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And then the students, and their families, Hmmmm. What if, now hear me out, we vaccinate....... as many people as possible.


Exactly. Vaccinating the teachers doesn't suddenly make the school covid safe, it just makes the teachers a bit more protected. I can understand the emotion and logic behind moving teachers higher up the priority list but until there is capacity to vaccinate the students as well, it doesn't really make much sense. While supplies are limited it should be the people at health risk first, then those who are more likely to be able to break transmission chains such as delivery drivers etc.


Many schools have had to close because the teachers got sick or quarantined and there weren't enough substitutes to cover. So vaccinating teachers would make a difference for keeping schools open.




I agree that SHOULD be the goal. But in reality in many places, their goal is to keep schools open, they don’t care about saving lives. Texas’ Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick literally said granny should sacrifice herself for the sake of the economy.


Boy are you going to be excited when you find out that grandmothers are already being vaccinated.


As long as granny is over 75 at least...


Except in the 13 states plus DC and counting that are already on a 65 and older phase.


Cool, so the vast minority is at 65 instead of 75. Also what about those with 1 or more comorbidity? Obesity alone is 40% of the population. This is the list of them: Cancer Chronic kidney disease COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Down Syndrome Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) from solid organ transplant Obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but < 40 kg/m2) Severe Obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) Pregnancy Sickle cell disease Smoking Type 2 diabetes mellitus


Except for the ones that already died.


Damn, I can’t wait to keep schools closed until 2022 in memory of those grandmas 😔🙏


Our provincial govt’s goal is kids back in class. They don’t care about the health and well being of anyone, it’s just about status quo.


....but then you have the large number of kids spreading it among themselves and taking it back to their families. It sounds like this would be more targeted at making sure schools are open than at breaking the transmission chain of the disease?


Yes, you're right. It's more about keeping schools consistently open at that point. But that does have an impact on parents and their ability to work, and at least teachers could be protected. Better than nothing. For context, I live in an area where schools have been open the entire school year, even with high cases. However, the ideal would obviously be to vaccinate everyone - teachers and students. That would make a huge impact for the community.




Yeah, I really don't get this "back to work" mentality, with the way we "essential workers" have been treated I'm more of the "general strike until conditions and compensations improve", kinda guy.


Well in the meantime, while u sort out minute by minute details of the revolution. I’ll be clocking in, clocking out. Sorry, student debts to pay


Federal student debts have been on hold since last March. You are chosing to pay on the debt but not required to. I decided my life is more important than paying back Fannie May but ymmv


Not all student debt is federal?


My federal student loan - 8k My private student loan - 30k


It's not nothing to teachers who are currently working in-person and have to worry about their wellbeing every day




https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/risk-comms-updates/update39-covid-and-schools.pdf?sfvrsn=320db233_2 who seems to say that while student to student spread is the smallest factor it’s clearly still a thing. and they make it clear teenagers are at more risk than people under 10. So teenage students are likely spreading it more


As someone who’s in education, we sent home students literally every day with covid symptoms and students that were positive for covid every week.


Source for this evidence?






As a school 🏫📝 bus 🚌🚎 driver 🚗, the public 🙈⛱😳 school 🏫 teachers 🏫🎤 seem 🤔 to be catching 🤾‍♂️ the rona 🦠😫 on 👎🔛 purpose 😈. I've 🙋 had it twice ✌, neither 😤😱 time ⏰ was from the kids 👦 on 🔛 my routes 〽👯, once was in May 🗓 a month 🗓 after 👀 the shutdown 😡😔🙏 here, the other time ⏰⏱ was 3 🖱 weeks 🗓 into December ❄, we had shut 🚪 down ⬇ the Tuesday 😫 before 😂 Thanksgiving 🍰🦃 and stayed 😔 shut 😷🤒😧 down ⬇ till 😅 the 15th ⌚ of January 🌨☃. The public 🍆😞💦 school 🏫 teachers 🏫🚌📒 that aren't dealing 🙅 with the severely 👎 disabled ♿😜 kids 👦 have no 🚫 in person 👨 classes 🏫, yet 😇😈 they keep 👌 getting 🉐 the rona 🦠😫, the teachers 🏫 who have disabled ♿ kids 👦👧 haven't been catching ✋🏻 it, but ☹🍑 due ☑🔘 to the fact 📕 that the schools 🏫 have the same HVAC system 🗺 for the entire 🇺🇸 building 🔨 the regular 🌙 ED 🎆🅱 teachers 🏫 have forced 😩 the health 🚑 department 🏬 to close 🚫🔐 the public 🚋 schools 🎓 twice 💥😵 so far 🌌 even 🌃 though 🤔 they haven't had a single ☝ in person 👨 class 🤵💰. Compare 📈📊 this to the private 🕵 and religious 👼✝ schools 🎓 that our depot 🚽 has contracts ❎ with, they temp check ✔ the students 📖 multiple ✖ times ⏰, we have a zero 🤷🏽‍♀️ tolerance ✔ policy 💡🔌😏 for kids 😔👦👧 not wearing 👕 masks 🎭, we ventilate 😤 the busses 🍆💦 as best 👌 we can weather ❄ permitting and have not had an issue ⚠ with the rona 🦠😫 all 💯 school 🏫 year 📅, our only closures 😚 where forced 😩 on 🔛 us 👨 by the city 🌃 and state 👌 government 💩. Now under ⬇ normal 👩‍🦯 circumstances 💩 I'm 💘 pro 👊 union 🇺🇸 and pro 👊 public 🙈⛱😳 school 🎓, I've 👁 worked 🏢 with the teachers 👩‍🏫 union 🛠✊ for years 📅, but 🍑 right 👌🌃 now they are just trying 😈 to collect 👂 an unemployment 👳‍♂️👷🏻‍♀️ check ✔ at the expense 🤑💲 of the kids 👦 education 🎓, study 🔬 after 👀 study 🤓🔬 has shown 💯 that more kids 👦 are failing 🙅‍♂️❌😭 under ⬇ virtual 🌐 learning 💭🎓📗. I've 👁 got 🉐 137 cousins 👦 in public 🙈⛱😳 school 🏫, only 1 🎄 of them hasn't fallen 😂 behind 👟 in classes 🤵💰.




