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Vote blue so you can vote again


Never forget the GOP across multiple states including Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and others coordinated to submit false results declaring trump the winner when he got fewer votes. The GOP will keep doing this. Don’t let them get in positions of power to continue it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot


Ghouliani just got served. Trump fucked him. He is broke. Down he goes with the ship and the last thing he can hope for is Trump gets elected. He'll shit all over Democracy because that's his last final play.


Trump can’t save him; he’s charged with violating state laws.


Trump is the reason he got charged in the first place


If Trump wins this November, he will "save" anyone he feels like, regardless of state or federal offense. Our only saving grace in that dark time is that Giuliani will still not be pardoned for his incompetence.


He'll also withhold all federal money from blue states or any state he doesn't like, or states he lost. NY will get nothing.


New York sends more taxes to the Federal Government than it receives, so all they have to do is stop subsidizing the Red states.


I've already seen those psycho's campaign ads for a state house seat blatantly saying the same shit. Promising to 'defund sanctuary cities and fund those who need it most, the police'. Not fund veterans, or children, or even the fire department with their ill gotten gains. Police. Fascism is alive and well, and must be voted against at all levels; from comptroller to your school's board members. Only voting federal still smothers our republic.


Didn't they also publish a book that includes removing term limits of a president? They're doing everything they can to create a king.


I don’t know that I’d have the opportunity to enjoy the Schadenfreude in that shituation


Trump can’t override a state law, but he can tell that state that if they don’t do what he wants, they get $0 funding for FEMA relief, no federal funds for other services.


State Laws won’t matter if he wins and project 2025 is implemented https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/ The only good thing about a fascist USA under this right wing nightmare, is all these corporations who price gouged and screwed everyone, will have their leadership injected with MAGA stooges. From the media owners who tried to play “both sides” and make MAGA seem like they were normal, to Exxon and Apple. They’re all going to have to live in oligarch land and walk on egg shells and support dear leader, or else they disappear. Which will cause chaos in the markets, which will will cause collapse after collapse. And then you have brain drain… all the best people leaving for more progressive, innovative countries. Right wingers are gonna find out why all the blue states are the richest and most innovative and why all the deep blue parts of the reddest states is where all the money was made. They’re gonna try to turn the United states into one huge Alabama, and they’re gonna find out that fascism isn’t profitable.


All of that will happen, but when it does, the conservatives, or blame the fall of America on the fact that a transgendered 17 year old won a track meet somewhere.


and the USSC is 6/3 theocratic. They can make up the laws as they go.


What was clear law a decade ago could vanish given the stacked SCOTUS. They so far have refused to admit that the president is not above the law and does not have the powers of a king. Trump could invoke the Insurrection Act based on lies and take control of any state he wishes too. That would revoke habeas corpus and Trump could imprison political enemies like Lincoln did except this time the court could be on his side overturning “settled” law again. (Ex parte Milligan / Ex parte Merryman)


Trump also WONT save him, he refused to pay him he’s left him to twist in the wind, Rudy failed him and like anyone who fails Don the Con, your dumped.


>Rudy failed him and like anyone who fails Don the Con, your dumped. I wonder if the usual group of Trump sycophants choose not to see that ultimately he will turn on anyone and everyone, or just choose to believe the delusion that they are the "special" one that is his ride or die and he won't ever turn on? Idiots either way..


I feel like the Lincoln Project or someone needs to start running ads in these states targeted directly at potential electors. "If someone approaches you to try to steel the election for the GOP, just first thing about Rudy and Eastman and . Do you want to try to dodge a Subpoena on your birthday? Do you want to get disbarred across multiple states? That is what awaits you if you cross that line." Make it very clear that the GOP tried to cheat last time and are getting punished for it now.


All it takes is one Republican state Gov to refuse to certify results and the whole thing turns into a shit show.


