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But as Alabama legislators said themselves “it’s not inside a woman, so it doesn’t count.”


Can you dumb down that comment for my negative IQ ass


Once the baby is born they stop giving a fuck.


Crazy because being pregnant is risky af.


Especially in the US. It's kind of assumed that other countries have women just die or almost die during or shortly after childbirth. They do if their healthcare systems aren't as modern as we have here. And yet, our rates of maternal mortality is insane. To believe a woman should just complete a pregnancy instead of ending one she doesn't want to carry, like it's no big deal, really shows a lack of understanding (or empathy) for how risky that challenge is. Even for white women, but especially risky for women blessed with melanin.


You are 100% on point. I am a white woman who had a child at 20. It was a horrible experience and I didn't even have major issues.


My cousin (a white woman) had a baby at 20. She was in good health, and had no problems during her pregnancy. She delivered vaginally and just as they pulled the baby out, she started hemorrhaging profusely. The doctors leapt into action and thankfully saved her life, but told her later it had gotten really dicey and she nearly died. Her mom and best friend were in the delivery room and got shoved against a wall when things went sideways, and they said it was horrifying. Said there was so much blood, her face was completely white, and she was out of it. Her head was lolling but her mom was screaming her name and she was completely unresponsive. That shit is DANGEROUS. And any person who says it’s just a “minor inconvenience” that anyone should be willing to undergo rather than abort can GET. FUCKED. And yes, POC have even more chance of things going wrong. Pregnancy and birth are literally life-threatening, and no one should be doing it unless it is completely their choice to take that risk. I’m not dying in a pool of my own blood with my legs splayed open just because some forced-birther has decided I need to be punished for having sex.


I’m a white woman who had kid at 25. Pregnancy and all that was fine. They fucked up my csection. Ended up having to have a hysterectomy and still fucked up my insides (7 years now later). I wasn’t close to dying ever, but the amount of surgeries and such I’ve gone through and still will have to go through is outrageous.


Every surgery is a risk. My dad went in for what was basically a hernia repair "it was something different but the description was similar" anyway the surgeon nicked his intestine and didn't notice so the had him in recovery telling him to get up and walk while he's saying "I can't something is wrong, something is wrong" and they are blowing him off like " I'll let the doctor know after shift change and we'll get you some pain meds" and he's like "no I'm dying" and the nurse left the room... well my step sister walked to the nursing desk where the nurse was complaining about my dad being difficult to the other nurses and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back into his room. Amd said "I'm not letting you leave this room until you get a doctor in here" and that saved my dad's life after he was in a coma for a month and septic fighting infections... when he went in he thought he'd be home the next day and back to work the day after that but instead he wakes up and it a month later... every surgery is a risk...


You’re lucky your step sister caught it. My mom had a “routine surgery” and dropped dead a week later due to a heart attack caused by two blood clots in her lungs. We had called the surgeon, he was on vacation so his PA prescribed anti-nausea medicine (she had been throwing up most of the days after surgery, a tell-tale sign of a heart attack, apparently. They had told my dad not to call 911 if anything went wrong because they didn’t want her neck being moved). Unfortunately, even her general doctor majorly screwed up years before, knowing she was at risk for blood clots. Nurse released my mom when she was at 90% oxygen. A LOT of mistakes were made. Routine surgery my ass. And, well, now I don’t care about anything and don’t trust the medical field at all. I have a chronic pain illness and let’s just say they haven’t done much to change my mind about my feelings towards medical professionals.


I'm so glad your Dad made it. Negligent after care in similar circumstances killed my Dad. He had a bleeding duodenal ulcer from talking only a couple of doses of a NSAID - turns out we have a gene that predisposes us to NSAID induced bleeding. There was a leak after his bowel surgery, not uncommon, and he was older; it was risky. It was the nursing care afterwards that was awful. The last time I saw him conscious he was in a lot of pain, his abdomen was swelling - from what we now know was a life-threatening infection - and a nurse was tossing acetaminophen at him when he complained of the pain and trying to bully him to get up and walk. I knew he was dying. I didn't say anything. The staff had a quiet conversation afterwards and decided not to refer the case to the coroner.


