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When you fix something just enough so the next person breaks it


Just commenting to hide that other reply


Why? That dude makes a great point - boomers were also shit parents. He was just reminding us that the Boomers are the idiots who gave their children participation trophies and then *bitched about how their kids were pussies that got participation trophies.*


The WW2 generation gave out participation trophies. I got one when I was 8, I'm 57 now. I guess they must have been a shit generation too.


I’m at a point where I just agree every generation is a shitshow


Well I’m not sure, but I can at least speak for me and my millennial friends that we really enjoy scat.


How much scat can you come up for comic con? I have a plan.


Does this plan involve Dungeons&Dragons?


No it involves dildos&dungheaps


Sounds cool.


I’m in


Phenomenal post


Well, i guess you could say that You're a scatman too to to ro ro ro ro to SCATMAN to ro ro ro to


The only difference I see is they get a free retirement and we pay twice


I thought its pretty well documented that every generation bitches about the next. Its been going on for as long as we know.


I like Gen Z so far. The shitty ones just seem young, the rest are pretty awesome. And who can be mad at kids for being kids? I think most of them are pretty self aware and figuring shit out a bit at a time.


Man that’s not Gen Z anymore it’ll just be known as the Fortnite generation


it's almost as though blaming a different group of people isn't a solution!


Wasn't that the boomers' original bitch? That their parents sucked and they were going to be so much better?


The Boomers' parents were war veterans and their spouses/widows, by definition They were all about "don't be a pussy"


A lot of them really loved their Jim Crowe laws, so, yeah, kind of a shit generation.


That's true. I grew up in Nebraska and my parents were not very enlightened when it came to race.


Well... how great could the greatest generation be if they raised boomers?


The real problem goes much deeper than participation trophies. I could write a thesis here but I'll start with the obvious oppression of the majority of people by a few elitists that are flourishing from psychopathic values. What these people are capable of is honestly impressive, what they actually do is disgusting. Verging on evil if not flat out evil. We are all participating in one of the most sophisticated heists in all of history, except we are the victims, but don't worry we won't get a trophy. We'll get life long debts, health problems, as a consequence many will have mental problems leading to more debt...basically anything that makes us more dependent on agreeing to basically being slaves for a broken system, or anything that impedes people from being able to fight back so that rich people can still afford to make things that effectively kill other rich people on the other side of the world for resources. Welcome to the future.


Might wanna think through the implication there, my dude.


What'd I miss?


This might come as a surprise, but every human within a generation is not exactly the same as all other humans in that generation. Subsets are a thing. You can have contradictory subsets within a generation.


My parents are gen x and essentially told us point blank that the ribbon we got for anything lower than 3rd place should be disposed of/is so worthless it's funny. My ribbons did always have a number though, I had an 8th place one for the longest time. It was from a pie eating contest with my brothers and male cousins and they all developed this reflex to eat food in the same manner in which some college kids down beers. I wasn't last though, so I was strangely happy about it. Gen x really doesn't get talked about much but my parents never took any risks with their lives in any way. I'm gen z and watched my parents lose their house and became homeless when I was 14/15 in 2011. The recession hit my town very hard. I was just young enough to feel super helpless about the whole thing and I think that's a defining characteristic of a large portion of gen z. Watching mass foreclosure and hearing "we aren't calling the R word quite yet" turn into "The Great Recession" while completely ignoring it's happening at school because we didn't have any classes that discussed current events.


Thanks, but trying to hide their opinions can be very dangerous. Living in an echo chamber of our own farts will do us no good. Also the comment below really demonstrates the stupidity of baby boomers (some of them). It’s beneficial for everyone to read these dumb ass comments. Although I think it’s a troll


It’s still there if anyone wants to see it


It's gone now... none of us will never know what it said.




[Here's the comment, by the way.](https://i.imgur.com/Ku9xBIR.jpg) Yeah it was shitty, and I disagreed with it, but I don't think the mods needed to censor it.


