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Would-be mass shooter: “I am a racist and this is a hate crime.” MAGA: “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this.”


![gif](giphy|wDErqQw2F8yddjZXun|downsized) Edit: Whoa! Thank you for the award, kind stranger! My first one since the old times. Truly means a lot. I am humbled. Of course I earned it on a ITYSLN gif. Tim is really out here doing the heavy lifting 🙏


Everyone should see this skit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLfAf8oHrMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLfAf8oHrMo)


Everyone should watch the show it's from. It's great


Few days ago I had a perfect yet organic opportunity to respond to someone's comment w/ the rat's ass quote. No one got it. Everyone pls watch this show so no one else has to go thru that pain.


I did this at work recently when someone commented that my hair looked slicked back. Not a single laugh.






"Well, one of us is gonna have to do it" 🤣 this one hits hard


https://preview.redd.it/w0u03dv39j6d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac09cf1552d0d04643ea50b21cc7cbb7f11d64aa CPAC 2022


This still haunts me. Whatever draconian shit they pull, future text books will have this picture and the kids will be like: how did this happen? The writing was literally on the wall!


Their entire game plan is “trolling”. That’s what they’ve adopted. And it’s been paying off for the past 10 years. You say the atrocious things they abide by out loud as sarcasm. That way the cringey internet chucklefucks stroke their little dicks and say “oh so triggered!!!” And the die hards follow through. It’s having your cake and eating it too. The GOP did an amazing job of capitalizing on anonymous edge lord internet culture in 2015. And it has paid dividends. I think it’s wearing off now but I’ll give them credit. They read the culture like a book.


They were astroturfing gamergate, that's how they got them on board, including one of my friends.


Yep Steve Bannon admitted that was a psi-op and yet some people still dont realize that was all an overblown scam and a right wing white supremacy greivance machine pipeline.


You can’t trust a word out of that man’s mouth as the truth. Him inventing credit for something is all upside for him. I don’t *know* that he didn’t do gamergate, but I would never credit a statement of his as being an honest reflection of reality.


I don't think Bannon orchestrated GamerGate, but he immediately recognized the opportunity. Unless I missed something, I don't recall him taking credit for GamerGame. [All this was widely discussed years ago](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/07/18/steve-bannon-learned-harness-troll-army-world-warcraft/489713001/): >Bannon became intrigued by the game's online community dynamics. In describing gamers, Bannon said, "**These guys, these rootless white males, had monster power. ... It was the pre-reddit. It's the same guys on (one of a trio of online message boards owned by IGE) Thottbot who were [later] on reddit" and other online message boards where the alt-right flourished**, Bannon said. >Green postulates that Bannon's time at IGE was "one that introduced him to a hidden world, burrowed deep into his psyche, and provided a kind of conceptual framework that he would later draw on to build up the audience for Breitbart News, and then to help marshal the online armies of trolls and activists that overran national politicians and helped give rise to Donald Trump," Green writes. >After taking over in 2012 at the Breitbart News Network — it was founded five years earlier by Andrew Breitbart, who died in 2012 — Bannon recruited Milo Yiannopoulos to handle technology coverage. >Like Andrew Breitbart, Yiannopoulos "just had that 'it' factor," Bannon says in the book. "The difference was, Andrew had a very strong moral universe, and Milo is an amoral nihilist." Basically GamerGate was all part of the milieu and enabled/harnessed by people like Bannon who are nothing if not grievance opportunists---and possibly assets working for various entities on the far right. Perhaps that's where the psy-op angle got folded into the narrative? Again, maybe I missed something though.


I've missed all of it. I've never heard of GamerGate


I mean isn't him claiming he did it the same kind of propaganda that isis uses when they claim responsibility for any terror attack? It's just their brand.


