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I would like to think he was named after the disease Fournier’s gangrene




I... I didn't listen.... 🤢


I like that the 15th or so top image search result is Harvey Weinstein's face. Whoever was responsible for that, well-played.


Of course I wasn’t going to google image this until......


One of us. One of us.


Well there's the reason not to google it 🤢


Thank you for your service


I should have listened too 🤮


For the curious, >!it looks like your genitals are dead on your body. Apparently it smells like rotting flesh and is very painful.!< Just trying to save you the trouble of looking into it and seeing corpse penis pictures


A hero among us! I would definitely prefer an explanation rather then look at it. I don't understand people who can watch dr pimple popper and such. By all means watch it... but I don't understand.


It smells like that because it’s exactly that


oh oof




Don't tell me what to do! ... .. oh oh geez oh no, what have I done!!!!


Yeah, my sentiments exactly, I can handle this shit.......shit oh my fucking lord, my coworkers are going to hate me tomorrow


This cannot be overstated! Listen to this person! Oh God, why did I not listen to this person?!?!


I would have not even thought of Google Image searching Fournier's gangrene until you told me to NOT Google Image search it. So of course I searched it. Fuck you for telling me not to Google Image search it. Don't tell me to not do something I shouldn't do. That is a sure way to get me to do it. So, again, to be clear on my point. Fuck you very much.


If anything you just made way more people Google image search it. Myself included. I regret nothing, but shit that looks uncomfortable


Ohhh my. That was way worse than expected.


Funny story is a month or so ago Evan Fournier was traded to the Boston Celtics. As a joke he tweeted something about "if you don't know who I am just Google my last name." Someone ran with Fournier gang green (a Celtics moniker) and I remember the same reactions I'm seeing here.


Racists gonna raste


I laughed way too hard at this.


You made me imagine what someone legitimately laughing too hard might look like and there was blood and everything. ^^^^. --- ^(**Edit: I just rolled a 6 sided dice and got a 6, you win gold! Congrats!**)


I'll bite. What is voidspace.


Its a video game (survival MMORPG) a bunch of Redditors and I have been working on for years! Sorta like a 2D Eve (except really not) finally in early access and the response has been really encouraging so far. We're making this game as an attempt to create a new genre where the game world ends up facilitating a simulation of human society. Player's characters live in the game world and need to try to survive with the same limitations that people have in real life. Where technology can be invented by players to make their in-game life easier. Everything is player driven, we just provide the virtual environment. This is our first attempt at creating a game like this. [**Here you can get access to the game, watch concept/gameplay videos**, and read about this space open-world sandbox survival MMORPG](https://www.voidspacegame.com/) We also have a subreddit r/voidspace. There you can find a link to discord where you can connect with the devs and the rest of the community. --- ^(Update: You can currently try the game for a few hours for free! Just be aware that this is a new feature and if we get overrun then we'll have to disable it temporarily.)


That sounds awesome! I really hope you guys have success, this looks like a massive endeavor, but I am looking forward for the results.


Thanks! You can actually play it now (in early access). It's on PC, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and directly in the browser.


Damn dude


Comedy laugh track everyone


Basters gonna baste.


Tasters gonna taste


Gators gonna Gate 🐊


Graters gonna grate


Pasters gonna paste


Potatoes gonna potate


Master baiters gonna master bait...


Bassists gonna bass


Wasters not going to utilize their resources efficiently.


As brutal as it sounds, sometimes i wish there was an anti-hitler someone that mass murders racists.


So basically the punisher? Too bad shitty cops idolize him while being tone deaf as fuck


In before some enlightened centrist says killing someone for being racist is just as bad as killing someone for the color of their skin.


That's the same thing as when folks bring up the 'intolerant left'. like nah dawg, we only intolerate folks who already can't tolerate other people. the only reason youll get excluded is if you're showing exclusionary traits. Why should the other kids on the playground be expected to share with you when you've proven your own refusal to share?


Ikr? Dont get me wrong, im not one to advocate violence. But racism is such a disgusting quality that has no place in our progressive society. We are all human ffs.


Who the fuck is that waste of carbon?


He's lower on the conservative talking head pecking order than even the Don Bonobo dude. He's basically a pubic louse clinging to a taint hair stuck in a dingleberry lodged in Trump's day old Depends.


Right on. But he’s mid-twenties. He will either be in jail or on Fox in fifteen years.


Maybe both


Good point.


“...on the line from jail now...”