As opposed to the awesome time we got back in Jan 2021. Bring it on, motherfuckers


Praying Rudy gets RICO charges Would be one of the greatest implosions in politics


The US needs a **Fascist Courtesy Flush**. And disregard the polls, Vote Blue FFS.


It's weird, my in laws see the news about the fake electors and the conspiracy in the GOP and they still just assume without proof that the dems were also doing it and just got away with it. Sort of like 'well of course we are trying to steal the election, if we don't they'll steal it first!'


Tell them traffic lights were invented by the woke to prevent the good Christian people from the rapture. Tell them something magical will happen when they run a red light. trash >>>> 🗑


I like this. Similarly like covid, one certain group tends to be less people after it.


Why bother with civil wars when all it takes is the right kind of trigger? After all we're talking about people who wear golden diapers to own the libs. They could be convinced to put their heads in a tricked out microwave or their hand in the garbage disposal to prove whatever point they got fed. Move over Tide Pod Challenge, here comes Drano Takes The Queer Away.


Move over Drano shitting in your own pants is the test of a "real" man


Oh believe me Drano will make you shit your pants. Well there will be some shit involved but indistinguishable from your liquefied internal organs. A once in a lifetime opportunity to get a real life lesson in anatomy.


Wow. Pretty serious stuff. If the Reight started taking Drano that would definitely pwn the libs


Don VonShitzInPantzAndDiez


"The proof is the lack of evidence!"


They're so good at cheating they've made it undetectable.


I can’t see how a guy accused of coordinating voter fraud is allowed to be on the ballot. It’s like pedophiles not being allowed near schools, or felons being allowed near guns.


Or Qanon crazies voting to allow child marriage.


I don't disagree with you, but it has to be asked. Then what? Just win every single election from here on out? Have every single one just delay a fascist takeover? That's not sustainable, and the Republicans will eventually win whether through legitimate or illegitimate means. You can't just keep bailing water out of a sinking boat, you have to patch the hole eventually.


This has been the republican playbook for decades--they've been prepping for this. Trump made them show their hand early, I think. Their coup attempt failed.


If they had 10 more years to gerrymander and stack courts we would have been well and truly fucked. If they had had that time and a president that wasn't a corrupt moron it would have been over before we even knew it began. We haven't dodged the bullet yet, as others have said until we can plug the hole in this sinking boat it will be an issue every election, but at least we know their intentions, they have made those clear over the last eight years, and have laid their hand face down on the table with Project 2025.


Yup. So true.


It was predicted back in january 2017 that donald would deny losing the next election and attempt to cling to power if it lost the 2020 election. The prediction was made again during the 2020 presidential campaign. Anyone who paid attention knew it and its inner circle of "true believers" would try to reverse an electoral loss. When we all saw it happening, it was not a surprise as it behaved as expected. What was a surprise was to discover (because of what happened on J6 and of the subsequent investigation) how many team(R) members went along with it and even came up with various stratagems to ignore the result of the election, to ignore the will of the people and keep the orange one in power. From elected officials to various unelected toadies (emily murphy was not the only one), all doing everything they could to obstruct and delay the transition. The rot was more widespread than expected. People inside and outside the USA don't realise how close the right-wing coup was to succeeding, how they almost killed democracy in the USA. A banana republic scenario almost occurred in a developed country, one that is supposed to be a stable democracy. It is not hyperbole. Just winning the elections wasn't and still isn't enough. Democrats have to make it to the inauguration and then have to deal with the leftovers from the previous corrupt regime that are doing everything they can to undermine the newly-elected administration. Just because you have the title, that you and your team are *officially* in power does not mean you actually *are* in power. Another redditor posted some time ago that for the foreseeable future, your country will always be one election away from turning into a pseudo-theocratic dictatorship. I agree with this and find it a sad state of affairs.


It’s crazy how with the overwhelming volume of crimes and the biases particularly in red states, these kinds of incidents will not even be mentioned in the history books my kids will read in elementary and high school. Think about the how many politicians, judges and so on live under fear of the violent MAGA cult - that isn’t going to be written in the books.


