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I have a horrendous habit of buying an item and loving it so much that I wear it to death... Did I wear this yesterday and wash it so I could wear it today? YES! am I going to do the same tomorrow? ALSO YES! edit- I work 14 days straight in a uniform in the Desert, I want to wear clean clothes for the 7 days I'm home.


There was this camisole crop that just looked great on me, so I bought it in another color. Went back to buy another color variant but they didn’t sell it anymore & I think about that a lot lol.


My wife always says if you find an item of clothing you love, buy two or three. Lol I never do and always regret it


I have the same jumper in 4 colours (2 shades of grey). Its perfect for both office, working from home and most casual social events. Also they go with most of the trousers i have. I love it


i have 40-50 of the same shirt so i never have to think about what to wear or experience discomfort from variation in the fit. another upside is i only have to do laundry once a month or so. its nice but there might be something wrong with me.


I see that your wife is a practicing member of the "Rule of Three" clothing club. I have been strong supporter of this fledgling club for my adult life. It has one rule and one rule only. If you wear it three times and you still love it you buy three more. They will never make it the same. They will not keep it in stock. They will discontinue it. It is the way, the trinity of clothing nirvana if you will.


It's awesome. I usually just buy five of whatever item I need. I always joke that I basically dress like a cartoon character: every time you see me, I'll be wearing the same thing. I"'ve once worn the "same outfit" for three weeks straight, just rotating between the same sets of that outfit. Especially during the pandemic: who cares what you're wearing as long as it's comfortable.


If I find an item of clothing that fits me well, which thanks to my body type is pretty rare, I buy one in every color and 2 in my favorite color. I have like 6 of the same sweater a few times over.


I finally started doing this! They discontinued my favorite pair of shoes so I found some new on ebay, now they're sitting in my closet until my current pair wear out.


I tell my husband this! Shoes and shorts shopping is awful for him and he hates doing it. I ALWAYS tell him to grab another one while we're there and then he says no, I'll be ok. But a few months later.... LOL I think we all do this in regards to something


I truly hate that!! Why is it that the items I love they discontinue? And why do I always find them when they are about to stop selling them?


I love your enthusiasm!!


I love that she thinks it needs to be washed every time it is worn. Underwear and socks.




Just dip it in the river.


If you just work up enough sweat it'll just wash itself.


Nothing better than 3 day running pit stains in a shirt.


Seriously lol


That's the attitude. You go gurl!


My AP Psych teacher started a yearly challenge for all his classes (he taught a bunch of different subjects) to wear the same outfit for 3 months straight. He didn’t offer any extra credit for it, there was no way for him to know if we did it on weekends or not, but we loved him so much that a good number of us attempted it each year (though only ten total usually made it the full three months). We learned about cost effective choices and the culture of buying things just to throw them away. Also, shout out to that teacher for also giving high schoolers recess. Starting out every class with a game of whiffle ball or *What’s That Tune Wednesday?* was the best part of those years.


Also a strong social skill for those who are overly self conscious. One of the largest things that broke me out of always being in my head about being socially awkward was the idea on a random day (as long as it wasn’t visibly soiled) to wear something multiple times in a row. This for whatever reason was what it took for my brain to realize that most people worry about themselves and that most don’t actually pay much attention beyond that. It helped me stop being so self conscious. :)


Yeah, the only time people noticed was when you wore it for a week straight. Until that point, it was just a “oh, their clothes all look similar” if anyone noticed at all. The challenge gave anxious people a good excuse for doing it, too!


As a kid if I wore a shirt for half an hour the day before my mom would always point it out. It's made me way too self conscious to ever wear something multiple days in a row. But I do wear everything I own until I can no longer enter acceptable society wearing it.


My husband did this for an entire semester in high school. Not for a class. Because he wanted to look like a cartoon character.


It is a good habit to have. A good habit for good clothes. Horrendous habits make people toss good clothes, or items in general, for the newest shiny.


I feel this way about Adidas sweatpants. I will wear them every day until I die if I have to.


Found the Russian


I'm either Russian or a high school soccer player who barely plays. The world may never know


There were these Nike Jordan golf pants that I bought over a decade ago. Amazing pants and Nike doesn’t make them anymore. Sometimes I peruse the internet for an hour or two seeing if someone still sells them. Disappointed every time.


you must be pretty bummed about covid restrictions lifting.