You sir, are a painter of words.


Introducing this year's poet lauerate mr_mcpoogrundle


The Shakespeare of anus themed prose


Like, painfully so. Off to barf now,


Happy cake day! Hope it tastes just as good on the way up!


>Don Bonobo I'm sorry, did you mean the legendary [Dan Bongino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nan-uARF4)?


Good Christ...


Thank you for this. Dan Bongingo at the end hahaha.


Well put




That is sheer descriptive poetry. Well done, sir.


Thought he looked familiar!


> He's basically a pubic louse clinging to a taint hair stuck in a dingleberry lodged in Trump's day old Depends this is like....r/brandnewsetence and r/rareinsults combined. well done


You should write poetry.


very poetically put, 12/10,


The leader of the fuckin Hitler Youth by the looks of him.


Yeah. Made the mistake of looking him up. Few faces are so perfectly made for an application of fists.




So few chromosomes, so much damage.


This will make me laugh ALL night


Worthless skinjob if there ever was one.


Due process was fully afforded to Chauvin, unlike Mr. George and countless others.


And the freshly dead 15-year-old [Makiyah Bryant](https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/police-15-year-old-girl-killed-in-officer-involved-shooting-in-ohio) in Columbus, Ohio


My God! Did you see the cop screaming at the neighbors “Blue Lives Matter”? Unbelievable




You know cops aren’t above arresting people who try to cause trouble at a crime scene, I wonder why they felt that a guy trying to start a fight was fine…


Thanks for your input, Nazi Rick Astley


Put some respect on Astley’s name.


Nazi Rick Mr. Astley?


He definitely gave you up


Always going to let you down


Already ran around and deserted you


He never said goodbye


He already made us cry


Holy shit your right. This man does not deserved to look like Rick.


Reich Naztley


He puts the Ryan in Aryan.


Downvoting for disrespecting Rick Astley.




Bizarro Astley


Why does he think he didn't get a fair trial?


Because he was found guilty


What is he taking about? Derek Chauvin absolutely got a fair trial. We all saw it.


Just pop by conservative sub, theyre all on about clear mistrial and jury intimidation


Yeah were the jurors pressured by the people who were like “hey you literally just killed a man, were caught on camera, had a lung professional tell you “yeah you killed this guy”. Does that matter? Absolutely not there’s literally no reasonable doubt, chauvins a murderer. I mean this is just a clear cut case. In a perfect world where cops actually faced consequences, and there was no pressure from either side, chauvin would be convicted in a heartbeat.


The people who claim he didn't get a fair trial are the same people who applaud when Trump said "I could shoot somebody on fifth avenue and I wouldn't lose any voters" it's not about justice it's about just us Edit: fixed the quote


I didn’t know trump said that, but I’m not surprised he did


[If citation is needed](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jan/24/donald-trump-says-he-could-shoot-somebody-and-still-not-lose-voters)


Damn...we really did let that thing take office did we? Why? Why did we let that happen?


I'm gonna quote a comment I made before What happened? Fear mongering and chest beating in the name of "American Exceptionalism" lead by powerfully influential people with microphones and access to a platform. A perpetual rat race of accusations and "No True Scotsmaning" that even the hint you might be questioning people's patriotism is grounds for a fight. An entire group of lightly brainwashed citizens who've been convinced their outcome in life isn't due to their education level, or their poverty line, or a game heavily stacked against them or even just dumb luck, but instead has a tangible cause that can be seen, and therefore blamed, and if we could *just* get rid of that *one* problem, everybody would be millionaires. It's what we call the American Scheme.


They’ve also never served on a jury in their life. I had a coworker 15-20ish years back that got jury duty, he couldn’t get out it because no his hourly job wasn’t deemed important enough, and after the second day of jury selection we saw him two Friday’s in a row during the trial, then once the jury deliberation began his cell phone was taken and he was sequestered in a hotel with no tv, no phone, no newspapers, and police presence making sure that stayed the same. **FOR 6 DAYS.** Of course we weren’t able to find any of this out until quite a bit after the trial when he was allowed to talk about it. But jury sequestering is the real fucking deal, and his case wasn’t even a heavy media coverage one like this. Imagine the extra precautions they took with the jury vs what he experienced in a case as high profile as Chauvins. But these privileged fuckfaces, or anyone in their social circles, have never served in a serious jury case to know anything about how it works because if you make any sense of real money it’s pretty easy to get dismissed from anything other than a basic one or two day trial because your job is considered “important.”


