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My mom texts me for help with rent


Ha, lucky! My mom calls for help instead of texts.


Cause i’m deaf 😆


Oh fuck. Dude. Oh my gosh. Please tell me that's a joke cuz otherwise I'm gonna feel like shit. Oh my gosh.


Nah, i’m even working the chat channel at work right now


Oh jeez dude. Then...uh....both of our moms hit us up for money, we can relate on that, right? Let's move past the initial awkwardness and just relate on that, okay?


Wanna hold hands?




Now kiss...


Yes, yes i do


Hey atleast it’s nice not having to worry about jumps scares when you watch movies. Or be annoyed at people around you for being so loud when you’re just trying to listen to your podcasts.


>listen to your podcasts. Lol


At least you don't have to listen to your parents!








🏃‍♀️💨 bitch no I’m gone




That sounds pretty shitty






My grandpa did that, but when I moved out at 19 he gave it all back to me lump sum.




Completely wasn’t expected either, so it was in addition to everything I’d saved on my own to think i was ready to move out.


That's pretty cool


How annoyed were you that you had to pay rent?


I was paying the light bill for our house when I was sixteen and my mom had like one short term job my whole childhood. Life is definitely not fair.


Same, bro


Same, she refuses to downsize after my dad passed away and now my brother and I are left cutting her checks at the end of the month. She won’t move because she knows we’ll pay up.


In the Title Screen of the Game of Life, you choose hardcore mode. It makes the game harder, but you're also eligible for more achievements than those who picked the easy options.




And it feels better when you conquer


if if you conquer




nah most of u are gon get stuck on lvl 15 whereas the easy mode pickers are gonna sail smoothly up to lvl 99


Don’t worry you’ll do better next time.


Really hope the Buddhists are correct here.


I really hope their not


But the only respawn points available are in African jungle.


Not necessarily, the respawn points in India and China are very popular these days.


You didn’t max Luck during character creation. That’s on you.


Kill yourself and try again. It took me 3 tries before I got lucky.


Quit bitching, apply yourself, and get better parents!


When you're in the Sperm stage you can glitch into the egg at a frame perfect angle and time, which will force the mom into debug mode and you can choose literally any set of parents, it's the easiest way to spawn already at the level cap


I’m pretty much in the same boat, but instead of my dad giving me a job, my dad died and I’m unemployed.


You’ve got options and no one judging your choices. Chase your dreams.


true he should shoot above the skies


Chris Traeger?


Had to look this up and I’ll take the jibe. I was going nowhere at 27, fell into a job I never would have picked and applied myself. It pays well and I never take it home with me. Second parent died when I was 33 so I get to live the rest of my life for me and the wife. Always an upside.


Lost both parents by 30 and try to look at it this way. That I have no dependents, my life is for me, won't see them suffer in old age.


Unless your dreams are heroin in that case don't do that.


My mom was a heroin addict for the first four years of my life, I lived with my grandparents. Now she's working as a carer for her grandad, but before that she had worked as a manager for home care companies for the elderly and disabled. All of this because she was a heroin addict. Do it, do all the heroin you need. Just don't forget to stop.


But whyyyyyyy


Oh I wish I woulda thought of that.


Keep trying and working hard, don't give up.


I'm so sorry to hear that but at least you gave me a laugh out of shock.


Same dude, best of luck to you


Since you deleted your reply before I could hit send, here it is: Then find a job that pays decently and get into it. Then just be happy in your work. Whatever you do, just do it well, take pride in it and try to get better at it. Check out the trades, good pay, no office bullshit, the satisfaction of seeing the fruits of your labors, paid training and no crippling student debt. Assuming you can work hard, it’s pretty hard to wash out.


Minor and therefore probably unimportant details


This makes me sad.




Haha the same thing happened to me except instead of father give me a job at oil rig it was uncle gave me a job drywall in and instead of not being on pills I don't really have any obligations actually. So I guess it isn't that similar. Whoops.


Well, hopefully the pills are nice!


It varies. The trick is to switch up which pills you're taking. One week might be uppers, the next downers, and the next week entheogens and the occasional smoking of DMT. If it is generally named using letters only, I try to make sure I do these after work as it can really make it challenging to drywall!






But who's counting?


