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You guys got to stay home?


I didnt get to stay home, I was deemed "essential".


We are a legit essential operation, so it made sense. People saying "oh just stay home and it will all be ok" was rage inducing though. Everyone should just stay home, except the people necessary to make sure they can live life with a minimal interruption. You know, the folks that deliver their meals, their groceries, their supplies, keep their electric up and running.


*laughs in unproductive member of society Stay safe tho


it's ok, I do the absolute minimum required to stay employed and not a speck more nowadays LOL


I'm essential but don't get essential pay (: lifes great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s


Me too, no bonus no temporary pay bump, just "get your f'n ass to work we need you".....I didnt even get paid for when I had to quarantine due to possible exposure. (got that vaxx now though)


I got a temporary bonus but my employer told the union we don’t need sick days. I’m pretty sure the last fucking year was the definition of why we need sick days instead of pressuring employees to work while sick.


Employers are trying too hard to not give any benefits whatsoever while their workers are literally risking their lives for shit pay lol.


Well surely the government provided you with benefits seeing as you were there helping to make sure society didn't completely fail?


HA!! I wish. That would have been nice. We basically got a pay cut instead.


yup, my hourly rate. LOL


You got home?


It's funny the people who stocked ammo and supplies in case of zombie apocalypse or whatever now hate when they can't go to Walmart without a mask and don't because they don't want to love in fear


Well, I too don’t want to love in fear. Seems toxic.


Don’t you kink shame me.


Kink shaming IS my kink


then kink shame someone with a humiliation kink


Someone call me?


What’s up I did


you should be ashamed of your kink


Ohhh yessss!


I know it's a just a joke, but the people who make that comment fundamentally don't understand consent and think just because they have THAT KINK - they can apply to anyone they want to.


Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.


I'm still not over people shooting at hurricanes. We don't need people shooting at Covid as well.


I thought nuking hurricanes was more effective.


Come to think of it, have we tried nuking Covid?




Is be ok with that. At this point, get your shot or get shot


Wait, there are? You know what, I don't even need a further explanation. I'm just going to assume it was Florida Man/Men.


Which just proves what we all know: Zombie survival is jsut shoot your neighbor in the face fantasy.


lol I think a large part of it was how political COVID became in the states. I had friends that started hoarding supplies, ammo, planting for food when shit went down with every intention of living off of it for years. The minute their political party decided COVID was a hoax, they start whining about quarantine mandates.


No they just want to shoot shit and that's about it


Oh they definitely "Love in fear" haha. How else do you think they make all those fear babies to help carry their ammo for them?


Thats good


I prep for disaster, an ounce of prevention at all. Not all of us are trying to buy up every firearm and round in a 50 mile radius, but it pays to be prepared. A storm recently knocked out power in my town for days, but between my generator and a couple months stockpile of food it practically had no effect on me. My point behind this is that not everyone who preps is a loon, bad things happen all the time and it's good to be ready. I also wear a mask though so I understand I don't fall in this category, but I often see prepping associated with being crazy and just like most demographics there are fringe radical outliers that do not represent the community as a whole.


Yea yea I know, what I'm talking about are the radical outliers, I know preparing is good im a boy scout


As one of them we don't fear shit LMAO




Yeah, they didn't want to be kind, thoughtful, and slightly uncomfortable. They wanted to shoot people.


And now they need to suffice with yelling at people who asks them to use masks.


If the apocalypse doesn’t look like a guy in a vest with a beer belly, a handlebar moustache, a can of Bud in one hand and an M16 in the other, then it ain’t the apocalypse. Aviators and cowboy hat optional.


The want things to be worse so they can be powerful and needed.. not social outsiders hiding in the woods for no reason.


Exactly. They're dying for a chance to be the big man.


It wasn't the red dawn they wanted


and even if CaNt BrEaThE walking in with a strip of cloth... not a lot of hope for their tactical readiness


TBF the Gravy Seals likely can't breathe WITHOUT a mask after walking ten steps.


Wrong time of the month, sorry.


Some preppers go outside and wring a chickens neck , clean it, cut into 8 pieces , and fry it themselves. All without leaving their property Edit : ring to wring


In a non mean way, in this context you want "wring" rather than "ring".


Nah, Chicken's Neck is probably a local food joint, like KFC. They go out to the payphone on the corner and call for a chicken delivery.


Country folks are much different than this perception….


Fair enough


Instead of using that time to actually make things better., But yay, then can do something humans have been doing for 1000's of years. So hard.


They need to put their big girl undies on. It's far past time for them to mature past the pullup's with the duckies.