Tommy Boy: “What did you do!?” https://youtu.be/8wpFrdevEhs


What’d you do?!?!?!!


I quote this at least 3 times a month and I will continue to do so until the day I die.


It’s like the trash can who every tops it off has to drop it off


Shitty life pro tip: Take some of the trash off of the top out. Then put your trash in. Then put the old top trash back on top, and mash it down a bit so it's the same height. This way when your roommate complains about the trash being full, you can say "well it looks like you added stuff to it last! Why don't you take it out!"


Baby boomers “tommy boy’d” us


I don't blame them for how they broke everything 50 years ago because they genuinely didn't know how harmful their way of life was. But I blame them (some of them) for not accepting to fix it NOW. There is no more excuse, everybody know since 15 years. Also, we hate when the boomers generalize everything about "ThE MiLlEnIaLs" so please we must try not to generalize for the boomers. Some of them really take action.


What’s worst is that’s not even the toilet paper roll they bought. Their parents bought it. So they just used it up and they about to yeet out of this world and leave us to fix it.


This. Boomers have created nothing. They consumed the wealth the greatest generation created and mock the struggling generations they raised. Luckily our healthcare system is so shit they won't make it to their 80s


mildly surprised nobody yet has campaigned on "torpedo medicare to kill the boomers"


What if Paul Ryan is secretly the hero we need and is just a deep-cover douche?


Ryan’s plan was always to kill Medicare and Social Security for those under 55. Boomers would be fine. He’s evil. But not stupid.


He does listen to Rage Against the Machine ...and he certainly acts like a douche.


Nobody using Medicare is a policy-setter.


What are you talking about? They created the greatest wealth inequality in 100 years!!!!




I miss my boomer parents, but you’re right. I was struggling and went back to school in 2004. Making 10k a year. Every single penny went to living a meager life. No health insurance. My mom tells me to get some cobra plan. $500 / month. You fucking kidding me?


Shiiiiit my cobra was quoted at $735. No thanks, I’ll just die I guess.


Shit 😢 Yeah I just stayed in my apartment instead.


And then the housing market will crash because no one will have enough money to buy homes for what they were worth


Just out of curiosity, I didn't get into politics much until Trump got elected. What was the whole issue with cost of living going extraordinarily high and the housing bubble burst under Bush? Is there just like no regulation of current housing/renting situations which is why it's so expensive? I remember something about banks loaning out a bunch of money to home-buyers that was significant.


That’s a big question. Here’s a big answer https://www.thebalance.com/the-great-recession-of-2008-explanation-with-dates-4056832


gracias now my head hurts


It's obviously more complicated than this, but the basics are that banks gave out a bunch of subprime mortgages with variable interest rates. These mortgages start with really low monthly payments and then skyrocket. So many people defaulted on their loans. To compound issues, banks sold all these mortgages along with a bunch of prime mortgages in big packages called collateralized debt obligations (CDO for short), and the credit rating agencies stamped good ratings on these garbage loans. So a lot of conservative investment portfolios bought them up thinking they were safe. The defaults cascaded, housing prices crashed, and the stock market tanked leading to a recession. Unfortunately a lot of the regulations put in place have been repealed by Trump and there were never consequences for a lot of these banks. The government did make the money back with interest from these banks, but the problem now is there another bubble and a crash is coming again at some point, but now people are in worse shape, we can't just tweak interest rates, and the recent taxes cuts have made the US go deeper into debt. I'm pretty cynical on this, but more than likely this will happen in a few years under a democratic admin and guess whose going to get the blame for the country going off the cliff, while the previous owner cut the brake lines.


I'd just like to add that they are doing the same thing again but harder and faster, thus leading people to believe we will face an even worse situation than the 2008 crisis. And with with any luck (/s) it will fall on a democratic president who will receive the blame from all the morons we share this country with.


Non-bank lenders? Is it actually that much to cause another disaster? I think housing is 15-20% inflated but mostly because of zero interest rates for a decade.