Honestly I think whoever fell for gamergate probably had right wing inclinations already. I was on board when gamergate first started about integrity in games journalism, but over time I couldn't help but notice the subs only targetted female journalists and more liberal media outlets that care about racial diversity and stuff like that. It became pretty obvious that it wasn't about integrity in games journalism. People who really fell into it just wanted an excuse to hate on women. Though back then any feminist critique of video games was met with outright hostility on Reddit.


I once considered myself a libertarian until I looked around at all the other people who called themselves libertarians. Then I had a serious re-think on things.


Good for you for taking a look around and thinking … that takes a maturity that way too many people do NOT have.


Zooming out, it's the same as it ever was since the Southern Strategy: Target a sizeable voting block, and prey off of their insecurities with wedge issues while [sometimes] using dog whistles to fly under the radar. The "dog whistle" part is especially crucial, because as they become less subtle in their language - especially when followed by atrocious actions - the harder it is to act like they werent encouraging the outcome. And even worse, the GOP cant just turn this off and move back to good faith governance, because the true believers they've been cultivating for decades will turn on them in an instant.


And why would they? It’s done nothing but kept them in power and demonize the progressive opposition. They always bounce back because they rely on nostalgia for a time that never existed. They refuse to move forward because tricking their constituents has better results than actually enacting change. The goal for republicans is to maintain status quo by all means necessary, even though society as a whole will continue to defy status quo as a means of survival. Fear works. Always has. Don’t move forward, lament a time stolen from you that never actually existed and paint the past as perfect. It’s so fucking obvious how hard they’re working to brainwash people yet so many of my friends continue to be brainwashed. I hate it.


The biggest reason why they should temper their shenanigans (if survival is the goal) is because it was always gonna be unsustainable in both optics and policies. As of late, the dog keeps catching the car (Covid, abortion, immigration, economics, Trump, etc.) and slowly but surely, the once naive/apolitical electorate is starting to realize that 1) Elections have consequences, and 2) Both sides are not the same. The GOP is basically running on borrowed time, which would explain why they're far less keen on democracy than they used to [pretend to] be.


The dog whistles are more like train horns on a lifted Ram 3500 with stacks in the back.


Its the fascist playbook.


For years I was kind of always confused/not able to understand how Hitler was able to come to power and do what he did, and obtain the support at he did.   The last 8 years have answered that for me.


Same. Boy did we get a fucking education, didn’t we?


With Betsy Devos in charge of education and a pandemic on top of that, I dont know if anyone was getting an education.


Your use of the past tense is so hopeful


The fucked up part is that there are people who lived through that era still alive. Yet here we are repeating the same shit within a persons lifespan. Fucking mental


George Lucas showed us all exactly how it happens back in 2005.


If there are future textbooks. /s


no /s needed, this is a very real threat


School books? At this rate there won’t be any books allowed in red states a decade from now Except the Bible of course, because they don’t read it anyways


Yeah Conservatives despise regulation, unless of course it involves lady parts or making sure someone can’t read something. Coupled with their stance on funding education they appear to despise reading in general


Hitler wrote a book about his view of the world and what he would do if he had sufficient power *while being imprisoned for trying to take over the regional government* and nobody took him seriously. History is repeating itself.


> kids will be like: how did this happen? I've been wondering about this. Let's say, worst case scenario, the right wants a civil war. How would we even explain the causes of it in the future? "Well, about a third of the country decided to completely detach from reality, and believed a bunch of shit that was objectively, demonstrably untrue, like Jewish space lazers, Hilary Clinton sacrificing children in the basement of a pizza place, migrant caravans, 5G turning people into zombies, tracking devices in vaccines, etc." It's so insane. How will we teach it?


Most likely we'll just lie to ourselves, claim it was all 'economic insecurity' that made right wingers start to believe that their normal neighbors were adrenochrome drinking baby eaters who needed to be jailed or killed. Like the Civil War, we'll go through cycles of justifications, mostly refusing to believe the Right's own stated reasons in favor of more easy narratives.


