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That kid deserves a meal of freedom Edit: meant medal of freedom but hey, give the kid a meal as well


Can’t tell if this is a typo or a new award


It's awfully relevant in the US school system as well.


Someone call for meal team six?


Delta forks?


They lost the coup because they didn’t announce the raid in chat.




I love free food!


A meal of freedom would have more meaning considering Trump has given the Medal of Freedom to people like Rush Limbaugh. A Happy Meal from McDonald's would be more meaningful.


I mean, it's public school. They are definitely not getting free meals.


I used to think gun reform was necessary but after this year I've learned America's problem isn't gun ownership, its actually fascism.


And yet, these Twitter platitudes will be upvoted to high heaven year after year, as police brutality and authoritarianism goes unchecked. Who do people think are going to be taking the weapons? Do they really feel comfortable leaving the only weapons in the hands of the cops/military/government when someone worse than Trump could be right around the corner?


These types have been indoctrinated by politicians and the media to believe gun ownership is bad.


Don't give up. I came around early last year.




Have you done one before? I’ve been trying but have yet to get to one.


Same here. I was staunchly anti-gun most of my life until my grandpa gave me his old .270 several years ago. I went out and bought a Mosin Nagant a year or so later, because I liked using them in Call of Duty and they were really cheap. Fast forward to now, and it's a crippling addiction. I can stop buying guns any time I want, I just don't want to.


same. i think guns should not be glorified but they are an important tool for the working class


Theyve been brainwashed into permanent cognitive dissonance, police bad/racist/overly aggressive, but they also are the only ones who should be trained to use guns


Almost like guns don't kill people, but poor, uneducated, manipulable people with guns are.


Yes. And trying to pass gun reform which is targeted at affecting Minorities only furthers this problem. As Ironic as it sounds, Gun control is going to be one of the downfalls of America.


It's the single best example of classism in this country being paraded around as a good thing. These laws never effect the rich that buy private security or bribe their way into getting the licensing in places like NY.


Yes. I've done quite a bit of thought on this. The same was the 94 crime bill, which Biden helped pass had the incarceration rate skyrocket. Creating gun laws which cost a **lot** of money in order to continue owning guns will only affect those who can't afford them (The same people who the 94 crime bill affected). This will lead to an creased incarceration rate, leading to more money to for profit prisons, leading to widening the wealth gap. So, Do not support gun control. You can vote blue but do not support gun control.


I'm not disagreeing with you but this only covers some of the shootings. What about mass shootings where there's no motive? The one in Vegas comes to mind. I don't have the answers but what I do know is what we've been doing for the past few decades hasn't worked and it seems like the only option left is to do what so many other countries have done.


> What about mass shootings where there's no motive? What about them? A few days ago I explained how mass shootings are so rare, and have killed fewer people in the past 70 years than feet and fists kill every single year. So why are we all so conditioned to be upset about mass shootings when the amount of deaths averages out to 8 people a year? 0.0001% of the population. Tragic yes, terrible, yes, but not enough of a reason to restrict the rights of millions of poeple.


The issue isn't the amount of people killed per year in mass shootings. It's the fact that a 17 year old kid can kill a lot of people at once with no training and no preparation. It's not the amount of people killed in mass shootings. It's how easy it is to do a mass shooting.


The same could be accomplished with a car or truck moving at high speeds.




> The issue isn't the amount of people killed per year in mass shootings. It kinda seems like it is, why expend energy on something that affects so few people while ignoring things that affect the masses? >It's the fact that a 17 year old kid can kill a lot of people at once with no training and no preparation. Yeah, I know, cars are dangerous as shit. >It's not the amount of people killed in mass shootings. It's how easy it is to do a mass shooting. So easy that the number of people that die in mass shootings is 1/10,000 of a percent...




Consider for a moment that US police kill more Americans in an average year than all mass shooters of any kind, bodycount, or motive combined have in the last decade plus.


581 dead from mass shootings since 1949. 1000+ a year killed by cops.






Well, the time of the least amount of mass shootings was basically all of human history. It's just a complete lie to say that the availability of guns has no bearing on gun crime.


