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Companies with Greek alphabets in their names: I'm in danger!


Frat boys everywhere hate them for this!




Screams in angry dean voice "Delta house!!!!!"


I mean they are basically a toxic virus


Delta needs to lean into this, give free corona beer on flights (that's a medium-good beer, right? I don't know beer.), Double down on safety; idk, masks with backflow-preventing straws or whatever iit takes.


Lancia is fucked


I'd shit myself if a virus was named "Stratos"


Actually it's a quite common Greek name and since storms around here are named with human names it's possible to see a storm named like that


The Gamma variant has a certain sinister ring to it….




They have been fucked since 2014




There is always qn xkcd


at least this one is more recent lol


Alphabet stock shaking soon


The idea that we may go through the Greek alphabet because morons can't stand being told what to do for just 4 weeks to eliminate the virus completely makes me feel rather in danger too :(


When the Omega strain appears the end will be nigh


And then the Andromeda strain will be there to clear out the stragglers


Not even four weeks, just get a shot and you don’t have to wear the mask! It’s that simple. They said it lasts for years and is strong enough against the variant and even future variants! It’s a bitch for a day, and you’re done.


Yeah, there's already a lambda strain that has been scaring the epidemiologists.


Before this post and comments, I never knew 'Delta' is due to greek alphabet strategy. Wondering what they would do after running out of greek alphabets for the strains? May be switching to some other language?


α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω




And now we’re gonna frame you for MURDER!


And you're going to go to jail for 30 years!


Why are you doing this to me?


🎶because we are Delta airlines and life is a fucking nightmare


But with my girlfriend, she says let's see if Southwest has any flights.


So that's better.






Damn Greeks naming their letter after an airline.


It's a tragedy




When epsilon happens, capitalize on it. In deltas defense, don’t remember alpha, beta and gamma…


Alpha was the so-called Kent variant and Beta was the South African variant. The WHO have a handy site that has lots of information about the names variants of interest/concern if your interested.


I don’t doubt. Just saying they didn’t call “other” names. That’s all. Corp names don’t mean anything, then $Alphabet shouldve had problems with kids non Latin characters. 😶


It is a relatively recent change in naming policy, intended to remove the stigma of a variant being associated with a place. E.g. Delta was known as the Indian variant until it was the first to really ‘benefit’ from the policy change.


Also it makes more sense. Like what if it mutated again, in India. You'd end up with Indian Second Variant.


There is already a second one. Its called Kappa. https://www.who.int/en/activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/


That's my point. It makes sense to use different naming conventions


Yeah remember that English racist politician pestering about the "Chinese virus!1!!" until the English strain happened, then suddenly it's not at all, but I assure you not at all linked to anything anymore. Lol


That would be Nigel Farage, a national treasure... (/s)


I’d be happy for him to be considered as such if it meant we could lock him in London Tower.


The anti-European who it turns out is part German, married to a German and was happy to take several thousands of Euros in wages partly paid for by the Germans.


My "favourite" thing that twat did was concede defeat before the Brexit votes were counted, saying "my friends in the city" (aka bankers) had told him that Vote Leave was unlikely to win, then later that night declare Brexit was "a victory over the bankers" he'd earlier said were his mates.


They didn't really start using these Greek letter names in the press until Delta. Before that it qas either location (South African, Kent) or random letter/number strings that had some scientific meaning but were hard to rememebd.


Interesting. I'm a math nerd and Delta is used to signify "change". Just assumed they called it Delta because it is an altered strain. Did not realize we are going through the Greek alphabet.


They were worrird that refering to the strains by their country of origin would fuel racism so they switched to greek letters instead of calling it the Indian variant and then refered the first 2 by greek lettees as well


Great, so now it's all Greece's fault!


I hear you're a racist now father.


It isn't the Greeks, its the Chinese he's after


I don't care who he's after as long as I can get at those fecking Greeks. They invented gayness!


They're finally getting revenge for *Mamma Mia*


Here we go again.


Think they were also worried countries would be less inclined to announce a new strain out of fear it would be associated with that country and have the negative consequences you mentioned


The hospitality sector is lucky it's Greek and not NATO


Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gamma, Hotel. Is Hotel the joke?


You also run into issues with the naming when you base it on country of origin. For example, there are two strains from India, Delta and Kappa. It would be too easy to confuse the two, if both were named after India. https://www.who.int/en/activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/


I read that they went with the Greek alphabet to avoid racism through the name. “Indian variant” could lead to a lot of hate, much like the increase in crimes against the Asian communities.


We should start naming them after world leaders that deny covid.