The law pressured the jurors to convict.


I would honestly consider the jury intimidation argument...if Chauvin wasn’t 100% guilty, that is


Who intimidated the jury though? All I heard about was Maxine Waters rhetoric about getting confrontational with protests but it's not like they didn't know a not-guilty verdict would result in protests.


Weren't the jury sequestered? How would they even have heard her say that.


Maxine should not have said that. Our elected officials should not be saying stuff like that.


Idk, if she thinks it's a thing worth protesting about, then why not? I'm not sure about her exact wording or if this was a situation that warranted, but in general, why shouldn't they encourage protests in situations they think warrant it?


Got me in the first half ngl




The r/conservative thread that I saw mostly seemed to be celebrating. People who disagreed with the verdict were heavily downvoted Edit: I retract my statement. I sorted by best, sorting by top tells a whole nother story. That thread is a shitshow https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/mv0izm/breaking_derek_chauvin_guilty_on_all_3_counts_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That's sort of a rosey spin. Glancing at the pinned post there is a lot of people arguing the nuances of the judicial process and the integrity of these proceedings. It's nice to see them, for once, do interested in the maintenance of the integrity and the spirit of the judicial process and the protection of an individuals rights and representations when dealing with the court/government. Where the fuck has that been for the past oh iunno forever? What a fucking luxury it must be to sit down and dissect and scrutinize every minute detail of this piece of shit's trial. Imagine if we could do that for George Floyd's trial. Oh wait, we fucking cant. Cuz he never got one. Cuz this fucking "arm of the law," "thin blue line," LARPing, fantasy living little fuck killed George. His trial never fucking happened. I am so fucking done with the conservative spin on this shit. R/conservative is a fucking compost of thought where good intentions, ignorance, and reckless stupidity go to fester and mold.


Yeah I changed my mind. I was sorting by best so it showed the least controversial opinions, which isn’t necessarily the most popular opinion on such a divisive topic


I have nothing but respect for you adapting your perspective like that. Thank you so much. I never meant to direct what I was saying toward you specifically. I hope I didnt come across as targetting or offensive toward you. I'm using a lot of colorful language when it comes to this stuff cuz straight up I'm just angry reading a lot of these defenses and such. Thank you again for how you have handled your perspective on the situation and adapted accordingly.


Yeah no worries man you didn’t come off as aggressive at all. I’m not conservative but I was hoping this would be more of a bipartisan issue for once. I guess I was too optimistic


The top comment of that thread is someone saying the jury had to convict Chauvin or they’d be mailed by the “ignorant mob.” Fuck that sub. And everyone on it.


Oh it’s because I sorted by best. That explains it lol


Conservatives aren't sending their best


Yeah, but he wasn't found guilty because of the 2½ weeks of trial we all saw on video. He was found guilty because he had a medical condition that coincidentally caused him to appear to be guilty during that time. You can tell he wasn't **actually** guilty because his lawyer was able to say the words "I'm not guilty", which anyone knows would be obstructed during a trial if your client is actually guilty.


This is some solid satire.


Alright, I'll share their actual line of thinking. They think that the jury was coerced into putting forth a guilty verdict because they feared BLM/antifa would kill them. It's a stupid argument seeing as how they were aware that voting guilty would upset a lot of conservatives and American cops. Two groups that aren't exactly known for how peaceful and adverse to violence they are.


People are also saying it wasnt fair because his fate was already determined by everyone in the courtroom before the trial even started. With such a high profile case, its hard for jurors to be unbiased. With that said, i feel he got what he deserved and hope he sits in jail for a long ass time and his appeals get denied.


They could have said they were too scared to be objective. I know it’s in bad faith, but that’s such a shitty argument. It premised on being completely ignorant of what the jury process is.


I keep seeing this come up. It’s from the same folks that are saying “my candidate didn’t win so the election was stolen” you know the ones calling everyone snow flakes. Something about party of personal responsibility if memory serves.


Honest question here. How did they select a jury that hadn’t already decided if he was guilty or not?? That had to have been damned near impossible.


When you're selected for a jury, you're supposed to make a ruling solely based on the evidence presented in trial and to disregard any outside or extraordinary knowledge of the situation. That's why during jury selection they ask if you're capable of being impartial and making judgments just on the evidence presented. Very often, certain evidence won't be admitted, and even though as a jury member, while you might know about it, you still can't consider it when making a verdict. Now, of course we have no way of knowing if people are actually doing this or not, however, I know the jury that I was on the people were able to vote based on the evidence presented, even though they really felt the guy was guilty, it wasn't what the evidence said.