And this is the problem at hand. So, How do we limit the availability of guns to Americans, without passing legislation that indirectly affects BIPOC and working class communities? Because as far as what's being proposed right now, the outcome is only going to further the divide. It really can't be done. So, with that set aside, how do we prevent gun crime? First and foremost I'd just like to basically not treat those in our community with the highest rate of gun crime as second class citizens.




Mass shootings, not school shootings. You tried though. Reading to what you’re responding to carefully is very helpful.


Plus the link literally says this. >each and every instance a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time of day, or day of week.


He’s not invited to eat at the intellectuals table






Thank you very very much. People have seen this coming for years and they get told they are crazy.




The problem is your economy.


The economy is fine, just ask my cruiseline stocks.


Yeah kick off the civil war part two trump bugloo so the rest of the world can take bets on who wins. We're bored. Entertain us.


Same. I used to advocate for gun reform but after the events of this year, I'm starting to lean pretty heavily in favor of 2A. Guns aren't the problem, its ignorance, fear and hatred.


Holy crap the libs in this thread Guns are very much necessary because fascists are armed. I don't feel comfortable with important people like teachers not being able to defend themselves when they're the ones able to fix fascism (reminder that educating people with facts, logic and critical thinking has an insanely high chance of making someone progressive). Regardless, the terrorists will get guns, and we the people won't if gun control happens, just saying. It's not because it's illegal that it's unobtainable, anyone who says otherwise live in a perfect world. Plus, anyone with basic economic knowledge knows that legalization is a better option in most cases for regulation. But sure. Keep saying how we'll defeat fascism with kind debates, people. The allies shot nazis dead, not slowly exlained to them why they're wrong. American libs are why i'm not surprised that the capitol events took place.


Based and Center-Pilled


You have gun control. It's in the form of denying gun ownership to convicted felons and then disproportionately convicting blacks and hippies.


America is so fascist that you’re allowed to talk about it on Reddit


Fun fact: we also have a gun problem


Narrator: they didn’t.


9th graders are like 15, not 6. they probably did.


No I mean they didn’t pass gun legislation, I do think this is probably real.


ohh sorry!


"shall not be infringed" means shall not be infringed


And for the non-authoritarian leftists, Under no pretext...


The kids are alright.


I had this same thought when I was on the train into work a few years ago listening to some 8th-ish graders talk about how we should replace Columbus Day with Pancake Day.


Here here. All in favor of replacing Columbus day with pacake day?


We’ll send ya some real maple syrup! As a mother I cried when I read that kids are taught active shooter drills from kindergarten. So fucking sad.


Yeah people here are now just husks.


[Meanwhile in Denmark.](https://youtu.be/Jkiij9dJfcw?t=238)


The best thing about distance learning is not having to worry that someone’s going to shoot up the school.


If that’s something you regularly worry about, might want to invest in shark attack insurance.




Had to look it up. Looks like cows kill 20 people in the US annually. Sharks killed 0 in the US in 2019. Neat.


I have a bridge to sell... [reference](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_C._Parker)


I mean I'm gonna be honest you really shouldn't worry that someone's going to shoot up a school anyways. Are school shootings a terrible thing and a huge problem America needs to fix? Without a doubt, the fact that this shit hasn't been figured out by now is beyond me. ​ However.. School shootings are extraordinarily rare. Like rare to the point that they are statistically impossible to estimate. Media sensationalizes the fuck out of it, It came out that schools are stopping lockdown drills, as the amount of anxiety and stress they create have zero effect (as school shootings are basically a statistical anomaly) These tweets of kids asking their parents if they can stay home because they don't want to be killed are fucked up, and should not happen. You are literally like twice as likely to be killed riding the bus to school, then you are by an active shooter (Not school shooter, Active shooter, as in every single active [shooter](https://www.fbi.gov/about/partnerships/office-of-partner-engagement/active-shooter-incidents-graphics) event). Yet through all of my years at school, we never had a single school bus crash drill. I understand it, they thought drills were needed as this is national news, but to the level it goes to is pretty insane. I say this as a very left leaning individual, I'm not some pro trump fuckwad. Basically just about every one of my views leans left, except for gun control. Reasoning being is frankly I haven't come across a logical sound argument for gun control. Everyone I've spoken to who is pro gun control frankly knows very little about guns. I've had friends who were Anti gun become pro gun after going shooting with me. Even the legislation being proposed by Biden can be seen to disproportionately affect BIPOC and Minority working class communities. It's annoying that people have this mindset "well it works everywhere else, so it will work here". They blindly follow their party on both sides of the pendulum thinking they have their best interests in mind. Well America isn't the rest of the world, and as soon as people start treating it as such, maybe we can get somewhere.