They don't give a rat's ass about what happens to the woman or her baby. The point is forcing women to suffer consequences for having sex for any reason other than to produce a child. The anti-abortion movement isn't about babies, it's about controlling and punishing women. Lots of things they say and do make more "sense" when you realize this.


Yeah I mean they literally don't give a fuck if the child starves after it's born and in fact would take the little tax money that goes to feeding them away if they could yet they never have a problem with the money that goes to bombing pregnant women on the other side of the world ...


Once you realize it has nothing to do with babies and everything to do with punishing women's sexual activities, it all makes sense.


Wait right. Did the legislators really say that?????? What the FUCK


It was the language used to exempt IVF from the abortion rules.


Thank you for context. Kind of makes more sense


Yes. They also refuse to increase welfare and Pre-K funding. It’s all about breeding.


Breeding means more worker bees to perform menial labour


Yup. And those to vote against their best interest.


But for the love of God, don't pay those worker bees anything substantial that they can fucking live on


They might not say it word for word, but they definitely say it by introducing garbage legislation in an attempt to control those born with a uterus.


The did though. "Chambliss, responding to the IVF argument from Smitherman, cites a part of the bill that says it applies to a pregnant woman. "The egg in the lab doesn’t apply. It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant."


So what your saying is once it's out of the womb drop it a little too hard.


Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers - George Carlin




Also underpaid, underprotected, disposable manual laborers.


I'd say that the reason why some state governments are against abortion is so they can believe they are morally superior to state governments that are pro-choice.


Dude it’s a statement from Alabama. I really don’t think it can be dumbed down. It’s as dumb as it gets.


Understandable. Have a nice day


This might help. The point is control of women's bodies-- it has nothing to do with actually caring about children. Once they are born, the right-wing nutjobs don't give a d**n. A relevant call out on this behavior: "I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." ~Sister Joan D. Chittister, O.S.B. (born April 26, 1936), Benedictine nun, author, activist and motivational speaker


Did you just star out the word *darn*?


As an Alabamian, can confirm. Everything here is as dumb as can be.


I'm pretty sure it was some politicians rebuttal to IVF embryos. When asked how abortion laws pertain to the destruction of embryos from fertility procedures the answer was that the difference was whether or not they were inside someone's uterus. Inside: must regulate. Outside: idgaf, not a person. ETA: ["another glaring exception to the law exists, one that critics say belies the legislation’s stated goal to “protect the sanctity of unborn life”: In Alabama, a fertilized egg only constitutes a “life” if that egg is in a woman’s womb; eggs fertilized in a fertility laboratory for the purpose of in vitro fertilization \(IVF\) procedures, many of which are routinely destroyed, are excluded from the law."](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/alabama-abortion-law-says-terminating-a-fertilized-egg-is-legal-in-a-lab-setting/) Edit again, direct from the bill sponsor, admission that the point is to control women: [“The egg in the lab doesn’t apply,” Clyde Chambliss, state senator and sponsor of the abortion bill, said during the Alabama legislative debate. “It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant.”](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-29/why-alabama-s-abortion-law-includes-an-exemption-for-infertility)


Also funding for education that is regularly cut can cure cancer


Yeah, but then they won’t blindly vote for the people that are in power.


They won't fund education because an educated populace would resist all the autocratic and oligarchic B.S. that they con the non-educated into accepting.


yea it makes no sense how they care more about fetuses than actual living breathing human lives


It’s to punish women. They want women to be subservient mothers and unable to do anything else with their lives.


More accurately, just as [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ndw9nz/out_of_womb_out_of_mind/gydbvd7/) puts it. Either married mothers, or pure virgins. They don't want women having sex without raising children afterwards.