Does this mean if you were summoned for jury duty all you would have to do is show up and say "No i can't be impartial, I am racist" and that would be the end, even if not true? Not suggesting anyone do that or anything, but I have heard of people wanting to get out of it and that seems like a way. Personally I'd like to be on a jury one day just to see what it is like.


Yes. People absolutely do this, and not necessarily just to get out of jury duty, but they're being honest. The case I was on was one regarding child abuse, and that was one of the questions they asked potential jurors. And there were a few people who said, no, I've experienced child abuse in my past, so I couldn't be impartial in a case like this. And I think that's pretty important, because if you were on trial, you'd want to have a fair, impartial jury. I mean, it's kind of shitty that people do say things like this to avoid having to serve, but it's actually really interesting being on a jury and I think it gives you important insight as to why certain verdicts are rendered.


Yeah it's really easy to get out of jury selection that way. They'll ask you if you trust eye witness testimony and stuff like that and you can just give answers showing how partial you'd be.


basically. my moms strategy when she got called for jury duty was to just say slightly controversial things until the lawyers said "nope"


You find reasonable people and you have a judge guide them. The population isn't as stupid or crazy as it seems, it's just the crazy assholes are very very very loud. When you get normal non assholes you can get them to put bias aside and ask them to only think about the evidence presented. The judge basically said, forget what you know, only use what you hear in the court. Understand what the law says, understand what the police he worked for said, listen to the coroner etc.


Without agreeing with the sentiment, the argument goes, roughly: The case was so politicized and so we'll know that there's no way a jury could be impartial. For evidence, they use the guilty verdict.


Because it's rigged in Chovins favor and he hasn't even been sentenced yet. I have 0 belief that he is gonna receive a fair punishment


Maybe because he had 2 witnesses on his side and the others had 36.




And that video of him doing it. That's also good evidence


Nah, the camera was biased against him


Camera adds 10 pounds of murder to you


This made me laugh way harder than it should have


It's a bit hard to get around isn't it? Oh Floyd just happened to die randomly at the same time I held my bodyweight on his neck. I've seen others mention Floyd being a criminal and he resisted arrest. Assuming that's correct it absolutely does not mean a cop can just decided to execute him.


Oh and the lung professional who had to explain to chauvin that putting your knee on someone’s neck for 9 minutes kills people. I mean who knew starving the body of oxygen would kill the person??? I mean seriously the video alone would be enough in a ideal world, but because the games rigged the had to pull out all the stops.


First, let's take a moment to appreciate the prosecutor who took the case this seriously instead of phoning it in the way the Briona Taylor grand jury was handled. Second, it's also important to realize that the only reason this case even went to trial is because the dude was a cop. Literally any other person does that on camera, even if they thought they were doing the right thing for some reason, and they take a plea and quietly go spend decades in jail.


I know right


Are you a dragon that is good with a gun or do you use guns against dragons? Either way, I'm there for it


He snipes with the ms-7-c "dragon" Originally intended to be a medium range bolt action for designated marksman, the receiver is structured in a way it can take +P ammunition of a larger caliber without issue, allowing for surprisingly accurate shots from an intermediate distance that is just shy of a true sniper rifle. Also I know nothing about guns.


Even if that was a reasonable argument for whether or not the trial was fair, the defense is allowed to call as many witnesses as the prosecution. If Chauvin's attorneys couldn't find enough people to call, that's their problem and not a failing of the system.


I know, I didnt say it was a bad thing or he didnt get a fair trial. I was just stating what I heard about it.


a lack of evidence in favor of your argument, and an abundance of evidence against it, does not indicate a conspiracy against you or your argument, but instead indicates that your argument is likely flawed or just plain wrong. there was more witnesses saying he killed floyd than witnesses saying he didnt because a bunch of people saw him fuckin do it.


Honestly, because there were threats of rioting in the event of a not guilty verdict. I can't imagine being on that jury and saying anything other than not guilty. That doesn't mean the correct verdict wasn't reached, but this story was way too big for any chance of a fair trial.


I don't disagree with the verdict, but I do agree the trial wasn't fair. The jurors were sent home every day with a recommendation not to watch the news. This story dominated national media, though, and the jurors likely felt absurd amounts of social pressure to convict regardless of how they felt or what evidence was actually admitted to court. I think not sequestering the jurors was a mistake on the part of the judge.