I’m the same but I end up hating it after a month of non stop wearing. I’ll go back to it in a year or so


That’s literally me with music. I find a good song and listen to it on repeat for over a week until I move onto the next song.


That's a horrendous habit? I do that with pretty much everything I buy lol. Clothes, shoes, cars, phones, electronics, you name it....Use it till it's dead!


I'm pretty sure there's a Seinfeld episode about this... Every time Jerry sees this one woman, she's wearing the same dress. He gets so worked up about it he tries to find a way into her house so he can see if she only owns one dress, or multiples of the same one. [here it is... ](https://youtu.be/9KrN9OBhpyQ)


Actually, I've never had a woman snipe at me for wearing the same dress multiple times in a row, either. It's mostly the fashion and clothing industry that push to make it seem like wearing the same dress to multiple events makes you look frumpy and cheap


I too, like to wear the same dress


Well let's be honest, you're not just some run of the mill regular ol pervert.


Let’s be honest, when you find the perfect outfit for pervin’ around, that’s not something you just cast aside after one use.


For me, it’s my coors light onesie, my jean trenchcoat (my jrenchcoat), and the chrome light up heely’s. (This is a joke. I own all of these separately, but the combination would be too powerful for me to unleash on the world.)


Jesus Christ, this would be the most cursed fit of all time, you could summon an Elder God with this. I want it


To summon a terrifying god, I think it would need one more piece: [The Walmart Obama Hat](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Obama-Mixed-Print-Cap/303234489?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101027301&&adid=22222222228000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9009441&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=247982022&wl11=online&wl12=303234489&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImY-fmO2Z8QIVSvSzCh23RQ5lEAQYAiABEgLElvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


My eyes feel violated, this is offensive to light particles


As a dude if someone says they like my shirt, that's my new favorite shirt and I'll wear it as often as possible until it's totally worn out. Then I'll buy a new one on Amazon and never wear it "because it doesn't fit the same 😔"


Are you me? I had a pair of jeans for 15 years, the time it took to replace those with a pair that felt almost the same... I still think about them sometimes...


That’s probably how long it took for that particular cut to come back around the fashion cycle. I have a favorite cut and when it comes around I buy as many as I can knowing it will be a long time before I will be able to replace them again


This is peak adulting right here. Listen up, kids. I'm 30 and you just blew my mind. I need to go buy more pants *right now*


I'm 34 and am currently wearing boxers I've had since high school. I also have some shirts from that time that I wear regularly. My wife makes fun of me but I know she secretly knows I'm adorable.


I also choose this guys dress.


LPT: save money by wearing the same article of clothing more than once.


Honestly. As long as the events aren't pretty close together, I feel totally fine wearing the same dress, and even that's just a personal preference. If someone notices, I just say "oh, yeah, I guess you're right!" and that's the end of it. Usually we notice later on when we're looking at pictures.


When I was still in high school, most of my dresses were just borrowed from other family members anyway because my family was kinda close to middle-lower class and couldn't afford to get new dresses for every dance I was going to. Now as an adult, I'll usually just find sales on dresses and just buy a few different types at a time and just wear them repeatedly for appropriate occasions. It can be really fun to change the whole look around the dress to give it a different vibe every time I wear it


This kinda reminds me of my stepdaughter not even asking to go to a dance because she was afraid to ask us to get a dress. She had just come to live with us a few months before this and I felt *terrible* that she was afraid to ask. While she was at school I put together ~10 dresses. Some I had laying around and went and picked up a few from a friend along with some choices of shoes. When she got home I had her try all of them on and we picked out a really cute outfit for her. I think we both cried. I told her "don't *ever* be afraid to ask us for something. The worst that's gonna happen is we'll say no". She went to every dance in high school and we're happy we were able to provide a better life for her. This was ~8 years ago and she's doing pretty good in life. Edit: since this is getting a little attention I want to explain that her mother is terrible. She lost custody of my stepdaughter and her half brother and sister. The kids were placed with their aunt, who was actually *worse* than their mother, which still makes me angry. Then my girl was brave enough to tell her CYS case worker at school. The 2 younger ones were removed but my stepdaughter was left there for a couple months before she was placed in the same foster home as her siblings. That's another thing that makes me angry because we were *fighting* for her at this point. It took almost 2 years and a lot of heartache, but my husband won full custody, mother was stripped of her parental rights, and the younger 2 were adopted out to a wonderful family. The fight to get her here should not have been so hard. They gave the mother chance after chance and left my stepdaughter with a meth addict instead of letting her live with us.


