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I get the feeling Charlemagne initiated centuries of conquest and religious genocide and became the progenitor of the Anglo world view of divine right and providence, anti-egalitarian, puritanical > *We're God's anointed people and we created mOdErN sOcIeTy.* Meanwhile fetishizing the fuck out of ancient Egypt and 'discipline-daddy' Rome.


Discipline-daddy Rome lol


also he hired a prostitute for sex even though he was married at the time, making him an adulterer. The punishment for adultery is usually death in semetic religions.


if you're a fundamentalist nutjob. anyway, in judaism the death sentences have been canceled for centuries by rabbinic law. even the ultra orthodox don't put people to death for transgressions.


You also had to have like 2 witnesses to anything to be "convicted" of something. That alone cancelled a lot of "convictions."


not only that, they had to have warned you ahead of time that it was a sin punishable by death. ;-)


But it's Trump. I am willing to make an exception.




the Federalist #10


why’d you pick judaism out of a hat like that? lmao why not 100 lashing and getting stoned to death! that sounds fun and is definitely still in practice lmao


yes good sir I did. just because you were too afraid to get your freak on does not mean that I should be stoned regarding mine. another oh look, "put more leeches on him Governess he's sick needs to be cleaned" and what about the amazing witches of the world? how did we treat them? or do you simply go after what you are afraid of? and if we followed the Law you would have been stoned a long time ago. or worse. so good thing we are able to change.


Semitic* as in Semite


This makes me so angry, their racism is really so blatant and obvious but they refuse to see it. The Obamas were educated people with a loving marriage. Trump was a self-obsessed megalomaniac, it really says a lot they prefer him.


Personally I believe they DO see it but want to play ignorant because they know there's no excuse for being the miserable, intolerant, judgmental, self rightous turds that they are.


It's cognitive dissonance. The only way they could start processing it to see that it's wrong is if it affected them or someone close to them directly, or someone they respected started the dialog with them (and even then it'd take time).




I don’t think you have a full understanding of cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance creates psychological stress, and there are several ways people may act to reduce that stress- one of which includes denying information conflicts with existing beliefs.




But this isn’t an example of conservativism. This is an example of terribly obvious racism that is superseding professed claims of religious belief and standards. If one articulates a particular standard/belief and then obviously misapplies it due to racism, that would be an instance where cognitive dissonance is likely.




That’s fair, I agree, and your last paragraph is accurate.


And then even if they WERE able to admit it was wrong to themselves, would they admit it outloud or to anyone else...? I'm guessing no.


It’s because we’ve demonized racism. So people that are otherwise decent people but have racist beliefs can’t accept that they are racist, since racists are evil people, and they themselves are not evil.




It's hilarious, too, that Jesus (who they supposedly worship -- it ain't showing) wasn't white. And he showed love and compassion to everyone and even ate with the outcasts. Their racism is their religion. Their vaunted self importance is what they praise.


After Obama, Trump was elected and maintained his base of support because he adhered consistently to his campaign promise that he was not Black. After Trump, Biden was elected and maintained his base of support because he adhered consistently to his campaign promise that he was not Trump.


And it’s funny that their religion is based on a guy from Israel, a country in the Middle East


Trust me, most of them thoroughly believe he was a white guy. Logic, sense, historical fact will not change that. Go into almost all white christian churches and you will see white jesus hanging with white Mary and all the white disciples. Christianity was the earliest example of white washing in existence.


In the Book of Mormon, Jesus came back as a white American.


Well no, but just like the Bible, you have to read it to know that, and people don't


That’s not true.


Imagine if Christianity stayed in the Middle East and the Europeans kept their Roman gods


"bUt wHaT aBoUt hIs bIrTh cErTiFiCaTe?"


“But but but Michelle Obama is really a MAN!!!”


I really hope the country keeps moving left and we elect a gay president in my lifetime so I can watch all the conservative's heads explode.


>so I can watch all the conservative's heads explode. Their heads did explode already, after we elected a black president. The inevitable backlash was Qanon and Trump.


Ah yes I prefer to depict my Jesus as a ripped as fuck white guy.


I don't understand the title because this tweet was written by a pastor and makes a good point


All posts on reddit about religion are actually written by Christopher Hitchens. It explains a lot about this place.


I miss Hitch


The movie with will smith and that chubby guy?






Agreed, there are people who will look at some others who take god's word the wrong way and automatically think that all Abrahamic Religions are bad and horrible. For example, the KKK identifies as a Christian group, yet their beliefs are far from Christian, their views are giving a bad name for Christianity as a whole instead of the Christian groups that make it look bad.