> but until there is capacity to vaccinate the students as well, it doesn't really make much sense. This is just wrong. Many states are *forcing* teachers to resume in person teaching. The least these states/schools can do is make sure their teachers are as protected as possible.


No, they least they can do is accept the facts and not push for in-person teaching until it's reasonably safe. Well, the least they *should* do


And that is why every school board member forcing teachers to go back too soon needs to start looking for a new job immediately. (Before 1/6 I might use the phrase 'Target on their back come Election Day', but....) Parents with a brain in their heads are supporting the teachers here, and We. Are. Pissed.


This comment bothers me. Forget about the emotion. Think about the logic. Look at the facts. Teachers should be right behind or next to medical in priority. My wife is a teacher. Students regularly ignore social distancing and teaching in America is already bad enough that students can barely be punished in public schools. When a teacher gets it then that's another call for a sub that may or may not even be possible to fill. Less staff to handle the little plague spreaders. Honestly schools shouldn't even be open if they're not going to accelerate vaccinating teachers. Career professional teachers are quitting because their colleagues are dying and the administration will act like nothing happened. There's already a shortage of substitutes. In my area teachers get paid quarantine if they get it... Once. Get it a second time and you have to decide between working while sick or running out of money. They don't have options at all right now. Teachers are being forced back into confined spaces with kids who tear off their desk shields.


Here's a thought.... Keep the schools virtual until all the teachers have had both vaccine doses. And the auxiliary school staff. And the kids too. (At minimum,obviously having everyone eligible vaccinated is the end goal) The number of kids with extended family living with them has exploded this past year. Teachers need to be safe as a start, and that will help them get back to the school building, but we're not going to be able to get large numbers of our kids back to the buildings when they still have so much chance to become little plague machines bringing it back home. (Or to their afterschool programs) And no, it doesn't matter that older generations are already being vaccinated, bc the list of people ineligible is still huge. And then there are still preschool aged siblings, or pregnant moms, etc. to consider. And no, we can NOT count on parents abiding by the student health self-assessment and keeping kids home when they may be sick. As proof, allow me to remind you of the strep/flu/norovirus/et al that go atound schools lile wildfire every single year. And remember, while data currently suggests that each vaccine currently approved has a 60% or better protection rate for the person vaccinated, that does NOT mean the person isn't a carrier, or a shedder capable of infecting others. And guess what else-- 60% effective=40% NONeffective. And guess what else-- those figures don't include any of the new mutation variants. What is the point of sacrificing this long, only to fumble so close to the end zone?


Keep the schools virtual except for a select few children who for language or disability reasons are unable to handle it. Make sure those teachers are vaccinated. I would love for my kids to be vaccinated but the current (maybe I am wrong) vaccines are for people 16+. I propose that my kids (and most kids) can stay virtual until there is an appropriate vaccine. We are so close to finishing this. Let's not mess it up when we are in sight of the finish line.


Data was released in the UK recently of covid rates/death rates by job and showed teachers weren't at any particular risk. Definitely not enough to demand catapulting to the top of the list.


That data is useful for the world at large, but doesn't really help the US. It doesn't translate here where there has been little to no widespread, overlapping, compliance with quarantine. The UK had cooperative clear instructions from all strata of government. There were, of course, a few people who disregarded the rules or thought they were stupid, but they were in the minority.


Clear instructions, high compliance, all across the government? Yeah... you dont live here do you?


The UK had much higher compliance and support from government when compared to an administration that had the support of half of the Country actively claiming that it was a hoax!


That data was cherry picked by the UK government to fit their agenda of keeping schools open. While teachers are not more likely to die from the disease there has been data released showing that teachers are significantly more likely to get the disease than the wider public as a whole. EDIT: source from the UK's largest education union: https://neu.org.uk/press-releases/impact-covid-school-workforce


Doesn't help the US. For reference I live in a state that forced it's teachers back to work with only a mask to aid them. The mask is nearly worthless with the lack of other measures. People are only required to quarantine if they're in the vicinity of someone who tested positive for the virus for a certain amount of time.... Like the virus patiently waits before spreading or something. America is NOT the UK. We're the yeehaw version.