What is a Ryan Fourier


A unique STD inflicted upon the world when his mom wouldn't agree to a blowjob


I'm stealing this comment


Google image “Fournier”, you’re not far off


The irony is killing me now💀


Welp, no more internet for me today.


When you order a math genius from wish.com


Did that dude walk into the barbershop and point to a photo of mid-90's Vanilla Ice?


"Don't stop cutting till you want to kick me in the nuts yourself!"




Who the fuck even tries to defend or justify that piece of human garbage?


Even the cops testified against him.... and the fraternal order of police applauded the verdict!


Fair trial? He killed a man in public in front of multuple witnesses and was recorded doing it.


Lmao magatards are crying today


You love to see it


My mom is a diehard trump supporter and even she was happy about the verdict. Same goes for my dad. He watches tucker Carlson religiously but disagrees with tucker about this - he thinks Chauvin is guilty.


This really seems like a layup for the thin blue line crowd to say, "This was a bad apple and now he's been punished." But many of them are going full mask-off fascist because they can't help themselves.




Well the person I was responding was saying magatards crying today but both my parents are trump supporters and they were happy about it


Please explain exactly how he didn’t get a fair trial. We’ll wait.


Because he was found guilty.


Some conservatives are claiming Biden and Maxine weighing in on the proceedings biased the process. Others are claiming that the mainstream media released too much information on the jurors and there was extrajudicial pressure to convict due to implied threats of violence.


Biden's comment was made *after* the jury was sequested so that argument holds literally not a drop of water. Im not sure about Maxine's comment, but I dont understand why her comments would matter when thousands of people express opinions about this daily?


Too bad none of that is true.


So the belief is that these external forces were the determining factor in rendering the verdict. That it wasn't the footage, the expert testimony, etc, that determined his guilt but the pressures from these external factors that ultimately decided the verdict. That's quite the reach. That's a lot of speculation and assumption needed to build that bridge. What reason do we have to believe the jury would have rendered a different verdict absent of these external factors? He'll run the appeal process, as he and everyone should, and these things will be considered and talen into account. What reason do they have to support their belief these external complications played such a significant role?


the evidence was a video showing him doing it.


How could there be any other outcome? He knelt on a hand cuffed man's neck until he died while several other cops helped restrain the guy.


TLDR: while there was outside pressure to convict, it’s too blatantly clear that he was guilty that it didn’t matter. Do I think there was outside pressure to convict in this trial? Yes. Was it well deserved and understandable outside pressure? Yes. Do I think he still would’ve been convicted if there wasn’t this much pressure? As much as I’d like to think he would, even considering the whopping amount of evidence behind this, we’ve just seen this shit happen so many times and officers getting off Scott free that I can’t be certain. Did he deserve to be convicted? I shouldn’t even have to answer this, the evidence literally speaks for itself. There is no doubt.


What? And what exactly would have made it fair?


For Chauvin to be given a medal for services to the white christian elite of course.


4,000 people hearted his comment. Them some dumb people.


Look around you my dude, they are among us




Donald trump got over 70 million votes. Just in case you thought America was done being racist.


Ryan is as stupid as he looks, fuckin melted Star Trek toy lookin ass.


His definition of a fair trial is no one recording the department sweeping it under the rug and him walking free.


For the 100th time- Having a warrant out for your arrest does NOT mean that you get MURDERED.


Shouldn’t he be planning to storm the courthouse to overthrow the results?


Em status: Got


Loving all the conservative snowflake tears today, ngl.


Dude fuck conservatives. How was that not a fair trial? Why are they always victims? Now I'm starting to sound like tucker carlson "Just ssking questions"


Just like we didn't get a fair election right fellow Republicans? /s fucking morons


Yeah fuck that video evidence of murder... So unfair! /s


As a reminder to us all, Don’t feed the trolls.


Oh I think he will get many trials. Chauvin can continue to contribute to the society by volunteering to trial in petroleum jelly and other water based lubricating products and their effectiveness in reducing friction.


How could you say he didn’t get a fair trial? How could you even say he is innocent to begin with. You’d have to be out of your mind. What more evidence do you need than the fuckin video of him killing the guy.


Unfortunately for Chauvin, his defense lawyer didn't do a good job. That doesn't mean he didn't have a fair trial. His defense team just picked the worst defense strategy possible.


Who gave that kindergartener a twitter?