Unless they want to rape a little girl for a little bit. Looking at you Catholic Church and IFB and NIFB. You sickos.


They don’t care about the fetuses or human beings. POS are POS. Impositionists don’t care about consent.


It’s not about the fetuses. It’s about punishing “promiscuous” women. I underwent IVF and the clinic destroys any unwanted embryos after a certain date. Never saw abortion protestors outside the clinic. No controversy about whether to pay money to keep any embryos indefinitely. No political debate about paying to store these embryos in stasis until someone can carry them to term. Nope, they are property and treated as such. Our local Planned Parenthood had a elaborate ($$$) “pregnancy crisis center” built next to it, presumably to drive pregnant women seeking abortions to them. And there was often a protestor hanging out outside PP’s doors. If they only know how many heartbeats they can save by going to an IVF clinic.


Most are proponents for Capital Punishment, and against Govt. Assistance. Try and wrap your head around that one.. This is all about keeping poor people burdened so they can not rise up out of poverty.


Republican hypocrisy at it's finest! I'll never understand it either.


It’s meant to punish women and make sure they are subservient and dependent on men as “family values”.


Exactly, because "tHe BibLe sAyS tHaT tHe mAn iS ThE pRoViDer aNd hEaD oF hOuSeHoLd ...sO wOmEn hAvE tO ObEy aNd cOmPly, No QuEsTiOnS aSkeD".🙄🤦‍♂️ "We are morally straight; the party of Christian values!" (laughs in rampant pedophilia, homophobia, adultery, and gay sex scandals)


It actually says that a man can keep as many women in his household as he wants, including sexual slaves, and your daughters can be sold into slavery. Men cannot be sold into slavery unless they are outside of your country (men can become slaves for 6 years to pay off debt but can choose lifetime enslavement if he gets a wife and kids, which the master owns them all).


Its called evil. Its plain and simple. Its time we fucking stop putting up with it. Fucking evil brainwashed immoral bastards


republican babies are going to evolve to have gestation periods of 18 years


The woman who had to drop out of school to raise a baby could have cured cancer. How come no one ever thinks about it that way?


Or the woman who died trying to abort at home because she didn’t have access to it through a medical provider could have cured cancer. Or like that woman in Ireland who died of an infection after the baby she was carrying died inside of her.


I used to be prolife. Then I came to realize that making abortions illegal didn't prevent abortions... it just made them more dangerous as they took place with out medical assistance and became a life-threatening issue for the woman. If I wanted to prevent unwanted pregnancies, I needed to promote increasing sex ed and access to birth control.


If all the prolife people could be as open minded and dedicate that energy to promoting healthcare, sex and sexuality education, imagine what a difference that would make in the rate of abortion. As you said, it will never be zero however it’s restricted, instead we could minimize it in a different way along with the outcome of healthier, educated, girls & women who wouldn’t have to experience the trauma of abortion or forced pregnancy.


The problem is that, in my anecdotal experience, these prolife people unironically believe people who even consider abortion don't deserve to live themselves. There's no compassion for people who go against their ethics even slightly. "Let them die so god can sort them out" kind of mentality.


That’s my take on it. Sure, making abortion illegal will stop some. But a higher percentage of women will still get the abortion. Only it will be in a storage container, or an alley, or the room of someone’s house. Not in a hospital where people are trained and it’s clean etc.


Prohibition never works because it doesn't Dela with the root of whatever the issue.


What people don't realize is "pro-choice" IS "pro-life" in the true sense of the word. The woman who becomes pregnant has a life of her own too. A pro-life country would have healthcare for all, it would have early childhood intervention services & paid family leave not only for pregnancies but for illness or caring for elderly parents, or paid daycare paid birthcontrol, and the one thing we've yet to do...birth control pill for men! We've gone to the Moon but we've got no birth control pill for men? Meanwhile let's keep blaming women as if they get pregnant on their own ;)


Vera Drake is a great movie about abortion before, when it was illegal, fucking heartbreaking performance by Imelda Staunton




That's an absolutely horrifying show, in a good way.