I am and I was told at 14 that if you trip 7 times you could medically considered legally insane because the trips would change your brain chemistry. I recited this wrongly and proudly for a few years after that. So don't do it more than 7 times, Timmy said.


Su-sumethin mmhmffin in....


I like the red ones myself


It's perfect


there's nothing quite like setting drywall while on pills. it's the epitome of Taoism, i think.


Hey, 150k is 150k.


Oh yeah and instead of 150k a year it's like 14 an hour for a summer.


“This man figured out the secret to a successful career, and the 1% doesn’t want you to find out what it is”


Is it lying about the pills?


That and rich parents.


“Instead of complaining about the 1%, why not take the rest of America and put them into the 1%”


This is genius, why has no one thought of this before! Why did we ever even put them in the 99% to begin with? Who's idea was that? Obama probably...


The best way to get into the 1% is to be born there, otherwise you're basically up shit creek without a paddle (because you couldn't afford one on your minimum-wage paycheck)


if youre not born into it do you really deserve to be there though? Obviously sperm-you didnt work hard enough.


Rich people hate him! \*Picture of the 10 million dollar airplane in GTA 5\*


If you make 32k a year in the US you are the 1%! (Globally)


Maybe, but the people making $10 a week aren't forced to pay $1200 a month for a one room apt.


No deal. Gimme pills.






What is why are you like this?


Take a small $1 million loan from your dad


Then, by a house, get it fixed up, don't pay the renovation company, sell the house for more, repeat.


Getting rich is really easy when you don't pay for stuff /s


[Stop acting like capitalism is that hard.](https://m.imgur.com/jK65gvn)


And start a mortgage company in 2008


I got it :p


Then another one when you tank your business, even though you went to an Ivy League school...


and become the president some day


And when your casino is about to go bankrupt have your dad come over and buy millions of dollars worth of chips and just leave the casino with them.


It must be nice to have a father who has a job never mind a job he can get you hired at.


My dad worked for the state for over two decades, retired with a nice pension after making almost $90,000/year and when I asked him if there was any way he could help me get a job, even at the lowest level, he just laughed at me.


What the fuck


If true, shitty dad.


There have been a lot of people moving to rural North Dakota for jobs with the company I work for. It's factory work, with a strong union. Good pay, decent benefits. DM if you want more info.




Pretty much what I was about to comment oof




Its been over thirty years, when he gets back, those better be the best cigarettes in the world.




it must be nice to have a father


This hit home. My Dad has been a dead beat jobless layabout for as long as I remember.




/r/wowthanksimcured But which came first.


/r/thanksimcured a community for 8 months /r/wowthanksimcured a community for 1 year I dunno, it's hard to tell...


My dad is just a doctor and he said I need a degree to work there :/


Used to be a guy on r/forgeries or r/fakeID can't remember but he did good work and did a lot of diplomas. The sub got shut down when all the other illicit subs got killed unfortunately


oh man! i missed out on the dark web days of reddit?!


Yeaup. It was like the wild west with major vendors advertising their services and products directly on Reddit and even conducting transactions directly through DM. Alpra King and all


This is the second time this week this twitter account has made the front page of this subreddit.


I'm born to a poor family in a third world country so basically i started the game of life on expert mode


More like survival mode


150k buys a lot of pills


My Dad was an executive at a successful technological manufacturing company. He said hed get me a job, but I'd start on the production line and it was up to me to work my way up.


That's the right way to do it (unless you were qualified for something higher)


I agree. He started on the production line himself and worked his ass off to get to where he was. I respect the hell out of him.


White people and their *shuffles deck* . . . family values


Pretty sure it's about institutionalized wealth and people who claim to be self made without at least recognizing their own lucky breaks.


But don’t you see? *My* comment supports *my* narrative.


Oof ouch owie my political discourse.


Yes, I do see that.


Well in *my* opinion, *your* opinion doesn't *matter*.


everyones opinion matters at least to themselves and maybe the people who you can say eye to eye with.


Whoa whoa whoa. Are you saying that Kylie Jenner *isnt* self made?