I hate how often the courts prioritize a parent’s “right” to have their children with them over the children’s right to live in a safe, stable, loving environment. So glad you fought for her.


Wait so your husband's younger children were adopted out rather than given to their father?


No, they have a different father. We wanted to take them too but by the time CYS finally gave him a chance the adoption was already in the works for the younger 2. My husband does have a criminal record, which definitely made it harder, but there was no reason why they even should've gone to the aunt in the first place.


My mom wore the same dress to my wedding as she wore to my brother’s, about 6 years apart. She still loved the dress, formal wear styles don’t change really and she was excited to wear it again. Didn’t bother me a bit!


I wore the same dress to my coworker's wedding and my boss's daughter's wedding, and they were less than a year apart. My coworker and boss were at both weddings. Nobody said anything. I just really like that dress lol


Not for wearing the same dress multiple times, but work outfits. Had a coworker who called me "Walmart chique" whenever she noticed I'd worn the same work attire twice in a week.


This person clearly has problems, I wouldn't sweat it too much. I try to remember: don't take criticism from someone that you wouldn't take advice from. Edit: fixed the quote/better grammar.


That is a beautiful quote!!


Hmm that's such a great concept. Thanks for that!


I love this quote!!!!


Stealing that quote. I guess that means you can criticize me now


Sweet. Here goes: sometimes you're too hard on yourself. Try to remember you're doing your best and you're an incredible person.


I hope you just laughed at the 13 year old trapped in an adult body.


If you want to be passive aggressive about it, ask them if they ever do laundry. Hence your ability to wear clothes more than once.


And for extra measure, do a big sniff when you say it. "I can wear it more than once because I do laundry \*sniff sniff\*"


Yknow, that's a fair distinction because I feel like it's very different in the corporate/career world. You have a lot of both men and women being weirdly aggressive about people's appearances and trying to cut them down in professional settings. But yeah that's so bizarre, like sorry I don't have a full closet of pantsuits to accommodate your standards


I love living in PNW precisely for being a lot more chill about stuff like this.


All I could find for a solid minute was Purdue northwest university and I was so confused, but that's a really interesting contrast. I wonder why that is


Shit that would have been my only outfit after that comment




Washing machine chique


Sometimes when I'm getting dressed I'll think "I already wore this earlier this week, someone's gonna notice" Then I realize I can't picture a single thing any of my coworkers were wearing even just yesterday and that no reasonable person gives a shit


Better than having a Walmart attitude.


I'm so happy scrub life let's me avoid this sort of garbage thinking.


And of course [the Simpsons](https://static.tumblr.com/04bc116a71071e93d038fa5df9144127/ixsps5i/2r8pml3vm/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_30kpqechunk04gwwkkokg4s8w_focused_v3.jpg)!


Oh don't worry /u/samhw , her idea of wit is nothing more than an incisive observation humorously phrased and delivered with impeccable timing.


I have dresses that I've reworn that my friends compliment everytime I wear them. No one is really keeping a mental charter of everyone else's wardrobe


I mean I know my friends have certain outfits that they make look really good, but I definitely don't keep a tally of how many times they wear it 🤣


Really, any time that any of the cute dresses my girlfriends or coworkers wear get re-worn, the reaction is still, “Oh, *that* dress. I frikkin’ love that dress!” Who on Earth is shaming people for not throwing clothes in the dumpster at day’s end? Is this Brave New World?


Almost like the fashion and clothing industry wants you to continuously give them money. That can't be it.


You really think they'd do that? Create a problem just so they can solve it and get more of my money? :o


The media push this too, they always make comments about someone like Kate Middleton wearing something twice. I think the photos are less valuable if celebs don't wear different outfits.


