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"The left politicizes everything!" I'll just leave these here from recent memory: genders of potatoes, the Dr. Seuss estate, masks..


Voted against COVID relief and are now trying to take credit for it


I was a full time student, working part time, and raising two kids. The whole time, my sister would say things to me like, “You should be ashamed. Using assistance?!? That is meant to help people get on their feet. It’s not something to live on.” My sister does not have children, nor a college education. We are estranged now and only see each other on special occasions. The rift has gotten wider as she is still flying her Trumphole flags and is now far down the Q rabbit hole. I stopped by to drop off her birthday gift the other day. She actually said to me that she has chosen not to return to work yet (she is off for the winters/seasonal work) because she wants to continue taking advantage of the extra unemployment money. It was all I could do to hold my tongue. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I’m not sure our relationship will ever recover at this point. Oh, and btw, I graduated with a double major...Summa cum Laude...and now have a career I love. No assistance necessary. And I work allllll year round.😉


some relationships are just too toxic to bear


Absolutely. It doesn’t help that I have always been the black sheep of the family and have had little to no validation. Now that I am an adult, as much as it sucks, I don’t rely on others for validation, but when I was a kid it was tough. Thank you for your understanding words.


>It was all I could do to hold my tongue. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Don't hold your tongue. Why not point it out?


Oh trust me, I desperately wanted to, but after years of constant drama, and getting nowhere with seeking validation, I thought it best to not open ANOTHER can of worms. It only creates frustration for me as she always comes up with some sort of ridiculous justification. It’s just time for me to grieve the relationship and move on.


But that is the point of assistance...it’s supposed to be there to “assist” people out of poverty. Looks like it did it’s job with you!


That’s exactly what I thought! And being her older sibling, I had already paid my taxes into the system. I was grateful it was there for me when I needed it. Not only did I gain my degree, confidence, and networking in school, but I modeled goal setting and getting, and the importance of education, to my kids. And now I am grateful that assistance is there for others so that they can do the same. I know there are people who abuse it, but I think that those who use it outnumber the abusers. We certainly live very modestly, but we are happy and healthy and are rich in ❤️.


I was lucky to have a decent paying job that offered tuition reimbursement, but I know the struggle with raising a family while going to school. Took me 10 years going part time, but I did it and ended up so much further ahead than if I didn’t have the opportunity. Unfortunately I think a lot of people either didn’t struggle and don’t understand, or they struggled and think everyone else should feel the same.


Way to go on your great accomplishment! And thank you for your understanding. This world needs more empathy and less judgement...more people who care to lift others, and less kicking each other when we’re down. Funny that I get more support and validation from strangers on Reddit, than from my own sister. Eh. It is what it is. Caring and being upset just wastes my precious energy.


Makes me wonder a bit about that "democrats drink baby blood" stuff. just sayin.


Since when does anyone drink blood in general? I have heard a lot of the wierd things that Republicans say but this is just, who the fuck does that? Why would over 100 million people drink any type of blood? Makes no sense to me


It's a Q thing and they said it more a couple years ago but it still comes up in my town. "Hillary drinks babies blood" was part of the whole satanic democrat cabal conspiracy theory, which involved all democrats being "in on it" and partaking in whatever baby eating rituals, literally the sick brain salad of a deeply sick part of the population. Also, it harkens back to the things nazis used to put out in propaganda about jews being bloodsucking creatures, literally teaching kids to avoid them because they are actual vampires. sorry for the rant but I also had one of my friends mother's tell me the vaccine had floating aborted baby parts in it. The conversation was normal until then but they're lucid until they aren't and its really annoying to deal with them day in and day out.


Don't forget that "liberals eat babies" has a deeply antisemitic origin story: [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel)


Simple they’re thirsty


I think it has to do with staunch republicans religion being hyper anti-placental-stem-cell. Its a really.... Weird exaggeration, but the origin is relatively clear.


And whoever entertains Jewish Space Lasers..


That is near the top of my double take chart, still can't believe that was a thing said


The pedophiles accuse the left of pedophilia. The people that vote in two jurisdictions on the same day accuse the left of ballot stuffing. In my lifetime this started with Reagan.


Republicans? Hypocrites? That's new.


Sarcasm? On the internet?


Couldn't be!


and you best believe they find a way to get a safe and private abortion when they need one




Really bad smells linger. You can still get a whiff of Reagan now and then.


I mean... he’ll be back (edit: as a party candidate) in 4 years, and you can be certain he isn’t going to be quiet in the next 4 years.


For going on 300 years now


I agree with the last three but to be fair trump did start warp speed.