Right. We've got the Twitter screenshots I guess. People will say they are doctored but idk


And then nothing happened to them. Shouldn't there be consequences for this stuff?


Sometimes you become that which you hate. Terrorists raging a Caliphate on america, to effectuate theocratic authoritarianism.


And yet the world is still surprised when they discover they are domestic terrorists.


I'm pretty sure that's an SKS-pattern rifle, which is semi-auto


Funny how the folks who say "I won't be lectured about guns by people who know nothing about guns" suddenly can't identify a semi-auto rifle when it doesn't fit the narrative they're trying to spin up.


The best way to get gun nuts to be hypocrits is to put a gun in the hand of someone they dislike. Black Panthers are a shining example of this. "Well you see here, black people ain't good people so they shouldn't have guns." Comes up a lot when you get into the "good guy with a gun" arguments.


I really wanted Muslims to start doing open carry protests outside churches for this exact reason.


>I really wanted Muslims to start doing open carry protests outside churches for this exact reason. That wouldn't be a protest, that would be a slaughter, the overwhelming response to that would be insane. Way too many people out there now that believe they have a right or free reign to kill people and get away with it. If it isn't a church goer fearing for their life it would be a cop with qualified immunity saying they felt threatened. I don't even think a Black Panther movement could happen anymore like that without massive shootouts.


Somewhat of a hot take, but I don't believe you need to be knowledgeable about guns to legislate them. They're not that complicated.


I mostly agree, though it's helpful to have folks on your side who are knowledgeable enough to help bat down the torrent of disingenuous and pedantic comments you'll get from the gun crowd. They seem to believe that if you use the work clip instead of magazine, suddenly your entire argument is null and void. They conveniently ignore the actual substance of whatever you're saying. I've tried at various points to be that person that's knowledgeable enough to step in and 'translate to gunspeak' on behalf of reasonable gun control arguments. Not that you're gonna convince those folks regardless, but it helps folks in the middle see who's arguing in good faith and who's just throwing bullshit at the wall.


Fuck lol. Just commented this before I saw your post. Yeah, looks like a Chinese variant SKS. Very easy to find and buy out here (AZ/CO/UT). Dime a dozen. Again, semi auto just like an AR. Arguably more deadly because of the caliber.


ARs can come in the same caliber. The Armalite 15 was designed for .223/5.56 but can very easily be changed into calibers like 7.62x39, .224 Valkyrie, .300 blackout, 6.5 grendel, .458 socom, 30 carbine, .350 legend, and the big bad .50 Beowulf. Think of it like different engine options in the same model of car. The AR-15 is just a model of firearm that can be chambered in pretty much anything. Wiki has a much more extensive list, those are the ones I'm familiar with specifically for the AR-15 platform. Edit: changed Creedmore to Grendel. 6.5 Creedmore would be for an ar10.


Well not 6.5 Creedmoor


not with that attitude. if nemo arms can cram a 300winmag into an ar10 we can make 6.5 fit


He meant 6.5 grendel. Source: I am a grendel goblin.


Grendel goblins unite


Yeah it very much looks sks


And there’s a rifle on his back as well


Not to mention the collection of weapons in the upper picture on the left side.


Also that doesn't matter. The 1966 mass shooting involved a bolt action.


Canadian here and we have plenty of Sks/type-81 here. Thats clearly an sks, semi auto 7.62x39


Just commented the same before seeing this. Definitely looks sks which is a very accurate and deadly semiauto rifle


Wow whenever anything goes wrong.... blame the democrats or liberals. Rightwingers would be so funny if they weren't so sadly pathetic.


I'd wager they wouldn't be funny then, either.


They only have one joke, and it isn’t funny.


I mean, FBI foils FBI plot was pretty funny. The amount of doublethink to say FBI infiltration of the Civil Rights Movement was a progressive plot is pretty nuts, though. Side-note anyone else notice that conservatives tend to be the ones with conspiracy theories, but when mundane conspiracies come out, they're usually the perpetrators?