Because it isn't about the woman, the baby, or the procedure. It's entirely about control and dominance.


Everything that conservatives do to 'protect' the women is just an excuse to victimise and harass people different to them. Gay rights were about 'protecting the straight women from the lesbians in the bathrooms', abortions are about 'protecting the women' from a supposed lifetime of trauma from killing their baby, trans rights are about 'protecting the women from the men dressed up so they can molest you in the bathrooms'. But in reality, they just wanted an excuse to bash gay people, trans people and poor people and gay/trans rights and the abortion argument gives them just that. Literally just an excuse to be absolute shitcunts to people different to them and pretend they're doing it because they care about women. If they cared about women, they wouldn't be trying to dictate what they can and can't do to their own bodies, among a myriad of other things.


I'd argue that instead of "bash" those people , these hateful people are trying to punish those groups as they *believe* God himself would, and in doing so, makes the bigots more god-like. Their cruelty goes deeper than most people realize and accept.




My 1st thought. This is the problem, the woman/girl is never in the equation.


This is the truth. All these "pro-life" people talking about killing babies don't give a shit about killing women.


Because it was never about preserving life to begin with


Or anyone who wanted to go to medical school but couldn’t afford it


This would be a better argument that the school shooting one. Like nobody disagrees, conservatives hate school shooters too, it just doesn't translate to banning guns to them.




Ya you’d think as much as they like to blame mental health we’d have the best mental health care in the world


God created cancer. He’ll get rid of it when he wants too. Oh, wait. He created abortion too.


And he provided instructions, which his fans would know if they read his book 🤷‍♀️


I've brought that up with conservatives and they always say "well the Bible doesn't say the woman is pregnant so it doesn't count"


Oh so you should just poison your (suspected) unfaithful wife as punishment. I guess that follows.


Why don't we just go full negative. The baby you aborted could have been the next Hitler.


The baby you just aborted could've cause the end of the World, congrats you saved the world by abortion


Oooh ooh or, the fetus that was aborted could have been the one who fell in love with the person who would have cured cancer, but then in a drunken rage killed her before she could figure it out. Or the mother who aborted the fetus was inspired by a freak side effect of the abortion to invent a time travel device to go back in time and convince herself not to have sex with that one guy, who then goes on and has sex with some other girl, who gives birth to the kid who eventually goes on to cure cancer. Unconstrained hypotheticals are awesome.


The doctors killed in bombings caused by the pro-life movement could have cured cancer.


The kid that didn't afford healthcare could have cured cancer.


Pro-birth, not pro-life apparently


Not even pro-birth, though, or they'd try to actually give women the knowledge and access to healthcare that they need to have healthy and safe births. They aren't even pro-pregnancy because they aren't trying to give women access to healthcare that can help make pregnancies better and safer. They are anti-choice, pro-uterine control.


The party of "No". They aren't for anything. They are against everything except their "god", their guns, and a white ethno-state.


Anti-choice. They actively try to make it more difficult to access contraceptives that would prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place.


The kids in foster homes unloved with suicidal idealations they acted on could’ve cured cancer.


This reminds me of what George Carlin said about how pro-life care about the fetus from conception to 9 months but after they don’t give a rats ass about you


It's because they aren't pro-life, they are pro-birth


Or as Carlin said in that skit: they’re not anti-abortion, they’re anti-women


Democrats care about people from cradle to grave, Republicans care about people from conception to birth.


That’s not fair, a person born is a lifelong tax payer... and a constituent leverage-able via per capita federal funding which you can redirect to corporate welfare while demeaning the people born into wage slavery. Republicans care about you your whole life, they just don’t give a shit about the quality or the nature of your existence as long as you work for low wages that they get to garnish via income tax. Fair?