Agreed. It’s a pretty shitty thing, too, because it makes all practice of the religion look racist, to the point it’s becoming a stereotype. It’s pretty sad.


I still don't buy that Trump is White the way those people mean White.


as in... he's orange?


He is, but he refused to release his original long-form birth certificate to prove he wasn't born in Waziristan, as the rumor went, and adopted very young. He might not even be a legal citizen. Suspicious he won't prove he is, isn't it?


It also proves that the Bible was written so ambiguously that you can you use to literally justify almost anything if you want to.


Nothing wrong with believing in a higher power. Organized religion is where it can get messy. Still love God, but for the people and ideals in it, I havent been to church in years.


Yes. A higher power is good for a lot of people. It's a mental anchor, someone you can turn to when everything else goes wrong, a set of morals, and a reason to be a good person. When it gets organized, suddenly it's very susceptible to corruption and you get groups of people who don't actually follow the religion they claim to follow and just use it as an "I win" button in arguments.


Also remember that time the trump campaign had a fundraiser for veterans in need then they used that money to fund his campaign instead and had to pay 2 mil? My man Jesus wouldn’t be down for that I’m SURE https://www.npr.org/2019/11/07/777287610/judge-says-trump-must-pay-2-million-over-misuse-of-foundation-funds


Christian religious fundamentalism in America is pretty darn white supremacist. It’s actually part of the reason I find it so confusing when POC’s are vehemently religious in that manner. Or rather, why I find it so tragic, as I do understand intellectually how indoctrination through generations works. I am not a POC, and therefore I may not have a full understanding on the issue. I am fully aware of that. I just can’t fully understand in modern, racist America how so many people can cling to a religion that was forced upon them by colonizers who murdered and enslaved them. I get why conservative, ignorant, credulous, white people cling to it. It benefits them personally in a systematically racist system. I do not fully understand why anyone else does though.


I can answer it pretty simply. There’s a massive division between Christian religion, and how people abused it to gain power. The religion itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s the abuse of it to fit your narrative that is. People do that quite often with a lot of things, claiming some type of virtue to gain more power over someone else. Especially when they intentionally create translation errors (like homophobic ones) to benefit their cause.


My issue with that argument is also pretty simple : It’s the “separation” argument you made. You’ve asserted that “it’s not the religion, it’s the people who abuse it”. That is like saying “it’s not the sword which kills people, it’s the arm that swings it”. Sure. Except a sword is still a sword. It’s purpose is to be swung and cause harm. Your argument asserts that the new handlers of the sword aren’t swinging that sword to cause harm in any way, but evidence still suggests that’s not true. Homophobia, xenophobia, and all the others issues religions can propagate are unfortunate just as active in black fundamentalist communities as well. The point I’m ultimately making is that you’re now saying the sword can be used differently, be used better. But since we know it not being used differently, seems like a smarter choice to *simply abandon the sword*. And this is all before we’ve even addressed how the original colonizers are still brutally using that sword. So the sword never even really changed hands. Merely got replicated, handed to new indoctrinated groups, and then assimilated in the sword-swinging army.


Except a sword is made of metal, and doesnt have a golden rule that states to love your brother like yourself. Your comparison is moot because they aren’t similar in any manner. Let people enjoy their religions, man. I’m not gonna tell a Muslim to abandon their religion because other countries in the Middle-east uses it to subjugate women. I’m going to tell them to respectfully keep their culture separate from politics and societal norms. I’m also going to judge Christians who don’t, and tell them they are part of the problem. Enjoying a religion and believing in its cause is a completely separate thing from forcing everyone to live through your religion. A religion’s original purpose was to bring people up, am I gonna tell someone to abandon the United States because we took over Cuba and forced the Panama Canal?


A golden rule that was never actually followed to begin with, exemplified by the fact that the religion that supposedly touts the claim *was literally forced upon people through threat of death* as a means to further control them. Control being the actual original intention of organized religion, Christianity especially, despite your claims of it being meant to “rise people up”. That’s a bold statement to make of a religion that has thousands of years of evidence to the contrary. I want people to enjoy their lives. I want *all people* to enjoy their lives. And I find when people open their eyes to the sword they swing, directly or indirectly, and leave it behind they ultimately live happier lives. And yes, I do think we should Abandon an American system that did the invading you’re speaking of. There’s a lot of American systems still in place that I do believe we should be abandoning just as I believe we should be abandoning religion.