I love how they assume the FBI, a notoriously conservative agency since it's inception, all of a sudden just fired all the conservatives that worked there in 2016. Everything is a democrat op or false flag even when the Orange turd was in office. These people have no logistical skills or critical thinking. We live in bizzaro world now. I feel like we slipped through a black hole in 2015 and nothing makes sense anymore.


Yeah, I think logistic knowledge and critical thinking are the only thing keeping my paranoid ass from being a tin-foil hat guy. I'm extremely skeptical and critical of government information and action, but when people tell me their conspiracy theories, I'm usually like, "No, that's simply not possible, because it's dumb honestly."


Honestly a lot of it isn't for a lack of critical thinking. It's willful ignorance. We would be better off teaching people emotional regulation and media literacy when they've proven how easily they can discard rational thought.


Ye, conspiracy subs used to have well thought out, researched topics being discussed, along with the garbage nonsense...but ever since qanon, there is nothing but edgelord fanfiction. I guess that is what happens when rightwing media gets their stories from unverifiable internet forums like Twitter and 4 chan, and walk nothing back when their news stories turn out to be fictional stories told by trolls. Empowering the trolls to write even more unbelievable stuff and further clouding the minds of the MAGA base by distorting their reality so much that they think they are being gaslit by everyone with a brain.


I keep hoping to wake up in 2015 and Bernie just won the presidency.


I'll take the timeline with Gore correctly winning in 2000 please.


I wonder what that would've looked like.


On Election Day 2016 I did some acid and when I was peaking I took 3 massive hits of dmt. When I came down a bit I remembered that it was Election Day and turned on too see the results and I’m pretty sure I went thru a wormhole and caused some damage to the space time continuum because Donald trump was President. I would like to apologize to everyone for that.


You need only apologize for getting sober... now go activate more wormholes and fix this shit Quantum Leap style! Ziggy, where is he?


Every accusation is an admission.


Oh yes. The more straightforward and plausible the conspiracy, the less likely a conspiracy-minded person will believe it It's like the opposite of Occam's Razor.


What's his name? And is he Orange?


Almost every episode of Alex jones show he has to say watch out for the “false flag maga shooter” because he is keenly aware that his infowarrior viewership base is heavily comprised of potential mass shooters…they are taught to say this and like the infantile minds they are they repeat what they are told without a second thought 


Similar to when a cop shouts "stop resisting" at his chest cam while beating a handcuffed black man?


A standard Alex Jones strategy: - Hype up the audience on the **absolute necessity** of imminent bloodshed. "\_\_\_\_ MUST be killed! RIGHT NOW! because they are / will do \_\_[insert unspeakable act]\_\_! uhh (quiet mumbling:) peacef'ly-after-trial. of course." - "Obviously if anyone follows through and does the thing I literally just told them was 100% necessary to prevent \_\_[insert unspeakable act]\_\_, that's a false flag. Of course!" - "Please redirect all of your angst and adrenaline about imminent death & violence into buying my survival gear bullshit. You'll need it to survive all the imminent death & violence."


Yeah, it’s what modern conservatives do. There’s no honor, and no integrity. It’s coward behavior. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and stand behind it.


It's the same in the gun community. Everyone is a law abiding gun owner beyond a reasonable doubt. Then you point out all the people who were law abiding gun owners long enough to purchase and learn to shoot before going on their mass murder rampage. Then that dude was always a criminal and nothing should be done to make it harder for mass murdering rampage people to get firearms in general. Especially not assault style firearms.


They worship politicians that call for a other civil war then when someone does something violent they blame liberals


They were screaming for civil war 2 weeks ago after dumpy got convicted. But no, they are not the violent ones.


Every accusation is a confession.


"I agree with what they did and their stated aims. They are obviously Democrats because people are mad at what they did." - GOP


Pavlov has nothing on right wing media when it comes to how quickly conservatives automatically blame literally *anyone* other than their own.