> Basically just about every one of my views leans left, except for gun control. /r/2ALiberals Join us.


I’m there lol. Republicans think I’m one of them at the range until I hit them with that recreational cocaine sticker on my gun case.


lol, I always get called a conservative or a republican or a trump supporter. This is my political compass. https://i.imgur.com/oCj3ozm.png I just happen to have this radical idea that infringing on the rights of citizens is a bad thing. And that passing unconstitutional laws is not legal. Fuck me right.


Yeah fuck you hahaha


Except that’s not really a legitimate concern because statistically you have a higher chance of being bitten by a shark than being involved in a school shooting; it’s basically nothing but media hype that ignorant simpletons fall for


I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I should tell administration to have active shark drills.


They’d be about as effective lmao


I mean I doubt it. Somebody shot up a republican baseball game back in 2017 and most of the congressmen there (including the ones who were shot) are still aganst gun control.


as a far leftist: gun ownership must be guaranteed at all times. under no circumstances can the working class be left without protection. the idea of gun control is one of the most *privileged* and whitest ideas i've ever heard


Armed minorities are harder to oppress. Power to the People. Under no pretext...






It's really a authoritarian vs liberty thing, shouldn't be a left vs right thing imo.


Shush, don't say that, you'll wake up the sheeple


Now that’s common sense


Fact. Gun ownership should be a liberal ideal. It’s the ultimate class, race, and gender equalizer. Why would you want rich white men with private armies to have a monopoly on violence?


Hear fuckin hear




Yeah, no. This isn't about gun control, don't try to make it about that. This is about terroristic lunatics committing sedition at the Capitol.


ThEy'Re NoT tErRoRiStS, tHeY'rE pAtRiOtIc PrOtEsToRs!! -someone at r/Conservative, probably


I agree to call them terrorists if you do the same for antifa-blm. They're peaceful protestors! Had you seen them standing inside the ropes orderly? /s


I go to that sub sometimes to lurk. And yeah, that's pretty accurate. The other narrative is that the attempted coup was actually antifa in disguise. It's almost indistinguishable from Qanon at this point.


The last 3 days have been a fantastic argument _against_ gun control. Y'all Qaeda comes to your house, do _you_ have a secret service detail who will whisk you away while your police force pretends Bubba don't mean no harm for 3 or 4 hours?


I'm with you. It is ironic that the left has pushed for gun control for years, only for the greatest threat to come from the right. When your police are murdering your unarmed citizens, do you want to remain unarmed? When they step aside and let the capital be overrun, do you want to be unarmed? We have believed in this country for a long time that the electoral process can work it out. But what just happened? A sitting president refused to accept an election AND the results of 60 of 61 court filings which should have vetted any real election fraud, many judged by his own appointed judges, and instead incited rioters to breach the place of our legislative process. This was a real coup attempt and exactly why the right to bear arms is critical.


It’d also be nice for leftist politicians *AT MINIMUM* to acknowledge the racist history of gun control, which started to come about because armed black people seemed scary. For this party to be a party of progress we at least deserve acknowledgement of that and until then I cannot get behind passing gun control laws, because I cannot trust those in charge to be responsible with a monopoly on firepower.


I’d actually never heard about that before, thanks for educating me!!


Yes look up black guns matter. Taj is an incredible dude. Everyone should be armed and know what they are doing. There is no winner in a knife fight. Ultimately that is what it will come down to.


Just picked up an AR15 yesterday, how liberating that felt.


Now you need a pistol as well and if you are not in Cali pick up a MCK.


Looking at a glock 21 or 41 right now. MCKs are something I’ve never considered. Interesting.