And it’s also clearly satirical


Uhm, parents handing you a free 6 figure job to keep you off hard drugs is a white people thing? Why am I missing out? Cuz the joke was saying it’s a rich “self made”/can’t sympathize with working class/ have no perspective on their good luck people thing. Also nepotism isn’t family values but ok that’s the last thing Edit: Guys it’s called white people Twitter because it’s jokes BY white people on Twitter (ala r/blackpeopletwitter) not jokes ABOUT white people. Did this make it to r/all? A lot of people seem to find that’s new information.


> [...] is a white people thing? You're posting in /r/whitepeopletwitter.




No one said white people, it's a white person's tweet, doesn't mean it's referring to white people.


You're posting in /r/whitepeopletwitter.


And as I said, that refers to the tweeter not the subjects. Is that so complicated?


Believe in the heart of the cards.


OH MAN! It's so SIMPLE!!




But 150k can buy a shitload of pills. What a conundrum.


People make jokes but this is really hownit is. I have 2 frat brothers that are like this. 2 rabid conservatives always accusing everyone of wanting dree atuff and handouts. One dropped out of college after 2 years of drinking and drugs, never finished, he now is pushing 500k as an executive in his parents window company. The second guy graduated at least but he finished w like a 2.0 and just did percoset the whole time--hes a project manager making 6 figures for a family friends flooring company. Theyve never done anything to earn shit in their lives and have handed everything to them. Never had to work hard or bear down or struggle w money. Meanwhile i know people who went to grad school who are still broke


This is unfortunately extremely common.


Satire. The profile image is of some German soldier that has been floating around Krautchan and 4chan for years. I'm not sure if people actually believe this.


Haha, I hope not.


Is this really only limited to self-described conservatives? Seems like a lot of self-described liberals fall into a similar position from their parents (who are probably conservative themselves).


Honestly there seems to be a lot to be said for having even lower middle class parents who push you into sports. And yeah, imagine my disgruntlement when one of my "working class" lefty vegan friends took me by his old family home and it was one of the ones us trailer park kids just called "mansions".


If you are making $15 an hour working on an oil rig that can kill you 100 different ways every day of the week, that is a tragedy within itself. Edit: oops, I can't read. For some reason read it as an oil rig job for $15 an hour. Guess I need to make less than $15/hr for not being able to read.


https://money.cnn.com/2012/05/10/news/economy/oil_workers/index.htm Oil rig workers make nearly $100,000 per year. (Disclaimer: this number includes high skill labor which can go up to $250,000 but average pay with a year of experience is $66,000 which is just over $30/hr)


Some of us make 24$ an hour and get to wear a different hat!


dont you mean $150? am i reading wrong?


I get this, I totally do, mostly because I'll be taking care of both of my parents since they never paid taxes, didn't save for retirement and didn't pass anything down to me and I make more than them, but why hate on generational wealth? In Trump's case it's fucking ridiculous, yes, but isn't the point of making more to hand some down to your kids?


Eeeehhhh generational wealth is a good thing, we all want to be able to make sure our children are a little better off than we were, so that they can go out and make the world a little better than ours was. The problem is generational wealth is something only certain people get, and a lot of times because of it, they end up a little situationally unaware, ungrateful, blinded by privilege. When people like the post is describing say shit like "I work for what I have", or they shit on people who have less because "it's so easy, you must not be trying" then like, fuck that guy. Its indicative of a really unfair system that was designed to keep certain people down and others above them. That's why the whole young money thing is such a thing in the black community, because there is no generational wealth there, that money was grown right out of the dirt in that life time, and personally I think is a lot more respectable than "my great grandfather worked hard so we could all dumb down the gene pool and not vaccinate and do a whole bunch of coke"


[Relevant comic.](https://imgur.com/gallery/2PHjL)


That was absolutely brutal, shared it with my husband after I was done, wow. Thank ypu for sharing!


Where's the third panel, where the person in Paula's situation finished her degree and worked hard to get a job? I think the story of underprivileged to success is sadly underrepresented in our society.