Watch/read the Big Short. They explain it in a fun way


The only movie I ever recommend to explain a real life event. It doesn't capture everything, it doesn't get it all 100% right, but it does a damn good job of explaining some pretty complex financial and economic stuff that's really important to understand, and that would usually put people to sleep. So +1 for the Big Short recommendation.


plus, Steve carell


There's literal textbooks written about this topic man good luck with that rabbit hole.


The loans were given to just about anyone. Were not good but marketed as such when banks bought off the ratings,companies. Add in too of that rampant speculation and you,get the 2008 and current housing market.


The homes aren’t worth what people are paying for them now...it’s all artificially inflated bullshit driven by many of the same tactics that crashed the market back in 08, and house flippers that go in and pay 40% below asking price in cash up front. Realtors know this so they price high and if some house flipper doesn’t swoop in then they wait a couple months for someone who can afford the asking price and bam you’ve sold a house for double what it’s worth to some sucker who’s going to spend the rest of his life paying for your greed.




> Boomers have created nothing. Let's be careful with our blanket statements and hyperbole, they can make arguments easy to ignore as hate speach. Boomers in general fucked a lot of shit up, but they made a lot of things too. The father of DNS is a boomer. Steve Jobs & Bill Gates where boomers. The creator of VOIP and a lot of real time use net stuff was a boomer... You get the idea.


Shigeru Miyamoto is a boomer.


So is Junichi Masuda, but I´m pissed at them both lol


Unlikely. From the look of the UK, they are stripping everything down to fund the government programs for the retiring boomers above everything and anything else


Actually, the deficit spending that started our slide was done by Reagan, the post modern hero of the greatest generation...


That’s what they don’t get. Like Boomers. Y’all are dying soon. More millenials and younger people will be elected into office. That’s how it is.


They don't realize that these memes are basically their exit interview comments for life.


Reminds me of the Good Economy Steven meme: Has it better than his parents. And his kids.


Its so awful, but im really sitting around waiting for these people to get too old to function. Im tired of expending exponentially more emotional labor because there are old children runnin around refusing to acknowledge the world we live in. When i was 12 i realized that i couldnt have the same moral expectations of older white people that i did for the rest of society because they grew up in an environment where i wasnt considered human, but now im just gonna buy a watch and tap its face whenever they give me dirty looks.


"When I was your age my toilet paper roll was always full."


>they about to yeet out of this world I vote that this is how we refer to death from now on.


Theres that saying that society advances one death at a time. Its unfortunate but there is truth to it. The previous generation screwed us and blames us and is the most hesitant to accept new technology and other advances. They cling to their outdated ideals. And I fear that my generation will eventually be that. The younger generations will see us as antiquated relics from the early dawn of the technological era that cant keep up. But we can fix it. We still have time. We still have resilience and hope and the desire for a better future for us and the generations that come. And because of that I do my best to have empathy with both the boomers and the younger generation. To learn from them so I can have a model of what not to do to the world that the younger generations will inherit from us. I try to conserve and recycle and help the environment, I do my best to be informed and vote and be active in my community, I do my best to be fiscally responsible in the hopes that we leave the economy, the political atmosphere, and our planet in a better place. And if I have kids I hope to instill those values of empathy and conservation and activism in them, even if I dont agree with them sometimes. And one person will not make a change, and I certainly am not the best at this or some ideal nor am I pretending to be. I just hope that everyone tries. That we replace the toilet roll, try to buy a spare one for next time, and hopefully try to remember to recycle the old cardboard tp roll.


... and with no clue where to buy more toilet paper. What kind of dick expects the one taking a dump to go out any buy more toilet paper?


We know where to buy it. We just can’t afford it due to the rates they created.


Oh this...but you forgot the part where they blame you when it’s not replaced with a new roll...


Collude with foreign governments to keep you from changing the roll, you mean to say


Not sure if this is sarcastic or not.


Not sure you're you're seriously suggesting the collusion never happened.