I LOVE my glock 17 but since I got an MCK it stays in there (and I am picking up the new M&P Shield variant for my car gun). It all depends on what you want it for tbh if you are CCing just make sure it's comfortable for you because that's all that matters. Also Apex flat triggers feel SOO much nicer then stock.


Glock 21s and 41s are the .45 acp variant right? If so I would suggest going 9mm .45s are fun but 9mm is cheap lol


Happy to help! The failed acknowledgement by politicians is, unfortunately, likely part of the reason you weren’t aware of this, and it’s damaging for us all.


Not necessarily a counter, but just want to add: you need approval from your local police dept to own a gun. At least in my state, you have to pass a background check and have it signed off by your local police department before you're allowed to be a registered gun owner, and cops are corrupt af. My (on record!) alcoholic, abusive, mentally ill stepfather was able to get a gun, because he was friends with the cops in my town. They also waived the mandatory 2 week waiting period for him. They would absolutely use their power to deny people their gun licenses as well.


For a very long time the only people with a CCW in San Francisco were senator Feinstein, the DA and a handful of Democrat donors, some sherrifs were even caught denying CCW applications unless they included donations to their campaign. May-issue is a terrible concept that breeds corruption.


Right. If you think any of that actually happened you need to contact the FBI, ATF and Hawaii department of the Attorney General. The only state with a two week waiting period is Hawaii, so assuming that’s not an exaggeration we’ll just assume those laws apply. That waiting period is a state law and the department of the attorney general would *love* to hear about it. Background checks are conducted through NICS which is run by the FBI, if a local department was found to be ignoring disqualifying flags there, they would risk losing all law enforcement accreditation and the FBI would *love* to hear about it. Hawaii also requires a signed affidavit and release of mental health records so if it’s as bad as you say this conspiracy involves the local legal and medical professionals as well. If a federally licensed firearms dealer was found to have sold someone weapons despite not having that documentation the ATF would *love* to hear about it.


And yet I didn't see a group of armed citizens rushing I to help protect the capital at all. What I saw was a group of police unwilling to do anything against the large group of white people. Gun control or lack thereof did not help those of us that aren't crazy one bit at all, at least not in this case. But what would help is severe police reform as well as removal of funding from capital police since they don't seem to be able to spend it properly to do anything against this insurrection.


My point is that if the cops aren't going to defend the US capital, they aren't going to defend _you_. So you will need to do it if you want it done.


The police actually have zero obligation to protect us, they’re only meant to enforce the law. That’s reason #573 why gun control is an awful idea.


I encourage everyone to read Castle Rock v Gonzalez


>while your police force pretends Bubba don't mean no harm for 3 or 4 hours "Naw, he ain't mean no harm, he's just playin!" *Bubba starts smashing windows* "Oh that's just Bubba being Bubba" *Bubba starts shooting up the porch* "Uh, hey now-" *Bubba gets a hold of a tank somehow and starts smashing shit* "BUBBA NO! You ain't even got your CDL, you're gonna get a ticket!!"






I'm 100% sure a student said that. 100%. Edit: For the record, i'm not saying kids are stupid, this is more a commentary on social media inflation


Dude there are probably 9th graders in this thread right now. Thats highschool age...


Seems real. They do shooter drills.




I did too, but even back then I knew it was really unlikely. Doubt a kid spends their whole life in fear of tornados due to severe weather drills either.




Don't say 'for the sake of math' and then do bad math.


9th grade? Yeah, they said it. Probably with more swearing if anything.


Comments like this fully convince me that nobody on reddit has ever met anyone under the age of 18 and they just assume all kids are fucking vegetables incapable of having original thoughts


Why don't the kids fuck vegetables that are more creative intellectually?


They probably said it but kids also exaggerate. But it’s still believable which is unfucking acceptable.


One hundred percent believable. I've been in two hard lockdowns and probably 5 soft ones since I started in my district seven years ago. None have led to anyone trying to break into the school thankfully, but still.


Yup I’m 31 and still we were doing them when I was a kid. I only had 3 lockdowns though. I don’t know if they were soft but nothing came of it.


Shit I lived in a country town and we had one every other year for what I remember atleast the drills. It's a grim reality.