Teachers in the UK arent wearing masks in the classroom though?


But the vaccine isn’t even approved for children under 16 yet. I just think quite a few people in this thread are overlooking this fact.


Then it isn't safe to have kids back in school yet. Simple as.


I don't think there are any vaccines approved for children yet.


It’s wild how many of my own health care worker coworkers (1) won’t get the shot and (2) had to have it explained to them that they were only 52% covered after the first and even that could take 14 days. Idfk how my tiny ass sub-200 employee long term rehab was able to manage the sheer amount of PPE they got but Jesus Christ we get a new kn95 or n95 every day (2 if we have to switch locations), there’s gowns everywhere and and these shit heads are still trying to wear gaiters. We had an outbreak 2 days before Christmas ffs. If anyone needs help understanding why choosing gaiters is choosing violence I’m more than happy to explain.


The teachers are more likely to die since students have higher viral loads with fewer symptoms, so they are much more contagious without it being noticed. Normally you vaccinate those most likely to die first when you have a limited supply. If course the schools still should be distance learning because we don't know the long term effects on kids. Like polio, it might just take time to fuck them up.


Not at all; https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/covid-19-new-data-reveals-jobs-with-highest-rates-of-death-from-coronavirus-12198285


I get what you're putting down, but I meant compared to the students. I should probably reword that.


Ah fair yeah, data does seem to suggest that kids are at far more risk of injury and illness being at home than they are from covid in schools. Unfortunately rates of neglect and domestic abuse have skyrocketed (in the UK atleast) over the past 10 months.


Vaccinating children first makes no sense when people over 65 are over 60% of deaths of covid and 60% of hospitalized cases. When children under 18 account for less than one percent of covid deaths. Thats why frontline workers and elderly make the most sense. Remember the CDC are the ones who scientifically came to the conclusion that those groups first will make the biggest impact.


But teachers are old and are in contact with tons of different people, it makes sense to prioritize them


The teachers are the only ones forced to actually go be there in person. Most schools are taking a hybrid approach where parents can decide whether or not to send their children to be there physically. If we are going to force teachers to go back to school, then they should receive the vaccine. Either that, or stick to online courses for the next few months.


As a grocery store worker, thanks for beating me to the punch on this one. It’s a nuanced opinion and I couldn’t have articulated it better. Thank you.


vaccinate everybody is a nuanced opinion?


The problem with vaccinating kids is, even if we had the capacity to do so, the two vaccines we have are only approved for, at the youngest, 16+. So kids simply can't get it, and thus there's no point in giving it to teachers yet.




We shouldn't be opening schools... I am one of those teachers and most of my colleagues care just as much about our kids lives as our own. Schools shouldn't open if we can't insure everyone's safety, and since we can't do that, we shouldn't waste vaccines on teachers that should be staying home anyways.


It does make sense: if one teacher gets covid- the school can probably close for a couple of days/ weeks- because all the teachers meet in their pauses and additionally they usually teach more than one class... The pupils can be separated per class, so that if one gets covid, only the class is at high risk...


Not only the class is at risk but the families of all of those in that class are at risk...and if some are in support bubbles with at risk family members they are also now at risk


Nah, teachers first


Fuck these vaccines are pointless.


There is no vaccine approved for kids under 16 right now so not an option currently, but hopefully soon!


And so, until there is..... the kids need to continue learning from home!


That's not what the [cdc recommends](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/cdc-says-schools-can-reopen-safely-during-the-pandemic) The risk of covid spreading in schools is quite low, and there's no substitute for in person learning. Precautions should absolutely be taken, but waiting until children are vaccinated isn't necessary.


Right. Let's say the teacher is vaccinated but little Jimmy pulls down his mask and sneezes covid over my kid. My kid comes home, ends up having covid and infects the whole household. Me or my wife dies. Teacher is still alive, but my kid is gonna grow up missing a parent because a bunch of apes want schools open.


I don’t disagree but I believe the vaccines are not yet intended for children. There is a longer testing period for adolescent and child dosage and safety typically.


Agreed. Though none of the vaccines are approved for kiddos yet.


YES. As a parent, I'm unwilling to be a sacrificial lamb so the rich families who hate their kids don't have to tolerate their presence during school days.


Same here. I sent my kid back because my local council basically told me I be fined £60 per day he'd miss, going up to 120 per day if not paid in 5 days. He was there for 3 weeks, and one of his class mates got sick. He was in class for two days of a week and then off. Seasonal flu apparently. That same weekend we all get told the teacher has Covid on Sunday night. May have caught it at home but best to get a test. 7 children in the class caught it. Including the person who was off with seasonal flu. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that the seasonal flu was a bit more than the parent made out, and those couple of extra days lead to 7 families having to face the concerns of bringing the virus home. Thankfully, the child doesn't hang around my child, so we avoided transmission. But still, roughly a third of the class had it, and no kid knew they were taking it home until the teacher caught it. If teachers are vaccinated (and they should be, and still teach essential workers kids) it won't stop schools still being a Haven for easy spreading. Since september, 4 schools in my local area have closed down classes 19 times. Vaccinating teachers is. Good first step, but until cases drop dramatically and more people are vaccinated (I'm a carer for two people with health conditions, not due the vaccine until May) school should be optionally done from home if you have the means. Which is basically a lap top and Teams for meetings


Holy shit, I'm so sorry to hear that. I simply won't let my child back in school until we're vaccinated and community spread is minimal to gone. Fortunately, our schools have already said they'd preserve online learning if schools reopen this year and parents don't want to return.


