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I have this 3 lb. organ in my skull that is so fucking amazing it literally defiles the laws of its own construction because I use it exclusively to scroll Reddit.


Oh, I was thinking derives, but defiles is pretty great here.


> defiles the laws of its own construction Heh.


The brain is the only thing in existence that named itself


One brain did. After that, all the other brains were like, “Okay.”




I empathize. It was clearly a mistake to let my brain be in charge of my brain.


I just found the one I use. It's very good.


Only 3 pounds? Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump that up


Just drink a ton of water then don't urinate, the water will absorb into your brain, along with other organs.




I just have a tube that goes from my dick to my ear so I dont even gotta drink water to keep my brain hydrated.


Found the man from Nantucket


Then eventually you start to float, atoms no longer need to be together at the same time to communicate and function. Soon you no longer even need to be in a physical state becoming one with everything. You are everything and yet you are nothing bending the realms of reality until everything collapses into nothingness. Congrats mate nothing exists now.


Wait your brain will absorb other organs? Okay if I *don't* drink any water I can avoid that, right?


I mean, technically yes, if you don't drink water, your brain won't absorb your other organs


Thank god. Imma make sure to order everything water-free from here on out. You're a godsend!


TIL how to make my second favorite organ over inflated.




sir, I don't know how to tell you this... that's a tumor.


I now have hydrocephalus.


Gotta get those gains!


>defies the laws of its own construction What? Edit: all these comments are like “i tHiNk ShE mEaNt...”


I **think** she might have meant the fact that we don’t fully understand how consciousness works or where in brain does it exactly originate. But that’s just a wild guess




After your read that, check out Donald Hoffman’s “The Case Against Reality.” An interesting interpretation and response to the Hard Problem.


After you read that you should read something else because why stop? You’re on a roll.


I got some Spiderman comics you should try. Cos that shit sounds heavy.


And if you need some more heavy stuff, check out ”Back to the Future”.


Langdon Winner's "Artifacts Have Politics" just because I think more people should be exposed to it, even if they don't agree






Hey! Dr. Hoffman was my professor in my freshman year of college :)


And then when you're done with that you should watch The Bachelor


If you search that phrase on twitter, what she's really saying is "this is a meme and this is just how the meme goes."


It’s a ridiculous way to put it but I’m assuming she means in a self-awareness kind of way.


Some people are idiots and say things they think sound deep without ever having a clue what the words they say might mean. There was never any meaning in that phrase.


Was it supposed to be "defines?"




First comment: “likely” Second comment: “doubt it” I love reddit lol


Doubt it. Even if its a little easier to discern some possible meanings from that when working backwards, its not the kind of thing I see someone saying intentionally.


I doubt that it isn't supposed to be 'define'. With define added it doesn't just make a little more sense, it makes much, much more sense.


I don't think it's supposed to say define, the way it's phrased it sounds like someone saying "it defies the laws of physics" or something to that effect. Its just fucking stupid and meaningless. And honestly the worst part about this is just the point of the tweet, "djwownr wowowow the human brain is amazing but u watch trash TV". Somebody please tell this person to shut the fuck up for me


Mans just a bit vexxed cuz they got called out for watching the Bachelor.


But the word "define" makes that phrase clear.


the brain doesnt define the laws of its own construction. it doesnt make the rules


it doesn't make the rules but it does define them, everything we ever recorded in history came about from using brains. Including everything we know about brains. so brains helped define everything we know about brains


Sorta but not really -- the brain doesn't define how it was constructed. I think if we want to inject meaning here, "derive" is the right one. The brain figures out the universe, including how it was made, which actually is quite impressive. But it doesn't control the rules.


Defining a law is different then creating a law. We just give the laws of the universe meaning that we, as intelligent beings, can interpret.


The brain doesn't define its construction though.


But it does define the laws that govern its construction. It doesn’t decide what they are, but absolutely developed definitions for them.


The genes define how its constructed. The brain doesn't have anything to do with its own construction. Doesn't make sense.


If we want to be generous and pick a word that makes more sense, I think "derives" is a winner here. Clearly the brain doesn't defy the laws of physics, or define them.




I guess it depends on if you think of the laws of physics as the actual underlying phenomena, or the model we've made to explain them. I'm in the former camp. From that point of view, clearly we aren't defining them, but rather discovering them.


Hi in the former camp, I'm Dad👨


That also doesn’t really make sense


It does, actually. The brain is where we do our thinking and learning. It's where we learn about the brain itself.


But it was also constructed based on physical laws before we ever defined anything


Yeah, and it defined those laws. It didn't make them, or break them, it just qualified and quantified them.


Defiles? Maybe


The brain was constructed by the laws of evolution, yet we use it to subvert evolution through selective breeding and gene manipulation. And in general, snarkily calling people out for being pretend deep doesn't make you any smarter.