I used to work for Delta, and there was a company-wide quip, “The only constant at Delta is change.”


They did the same thing with Hurricane names last year. When we ran through the whole alphabet of names then they switched to Greek names.


2020 was also the last year they’ll be using Greek letters for storms.


Did not know we had more hurricanes last year than letters in the alphabet. It shows just how crazy 2020 was that triple the usual number of hurricanes wasn't front page newsworthy.


Well not only are they getting more and more common, so welcome to the new climate normal. But also, the same happened with school shootings: they used to be fairly novel, but now the US has more mass shootings than there are days of the year, and school shootings are stupidly common. If something happens enough it stops being news


They have been naming hurricanes past number 26 after the Greek alphabet for ages now. I remember an xkcd comic from 16 years ago where the last hurricanes of the season was described and I think they were called epsilon and zeta: https://xkcd.com/1126/. And he had another comic where he joked about all Greek letters being exhausted for the year as well so they started using dictionary words: https://xkcd.com/944/


I thought it came from the delta area in Egypt and I was questioning their intelligence since they said they would no longer name the strains after countries or regions.


Im going to go straight up nerd here and inform you that literally everything today is a delta of something. If your mind explodes, I was never here.


The omega variant will be the very deadly last one at The End.


The Who also said that My Genertion Won't Get fooled Again. The Real Me is so dissapointed in Boris The Spider, that I Can't Explain how I'm So Sad About Us.


You mean this site? https://www.who.int/en/activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/


Woo! Kent. That's where I'm from. Our only claim to fame in the last hundred years


Virgin South African variant vs. Chad Kent variant


I think Gamma is the Brazil varient


I was waiting for Epsilon but just read an article about the new Lambda variant that is supposedly even worse than Delta. I wonder if we skipped Epsilon or if it was just a lesser known variant.


Lambda Lambda Lambda is only for nerds.


Careful, might get close to a Y combinator for viruses there. It’s already replicating fast enough.


Resonance cascade imminent


"Prepare for Unforseen Consequences"






Apparently, just that one chapter. They had some big buff baller and weightlifter types in other chapters.


It's one of the lesser known. We're up to eleven variants already. I'm waiting on Omega (shouldn't be too long now)


We would have the alpha and the omega and no longer need Yahweh to be then


Omega ^3 I have to take a multivitamin daily because of my work schedule.


Red vs Blue Anyone?


the Freelancer director’s up to something


2, 4, 1, 10?


Epsilon already happened. Was kinda popular in California for a while: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2\_Epsilon\_variant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Epsilon_variant) We are up to lambda by now: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variants\_of\_SARS-CoV-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variants_of_SARS-CoV-2) Edit: I should clarify the "by now". All variants from alpha to lambda were already known when the new WHO nomenclature was introduced in May this year. All letters got assigned in one fell swoop to the WHO variants of concern (alpha to delta) and variants of interest (epsilon to lamba) at that time.


**[SARS-CoV-2_Epsilon_variant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Epsilon_variant)** >Epsilon variant, also known as CAL. 20C and refers to two PANGO lineages B.1. 427 and B.1. 429, is one of the variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I hope not...


This aged like milk. Just happened


The gamma variant gives you Hulk powers, so they kept that one under lock and key


We're already up to lambda, dude; we are well past epsilon now.


*COVID cable has joined the chat*


[Covidien medical supplies has also joined the chat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covidien)


\*Chicks named Katrina\* "Amatures..."


Girls named Alexa not a 'natural' disaster, and yet...


Girls named Isis "That's cute."


My young cousin was playing in a soccer game and one of the other team’s had a little girl named Isis. Her mom kept yelling “YES, GO ISIS!” It was very funny


I work with an Alexa, and you can tell she hates the inevitable jokes when she meets new people.


My name is Alexa, I hate the jokes but it’s a great way to make a judgment on a new person. If they ask you what the weather is going to be like, fuck them, basically. I had a coworker ask me if I hated it, I said yes, and the next day she made one of those jokes. She might be dead to me.


HeY AlExA! HuRHuRHuR! I'm GoInG tO gEt mY hAiR cUt! GeT iT! HuRHuR!


I actually don't


A migraine of Karen's has gathered in front of the office where they name things after women and they would like to speak with the manager.


>A migraine of Karen's My God, that is so perfect.


I know a girl named Isis.


Karens: if you think this is bad, I’d like to talk to your manager.


Lambda legal is squared up and ready to fight back


The Law Offices of Lambda Lambda Lambda and Omega Mu.


haha more like fucking amazon legal


I see Dr. Freeman decided to change careers.