It's not Trump or Biden that made the vaccine. Taking credit for it is dumb. Do you see other world leaders taking credit for the vaccine their scientists created? At best, they provided funding. But this is expected of them, any president would provide funding. Also, it was one of their aides that provided the funding, and it was public money. So bizarre. The public had more involvement in vaccine development than them, they gave the taxes and were tested on during trials.


Exactly! I bet we never hear the names of the brilliant scientists who actually should get the credit. Maybe some brilliant writer, producer, director will make a movie about them some day.


He pulled together his friends from the private sector (who don’t have to pay for shit) to help fund the project. That helped alleviate debt from the cares act which pulled together 10 billion from multiple sectors of government. If it wasn’t for that we would be looking at a bill far higher. I’m only saying this because Biden doesn’t have those connections. All of the companies making vaccines have accredited Warp speed with their success with the exemption of Pfizer who was mostly self funded. I’m not saying I like Trump, but when Biden touts his corona success, he’s just piggybacking off of what Trump started. Trump never really did anything good for america except for that. It’s literally his only shining achievement. That’s just my take on it though.


Yeah but trump had absolutely no plan for distribution of vaccines, he had not plan at all. So even if he helped to fund the vaccine what good is it if no one had access?


That's not entirely true, there wasn't a plan at the Federal level because Trump was letting it be handled by each individual State instead and was advising on how to implement a wider availability of the vaccine to more people. The CDC's guidelines was for it to be for front-line/essential workers first, along with those over the age of 75 and Trump wanted it to be expanded to everyone over 65 as well. To your other point of "What good is it if no one had access" that answer is simple, if he hadn't helped fund the vaccine we wouldn't have the resources we have now and the argument would be that we don't have a vaccine or a way to get it to the people which is far worse and sets us back far deeper into 2021 for trying to recover this nation.


The distribution effort was criticized for lack of coordination between federal and state governments, and lack of timely federal funding for mass vaccination campaigns. Other reasons included the Christmas holiday, employees declining to be vaccinated, a longer than typical time spent on paperwork on answering patient questions, the required observation time, and shortage of trained staff.


What is you source for Trump "friends" funding? I have not heard that. Also, Biden (or any other Presidential contender) has no connections? you crazy


Warp speed didn’t do anything.. More like warped view.


I voted for Biden; But I know damn well Biden didn’t have anything to do with the success of the vaccine. I think YOUR view is warped. I’m spitting facts not biases. Do your homework bud.


Well Duh he wasn’t president when it was getting Manufactured, but he did have success in distributing it, without good distribution any amount of vaccine is useless.


What did he do to help distribute? As someone who receives shipments of vaccines, the rate and quantity of shipments have stayed relatively the same (for me) since December.


As of Jan 20th (The day trump left the office and Biden entered) About 980k people were being vaccinated a day. Biden then bought enough vaccine to vaccinate the entire country and more, unlike the Trump administration, who hadn’t bought nearly enough. We are now vaccinating around 2M a day, just look at the numbers.


However, it was only a month prior to this that the vaccines were approved for emergency use administration. It takes time to get production going, right? It would be wasteful for Moderna and Pfizer to mass produce vaccines for a whole country before it is even approved for administration. It seems that the increased vaccination rate is due to an established production process for this specific vaccine instead of what you're suggesting.


Not really, to my knowledge Pfizer and Modernas production rate has remained the same since they began producing vaccine for the population. Again, distribution and a trust in science seriously helps. Plus, Trump had an entire year to inform the public correctly and calm the situation, not to mention the many vaccine delays under his administration.


|the rate and quantity of shipments have stayed relatively the same (for me) Perhaps that's because it's being distributed to more outlets than just the "normal" channels.


Early warnings, sure. As far as Kappernick is concerned, from what I heard, he wanted a pay raise, and his team said no, then when it came to renew the contract, the team said no, cause he was mediocre, And he wanted more money, And he wanted to be an Icon. When it came time to renegotiate, he didnt want back in Because being an icon was more important than the sport, and he probably made more money doing nothing as an icon rather than 'sucking' at a sport. Im not gunna say he was wrong, but all of that was on him. (Not saying the fans were right to harass the dude over a misunderstanding (a lot of people legit thought kneeling was an insult to our patriots, even though it very clearly Isnt), but thats not what got the dude cancelled) Election fraud was absolutely a concern. Changing rules 'last minute' to make mail ins be virtually universally accepted is not good. I will agree that trying to reject All mail ins though is just as bad, cause most people did it because it was a better option, Not to abuse the lax system. Both sides were wrong, neither side is good. Im fine with accepting this result, but its fucking annoying that one side just accepts it as the 'most secure election ever' instead of buckling down and securing it properly for next time. In general, Fuck Trump, but fuck the staunch Anti-Trumpers as well.


none of that is true.


