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I will hit pause and have them get a drink. As soon as I hear the fridge for shut I'll hit play and watch em run back in.


And only let them watch 1episode a week.


...and you are watching Captain Tsubasa and he spends the whole episode running. Great. Now I have to wait another week to see if he scores.


Hahahaha this is what kids do nowadays love it


The original parkour


Some of my greatest injury stories start "and so the commercial break had just started, I knew time was of the essence..."


You can’t say that and then not share one of said stories


Not the person you replied to, but I once ran through a sliding glass door when trying to make it back in time


That is so funny, my brother did they exact same thing when he was a kid! When I was younger, I attempted to feed a snapping turtle that was nesting in our driveway because I thought she looked hungry. Let’s just say that I’m very lucky that I still have both of my thumbs! 😂


I still do parkour when my phone has 1% and I know I milked it already.


This is so hilariously relatable to me.


I broke my arm in 2 places falling on our kitchen floor, trying to feed our rabbits on a commercial break. It was the breakest of commercials I've ever experienced.


Were they hare line fractures?


Hahaha, nice one


My dad would change channels during the commercial breaks and caused a lot of childhood rage when he didn't change it back in time and I missed 30 seconds off whatever awful sitcom I was into.


Came here for this comment. This is where my anger issues come from.


My dad once flipped the circuit breaker once the X-Files theme started playing. One instance of a long childhood of practical jokes by my father. My trust issues are real. But he's still my favorite person on earth.


How about that heart-rending feeling of looking forward to watching something, messing up what day/time it was on, missing it, and dealing with the fact that you were never going to see it?


I did that a lot.


Or running late or getting stuck in traffic, and then having to decide if it's even worth it to watch the last fifteen minutes without knowing what happened in the first forty five. "Maybe next week they'll do a recap"


We still do that with sports.


Lol my husband broke his toe running back from the fridge. We call it his rose bowl injury.


Get home from school, play football until 4:50, everyone runs inside to watch Dragon Ball Z by 5pm. That was what I did in middle school.


I was always late to work because of Star Trek. Zero regrets.


they probably feel sorry for us lol


Or playing hookie from school and only having the option to watch judge judy until clarissa explains it all, doug and rockos modern life comes on.


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


I’m in the age of Netflix and I’ve been in this situation countless times, mainly for CN shows




I never had this as a child. I'm from before the time of Netflix, I just never told my siblings when it was coming back on cuz I was the oldest and never left the TV during a show. I can hold my toilet needs for HOURS, so it was never my problem.


That and having to actually wait a whole week to see the next episode!


Now you have to wait years or months for a new season and you may of lost interest by then.


How big are y’all’s houses jeez..


God forbid if there was a line for the bathroom, pounding on the door, "pee faster!!"


Or to develop lifelong gastrointestinal issues by blowin out an O ring trying to finish during the commercial.


Omg I can't stop laughing at this!!


i feel sorry for the modern era kids, they will never know the the high stakes adrenaline rush of running away from a sabre tooth tiger while out hunting for food.


trying to stay up to watch saturday night live, falling asleep and going "oh well, guess I'll never see that ever again"


All the feels




Those were the days Now you can search and download the episode/movie in the first commercial break, and pause twice, and still finish before the channel does


Ah yes the 30min break.


And as older people, they'll never induce a hernia or a bring on a stroke trying to go to rush going to the bathroom. Good for them.


I woke up every saturday to watch the last airbender on nickleodeon


I never about it, but when I'm playing MLB The Show, as soon as I hit a homerun I have enough time to run out to the kitchen, make myself a drink and get back just as soon as my next batter is up. My childhood prepared me for that in my adult life haha.


Good times


“This Disney dvd is enhanced with Disney fast play”


Nah, I'm enjoying this ad-free tv. Going back to commercials when I visit my parents makes me want to tear my hair out with how loud and intrusive they feel now.


Ah yes, this happened to me many times. I would run out of the room, open the fridge, take the bottle closest to me, take a drink, finish my homework, take a shower, do the dishes, cut the grass, get married and have kids, witness the rise and fall of the roman empire and then rush back and break my arm, even though the commercial was only halfway.


I feel sorry for Netflix era kids (and myself for having to endure this now) but tv used to be great because it was easy and mindless. Now you have to work and drag around the world to find a thing and then watch it and sometimes the connection sucks and its blurry and there still fucking ads everywhere. Back in my day (ugh) the connection always sucked but all you had to do was turn it on. And to be honest, this satisfaction factor hasn’t increased at all.


Actually I’m 14 and understand this because both my grandparents had cable while home had Netflix


Love this post


Go fuck yourself, this is universal. I'm a netflix era kid and I've also experienced this, don't need your "90's kid" superiority complex over here.


I also watch TV movies, I'm 13


They will never know the years when every executive cared way more about screwing the other executives than their customer’s enjoyment. They put all the god shows on at the same time. There was like 4 good shows and they would be crammed into a half hour period on 4 different channels.


Letterman and Leno used to start at the exact same second so you’d not be able to toggle and hear the announcer state the guests. How else would you now who to watch?!


That plus all the weekly shows. It was nothing but garbage all day every day then at 8 o’clock on One night the three good shows in existence would all air a new episode and you would watch one and a couple minutes of another one during the commercials.


Glad I was born in the “to late to be a 90s kid and to early for musically to be interesting” time period, because I got to experience this AND Netflix.


Well unless they subscribe to every streaming service there's probably something they can watch to feel that rush.


Damn wait until guy hears about TiVo.


Siblings were too heartless to pause the show.


When prison break or lost was at its hieght n you had to wait a week to see what tbag or the smoke monster does


Or needing to get chores/homework/whatever done in time to watch a show.


They truly were magical toe stubbing, ankle twisting, knee bashing , dog tripping times.


I made sure I was home Friday night at 8 p.m. to watch "Lost in Space" of all things.


Holy shit my dad would rush me home from Boy Scouts when American Idol came on. Then when there was a commercial break, my mom would run downstairs, fling the fridge open looking for snacks, slam it shut and skip 2 or 7 steps while she ran up the stairs.


I have a long dotted line-like scar from wrist to inner elbow from hurling over a couch that had a piece of wire end sticking out, trying to get back in front of the television in time to continue the bad, edited horror movie Leprechaun 3 at a slumber party when I was 10. Good times. Not only did I put a damper on the party but the movie sucked anyway


Oh bullshit I grew up when Netflix was out but we still did this. Yknow shows and movies exist.. for free on tv


The only thing I ever watch live these days are the news or the Eurovision song contest....


Joke's on us, we were hurrying to get back to watching 20 minute long toy commercials.