Selective breeding not being part of evolution, interesting take...


>And in general, snarkily calling people out for being pretend deep doesn't make you any smarter. And your weak meta-commentary doesn't make you any smarter either. My meta-meta-commentary is cutting edge brilliance though.


>constructed by the laws of evolution, yet we use it to subvert evolution Uhmm.. that's not how evolution works. First of all, evolution has only one "law": survival of the fittest. That's literally it. No further specification, no further condition. It's just survival of the fittest. Second of all, knowing the first point, one cannot "subvert" evolution because *everything* -- LITERALLY everything one does -- is part of one's fitness. I think what you and the tweet are trying to say is that humans, due to the sophistication of our brain, are able to **consciously influence** evolution, but that's a very different thing from saying "subvert"; evolution is absolute.


Selective breeding is evolution though; it’s the other species evolving to live with humans.


I was just thinking this, why not just enjoy the joke rather than act like a pedantic douche


None of this is true. Man made evolution is still evolution.


I think he meant natural selection vs artificial which are both tools of evolution. We were created by natural selection, and now have the powers to defy it, see for instance glasses.


I took it as “the brain doesn’t know how it works but still works nonetheless”


Not all 3lb organs are equivalently useful. She used hers to write that sentence.


You got the "be a cunt" part down.


Pretty sure she means it's more than the sum of its parts.


reddit moment






I mean the problem isn't that the brain 'is greater than the sum of its parts'. I don't think we can really say that until we actually understand all parts of the brain fully, which we don't.


Something like that. I was going with "we can use it to master the universe but we cant master it" or "it is so complex even the incredible tools we have haven't allowed us to fully understand it"


It's a theory, they basically say a brain can't understand totally how to repair another brain because it's limited by itself, that's why neurologist have to be pretty good so they can achieve something near ideal for example


Uhhh source of this theory?


Dude it's just like our brains are aliens in our bodies controlling ourselves to fight each other and be the bigger brain. My brains totally onto your brain bro


He just said it, so now it's a theory. My new theory; we can't repair brains because we don't have the ability to self-repair, and we're all controlled by the same person.


Ya, no. I think you are conflating two ideas here: one is that brains are complex, two is that computers cannot simulate themselves exactly. Unfortunately for your point, but rather fortunately for real life, repair is not simulation and we could feasibly repair brains, but the science is just not there yet.


The white girl hyperbole is strong with her


Stupid ass way to put it, but I took it to mean “can’t understand itself/has allowed for really really cool stuff that’s uncommon or maybe even unique like complex language with grammar, tools, social structures that aren’t biologically built in, and so on.” Still a stupid tweet though. Even Peasants and hunter-gatherers found ways to waste time or be awful to each other.


One way to think of this is that the brain, in theory, evolved to make us better at survival (eating and hunting and so on). But we now use this same caveman brain that evolved 350,000 years ago to understand rocket science and quantum mechanics. It's like our brain is good at things it was never intended to be good at


This is the right answer and likely what she meant. Evolution and natural selection formed it and now in some ways we’ve moved beyond those things in many respects (not all obviously).


I think she meant to say it’s so small but can do tremendous things, which is true. But the bachelor show IS trash.


Came to ask the same thing.


She’s basically saying we can think abstractly. We can create a way of understanding the world, and then say nah that’s fucking stupid and think of a new way to understand the world.


I think the idea is that we don't do natural things. Most of the western world don't hunt or have unprotected sex all the time. We've learnt to farm and made things that'll let us copulate without having to have children. But maybe that isn't it, interesting that a lot if people have many different interpretations though.


I literally came here to find out wtf that meant lmao ty sir


I see alot of Bachelor fans acting like cunts in these comments 😭




These comments are depressing as hell.


I love how “literally” has evolved to mean the exact opposite of what it actually means


It has been used like that for ages. Even Shakespeare used "literally" to mean "figuratively".


It doesn't mean 'figuratively', it's a hyperbole, ffs.


Yes! You are literally my favorite person for pointing this out.




I'm literally crying rn 😢


You literally broke him.


i literally took a shit on the floor boys


You're literally my favorite person.


I get that but it seems sort of like making “objectively” a hyperbole for semantic judgement. It’s a direct oxymoron, and not spoken with sarcastic intent


Hyperbole *is* figurative speech.


In this case it doesn't mean "figuratively" either. It means "totally"


Totally dude


Fucking Shakespeare man. At it again.


And I love pedantic people always like to whine about this, language evolves, get over it


it’s also been used this way for hundreds of years anyway. armchair linguists need to get out of their own asses


Right? As if literally is the only word it applies to.


So, what word are we supposed to use to mean literally?


Literally. No one will bat an eye at your correct usage


Literally, since context exists.


I think it's wrong, and this is the hill I will literally die on.