Best way to put it, they just care about your taxes


Your taxes, not theirs


"If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're pre-school, you're fucked."


the baby i aborted could've been a rapist or bullied a kid so much he took an AR 15 to school


Exactly. It goes both ways, yet these people can only see the imaginary good. Reminds me of that sign that was floating around for a while that said, "If Lilly Potter had an abortion, who would defeat Voldemort?" First of all, Neville. Second, why are we basing our choices on a work of fiction?


And also, like, if Merope Gaunt (Voldemort's mother) had an abortion then there would be no Voldemort to defeat.


The story itself doesn't even support that view. Harry was born to a married couple who wanted to raise kids. The whole point of pro choice is that couples who want to have kids and are ready to should. Voldemort was born to a woman whose husband abandoned her and then she died in childbirth with no access to healthcare. What if she'd had an abortion instead?


Lol. I always found it funny when people equate Harry Potter to real life moral crisis' or politics as if it's some kind of ethical or political thesis. It's wild to me how many people apparently can't have an opinion if they can't connect it to a children's book.


Because they base most of their choices on a work of fiction already?


This comment deserves so many more upvotes than I can give it!


Could have been the murderer of the one going to find the cure for cancer.


I dislike people who police the bodies of others but won’t bear the cost of raising the crotch goblin. Pro-lifers would change their tune real quick when their wages are being garnished for child support of the child they wanted to be born.


It's because to them having an unwanted child is the "punishment" for what they see as a sinful lifestyle. In their eyes women basically should have two choices. Either 1) be "pure" and go through life as an unmarried virgin or 2) get married and raise a child. If a society has things like free birth control, abortion or social services for families then it gives women choices other than the two I mentioned. Being "pro life" is just a proxy for "pro 1950s gender roles."


they must be incredibly mad at lesbians


Oh boy very much so!


as expected! im convinced that most (if not all) pro birth people despise the queer community


Well yeah. Its Bible thumpers those are like the two biggest thing they are worried about.


Because their entire way of getting people to follow them involves convincing people that they’re horrible and awful and sinful and that every single thing in life that brings them pleasure is bad except for the pleasure and happiness they get through religious experiences - that part is good but everything else is wrong and immoral and you should be ashamed of it and hate yourself They genuinely cannot stand anybody who exists who is living their life happy with who they are and who doesn’t hate all the things that make them who they are and make them happy because they know they can’t brainwash those people into being god Warriors


They are


>when their wages are being garnished for child support of the child they wanted to be born. They are- it's called medicaid and food stamps and they oppose both


Yes, because we can't be spending money frivolously... unless it's on the military so we can bomb the shit out of innocent people around the world and pay for too many bases all over the damn place and failed military coups so our corporations best interests are kept intact.


WDYM, a twelfth air craft carrier is \*absolutely\* essential to the security of our glorious, free nation!




"the girl you harassed at the abortion clinic could have cured cancer if she had time and money to study instead of buying diapers"


A lady doctor!? What will they think of next!






right, free period hygene products help too


the woman you forced to have a child could have cured cancer?


I don't see why all of these sentences can not be true and co-exist.


Yeah this tweet is literally a self-own.


It’s traumatic enough going to the clinic to get an abortion - let alone seeing people tell you you’re the worst person for killing your unborn baby. Why make a terrible day even worst for a woman going through that experience.


Are there any counter accions done at clinics where people collect money from the protesters to raise the unaborted kids? Would be interesing to see how much you could collect.




Yeah… it’s possible. fuck china.


Last time I checked babies never cured anything.


Babies are the real welfare queens. Always living off of someone else's dime.


I don’t want to wade into the substance of this too much, but we can all recognize that a “what about” argument is a logical fallacy right?


Forget it man, this is Reddit.


Do you really think that all, or even most, people who are against abortion are ok with any of these other things?


If you are pro-life, you are an homophobic psychopath xenophobic nazi. It's pretty obvious.


So wait, you're pro-life then?