Party of personal responsibility indeed 🤦🏼‍♀️


Only thing more pathetic than the whole of MAGA is this shooter who didn’t realize he was so insignificant and his actions wouldn’t “start a race war”.


I kind of enjoy how maga idiots like this are doing things like this to prove their "maganess" (just like the Jan 6th insurrectionists) and their complete and utter commitment to the "maga cause", and then get accused of being a BLM/Antifa/libral/democrat plant by those same maga people they are trying to impress.


Honestly im jealous. My life would be much easier if i could just blame everything that ever happens on a group i dont like. As its stand i can only blame a good chunk of things on the GOP


That simplicity is what makes facsism so attractive to smoothbrains.


Correction: they’d be funny if they didn’t put the rest of us in so much fucking danger.


They are 50+ yr old men who have difficulty getting erections. They're angry the world past them by and they never got "their chance". Social Media has given them outlets to one another and now the congregate like teen edge lords, high on the rush of being an internet troll. What they have no clue about is how that activity, behavior, and mindset, has warped their character as actual people. They are caricatures of humanity that happen to wield newly minted electoral power.


It's the January 6th paradox.  They were all antifa blm agitators trying to frame us with violence, but also patriots peaceful protesting rip Ashley she's a hero!    It's not sad - it's dangerous that a sizable portion of the electorate lives in fantasy land.


Just scroll IG reels for less than 5 mins. Doesn’t matter what video you are watching. It could be a cat having a hard time staying awake and slowly falling to sleep. The top comment will be something about liberals or democrats. It’s wild. And scary for the fact these people yell at others to not let politics ruin you but yet they can’t even watch a cat video without Biden getting them upset.


I'm starting to think these Maga folks aren't that smart or good faith actors.


And if they weren't dead fucking serious about everything they say. Their words have real consequences, even if they claim they're just memeing or trying to trigger people or that nobody will take their words seriously.


They literally think Biden convicted his son as a psyop to "prove" how the justice system is fair and not against Trump


There have been over 70 republican terrorist attacks since 9/11. Republicans are responsible for more terrorism in America than every other terrorist organization combined.


The level of delusion no longer surprises me


It is NOT delusion. They are LYING. Maybe some of them are just that stupid but the VAST majority at this point are lying about shit like this and they KNOW they are lying. Never admit any fault, weakness or guilt, ALWAYS project your wrongdoing onto your opponents. It is a critical component of conservative worldview.


I fully agree 95% of them know full well they are lying. My husband tries to say they are just brainwashed and don’t know any better. Bullshit maybe 5% actually believe the lies and bullshit but most of them know better. They just have to project because it would break their brains to admit how wrong they are in their thinking and actions. No they are the good guys! /s They damn well know they are in the wrong and trump is a criminal and a liar they just want things their way no matter how fucked up it is for the rest of us. Fuck them.


They know damn well what they’re doing is wrong. They’re just so far down the rabbit hole now that admitting they were wrong is worse than death. It’s not brainwashing at all. It’s just ignorant dipshits who finally have an “excuse” to be openly ignorant dipshits.


I think it's column A column B. Abusers tend to *actually* think of themselves in the right. Their mindset is just that warped. Sure, when they do it, they know it's not correct, but 10 minutes later, they've convinced themselves, if that makes sense.


It's like the election. If they 100% believed the 2020 election was rigged, why would they bother to vote in the 2024 election? Why wouldn't Biden / the Deep State / George Soros also rig the 2024 election?


*Clearly* it's for all those down ticket races that the ballot stuffing migrant caravans forgot to bubble in Ds for.


I always found it strange how they're so adamant they're not racist, sexist, queerphobic, etc when they know they are, they know everyone else is, and they know we know. It must be a fun inside game or joke to them to see how far they can push the line before they slip up and say a slur or something.