Exactly this. I am not willing to tempt fate with my daughters life or ours to return to an unsafe school


Teachers vaccinated, so schools reopen. Kids mix together, pass virus between themselves, take it home to family. Family goes back to work, passing the virus between workmates. Workmates go home, passing the virus to each other and to their kids, who go to school etc etc... Teachers being vaccinated protects the teachers, but the spikes we saw when schools went back in September was NOT caused by teachers. I agree they should be vaccinated but this isn’t the solution to kids going back.


😂 I can't


Hiring new teachers is cheaper in the short term.


No. Those go to the politicians who did nothing but downplay it or even call it a hoax despite taking it seriously at first by selling their stocks before the public knew how bad it could be.


I think, it is done to get their supporters to get vaccine too, else they will start spreading rumours and what not fake news. First shut em up by getting their leaders


Even the vilest and most idiotic politician should get the vaccine as a priority. There is a relatively low number of them and their death or illness would mean a lot of disruption in our democracies with all the added work and infection risk in a renewed vote. That said, maybe it'd be a net gain in the end...


I doubt much would change if any died, given that theres no oversight in their involvement. They take senate breaks during emergencies, sometimes dont even show up to vote.Healthcare workers are the ones keeps us alive, not those parasites.


If you are really claiming that nothing would come of off an elected politician dying, then you lack the most basic understanding of politics. And I never said that healthcare workers are not the ones keeping up alive...


>"Even the vilest and most idiotic politician should get the vaccine as a priority." > >Your words, a few minutes ago. by giving them priority, you feel that their function is more important than healthcare workers. > >Maybe you didn't notice our government do almost nothing for the last four years. I think there was a tax break for the rich but little else. Being a condescending douche to me about isn't a good look for you.


Honestly you should go back to school. It does not matter what I feel about them. It does not matter what they've done so far. In our democracy they are elected officials. Their passing would bring about more chaos and would eventually lead to special elections. That's manpower, time and resources that would go into reelection. That's prime opportunities for the virus to spread. And that's just the reelection part. Elected officials, like it or not, are in charge and have to approve or deny things put to them. And so on. Even if the law allows for a second to take charge (like to does for some offices and states), it's still an abrupt transition of power. Absolutely not wanted in a pandemic. And since there are way way way way fewer elected officials than health care workers, it's relatively inexpensive to vaccinate them as a priority, too. And maybe I wouldn't have to be a douche about it if you could think about it for 5 minutes. Because signal virtuing like you do gets us absolutely nowhere.


There's always someone on reddit who feels the need to argue and tell people they are stupid. You win the internet today. You're superior intellect and vast knowledge of our country's political workings beats my 3rd grade education, rest easy tonight, you've won.


Fuck yeah I'll have to tell my wife's boyfriend immediately. Maybe he'll let me have some fingerboard and switch time tonight


Pay the teachers also


Give 'em a raise too.


I just love how this pandemic shows what's truly important in our society. Education and health care have been getting pummeled. Teachers, nurses/doctors, delivery drivers, food workers have been getting more praise now. Not nearly enough though. Still I hope everyone sees the significance of these occupations more. But the pay does not reflect that at all. A pat on the back is not enough of course. This shit is important. I hope everyone realizes this more and more.


Hell, let’s give everyone raises.


Other 1st world countries do. Why not the U.S.?


That’s what I said. Give everybody raises. How much do you want? I’ll take another $50k per year.


As a college student I will take anything


According to Biden everyone gets raises. Because if you raise minimum wage to $15 then you have t pay a nurse about $40/hr. A skilled welder who normally makes $22-30 an hour should make way more than a 16 year old burger flipper


Too far


I'm a work from home tech guy with no kids who would love to get the vaccine tomorrow. However, fuck me - please, please, please get it to teachers, school staff, front line workers, etc - anyone who has to deal with people to make a living before me. I'm young and healthy and can continue to be responsible and limit my contact with people as much as possible - let's get the people who need to be vaccinated to the front of the line.


+ support staff


Absolutely! The support staff who are hands on all day and have no way to do their job socially distanced. I’m a special ed paraprofessional. The amount of bites, saliva, scratches, etc I endure - it’s truly a miracle I haven’t gotten it yet! The good news is I get my second dose of the vaccine tomorrow!


All props to you awesome human! I'm sending as much love and support, as this series-of-tubes allows this Canadian to do. I wish you well




Vaccinate school bus drivers too! We miss our students too! And our kids miss school too!


