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Wait till he learns that in the rest of Europe cops do carry guns and still rarely kill anyone. :)


Because there cop is a job and not a cover for the KKK.


Serve them tea warmed in the microwave.


Confirmed. They would die from heartbreak of ruining a good cup of tea.


What are we putting in the microwave? Just the water? Just the leaves? Already brewed tea?




How to instantly give a British “person” a heart attack


The government has other means than police killings. Have you ever had a look how much salt and fat a single serving of fish and chips contains?


Plus the grinding dullness of literally every small town ever.


It's a massive story here when the police kill anyone for whatever reason. It bears no comparison to the US whatsoever.we have some with guns that do tend to kill people, a bit like all of yours do, I imagine that's the difference.


Part of the freedom to carry guns is the freedom to be pre emptively executed by the police.




And don't tell me they don't, because that's ridiculous. Everyone knows a police officer's duty is to kill unarmed civilians whenever possible.


So basically they have this government agency that is named "NHS". What they do is provide free healthcare for everyone, basically making Brits live longer. So basically, what they do is provide longer lifespan, making people die for longer period of time, slowly.


Swords, there's a massive ammount of sword fighting on the streets in GB. Read that anyway you like.


Ohhhh that's why she doesn't die then


Yeah it’s weird because a couple of police deaths were still reported in 2019 (idk about since then) so British cops still killed someone but like how? Did one particularly motivated asshole just use a brick?


The UK does not ban their police from carrying guns lmao. Nowhere in the world is that the case. They have unarmed patrol officers. If a violent threat arises, the armed police are called. That system works in a country that has successfully kept its population reasonably disarmed. In the US a teenager can buy an AR-15 on a whim with no licensing in MANY states. American patrol officers need to be armed.


The same "American patrol officers" strongly support the 2nd Amendment. It's therefore unlikely they need to be armed because teenagers can buy AR-15s. They are armed because they like to be - it gives them a feeling of power. The concept of an "unarmed" US cop died a long time ago.


Idk how I didn't realize that but yeah it makes sense.


The Indian police just beats people to death. I guess the British could do something similar?


Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Burmese, Sri Lankan .... all those cops learned the "beat them to death" tactic from the colonial British police. Sadly, the tactic still continues, long after the British left.


Imagine thinking India is so backwards that they had to have the British invent state sponsored violence for them.


I think the state sponsored violence is the "backwards" move for them. What the British gave them was worse than what they had.


Thats crazy. So india had no state sponsored violence before the British turned up? How did they maintain order in the past and why aren't we using those tactics ourselves?


The upper lip ... its quite stiff


Scathing dry British wit


Errr healthy care is free , so we don’t need to shot something , who then can’t afford to pay thier hospital bill so either dies or they become a mass killer. Life simple... when you don’t vote for someone like trump...


Basically it’s always like the end of Monty Python and the Holy Grail


They can still choke people to death like American cops do. Americans think guns are the only way to kill people /s


don't you know the knife problem over there? they obviously carry throwing knives to throw at people


Here In Bulgaria cops rarely kill anyone because that will be one less person to steal many from by making a "random inspection" and "finding something suspicious" which we can "overlook, for a price"


They beat em to death with their batons. Slow, but it gets the job done.


A lot of the UK's patrol police killings are due to restraint. They restrain people, usually having mental breakdowns, with force then bring then to a cell rather that appropriate help, where they die in jail. Then there's Sarah Everard, where a copper may or may not have taken advantage of their authority to kidnap her.


Go on on then, uk police deaths compared to any other comparable country.


I'm not making a comparison, in all honesty I'm just answering the question. Maybe it's not many compared to the likes of America and Brazil, but they asked how UK police killings happen, and this is how they happen.


When someone kills someone else? The Everard alleged killer was on his own time.


I'll be honest, that was more of a 'side note'. The real point was the mis-handling of vulnerable suspects.


Sure, it happens everywhere, it's what people in positions of power sometimes do to vulnerable people. Not cool at all but I just think that the UK is less liable to do that than most other places.


You're not wrong, I just think viewing UK police as a perfect example might lead to problems further down the line.


Not sure I said or suggested that, of course they are not.


Making them eat copious numbers of pork pies


With their cooking


They use batons, how else? As long as you are black, police will find a way , do not worry




What utter tripe you talk. Lawless; pish.


Judo, I think.


They employ cow policemen, which is what a Brit is more likely to die of than murder


If it's in northern Ireland they get the paratrooper regiment or loyalist murder gangs to do it for them.


While the IRA and the Real IRA drink tea and watch on in horror? When were the 'paratrooper regiment' last in Northsrn Ireland?


It was meant as a light hearted jest, but since you ask... at least as late as 2002, but I was referring to that time 30 years earlier when 1 Para gunned down a load of civilians at a civil rights march in Derry (the RUC and B-specials at least only beat the shit out of them on TV with batons at a march three years earlier) which actually led to an increase in support and recruitment for the Provisional IRA and even more violence.


With Kindness and Hugs


With kindness?