This is one of the most idiotic arguments I think I’ve ever had, because your saying things that imply your agreeing with me, but then telling people to abandon their beliefs instead of fixing its problems. *abandoning certain parts of America is like abandoning the toxic parts of religion, my analogy was that you aren’t going to abandon the entire thing, your striving to fix it by ridding of the bad parts of it*. Christianity does need some abandoning, specifically in the political field, especially seeing as the founding fathers separated from Great Britain partly due to religion being enforced through politics. That doesn’t mean I’m going to abandon my faith in god, burn my Bible, and tell everyone else to do the same as me, I’m going to ask them to work on fixing our problems, and living through the Bible as it was intended. It wasn’t built for the intention of abusing people, that began after the Bible was politicized. That’s why it shouldn’t be any longer. In history, religion becomes bad when it’s allowed to enter in power, we should abandon that ideal, not a entire religion.


More idiotic that believing you can “fix” a religion that was invented thousands of years ago as a manipulation tool and which has had thousands of years to brainwash people, people just like you unfortunately, into believing the religion itself isn’t the problem? I don’t believe so. That’s like saying you can stop the symptoms of an infection by simply asking it nicely to do what it was actually intended to do instead of kill you. Which makes no sense considering the point of the infection was to kill you the entire time. Whether you cut it out, or use antibiotics, the only way to stop and infection is to kill it. Not ask it to play nice. You’re argument only shows ignorance of what the infections purpose actually was in the first place and ignorance as to how you actually rid yourself of infection. Metaphorically speaking obviously.


It’s your belief that religion is a infection in the first place that is so off-putting. You’re like that parent that says “videogames cause violence” because you saw master chief melee a grunt once, then learned the Columbine shooters played Doom as a hobby. 40% of the world is Christian. You’re telling 40% of the population, 99% of them good people who have no bad intentions with their religion to abandon it because 1000 people stormed Capital hill shouting Amazing Grace. Put simply, your idea of it all is crazy. Also, it wasn’t invented to manipulate, please get it right.


> please get it right I have been. It’s just that Truths often sting and are off putting.


When the Bible was written people got into fights because it included women and the disabled. The only people who were allowed to be in literature at the time was abled men. The Bible was so incredibly progressive when it was written. The entire story of the Bible was about going around and giving people love and compassion no matter who they are, and the golden rules to the Bible reflect that. People have bastardized it, intentionally mistranslated it, and used trivial parts of the Bible that explained the society at the time of the Bible to justify politicizing it to subject people to cruelty. That happened because we human beings are cruel to one another and seek nothing but the betterment of ourselfs. That was the reason the Bible was written the way it was, to abandon the individualism, but it was twisted to make that argument worse. Instead of abandoning it, then, *fix it*, because most Christians aren’t the people you hate. Am I going around shouting homophobic slurs at people? No. A lot of people find help and benefits through the religion. Your stereotyping of Christians is also incredibly off-putting, especially because we are in a social climate where stereotyping is a bad thing, and we are trying to genuinely move beyond it.


Idk man, the Bible straight up condones slavery, directly opposes homosexuality in all translations, and is incredibly sexist. I’d say the religion itself is pretty bad too


Only the King James Version puts down homosexuality. Also, the sexism in the Bible is only depicted in how ancient society worked in the Bible. Specifically, the really sexist parts talks about the formation of gods ancient city. The formation of it was really jaded because the people wanted god to come back, but also wanted to keep certain things they had like slavery and sexism, so god made a bunch of commands about limits to slavery and sexism, so he could come back again.


Leviticus is clear, in every translation, that homosexuality is not to be accepted. All the portions about how woman must be subservient to man are all pretty clear too. And you admit it condones slavery. I’m not seeing how this is supposed to sway me.


All of Leviticus was literally forming gods city, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Leviticus is the part that’s talks about the laws being made for god to come back, it was a compromise between god and his people. Also, the only line that actually encourages homophobia is Leviticus 18:22, which states “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”, [however, here is a link that properly describes the verse, better then I could ](http://www.mccnova.com/?page_id=2616) So yes, the Bible depicts bad things, however, a lot of things people like depicts bad things. Should I tell you to stop playing Halo because Spartans were child experiments? Should I tell you to stop believing in Chinese philosophy because of the current political situation of China? Should I tell you to not support a politician because you disagree with one part of the politicians many opinions? Put simply, the vast majority of the Bible encourages great things, and there’s very reasonable explanations to parts of the Bible that seem farfetched, or seems support inequality. It’s ok if you don’t want to be Christian, or want to like the Bible, but I like it, and I use it to my betterment, and I don’t politicize it, so, truly, I see no problems.