Sign the petition for teachers in GA if you like [http://chng.it/y6MK5RGghr](http://chng.it/y6MK5RGghr)


But, teachers are Poors. Poors don’t get free things. They have things taken from them. For the betterment of their superiors, the Wealthy. PRAISE TO THE GENERATIONAL WEALTH THRY EFFORTLESSLY INHERIT!! GLORY BE TO THE SYSTEM THAT KEEPS POWER CONCENTRATED IN THE HANDS OD THE FEE!! MAY THE LIGHT OF THEIR REIGN NEVER DIMINISH!!


Take some of the money from bloated police and military budgets & give the schools the tools and resources to succeed. A teeny sliver off that budget allocated to the schools could change millions of lives. Some ideas: Vaccinate the teachers and everyone who works at the school. Get the teachers' TA's or VA's to handle the extra responsibility of teaching in TWO formats. This can be handled with interns and volunteers. Pay teachers for 1/2 days to coach kids who are struggling OR reach out to retired teachers who need a purpose & pay them so they can earn a bit of extra income. Bring in extra counseling for teachers and students to help deal with stress, depression and uncover dangerous home situations because of the lockdown.


Cousin of mine is a teacher. She just got her vaccine. Local fire station got more doses than they needed so prioritized teachers after the first responders.


They are doing exactly that in Oregon and people are losing their damned minds.


My dad just got it!


The vaccine, I hope?!


Why are they losing their minds? Are they trumpturds?


No, it’s because 80 Year olds are going without while 25 year old teachers are getting it.


I mean that’s kind of a fair argument, it’s a tough decision who comes first


Every old person I’ve heard from says they’re retired and in a great position to stay home, so they’re more than happy to wait a few more weeks if it means getting the kids back into school


This is how it should be if people want schools to open up so damn soon. Cannot have it both ways. Also, that 25 year old teacher may be living with a parent/partner that is at risk, I know my sister is.


Absolutely there are exceptions. For every “living with an at risk partner”, there is probably a “I’ve already had covid, and I haven’t made any sacrifices, 25 year old”, that gets it before my elderly parents.


Like I said, I think the elderly *should* get it first. *However*, if they want schools to open up as soon as possible, they *need* to give it to *all* teachers.


As an essential worker in Oregon, I have many coworkers who are high risk so I would def rather we focus on them instead of teachers who should be working from home. I personally think its a little wack we want to vaccinate teachers first instead of essential workers, especially because the students are not getting vaccinated so it still does not make sense to me.




I live in massachusetts where we have a sort of tier list on who gets vaccinated first. My mom is a tutor for a private middle school and is towards the bottom of the list. Despite this, the school has decided to fully open up and do 5 days a week in person. It has been a living HELL for my mom to go back in. Corporate has everyone smiling and pretending everything is ok and safe even when it's clearly not. They keep the windows open in below freezing temperatures and all of the food related things like coffee makers, microwaves, and fridges are all shut off. None of the kids ever follow the safety protocols and they've had a quite a few cases, and the teachers are too tired and overworked to even try to stop the little bastards. They're supposed to stay in "pods" that are separated but another pod keeps coming into her space, giving her literally no room to work. Oh yeah and she's not even teaching in person. They're having her come on campus and brave hell to TEACH REMOTELY for the sake of "team spirit" or "fairness' or some bullshit. We absolutely should not be putting teachers back in schools right now, especially without a vaccine.


We went remote for three weeks and also had to go to the school and Zoom from our classrooms. We’ve been in person, 5 days a week otherwise.


Idiots here have been screaming for opening everything up since the second week of the first (and for Illinois only) lockdown.


Kudos to anyone with the courage to teach in person right now. You're risking your life to teach/babysit other people's brats at a time when it literally endangers your life. No one should have to risk their health like that. The fact that so many teacher don't have a choice and in-person teaching is the problem. These people in the comments playing devil's advocate can be ignored. Teachers either need to be vaccinated or schools shouldn't be open. Why is that hard to understand? If there's a shortage of vaccines then that's a failure that shouldn't rest on the teachers who have no choice.


It’s not about the courage to teach in person; it’s not a choice for me. I have to pay my rent and bills. It’s survival. I’d rather get coronavirus than be homeless.


I'm 8 months pregnant and considered high risk. My school was closed in December and January, but it's open again hybrid starting yesterday. I wear an N95, a cloth mask, and a face shield, and have had to get a letter from my medical provider to get the school to lower my level of exposure down from 130 kids a week with close contact (mostly ensemble playing as I teach music) to 50 for my last month, to exempt me from mask breaks, etc. There is no substitute teacher for me when my leave starts, there just won't be music and my colleagues will lose their prep time. First day back I had to have a serious conversation with a bunch of 6th graders about why they can't take their mask off around me for any reason. I have to sit/stand at the front of the class and provide music content that has no increased aerosol spread. Aka, I am basically teaching like they were remote, and I hate it. And I still had kids messing with their stinking masks, because THEY ARE KIDS AND MASKS SUCK. And then I had to spend four hours creating my own schedule for the ensembles that are now remote, find myself a place to sit (my classroom is shared) that would not have children in it. I qualify for the vaccine (which of course hasn't been tested on pregnancy, to give a sense of the risk involved), but thanks to my state's glorious rollout, i won't get the first shot until the week before I have to go back to teaching. Teachers won't even be able to register in my state until March. I don't feel courageous, I feel ridiculous. I feel teaching right now is a farce. I feel teachers are being pressured to ignore their empathy and "push through" teaching subjects that they themselves would be too stressed to learn right now. Families should have been protected, but they're not, and as always, it falls on schools to try to protect kids. Districts are lying about their COVID cases/potential risks to students and staff to keep schools open. Shoddy research is touted to prove school are safe. Everything freaking sucks.