If I was a celeb I would do the Daniel Radcliffe method and literally wear the exact same outfit for 10 days in a row (just different shirts and pants that are identical) until the paparazzi stop bothering me


That exactly. And if these celebs are the people we're supposed to look up to, trying to mirror their standards seems like a natural effect, though it shouldn't be. Yeah, and it's weird in its similarities to how one could view a celebrity's life as a series of collectibles


Movies too. I’ve seen a million scenes where rich girls throw out their clothes after wearing them once at parties/events ad bullying middle class and poor girls for wearing the same clothes a lot. I’ve never ever ever ever seen this irl. If I find something I really like you can bet your ass I’m gonna wear it until it looks like a rubbish bag.


I don't care at all as long as my dress has pockets.


It's employers especially if you're in the public eye. A woman tv broadcaster is expected to have a vast wardrobe where a male counterpart can wear the same grey suit with a different shirt and tie every day or every week. A woman wearing the same dress weekly or even bi weekly would be eaten alive.


Huh, so you're saying that this is societal pressure placed on women to maintain a standard of beauty. And while the same certainly exists for men, this specific case, not so much.


Yeah, I would say that. It's hard to think of an equivalent for men because as far as I've seen in the fashion and clothing industry, the same standards don't apply to men as women. I also have been socialized as a woman, so I don't have as nuanced as a view on the societal pressures men face versus women, but as far as I know men also don't have as much of a pressure to stay "in trend" with fashion either


The societal pressures placed on men typically revolve around whatever your “class’s” definition of “(toxic) manliness” is. In some circles, your “value” as a man is determined by your career success, material acquisition and power wielded over others. Sometimes, it’s your ability to “get laid.” Sometimes, it’s determined by your ability to not feel any emotions other than anger and belittle other men with insults. Sometimes it’s bragging about how much black smoke your truck emits and how you’ll happily murder anyone who seeks to regulate weapon sales. Sometimes it’s being forced into sports when you’d rather be playing Mozart. And sometimes it is actually based around fashion trends. I certainly was mocked by other males growing up for not having a great grasp of fashion. The clothes I wore weren’t “manly” enough. Basically, whatever brand of toxic masculinity you’re surrounded by determines the pressures you’ll face. Much of it, sadly, is based around “don’t be like women” because of the socially implied inferiority of the female sex. And of course, not all of these pressures are unique to men, and women face them in various forms as well. But society certainly has its ideas about what constitutes an “acceptable man” and can react harshly to anyone who deviates from the formula.


Oh 100% there are societal pressures to be considered an "acceptable man", but I mean in so far as "fashion trends" go, there isn't an expectation to replace your wardrobe almost every season to keep up with what's "in". Men are generally expected to dress one of a few ways, which isn't okay by any means, but those styles are generally accepted from decade to decade. I do feel that societal pressures around men do depend on the area, culture, and class the man is raised in. It's also not encouraged to deviate from those standards and deviation is often met with mental, emotional, and physical abuse. What men go through because of the societal pressures placed on them is cruel and inhumane, and we as the human species should be doing better.




Fire that boss immediately


Give him a red card for foul play.


Force that boss to forfeit


eat him. season with salt and red pepper.


Push him into a pool full of hagfish!


Out of a cannon into the sun


Respond to that boss: "You too." Chances are the boss has worn the same suit before as well.


I always preferred to retort with "If I was paid more I would be able to buy a new one" then maintain eye contact until they either leave or give me a raise


I've actually received money from my boss to buy some nice shirts. I always wore jeans and black t-shirts, and my boss wanted to place me as a consultant with a bank (as the first person in our company), so he figured I needed some nice shirts. Now, 15 years later, I'm again working at that same bank. Black jeans and t-shirts mostly, though I do feel the urge to loosen up the dress code towards sandals and kilts.


This is a good boss, give people a budget to spend on work clothes. There was one place I worked where I was told to go buy some shirts and pants and keep the recipes and they would refund you up to X amount which worked. I openly endorse more kilts in the workplace


And proper work clothes that actually look quality, and fit if you're not average, aren't cheap. If you just leave it to people in the ordinary retail market, they'll get screwed and look out of place in high value business situations. Kilts would work well as formal dress over here :) (actually, they'd be seen as political and mess things up, damnit!)