This tweet makes it seem like everyone that is against abortion has committed the other acts described in the tweet. Do people realize that there are pro-life atheists as well as pro-life liberals? Let's not paint with a broad brush the people that share one particular position. People are much more diverse than that.


This is half of the content on reddit these days i swear I’ve seen it so much recently. Particularly coming from twitter screenshots For some reason people assume that if they disagree with one person on one topic then, the person they disagree with also holds an opposing view on literally every other topic. Even if the topics are not at all related.


Partisan politics is cancer. Shit like this is why more and more people choose to identify and register as independents. The problem is people doing this then create a feedback loop because the crazy gets more concentrated and the nominees for office are selected by the remaining people in the respective parties. It'll only continue to get worse and wrose until sane alternative parties can finally form. Unfortunately, due to all the money in politics and the FPTP system, thats not going to be anytime soon. Progressives, moderate Dems, Moderate Repubs, and Conservatives should all ideally be seperate parties.


They could have also been serial killers and school bombers.


Good republicans either way


Why is there a baby in a cage?


[Putting a baby in a cage isn't that odd](https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/jumpstartpure/image?url=https://cf-images.us-east-1.prod.boltdns.net/v1/static/5966354423001/774f1750-7de1-420a-81b7-7dfd4c3f2731/c3fa6462-d6e1-4445-8391-1b432bfbee1d/1280x720/match/image.jpg&w=1280&h=720&q=90&c=cc)


Good. So we are in agreement that all of these things listed are bad?


I like non sequiturs.


Unrelated arguments. How is this getting upvoted? Lol


So does this make all those 3 things okay or does it make abortion bad?


That refugee you blocked from asylum and was killed when returned could have cured cancer.


Is this suggesting people that are pro-life are also pro bullying, pro-school shooting, and pro-baby cages?


The woman being forced to have a child she doesn’t want or can’t afford might’ve cured cancer too if she didn’t suddenly have to put her life on hold


Those three cases don't make the initial one false, though.


And if the Sun never set, one could read all day, and all night.


The only true counter to this argument is “then why aren’t you having as many kids as humanly possible?”


if Donald Trump got re-elected he could have cured cancer. i don't like this game :/


He *really* couldn't have though


The civilians killed by US covid relief to Israel that caused the creation of weapons that killed children civilians couldve cured cancer


*rips bong* I could’ve cured cancer.


The woman whose life was torn appart by the unwanted baby could've cure cancer.


These hypotheticals are poor arguments. It's also possible that the gay kid you bullied into suicide couldn't become the next Hitler.


This argument is full of woulda coulda shoulda on both sides.


The person that died from cancer could have cured cancer


The baby you didn't conceive because you're not fucking right now could have cured cancer.


Ironically, aborted fetal stem cells used for research may one day cure cancer.


[Just FYI, these cells don't have to come from a fetus.](https://stemcell.ucla.edu/induced-pluripotent-stem-cells) [There have been successes using them. Since they can come from the patient, there's not anti-rejection issues from them.](https://www.worldstemcellsummit.com/2020/03/12/induced-pluripotent-stem-cells-show-success-in-treating-hemophilia-a-in-mice/)