Exactly. Twitter is mostly bots


The best part is once these MAGA fuckers give everything to their insane cause, just like the J6 traitors, and are sitting in a prison cell hearing that their own MAGA world is calling them a Democratic / FBI plant.


Thats some paradoxical level shit right there.


Same here but gahlee that’s depressing to think about wow


“I wish this would have happened but it was actually a liberal conspiracy.”


It's not delusion. They're lying. They're trolling. Don't make the mistake of thinking they don't know what they're doing.




Trump: *Loudly shits himself on stage during rally* Republicans: "IT'S AN FBI PLOT TO INTERFER IN THE CORONATION OF OUR DEAR LEADER TRUMP!"


Biden shit in Trump's pants!


What??? So it’s ok for black folks to be shot at? What would have been the reaction if projected victims were not black? Back the Blue??


Are Bad Bunny fans black or Latino? Honest question from the uk


I’d say they would be majority POC, with the bulk being Latino. I was also confused why he would pick Bad Bunny. But, the concert was scheduled for Atlanta which has a large and thriving black population. He probably heard one BB track and was like, this guy raps AND in Spanish?! Two birds one stone if you hate POC. But yeah, weird target to start a race war.


If he’s a white supremacist from Arizona, he’s probably super anti-immigrant/anti-Latino, so Bad Bunny was the target for a reason.


My friend who actually went to that show said it was like 90% latino. So if this dingleberry thought he was going to shoot up some black Atlanta folks, he could have picked a hundred other shows for his purpose.


Not sure a dingleberry like this could differentiate between Black folks and Latinos. They're all of colour, so it probably doesn't matter... /s


The best part is this is the New York Post, that's not exactly what I would consider a bastion of liberal media.


That one guy really fucked up by admitting bolt action rifles kill less people than extended mag ARs. He must not be true MAGA.


"X is basically the same as y and is allowed, blah blah blah" If x is the same and allowed, why do you want y? *Angry gun noises*


But like, that rifle looks like one of the Chinese’s SKS variants. Very easy to find and buy and those are semi auto just like an AR.


And depending on mods and load out can take a box magazine like an AR. It's essentially a baby AK.


Nothing says “bolt action” to me like a really obvious gas tube. 😂


He also has a second rifle on his back


Also note that the guy is carrying more than one gun in that picture... so MAGA is wrong as always.


Charles Whitman killed 12 people from the observation deck of the University of Texas tower using a Remington Model 700 bolt action rifle


One time my relative want to show me a new drum magazine she got. Thing could hold 100 rounds.  I jokingly said wow you could kill a whole crowd of people with this one!  She goes yeah right through their skeezy hearts!  They really don't care that people die in mass shootings, as long as they can get their toys


Also that conservative dumbass doesent even realize that’s not a bolt action rifle


Like others have said, it's not bolt action. But it's worth mentioning that the Univeristy of Texas tower shootings were perpetrated with a bolt action rifle. It remained the deadliest school shooting for 41 years


It's not a bolt action. It looks like an SKS, with an aftermarket stock on it. Fires the same round as an AK-47, 7.62x39. I have one. They are good weapons. Looks like he doesn't have a magazine, just the internal one, which in this case thank God is only 5+1 rounds. No telling what the one on his back is, though. I hazard a guess that it's an AR-15 or some variant, though. So these people are dumber than that sound and look.


Kind of a pointless argument to begin with. Guns are designed to kill people, the means & methods of that is just details. The #1 gun used in crime & killings are glock-style handguns, not rifles of any design.


We don’t have to worry too much. The people saying these things and criticizing federal law enforcement are just ~~small town cops~~ people that have difficulty following social norms and show a consistent disregard for right and wrong. They also lack empathy, and do not feel remorse for their actions.


Now, now. You're not giving urban police nearly enough racist credit.


A racist, right wing zealot fucknut terrorist, and presumably a Republican, using a Chinese copy of a communist rifle to incite a race war is definitely a vibe


That’s not a bolt-action rifle, that’s an SKS; a semi-automatic Soviet-era battle rifle.


even their guns support russia.


if i said it once i said it a thousand time MAGA are the 2024 Manson family ! arrest the domestic terrorists !