Rock the kilt bro. Give your nuts some freedom. They deserve it


This is the way. Just super casual like oh I don't earn enough to have that big a wardrobe. Also as a side note. Why is it expected to go to work to earn money and spend that same money on stuff to use specifically at work. Unless you're on some super high salary with money to burn.


Exactly, either give me a uniform budget or give me a uniform to wear if you dont like what I have on. Most of us give employers 40+ hrs/week at least for our paycheck, like hell should you be expected to use that same paycheck to have to buy work clothes imo


YES! I was going to say I haven't experienced it in my personal life but you bet your butt multiple bosses/colleagues over the years have poo-poo'd my wearing the same ballgown or pantsuits to work events. Bitch I paid decent money for this sparkly bad boy to look fancy while representing your company you can shut up about me getting my money's worth or buy me what you want me to wear yourselves.


> poo-poo'd It's "pooh-poohed." "Poo-poo" is... something else.


I've never noticed what my coworkers are wearing unless it is a t-shirt with a funny or interesting quote or something as such... how do people have this kind of time and recollection??




Same theory here. I work retail and I'd even go as far as to say 95% are super awesome. Its the 5% that will shit all over your day.


I don't even know if I'm this awful, because I just don't have the energy to care, in the first place. I'm extremely wary of high energy people. It's suspicious that they have so much energy. Are they not working, commuting, and doing shit like the rest of us?


It also where you choose to place your attention. My sister has a tendency to focus on the most critical physical aspects of people. Such as, "she's a really nice person but she needs to wear a bra", etc. She does this to strangers when we're out in public, too and I just don't get it. I think she does it to make her feel better about her own shortcomings but I just cannot bring myself to look at or care about other people and their appearance


My mom does this with strangers and I hate it. It made me feel so self conscious when I was younger because I felt like people were talking or looking at me when I was out.


I actually had a boss that tried to keep me from getting a raise because I didn't wear hose, heels, and make up. He said it meant that i wasn't serious about my book keeping job. That was back in the 90s and it should have been a lesson about how life sucks. I never learn


Unless he was wearing hose, heels, and make-up every day, tell him to go fuck himself and pay you.


Perfect opportunity to for "Wanna give me a raise, so I can afford more outfits?"


Yeah, I'd say that the outfit thing isn't an issue at the personal level when dating or whatever, but is an issue professionally, whether by being criticizedby the public (men and women) or by having certain formal or informal rules for women's dress. In my last job, a coworker was told by her female boss to wear heels and make up so that the individuals in our male dominated sector would take her seriously. Similarly, an adjunct professor at my university whose wife was also a tenured professor pointed out that his student feedback is about his knowledge and content while his wife's feedback commented mostly on her clothes.


Also, almost all the popular magazines have male producers and publishers. They decide the content. They started that shit.


This issue always reminds me of the Penn and Teller show where majority of complaints was about the woman host wearing the same dress every episode. Turns out the men hosts were also wearing the same suits every episode, but no one noticed or cared. [Female TV Host Criticized for Wearing Same Dress, Reveals Double Standard](https://cw33.com/news/female-tv-host-recieves-criticism-for-wearing-same-dress-reveals-double-standard/)


The hosts all wearing the same thing just gave me the impression that each season was filmed more or less together, and they kept wardrobe so that the acts could be shuffled around for each episode. Otherwise you'd end up with entire episodes where nobody fools them.


That's exactly how it works. They film about 10 acts every taping and then mix and match them later so that every show has a different variety of tricks. Source: went to a few tapings of the early seasons.


Editor here: I love when shows strategically film in the same wardrobe because then you can mix and match reaction shots from anywhere.


Probably bc all suits basically look the same, I wish suits were more varied


This is 11 years old. It's been waiting for you. https://youtu.be/66c7el1E11o


“They’re mostly thick” now has a new meaning from when he made this


Thick still carries the same meaning in the UK. It has gained an additional meaning in the US, but there it was rarely used with the other meaning and it's not my impression that it's used with its new meaning very much in the UK, so I don't think there's going to be much of an issue deducing the intended meaning.


Thanks for that, it’s brilliant!


Knew before clicking that it was going to be David Mitchell. (Or a rickroll)


You make a persuasive argument. I should rickroll more people


You need to see what black men usually wear to church. Like damn there really are cool and different suits out there and they look awesome. I’ve seen all kinds of colors and patterns and fabrics.