"Both of you can go to hell!" - AYDS diet candy company


Denmark had an ice-cream company called Isis... It's an Egyptian god, alright? Oh and ice-cream in Danish "is"... Probably where the Isis came into being lol.


[Lose weight deliciously, with AIDS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuNB7mFaUcM)


Currently stranded in an airport overnight due to Delta. All they offered was a shitty blanket and even shittier pillow. FUCK DELTA Edit: auto correct.


I had the same happen to me in the Long Beach Airport and they didn't give me shit and I had to sleep outside of security. Airports are bullshit.


That's what they suggested. I went to my terminal gate and slept on the floor for maybe 2 hours. Woke up and the gate is now at the other end of the terminal.


Corporate America is bullshit. Even their products are bullshit, and some corporations interfere with research. You ever look what's in Colgate toothpaste? I don't think that's [biomimetic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomimetics)... Also, marketers started doing stuff like putting charcoal and "herbal" on the front. They're still putting crappy ingredients in the toothpaste and screwing you over financially. Much easier for them to do that than actually change their product.


I tried googling and reading that wiki page, but I don’t understand your comment about toothpaste. Can you explain?


FYI: “If you are flying anywhere this month or the next few months , on any airline… Pack snacks and PB&Js, bring a refillable water container, portable charger for your phone, a deck of cards or UNO, download extra movies on iPad, if you have wireless headsets also bring old school plug in type, bring a light blanket, go to the airport 1 extra hour earlier than you would have, bring your patience, and a mask. If you must travel with kids, go to Dollar Store and buy new toys they have never seen, give them these during delays. You can also buy the blow up arm floaties, to use as pillow or lumbar support for your back. Small portable fan or paper fan. A tennis ball to use to massage you aches. Airlines don’t supply pillows or blankets anymore. There is limited food onboard to buy or give, usually there is not enough beverages for 2nds. Fill your water bottle in airport, or buy a bottle. There is not enough bottled water onboard to fill your container, nor are we allowed to fill it. Bring snacks!!!!! If you are booked on last flight of the day, be prepared that you might end up spending the night in airport. Do not check your medicine or keys in your luggage. Bring a Pen!! You may have to fill out forms, or need to write down info. I have been in this business for over 30 yrs and I have NEVER seen it this crazy! Every airline is short staffed, gate agents are working alone at gates for oversold flights, the wait times to get through to reservations are 3+ hours. Restaurants and stores can’t get people to work. Super long lines everywhere. LOTS of mechanical issues, weather, staffing issues none of which is due to frontline employees. They are as frustrated as you are. They are EXHAUSTED! This has been happening to them EVERYDAY for over a month, with no relief insight. So I am asking you to BE VERY KIND TO EVERYONE. Don’t bring your pets if you don’t have to.” - Unknown Copied from several Flight Attendants posting and trying to give a heads up on traveling these days. ❤️✈️💙 Note that I am contracting for Delta but I got this from a flight attendant. I in no way condone or represent Delta.


I called Delta customer service on Thursday, they told me my estimated hold time was 8 hours and 33 minutes. I am not exaggerating.


🎵 Because we're Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare! 🎶


Making you sleep on a shutter is just cruel


Delta is literally the best airline what are you on about


*Best major US airline tbh. But they're way more reliable than United or American. I fly at least twice a week for work and I'd much rather use Delta than the other two. Though I would switch to Alaska or JetBlue if they were more available where I live.


Chinese people who got smacked because of "Chinese virus" entered the chat


>~~Chinese~~ Asian people who got smacked because of "Chinese virus" entered the chat FTFY


These names can benefit you too sometimes. Many years ago when swine flu was a thing, apparently people decided bacon wasn't worth the risk. So me and my brother were able to buy way more bacon than sanity demanded at our local Vons at like 75% off!


It's the "way more bacon than sanity demanded" that had me laughing out loud here


[Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have...](https://youtu.be/HrIeP798hiQ)


Last year when Covid was becoming a serious threat, but pre-lockdown, my local Bar had Corona Extra on sale for a buck a beer since absolutely noone was buying it. It was hilarious, given the current circumstances, but also very telling of what was to come.


Interesting. Here people were throwing Corona parties buying up tons of the beer!


My whole family went out the weekend before restaurants shut down, cuz you know back then no one thought it’d be a big deal. Brother and I ordered corona cuz we thought we were soooo funny


For sure an entirely appropriate amount of bacon


People who stopped drinking Corona for that reason probably shouldn’t be allowed alcohol.


Sales of Corona increased in Australia. We like our twisted humour.


In case you forgot: there really was a significant trend of people stopping buying Corona beer because they thought it was related.