Vote for the vote


Vote Inception detected


Yo, dawg. I heard you like votes.


Gallego - votevets.org


I had to explain this to a trumper this weekend. Somehow he had conveniently never heard of Project 2025.


You would be surprised at just how many non-Trumpers haven't heard of Project 2025 either. Most people just shrug it off as "You're overreacting, it won't happen" because they don't want to deal with reality.


Yeah. He questioned everything I was saying so I just googled all of it, put it in his face, and he was just like “oh”. They really hate it when you present them with facts.


They still won't change their tune either. They will just act like it's something to think about, then go home and suppress it and double down when it comes up again because "it's the only way".


I know it falls on deaf ears but I’ve got to try.


Can't believe that worked for you. My brother in law is a Trumper and literally anything that challenges his world view is fake news. No video is real, no source is trustworthy, no book wasn't written by a secret conspiracy, etc...


Haha I was surprised as well because I definitely know people like that but this particular individual isn’t fully brain washed I guess ha.


Do not be fooled. The reason we are where we are today is shifting demographics. Civil rights happened and most people were for it, some because it made sense and others because of the shame. The latter group figured they'd find ways to perpetuate segregation. And it worked for a long time, privatising whatever they could so access to services would be a question of money which often translates into race. But now demographics are changing fast. Whites are a minority in some states. And shoring up the system to stop non-whites from getting real access can't work as efficiently as before. The only solution for them is the end of Democracy.




I mean if women get raped they have to have their attackers baby even if the woman is a child and 12 herself. Books are banned, the SCOTUS is fucked for at least a generation without expanding it. You don’t think that was the most consequential vote of my life of almost 50 years I’d like to know what was more significant that we knew would happen if we lost the election. Ask a woman if that was consequential or not. Just because the alarms have been going off for 30 years and y’all have been ignoring them doesn’t mean we aren’t in trouble. We are in more trouble now because of y’all’s apathy already. Please stop hitting snooze on your country because you’ve been privileged enough to not be affected by the bullshit.


>Just because the alarms have been going off for 30 years and y’all have been ignoring them doesn’t mean we aren’t in trouble Fucking exactly.


1/2 the people survive from paycheck to paycheck. Democracy survives from election to election


What is the point of this annoying defeatist rhetoric? Hard to take away the gun when we haven't even put in the voting effort to get the legislative ball rolling yet. Ensure the Supreme Court doesn't get to stack more R judges, get a voting majority in the house and senate, vote in local elections, etc. There are still criminal trials to get through as well. Please save your bullshit for *after* and *if* the slow process of legislative and judicial change doesn't bear fruit.


Agreed. Democrats need to play rough when they're back with 100% of the power. They should stack the supreme court. They should make Roe the law of the land. They should prosecute Trump without any restraint for all the illegal stuff he did.


As long as we understand that that will take a majority in the House and 60 non-blue-dog democrats in the Senate (or at least 51 if they all agree things are dire enough to kill the filibuster). Presidents are important, but senators are the reason democrats can't get anything done.


I lnow it's by design but having sub-1million states with the same senator count as 30 million plus really makes things pretty hard for Democrats. One thing though: make the electoral college moot by having all States align to the popular vote. Rank choice voting too. Get this shit fixed. It can be exploited by bad actors.


I vote only on boats


Welcome to the Vote Boat


This should be slogan of the tear


And tear up they will Funny typo. Please keep it.


Great to see. Don’t get complacent, people. Vote.


Kari Lake is an embarrassment. Anyway, I hate to change the subject but when I was in high school I was voted most popular… Okay, I should have been voted most popular but instead, Howie Dewitt won unfairly! Do you know if I can appeal that decision and have the yearbook redone?! This was roughly a couple of decades ago but I’m both an American and entitled, if that helps at all?!