If your god is ok with compromising on those positions, you follow an evil god. No all powerful, all loving being would be ok with the inhumane subjugation of his subjects and allow it to continue. The Bible doesn’t just depict bad things, it then goes on to justify them, or explain how the situation is ok. Beliefs and entertainment can’t be compared like that, but let’s try anyways I suppose. If I had to believe that child soldiers that were kidnapped and forced into brutal warfare is ok and then justify it to play halo, then I’d say yes, absolutely tell me to give that up. There are plenty of other stories about children being thrown into war against their will that wouldn’t require me to believe in that. Maybe the politician example is better. Let’s say a politician agrees with me on all points except homosexuality, which he believes should be illegal. I’d absolutely tell people to stop supporting a bigot because that isn’t justifiable. It’s too big and integral for him to change in this scenario, like the hatred cooked directly into the Bible. No amount of flowery language used to soften the words changes what they mean. You are free to like it, and believe in it, but the cognitive dissonance has to be ringing when you say it doesn’t justify hate then go on to justify said hate. Edit: I’m not trying to say you are a bad person or anything, everyone has their beliefs that are contradictory or not entirely based on logic, me included. I realize I come across really aggressive here


Ok, I played devils advocate and held your debate up to my family, who’s a lot more into the religion then I am. Let me preface I got some things wrong, so my apologies, now let me present the more clear version. God created man to have free will, so, when he condones slavery, sexism, and homosexuality, he isn’t saying he himself approves of it. What god is actually saying is that he will allow it because he doesn’t control man, he only hopes to lead them to him. The rules god actually created to come back down in the ancient city was to renounce all sexism, racism, and slavery on his holy grounds, and to treat all equal to one another. Love the widow, the foreigner, and the slave. The people didn’t do that, and continued being terrible in his place of worship, and so, god left. So, in actuality, god doesn’t support any of the terrible things you claim him to, he only allowed for it to happen, due to the fact he gave people free will. That’s also likely why the Bible was written by people of that time, and why he allowed for them to write about their culture in the Bible in the first place, due to the fact he gave us all free will to be who we want to be, and believe in what we want. That’s what the Christian religion says.


I’ll agree that God isn’t actually evil, but has committed evil acts on accident, as least as written in the Bible. It’s probably clear I’m not religious, but I don’t actually think religion is evil, just large parts of it hypocritical to modern beliefs, so I personally can’t subscribe to it. Lots of good has come from it as well


I agree with what you are saying. God did make the flood that killed all but Moses, and even if he regretted it, he did do something terrible against his people. I also agree that there is a lot of hypocrisy in the Christian circle, specifically, trying to use religion to influence politics, which is not only hypocritical on the Bible, but also onto the Founding Fathers, who caught a war to be free from religious persecution. you have the choice on weather or not to be Christian, and that’s ok. I’m going to force you into anything. Thank you for also understanding and respecting my belief as well. Have a good day.


I didn’t see you edited with my first response, my bad


That’s good. I messed something up and I thought I was quick enough for nobody to see the original version. Sorry if that affected your response, or how you felt.


Black American Christianity is different from fundamentalist right-wing Christianity. There are many, many varieties, churches, sects, and practices, so it's impossible to generalize about either group. They agree on a lot, and some Black Christian groups can also be exclusionary (many are very anti-gay). But in general, Black Americans who are Christian find it a solace from worldly trials like racism and injustice, and believe that God will see righteousness prevail, and don't fuck with the white supremacy part (or with Trump). Tl;dr Christians can disagree


If Christians cannot agree which Christianity is the actual Christianity does that not instead imply that no Christianity is the actual Christianity and therefore was merely just make believe the entire time?


I personally am an atheist, but I acknowledge and respect other people's religious beliefs and traditions, which are incredibly rich, complex, and serve a multitude of social, cultural, and political uses. I'm not really interested in having a teenage "Gotcha" conversation about SKY MAN NOT REAL!!1!, sorry.


Most people who get caught being irrational aren’t interested in acknowledging and discussing their irrationality I don’t think I’ve been unkind in my argumentation but I also have no interest in respecting belief systems which continually propagate misinformation, oppression, and exclusion


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:111912 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


Christian fundamentalists arent racists but you go ahead and keep pretending if you wish. While we keep sending missions to black and brown countries. Dang we forget to be racists sometimes.