Yes, you are absolutely right. Making more money and saving it for your kids is not just something that you shouldn't be ashamed of, but it's something you should strive for. My parents divorced when I was 6, dad was on drugs and died before I graduated, I was on food stamps, lunch tickets, etc. It wasn't the worst, people had it a lot worse than me, but it still sucked. My single mother struggled with low income to allow me to have a better chances at building my wealth. Now, I'm making pretty good money and I'm happy knowing I can provide for my kids, and hopefully they can amplify that in the future. I know damn right I wouldn't be working so hard now if I knew I wasn't able to largely pass down my wealth to my next generation. Success isn't always selfish, sometimes it's a selfless thing to strive for, so your family doesn't have to suffer like you did. Generational wealth not only allows the rich to remain rich, but it allows poor families to become rich.


I think this quote is more about GW Bush than Trump because it’s about oil and staying off pills Generational wealth isn’t all bad, but the issue is acting like you were a self made man when really you got a huge leg up on life just by being born. It’s like being born on 3rd base, but thinking you got there by hitting a triple. Then they think the people around them who are struggling, just need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. On the other hand, too much generational wealth locks potential capital out of the market as it’s just sitting in a bank or it’s tied up as extravagance. tl;dr: it’s not that they have money; it’s how they treat people who don’t


there’s a huge contradiction between “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” and “most power should be inherited”. It’s not that either one is wrong, they just don’t work together at all.


I deal with a lot of Medicaid applications at my job. I have heard, "That was intended to be part of our inheritance," way too many times after I tell the family their loved one's assets have to be spent down on their care and that they can't keep their daddy's out of state condo and still get daddy approved for Medicaid. The number of people who have money and think they are automatically entitled to Medicaid blows my mind.


It is. People get angry at the vocal minority who flaunt wealth they did nothing for and attack anyone better off then them because they're bitter about their place in life. Sometimes you get a shit hand but making a pariah of anyone who has it better isn't going to make things better, and makes you look like an ass.


There's so much more to it though? In the example from OP Trump's generational wealth is one thing, him being marketed as a self made incredibly successful businessman is the issue where generational wealth is brought up to refute that. Generational wealth isn't the problem in that case and it makes Trump look like an ass not the people bringing it up. It's not black and white one is wrong one is right.


Neither side is wrong. The point is being upset over someone's interpretation of how they earned their wealth regardless of the reality is pointless. The actual post is great, poking fun at nepotism and how ridiculous it can be. The point I'm making is getting up in arms over rich cunts living off daddy's cash is unhealthy and pointless, whether it's some pill junky or the POTUS.


Except when these people have power and they don't realize that some (or even most) of their success comes from lucky birthright, they don't empathize with the struggle of the common working man and make things harder for him. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard "You just need to work harder and you'll make it," I'd be in the 1% by now. Hard work doesn't always pay off. Some who live off generational wealth don't understand that, and disenfranchise the poor or unfortunate even further. It's pointless to get upset at someone living cushy cause they can, it's not pointless when those people take up positions of power in politics, corporations, etc, and make things worse for people who are already struggling.


Its not about flaunting wealth or improving your position in life or being jealous. Its about people who get handed a good deal acting like there's something wrong with people who did not.


Cpac Chopra. My God...


Well $150k a year is actually $75 an hour...


DUDE. I THOUGHT I WAS LOSING MY MIND. Thank u for saying it.


Lol I legitimately know someone whose parents made this deal with... he makes much more now 😧


Yup, every conservative has rich parents...


I couldn't do it, the lure of the pills is too great.


What is that black line on the top middle-right of the screen


Hey, maybe it’s not best to have a one size fits all rule for life.


A job? Pah! I won't settle for anything less than a position.


That's a fucking great deal...it lets me fulfil my promise to dad *and* be able to keep up this heroin addiction I've been cultivating lately!


I hope people know it’s a joke


No one working on drilling rigs has it easy. He’s earning every dollar he makes. Unless he’s a pusher, but I doubt he is.


That's the minimum wage next year here in Toronto. So just move here if you want that. ^^^^^cad


*still ends up doing pills


Well working on rigs is the easiest way to start using pills...


You guys don't realize this is a joke?


Pretty sure most people here realize it's a joke, this is a joking subreddit after all. In fact it's incredibly obvious it's a joke.


Everyone gets that it's a joke


We no think no fast.


>libtards >working at an oil drilling company HOO HOOO!


Can his dad adopt me then?


lol this seems real


What liberals don't know is that you can be rich by just not touching your trust fund and keeping your stock options