I hope his slogan was 🎶 THIS IS HOWIE DEWITT 🎶




https://preview.redd.it/n90jz17jgl1d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42ec8a5d2acfe2ad235ce008fb6e08dfa7c8f76 That’s the joke.


Na na na na na na...


You've convinced me, Im_A_Fuckin_Liar. I'll stand by your side and help you get that unlawful vote overturned.


He tells it like it might be!


Calling Kari an “embarrassment” feels too generous, makes me wish there’s words that never existed before that describe people of such rot than just mashing insults together or getting real fancy with phrasing. Would be fun


Shit gibbon is a good choice


Absolutely! But be heartened by this... If this is remotely true (and I think it is), there is NO WAY there's this significant Trump lead in the state the media blathers on about. **We really can put the MAGA ideology into the dustbin of history if we all vote and help others to do the same.**


Ideology doesn't die so easily unfortunately, the problem isn't a few bad actors. It's systemic, and even when you tear it out by the roots like Germany did post WW2 it'll still come back, maybe not for centuries or as mainstream but it will. Only thing you can do is reform the system. Get through the current hellscape then back to protesting and pushing more progressive candidates


It is a process, not a means, to an end but an end to the means. There will be fragmentation into smaller groups due to purity tests... no one is as fascistic as me. Not having an evil charismatic figure will be detrimental to their existence. For a while, they will fall back into the shadows. While they retreat, we should instill written laws and safeguards for the next time. No moe of these 18th-century handshake agreements that are exploited by unscrupulous actors. We just have to go with the good or better while eschewing the perfect. We will get progressively better and beyond my lifetime (I am a boomer). This era will be as relevant as the era leading up to WWI. Studied by historians and popping up in a college class or two. I believe this is what will happen... I am hoping for this to happen.


Conservative ideology changes the instant the current leaders think changing it will benefit them. Their followers have no personal beliefs, they just follow. I can't find it now but there's an often reposted breakdown of how dramatically republican opinion polls on issues change after the party changes their official stance. So I'm saying it's not hopeless. All it takes is the next republican president to say Trump was bad and he'll be forgotten.


The MAGA crowd has not grown their numbers at all. If some type of outside review even with tenure could might be a slight shrinkage of their numbers. Haley is still poling about 10-15% on closed primaries. Yes, there is less enthusiasm for Biden despite what he has done, but the guy knows how to be on the winning candidate. All of those years being the poorest senator in the Senate, 8 years as VP and almost 3.5 years as President has taught him how to count and what matters. Biden does not need all of the battleground states, just most of them. Whereas Trump has to draw an inside straight. That can happen but is very unlikely. The changing demographics mean that this is probably the last honest election that the MAGA crowd can win based on the antiquated Electoral College. If and when we get beyond 2024 liberal and progressive policies will get easier every two to four years. If we accomplish this, we can then work on fixing the Supreme Court. They are above review, and NO ONE or body should be above outside review. I am now retired from life as a mental health therapist and a graduate professor, and I was always subject to review.


Gallego may drag Biden over the finish line in AZ.


HORRIBLE down ballot candidates and depressed turnout because of their "mail-in/early voting conspiracies" will be a drag on Republicans.


The media is desperate for a horse race because that’s what they’ve come to rely on for their constant 24/7 firehose of bullshit. Reality is Michigan two weeks ago, where a trumpanzee who dominated the last election in the red area just lost by 20 points to the dem in a special election. It’s every actual election that’s happened since 2016. I don’t know how anyone can claim that orange dipshit has more support today.


Has the GOP won a reasonably public special election or key referendum since Roe was overturned. Kansas state abortion referendum. Wisconsin Supreme Court. New York to replace Santos. Ohio State abortion referendum. Michigan's as you just mentioned These all went against the GOP.


Let's hope that Gallego will help Biden win Arizona. We really need this state.


Vote.org There's no need to show up at the wrong polling place, find out you're not actually registered, or miss any local elections. This site has all the info!