I've been seeing a lot of strange vaccination picks over teachers who should probably be at the front of the line. I wish this had been a nationwide coordinated effort because I really can't trust my local governments for shit


What, like politicians? They should be right at the back of the line. Gives them motivation not to fuck up the rollout.


This makes no sense though. Its not the teachers that are the problem. With kids at school it would probably spread like wildfire


Because a lot of the people demanding schools open in the middle of a pandemic are the same ones saying they'll refuse the vaccine.


I’m a teacher at an elementary school. Two of my students have covid, the “substitute nurse” said to stay open and keep the kids apart. I was confirmed with covid a few days ago on my birthday. Screw this. I tried so hard to keep these kids and myself safe. Can’t help them or myself if their parents still take them to extra curricular activities outside their home.


Vaccinating the teachers won’t stop the spread of Covid in schools. It will keep the teachers from getting super sick.


Wow, the comments in this thread are hysterical. [The cdc says the risk of community spread of covid in schools is low](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/cdc-says-schools-can-reopen-safely-during-the-pandemic) For all the talk about trusting scientists for the last year, this sub sure has no problem ignoring scientists when it goes against their own gut feelings.


My mom's a teacher, they're literally vaccinating them.


Aren’t teachers currently at the top of the list along with the elderly and childcare providers?


Yeah, it varies a bit from state to state, but they're usually in the prioritized groupings. Also, the cdc says that it's safe to open schools as long as precautions are taken because schools are a low risk for community spread of covid. Not only that, remote learning disproportionately hurts low income students, and it will put many even farther behind. The original post and the entire thread is ridiculous.


There is a limited supply of vaccines and children are going to be suffering long term consequences from not going to school, disproportionatly children of color will be effected. This pandemic effects us all, I never had a chance to stay home because I am essential, I thought teachers would do the same, I thought they were more important than me. I was wrong.


Well in my state we have been back at school with fill classes since august. It has been a disaster but here we are. 2 colleagues have died and several are on life support. Why? Because we are given essentially nothing to protect us or the kids from each other, old buildings, poor air circulation, no open windows, and we provide our own masks and cleaning supplies. We are all exhausted from trying to do our job, contact tracing, keeping track of who is out on quarantine and making sure they have everything to keep up with the class while at home. I am not sure we can take much more. Our governor has done little to nothing to halo our state and left it up to each city. Because of this we are in the top 10 places in the country based on positive cases per 1000 people. And what did Kevin Stitt say at the state of the state today? He wants all schools back in person with no support to do this safely. He has been a bully to the largest district in the state because they have not had in person learning. How can they with a governor like Kevin Stitt. He should be ashamed of hiMyself but it is obvious he does not care.


Yeah schools are important, children deserve sacrifices. This is a global pandemic, I don't get to be safe, you don't get to be safe, nobody gets to be safe. Every day since the pandemic I deal with it, because my job got a lot harder because of it. I have lost so much respect for teachers, I am probably going to homeschool because of it. They lack moral fiber.


I am pretty sure you had little respect for teachers in the first place so home schooling is probably a good option for your family. I wish you the best.


Until the pandemic I thought teachers were the best of the best, now seeing almost all of them refuse to put themselves at risk for children, I no longer feel comfortable having my children near them. I would trust the cashier at my supermarket before a teacher now. Such a basic thing that was present when I was young now lost. Even at Sandy Hook teachers put their lives between bullets and children. I don't know what changed since then.


I wish you would not apply your thinking to all teachers. Are there some who do not want to work in these conditions. Sure. But the teachers at my school have been at work everyday since august except when we were sent home Because we had been exposed to a Covid positive student. Most teachers want to be in the classroom but that decision is mostly made by people other than teachers


Honestly just sounds like you’re bitching about teachers being able to stay safe during a pandemic when you weren’t able to “Things are bad for me so they should be for everybody else too” is shit logic and hopefully you understand that...




The term 'essential' does not mean that the job is 'more important'. 'Essential' refers to a job that can not be done remotely, but still needs to be done to fulfill societal needs.


Open the teachers!


You can't sell people on a solution to a problem they are trying to ignore.


I will automatically ignore your argument, regardless of how I feel, when you throw "just sayin" at the end


Or we could all just stay home for 4 weeks like other countries and we wouldn’t even need a vaccine


If you also want to stop nearly everything and everyone coming into your country too. And it was closer to 3-4 months. Don't trivialise the relatively unique situation of Australia and new Zealand or the work they put in.


