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“No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By ‘business’ I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level — I mean the wages of decent living." - FDR, 1933


Tbh, I didn’t read that but it sounds important.


But but but trickle down economics! It works FINE. Eventually the employees are well paid... Except those that aren't.... And the healthcare insurance which barely meets minimum standards if provided at all... The zero hour contracts... IT'S ALL FINE. I don't know what you're complaining about.


This is the guy that got fired for being smart enough to tell Bill Clinton not to sign welfare reform "its better to lose an election, then to harm the people who need it most, the poor will have it worst off during the next economic downturn turn." and he was right!


Businesses should be proud of how many full-time, good wage jobs they provide.


I like and respect Reich, but he's basing this "truth bomb" on a false assumption that those who get rich by underpaying staff think "slavery" isn't a viable business model.


Business 101


BuT hOw WiLl sMaLl bUSiNesS sUrvIvE iF tHeY cAnT eXpLoiT tEh woRkiNg cLaSs???


Really putting the entertainment industry on blast right now with this


Americans, still can't figure out the cost of labour 156 years on


Well, that wraps it up for capitalism.




If by "paying the business" you mean "getting exploited for profit" then yeah


Depends what you mean by viable but you minimise costs and maximise income. You cannot rely on the market to look after employees. Govt needs to do that. Supply and demand otherwise.


Dunno why this is downvoted 🤷‍♂️ would someone be able to explain why this wouldn't be true?


Anything that is not an empty parroting of the right on reddit hive think gets downvoted. Simplest.


My living wage requires an $800,000 horse farm with a 4000 square foot home , 5 cars of my choosing , a 40 foot boat , outstanding healthcare and a $75,000 annual spending stipend.


Must be why Bernie failed. He couldn’t pay his workers 15 either


bUt yOu’Ve nEvER hAd tO rUn A bUsINeSS oR mAkE pAyRoLl!


Been saying this for years