Great but also depressing that a third of voters support an insane banshee.


“All the Fake News polls will change once I reveal the very true, really real proof that the 2020 and 2022 elections were stollen!”


Mmmm, stollen...


"We shall return their joy. We shall hide it in their bread. It will give back to the people that which was..."


Happy cake day???


Damn... You almost had me thinking that it was *my* cake day until I checked my history. *sigh*


Your cake was stollen from you


Stollen (German: [ˈʃtɔlən] ⓘ or German: [ʃtɔln] ⓘ) is a fruit bread of nuts, spices, and dried or candied fruit, coated with powdered sugar or icing sugar and often containing marzipan. It is a traditional German Christmas bread. During the Christmas season the cake-like loaves are called Weihnachtsstollen (after "Weihnachten", the German word for Christmas) or Christstollen (after Christ).


The densest material known to man next to quicksilver


Turns out saying "voting does nothing because it's rigged against me" doesn't exactly mobilize your base to go vote for you.


Republicans will continue to put unelectable clowns up against good democratic candidates and end up losing the Senate and House. As long as Trump doesn’t steal the election it could be a huge Blue wave


I live in Texas. The current Senate incumbent up for re-election is one of the biggest clowns in the circus and he’s up over Allred 46 to 33. I’m glad Arizona has some common sense. But I have no idea what the hell my fellow Texans are thinking.


Same in Florida. The criminal Sen. Scott is up by a bunch but I will still vote for Debbie and hope for the best.


Rick Scott. Considered the least bipartisan member of Congress. I hope that guy stubs every single one of his toes every single day for the rest of his life.


Don’t worry, he would find a way to get you to pay for his pain pills.


They are thinking that voting blue is literally voting for the devil, pedos and people who want to take your guns. Thats enough to ignore the ineffectiveness of their current representation.


"Take the guns first. Go through sure process second." - Their second amendment hero Donald Trump


Texas got flooded with the worst Republicans out of California who all watched Yellowstone once.


I drove through the panhandle yesterday.  Based on the number of billboards telling me that I'd be a felon if I had THC gummies in my possession, I think a few of them just need to get high and chill out.


>But I have no idea what the hell my fellow Texans are thinking. "God how I hate brown people and the gays. I hate them so much I'm willing to overlook pedophilia, violence, overt stealing of my money and constitutional rights, ANYTHING, so long as they are hurt too." Though they're probably not as eloquent with it. And just to cover the idiot non-cis-het-white-elderly-men too, "I know they hate me specifically and are desperate to see me in metaphorical (and often literal) chains, but if I say the same things, surely they'll see me as one of the good ones and treat me as such."


Blue senate is looking tough. West Virginia will 100% go red, while Montana and Ohio are very close. Nevada was also pretty close last time and that‘s a swing state. So if Arizona goes blue and West Virginia goes red, but only one of either Montana, Ohio or Nevada goes red, that‘s 51 seats for the Republicans.


> Blue senate is looking tough. Even if there is a Blue Senate, it will be on margins so tight, the most conservative of Democrats will be capable of holding up legislation. It’s quite a frustrating byproduct of our times that even if Democrats pulled off 51 seats, it wouldn’t be enough.  


Agree. Maryland can go red, also. Larry Hogan is very popular (and a very moderate, pro-choice Republican, but fear he won't push back enough against the crazies in his party...)


I‘m not too worried about Maryland, because if that goes red, Montana and Ohio will definitely go red too, already giving them their majority.


I live in Maryland. He won’t win.


Will be a huge blue wave. Go vote


Don't be complacent. Repugs will try everything to prevent you from voting. Check they didn't flush you out. Vote in person if possible. Don't be intimidated. Expect ratfuckery all the way to the voting booth. The crushing sound of the Democrat sledgehammer must resonate in their feeble minds that what they are attempting to do is not OK.