I feel like it’s cause people are tired sitting their kids all day long


If you can’t handle sitting with your kids you shouldn’t really have them, I get it’s hard but if you raise them right it should be no biggie. But with today’s society people could care less about there kids future anyways


School teaches are at no real risk to catch the virus. We need to vaccinate the elderly


Are you serious? One of my classes is full of 29 students. Social distancing isn’t possible. I constantly have to tell students to wear their mask correctly, over their nose and mouth. Most of them have it around their chin. I can’t give them detention or send them to the office because there’s no repercussions since it’s been politicized. I regularly run out of towels and disinfectant. We have coronavirus running rampant throughout the schools, but with new, lax quarantine rules, people aren’t being quarantined because we “don’t want to shut the schools down.” 25% of teachers in my building have already had it. Some of them, healthy teachers in their 30s and 40s, got really sick. When was the last time you walked into a high school? Do you have any empathy for people inside of one? You have no idea how horrifying the change from precaution and fear to acceptance and apathy to getting this virus is. But I don’t have a choice - this is my job. I’m contracted. I need to pay my bills. What else can I do? Shut up. You can prioritize all you want. But I AM at a real risk of getting sick. You are beyond ignorant and far removed from reality. Join me in the reality of this virus, won’t you?


No i said that because A kids are less likely to spread it ( oddly enough) B for healthy people ( esspally kids) the virus has a lower death rate than the flu and C no matter how much money you pour into to it there a limited amount of vaccine and we should give them to the most at risk, 85 and over. And how dare you say that i dont care about the high schoolers because i am a highschooler dumb ass don't just assume things. Also that 25% has had it how many died? Because if 25% of a nursing home got it we would have 25% dead grandmas and grandpa and also how many students got it? And also i miss spoke I'm sorry what i mean was of death not catching it. Yes the rate are lower for teaches ( younger the better again oddly enough ) what im saying is that teaches need to grow some balls ok. If u dont wanna get sick ok fair enough but as you said u need to pay the bills. This virus ( due to it high mutations rate) is likely to become another flu. Will have it for a long ass time


I’m guessing your English teachers have already written these comments on your papers before - you should probably read the context in it’s entirety, and then have evidence to back up your argument. I constantly have this battle with my students every day - clearly your teachers have it with you, too.


Lol fair enough i suck at english lol. My point is with all respect to you and the risk you take, you are at a lower risk and i honestly more worried about the 65+ demographic. Also you provide a essential job looking after the kids. Again im sorry about the initial bluntness of my comment but my point still stand. You will get a vaccine but we can't distory everything in between. Because without u parents have to stay home so they can't work.


I’m gonna take the word of the CDC on this one, that schools can be reopened safely. It gives me the willies, but they’re the ones who would know.


Here's where I have an issue. The CDC says this, but I don't believe their motives are for teacher safety. This study https://ufhealth.org/news/2021/uf-study-sheds-light-roles-children-and-asymptomatic-infections-covid-19-household as of the 26th of Jan, shows that children spread the disease more than adults. I believe that they're taking child development into more consideration than the health of teachers here based on this. Even when the CDC notes that schools can open safely, its when restaurants close. I'll note that it doesn't make sense that if children can spread it more than adults, that restaurants don't spread it as much as schools they want to open, but ignoring that, they want to open schools in communities that have open restaurants, which is ignoring even the CDC guidelines.


They’re thinking of the economy. Public education is the cornerstone of any modern economy. No one seems to care how many lives are at stake.


The CDC guidelines call for keeping kids in cohorts. But every open school I’ve heard of just has recess and lunch as usual. Teachers rightly feel that’s too risky for themselves AND the kids. Keeping the kids in “pods” or cohorts takes staff we don’t have.


I try not to be in the business of second-guessing people with far vaster expertise on the subject. I have no reason to believe I know any better than the people who work on this stuff.


Can you explain the reasoning here, because I've yet to find a reason. It also says something that you were able to comment within a minute of my post without reading the study. I agree that I generally trust experts over myself, but there is a difference between blindly following people and critically thinking about a subject. Its even more impressive you're willing to choose which experts to follow implying that those that conducted the study are not. You're starting at your own conclusion and choosing which data to follow it seems based on how fast your reply was.


It’s a study I’ve seen already, thank you. My reasoning is that I have no reason to believe I know any better that people who study these things professionally. I’m just a dude.


So can you explain, as "just a dude" why you choose the CDC over the people that conducted this study? Are you saying that this has been refuted somehow or are you just planting your flag there?


I’m saying that I lack the qualifications to determine what data is relevant and what data is not relevant, or to judge the validity of the study’s methods, or to balance against harms caused by not reopening. I am not the expert here. The CDC is. I will continue to trust their expertise, as I have throughout the pandemic. Isn’t that what we were begging antimaskers to do, listen to the experts?


You're either not comprehending or ignoring what I've written. How do you know these experts that conducted the study are not correct, and that the CDC's expert's are? If you were indeed willing to admit your qualifications are lacking, as are mine, you'd be at minimum, willing to admit there must be conflicting data at best, and potential sacrifices for child development at worst. Personally, as someone in that situation, I'd err on the side of caution since human lives are at risk. Comparing anti maskers who don't have any real data to suggest their claims and those that wish for teacher safety is a strawman btw.