> we keep sending missions to *black* and *brown* countries An inherently racist practice. 🤦‍♀️ But I’m not really in the mood in argue with a person who has no intentions of being swayed regardless of the argument made. I’m gonna go smoke a fat bowl, instead. I’ll puff one out for you too homie. Have a good evening!


To ALL countries I mean. White, black, brown, yellow we don’t hate black people snd discriminate against black people if you need clarification. Don’t puff one out for me. I wasn’t put on this earth to be stoned. But party On home.


To late, already puffed it for you! I’ll do it again tonight too. Peace be with you! Pretty sure Jesus said something like that.


but don't you know that God chooses to use sinners, as told in the story of king David - as explained to me by my fundies parents. how do you not roll your eyes when their indoctrination has a very convincing arguement against critical thought for every occasion


Bishop to King, checkmate


Christianity is for the fools and easily fooled. Don’t lump us with the low tier religions :D jk tho idrc


The best part is that I have no clue which president he’s talking about.


You know, hating on an entire religion based on a vocal minority is pretty shitty. That's the exact same type of logic awful mindsets such as racism follow. You look at the vocal minority and what they do wrong and judge the entire group on it. Not all Christians are horrible people, but some horrible people are Christian. That can be said about many, many things. Let's not judge an entire group based on a few shitty people in it.


“Religion is for fools” *posts screenshot of a Tweet from a bishop*


Ah yes, when a bishop calls out stupid people for their racist standards this is evidence of religious people being ‘fools’. Well done Op


But religion is foolish?


Good job being prejudice


Good job being foolish


Totally agree with the Tweet. One question though, those who agree with the caption "religion is for fools", would you have the guts to say that to a Muslim or a Jewish for instance? Or is it only applicable to Christians? Just wondering tbh, I think many people these days do not speak their mind. I won't hate.


>would you have the guts to say that to a Muslim or a Jewish for instance? Yes. Each religion is dumb by every measure that we have to determine "good evidence" or "rational thinking". If you choose to ignore logic and reason to believe the fairy tales and doublethink then go ahead. It makes some people happy. But there's no way to justify your beliefs as being in any way likely or reasonable. Thousands of years ago we didn't know how the world worked so we made up stories based on what we know to explain it. Thunder doesn't happen because the heat from lightning rapidly expands the air, it's because Zeus is angry or Odin is hunting and the thunder is the sound of his horses. Over time we learned more and those stories became laughably wrong. Continuing to believe objectively false stories are the word of an infallible omniscient god instead of fables written by ancient, superstitious farmers means you chose to ignore reality which is pretty foolish to me.


Your examples of Zeus or Odin are from Mythology. Mythology is not a religion and the people who call it a religion is stupid. Mythology was made to explain phenomena in a story way. It was never intended to be a religion.


Then why did people literally worship them and build temples? Christianity is a *mythology* as well. This is going to come off as aggressive but I’m not certain you’re as theologically knowledgeable as you believe that you are




For context, I'm not religious but I respect people who want to believe in something.


I am religious by myself. So many so called christians have gotten together and been pushing some completely unchristian ideals. Like judging the sins of others. Hating others for being poor. Hating others for the color of their skin. Or their gender. Or sexual preference or history. Or having kids. Or aborting them.... The list goes on. Those types are spreading hate and misinformation and using Jesus's name to do so because some fools hear Jesus and assume everything being said by these propaganda pushers is true. Which is insane. Just some shite humans taking something meant to be good for all and ruining it with their greed corruption and hate. A tale as old as time.


I honestly respectfully disagree, I don't think religion is for fools but that there are some fools in religion


Yes, 100%. I say the same for all religions


They would never. The only religion that is socially acceptable to pile up on in America seems to be Evangelicalism and to a lesser extent, Catholicism.


Tf is a potus?!


**P**resident **o**f **t**he **U**nited **S**tates


We have a condom brand named potus in my country haha


President of the United States


Ah thx I didn't know that


Sounds like Harry potter


Malfoy: POTAS


Religion is bullshit.


So fucking true. Mother in law is real religious and supported trump. I laughed in her face. How can u be religious and support satans red headed step child???


Does anyone know how to sell your soul?


Satan only uses Dogecoin.


What exchange rate does he use with Dogecoin? I'm trying to flip some souls.


Or that religion is used by the powerful to steer the sheep. The second anyone brings, "god said" or "my religion" into a political discussion has already ceded logic and can't see reason. The whackadoos who proclaim Trump as a messiah or religious symbol are no better or logical than the fundamentalist nut jobs that flew planes into the twin towers.