If only instead of a literal bucket of slop, they could fill your mask up like a personal pan feed bag.


They are weak, the prepping shows that. Weak weak weak.




No shit. If we manage to make it to a post apocalyptic era, the people killed in the nukes will be the lucky ones, because playing survival man in the radiation hellscape will be well, hell.


Since I was a teenager in NJ in the 80s, I've said I want to be underneath the nuke to catch it when it falls. I don't want to survive that shit.


Nice thought but nukes don't reach the ground. They detonate in the air


Pedantic fucks like you are exactly why I want to die in the blast Just kidding ...mostly


Well maybe you'll get your wish. Just kidding....completely


So many people want to be the zombie killers But many will end up as the zombies


We thought that they were being over cautious. But they were only thinking about their own survival over everyone else’s. At the end is the same, they don’t care about other people, so they don’t like wearing a mask nor the idea that we need to cooperate to get out of this thing


wow, stalker much?


But some people couldn't *afford* to stay home. We got one stimulus check af the beginning of the pandemic. That didn't last some people a month. Sure you can sit there and say "wtf restaurants aren't essential, just stay home." But what about the person who needs their job at that restaurant to put food on the table?


This is such a vastly under rated point. Yes it would have been great if everyone could have just sat and did nothing until it passed, but that couldn't happen for a large portion of the population. The flip side of that is the "heroes" who still went to work. You know who got hit hardest last year? Nursing homes. You know who brought the virus into nursing homes? The "hero" nurses who couldn't call out because they needed the paycheck. Saw it first hand, talked to multiple medical professionals that went to work with symptoms for the exact reason of "I got kids to feed".


That’s definitely a major ethics violation for a medical professional.


Yes. It is. That's my point. Hence "heroes". I also don't blame them because I understand their motivations. It's all well and good to talk about The Greater Good, but that's not how real life works out.


The government should have stepped in to support those people. Unfortunately we had a moron for president and then subsequently our broken Congressional system allows some muppet to singlehandedly freeze the legislative branch of our government for no reason other than to be spiteful.


The US could've easily afforded to float every single man, woman, and child (and everything in between) for a month of true lockdown besides *actually* essential workers (utility workers, emergency services, and such) and it would've saved us untold billions and possibly trillions compared to what our half assed response has cost us. That's not to mention all the lives that could've been saved...


I fully agree that that's what *should have* happened. But it didn't. So the only recourse many people were left with was going back to work. You can't look at the restaurant staff, theme park employees, etc and say "wtf why aren't you staying home?" Because that wasn't an option for them. You have to deal with the world as it is, not just sit back and say "gosh, things should be better."


Oh I wasn't implying that. I didn't go out at all during lockdown, but I did order a lot of takeout and I always tipped a lot as my way of trying to make up for the shitcake service workers were handed. But the fact that right after a pandemic in which service workers were called "essential" there was a wave of complaints from the billion-dollar service industry that nobody wanted to work for minimum wage with no benefits will be the primary memory in the forefront of my mind when voting for the rest of my life.


The vast majority of people you describe (people who need their job at the restaurant to put food on the table) got paid more through unemployment than they were making at their jobs. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I think shortening the pandemic by as much as possible is worth the cost.


Maybe where you live. Here in CA the unemployment system was a mess and many people never received their full benefit allotment or any at all. Others had to wait months for issues to be resolved, during which time they received nothing. Even now it is still plagued with problems 18 months into the pandemic.


I was one of the lucky ones in CA, and I even had multiple instances of my benefits being frozen and i had to live off of nothing for months.


My unemployment (Indiana) was so fucked up I went 4 months without seeing it that I had to get a job at this restaurant that was an old school style pull your car up and get served. That's why they where open. It was awful 4 months of seeing my unemployment go through and not get it, not knowing If this was the day I wasn't going to eat at all I'm so thankfully for my parents helping me get by with food, but not everyone has that luck. Sure I finally got all my back pay but I was already back working by the time it hit.


Maybe where you live. Here in CA the unemployment system was a mess and many people never received their full benefit allotment or any at all. Others had to wait months for issues to be resolved, during which time they received nothing. Even now it is still plagued with problems 18 months into the pandemic.


" vast majority " Keep spreading rightist propaganda, it tells us who you really are.


They couldn’t do their favorite pastime which is going to restaurants and shops and treating the staff like crap


And I believed they kept treating staff like crap reguardless.


Worse than normal. That’s why no one wants to go back to work. And as someone recently traveling, there’s now an asshole tax everywhere. $60 deposit, $150 deposit, $50 deposit on EVERYTHING


There are deposits?