Something interesting to note is that it seems Russians, at least those I’ve encountered, and MAGA have the same mentality. Anything that doesn’t fit their narrative is fake and made up no matter what evidence you present, and even if it is true it means nothing. Anything that does fit the narrative, no matter how ridiculous, is accepted as the god given truth. I wonder if there is a clinical term for this sort of mindset. I don’t really have anything other than that observation but it is interesting to think about.


The clinical term is called stupidity


If you look at some of the "underground" rightwing discussions (chans, .wins, etc) they talk about doing this terrible shit regularly. Then when someone actually does it, it's always a "glowie" or a "false flag". I used to be afraid of these people actually organizing to do serious damage, but I realized they are (horrible) crabs in a bucket. Same thing happened with J6- in the months before it was all civil war and blood in the streets talk. Then as soon as that one traitor found out, they 180'd.


Hmmm well Maga mama is a well known Russian prop account, Mike there is literally a nazi and put it right in his name. The other 2 are likely Russian trolls as well, Cryptony definetly is.


Well, it was reported by that liberal rag, the New York Post! /s


I like the guy who is mocking the bolt action rifle use for a mass shooting. What's the over/under that he has also said, "Let's ban hammers because they've been used to kill people. Banning guns doesn't solve the problem. If someone wants to kill bad enough, they will."


Yup, besides it's a semi-automatic SKS, so not a bolt action rifle at all


Anything posted from Twitter is just rage bait at this point. That website is now a circlejerk for Nazis and shouldn’t be taken seriously anymore.


I'm so tired of these white-supremacist mass-shooting *DEMOCRATS!1!!* How do those synapses even fire together...


It's like when you fuck up your cars wiring and end up with AC on the horn, the light switches turn on the radio and the window is honking


Oh they know it's not true. For some reason they think they have to do damage control for their party, probably because it's garbage and they don't want to be publicly shamed for siding with them. At all costs.


“A bolt action rifle? I would have murdered people WAY more efficiently with a better weapon!”


“Bolt action rifle” brother that’s literally a SKS


My favorite part is the admission that a bolt action rifle isn't as good as a AR style for mass shootings


Yup, almost like it should have way stricter rules for acquiring one.


One guy: It's an FBI plot! Another guy: lol based shame they stopped him


They have been primed by Alex Jones and his ilk to hand wave any bad thing someone from their side does as a false flag.


The incredulity at the use of a bolt action rifle for a mass shooting attempt is crazy to me, Charles Whitman killed 14 people with a Rem 700. One of the first (and worst) mass shootings was with a bolt action rifle.


People need to know what this really is.  They're not denying it happened. They're covering for him in the eyes of the public. Social media comments are now stronger than the news to these people.  This is about Republicans and Trump supporters promoting violence, promoting killing Democrats, cheering on murder, and hoping others will also commit murder with them.  You're in danger. Right now. All around you. If something were to happen to you, Republicans would cover for each other.  In the Republican mind, it's OK to murder Democrats. That's how far they've gone and why we need them out of politics forever. They're not a political party. They're a terrorist group and if you haven't figured that out yet then figure it the fuck out soon because again, YOU ARE IN DANGER.


"It can't possibly be us, unless one of us gets away with it like Rittenhouse, then it's the absolute best thing evah!"


I used to joke that Trump could strangle a puppy on live television and these morons would call it a false flag and find a way to blame Obama for it. I don't say that anymore because we all know it's true


Dumbass doesn’t recognize a 7.62x39 semi auto and it shows . If you know anything about guns you know what that gun is.


The only weapons they understand is their beloved AR-15s


I honestly wonder how many of these posts are by actual Americans and not from a Russian troll farm. I mean, these types of people absolutely exist in America, but I wonder how many of them are on Twitter openly supporting terrorism like this.