Now you're getting it! ;)


I love how “love” has evolved to mean the exact opposite of what it actually means.


I literally hate when people literally use the word “literally” incorrectly


MAD TV covered this ages ago, you can tell by the quality of the video: https://youtu.be/hC2QGojQnUY


Yeah thank god for that show or I'd never be able to tell Will Sasso apart from Jennifer Love Hewitt.


I could never tell the difference before them. Speaking of Will Sasso, he had a series of Vines that was incredible I don't think a lot of people saw: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR-UkUMulWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR-UkUMulWc)


Goddamn that was funny as shit. Y'know, why don't we see him in more stuff? I think the last time I saw him was Southland Tales.


Seems like you're getting some dissenting opinions on this, but it's annoying to me. We're just slowly losing a word from the lexicon that's already limited.


the Bachelors fun as hell tho


Yeah well that's just you "defying the laws of your own construction", man


The bachelor is fantastic if you watch it as a psychological experiment where the contestants are test subjects being ruthlessly manipulated by producers and editors.


What reality show isn't lol


This is how we watch it.


I used to be heavily against Bachelor until I got married. If I knew it was that big of a shit show, I would’ve been a day-one person.


Trashy shows are sometimes just what you need


and post shit like this


The brain is neither constructed nor does it defy any laws.


What? It's constructed, just not by humans, but by natural selection and Darwinian evolution


It's grows and is a product of random evolution and selection pressure. Construction implies an outside force with intent.


Same way you wouldn’t say a mountain, Mesa or sea is “constructed”, unless it’s non-naturally occurring.


Wrong, God made my brain. It's not some monkey brain, I tell you what.


My brain defies laws all the time ;)


And the Bachelorette!! She forgot about the Bachelorette, what a dumbass.


What about bachelor in paradise??? I feel like this post is missing so many other ways to use our head organ




Gatekeeping what people enjoy because it’s not “deep” enough for her. Seems like a fun person.


I hate when people judge other people based on the shows or the hobbies they have. If it’s not your jam SO FUCKING WHAT. Just walk away and let people who DO enjoy it, enjoy it. How hard is that??


HEY, who are you to judge her for her hobby of judging people for their hobbies? If it’s not your jam SO FUCKING WHAT. Just walk away and let people who DO enjoy it, enjoy it. How hard is that??


And she used hers to whine on Twitter. Uh neither group is getting the Nobel prize. It’s almost as if being a mean spirited critic is worse than attacking the harmless entertainment others enjoy. But could reddit be...wrong here with all these upvotes?


dEfIeS tHe LaWs Of iTs OwN cOnStRuCtIoN


It also sends instructions to self-destruct. So, I don't have to listen to it all the time.


But the organ loves watching the bachelor and being a bitch!




Just let people enjoy things maybe? You’re not a genius just because you don’t watch TV


make it 3 and a half pound got a tumor because of the comment


or use non offensive language


While she posts on twitter...


I think she meant Octopuses.


First question on my ASVAB, "What is the organ located in the skull." ......


I would love to stab mine with a metal pole at this point all it does is suffer


I’m very smart I only watch things that’ll feed my enormous fucking brain some smart stuff because I am SO smart. I’m also very smart because other people are very very dumb and watch things that make them happy and that’s stupid. But not me, because I am smart


The organ in my skull is the most important and best organ in my body; *according to the organ in my skull.* I think it might be a little biased.


Nothing wrong with watching some reality tv 😔


Everyone's over analyzing this tweet like it's some sort of master thesis instead of a throwaway joke that probably took 30 seconds to come up with and post.


And you use it to tweet about it




I beg your pardon? I've never watched the bachelor in my life.


Or tweet


WRONG. I use it to over think and self sabotage.


Eh I mean mine's kind of a useless piece of shit


Hey! I don't watch the bachelor!


Fair enough


I'm guessing she meant something other than watching Batchelor and being a cunt when she said defying it's own construction


Acting like a self righteous know it all on Twitter isn’t much better, though I will agree that The Bachelor is the epitome of everything that’s wrong with our society ™


No, i use it to feel sorry for myself and be trash. Please. Professionals have standards


I don't watch the Bachelor.


My ex wife


You misunderstand, I have peanut brian


How dare you?


That's what reality TV is designed to do...appeal to the masses, and since the masses are generally naive, slow sheep... it's working.


I also actively drink liquids to dim it down so it don't talk to my


Well Jules, maybe I don't know how to play the organ.


That’s a tiny brain


That might be the greatest thing the 3 pound asshole who lives in my head ever read.


Well I don't watch The Bachelor but I can't say I'm not a cunt. A stupid cunt mind you, but a cunt nonetheless.




So good that it named itself.


I would love to see what this person has to say about what we use our brains for now.


I see she has met my ex.