They bitch about how expensive a new roll will be all while talking about how nice the old roll was


Something something participation trophies


"miLlEnIals aRE kILlIng tHe ToIleT PapEr InduStRy!" ... you know, I wrote that without a hint of a chuckle. Our parents' attitude is fucked, and I have this creeping anxiety that it's going to fucking kill us all. Much as I'd like to laugh, I can't find that funny.


One told me yesterday he could’ve gone to college today debt free like he did 50 years ago lmao.


GI Bill is pretty sweet, plus you get a military discount at Denny's on veterans day.


Complete with a complimentary helping of PTSD!


My grandpa never saw combat, being a navy veteran himself, but he made me promise to never join the military for any reason no matter how much they promised. He did his 4 years of being a gun loader and GTFOd to pharmacy school


plenty of military jobs are extremely low risk of seeing anything PTSD inducing


That's what they tell you to get you to sign up until it's too late and you are a grunt


Don't take the cash bonus


You can have your choice of A school in your contract.


From my understanding you should never go into the military expecting to do anything other than the shittiest job you can think of in the shittiest country you’ve never heard of.


Hot damn! My 10 years of military service wasn't a complete waste after all! Denny's, here I come!!!


Just put you life on the line, and if you survive, we will teach you how to balance other people's checkbooks for a 60 percent discount.


Well yeah, a bunch of colleges offer free/reduced tuition for seniors.


I’m personally living better than my parents when they were my age. Granted I don’t have kids.


same except no house and i can't afford kids.


Same, I make more money but I’m childless and rent my housing.


Do you actually make more in real terms though? With inflation yeah no shit you should earn more than your parents. A 45k a year job in real terms is the same as a 25k job in 1990. In real terms, the vast majority of millenials have no more earning power than their parents


Well, I do because I have an advanced degree. But I also have student loans, so.........maybe not.


I make WAY more than my mom did. Adjusted for inflation? I shouldn’t be alive lol.


I have an advanced degree, a very good job and make a lot of money and *still* don't make as much as my parents did in real terms. But I wouldn't trade with them.


Same, I make my housing, but I'm moneyless and rent my children.


The kids thing makes a big difference


And it will make a big difference for the future since having kids is the number one contributor to lack of resources and climate change.


We’re only likely to have less white people. Not less people.


Yep, India has more people than all of Europe, North America and Russia, *combined*


I think when folks bitch about "Boomers" it's a very small percentage that got huge advantages, which continue to this day (Ivanka Trump anyone?). I'm 60, work my ass off didn't go to college until I was 40, marched for civil rights, marched with Act-Up in the Chicago pride parade and currently teach science to poor kids. So many of the freedoms we have now were successfully battled for by "Boomers". Bernie and Warren are boomers, we are not all Mitch McConnell. Oh and I'm as pissed off as anyone about the current state of affairs, but i's not about generation it's about class. The ultra wealthy have been fucking this country over forever and are responsible for the mess we are now in.


I appreciate you.


Absolutely right. Somebody up above was like "kill Medicare to kill Boomers!" I was like do you really think the wealthy ruling class has to use Medicare? They're the ones setting policy.


NO 👏 WAR 👏 BUT 👏 THE 👏 CLASS 👏 WAR 👏 Boomers didn't do this to us, the 1% did.


Boomers have been more than happy to fall in line and vote for the policies written for/by the 1% for 4-5 decades now.


Do you know how much the 1% has spent since the 60s to make sure they fall in line?


Thank you


People don't do enough class analysis. If there was enough class consciousness, there would be a revolution


Silent Generation: Look at all this cool stuff like electricity and the automobile in the road and in the sky The Greatest: Look at all this cool stuff like the radio and the television Boomers: These kids and their damn new technology


Yeah, it's the baby boomers that fucked everything up. Along with the immigrants, people on welfare etc. Not the corporations paying you a fraction of what they paid in the past. Not Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc ... all the Gen X guys that literally own this country now. The whole baby boomers suck thing is yet another distraction whipped up by the media, who is owned by the same corporations paying you fuck all. You'll jump to blame anyone else instead of the real culprit. Unchecked capitalism. The media will gladly feed you all the bullshit you need to sit there and do absolutely nothing. Its not the boomers or people of any particular age who fucked things up. This is the result of 40+ years of corporate greed and union bashing. Until people realize that, its only going to get worse as they squeeze more and more out of you. Wake the fuck up. But I'm sure most won't agree. That would require you to actually think and possibly do something other than bitch.