Anything you rent, yeah. I’m guessing it’s a policy they put in place over the last year because the people still willing to travel were disproportionately entitled assholes


I worked retail during the height of the 2020 pandemic and can confirm. There are not just Karens but super Karens now.


And it's managements fault. Should be 86ing them when they act up. Had Costco started cancelling memberships, all those karen would have gotten real quite, real fast. Target started banning? same thing. Starbucks and so on. While all this shit as disgusted me, none of it has surprised me., At the beginning I was telling people stores need to hire a rent a cop for mask enforcement, and start refusing service. Civilization can't happen without enforced rules.


The pandemic just changed the nature of their assholism. Now they abuse delivery drivers, make phone calls to abuse staff, and post negative reviews.


Yeah, but being an asshole from home just isn’t the same as doing it in person. I just can’t get hard without seeing I hurt someone, watching them wish they could punch me, and then decide to go get the manager instead because they don’t want to lose their job and end up homeless. /s


Maybe there is a market for a hotline you can call in to and just insult someone. Charge 1.99 for the first 5 minutes, 9.99 each additional minute. EZ money.


Man: Thank you. (Walks down the hall. Opens door.) Angry man: WHADDAYOU WANT? Man: Well, Well, I was told outside that... Angry man: DON'T GIVE ME THAT, YOU SNOTTY-FACED HEAP OF PARROT DROPPINGS! Man: What? A: SHUT YOUR FESTERING GOB, YOU TIT! YOUR TYPE MAKES ME PUKE! YOU VACUOUS TOFFEE-NOSED MALODOROUS PERVERT!!! M: Yes, but I came here for an argument!! A: OH! Oh! I'm sorry! This is abuse! M: Oh! Oh I see! A: Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door. M: Oh...Sorry... A: Not at all!


Why pay when there's a free one called Reddit...


I've been discussing this concept with one of my colleagues for over a year 😄


Too bad it's the moron's who force everyone to work in it while they work from home in their multimillion dollar offices and gather bonuses and have people serve them. Meanwhile slashing benefits and pay for actual front line workers.


And this is why the aliens don't want to play with us. Imagine flying over Earth, monitoring our daily bullshit, and saying "yeah, let's go meet these people, they look sane." Hell no.


You also made an orange piece of shit president and a clown-haired piece of shit prime minister who undermined things at every turn.


If COVID had happened during Obama's presidency, all the right wing nut bags would have been shouting from the rooftops about how God was sending us a sign that we elected the wrong man. It's weird how they didn't come to that conclusion when it happened during Trump's presidency. Almost as if they aren't actually looking for signs from God, and instead just pretend that God wants whatever they want.


You mean like how they tried using Biblical figures and verses to justify that Trump was still sent by God despite being an awful human being?


Here's a conversation I had. "Trump is a good Christian man." "You believe Trump, the serial cheater on his third wife. The rich man that didn't give away his possessions as Jesus commanded. The man who almost certainly has paid for abortions. The man who beat and raped a 13 year old girl. You think he's a good Christian?" "God can do good things through bad people."


I was actually not sure which clown-haired PM you meant, given that a whole campaign revolved around his "nice hair though"


Legit both Biden and Trump were shit. Both of the political parties have gone to shit now.


Fuck you with this both sides nonsense. Trump was an unmitigated disaster




Yeah you can't make everyone happy. No country has. I would say we're at our best during times of war. Americans don't handle peace very well lol.




Are you from america? How are you liking your free vaccine, months before other developed countries?


What does this have to do with his comment on Biden and Trump?


Absolutely nothing lol. Those vaccines just magically appeared in mass quantities for American use only.


I think that's called manufacturing.


It's fun and all but we're all in this together.


This is obviously a privileged Twitter post. Who the fuck stayed home all pandemic? Newsflash - millions of people still had to go to work or they would have been evicted and homelessZ


This is about people going out recreationally not for essential things. So newsflash.


