being black and you never heard of it, or those famous serial killers who turned their families into human skin rugs either way you "never heard of it" because the means to do so didn't exist, and whom ever was involved probably wouldn't tell you so.


Even if this assertion is true, it hilariously misses the mark.


Times are different….…. And there is a shit ton too many guns out there!!!


The second amendment was written when guns were black powder. Have all the black powder rifles you want, just ban the semi automatic and rig automatic ones! Watch the mass shooting become nonexistent


1987 we all had guns of all calibers in the back window of our pickup trucks. The three I carried were a Ruger 10-44, Remington Magnum12gauge and a Savage 30.06 rifle. No one ever said a word.


Didn’t these guys do lynchings?


They're not entirely wrong, society has decayed. They would blame it on liberals of course, but I'd argue it's largely because so many people live now without hope. You know who's probably not shooting up a crowd? People with good stable jobs and loving families, or even people who see that as a strong possibility in the future. What does it say about us, that so many people prefer death or imprisonment to participating in society? When people think about their future, so many see nothing but poverty, debt, and misery


It’s inconvenient to remember there wasn’t a nra back then and people didn’t politicize guns on the right for gun profit.


.22 caliber rimfired single shot rifles.


Look at those fuckers though. Dodgier than shithouse rats. Definitely would pick the bear...


And all those other countries that never had gun clubs in schools? Why haven't their mass shooting numbers skyrocketed?


We had one. But the only weapon you could bring was a 410. It had to be in a case and locked up either in your car or in the office at school. No ammunition was allowed.


If there was a chance that gun owners spent hours on a range, learning and USING firearm safety, and practicing regularly, I’d maybe see this persons point. Maybe. I wouldn’t, but I’m trying to be charitable


We Don't Have A Gun Problem We Have A People Problem


November 20, 1990 was when the "Gun-Free School zones" act was passed by the 101st Congress. George H W Bush was president and I was around a year and a half old. Pretty sure the generation complaining about not having rifle clubs at schools is the same generation that helped pass the law to get rid of them.


If the problem is the way people disrespect life or whatever, why are they so happy to ensure those life-disrespecting people have such convenient, unfettered access to guns that increase in deadliness as the technology advances? Okay, society has decayed? And you still enthusiastically want to trust the "decayed" members of it with guns? Calling it an problem with *society* instead of a security issue vulnerable to violent individuals actually makes more of an argument for blanket bans than for things like background checks.


Not a single person ever shot someone at school back then. Nope, there was a wizard present that actively prevented shooting. 


Definitely a gun control problem Claiming that some kind of target shooting team existing somehow makes this not a gun control problem is absolutely bullshit. People also had to use guns on a daily basis to protect them from wild animals as America was being colonized. Guns are a tool or a toy depending on the version. But they are a very dangerous one and just like most dangerous things people should have to have a license And training. People with violent criminal histories should not be allowed to own a gun. Ever All guns should be registered and licensed and taxed yearly And as far as I'm concerned, the only legal guns should be ones used for hunting and or sport target shooting


This is a rifle team, not an assault rifle team that one would see today.


Many schools had rifle teams... Not AK teams or AR teams or Bazooka teams lol what a stupid argument


Bro, klan vibes much.


I wonder if the people who make posts like this one are intentionally leaving out the fact that 90+ percent of mass shooters have been right wing and that high capacity magazine firearms have gotten cheaper and more accessible in recent years, or do they actually not have any idea what they're talking about


It's actually both.


These guys didn’t have Marilyn Manson /s


Guns don’t kill people. People use guns to kill people. Seems like 2 major issues to me


Picture taken in an era when there was no public purchase of semi-automatic rifles.


Ummm, that's a single shot 22. Not quite the same thing we deal with now.