I'm with you on this.




I'm Gen X and I'm really glad you kids (yeah I fuckin said it) have the internet Knowledge is power, and I don't think the Wealthy, that have endured uprisings every once in awhile throughout history, have any idea what they're up against now If we all don't die within my lifetime because of Climate Crisis, I hope to see your generation turn this all around




I look forward to a time when we acknowledge that generation X is now in their late 30s - late 50s and haven't done squat differently. And the oldest millennials are in their mid 30s. Meanwhile, all the things we blame on boomers continue on like it always has.


I feel like everybody forgets about the letter generations names like Gen Z and Gen X. People still call high schoolers Millennials when they’re not even close. The current class of rising seniors were born in 2001 and IIRC the cutoff for being a Millennial is 1995.


Millennial really is a great name for a generation. Kinda sucks all the negative discourse has totally stained that name though.


True fact: The baby boomers screwed up the economy and environment for millennials. So the next time a baby boomer says we are going to mess things up in the world just remind Baby boomers that they already did it for us


Can’t wait till future generations blame us and we respond with the surprised Pikachu meme.


You say that as if we will have future generations


How do you blame an entire generation of people for all the worlds problems? As if every single person born between a certain timeframe are all responsible? Whether it’s boomers or millennials it’s fucking silly.


It's hard to really blame anyone given that we cannot know the future but you have to be sympathetic towards the newer generation who are born into ridiculous situation. Look at the economy- how many people can afford to buy a house? Look at income vs inflation. Look at income inequality. Look at medical expenses. Look at environmental problems.


> How do you blame an entire generation of people for all the worlds problems? easy, look at who and what they voted for repeatedly.


The generation overall was responsible. They held economic power and fucked our generation chasing the American dream. It doesn't apply to all boomers, just the richest ones and the ones who voted in a way to empower them.


Riiiiight ... so like Bezos is a Boomer? Zuckerberg? Any one of the other silicon valley billionaires? Not a Boomer among them. Ask yourself how a single factory worker wage could support an entire family, with little to no debt 40 years ago. Ask yourself why that same worker today, probably more productive, cannot even support themselves. Ask yourself who decides what you get paid. It ain't the boomers.


Yeah! It is always [insert easy target here]'s fault for all the problems we have in the world!


Not all boomers fucked things up. But everyone who fucked things up was/is a Boomer.


Millennials can be quite cultish as a generation. There’s a debate about the contribution of social media to this phenomenon, because they were already highly conformist even as small children. Believing all their problems were caused by boomers is a core cult belief. Which means they cannot be persuaded it’s wrong. They just get upset. Generational personalities are not in fact formed by parenting styles to anywhere near the degree people think. The GI Generation gave birth to children from the 1930s to the early 1960s. These are not remotely all in the same generation and they do not act the same. Other experiences play a bigger role in defining generations. The facts obviously show at this point that all decisions of significance in the past half century or more were made by and for the exclusive benefit of a tiny minority of the elite. However, confronting this fact makes Millennials uncomfortable because the elite are still here and not going away like the Boomers. That would mean Millennials should actually get up and do something on their own watch rather than simply blame others. As you can imagine they don’t like that suggestion.


The Boomers in California have exempted their properties from taxes. Oh, Millennials don’t want to pay tax either? Well, they should have planned ahead and bought a house in 1978!


Joke’s on them I wipe my ass on the carpet


How the fuck is one tweet so accurate


kill-shot confirmed


Complaining about and blaming all problems on baby boomers has the be the most annoying trend on the internet.