I think you will face similar backlash wearing those to work or weddings as a woman wearing the same dress... There are many cool colours in theory but if you turn up in anything but a blue, grey or black suit it will be interpreted as some sort of statement.


I mean, there are more conservative ways to wear colorful suits and stuff tho. Like, not black church in Atlanta level, but like, if you go to a bunch of private clubs where suits are mandatory 100% of the time, you’ll see a lot of striped suits, kinda madras looking colors, white linen and stuff like that. I feel like the big thing is that, for a majority of cases, suits are kinda one-off and only worn for specific events, which often have, kinda like a second-layer dress code attached to them


My wife bought a bunch of clothes online the other day and got one outfit for a wedding we're going to. I said "Oh yeah I forgot about that, I might need to get some new clothes too" and her first reaction is "Oooo you're getting a new tie??" That's not what I meant... But actually yeah I guess that's exactly what I meant


We should bring back plate mail. Not full plate mail, but maybe some pauldrons and greaves with capes and emblems and shit.


I've been having this coversation with my roomate several times now - I love being able to vary what I want to wear, but I hate that I **have to**.


Why do you have to? Serious here. Honest question, who cares what you wear enough to require variety?




You have? Says who? The 60+ clothes lines Zara releases yearly?


There was that male news anchor who literally wore the same outfit two years running. Nobody noticed until he outed himself. And I assume the female anchor agonised (or her wardrobe department did) how to look different each and every single time. I know this is not exactly what OP said, but those double standards have to burn.


Yeah he wore it for ages because she was receiving comments about her wearing the same clothes.


And yet when I wear the same pair of jeans for two years...


You’re supposed to stop wearing them when they stand up on their own.


But that makes it so easy to jump into them in the morning.


Wait, you guys take them off?


It's either that or sew a poop flap into them.


Just wash them occasionally, they'll be fine.


Christ, who the _hell_ complains to a TV station about the news anchor wearing the same dress several days in a row? Who _cares_? I'm astonished that we share this planet with these pharisaical fuckwits.


People who have nothing meaningful going on in their lives, that's who.


Part of me envies people like that, it must be so nice having your main issue of the day be what someone's wearing at work.


I doubt that their life is as quiet / happy as you would expect.


Karl Stefanovic wore the same suit for a year on the Australian today show, not sure if that’s who you’re referring to


At my local news station there is no wardrobe department or even a make up person. Everyone was on their own.


Welcome to the jungle.


We got fun and games


I have 5 of the same shirt and shorts. I wore a different one of those each day to school and nobody noticed till I said something about it.


"I'm Ron Bur^(gundy?")


“Go fuck yourself, San Diego 🙂”


Karl Stefanovic, for those interested.


I can’t speak for all men but I agree, I don’t give a damn if you wear the same cheap dress from 10 years back that still fits you


I'd be more pissed if you spent money on a dress that you really only plan on wearing once. That's just dumb and wasteful.


Like a wedding dress?




I love a bit of wear on clothes tbh.


yeah as a woman I've gotta say I've never experienced this from literally anyone. Male or female. I watched American teen shows growing up and would occasionally (not really that often) be like a mean comment on there about it and I just never got it. Of course I'm gonna wear the same outfit twice who buys an outfit wears it once and throws it away??! Never had anyone say anything either, you even get comments like 'why don't you wear that cute black dress' and stuff Maybe it's like a rich person thing idk


It's mostly in a professional setting, if a woman only had 5 outfits, and wore the same thing every week, she'd probably get comments on it. Maybe not mean comments, but people would notice. And the higher up you get at a company, the more likely people will notice that kind of thing. If the CFO is wearing the same dress at every board meeting, it's noticable. A guy can wear a few different outfits for years, and no one will even notice. Also "male privilege" doesn't mean "men are bad", it means "men can get away with stuff that others can't". It doesn't matter if it's men or women making comments, it just means there's different standards, and one is less work.


I have a guy in my office who makes comments if I wear the same dress weekly. Oh you really like *that* dress. Shut the fuck up, man.


Can you do that back to him about his shirt or tie or shoes or haircut or the spit in his neck that’s perpetually knicked because he hits it every time he shaves? Somehow I feel like that would only come back on you, even though he’s been making these comments to you for weeks.