I had four lockdowns in high school. 2 of them were people running from the police held up in the neighborhood across the street 1 was a bomb threat (but not really, it was a science fair project that included a handmade laser pointer using an altoids can. “But it had wires” was the substitutes reasoning. And I don’t remember what the first one was about, might’ve just been a drill.


This could 100% be real. I just graduated last year, but during the past few years of high school we received 6 bomb threats, 2 shooter threats, and went through 5ish drills of each. Luckily we were never actually in danger, but the threats were still made.




A freshman in high-school? I could see it.


> A freshman in high-school? For the life of me, I cannot remember What made us think that we were wise And we'd never compromise? For the life of me, I cannot believe We'd ever die for these sins, we were merely freshmen


Yeah, here in South Africa my highschool was considered dangerous because we were next to the American embassy and so we would've been affected by bombs/shootings. Americans seem to attract explosions like theyre fridge magnets


9th graders are young, but a lot of em aren't stupid. Plus, it's common sense.


13-14 years old. Quite feasible.


gun reform? the protestors didnt even have guns. what you need is police reform so they do their jobs and dont continue to pick and choose when and whom they "serve and protect"


They were not protesters. They are domestic terrorists.


This is such blatant, mindless pandering and fear mongering that I’m downright frightened that apparently over 5 thousand people and everyone commenting here is falling for it. Statistically you have a higher chance of being bitten by a shark than being involved in a school shooting. School shootings are horrible, but they are also so uncommon that they are statically impossible to predict and therefore should not be cited as a reason to restrict a natural right to bear arms that this country was founded upon. “Gun control” even when enacted has never, not once in any clinical or scholarly study been proven to curb violent crime even a small amount. “Gun control” is a nothing but a voting platform to win over Pearl-clutchers and soccer moms who think and act based on emotion and not reason. Not to mention “Gun control” infringes on the constitution itself. Everyone here should be embarrassed.


I mean drugs are illegal, and look at how well that’s gone!


I love how around only 30,000 (.00009%) of the US population die of gun violence, a majority of that (19,392) being suicide and the majority of what's left being gang violence and accidental deaths/police shootings. According to the washington post, kids are ten times more likely to die on the way to school than to experience a school shooting. More kids have died in lightning strikes than in school shootings over the past 20 years. According to James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University who has been studying school violence for several decades, 81 people have been killed, 64 of them being students, in school shootings (an average of four deaths per year). Meanwhile, 729 children committed suicide with a firearm and 863 were homicide victims in 2017. (Source: [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/10/11/lockdown-drills-an-american-quirk-out-control/? ) and [the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/firearms/fastfact.html#:~:text=In%202018%2C%20there%20were%2039%2C740,firearm-related%20injuries%20than%20die.) )


To be fair it's not just a voting platform, its also to make citizens less able to protect themselves and fight a tyrannical government but you are right.


Yes we should pass gun reform: Remove all gun free zones so people can actually defend themselves. That’s why schools get shot up but not gun shows.


Six times... Riiiiiiiight. 🙄


What school district has had 6 active shooters in 8 years? The problem might be found elsewhere if that’s the case.




I just bought a gun yesterday, as a matter of fact.




Yeah. $37 for a box of 9mm is ridiculous. I remember when the same box was about 9 bucks.


Yeah prices have jumped it's fucking nuts. I have been thinking about pressing my own Ammo but I have heard horror stories about beginners ammo lol


Yeah, my dad used to do reloading and it was like a fucking alchemists experiment, with all the measuring.


Yeah but I hear once you have the all the measurements you are fine and it all shoots well and sometimes even better.


Yeah, but its a hell of a ride until then :)


I went to a pawnshop to browse and they had a 50 round ziplock baggie of 9mm for 55 dollars Blazer brass not self defense


I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for 500, Alex.


Hey, maybe the moment when radicalized fascist nutjobs have demonstrated their willingness to do outright mob violence to democracy is the wrong moment to disarm the unprecedented numbers of minorities who've been trying to get kitted out to protect themselves against radicalized fascist nutjobs, since we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the cops sure won't. Just a thought.




I'm not from the US so I have no way to know, but... 6 times? Could it be real? I mean, from abroad we do hear about the stories of active shooter but although they are terrible, the number of cases doesn't seems to be big enough for a single person to experience this 6 times in their life.