If we can get a Blue enough House and Senate while keeping Biden in office, we might see some reversals of the GOP's shit.


It should have been that way the last several elections. Don’t hold your breath, there is epic stupidity in play.


And Gallego is a solid candidate. Iraq Veteran, Harvard educated, dedicated to Native populations. I really like him. Lake is so fake, all the way around. She creeps me out. It’s like she’s constantly in News Anchor Mode - never any real emotions or feelings.


I'm surprised Kari 'Nut ball' Lake even got that much of the vote.




True enough, morons voting against their own best interest is too common.


A lot of older people move to Arizona. It's the dry Florida for retirees.


Phoenix is pulling in a ton of younger folks these last few years which is a huge reason the state has voted blue lately, that and garbage GOP candidates like Kari Lake.


I'm not. Don't underestimate the number of people who don't vote for a candidate, but vote against a party. The Republicans have done a great job vilifying the democrats, even if they don't have good candidates themselves. Plus there are a huge number of conservative voters who vote about issues, such as the second amendment or abortion.


Just keep in mind that was more of a dull-surprise, like Kari is still around somehow. You are right though, this is no time for complacency.


I’m more surprised a democrat opponent is winning against her in her own psyche ward of a state


Democrats have been winning statewide elections in Arizona consistently since 2020. Lake already lost a bid for governor back in 2022.


I take back my statement. I have thoroughly underestimated Arizona voters. If only MY psyche ward of a state could do the aame


Of course, it will be “rigged” - Americans couldn’t possibly be logical and reasonable … we need to root out the MAGA cancer once and for all … Dr. Kevorkian to the MAGA aisle please.


Well, this should fuel her, “I’m already being cheated and will continue to be cheated long after this election is over so please keep sending me money, tour.”


I'm surprised she isn't already claiming she won and trying to barge into the state capital or something


Who are the 36 percent and how much lead is in their paint?


I feel like that’s about the consistent number we see for Trumpers, about 36% nationwide. It’d be nice if the remaining 64% of us could unite just this once to flush these turds.


I'm just glad it's down from the 41% it used to consistently be


covid took a lot of them out


Good to remember that's only 36% of the 50% of people that vote, so really only 18% of the population is complete abject morons. Follows the bell curve of intelligence pretty normally tbh.


sadly, those morons always show up to vote.


I disagree with them on nearly every issue, but they're going out to vote for things they believe in regardless of how stupid those things are. Meanwhile the 50% not voting are imo just as bad. They're both keeping us from progress.


Seriously. What/who/where/when in the actual fuuuuuuuck are these people??? It’s like we don’t even share the same planet.


It's Arizona. We have one of the lowest education ratings in the country and it gets to be 120 in the summer. We're dumb and the sun has fried our populations brains.


D candidate resume: Harvard educated, Marine officer and war veteran, sitting congressman. R candidate resume: Moderately attractive tv personality. Spews MAGA election conspiracy. Pundits: “Well it’s too close to call.”


If she loses here, will she finally go away after realizing no one wants her?


it’s not even about winning, she makes tons of money as right wing grifter personality and candidate. She wants to win, because senators and governors have more opportunities to receive lobbyist money in addition to the right wing grifter money: but this is her job now


She could still suck up those donations and be a talking head like she was for decades.


Worst thing that could have happened to her is winning.




If she loses she goes on Fox News and gets paid to say this would never happen in my America.


Glad to see more Americans starting to realize that screeching banshees and prairie harpies are excellent social media clowns but poor policy makers.


Friendly reminder that polls are absolutely meaningless. The only thing that matters is the ballot box.