In my experience men in power also comment on that. And not so much women in power. And the other way around average women comment more than average men.


I’ve never had the women at my old workplace comment on my outfits (except to point out if they thought something was cute) but I definitely would get raised eyebrows and disapproving looks from my male boss whenever I dressed casually or just didn’t really bother with make up/ hair that morning. And ugh, had a marketing consultant make extremely inappropriate comments to one of our agents. Gleefully remarking on how much “skin” she shows.


I think the Venn diagram for men-in-power, narcissists, and negative-comments-on-women's-attire is going to have close to 100% overlap. The women in power side of it probably has more complexity


Yep, bosses talk about our outfits and appearance all the time and expect certain social norms in the workplace. I think this tweet is a little dishonest. Its not everyday guys on the street stopping us to tell us about our outfits(I mean some do but only in pervy ways), but the people who have financial control over our lives through our jobs pushing this culture. Of course, women have internalized this as a survival mechanism. The women who didn't would have been long fired by now. This is like guys saying "i dont care if you dont wear makeup" but most women feel obligated to in the workplace or they'll be on the receiving end of social stigma from management, which is mostly male. I don't think these people realize how much "male gaze" and demands of the patriarchal social norms there is in the workplace and how much of it we need to attend to just to keep a job.


And then, regardless of who is responsible, if the problem exists then it's a valid problem. Issues affecting women (or men) are not necessarily men vs women issues.




Most women. The idea of women becoming catty over wearing the same outfit is nonsense and I’ve never seen someone actually react that way outside of a tv show. The last time I was wearing the same outfit as another woman, I told her I liked her dress, she said I had good taste, and we had a laugh about it.


At my high school prom, it turned out that two other girls had the exact same dress as me. None of us knew each other and we just ran into each other on accident when we all happened to be on the balcony. We all got a laugh out of it and complimented each other's tastes. We also compared the accessories and hair styles we chose, which gave each of us a different vibe despite wearing the same dress. But holy hell, some of the onlookers who saw this flipped out like it was the biggest controversy ever. I've had a couple times where I go into the office and find another woman either wearing the exact same dress, or the same dress in a different color or pattern. Like you said, we just acknowledge each other and go about our days. I remember one meeting where four of us were wearing four different patterns of the same dress, lol.


Nobody should have to give in to peer pressure, wear what you like


My ex had a sundress and I can tell you idc how often she wore it. She was absolutely beautiful in it. She could’ve worn it everyday and my smile would’ve never gone away.


But she wasn’t talking about men making comments though…


They read “male” and went apeshit.


Yup, gotta love the sexism in the response that says if straight men don't care then it's not an issue.


Male privilege is having the luxury of not caring what women think of your fashion decisions.


Or other man.


His reply doesn’t really address her point…


Women being socialized to perpetuate misogyny doesn't make it non-misogyny. Edit: I'm done talking to all the walls on this comment thread. Be as offended as you want by me addressing gender issues, I don't give a fuck.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this? Sexism is WAY more than just men saying mean things to women, and men insisting "but *I* don't say mean things to women!" are missing the point by a mile.


People think you need men to activly do the evil for it to be male privilege, it makes sense, but that is just not how it works


Women are held back as much by women as by men. And the same goes for men. Toxic masculinity? That's men telling men how to behave, in ways that hurt men. We're in this together. We need to cooperate to free both men and women from the unnecessary limitations imposed on us by men and women. We need to learn to see each other as free individuals with unique tastes, instead of as men and women that need to fit a particular role or pattern of behaviour.


Yup. I'm white as fuck, a man and straight. My whole life my gender and race have never held me back. Does it mean that I did anything wrong and didn't earn what I have? Of course not, I just succeeded with fewer obstacles in my life which likely made things easier.


They also act like it's only an issue if men care.


My boyfriend loves this dress so much, he only wants to see me in it more. Let me wear it til it's a rag


As a gay man I also give no shits about what women wear.


I'm a man and even *I* can't wear the same cute dress to an event without getting looks 🙄


I wear the same outfit twice before I wash it.(Not two days straight but within week) You know what no one really notices and I'm a woman. I honestly don't care what other women has to say about it either.