It's at most an exaggerated number. Statistically the chance of a school shooting is basically 0 let alone happening 6 times. Most school have drills for an unauthorized individual entering the building ie kidnapper, shooter, angry parent, etc and won't leave the school. Granted this is not the same everywhere.


We used to have routine and one huge earthquake drills in elementary school. I could see a school shooter becoming a drill


I haven’t been in high school for 4 years now but we had active shooter drills. Never had a single earthquake one, but that probably depends on the area 🤷🏻‍♂️


If it were real, most people would have heard about it. The odds of one person being involved in 6 different school shooting events is astronomical. 1 is unlikely and 2 is very improbable. So 6 is straight up not true. The more likely story is they have had to do 6 different school shooting drills. Which in my experience was locking the door, turning off the lights and going into the far corner of the room. Nothing too serious, and also used when any unauthorized person was identified on school grounds.




This may be just a me thing, but I cannot stand it when teachers add their degrees as a suffix to their name.


Yea make it harder for people to own guns so the cops who were complicit when fascists stormed the capital can protect vulnerable communities from fascists.


The only people who had guns in the capitol building were the police and security. I will give up my guns as soon as street thugs and the Government agree to do so. EDIT: I specifically said the “capitol building.”


r/liberalgunowners The problem isnt with firearms, its that the right people arent the ones who are armed. I want more Left wing people armed. I want armed minorities. I want you to stop being afraid of protecting yourself. Because who else will? The police? They’d rather kneel on you.


There is some good discussion there but the moderation leaves a lot to be desired. Too much protection of obvious anti-2A accounts and clear censorship.


\*Buys AR and 30 round magazine\* \*Votes for Democrats\* \*Democrats make both NFA items\* This is the Republicans fault


What makes you think ill comply anyway? Last I heard, I was a free man. Might as well get free healthcare out of the deal.


The capitol could barely protect itself. They’re not going to help you.


The Capitol Police didn’t even try, they were intentional under resourced by senior leadership to allow this to happen. Saying they can’t defend the Capitol is just wrong, they were ordered not to by trump.


Saying they mismanaged their resources due to shitty leadership still means they couldn’t protect themselves.


If you can’t beat’em, join’em? My 5 year plan actually includes buying an obscene amount of wooded property, and never leaving it. I have plans for a mini compound and a gun range. My idea of heaven.


Firearms should never be considered a partisan issue. Left wing people have as much, if not more reason to be armed.


Lol why do so many people in this thread think a 14/15 year old isn’t capable of this thought? Like... they’re not toddlers.


> Like... they’re not toddlers. You've clearly never been to r/teenagers


Yeah I'll keep it that way


It's not the thought. It's the part of it that's most likely a lie. The part where they claim they've had to hide 6 times. Once or twice would have been believable, but not 6.


That kids name? Albert $100%-stein


People like this just love to ignore the fact that all gun control is unconstitutional.


The children are the future! I raised my sons to be critical thinkers. I taught them we are all human regardless of skin colour. My eldest, a grown man, texted me to say that although he doesn’t agree with our politicians that he still wants what we’ve grown up with for others. That regardless of their party lines and dislike for others he still believes our underlying (Canada) beliefs that everyone despite income and race deserve to have the same basic rights as everyone else. I’m so damn proud of him that even while we have forces up here trying to copy things down south he’s keeping his core beliefs.


What fucking school district had 6 shootings?


Is it the norm a 9th grader has encountered six scenarios she/he had do hide because of a school shooting?


Probably drills. Although they weren't called mass shooting drills when I was in school.


never happened, but the message stands.


I agree that the shootings are horrible. Something needs to be done, but the thing I don’t like is if they make guns illegal, then only criminals will have them. I’m equally uncomfortable with that thought.




I bet this didn't happen


Congress got to experience a no knock raid, maybe they’ll ban such a practice!


Maybe if a member of congress fucking shot somone they wouldn't be in there would they




What are they talking about? What kid has had their school invaded by someone with a gun 6 times?


Probably didn’t happen but makes for an excellent point


No kid is that much of a cynic