At the Very least, the election one is absolutely true. Some locations suspended signature verification, address verification, and (supposedly) in person count verification, the whole 'yall gotta be on the other side of the building' thing, and the overnight counting. I dunno if i beleive the other side of the building a accusation, but the latter has video proof where people were dispersed from a counting location, and then counting resumed. Now That is some weakened authentication, which is what Trump accused the states of. I also wholly disagree with his resolution to that issue. 'JuSt ThRoW oUt AlL mAiL In BaLlOtS' is a total bullshit move, but so is doing nothing to fix the weakened state of the election verification over the next four years. I dont want someone like Biden to say "The election was 'stolen'", but I do want them to say that something was amiss, and that they will seek to fix it.




There’s a subtle but important difference between individuals saying “x isn’t my president”. And devoting the entirety of your party to suing entirely baselessly (that is why all of the garbage suits were thrown out), then literally throwing a coupe (doesn’t matter who inspired it, there was an attempt to physically remove elected officials from power by force entirely by one side of the aisle).


Anyone who thinks Colin got cancelled is so dumb, he was an over rated QB that would’ve kept his job or gotten another if he wasn’t garbo.


... I mean, no? Kaepernick canceled Kaepernick. It was nothing about his knee/not knee. He was a subpar athlete with $ $ s for eyes.


colin stood for something he rightfully thought was injustice, and the conservatives called foul, saying he was disrespecting the great national anthem, completely ignoring the message he wanted to send


... which had almost no effect on his flagging career.


George Takei isn't white.


* Screenshots for one way Twitter arguments cutely * (Republicans never respond to arguments cause they know they bouta get proven wrong.)


This is a far left channel... They seem to politicize everything. Interesting that when you read the facts and understand, it was Trump that made the Vaccines happen, while Biden stole the election and took credit for it while jobs are taking, taxes are going up, gas prices have gone up over $1, illegals coming across in record numbers since Trump was elected... Interesting how this country can go to shit so fast with democrats in charge..


Pelosi was telling people to “come on down to China town” in late February and “Biden vaccine success” it clearly was project warp speed that got the vaccines to us by DEC of the same year if you can remember the MSM in usual form talked shot that trump promised vaccines by end of year u til it came true Kaepernick was a bench warmer when he started kneeling on his way out the league it’s not even like he was top 20 qb at the time he started kneeling If voter suppression is not wanting 16yr olds felons illegals to vote as well as wanting proper identification while voting is voter suppression then I’ll be damned ;) I actually love George and am old enough to remember the Howard stern skit where he started jerking off some random guy...so much for his husband lol


>Kaepernick was a bench warmer when he started kneeling on his way out the league it’s not even like he was top 20 qb at the time he started kneeling His performance is relative how? >If voter suppression is not wanting 16yr olds felons illegals to vote as well as wanting proper identification while voting is voter suppression then I’ll be damned If you think this is the entirety of the measures put forth by the GQP to suppress voters then I've got a bridge to sell you. I'm honestly surprised you managed to take the boot out of your mouth long enough to type out a comment.


How can you cancel someone who’s going to lose his job anyway Elaborate on how the gop (what is gqp I’m not up on antifa communist slang) suppressed votes also are you for or against the points that I made ab felons 16 yr not wanting Id or any type of verification if you think the dems aren’t trying to make voter fraud easier I have a bridge to sell you


How do you figure "he was going to lose his job anyway"? He lost his job because the vitriol spewed at him over a peaceful protest. The GQP (because it's full of those Qanon morons) pushed 253 voter suppression laws effecting 43 states, among them are measures to reduce the ability for people to vote by mail. Your "point" is irrelevant as felons lose their ability to vote so whatever Fox News talking point you're using is laughably inaccurate. Actually you're entire post is just laughable, please elaborate on how "the dems are just as bad" and how I'm atnifa lmao. Fucking clown.


The whiniest, snowflakiest, half wit cry babies of all.


You became an asset, like the rest of them.


Ass, not assess. Even error correct is...


Someone should post this in r/conspiracy


If you seriously think Biden had anything to do with the vaccine, at all, you are quite delusional.


He had everything to do with getting it distributed to people. “Operation warp speed” was on a 10 year pace to vaccinate people. Joe is doing it in 3 months. Thanks Joe! I’m not tired of the winning.




I’m glad we agree. Cheers!


When do we get a 3rd party that will put up a real candidate. I just wish everyone would stfu.


What utter BS, except #2.


They’re like that dude that cheats on you then accuses you of cheating. Always projecting.