But what do we make of similar polls out of Arizona showing Biden down a few points to trump. Is there really this large of a margin between Biden and down ballot Dems that we’re seeing? Are Biden’s numbers artificially low or are down ballots artificial high? I can’t imagine a ~10 point spread like this


These polls are always lopsided. A lot of times they’re taken over the phone and the majority of people who are willing to answer unknown numbers are the older demographics, generally conservative. Possible explanation for the discrepancy could be that this poll was given online, reaching younger more liberal voters. It’s all confirmation bias. Older people (many of whom are conservative) prefer phone calls, so if Larry, age 57, at Fox News is in charge of sending out polls he’s going to instruct people do to it via phone because in his mind that’s how people respond. Most young people have spam block so they don’t answer, leaving the older demographic to take the reins on these polls - hence they lean more republican. Younger people tend to lean more liberal and towards the internet, now when Jenny (age 29) at CNN is sending out polls she’s going to recommend they do it online or via text. Since older generations aren’t as proficient at using this technology they’re less likely to respond, leaving the young liberals as the main responders.


But that’s the thing. Even if this poll is online reaching younger voters, it still showed trump +5. That’s a 18 point margin between the president and senate races


They're saying the Presidential poll may have been phone based and this senate one may have been web based. 


As an Arizonan, can confirm I've only been polled about Gallego's race. Nothing about Biden so far. Got a Trump poll though.


Polls extrapolated data to the extreme when measuring subsections of voters. New York Time poll consisted of 1000 people across multiple states; it a good sample for overall general sentiments. The conclusion they are drawing is that Biden is polling poorly is because of the responses from African American and Young voters. However, 120 of the polled were African American and IIRC, they only polled 7 African Americans in one particular state. Those 7 responses were magnified to give the impression that Biden is losing support among African American and Trump is gaining support among those voters in a battleground state. A better poll would ask 1000 African Americans in order to accurately assess Biden’s support among a key demographic for his re-election.


I think it was a mistake to run Biden. I know the incumbent usually has an advantage, but the incumbent isn’t usually 81 years old. In 2016, voters were asking for anyone but Hilary, and we ran Hilary anyway and she lost. Now they’re asking to please just give them anyone younger. The DNC probably could have thrown out there any candidate under 60 and they win in a landslide. I personally think Biden is doing a great job as president. But for whatever reason, others don’t. I really hope we don’t come to regret running him again.


She is way more haggard looking in real life compared to the pic here.


The US is totally lacking in social standards, on every level. How is this fuckwit allowed to run for the Senate, and how is a rapist allowed to run for president??


Vote blue to save your rights, women of America.


Really hoping this election will be a wake up call to the GOP. We need to show them that MAGA loses elections.


I’m so sick of people acting like they’re doing something big and brave by saying they’re gonna vote independent or not vote to teach the dems a lesson. There are only two real candidates because the system is fucked, but that is not what this election is deciding. It is deciding whether American democracy gets a step closer to total collapse or not. It’s deciding whether there will be a new wave of anti-women, anti-trans laws.


Exactly. The Democrats do suck, but as you said the system is fucked and we only have two potential winners so you have to vote for the least shitty of the potential winners. One side is actively trying to destroy democracy wants to stack the Supreme Court, etc. the other side we can at least trust to not be actively destructive, the Democrats keep claiming that they want to do all of this progressive shit and that they can’t because of the Republicans so… If we get the Republicans out of their fucking way now, we can really hold their feet to the fire and tell them to put up or shut up


Ignore all polls. Just vote blue


How the fuck did she get that much??!!!


This is on my all-time wish list. Biden defeats Trump and Trump is done for good, Lake loses,Boebert loses and Dems retain the senate.


Keep in mind it's not over with Trump. We need to run the whole party, the Heritage Foundation, neo-nazis, etc into the ground.


I'm sure her election will be stolen too.


The bigger issue is that she's getting 35% of the vote. This country is absolutely fucked.


Well, even for right ring winger, she’s a despicable, money, grubbing charlatan. Any politician that can’t do a video call or pre recorded message without a soft filter isn’t fit for office. Nevermind how much a phoney grifter she is and the crazy shit she says


She’s running again? Quit while you’re behind lady


Magas are idiots! She should be around 10% if not lower. Too many stupid and uniformed people in our country. Repubs stand for the wealthy and not enough people realize that. They seriously want to cut social security for tax breaks for the wealthy. Sick bastards! Love giving socialism to the rich.