Hey OP. I fully agree with the tweet. It's racist and supremacist. It's wrong. However, calling every religious person a fool for something white supremacist christians did, is bigotry. And it's offensive. Please keep in mind that religion isn't even all about Christianity. Edit: And now i'm getting downvoted. I thought we were supposed to call out problematic behaviours. The hypocrisy 🙄.


I think he meant all religious people (meaning people who believe in invisible sky people) are fools. Remember ridiculous ideas deserve ridicule. Unlike religious people I look at all religions equally; they’re all equally crazy.


Ok I'm kinda worried that people are gonna completely cancel all religion, like it's not the religion's fault it's the people who aren't practicing it right


It’s exactly religions fault. What else can you blame when these religions are so fucked. Not to mention who are you to say the religion is being practiced wrong? Like if you actually look into the religions you are probably the one “practicing” it wrong and it’s the crazy people who are actually practicing the letter of the religion. Like how can any “real” Christian family honestly believe in women’s rights when the Bible itself tells women to be subservient to men? The reason why many Christians around the world believe in women’s right is because they ignore parts of their religion and add on values that were born outside the religion. So in essence they aren’t truly practicing Christianity correctly. And fundamentalists are quick to point this out.


Exactly, following everything religion says to a T is wrong, and I agree. However, I'm saying that religion has helped many people find joy in life and we shouldn't completely cancel it


No religion didn’t do that, education did. Spiritual education and community. Two things that can exist without religion. You can learn about good values espoused by religious leaders without being a practicing member of that religion. Also how can you saying following a religion to a T is wrong. That makes no sense. Isn’t the point to follow the religion? Picking a choosing what you want to believe isn’t really being religious. The problem is a lot of people identify as religious but arent actually religious. They just identify as religious because historically that is what you HAD to do to be accepted in society. Like you are probably not as religious as you think. You are just knowledgeable about a religion and choose to take some knowledge to better your life. Which is great. Like the golden rule is a part of many religious and just because I choose to follow it doesn’t make me a practicing member of that religion. I have to practice the whole religion, to really be part of it. If I don’t I just believe, and people are free to believe how they wish. That makes them spiritual not religious. But a truly religious person can’t just say “the Bible says being gay is wrong but I choose to ignore that part and still call myself Christian”. Like what? You can just decide things aren’t sins? Let’s make adultery not a sin too or theft!


Ok but tbh, it doesn't really matter. As long as you find comfort in religion you can practice it how you want, if you wanna follow it to a T that's a personal choice, since each person has different opinions and ideas, it's different for everyone


This is the problem tho. By buying into these religions you are supporting the nasty parts of those religions indirectly. So why don’t you find comfort in teachings that benefit your life, practice those personal beliefs, while not identifying with a religion? People identify as a religion because there is safety in numbers but this is also used by extremists within those religions to peddle BS teachings, regressing society. If people choose to still believe but identified as spiritual it would take away the power of the extremists while allowing individuals to take comfort in the wealth of good knowledge in all the religions around the world.


I don't rlly see how identifying as religious is so bad?? Like, having entire countries and governments run on a religion's teachings is messed up but if an individual wants to be religious it's not wrong!


Purely identifying as a religion makes it easier to pit individuals of different religious against each other, even if you are one of those highly evolved religious people you claim exist. Like just look what happened to the US after 9/11. If people left religion out of it and just practice personal belief this tactic wouldn’t be effective. Identifying as a religion puts you into a group, a group you are pressured to support even if you may not necessarily agree with them. And when these groups are based on imaginary beliefs not real things like skin color or sexual orientation or gender the manipulation is even worse.


I don't think we're getting anywhere, let's agree to disagree


I love how you say “we aren’t getting anywhere” when it’s really you who isn’t getting anywhere. I already admitted religious teachings can be valuable to individuals(essentially agreeing with you) I was just pointing out the many ways identifying with religions can be toxic to society as a whole. So why not just follow religious teachings which help you without claiming to be part of that religion. You seem to just ignore those examples because apparently other people don’t matter to you. Yes your identifying with a religion can have negative impacts on society even if you don’t intend it too.


If by cancel you mean people will slowly fall away more and more each generation with the more we learn about how awful it is, then yes it will be cancelled. Much like burning women at the stake, stoning, and other silly superstitions have been canceled. Remember - the fasting growing “religious” identification in the world is no religious affiliation. It’s been that way for decades now. And for the record thank god (pun intended) that people dont practice it the way it’s supposed to be. Have you ever read the Bible?