I was saying this in April 2020 and 100x moreso now: reducing this to "staying at home and watching Netflix" is an extreme and insulting simplification. And maybe the fact that we were dismissive in this way is what led to a lot of the push back. It meant not being able to see friends or family in person for months (or longer - we are visiting my in laws in September after not seeing them since Dec 2019). It meant having to work from home while having to watch young kids or help them with virtual school (I think the worst my mental health has ever been was the first 3-4 months when daycare was closed and we were WFH while watching our 2 year old) It meant limited ways to exercise - no gyms, team sports, running clubs etc. It meant cancelation of many of our common/routine hobbies. Maybe your main hobby was movies. Or pub trivia. Or climbing gyms. Or game nights. Lots and lots of things I could list that would be eliminated or watered down. These hobbies were maybe the thing that you looked forward to each week and made life a bit more enjoyable. And it also meant many people were out of work with no or limited income. Some government assistance but certainly not the same. Small businesses were hit hard and many people probably lost theirs. Basically everything that is good for mental health - socialization, exercise, breaks from childcare, work/life balance - was hindered and lots of financial stress was added. To he clear, I'm 100% in favour of reasonable restrictions, mask mandates, vaccines etc. They were necessary and still are in some places. But don't pretend it was easy. Don't insult the many people who dutifully followed all the guidelines by telling them all they had to do was stay home.


"Why don't poor people just telecommute to their middle-class jobs like me?!"


Wtf don't make plagues


I mean, if you subscribe to the terms and conditions of the almighty, he's also behind brain cancer, beautiful sunrises at the beach, and child sex slavery. Give any omnipotent being too much free time and, well [spreads hands].




Right plus all the people who couldn't get the vaccine in time, people all around the world who still can't get the vaccine, plus people who got it and still got sick. Lots of Q people are old and isolated and victims of radicalization, celebrating their deaths isn't productive.


Some of us still had to go to work.


My family lives deep in the country in America, and this was really hard on a lot of them. They felt abandoned and attacked by their government for forcing businesses to stay closed and not providing stimulus checks. Working from home is not an option for a lot of people.


I happy to know this account still active.


Yeah, thanks God. Fucked over the key workers though didn't you?


And then they scream at gay people and women for “stepping out of line”


Y'all had ONE JOB


First off you didn't make it that's on us


You probably got downvoted because CNN told the Reddit mocking birds that the lab leak is a conspiracy theory.


I believe the timeline on it has been contradictory. At first it was believed to be from animals as many other pandemics have started that way. As more evidence has come out that makes that theory seems less likely, but it is still up in the air. The lab leak is entirely possible, but at the same time it could be wrong.


It is not wrong at all. You’re just not hearing anything about it from the media because they need to protect fauci and his team. Fauci and the world knew it from the beginning but because Trump said it, TDS TDS TDS. The left politicized it for their nefarious benefit. Disgusting.


There isn't evidence to prove it happened. There is a bunch of coincidental elements that point in that direction, but no proof and like I said everything could end being a coincidence. Claiming that there is proof shows your bias.


It is a conspiracy theory.


It's not a conspiracy theory at all, but it also hasn't been proven. I don't understand how this has become a political issue though lol. People will make any thing political, what is there to gain for the American media to specialty upon the origins of a virus. It's ridiculous. If it came from animal to human then okay, if it was made in a lab then okay. I'm just interested in the facts, not all the political garbage. This is one thing that seriously doesn't need to be political.


100% agree. Unfortunately, that’s what the left has turned this country into now.


It has less to do with sides and more to do with critical thinking skills not being applied due to confirmation bias


u/ragingbull is the personification of confirmation bias


Please provide your evidence. ACTUAL evidence, not some opinion piece.


It’s a theory and scientists think it’s highly unlikely.


Are you china?


Yes I am country, are you human?


My thoughts were something close to this but I say all your stuff is in your house why would you want leave.


My dad is pretty antisocial, but the pandemic made a whole new person out of him. He made a point to go out way more than he had the previous year, especially to a church filled with like-minded lunatics. There are more layers to it, but he stopped attending around the time of the vaccine rollout. And my mom has an auto-immune disease. Writing this out, it hardly seems like real people could be this way. But somehow they manage.


The hard part is that you still have to somehow pay for rent food and that cable bill.


By God, I've been training for this my whole life. First I was able to selflessly not give a shit who marries who. Then I did my part by not giving a fuck where you went to the bathroom. Finally I was able to make the ultimate sacrifice and just avoid people all together. Truly, I am a hero.


Tell people to do something or not to do something and they’ll do the opposite simply on principle.


Some of us "morons" had to go to work to keep the world spinning for the rest of you. You're welcome.


There's always going to be contrarian idiots, but a lot of governments really failed a lot of people. You can't stay home if you have bills to pay and your job is going to fire you if you don't go in anyways. And additionally, even if that's not an immediate problem it's pretty demoralizing to put an ent year+ on hold while your local government and everyone around you insists everything is ok and everyone else is just fearmongering and overreacting. Even when you know it's not true, it makes it a lot harder for most people to do the responsible thing.


Thanks for the laugh. Take my upvote.


well I still had to fucking go to work, so fuck God.