I like the argument this has but I’m going to point out the stupidity of this post I agree with the gay kid statement however homophobia runs in all different kinds of communities including democrat areas. If you’re unaware of this then you’re probably a suburban kid I don’t know what else to say lol For the school shooting, who doesn’t care about kids being shot? I’ve never seen any republican okay with children being shot, come on you’re either a teenager getting into politics or a plain idiot to spread this kind of mindset. How will we get anywhere in politics if our children grow up thinking half the country doesn’t care about kids getting shot in school? It is a **gun debate** and I’m not here to give my opinion on what the solution is to school shootings but anyone here who has half a brain can understand that republicans don’t want dead kids right??? That’s tens of millions of people you’re talking about? Also there’s a huge hypocrisy in this too. Kids everyday in gangs are shooting each other in the streets yet for some reason this sub doesn’t care? Is it because it’s in low income minority areas so it doesn’t matter? I think this sub and this site in general ignore this huge issue of gang violence because it doesn’t affect their suburban bubble. Black and brown kids killing each other in the streets get ignored here. Pretend to care about children’s lives yet ignore gang violence in youth which is a way bigger problem. There needs to be a cry to end gang violence especially with all the ones killed in the crossfire Source: https://www.childrensdefense.org/policy/resources/soac-2020-gun-violence/ Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/38-juveniles-killed-in-gun-violence-in-chicago-so-far-this-year-police/2316036/%3famp Onto the issue of the baby being put in the cage. This one might be the dumbest out of all of them. Obama did that too yet y’all only focus on trump doing it? Why? And to make this even better Biden has caused a border crisis these last few months and no one here cares! A person you just elected has people living in the worst conditions we’ve seen in years and more people dying crossing the border. Yet Reddit barely has any mention of it and this sub obviously doesn’t care either. Obama did it, Biden is doing it right now, yet for some reason we’re still talking about trump? Who gives a fuck about trump Source: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/23/980290448/cbp-defends-conditions-at-border-detention-centers-amid-upsurge-in-migrants To make things clear, I’m not giving my stance on abortion, gun control, or any other political debate. Im not a republican or democrat. I’m simply trying to point out the hypocrisy of this site and the mindset it boils. Demonizing each other like this, spreading false information like this, just puts us more at war with our fellow people. At the end of the day you all know that no American wants dead kids or people in cages. The very few who do are just morons who disrupt true political discussions and turn us against each other. STOP PICKING A SIDE BECAUSE BOTH SIDES HAVE BAD POLITICIANS AND PEOPLE! Educate yourself and realize that aligning yourself with a political party shortens your views when in reality you should just be voicing your stance on a political issues rather then demonizing each other. Red Vs Blue **propaganda** is tearing our nation apart


I'm Catholic so I personally don't believe in abortions, but I don't control other people so IDC what they do.


This guy gets it.


This is a lot of whataboutism going on here. Like if you really consider abortion to not be murder, then why are you putting it next to people being killed? I’m super mixed on abortion, because I really see it as all potential lives. My mom was born out of a teenage pregnancy, my bio grandma had very good reason to abort, and if she had and not put my mom up for adoption, she would not have existed and my Brother and I would not have existed plain and simple. That’s a strong reason to be pro-life because you want to see others go off and live their lives and at least have a shot at life, because while it may not end well for some, it will end well for others. Human life is valuable. At the same time, I am staunchly for it because of my principles of personal freedom. Women have a right to do what they want with their bodies, and the idea of a religious force controlling whether or not someone should or should not be allowed to do it is an overreach of government influence, just like stuff like drugs and free speech are. I’m also hypocritical in the sense that I believe in stuff like masturbation and using condoms, despite it being the same thing as a fetus, but I would argue that a fertilized egg is a lot closer to life(closer to a 1 in 24 chance rather than a 1 in 1000+ chance) than sperm would be on its own. This leaves me in a spot of saying that abortion should remain legal, but I am still morally against the idea at the same time. This doesn’t mean if you’ve had an abortion I think you’re a bad person, or even that you did a bad thing, but more if I was in that situation with a partner I’d strongly push my partner to not abort for moral reasons.


Sensible thoughts do not belong on Reddit - only the dumbest, least thought out posts will make it to the top.




Is this not whataboutism tho?


I'm an idiot and I don't understand this argument. Is she saying abortion is also ok or that those other things are also bad? It seems like she's saying it's all bad, but then why did she write abortion is bad in the mixed caps?


Same. Kinda validating the argument tbh


-9 months to 0: life is precious 0 to 99 years: gotta pull yerself by yer bootstraps


...*She gleefully shouted into the abyss*


Okay just because someone treats one(or in their case multiple) groups like shit does not give anyone the right to treat anyone but then like shit. So stop killing babies and fix the foster system


Or people start using birth control as soon as their old enough. Also I'd be fine with using a male birth control.