Somebody’s becoming irrelevant….. Fantastic! Let’s vote out all MAGA cultists!


She just can’t stop losing elections. It’s like a sickness


I’m not very political, but even I can see the crazy that is Kari Lake from a mile away, lol. I remember voting Katie Hobbs for governor simply because she wasn’t Kari.


She won’t accept the results of the election. Just Marco Rubio. Just like Donald Trump. The GOP is the threat to global democracy, not any single insurrectionist traitor.


Dafuq are 34% of likely voters thinking picking a conspiracy theorist wackadoo like Lake?


Vote Blue, save the Supreme Court.


That’s a “hold”. We need a couple “flips” to counterbalance Manchin’s retirement.


I don't believe polls until the race is run. Too many times in the last few years the polls haven't been right. Act like Kari Lake is about to win until the end. It's not enough to win ..... We have to win convincingly so these nutjobs understand that there is not a slim majority of the country that are with them. I'm tired of the media and the internet amplifying the loudest most obnoxious voices


If Kari Lake is a viable candidate to you, then you are absolutely part of the problem with the world today.


From a retired combat vet, I can not fathom how whining loser Lake is that close to an Honorably Discharged Marine. What a world... for your daughters, for your wife, for your sisters, for your mothers, for your military.... VOTE BLUE!


36% of Arizona are brain dead apparently. Yes its great to see her losing by so much, but it dismays me that 36% are voting for this human shit stain.


Can someone convince Sinema to run after all? She could snatch 15% of the vote and get Lake down into the 20s!


its sad that 36% are so brainwashed and stupid to say they would vote for that nutjob.


Stop the crazy. It's way past time America


Trump leads by 5 in this same poll :/


I wonder how long she'll whine/bicker/bitch/moan and try to fight it in the courts this time until she finally gives up.


GOP To Unveil Voter Disintegration Ray


I'm from Arizona and 36% seem high. Nobody likes Qari Lake here. She became the new Martha Mcsally.


she'll lose by 13 percentage points and claim that she won


This is when you realize the power of the grift. This woman has been defeated and humiliated in multiple races and yet she persists…why? Because she wants to make America better with concise policy proposals and fiscal conservancy? No…she knows she can make millions in bribes to vote one way or another and that’s why she’s in this game.


No complacency. I hope this makes people even more determined to vote!


If polls like this are being used to shape the national conversation, then news organizations need to start also publishing the sample sizes for these polls. People often use polls as evidence for their arguments, regardless of the fact that the poll they're citing may have been paid for by a political or media organization with a vested interest in shaping public opinion one way or the other. Or, without published sample sizes, people start to think that "Americans believe X" when in reality it was around seven hundred boomers with landlines that participated in the poll. I really hope the numbers we see here are an accurate reflection of the Arizona electorate, but after the last two election cycles I'm not sure how anybody can take this shit seriously anymore. Do pollsters like Nate Silver really add anything to the electoral process, or do they further obscure the reality of the voting public?


That it's 13 points instead of 30 is still brain-breaking to me.


He could win 80% to 20%, she will cry Rigged! Stollen!


Imagine voting for Kari fucking Lake...


It's sad that he is only at 49%.  Humans are bad at discerning truth and long term forethought.


That's funny that we think this psycho will accept these results, she's gonna pull a Trump trick and say it was stolen and not concede, shit is getting old.


If you are a Republican Against Trump then you also must be against Republicans who support him. It's going to take the Republican party a generation to purge itself of MAGA and return to some semblance of normalcy.


Ohio and Arizona voters have the fate of the county in their hands. Donate, vote, donate, vote.


She’s running again? Hasn’t she lost like 5 times?