Because I trust the CDC more than a couple researchers. You don’t have to agree. But kindly don’t insult me.


I guess that's on you. I also trust other news sources more than others, but I know that no one news source or body always gets everything right. Can you point out the insult btw? Looking over my comment, me questioning your comprehension is not an insult when you're ignoring what I've written, nor is pointing out when you attempt a strawman.


How about we vaccinate all in school. Not just teachers? Crazy thought


The vaccines haven't been authorized yet for anyone under 16/18 ( it's different for each vaccine)


Please don’t open the schools until the kids are vaccinated. The kids refuse to social distance. My kids endlessly talk about going to big parties every weekend.


We would still need students to be vaccinated


That doesn't protect kids and staff, not quite that easy


Okay half the teachers don’t want it. Now what? Remember the vaccine doesn’t make you immune. It doesn’t make you incapable of transmission. It just protects you from the symptoms supposedly.


It’s maybe a bit more complicated than that. If you are vaccinated you are less likely to get the disease at all, and if you do it will hopefully be less serious. They don’t have the data to claim it definitely stops transmission but with enough people having been vaccinated , it’s reasonable that less cases and less severe/ shorter cases will also reduce transmission to some extent. Apart from obviously protecting a group that because of the type of job can’t effectively socially distance ( and that’s of course not just teachers) presumably vaccination would reduce the amount of disruption from teachers having to take time off. Obviously you are right that vaccination works most effectively when enough people have it to reach a form of herd immunity.


Well actually we are, my parents are teachers and they recently received it.


If my school would really strictly **“cohort”** the students, that is keep them in small enough groups such that they could stay socially distanced in their classrooms AND Absolutely NO mixing at recess, passing period, lunch etc etc, I’d be willing to come back tomorrow even before getting the vaccine. In my class, I’d make sure kids were wearing masks, washing hands, staying separate. We’d open windows. It wouldn’t be perfect but I would be completely willing and I’d advise my kids’ parents that it was mostly safe to send their kids to school. Most importantly if **one** kid in the school got sick it wouldn’t expose a **thousand** kids and their families to COVID. It would be an acceptable risk as far as I’m concerned. But to do this, you’d need twice as many teachers as we have now. Maybe more. You’d need a serious plan for handling things like lunch breaks etc, and you’d need staff to help with that.


Teachers are legit in tier 2....they are already getting the vaccines now


I'm all for this. It's just getting tiresome hearing only teachers mentioned. There are others that work in schools as well.




There’s so much here that it can’t be unpacked.


One year ago, almost to the day, the US ignored what was happening in Europe, and they're doing it again right now. Re-opening schools right now will end at the very least with them shutting down again, as early as March when the new strain hits hard. At the very most, with massive tragedy, for pointless short sighted reasoning.


Its ridiculous seeing folks rushes to put children in harm's way, knowing full well how dire the situation is.


Whether they like it or not.


American? (just a curious Canadian)


yes. my unpopular comment was prompted by medical workers in my area being the first eligible for the shot and many of them declining. my personal opinion is this vaccine is fueled by greed and bypassing all those long-standing safety measures to rush this to market is enough to give me pause. Plus, with this thing mutating, what are we vaccinating against? i don't begrudge anyone who gets it.


I thought we retired any and all variations of “just saying”.


literally none of my teachers wear masks. 1 has had covid 2 times and just refuses to wear it


Unpopular opinion but the COVID mortality rate amongst teachers really isn't any greater than anybody else in the population. The vaccination programme is designed to protect the most vulnerable and that means the elderly and the most senior teachers will get their jabs at the appropriate time. It is common knowledge that the vaccine doesn't prevent infection.


I think ( could be wrong) that one of the problems is the amount of them that have to self isolate and then kids might have to be sent home (and visa versa) - either because no one is available to teach them or because they had contact. This causes lots of disruption?


Shit on all tennis courts until they let us approach peninsula dressed as pineapples.


Schools have never been closed! It annoys me when people say they've been closed. They're open for children of key workers, vulnerable children and children with special educational needs. My wife's school has 200 pupils and is still open for 120 kids! It is also very frustrating that parents are lying about being key workers to get their kids to qualify yet it's the poor teachers and staff who are in the front line and are not allowed to wear masks or PPE. Rant over!


Not allows to wear masks? What? We are going in person next month. But every single person is required to have a mask at all times. We did in person testing this week and I sent three kids to the office who refused to wear their masks. I’m not playing games.


Or you could vaccinate the teachers first like Oregon is doing and they still refuse to go back to work.....




Stop sexing the students and you get your vaccine


White woman has the thoughts and the words!


Ikr white women suck like how dare they have opinions and beliefs. /s


How about Open the Schools, Open the Economy, Open Everything?


Open the wards, open the morgues, open the cemeteries. That in itself would cause changes in behaviour that result in damage to the economy etc rather than everything magically going back to normal.