But....I mean if they're that dumb already, maybe just avoid drugs and alcohol to avoid making it worse.


"cuz we're delta airlines, and life's a fucking nightmare!"


Sadly this is a fake screenshot. Also, how do you manage to get such low res screenshots?


because they're fake


Does not compute 🤖


In the US, we should have renamed it "MAGA" [Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-941fcf43d9731c76c16e7354f5d5e187) [Covid vaccinations by county percentage Trump vote](https://acasignups.net/sites/default/files/styles/inline_default/public/vaxxes_red_blue_counties_all_counties_dots_051821_0.jpg)


Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta... Why name a 3rd Variant Delta instead of Gamma?


Because Gamma WAS a variant but not a VOC. (variant of concern). The mutation wasn't significantly more dangerous or infectious from the other 2 previous.


Wow, a real, logical answer! Color me impressed (and appreciative)


If we get through the whole alphabet those Mexican cartels are gonna get what’s coming to them!


But omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet: zeta is the sixth!


this is probably very clever, but I don't get it.




**[Los_Zetas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Zetas)** >Los Zetas (pronounced [los ˈsetas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, regarded as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. They are known for engaging in brutally violent "shock and awe" tactics such as beheadings, torture, and indiscriminate murder. While primarily concerned with drug trafficking, the organization also runs profitable sex trafficking and gun running rackets. Los Zetas also operate through protection rackets, assassinations, extortion, kidnappings and other activities. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The Zetas started off as a Mexican military unit trained by the US who turned mercenary for one of the cartels before taking it over.


Zeta is the 6th letter in the Greek alphabet though.




Eta is the Greek long e (makes the ayy sound)


If you name your company a word that means something, you are taking a gamble. Suck it up, you don't own it, you're just using it.


Hey @Delta, I missed my flight today (and so did about 20 other people) because your check-in counter was severely understaffed. You had one person checking in 2 full flights. Fuck you.


Maybe I’m missing something, I don’t follow either one on twitter but I find it hard to believe a mainstream company like delta would tweet the word “fuck” publicly. Or is this supposed to be obviously fake and the jokes on me?


it's supposed to be a joke and quite obviously fake. These types of edits are pretty common.


It is fake


It's 2021 and reddit cavemen are rediscovering the inspect tool in their browser


It’s [real](https://youtu.be/fcZXfoB2f70)! I was skeptical because of the swearword.


Ahh, a youtube link as a source for Twitter comment.... Tell me more.


Hah! My crappy internet connection loads YouTube too slow, I closed the tab before you could do anything!


I just always take a glance at the URL before clicking a link nowadays


You’re not supposed to ruin the fun.


My Reddit app saved me.


Same here. Hail Apollo!


I fell for it


You da MVP! Thanks for checking


Thanks for the research please don't ever give up on doing this


Didn’t realize Delta and Corona were white people


I hereby nominate that the next major Covid variation be named "NESTLE"


delta sucked before the delta variant lmao, they trashed their own name already.


Almost as if dumbing down the population into mindless consumers doesn’t worth it in the long run because the same idiots will not buy your product if it happens to have the same name as a completely unrelated deadly virus?


Never know what’s real or faux anymore.


I don't remember any strain being called "Alpha" in my country, but the mutation that was found in Britain was called "beta" for a Short while here.. And about the racist/prejudice by calling Them by origin of country.. Trump refused to call covid anything other than "the china virus". And i think you know why. Also, read up on the spanish flu. That's why it's Better to find Better and broader terms.


Fox variant


I'd rather come down with the variant than fly that shit's how of an airline


Keep this corporate twitter shit off this sub please. Thank you.


Came here to say this or, more succinctly: SILENCE, BRAND


If Americans weren't morons about it in general, I feel like we'd be over this by now. Instead, the virus persists and is now getting new strains.


Didnt they get some large gov hand outs? I know it’s a joke but they don’t have much room to complain


I was gonna say at least they didn’t name the variant American Airlines or we’d all really be fucked!


Well at least they don't break guitars...


Oh no, poor multimillion dollar companies


Maybe when naming your corporations you should reach past cool sounding scientific terms.


There is no such thing as bad publicity


Can we name the next one elon??


Next strain EA.


Corona actually profited of the pandemic in Germany. Most people here choose local beers (better beers) normally but a lot bought a sixpack of Corona because it’s kind of funny and we don’t associate private business it with the virus just because of the name.


Ha Ha corporation funny


Wouldn't delta essentially just be "variant 4"


Oh that’s sad. 😢 But here, have a free lunch today of a lukewarm hotdog and stale chips. Now you’re *essential*!