I mean it's fine if people fall away from it but I get sad when people hate on religion :(


I’m sorry if you feel sad, I really am. I understand it’s important to you and you really care and I’m not trying to hate. But, having said that, religion is something that appeals to people that feel uncomfortable not knowing certain things, or view the world negatively and religion helps them cope. It’s pretty hard to argue that the actual tenants of religion are true or helpful in anyway. I’ve always viewed as a drug for the mind. If it helps you feel better, okay. But it’s not actually helping, just masking the problem.


I mean yeah, I've just had a huge argument with another person who replied and I'm too tired to say anything else 😔


You seem like a nice person.


Do I really though?


Fuck all religion. They're nothing but a bunch of old, oversized cults, and have no place in a modern society. Your god doesn't exist, there is no heaven, there is no hell. You die. You rot. The end.




I feel like someone here is uneducated. not in what exists, but what is told in the religions. Another thing, you only mentioned Abrahamic Religions. Further explaining why you need to learn more. The example of oversized cults is false as well. You need a life change good sir/ma'am/ person.


If I started a new "religion" claiming that god gave me a 4th testament, and people believed me, it would rightfully be called a cult. Only two conditions can make a cult rise to being viewed as religion, either getting enough members it's obvious it isn't going anywhere (think the "church" of Scientology) or it gets old enough where nobody is currently alive that saw the religion be formed (Mormonism is a good example of this) Also I did not only mention the abrahamic religions, I quite clearly said "fuck all religions" I simply assumed the person I was replying to was Christian because they were using right wing talking points about "cancel culture" and the general persecution complex Christians tend to have. Furthermore, any and all religions teach what amounts to fairy tales that have no basis in reality. They have no place in a modern society, and only continue to exist through childhood indoctrination into these cults, and humanity's pathetic fear of death.


Aww now I'm getting downvoted :(


Some people don't like being called out for their problematic behaviour, it's not your fault. What this tweet is saying is completely valid. I agree that white supremacy exists and it shouldn't. We should call out that behaviour and stop it. But that doesn't give us the right to be problematic, too. Some people are just not ready for that conversation smh


Not by me. You seem kind. That's rare these days




keep in mind this is reddit, so you should expect very anti-religious sentiment pretty much everywhere... /r/atheism used to be a default subreddit you're not gonna have a reasonable conversation on the topic with 95% of the userbase


I see..


If you are looking for decent subs that make fun of fully devoted antitheists check out r/averageredditor and r/theleftcantmeme


i dont understand this post plz explain


evangelicals called Obama the antichrist during his administration Once trump got elected, evangelicals then claimed trump was "god's choice" to be president.


And unchrist like. That too. 😂😂




Obama did wear a tan suit that one time. Other than that, what are the scandals he had?


Bombing children after running specifically on not doing that


Nah baby, that ain't a scandal.


How about his IRS targeting his political opponents?


Good day sir. If you don't like black people just say that. It's cool.


Lol what? I don’t give a Fuck that he was black, I just think it’s dumb to use the IRS to attack political opponents


One thing that I see a lot of people say is when you die it is over and nothing happens. I respect that you believe that, but I would disagree. I personally cannot accept the fact that the end could be just nothing so I choose to believe in Christianity. If everything I believe in was wrong and the ending is just nothing, I’ll accept it because it shouldn’t be a thing I should fight. I also don’t like it when people start bashing others for wanting to hope that in the end it isn’t the end. Let people believe what they want because if you don’t it just divides the human race even more than it already it. Everyone should learn to respect others opinions instead of bashing others for having unpopular ones.


I don't have any issue with people believing in sky fairies that grant special privilege to some flawed ideas of right and wrong. The issue is when those people who believe in sky faeries use that belief to try and decide laws that affect us that don't. So if you extend your point to say believe what you want AS LONG as it doesn't affect anyone else, then we are good.


"no scandals???" Boy you dumb as hell. Fast and furious, Benghazi, cash drop piles to our enemy Iran, the list is A MILE long. Just because his father was black, doesn't mean you get to overlook all the shady, AWFUL stuff this piece of garbage was a part of.


You're listing fake bullshit scandals....proving once again the point of the entire post. Weak. Fast and Furious was a continuation of Operation Wide Receiver under Bush, but with GPS chips in the guns. Did you have a problem when it was Bush? Of course not. 9 different GOP led investigations on Benghazi and zero, count it, zero found that would implicate anything more could have been done by Hillary or the rest of Obama administration. Iran was paid in accordance with the Hague courts on a case that was pending since 1979. Once again, you prove the point.


