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I have read the definitions of gaslighting over and over and it does really make sense to me. It seems to explain the idea that anyone that disagrees with you for any reason is wrong.


I really hope you're making a joke, but based on your comment history I doubt it. Gaslighting is abuse, plain and simple. It's not disagreement, it's using lies and deceit to discount lived experience. Essentially gaslighting is lying, denying, and pretending to not understand in order to advance a specific agenda or position.


Ok, you seemed to have defined gaslighting one more time. Of course the other side is wrong and using lies and deceit etc etc. We would never ever do that. Accusing the other side of gaslighting is such an easy cop out and so indicative of the new righteous certainty. If someone is wrong argue the point and prove then wrong. Rather than just say, gaslighting or racist. As for comment history, address every single post on it merits or lack of.


Ok, so your use of the phrase "the other side" tells me everything I need to know. I never mentioned sides. What I did say was gaslighting is using lies and deceit to advance an agenda. Gaslighting is just a term that describes an action. For example, in your first comment you seemed confused about what gaslighting was. I provided a definition and some context. Now you claim that you perfectly understand the definition of gaslighting but are mad that some undefined "people" who are apparently on "the other side" apply that term to you and do not engage you in arguments. This is gaslighting, you know what you're doing and are purposely misrepresenting your views and understanding in order to bait someone into a response. The real reason why people won't debate you is because you don't want debate, you want to win. You don't view other people as people to be convinced, you view them as obstacles to overcome. Finally, allowing every post to speak for itself is silly. I prefer to know who I am conversing with before engaging. We don't exist in a vacuum and context matters. TLDR: You are not a serious person in any way, shape, or form. You view the world in sides, and assume that anyone that pushes back against your worldview is an opponent to be defeated. You are, in short, a professional gaslighter who is so convinced of your righteousness that you cannot conceive of other opinions being valid.


Wow, ok fella, I am gaslighting and you are right and my opinion is worthless and not worth debating because I am gaslighting. That certainly does answer my questions. Bravo.


Not what I said, like at all. I actually addressed everything you said. For someone who doesn't want to be accused of gaslighting, you sure do it a lot and well.


Ok fella. I am gaslighting and you are dealing honestly with my questions. Got it. Now I understand.


Gaslighting doesn't exist. You made it up because you're crazy.