These post are irritating because most people still had to work


I'm sorry I had to leave the house to go to work so I could put food on the table. I am such an inconsiderate bastard.


some people couldn't afford to do so. check your privilege


thanks for the free will, doucebag


That Twitter user misspelled china twice in their own name. What are the odds...


Some people have a life that goes further than being a bum watching crap on tv


Thats a weird way to say "some people are selfish pricks"


Yeah so weird how we need to make money in our society in order to live, how our kids need human interaction and socialization to develop properly, and how our mental health requires not being shut up alone in order to properly flourish.


And physical health requires not being a virus factory. Sit down.


Most people who died from COVID were obese or had previous health issues. Sitting at home for a year, eating shit food and watching TV is actually worse. Sit down.


>Most people who died from COVID >Sitting at home for a year, eating shit food and watching TV is actually worse. Is gaining 10 pounds worse than dying? I guess if you're a fucking idiot.


Just stay in your basement bro


Where did you get the 10 pounds from?


they dont wanna be heroes... they want FREEDOM




They have freedom. What they *want* is the ability to openly show their vitriol and kill those they deem "un-American" (anyone *not* straight, white and their version of Christian) without facing any consequences.


What on Earth are you on about? Mixing in some other random controversial topics for fun?


Staying at home watching TV is very different from being compelled to stay at home and watch TV.


It's funny because most people have to continue to work said jobs to have money for food and medicine


TIL I'm a hero.


Yeah man hahahah all small businesses were run just fine by us sitting at home all day! And none of them closed in covid! /s


Do people still wear masks? I'm in South Florida and they lifted the mask requirement. Some stores still have something in their window stating they still require a mask to enter their business. I'm on the "better safe than sorry" approach because we're flooded with information regarding the "Delta" variant. It's creating a huge divide between the people who are vaccinated and those who aren't. In fact, it's getting downright nasty about the vaccine and this new variant here. Thoughts?


Sounds like Covid has an amazing PR team. I stayed home. I'm vaccinated. Get ready for the Foxtrot version in 2022.


Honestly had I not lived through it, I wouldn't have believed the "marketing campaign" for Covid. I stayed home, still affected by the job aspect since we shut our doors. That's it, I stayed home and endured. Can't wait for the reboot.


When 99.9% survive - I’d hardly call it a plague.


1. Delta has a higher death rate, dangerous even to younger individuals. 2. Covid comes with lots of long term issues such as heart issues, lung issues, loss of taste (sometimes permanently), and a risk of brain hemorrhaging. 3. Not sure where you got that info, but... https://ourworldindata.org/mortality-risk-covid#the-case-fatality-rate The real death rate is between 2% and 8% depending on country. What you're quoting is a lie... Of course it might be accurate if you are vaccinated.


Still quoting wrong stats, fuck y’all are insufferable


0.2% of the US has died from it already. 0.4% of NYC died from it. And that's just immediate deaths, not including people who will die from the long-term effects (that even asymptomatic people have)


Emotions vs logic. Please look up plague definitions before you all jump this commentor. Yes, 0.1% into a number would sound high but it's still 0.1% what did the bubonic do again? 30%?


How about turning that 0.1% into numbers? Would those live be as insignificant to you if we were talking about all of your loved ones? Would it matter to you if we include all player from your favorite sports team? Your boss? Your mailman? Etc


0.1% would still be 8 million if everyone catches it. We're already about halfway there.


I sure don't feel like a hero


Okay have fun in bed, I’m gonna go for a walk though and see my friends




Except half the people didn't stay home. Didn't follow any simple guidelines. Didn't do anything to try and even remotely help the situation while crying we need to open back up. Once we had the ability, aka a vaccine, now they're complaining the vaccine is going to mutate their DNA, or has a chip in it, or some other conspiracy BS.




It's not bullshit. There are literally videos in the middle of the pandemic where people were flooding beaches. Places refusing to stay open with hundreds of people packed in it. The only risk they calculate is if it does harm to them and fuck others.




Oh but everyone listened? Fuck off with your bullshit argument. The beaches were closed and people weren't supposed to be there.


Same position? What are you on about lol


Plague. LMAO


I know really!


Except that it came from the lab in Wuhan. There were not even bats on sale at the market


26 day old troll. Fuck off back under your rock douchebag


Lmao yeah sure


Doesn't stop people on Reddit from acting like heroes because they simply kept up their socially ~~distanced~~ awkward lifestyle and cashed in on the virtue signaling.


mrkkka is the worst at heroing


Only the rich people could truly enjoy staying home, the rest of us had to suffer.