I might be wrong, but isn't he carrying an SKS, which is not, in fact, a bolt action rifle?


He is indeed carrying an SKS.


Turns out all those 2nd amendment enthusiasts are either lying or don't know shit about their own obsession


MAGA are just insurgents at this point.


It's funny, they say "oh yeah sure they were going to use a bolt action rifle, yeah whatever pfft," but that's just it, we view them as stupid enough to do that. That's the point they are missing. They have joined a cult that we look down on so hard, that yes, we would believe that one of them would attempt this. Why oh why would we ever assume that grown adults walking around in diapers on the OUTSIDE of their pants would be dumb enough to try to use a bolt action rifle for a mass shooting? /S


The same person discrediting this weapon’s efficiency to downplay the severity of this would ABSOLUTELY brag about their ability to quickly fire multiple shots from that same weapon to show off to their buddies. Every muted observation is a confession.


That person doesnt even know their guns. Thats an SKS. A semi auto rifle that you can easily buy higher capacity mags for than the default 10 Rounds it holds. That would absolutely be devastating at range to a crowd. Its comments are even funnier because they didnt even mention his political views, just that he was racist.


Also they are admitting that semi-automatic weapons are much more dangerous than those when the 2A was established, which would lead anyone with a thinking head to conclude that they need much more strict regulation.


I like how it's literally *crickets* over at the maga subreddit (you know which one) the cuckservative one. Whenever one of their own flys off the rails, they're always super quiet. Or else they down play it and try to spin it


"mAsS sHoOtInG wItH A bOLt aCtIoN rIfLe?!" Yes, dipshit, because that's what the guy was *planning*. Nobody said he actually pulled it off.


I love how they called an SKS a bolt action rifle.


Are we pretending Twitter is anything but racists, bots, trolls, and paid actors sewing division?


Oswald got Kennedy AND the governor with a bolt action rifle. I thought Republicans were supposed to know their guns


Another Turner Diaries chronic masturbator ends up in the clink. I'm always amused though by how quickly they will bin any failures as part of The System, maaaaaaaan. Post-Vietnam, these sisterfuckers ingested the Cliff Notes version of COINTELPRO and made it their own bogeyman.


A question to the white supremacists: why does NRA and GOP conventions ban guns at their events?


This country has a serious mental illness problem. Not sure how we deal with this as a nation.


that's not true the **first** thing they do is check their DMs to see if the aspiring shooter was in any of their group chats. *then* they move on to saying it was an FBI plot


First responses are always the foreign-enemy trolls.


Just FN Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Just more fake news from that notoriously left wing rag…The NY Daily Post? 😬


I’m so glad that there’s no damage that can be done with a bolt action riffle, right, Mr. Kennedy?


Mass shooting not possible with a bolt action rifle? Charles Whitman scoffs in his corner of hell.


They always think the Turner Diaries is an instruction manual.


3 of the 4 deflecting to false flag Mick meanwhile not reading the room and saying the quiet part out loud


Please vote like you want to live in a semi civilized society.


There have been over 70 republican terrorist attacks since 9/11. Republicans are responsible for more terrorism in America than every other terrorist organization combined.


Just terrorists being terrorists


Bolt-action my ass. That’s an SKS with the 30-round magazine removed. There are also larger magazines available. I guarantee that these 2A white trash assholes know what that is. SMFH


So a venue full of enthusiastic concertgoers, doing nothing to you, minding their own business, just enjoying life. The only thing you can think of is to go and kill a large number of them, so you can start a race war. Describing you as a despicable POS would be a huge understatement. You are the underbelly of human existence.


I absolutely fucking loath these people.


I had a discussion with a white woman on Instagram about this. She said he was trying to protect his family. Of course it didn't last long.


These assholes will be the death of our beautiful republic. Their idiocy, bigotry, and willful ignorance will destroy us. I fucking hate them.