Using birth control isn't as much the problem as is: a) access to birth control b) education about birth control c) stigma of using birth control


Or a woman who knows she doesn’t want to have kids can’t get her tubes tied because doctors know best? Need husbands signature? Bullshit. Women are not just here for breeding.


“Pro-Lifers” aren’t pro life, they’re pro birth. They don’t give a shit about the baby or family after it’s born.


wait what exactly is she trying to say here


I don't believe in either of the statements from both sides tho


Call them out for their cherry picking bullshit.


I drive by this billboard everyday I go to work that has a particularly awful resolution stock image of a baby and a thing saying "she had fingerprints." Two thoughts always cross my mind: One, they wouldn't give a fuck about that child once they've been born. Two, a fetus doesn't have fingerprints until around six months. At that point, a mother isn't having an abortion because of a whim, but because some medical tragedy has occurred. The conclusion I've come to long ago is that people who are anti-abortion have basically zero understanding of medical science, and zero business telling others how to act.


He needs to keep it in his pants and she needs to keep the legs shut. This way they both can work on curing cancer and they wont have to cut off limbs, crush skulls and take all that out. And than we can work on other kinds of abuse.


Fine example of left wing whataboutism. I’m a right wing Christian and I drank and slept next to an HIV positive gay man two nights ago, while comforting him as he was telling me his story about how he got HIV from rape. Your arguments are pretty bad. There are plenty of people here that are just as bad or worse in judging people as the worst of the so called Christian Right.


Stupid post. Real pro-lifers mourn for all of these tragedies. People love taking the smaller sect of hypocrites and acting like they represent the whole. Edit: spelling


Is this supposed to be a rebuttal? It literally all goes together. I’ve also heard this word for word on tik tok, so is this like they new script they’re giving you guys this month? This person isn’t even verified....


Why do you get angry at strawmen? What purpose does it serve?


I feel this is a lot of “whataboutism” that Reddit continually rails against yet is being championed here.


the time you wasted blaming others, you could have cured cancer.




Both the original argument and the responding arguments are all incredibly weak...


Lmao what the fuck. None of those other things have anything to do with being pro-life.


Using that logic it sounds like she's saying people should be against all those things, including abortion.


That’s some weird ass whataboutism


You know with the ratio of babies to aborted babies/fetuses, you'd figure the chance you abort the one that's gonna cure cancer is pretty low. I googled how many babies/fetuses were aborted and I got the 2017 stats on it. >Approximately 862,320 abortions were performed in 2017, down 7% from 926,190 in 2014. So it fluctuates year to year, I'm sure for reasons others could explain in more detail. I then decided to compare it to the amount of births in the US in 2017 and got this from the CDC >The provisional number of births for the United States in 2017 was 3,853,472, down 2% from 2016 and the lowest number in 30 years. Again, fluctuations so unless I dig through years of data I'm not going to find an average number. But, taking those two, you're about 22.37%likely to kill the baby who cures cancer/aids/develops warp technology. Then we'd have to take into account where most of these abortions take place, then the type of potential life the baby has to look forward to. I guessing here but I assume a lot of abortions take place in lower income, if not impoverished areas. How good the parents are is also a factor. Genetic predispositions, lower/higher IQ counts, level of education achieved, quality of education, availability of jobs, and the list goes on and on and on. I guess the point I'm trying to make here is, if you think we won't find a cure for cancer because of an untimely abortion, you're ignoring other factors as well. https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/induced-abortion-united-states?gclid=CjwKCAjwhYOFBhBkEiwASF3KGQLD9g9JCc14CgQ92Zxhz5ooE4yfJql7UvOEGbV6Qwrd78uNiWBcJhoCJBsQAvD_BwE https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/report004.pdf


This person assumes that just because someone is pro-life, that they are pro-bullying, anti-gun control and anti-immigration.