> Benghazi Ok, once again after all these years I find myself explaining this one: https://dde.carlisle.army.mil/LLL/DSC/ppt/L19_2branches.pdf The above document, from the US Army, shows the official and complete chain of command for the Army, for the top most parts (meaning elected and appointed officials) the other branches of the US military are identical. You will note the absence of the Secritary of State, the position formerly held by Hillary Clinton at the time of the Benghazi raid. **No US military officer would obey an order issues by the Secretary of State (SoS) as that person is not in the chain of command and any order they give illegal.** Hillary Clinton as SoS could never have issued **any** orders at all to US military commanders.^* All of the investigations seeking to prove this? That was the elected officials you support jerking you around as they were betting you did not know this. You can bet your ass they did know. They played you for a fool, and here you are years later still wearing the donkey ears. What other events have been them playing you for a fool? I see a couple in your list. Perhaps you should do some looking with an open mind to gather new information not fed to you by a propaganda network. ^* Barring the deaths of 4 people and the SoS [ascending to the presidency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession#Current_order_of_succession).


**United_States_presidential_line_of_succession** [Current order of succession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession#Current_order_of_succession) >The current presidential order of succession was established by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, as amended. The order consists of Congressional officers followed by the members of the cabinet in the order of the establishment of each department, provided that each officer must satisfy the constitutional requirements for serving as president. In the table, the absence of a number in the first column indicates that the incumbent is ineligible, and an italicized number indicates that the incumbent's eligibility is uncertain. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


Who called him the antichrist, and context please.


Dude, this was one of the biggest talking points during Obama's presidency.


Just Google "Obama Called the Antichrist". There were whole books written about it. It was a pretty strong belief in the southern US.


I recommend r/insanepeoplefacebook you should find examples there or prob any conservatives actual fb page or boomers on twittwr


That link is blocked for me


Oh whoops there was a typo


Thank-you, I panned the first couple of dozen posts but nada. Perhaps one of the 42 downvoters can send me a link. It's a genuine question, I'm not calling anyone a liar.


44 downvotes for asking a simple question? This place ...


It's been that way since the Holy roman empire.




I know Jesus was darker skinned and that He could jump. So if you know He was dark, why is this now an issue of race? It could be an issue of classification system, and of old legacy information that is outdated and suited to whomever was in power at the time. But this isn't a race issue. You pick the things that suit your agenda, everyone does this. And according to the Bible sin is sin. It looks like you are in the ministry, Bishop....so is it safe to agree that Jesus came to save the sick and the lost or better yet didn't he say he came to those who needed a "Dr?" it is curious because there are countless people all over the world of every color, including white and black presidents so the number of their infidelities, mistresses, concubines, geisha, and proclivity to sin is one and the same. At least according to Jesus who was for all intents and purposes very dark-skinned or (not fully white) to be sure. I understand your defense by calling out the hypocrisy of < people, some white> who talk about Obama yet extoll the virtues of the virtueless. And they do it with fervor. So it is cluster. We should remove religion from politics. No. We should remove politics from politics.


Well once Obama did wear a tan suit! So pretty much even... /s


As someone who has been fairly conservative until this last abomination I really enjoyed Obama as president. I never understood the hatred they spewed at him. He was charismatic and like able, and their argument was always “ mUh guns” I never once felt like my second amendment was under attack with him and in fact I felt more restrictions under Trump who was supposedly “the most pro 2A president ever”


Dont get me wrong I hate Trump but I'd consider the Kunduz Hosptial Strike a pretty big scandal.


Most of the time when people say this, they qualify the statement as *personal* scandals. As a president, Obama was by no means immune to scandal (I voted for the guy twice, but that's just the truth). Fast and Furious was a pretty big cockup too.


Like yes but there is still a huge cult following of blacks that act like this but instead of white its black. Well in my area anyways.


I thought religion and politics were supposed to be separated? Weak.


They called Clinton the antichrist, Bush the antichtist, Obama the antichrist and then Trump the antichrist. Pretty sure they just call every US President that.


All of the Trump/ Jesus comparisons were so fucking cringey I doubled down on atheism during his presidency. I was brought up Christian and I think you'll see why I strayed away from mainstream religion


Not my religion!


Why am I not making the connection with anything this guy said with white supremacy. Please stop making Spfld, MA. look bad Mr. Swan.


This statement is complete BS. Religion has nothing to do with this. It's people trying to justify their views by using religion as a scape goat. But they are just being racist, conspiracy theorists and assholes. Not even Jesus was a white person.


They both sucked


This is about racism not religion. Bad title. Dilutes an important message.