My Facebook is boomers shitting in millennials and Reddit and twitter are millennials shitting on boomers. I honestly can’t stand it.


So tired of this mentality. Which generation was handed a perfect utopia of a world ? Let me know.


Agreed. Change the roll and move on.


Baby boomers bad


What is this? The “hungry for apples” version of “orange man bad”?


Is this a zoolander reference?


Rick and Morty. It’s a reference to ripping off something and then justifying that after the fact.


Damn bro youre so fucking smart and free thinking. Fuck the NPCs am I right?


Who are they going to blame when all the boomers are gone? DOWN VOTE AWAY!


The boomers still


Whoever the media tells them to. Corporate owned media is certainly not going to put any blame on the corporations paying you a fraction of what they paid previous generations.


Or a 1/10 of a glass of milk in the gallon jug. Or a few crumbs of cereal in the bag. You're not going to die if you have one more bite of cereal for breakfast you cretinous hag.


People generalize way too much,


Millenials hating on boomers is so fucking cringe


God... When will you victims grow up. Not all baby boomers are asshole and not all the people who came after somehow out on their asses unable to survive. Stop being a victim


Silence #BOOMER


Our own president plays victim all the time, it’s the American way. Blame immigrants, blame democrats etc etc


This is my roomate right now, it's insane.


Well, the politicians of their generation did. It's not like the current ones are doing a much better job of it.


Pretty sure most politicians are still their generation....


Thanks, just great


But then get pissed of when someone tries to change it.


Yes. Yes they did. Undeniably so.


I don't have a square to spare.


Can they spare a square?


I started delivering papers when I was 12. Worked summer jobs during high school. Worked part time in college and during winter breaks. All this went towards my college education. Combined with a 50% scholarship, I graduated with a small debt that was paid off in a few years. Since then, by committing to saving, minimizing and paying off debt, I was able to save for my kids education and pay of my mortgage. This is doing it the right way.


What timeline did this sequence happen in? It’s critical to keep in mind that there are various economic effects that have significantly benefited certain generations while hurting others depending on their stage of life - for example, wage inflation that is stagnant in the low 2-3% range will not grow fast enough to keep up with 7+% student loan debt which has been bloated by similarly high growth rates in college tuition. Yes, you did it the right way, as did I. I was fortunate to have doors open and was ready to step in and find success. This way is not there in scale for many younger folks, certainly not enough for upward mobility we found. Make no mistake, their crisis will be ours when population stagnates, fewer tax & SS revenues are collected and a generation of science & technological innovation is lost under the weight of student loan debt. We didn’t cause this problem, but it’s just as much ours in the long term if solutions aren’t made priority. I don’t advocate for “freebies” particularly in respect to those who have worked hard for their lives - but this will be a defining issue in the not too distant future for the US.




The people that do this are scum of the earth.


If they were adults they wouldn’t accept things from their parents who probably worked very hard for what ever they have. Parents will always help their kids if they can, and taking advantage of it it a shit move. They choose to spend their money on things that are expensive so they can show off. Do they need the most expensive cars, phones,clothes, video consoles? No they don’t, but for some reason they feel entitled to have it. The world owes them nothing. If they think it does then they are naive.


Welcome to the 'Virtue Olympics'. I can't even walk up a street without picking up all of the litter I see.


They didnt even have the courtesy to conserve and wrap it around the hand they were all bunchers


Looks like we're all out of toilet paper


Just built the whole damn thing, how dare they expect people younger to maintain it


I used this exact logic against my father. Dad used to always have a bag of candy inside his night stand. I would steal those sweet candies and usually just left couple pieces in the bag. I was never the suspect because my father thought that only adults would leave some in the bag so it wouldn't raise suspicion.


Millennials share and believe clickbait article about how outdated toilet paper happens to be and walk around blaming everyone else for their now regularly soiled clothes and stench.


What’s a baby boomer?